1 Ms : V . . .Cars.v.a.. . ' ' - . ' , 4 ....... ,.v . Gentlemen, ' . . . I bate held a Talk whit, the deputation from the Tufcoiora Indian, -Mlie ,rcfulKof which, perhaps, tray be nnncceHary o be ,4c. wiled 10 your Honoi able Body. I would ihe Leeillaiure, ibe pro. p-ie-y of appointing, a CoajinlTipncr or , Corrt- iM&viun, to ircalwiH mein reipeci.ng mc jflf Ui4m4in ,he letter onne occic y of War , whith a fcw;a,paff".I 'bad' T . u - J riJ:::.,: lu1.. it, flVmwWl Au7mh If UOT OI UV llllt 4.ciuiu ... f . . . 15. WILLIAMS. : "r meflage.wai fenJL tojhejiejate, propofi ng th&ua fpecial joint c mmitiec be appoimed India:) Chie f of the Tuf- TrIK. no ilie .'nature aid exitnt wumia . -X.- their claim to lands i'n.tivs Sta'e. 'ihe Senate propofed balloting to-morrOW for field ofHceis of the cataliy of the 9: ft brigade, nominating for Lieut. : Col rCom rnandant Daniel .Smith, t'o--, firft Major Wm. 'Tat .and for 2d Mnior'Andi Band. This The Gove' nor laid beioreltil!feti neral Return of the Militia of the flate. . :BiHprefen ed & teadvzby Mr. BhoJ wonbVa bill tbilrartbe mode f appropria ting rrriain fine. &c. by Mr. Lanier, aTbuT to remilate the town of S'needrW ongfT; by Mr. Fiflier,a bill o revive an acV paffed iatt feflioo, making l'compenfa(ion -to. county court lU'ors, to tar as relates to Kowan ; vy Mr. RrowmitTir. a to amecid (he law fix A aiclfiffc wai fent to the Scna'e, popd Wio ballot bo Monday morning tor Brta.. dicr Cencra'it for- the 71) and j Hh brigade ; 1 : , i f - 1 . -. 1 - . . -: Ajj int committee w$appoTnte( to inks' lojind for the ippeMinYe cf S uko'y iota condderatibo the feverarlaws wh.ch rci for:, which Wa$ concired .io,. , , late to monie remaifiip& In the .hands pfj ecutors and Afl mi nm raters, anci ..mc iu men ioned bv law. ' ' " " The Senate rejeOed the btU for the rnetot Jas. Dean,' and the bill pieventtnp any per. fan from holding more than one office." The commute of propofuiotts, reported . ; bilKto annex part-6f Pitt 6un'y, to tdgc comb. ..---4 : ' ... rrulay, lc. 4 (Moioaiing fcr the 71I1, Mont fori StoVrCs, A. eaander Worke,and Richmond lVarfon ; tor hi t'.-h, Gv'otge Cj.aham atvd Loioucl ino- NOW LANDING fdpijin fiwitoifr fryii Jfetv. l'ork, Frim for ' Suh on-very hw tenif . 25 Crattti Qi sen's AVarc, 2 joBokcs Ciimm, 12 Kegs Malaga liaiHtJS, vxcih, 1 kegs tis, ', 1 ""Cafe Paper 4 0 Poft, I tliti Playing Cards,. 2 Boxes 1 ca, fo lowing elL'l : ; , . ''J,. " !lPV It propofed '-an. exttaordinary Depu-r taion?Gf ihe Empire, wtih uuliirii ea ' power mcarrv into'etfccl the ?ih and ish Article -w, -. . . -. . ... RAT IS BOM, September 14 (lie lit inij of ihe Dtetof this day, coti,- Vrunks dark, anil ligtiTPfTnts. Iiaicks Sc BHhop, Ik oi have Jjr bale, of the.Trea y o Tiunqville under the ippso b at ion of the Emperor and the Lmptre. ' Id'v. Thai thii Dcpu:ation lliou!dconfiil of icnt: Boliemia. Saxony,- Brandenturgh, IilryTSaiTignherecU " - - , , ... .AJ ... V f houfe added to ihe ninna lonLdw. Jones foihierfoY id- Maior, ft-,. Uitrr frtf id. Dividloa' name