'J: ' . r'vi -1 , .;:-? .4 .-. . t : 1 1 ' Fir nitdef zffaitb, let fiery zemtsfigUt I Ue cant bewrtnvuhjc cin'duU-ln ibex right. ; v ; I ' : . : . '...,!.V ' fuch purpofesi as would.atiilt the ifritWb. Faction in their dciigris to involve this country In a war witjv.Frai .'ceargtap' ; Rtfmerbii's'-bcypncularly; f eci ted a t this period. Their jtitn was not cpiJincd merely to this objeft, Dut tvery msafurc -was taken- to rale--yealou fy agalhltVper- tain republican characters; who oppofed ; their oadats:yFor h .ptfrpBfcjrhe public niind Was contlaatly alarmed, tip i ori the-ideadian inialiOimocFrance-- GonfpiracitV were daiiv announced s Tai to r Plots. Tub Plot . .and even La- dv .Plots - followed In rapid ::. AicccfV . 'fim. Mr. Harotr went fo far as to piediie h'unlelfn the ttifcovety-of . fomc - terrific oUnv.hich had nearlv,arriycd to a.cbopJeiwn J he f aid in Cohgrefs that he hid the clues" aid proqnjcu loon to' difctofe all the myflene$ ot a trea fonable Combination. -The party went on from one foeclcs of alarm, another; Whgth'thbliry bTdanger became fu ' tamUiar, that the people conuacred ahem as the mere chimeras 6f a ,,diftctn pered 'bralnV''Fintfinj.thefe projeds V would "not "aafwer their ; purppfcs, re CMirfe wasVt'lcncth had to the al poiv- erTuFweaoon iif rcVliiion. This facred caufe was brought into operation ; th -H ' people were told, that all honor; honef tr. and morality were 10 e anninua- . ted? '.he deifiuJ aiheilm and flrr,yi&ty'o : ' tvery thin were to predominate ; ami to favor the deception, a tew v.lcry men cor.jtircd up the expioded pnbiiCJtion ci liobnioti Biirrucl, to forward their L JVtu of was the watch-word-of-the4arty.;biit - f thcprinclpal Hght arifjugvfrofiv; thc:fub jtrt, fcrvetioory to mate a certain Rc Vercnd tlodof appear mote confpicu oufly. ridiculous. Sermons were .pub - iiiht'd on this occafionar.d marginal notes iintroJuccd with the horid ftory of a defperate combination in Europe and A-. tncrica, 'toovc-iturn ill that i galled Hi. ' ' .1 . Trie I'Humihati; influen2a UUcd about i8 months, and at length expired with a few Itrugglcj?, under the irijuuicious, ma nagement of - this clerical ciperator. Thus have this party run' through the :;fevtral , pans of their political drama utrA now isfougkt to their ne put ultra which, is, that the Prcfidcnt i an Inli del and does not believe in the Chriftian Religion. ' This is the only ground on which the party now (land, and v hile "they think thepcop'e believe then, they take the . greater liberty in their caWnny and dc. tr-clion : thcf-alternAtcly caUiuulei.1 infiJcl,.and atheift ; they .rrprcfent hiilr, as htviii a defin upon Uhe - Keligtous eftabfilhrncnts-of nor country, .and fome . sretven fofoolith as to behtve,.. that the meeting -hentfe willfoon be raifed, the mtnirtcrs diicarded, artJ carnage anl miir.ler.becrmtf the order oft hS day." At this enlightened ai;c, it is almoll an afvro.it upon t,he jbot fen fe of the citi zciw of t'.ic Un'ued'Statr?s to reply to thi ir.any abfurdii'es written afnl the prt S'dcrn on this fnbjtO. U Mf.'-J.1 icrfo,; kdcllitute ot thole virtues hich . conititute a. Chilll'unf or a citizen, where is the uan who is poircfTed of them I Ifhonelly. integrity, forbear- .anccr humanity, benevolence and patrt- btifm ire tbe protflinent features which ilcfignate a chriftian, cerratnly no man .! .t ft '. . Il ?.... l I- - wmin tne uutiea taics ujiiujmhuic rAnfnii-iwmd w rnloriir. So far frmn bavinptna reHljiOrrliefs tfftend XoAtti an linftrad rf contractijtg .its, innuepce lie is defirous of granthig every titiica a nebt lo woxflito OoD tn hts own way. t he it not a pet fecuror ot any lect ; Uc i I not a detainer of any particolar mod of iworuipf;ne u .not a -lanatic-iu iourg moie wno cu not ceiicvc in mi tcneu. e