it ' ! NEW-YORK, DecemW I n tel 1 i tfence. raw 2 Per o the tid'OSoler, tnclufiv!-, J - receive py toe rferf tain to tKeir Cafe 511b macVprcrion oAainHi TheiitlioB a ncnher obftina'e- of 1?$ and. our . lofs iJbat " (mall, but; 4 .-rffM'fe more ppportuour ttv duplay UrHiHi oracers, ana tne C.Kilir. A' ttili re'e.'i Dovlc taigafe,' 30 b regiment (butT under .theiiflnWrJc command of colonel Spencer j had uken p" feffion of a hill in front's the enemy s figftj Hon-rat Menou whn waV inr oernm in tltt -- .... , ' , t -A;,.n part of ihe rreocn emrepenea camp, M 1 oppofiie our piolt , oriieTtcrabi . . . - . . PEACE WITH THE TURKS. : " - Puris, Ofiober 1 8 '.; ' U th'u dav a laiute of 62 gun announced the fignaturCrilviiCr)arjcs Prelitmnay AtticXet nf Ptace between the- ', ;The firft Conful of: Uie French Republic, in the name ?f$hch. people, and ttie ,Subhme,;'0oman Porte, ilhing to Put. an ni f te far which divide ihe two ltatc id l to teitore .the ancient .connefityti;. which united them, have nominated ,iw that purpofe their miniltcrs pkwpotenuary, The Firft CoriTul of the wench Re the French people Kaiaftpointed Citizen Charl0 Maunc Talleyrand, miniHer of foreign affairs ; andthe Sublime Porte its former am- K(T,.tAi.;tRfirh Mnhaflee. and the ami KdfTrr ITfiVvd Alv Effendi, who, after exchanging their full powers, ' agreed to ' Art. x. There (hall be peace & friend ftip -..between1- the French. RepuWic and -the Sublioie Ottoman Porte Hfi con ffcitienc jf W hichr hoftilittes HuU teafe, between the. two. powejs fron the date of the ratifications of the) preft nt preliminary -articles, immediately atitr which exchane the wtm e provmce . ? . . ch o AlewnJrill f t lht Egypt mull be evacuated bythe French f that excellent officer appea ano rcuuicu w Mw wuii..v.. 1 h,- hrpn ab e and luaiciouit n ili neWlnundaanlon the Kr.fotiaa rr;.S t6o. itl, tbey bavfr bee. tnplo) ed without fa .h fw . efpta. D.,.h iBlitaauhOB, and have iubmitea 10 many P11," sSyeif wU f W.timSwver. w Cmbde coun-iion-WUh a cie,crfutnefi highly ' creditable . ty '. 6.irtf th liimiut 00 o( wiitiwl etiw, y. To a thearani adviniageoai to-tht'tublic-lirHtr.t o ; a .ffed ft WRof-tWjMf a.i- V1Ce. r fiv- itftin'tinfirri fratU the QvaCt : he ca:;unuei on Uio'e'iill after the capiu& of Rtffe a; ind. 'c wfti d on brd Le Tygrc, a (ho't dins bVfo'C ihe appearance of Admiral Tim;' ffluadron tn''ths coaft. . He mMm..m. -. . . .... j m . 