wasafief- ward, withdrawn. Received ffoin he Senate, a bill to alter the time of ibe annual mee inof the General Airembly.", ." bill to amend an atl to prevent thefcs and robberies ' by flaves and frtV nc rioes or mulanocs. and to. amefld in 'afl to prevent the wilful and ia'.iciot: killing f flave; a bill to amend an art for the mre .of and accounting for P ' 1111 n lib c taxe . nailed in iTM V aia a Dill toeiia lilh an add-.tioiKil claaion in the .county ot N. Hanover. ! The bill to amend an afl to prrvent ih further imporiation . and hiing'mg of 0.'veanl indented fcrvant of colour iwo ihts S ate, ' n hpir.cr on us 2d readitiff. - me quciiin va laken by yeas and nayj, as follow : Yeas. Mttlrs. Alexandci , nonncr, ntgg combe 5 by Mr. B.'Smi h, a bill to amend an att tofecure she unpatiali y ot tnal by jury, &c. bv Mr. Tohnllon, a bi l coufirming the . . 1 t 1. all wil!t ot lunatics ; by ftlf. W. w..jaue at bill to preveni frauds irihc falc of earner i by M . lr.lik inf a b il 10 compel ine'cerK Ot Suriv comt to keep his ollue at'ihc cour.- k ' . 1 -i ' 1 . r. 1 .. - , . libule. or wiunn two miles inereoi : y mi. Rivets,'a bill to ronfirm the num.- of Willis Waifori.; by Mr J. G. Wiigh', a billib le- pCJl pari ot an att o prevent u vcai ipetley of hunting iheffin mentioned; a bill tor ! lie furher rcguhiion .ot 'he . town or raen.on ; and by Mr, Conen, a bill to roiaiKipa.e a nerf r jo eirl bv the uanK- of 'Eliza. I he Senate rejected, o us r.rlt rcanmg, me I ill 19 iuicud '-the laws roipettu.Uie.Iurraiii difli-mpcr among cattle. Friday, 0cc. c Bill pefented and read, vu by 'Mr. Boo- l it- .-11 r :. I. v... ner. a Dm oeiec ine conn icoi .'jivc, oui- Guillord and Rockinuham tht-0 one dil- Rloodworth. B adQuw', Browhrigg, Browe B.own. Bruce, Cheify, Cbilds, Clayton', Co'. " tear Cuv'ppcr, Collins, Danney,. Dic&fon, Eaton, Ellis, Feirebce, -Franklin, Gaiihc, Harvey, Harwell. . J. Hilliarrf, I. Hilliard, Hinton. Hbttotj. Hoiktns, IluJgins, J. Jones John Jordan, Joliah Jordan, Kennedy, Kniiihf. Love, M'Lonan, M'Kcan, Mat. thews, John Mcbane, Jaj. Mebane, Moody, Moote, Morrifon,.N'ixon, S. Parker, J, Par ker, Rohir.fonatcliwell, Scull, J. awe'l tiiomii, SinjU, btallings', Ta cm, Tillman , Whiiaktr, Williams, WiUumfoii, and j, G ' Wrinh . 60, , A Njvs. MefTrs. Bai-d, Billiflev. Iliad; waiu UoJie.'Boflick, Buicfs, Clark,1 Dalfc tymple, D idley, Eafon, Erwin, Filber, Fon i'le, Garroi, Gailing, Gray, (iuyihcr, Har dy, Hook, Hurler, Hulm?, Jolmllon, W. W. Jones, Lanier, Lord. M'Aden, NICul Jers M'Qj1-6"! Mcrcr. Milled, W.Mitch, ell, G. Mitchell, Monro-, Moye, Pe'ry, Pe ter fun, Piggo'i River1, J Rwbinfon, Slocumb, R. Smith, B Smith, J. mith, Tr, Tar. lor. Walker, WVd. J. Williams, T. Wright, nd J. Yar.cey. 50 ' A refo uuon fron ihe bena e. al'owinff to clerki of Superior Cour.s tef'ain fees, lc was rejctVd. ' - ' . Tliu May. D;c. t. V liilH p efen ed L read, vu by Mr. Hook;, 1 bi!l for the relief of pe. fons own;-g mills in this fl:te by Mr. J. G Wright, a till to je vift and amend ihe iawi