leaves every confeieoce to -. its own fin, and inHead of cottlrouliog men he arbiter of revelation he is anxious to lace the, addration of. the Supreme. Co ?i(anJ fcu atmbuti-flaJhat bah? Cd the. unau mitu,.on which alone it can or iaht to be erccleu. lt thii it the chataUcr of the YuL. it, v.hy i heJMackcd with fuch, fc- . . itii i tit VI ttv ami indecency f W nv il tie neui itlas tke pemrter otUdigtun, when .pletluch arwpic fcope to every princi rli conptacU with the eMabliUimcnt lUc injures no one inhU raliglon, why Ihqild othcts injure biminLis reputa 1 "Tourntsmo of the fchriltian virtue, let taem be fpecifie in fuch a manner '.as the peop eland 1 mavliidjze of hisbiitirnahty ; rl. he naf may ndge ot.nis Criminality:; '".ne nas deflroVcd any houfe of wortbipy or dif-1 ttirbed airy potxs atletnot)t,-i we-jcir- ui.nc oui.as irtucniiy, ami in mo., m Gutndfnco be elated, It he is prophanc inces frolic as .of ( en as under the, late 'et tbe' inances ; a'ppeaf'MS'iriddebt aJminiltration OrJitutions areannourt- rocedore be jcandid : .but', to cte-1 fane the "Chief Magiltrate Under the! vaueappcHAtiQns ot pent, atnem and iMn occsnons, a m inysor p: i,- wnere iKfi :!cl is unbecoming, the charatlcr cii tep is ths uitfehief ? where is the dan t her of a vChrittlan,-' geiulemah Wvtf4 grr "where iiothing has taken place to zen. .' - : . . ' ': If fdme of' the Clergy are .oppofed io him, it 'duldJbcchonorable to jUte their charges, ' $ h? has violated tKe laWof rfrt ihVv not come forward I 111 8 CXpllLU II1.1JSI jJ":6' r I lie a narrative ot th wnoie.traniacnon. This line of condud vouI3Tappear nWelto manly than to attempt to weaken hhejtne y ice-rreticlenTTTt isopettWt Kea conhdence of the citizen's; In his admi- ven .will not be the lefs careful to re- nitlration, by tinvidtui fntmifes." Tie cbn'dva'of Mr.-Jtflferfoh'tKr t?gH life has been I peculiarly amiable : his ' : i' -.k ' Karvuii 1 1 and fold y intended to .ameHoraioJ the condition of in anktHd, and toleadlhem toao imni-ovement of allthofe faciltiej with' which Heaven has blcfTejJ thrfiuJ man foecie. His charaQer in Utfrppej Itands-tn the moll elevated pofitioii and u is c erac to our country let nntil men whoalTume the reputation o V learned," demcarf ;hemfelves by crofs rfiedions as are daily ..pub inci fuqh ;lhed in thiUadiura, .Csntind and cthir pa pers ;l f the clergy are alarmed at thepcay of religion, can it .have any faluuly tf. feet-to- reprdent .Mr. ;j ctrerlon oDOofcr of the chrittian (yllcm r perfujtde people , to embrace the afpcl. by telling tliwm tHat Mr. jenetti re- iels it fw-lt.raihcr appears to - ..that it has a contrary tendejicy no m.i will believe mcrtly becaule Mr. ;J difbelievei. His chnradlcr'as a Fcifor- :olar, phyiofopl.er, and reaioner, gtvc5 reputation too 'hiah to bcjiudc.t him a I e ne- gktivc of a principle, cither otr eioni or any other fdijecl "If the pcoie arc iold. that the rretiucnt noes not icutvci; - mt, uewpic io the to conclude, that he knows morl thai. ihf.'and that he has eood reafls . f.i difbcli be fatisfa&ory'to fome ,and thl, ii.v ufe of relilon, ii tarvtrTccil Th flcad of helping the can mm Invf i iirtv nnfalutarv HrT.-v in ihii particular: are dltp ai injiiry to the caufe thev arc attlpiinfencJ"'" "graces of (jbeflcrlichl, io Import, and it is the height dj loll) aTfi'P',aIC -Y for clergymin .,.p.x'Ja t .Tam'nrnftlitfs bv nloaea . 'attention, thcreiore. to fublunary .v? " ' ' I . ; . ... . I m I D expect to gain proieurts uy p tint: w itr lo mucn h avidity thc.itlJclit" w,tcrnfc u l '"lore to jraveniy, are 1 'i 1 highly ;bcctming a -chiilUan teacher, iVihe'.U. -S hcj nonWMcuchiuicn arc cluigiog thePrefi - of Mr. Jcfferfon As'.P'clitlcntof the tailed on to make a 'declaration religious creed ; if he was,;! am del the moll onhodoic -would i con- demn it. 