1 " "" LI''. .. g : I lctr d ketppc th. niigio oi White 0k ti- Sir S. S5Mb .had originally the cf-mmand lwo Upart ,a, dittina b rigid! . .rTo divide the Ucopd brigade ot ihe liU ltv;fmn -into!"rw'o,fcpre a Ad diftio6t brigide). ip. To oof a and roke nitigtble ri(hing creek, .from the moj h thtrrof, as far as may be pri&icWe 1 1 To grant to thiuhibi :-ants .of the eft end ol Citerei coui.ty, . .Mienl mufter. it. Making cotaociilatioa Wat tfficM -in the ibreeTathonYroF J'theTT8tli7-'hp jutotfjohjtfiorfbiiaty . . c-aart. t.'Tre. 1 1 . n i. ..1. I,. A,CU..A . firA Minn of in aft entitled an act for ap- ihi ardor of mind .for the lervica ot nt Co.inr ? P . . , . c.rot . ottci in 1 y, and hat noble intrepidity, for which he ?4 To amenj an & etlab ifhiag the town of ha been ever, fo confpiciiou$; Capt. Steven . ci'rtoue, V Meckleobarg c" 15 For the re- . t r 1- r . T . 1 .r . i il. nl itriilr in the count nf have every reafon to be fatisBed with hit zc! Uredeil. 6 To wthorifc the enty-co-u. of Joh--; rtae ev cry veaiun u 4 r . v s . ; -t. r Bon, U'ayue, Lenoir a .d Gicene, to appoint fame . and condutU Ihe crewi of the gnn boats r J,, to booU in tr.nfcribe ccr. difplaycd great gallantry, under ,h:i guidance ; , p!d record, now in the county of Lenoir. 17. in ihe new Inundation; 'andstnuch approbation , To empower the co-jntveoum of Vilke, Mooie, is alfo due 10 the naval olh(;et Who at ed un. iod Alhe, 10 lay t ror .oe purpo e , -c.ny,.,g der hit orders . , V . ! erfftio0 in the county of Nafh.. 19. For rcgulitrog , Captain Pret.Iandi of the Regulars, ha ; i,,,, ,a retailers U fpi.ituoua Jiquori .by. the had ' he di eclHin for ma n y . nwn . hspa tt 'of all , fmu meute, in the wwn cf Taiboro. aud to repeal CrieV flroi in" oV' employ men t'sndv of. tho'fc ; pn of ' act, entitled an"ac to amend an act et.ti- . u.. ... .IU . Amrinir.rir: He has-becu ! thd an aa for the belter Jal.on pt .the tow. o . makeafortie to drive us from qf poliliort. The ettemy advanced tn columns wtn axa a'vAneis and itb(Mit firing a fhot, till biy got verjr clofe to the 30th regimen , to yfym col. Spencer 1 ave immediate oidersio chafge, tboueh they did not con 11 it ot more -iiiau uu men ; he was obeyeu wun lairit ucrl mination wprtby, ihe higheft panegyric. The enemy were driven oacn io mc cii..tlfni mrnfs with the greatefl confulion. They had V . ' 1 1 e 1 i.Aw many kUlcd aftd wounaea, arra icvcrdi-icn fnrrtnrC' .1 v 1' On the nieht between the i3 h, and 91 5 1 . 1 .. 11 maior nen. Uoote opened '.ne naileries; awn a rhe callie of Marabour ; an attack wti; alio a . 1 . - n '.il 1 . i i. 1 la nmm 11 ir nt. ire iia ucl 1 - . made the lea by leveral. 1 urKilh cor ne o"S g - a A -rrr ' T ,Wrou-h," pafTcd inthe yea, 1701. vctte,. and' ihi launches and boa of the fleet, zealous and indefa ig bje, and merits U ne Wood., !eny or uhder the guidance of the hoa v Cap aii, my wa meft. approbation. I mul t'i ip,.,R c6my, and other purpoU tl; . r a .mikrn rive oariicu any iw iuuumn.uu 1 no. si. i " Cochrane; ereai pencvcrcuvc -u 1 -r. ' , ju" we required io g"t in heavy gun, thtoiigh a and morum officer tu your lordft.p s u""lu "u -.'-r-f- " r i" j 1.. vl '- mo r, mo! efs in humble bone l... .u. -v.