now lu force for re - gulfing iht pil g and iiavtga ion of Cape Fear riv?', a iid for pitveniing the introduc " tio of toii.A2iou iih:affS ; by Mr. Lacy, a biil to pii-ia e fcien'e and learning in the conn y of Roikiiighim ; By Mr. r.aton, i bill 10 amend the law heretofore palfcd fo n.wr.ii.ff .he fa'al elleti of its MnuaiM dillcmDcramoiiil cal.te ; by Mr. T. Wrlrjhr, a till loamena 'e sia itriivn "i 1 rid, and appoiniinga Superior Couu' of law for ihe fame ; by M . Brown, a bill to annex part of Richmond to Kobvfon county ; by Mr. Small a bill making compcnfaiton to ju rors of Chowan roun y, aiid one 10 cmpovve 1 Chowan vourt to 'ay a lax for building apoor houfe; by Mr. Love, a bill to duett .h m nucr in wi ich' 1 he (hcr'.ffs of Buncouibrr & Wilke fhall hereatler co'lect and pay ove the jaxes of fa!d counsel ; bv Mr. G. til, a bi 10 a'.icr the name of Judkii s, in feve al per fons, 10 that, of Hodges, and ia bili o ctir lum ihe eniancipa'ion of a certain ngro giil cal. lid Phillis ; by Mr. Haivev, a bill im cmpow. Order. H(L- Caffel, andWirtembeig. dd'v. -That'll thou d ie relerrtd to mem n ine th ipe of inllr.uLiioin, to treat the fubjett atre4t)i to me nmucu views woim mc v.-v bU i:ioii for ibe Peace of the Empire had acl t'd.'i''pott in acknowledging ihe' . priiiqiple iecrtlarizauons. ; The El'etlor of Brandnburgh acceded .10 his vote, but dilTenied f om ihe uiHiudious DToooCed, as they aeferved to foim ire tuD- icct of a particular delicra ion. ! Co opnc a 11 :1 M-o'i protelted agauut tne fufpenliou of ihe election of Bilhops. In tli : U . . . m I 1 r ollcgfi ot rrinces, Anuria vo cd 10 miame ttUett iionemia ; ijaga(;oiirga as ijiaiiocn li-.iiith; Mur.Her and Wo ms an Men aiu . . ... . 11 Coloinr, Balnbere, y mtzburgh, and ttie Grand Mailer of ihe Tiuionic Owlar, volxrd for an unlimited power 10 'he Emperor on rhu Occahon. Moll of ;he free, mpe' 'tat Lines were for couui' ling ihe niatic 10 the Empe. ' 1 r 1 1 . ' . or .wiui luii powci s. Sep embor -r j. UILLS ON 150ST0N. December 1. v'- . V.. CLAY i'EASiv. ; ; HE fubfenber will contract to give ripr any q'tanttiy, the market piuc of corq at.thu time. of delivery. : A. LAZiAKL 3. 2. 6vf nr 1 Vtilmjotoni D !..: The 11. Thsj tweet s ttt to ihj .fill ed v jre feci cr Elmuiid Waddli, of Randolph, 10 creel a gaie'or gates on hit own plan aiion ; am a bill 10 ellabliJU two ieparate general muttei- in Surry i by Mr. . Seawa'l, a biM 10 rni power 1. D.vany & T. bhe.ro,!, ll,c"sl of Fianklin, to toi'.rcl anears of taxis; b Mr. Rirers, bill to au'hoi ifc the ftcun.'ies oi Henry G ay, formct Sfu-r tTof Joimflon, li. tct'illect airean of 'axes for the jear 1705 ; b Mr, Bind, a b:P fo the hrticr rrkMiUi oil o. the ioa n of Allivilic ; by Mi. Kenrudy, a bill :o amend an an for ficiliianrg naviga lion, and rfg!