'Gen. Wilhwgton w culiatly careful in this particu A Ml. ' II!...' mongine vatuty of ins pttDiicau hud but little to lead us to a conci ionot lis religious tenets : & as the con! UtlOlil does not even fuceclt any test this k ind, it is proper that thcTrclidentfcouUJ not brine himfelf forward in an) oiit of view on this ground. He is It cal. led on to adminifter any religoturduthe following ctfe4 That the Secret i- uancesrar.d while 'he interinrddiftTMhlry of the i lealuiy (huutd lay before the r - -. no particular feci, and promo rightr-of all, neither the clergy the r o- ifure thcr individuals have a right to mn.for his own fcntiments. -Sunpofe the Prefidei.t fhould ike l-'l.l declaration of his iirm.pcrfuafion If ihelontkc fubjct of dclinquctiCics in pub truthof thcgofpel,lilUdificulyht)i)Idjlic oflicert , ai.d he tonfidered it ad'.itjr to remain tmong; his ppjfcrs as to Yprgi iliciri complete fstisfaOion. Accm tlcular : tenets : he maintained.; I fome Irmnce was appointrd hit fcluon to cx would fay, that he was a Roman liiho UcjOthers that Ke was an Armcj an fome a tfilviiiilt : in . (hurt boc ani,la report, but they were nut authoriled (iitkers, riaptini, -UnivetlalIifliJSwe-:io examine aay-o'.her than the accounts denburgians, and even Sndamc!inif Jof the Secretary of the Trcafury, and the would be climorous to know tot wnat dottrinehe adhered ' 'His dcdarl'bnjpartmetu, nor wis it podiLle for them to tkerefore, as to his belief in. the lip lure, would not remedy tne eva, a I .1 .T1 points of faith are as often contUcd)e hoped therefore -that the refolution tor as te avowal ot accneral prut 'nil. 'I Ifjeligioii-ii.tobc brought .for w If Jjil this.controverfyi thi PreluJent il er fcclly right in keeping hit creed tcjhi A. ids. I I Uut whvU this aDPrehenfion cl'i w that Mr. Jttterfon is oppoW tl tht chrilliin fyltcin ? n r"' of his fJ rt'r I he tration has had the molt dillant ten injute it ; fmce his eletlicn, things remain as they were," as 4 Utesto Ihe church : we to to nir; aapDatns sreeqtiauy naiiowca ; tn ruin and feeond bell. xinii with as much fo- iictnn lemnity, and regularity as tormally ; the clergy ire as much refpecTcd, 'as weff pai', cfcd iu pur pvers with their uftial .revcr- ebce, and tryri is as much pood cheer ou flucompolc the molt ueVout.4n their relu f,tous exeicifes ? I f we are difpofed' to eligibjaKduties Mr. Jcfferfon will not difturb'us only let ths clergy mind their bufinefs, and I doubt not he will , ""'' vwun nupray ior mm, u wouia oe oeceni not bray at him ; or if they totally umh 'erye huo. 1 i;e blcMings of Providence arc not partia),and though the enemies of the Prefident and Vice-Prefidcnt mav iti i i 1 1 1 n k . nrfiiipr rr ifntpmitr tnm the Thro;.f of Grace, yet we trtift they ! are not dependent on their; ':le'a:ency j (though clothedin facradoials) but on the benevolence of. the Supreme B.eihg...To ! Him we commit them," and it dons not jreqmre.the banediction of their adverfa. ictuic iiuem a conuunancc in nis i s.tpniji. t x V hile fpeaJsing of the clergy, " I da j with officers, and the better to r ,.Mc, not mean to include the-whole order, asfe-CoinpU-olier to f;ttUv 1 is cinu ' being "thus oppofed to thc'Prclident ; ; Ke,was"fcnfjuie of. the iinpollniiii r i-', a large proportion of them, I am pcrfua ; thJr wa'kjng . a thorough inv lligu ion ed reprobate the indecent publications ; j-andtha they mull truft to thcTr-fi y . which luyj- appeared agaiaft-hini. As tor information ; b tit. that whtfi:il,c ..r-, :i an ordei in. ;f.sie'y.I.;i.'