-uti mis nainrii ana iiuu. 1 ..w . --- ---r --- . .. - . . w i- . . . j ous fervicewi(h fuclj zeal and continued hrm this old pro- tha rrnljlion ao loeita- on Haw liver' herein menli rJ-d: fti. To eontirm the mc of Wil'U W'.ion, joflthc county of Jolmltoa. 3a. To elUblife an in- . Tif ctioo ff Tobacco on Da river, on the Una of crl. Rdflick. in Stoke, cotiiiiy. t.l. To aulho- n. n.A frrm. in order vol and to endeavor to . im.taic tmconautt. IIIUI'J' jj..v. ... - ; , , me m appears j'.r . l- .....11 U AmiturrA ijv u,nr in i D OJHII Will vv .vi.fn.. 7 .ojlotdlhip by Col. AbercrotnMe, an orhecr-ot rnan Forte, whole territory ana puucu.yM j d ith ,he m.)ft complete lucccls ; he drove 1 name u. v' ,r 'V f . ..i a. 11 in iK.irl . ... :...' u.L .u:..-u fi,.-t r I mutate the vume and la.cnis tl hu never lut -in- niem - matt-. oc 1111 u-v . wjitj. i jne..enemv every wneic, uu-g f p 1- . , , , -T.-it; te I. & in a coun-ty which opporod unt ornin 0 n I tacacniiy o w - - a .. rtMiiw hk , vj " -; ri(e thefidrnioiltriton 01 m.icoim ivi -wet , "i '. iW armv in EifVDt have gratified the wawnefl i fvL.. Iff ot Moore county, -dec, to fi .ilh the coliettion V -j A- m,..t ' ,a.,.l.a mr to oerform. except to W'.ow h.s maxims. L.oote martneu uum -r, Fnch fuff;red extreme! r in ihe atllvin, and le'ieated in much confulion, leav ng ii.t n ukuiinded and feven cannon behtna them. On ihe J41I1, baufci ies were opened agaihl. M Redouh' de - Sain : ana on ie 25 ,11,31 night, major gen. Coo e furprifed ibeeneftiy 1. Hely Hutchinson. ' Litu!cnnt'Girierfh Ta; Right Hon. Lord"! - ilogAk r, &c, , I , , , WILMINGTON, Dec. 31. integrity, and ihe fame manner that they Hnnrl httore the ore cnt war.; It is underilood,.:tbat" after the eva cuation, the cOncellions whkhmay .be made iw Egypt to other powers, Hull be comtnon ro tiie French.. . . ; II. The French Rspublic. .recog n'uiF the conditution of the Republic ' rs v1 1 1.1 .... 7 ...aavn Otinc venilunqsanatnec,- YC.,.. uken priUe s ;. ?bi f"v.ce w.vl On Thnrfdiv evctii., laft CaLETO.n rrfri,rU r.t.i.tfH .m the continent. It ...jl. i- ... ,j c:.i. ;,i. I Uf1 1 nnriuav evttitn ia, 1- akui w. t, .... ... - . , 2Jlln"J Pciio'nitu u iiu,.. iw.. ... rn. " v a 1 V if n " rtn NawarrtHicer ut till" guarantees : the -maintenance' ot fhcu Sij5 ba.ulioo of the oth regimen., .nd a vLKtjt, Llq. W " rt .c..,ti,r rffiaM V .7-1 1 c j 1 a ', .u rort, was married to M is MARUH coltmitton. The bublimcr Ottoman rmill je.ati,lfien, f dMgo-n under ih: oiv - ' Porte, in thai refped, is togitaranttc the 0Prs 0niei. Kelly, of ihe 6th. Tbe enemy IV1ELX', ( - French RpDuhlic. as well as that of Rufiia endeavored to regain polTelfion of ihe g'oui.ti C T ,h . " , . Ill Definitive aVrangemco.s Hull be from which they bad feen driven, tut were T.l.e Lrgifltiure 0 this. Scale' have ill. wcunti vc "X" , 1 tr.w:ki.fv. -V. f . dopttd the Amendments to ihe K-dcraj mae pe wccnine rrc.... y" - - - ""-, , . .u,, Coaftitu.lon. 