(inj piiouge, fo fa, at el' p hs 1 Ik" cor 1 ot V.'JIiii'g'oii ; by Mr. 11; Jeawali, a bu 10 revive an id pilLd in '94, for the regi!a:ion of he ciiy of Kalcig'1, and To 1 he note from 'he F. ench Government rrfpeding ibe haflening ihc.execu ion -of the ?!h Article of he Treaty of loiuevillc, the Direttb'ial "Body returned for anl'wcr, JhaU ibe allair had hi hbito been wiicd forward ythh as. much difpaich . as iic orcu of ihe r)iei, and the Contlituiion of the Eoipuc "jjcrmircd. '. In the Deputation of the Did, or the ar. 'anccme'nt of ihe Indemnified the Ecdefiaft ileal State.6, h: Conns ai d Imperial .Cin;, will lake no part. It ts laid tliat ihe cpu. aiirtn will not m-ct at Ranlbuu, bJt Cff.une other plae onder the prcfidence, of an lm-, pcia! Plenipotemia'y. .. , PETERSBURG, December 4. A London paper gives tin- following -view if.ihe ai'juili ions ol Grei-BnKiiii-.& Fiantc ill, ly the war id, by the p-acc : By the IVu, Great-Briuin obtained - C'.ylon, Cape, al' he Dutch and French pofictlions in the call, v I l' ft! t . - ! rxtept ija:avia ana Hie ftwuii'nn-wi'u. iiiqUf. bt. Lucie, . lolinco. o . I icrre .and 1 - r - j r.F O R S A L E, ASII rt)N BAR a , very: valuable Plantation in Bladen county,, on the aortIii.1wt;(t branch ot Cape-Fear jiv.tr.,. joihiii the lands of John WajjCt Lkj. containing 706 acres ot goou, Und,'aiui4t 2qo acres of which is prime low gioiuni ; the tvhole neatly cliarcii, with good'ttn- ces.- 'The dwelling lioulc ia large anti " Jjf ! cottmydious,jwo tlorics hili, atui every waV'vvell finilheil and Vea.lv for c rt ' , cepiion of any' family, .'i'ijc. range X'-r. cattle and tiogsr-1. .eKtrc'le'tit .' -Pu i'.ciTi.ut may be had in I2minths tr.nti thirda;'.' ur i'ountv if icquUitC. . P.wt p.Vvtr.c; f will be required in hand .inJ a lonj cn -dit fur the balance. - . : : . A , ' . ' 10 amend . il.i fame T by Mr. Bloodwu bill to cHab.ilh a rt.inpaiiy fir the pu pole i l fici ita ii.ff the navic a ion f Meufo Rivei, fi mir lnni;hfi( d toil.emoi.il. uf Crahnce treckj by Mi. Lnnier, a li.il ti fcci.re li My lloftick, fuch rlla e a fi.e may li"ftf at. tiU-i l y Mr'.'AVatJ, a . till to tho-iz olin llarrtfon, debii y fher ff. o coU:ct art icar.s of gojl tax due for 1 79 J, - JffleSan de i ti e parilh axd.ie f r lniyr ; by Mr. Ilmttn, a bill 'o al er he tumt of ".li"cirt town, to ihai of Eliz. " h cby, ari a Li I ic rrf'ilt'e lc town i.f Nikvu i bv Mr. 6' l,r Ui4 c; tit ot ih : ta . . 4 . ..4 ,f; Itftinir if raiker.a ti.SJO srtvfiv, lir . . ..J... ..rl.rt,r.. nmai(. nd Murrain iillcmprr. a fir anclitct to Gran lougifc. i.vmwi i- 1 t . i" ....! . A ... vii.c, ins oy ii. wti, wn . d to .eiiula t and afriam he loeral ol heen feet Oiereni rucn ioned. Sit . Received f.om the Jlcnoje a bill lo .amend ar, ad to amend h teferal laws refpeUmrOJe, en eringtid obtaining title for laavi, .palfed in 1703 :' a 'nil 10 luicnd an act lor ine more ffg iUr collecting of public tatci, palled la 1784 ; a bill oecmpt Uie clerkt employed 7 ihcSecictary anJTreafaier frout pcrfot ini.i military fttvicei exiept in cafe of inw'a. " . i 1 r .1 lion.; a bill ta empower Hie warfleni or io bill for deC oyinf C'uwt and fouincli iu the . - . ' 7 111 . ' L All. -I counfy ot Lincuin out 10 u oonto oms court 10 lay a poor.iai ( and