'relative to the c'ciUon of rubiea confiVcaled or 1 'He Z'" ""I A Z J 1 t. rv , rilii1 hpir hie. aid induced lliCm t courfe of the war. 1 he political a.nn " " " rommercial acenls and the priloncrs 'vv war ot all units, (hall re liberty immediate v after the lirntni ot the .... w preliminary articles. the U, .S'a'cs, propofed ;y " - ihe LeiiUr . m a " " ' ' " ttire 01 MaryiatlJ.V On the h, in 1 he evening, gn. ,Me"on A Cnarlejloti paper of the te'h ir.flant fjys We tVtl n- fmall degree of fausfartion in iirjtin? the oub'iic ihit ihe mail dntf.t:l ft)'' ihe niiikwaid the 3d inll. and f ipjinfed. 10 be rt.Ul"d,-is found wt.houi any lots, and lotwarJed cy the pnMm-He? ; the uiirntion ot the vil'.ains, who link it "from he pillrider, a is not eaitiv laiimmrd i w.-ii cm tc"i - j - - o . fi-nl an aid 1 rimn la leull -It OrntlHICr lor three davs, in idr to give time i prr- IV. The treaties which ex tftc.l brt ween cuUres and dclavs. wai Jlm eJ va sa ad ol France and the Sublime OMoman Poftt eirmber. arc renewed in their.full extent, in co fc- I have ih bonor io inclltyua apy f C ...1.1 -k ilt VrmnrU TiMiiKli irti r nil ul a : irti and j'frt a lifl of ik tumhei .1111111 r- ill Ml iiil 11 1 . . . v. . . .v.i ww.-w...w - ---- - r 1 .. v a 1 1 - .....'..' . V.n f.,IU in ihe ftate of hit of perlons for whom the ereriiy have irauirrd ihuruirMv fr-nbed. If f. in the Wil.df,",h,l, l.ichnefi the fame rights of trade and On; p'ng; by ilm i' appears that the t a1 if tH- o.i im.ti of iwo, and n. thing -akei i"t Itaviealion which it polTclTcd herttoforf, r"fo Jf Aleiaudna cot,r.lled of upwaidi ,t cx-ep. a fm.l ,nab..rg, laj, ufed anJThofeuhichihernollfavorednationit f Scoo fo d.ers, nd ,3co fa. f. Pc.rWg (V ) le t.e.s." ' r- .j-r This jrduoui and important le'vico has at f ' may hcrtaticrpoilvis. lPngth tren trouSlu 10 a coocluGu6.-The A treat nimber of Fienrh troWps are o I rie rarncaitons , ':'i0-- excoionv of i.diuaU ha been Mcninl fen, to St. Dumingu to afTeil -he '.n ereV.Vf Pans in the Ipact u. t.j .is. I ni mer;,of(OU,. - 1 lcg e, lbj, ,be U0Ji of .he K cn.h Rcn.illic. ifneceira.v il. Um .... . . . ... a . 1. II L II . -II . . I I . 1. 1 - onpi Cil win not a now mc 10 ipcti'V me 11 .1 r r whoie, nr 10 menMon tne name 01 tve jr perioo no nat oi.iinguuiica airoic 1 in ire ptjoi c ervice. 1 hive Itce Vtd lite rrra rd fuobOr land alBflancc from the teneral oflii eti ! ihe LONDON CA2ETT3 tKTftAORDINARY. . Tiv.L.nn LiTttt. XJi7. 