a bill lo audio- run fJr imrrdui the breed: by Mr. Taylor, a biil to amend li.c t'. to prevmi excelTivf g n '& b)' M' Paieifon, a bill to amend ibe fxvenl ifpctliog fcitiv. ' , . Utccivcd from ibe Ornate, a b'H g art r a (cpara e elettio-i and gencial inufler on ibe iwr.h tR IHe ol D.'ep Ur in Ratdc!plii a bill lo picfvr;lc ihe punifl.ment lor fofjery in ccrtaio t afct j a bill to divide ihe fetond brigade of ibe fuil , divifion into jwo JiflinM liigadcv, a bill lo'peveiit certain alufti theteiimn'ioi'ed ; a bdl to amend tbepi lec. tion ofan ait f.r appoin iu ao aadntotul Judge .f the Superior Court of jhe diflnA of Mcrcifl, '& bill '.o amend an afl for cf.ib Iiitiipg "he iu vniiTw-r'"'1'"""' " ins lafl wilU andthe Ca'.ifica:iom.of eaecu tt.ii,,and grantifirlenert tenameo-ary S a bill id compel he tlcrki of rgiflei a Tyrrel lHin,y tuKo'.J beir olficetwiihin faid Coub ly ; 4 b II 10 le-euablifli ib fcpaute general n.itlef nA the nianiation of Aikio, U r.u,ub Itnd i a bill 10 alter the time of ho d. ;r .Lieledioni in ibe fo-jnty of HVifai ; 1 bil to g ani, a fepirne eicflion in Sampfon J a -kill 10 repeal part of the infpefiion lawt of ii.i (luia 1 a bill to 1 rar.owcr Writ. Coodman ..m n,.f.iT ..f I.fnuir. id collcU atiear of lair ; bill fr the icg-aUuoo of tba towo .f Wi-dlort a bill 10 ciuti.ua a 100 ai or Micjutlon Sirinam l)eniarUi, Cmracoa, Minorca, Mali a, Egypt. . rtanco- firliiim and the limits ol. tor Rhine, S'vy, P cdraont, the Mi amlc, ihe Gcjefc, Tulcaity, jhe toinuuud of ail luly, a clofc a'hance with Spain, ibe fubjnatioii of Portugal, tl.e Spahifli pt't of Si. Doiiiw g, the ellab'iifliment of rrpub!iS dependant irtii bcr, lb I.Iclvcti't Batavian, Cilalpine, od 'Ligtiar-aw -he eretlion ut,. a rew 1110. arc hy drpcndaul upou 1jc(, cUkd ihe ii.g torn of E ruiia. , . Bv the Peau G. Briiain gain .''cyl-iJ, Trii:idat!a, the Cap: is 10 be a f er poxi. France mint . Br I c nun. and ihe limili of he commands ol . liy, .1.280 acres of" Land osi Ctrlly fwartp in faiil . county,; about . JtX -,niiU fioir. Alhtcu jBam, 'well timbered, '.at;.r much tar and uirpuuiu'.:. may be tuadw 01: .it convenient to the river. A ' L'S O '460 acres nr Liiiul.in New- Uauoytriconnty, m tin: faund 1 2 uiifv. ; 'from Wilmington",' a pan ol .which i'; cleared. 1 ms is excellent tor corn t-r cotton and inferior to no land on ;.-. found, it diiftrvcs the atfentKtliof iliolo who with tor .a profitable iuntnicrj trca.ti ' L IKE IV I S E y -mJ J UWI K' Ul. I I LI , I I county, orvtbc uortli-call hranchn'TCj . .Koar, a lew milts above RucVlh. '': .. land is will timbered, aiwl a great f.-it ol it capable ot" cultivation. ..Ion credit, a in tie given lor ar.v "t the above trails of land,, and foM !i v for ready money. Terms may hevkiuv, rt by applyip'at Wilmington 10 ' " . . Eva 11 juncs, Or at Faycttevlllc 10 . David Audcr.lim. Wi! 4 Cotton Mill TX7HICH the builder Ins w;min yVj (hall cloan ai bra it one ibo;i." I weight from ilie feed per day, fo a-. ;.i injuie 1 tic llaplo asliti'..