21. - : , . - -- - - -a r..rU . r I. 1.!m.iiic uica. 4 Killlii v. tiih -"-- 0 I WIJU H-l ty, was ibis djy fceived (in duiita'e) at fefvi(e t . a .a the office of ihe rihtJwiiJtah e lord ilobart a0d aluflancc fr,om the general olhcti i ihe rollTaihl bis the' lead inforawiion iMieofh.i oajc (ly' principal r?creiau ie of lf,By. lht condufl ofuopi of e(y de pCice. The force will be a -hall flite. l '' , ,i fdipiion has been exemplary 10 ibebighcU de ,Ben, G-nrr;rl Rocbambcaa ii fpuk lltad quatttrttcamp hftre gtce ; ihetc bis been much io applaud, and .he commander. , ' , , JuxunJria, Sft.$ nothing o reprehend ; their order and tgii- ' ' , ' :" ' M. T mn. . . " I lari'V in the Camn. ha ecn a koaCoMu n It tj!i! 1 . i . oe: fimcol ii o be lloAf rl to charier W 'he r ... j um!ecof "0 En Ih veifl to cairy ut ihe I m , 1,1! uoups wrhout delay, hr.taule it roy oe mi i'dtl iuiporiante to rx;Ca t the plan Ixfoie rolittittl hit the lead inforawimn of the ken of asitdnwb tl vtsr, 'r.8 and oo- i. For the relief pf Andrew 1 . .. n n" 1 . ... M.V..IT jaaidotX, law menu 01 wr.Hgc tuum). 3. - cimpcnla on toihe j jiois or urawen coumy 1,0m.. g. For ihe further icgulasion of the towns ot Ed-.-w tiin aod VViltninRton. tj. To re-cflablilTi ihe fef a tke baialion mutter at the plar.tatiou ef Junes Afk na . iii Cuisbertind coumy t&.. To auihcrife.fhe' dins of DupUa county to lay a t. x for the ynrpofa . tlriein' meotiooed. 0. To repeal an aft entitled V rs . . ..a in a 10 improve he navigation pi iieai uon.c.iv ntV ireen, paffed at Ralegh, in ihe ye4r 1790. 3V thjieiii roentlo.ed. 31, T ieyie and coinim e ia fTce en aft pafled Uivleffion of the general aflcmbly liakii.g con-.penfation .lo the juior ol Rowan aud ' Cartarei, fo far at relates to . the coumy of Rdwart. Iji. To an.ei d the feveral acts ot the General At- tt. ;f it.. C. .. . n t .tfr.riTiwo ..milt-. lemuijroi in fi " ' 1, 33. To empower the couoiy court t f Chowan to . .ppoition ihe dutie, ot tr.e lol,eon or mcrcnan.--lilc conmioditiet ol fa id county. , 34. To empower the coumy couit ot rranxlialo appoint a proper p'H6n to Opy the Kfgiltei'a noone ui taia count f. . t-is- To alter the timr 01 muawj toe cieaion m mo r . r . ..1:. ..r nr. 1... knM. Itountvoi uiipiin. 3. ,u.iv.i in, iiui, i .. - ar the feveral cUaioi.t in the county ot Minax. 37. To amena ao act, eniuica " an aci uirtvuui' un n.tihod of e rCting members or me uioeiM Airm hly, U olhel,pulpofel,,, paffed ir. the year 1777 " 38 To tepeal a part cf the Infpedion laws now in foic .. . . . . .tv..: . i in ITllI O.lte. na tu w in;p T in. miiov. ol Ca.awba river, Ircas the South-Carolina li, aa fw up is the fame mty be piaa.cable. 4..'To al ter the mode ot Tailing money to cerray sn captnte of J .rora tiom the c untj of Bu:k to the Suoerior Mid- Couy Courts, and other pi rp fe thtratn men. tiowd. 41-. To amend the 19th fcftiort of aa tO., en(tt)cd an (X for t'. belter cre olorikana, lad V.uiitv ai-d manageu cot ol their cftates." 4a. Foe nanfcribiii( certain recoils ih the County ot Per ocim ns. 41. To emoower aad auihariu ihe wr. ; dens of ihe County of Wlbirijoo, to lay a t.t (" 'hiient for hcfnpportot thr poor ol faid eouniy. a a To tii a.i uuifonn lime fi lakinv the li t ol a able aronertv throorhoul the State, and for en tor - tiniihe c..lle6'0 of taies. 44. To aopoint and e mpowci commilnoneis loconuaa wun rnuip nooa enpleaAd Job Ksioard," for vertaii 'imvrAvement on the warm Siting Roadl. 46 T- Ib.eud iie act p.lTH the UH (.iietal AlTcmbly held ut Raleigh,, in theyrai 18 P, granting to the inhabitant, ol the mo th and welter n pain ot fcdgecombe county, ftpa taie eUaioni and general muacil. 47. lotllaMilh two feparaie elrrtioiit and a geneial aimler in Ihe com it y of Biaden, 4I Ta empower AbijaH Beit, laie'$heiitf ol Cirt'ict county, to colka the iri-ai. age, of l''iduf birn. 49. Graatmg addicai el ections in the cmnty of Ne.rToer and ttr other puipofes. . $3. To compel the clc k ol tl touu y ci'i of Aflie, 10 kef hia olfi.e at the tomi-notifc nt HiiKtn ihite milei ih.rn.f. ci. To (infMwir cV,e waideas of iSeiiOoi 'or ihe couty'il KiinU.o tn la a edailional in lor the fupport ni the poor nf ' f...t . .iiiu I.. Tn .MUmia. mmA .RuAntl I Wj, III a . m-ivn-i ... -- 1 ruDccs ol the Neoria Acadaiuy to ran y way or lot eiy, a funs of money foi the 1 urpoie buxamg aa Ataoemy oa the t lio boafa ioti jm the i,n ol Newbeia. 5J 10 annex pr 01 rnt con ity in 54. la promote a. tenia in ttt r.ou i. Mr Lai 0. p - - - 1 I have no ihe fitiifirtion to ipform'your - --r - , - - -T -rj,- tany lit the Camp, haa ecn a oaffw ineir courage in 111c iiou. 10 me out as I ill , iii in ii'ni.' iw . - . - - - - . --- r . . lordQiipthat ihe forts and town af A'swan. J qqir-terHnalltr-grtieial, lietii. col. AnDruihr, 1 Port of Wilmington. a. aM . M ' Lnltrrd hut ur lull, n - t inrn .in inn inf mn. nil ill wzi . .i-wi. . i u 11 it i v u. 11 . - r .. - m ivi. niiiii u ui i . . . """ r ' 1 11 . . . . . - - . : s cut- r ... in.,.. 1 , . j;:.t,...r., . ;, . .n lid .o. II u math, fo his unwearied mdufl.n and ' '""1 iw.-r, vhoon tho ad inilant took .poirelBott oil the ital in the public fervice, and fjri -he aid, T P t l-htMh entfencl edcampontheheigk sabovel'oiatre)! adv ice and co operation, which be jha all 01 ig Apollo, l-ee, -'pillar, the rtdotbt hrbih, and the Tort . Tt- timi afforded me Bnga.lier gea. Lawfon, UdTtJ, angular. By the cspi"ula;ion, jhe garrib who cotamanded the arulltiy, and cip'.ain Sloop Laurel, Camon, are to be emb!krd for France iu the cYiuVff Hryce,ibe chief engineer, bars Voih grral IWijf Cha,' IliJini, -.!--J.u. . . AaA ik ftiinrJn it ia flaie mfi? in difierent detari menu. . Th lit rk' Kiirw Tn li. - ' I I .1 r ...... .'.t c 1 ...f..i. "lii.j.. ..!.. . & , I cat ii'u-uoii at s-gy y i"tnn wsn'ti 01 iiioiip Dary, iipiicrmant Chatteflon. d ly of JUck'nahini. , 45. 