- a-:tv i-t! 1 !C tSIIII.C, navOTi nc coilliiwno vi .' : .1 rt . , I 1 .'.., 1 t re t .ilk., ........ 11.. b u lu Ihe flaU-, t retted tot or ..c Jo. 1 SpAinJh )ait of bt.. Domingo, all ber,ninu IU J , . ' 0 1 1 n ii1 'frrnn til la I vrar. anil fn hi t ur.iu 1 u Jrpio Iwr.in lic rail and mc wen, on- J-i . -7 ; 1, 7 , 1 . , . dicberM. Uaia.mre. &c. Maniuique, Si. OnQn Mill ;n : a Icw U)?, uid 1.1'. . 5 Iuie. Tol.ia.uS . Pierre, and Mar inique ; (lit'rfublilh.i and pulcrvesjicf iidlocuce o ycr tlu Htlviiic, Ba avian, Cifalpii.e,. and Lig.iaii.ccpublici' ; Dier.ir.t ibe akoow. Vdgmer.t of ihe new kirg of Etiuria ; lie piocuret die ctfCi of the Dch poffellioni in the ell, except Crylmi ; Mmo'ica, Suri nam. Utiiurra ar.d Cwriatwa . , t JACOB LEVY 1 !nr6rimMi$ fr'ioids and tit f uUk.tUt.lt tpenea ti.ear MvJy'l fe'ry.on Haw mar t and a bill ' f o iMiet ia poirU.on of .Mry ionj the v-h.of ui;a.a IioJ..Cji:U ukuuiJ. i TK r.wnmitlt nf DioiMfhtioat KUOtlcd a bill 10 revive an aA for running ibe bovmdar line bciwecn line contiirt of Montgomety A Mooie, paffrd in 1 ;8a j J a bill io auihonlc Miry Roberts ani 0-hen, to cootey ccruiu rel cflaie laeicin r.cniionrd. The 5enne trj-tlfd 'bs bill 10 prcvesti frauds in ibe fa' of lei'W. The b.ll 10 cm-firm ib if.t of idfoi, ftd ir.at fur ih? lhcf of feigns ownirg oulU, were ifjfded w ihe ferotij reading. . - a. . - . J L Xh t.nnmiirte ul oriiooiuiani rcpw!i. 'avour of relievier Wil'um Hill and Jo'.a I'anir fiota fjifcr.ci tiluKtt ta bcix; court iotay a poor.ia ; ana a diii 10 -mow- ... , . ' .r rTeTe.fefcwrredt-ya- UjVcudUtJLjkJQ"0ll rtife monry to build an Academy by alo tciy.l STOKE .. VN Market-wlntf, ihrcc dnnn te V J low ' Metf n. Ifaacks and Bilhon'a Ibjtc, where he will gU-liy receive iluictimmamU if tii lormcr acquaintan cca, and oihcri, who may be inclined to favor liim with their lulir.eli. He will ufe his utinoti endcaior to (ttsc ihcm wiili'iniet'tiiv and riunwIiuHiy; . lie bat on hand for file, cm' low lermi. iw rjtinchcotia of Si. Croix olJ Rum, one trunk of Calicott, and tvo calkaol Hard aic. t' lb tft time there 'firr puk u' clea t ... Cotton for ,U;e tiiUom.uy iii!. . DETN?J A. b.Ml T ii. Nove'ber.J2. , . iT LCTVf. i) lionf my" Ji lint -1 iT7, JT . Saiurday lalf, a nt'Mo Uiioss t . .. eJ AliRAM, a Cirpcutcr, ;n '. : known about nniinMou as a 1 and has been frtrnTcnily m,)!o)td v. '. out my co.n lent ami to my it tat .-' r . ' ' .1 ' t .1 ucli. I tnertiofc tveinii no u t titiL; Run. away, and thai he tan . lis cToathim' and fundi y tools. , i . . . anyncrion cmpiotiti nini tuinr .- FiJlcrorin any oilier capacity! ?-.'. tJTTQ liBtrr-tTlttrt irT)Claattra.l. . . T' 1 . r ... I ; uc:crmincu 10 pmivtme wnocwi cither, to the utinolr rirntr of the ami I do hereby promife a Kcv. a V I FT V DOLLAltS ; ; to be paid t vittioo, to any pet Ton 1 hat will git ' nmiceof the pet Ion lo harbouring 1.. . ploying him and ONE DOLLAR lulei all cxpcncci , lor luvm linn finol in Wilmington cr any oilier j ihU flaic.' Madcri of vclLla arc lorbid tan him off. , Nov.-sC J. UURG : , Ki