'ut elUblifhing an atajf. my ua tk county ul ll-piin. 4I To amead ai U paired at HilUb r-o, in i;ji, for tltsb'ilbit caia vfEqai V.ti.diu rig ln the p"Ke-in 11 AtD'ali Ironv the fevlral touili ol , at a-d Que. lit Sediiaa, talk iupiiof (wurta ol law. y T cunu-ue ia farce lor a Vgr time, sd, ca t!d -I. men: in thrir 1 cil li'uatioii . . .1 1... it,. 1 if .1 art 1 sea at A aaA ai a 1 (7a taasl in ... kt... n.r 'and swliiert af the toXm al liat a-d sailms cf - ... 1 . .. .. .1 1 li. 1 . . 1 l : a . ' ll. ICT III 91 "'M l'i i.niiu vi prilH Uf 'ion county, locolsa an4rs;s af Kxis. j). Ta ti l j ' aiieiiaiut poUtlTnaal aha B oi I Mitai lands liarsada;!, . :. j . a . u,iit..... , . , , liriria amwn wa -w 't -aa jr- " f w - MirtliMue-. Wtfhi' gSialouaif, 61. To compel the cierk of Cianaille cunty court toilwtp kis inters or wuh. i two milri ( iba CO-'Uoata. al. Tauxapcl n atlwlakl4ba04)ml.CailJTJi 1 -i AltA 1 1 l iu,tui w - --- - " 11. i. i .i w 1 .... . - - - - - - ---- - r f-1 id wt b ihe Tuiki, defertei my atotaft ac-1 'fJ. ,M tm" ?M?U4 M ' - - r a .a I at & .i -uaa a A av-1 IJ-a it u,.aaaA ,ed th. ftroVc.(i: of MaMbou., Ctua-ed it knowlcdmeo b.. atl,;i y and diltgenct .VMvgr.Vil iba tmraoceof tb wciern harbor of A ctan. have 'ieen unremitted, and he hat ituioduced s.,, M-M ,(tur laifit their iac-nna dm. amongtl ihcat at order tnd trguliriiy which tea laika (-,nor aaaS coty ta.M. . Toicpeif n .1. .1 l!l. .f .1. ...... ,1.. ...1,1. J ... L.- ii. k!.t..(l k. .. .... .irl J 1I11 (.riM (?iia at la t tuiii aa aJ Un ina ral IMC Ol inr iuwn nv w 1 a.c mm i' u-ii'it h hw 1 ir . " " : - war aaada in et oorTtiriftri of fom? bti-t I) i in the t-,tfe f ,hs- Ion fffvica on T" 'rr" V'V. L'W.w.,mTrT-7 .7? -at a u . 1 . a . r aL. , that agaiatt iheir kft i mj gm. Moare. vy, Tl,f iwtioOiceit pe fattlf cieia;rd ray in- hss Ur,;ijai, ati ifisar. tba fa. net confuted fr a w -w v -Tt a V a ma pifirins" rr tba Wtser fega-aiiaa al IM itwaal 1. laamiai aa au cemiii " sa o!fii atthacauit'h f, a uiua twa miTts ifceteo 6 V To c l.Mt Uat. kaee-iat I-C'l.ClTIS I'U" niii.f a tilli f it cbirgc. and for oib laipa'ts. . I4. To a ui ibs MoJ. af ippiapniV( ciMafjn(i, I01U . iei aaKiramenia. ej-i n au so awtrnnia a 1 leaiar capable ia I .w Marl gohriu, wil, a( U. lia-a R be t, by Let balbiai aad 14 ward, Lyd .. Iufsaaah, lleary. Mar gties t ,aH laaaet, c'- . d-a, lhiiial liwal n I las O: im, aeteil. 1 b theii gaaidiaa at guird'i la lei and car;. uadar lha duKt-oa iba y e -! nf Chaw. Ctitsia tail ala.a heita as al, ad. To q- - iiba atUilioa a Maty Y "l Va r antsM ta it laads ibciaia meaitoiwd. Ct. tismf-4 ks t"" .doa at aa , Mtla4 a4,t giaMiag a I'f--ta f eia la ibe iaHabiian'i ai I cMntv af $; ks ,.i(.A laB lidisa at AtrssMf. Vft. fot lb be 1 tttalitiaa af Is. t Ua l VVia b, U Bt nu Jw I! 1 V v a 1