.ll ever, relpycl' t'ention of. the people was called to p.r tbettj i h'U tU''fc an a i'evy who have Jttctilar characlers inlthis manner, it was aSida pa.V wl-.i- h :-; f;;vfen()Us'rcflc(fVion ; their duty tofatisfy them ; he .did. hot rhey:c.nii;t-j-unoGod,Vor-ibeir rwlllrto iinglc out Mr.iPickering ilyne; own cOiif-.io Cci. If fuch men would he wilhed .equal reference to otkcr4 lelhore cifclTn.fpeift' in their Wircon-1 1'he propofed refolution was not on' ac- hil, and an i,d more to the duties .of count of any doubt in his mind ; he did . their own profcllion, the caufe of ft!i- ; not entertain the Icaft fufpicion that .Mr. , iou would be more effcdually fuppor- i-Pickcring had ever appropriated to his ietl. than by their calumny againlt the 4 ,i,usi T .uiici a uiuucKuvc io !1lsl 11,1 17 rreltdent, as they aie as clcr- I ,r""g -cviueiucoi n ouoeiici m I irr,P!ure as tnty naveot tr.e negligence o propagate the gofpr), i i$ .incumbent on themtoait more confillent with its I 'inciples . The -Geography of this " 1 not ihe V one thing needful," f-n;t . t,..-e"r(7K.i.ii; ii It . I . I ' f h'sj . ' mr.ueiny.incy inouie exam-1 nc epenuitute, tne excels appeareatatr-rfua-ll,!c tnrir own ronduct, ar.d poUiblv tip- ly .and necelfarily applied:: fo may it on rt8tion,iheymuld fiiuliheremiin-! ner or incir lives couui not oe oeticr foent than in torrc-ctmg their formar imru dencics. OLD SOUTH. CONGKKSS. Hffe Rtfretntaih,(tt I'ucfday, Dec. -8. . Mr. NichoMon offered a refo'ution to .' oufc an account ol ninnies received by rimnirtjPickering, as a public oSicer, and Mr. lwuaaccount ofdiibcrfe. mcnts. Mr. Niche fon obrcivcd.that aiinc puoiic miiui nu.uccn ntucn.agiiatcu At. ft ft limine the accounts of the Secretary .ol jlihe Trealury,'and that committee made fenctal mode of djiugbuhncli in ther.e - Intend particulatly toihe account i of all ioriux,le wnj ru.i receiyea puunc monies. . I t I i a . . which he off cied would be adopted. Mr.'Gtifwold fa id healfo ?aamem I br of tlte committee Ult rcllion, hu jdifcrtd much from the gentlemen lad up ItciaUve to the noivcrsol thai committee I H conceived tiecomtnittee were auilu rifoH to examine ill the accbnntsof th: Treafury ; and a general "investigation was made. I he atcounti of Mr. 1 ck erine in particular were examined at that ttnie. -Mr. Grifwoldthoueht the prefcntcla :n j n . - i fotfered it (hould pointut the particularN iojctl he had tn view, v M f. N icfhol fon i n repjyj. The gen tleman and himfelf dirrVred Nas to the jpQwcrof thtcommiuee that hadatten- ded to t he1 n ve ft i eat ion. ti ftfiTr ea fir . " . , i ; ty accounts ; he believed tjiey ,yvere not authorifd to enter "into an enquiry whethcrall the monies received bv (Jul. Pickcrina rere nrontrlv a'onrooriiit'ed : n t ivia h c aKia k h.. k .t uica previous io inc inveuigatipn or tf;: Committee Ia(t year, & was.the occafion ot that committee's- - beipg appointed.- 1 f The houfe jbould order a new tnvef. tigation upon evjery frelh claniour ' their Vn6le. time wquld be occupied. ; Mr. GrifoU conceived that, it did riot be- ' long tathat lioufe to fettle the accounts ot Mr' Pickering VI (-the hou fc ihouid erect'themfctvej into a Doard. of: account -they mud coniinue to ht during the . whole year, andthen the buffs would not b dane. He concluded b faying that he could not but objed to theV'efo. lotion offered. UHlil-jhe iientleman who" " med, ,of late, that Mr. Pickering had ' fweTnftancci appropriated irlo.reir.tM.t-,.,'-; thin he was allowed, and iiad"fomuif!..ra.',& appropriated' money . to'v pnrpofts, ' public purpt)fes,-otherwife thai1, o?dJrt'.'.' it was his vvilh that the hodft.- Ii...id a- ' ii'pr lome reguuitons isi uuk matu rs, ' uvm icavjiJK ai"proprja;ioi,5 . ..iKriiion.-.! y own tife or defrauded the public of 'a'fin. -6' umiur i ne scuevca mm to De a .nun o irreproachable honelty and integrity ; isu ui mc iunu tommiuco ivtr. vjruwoiu. ne prciumed it very prooaoltrthat thcreTiad been'occafionat aq'iintcd with public bufihefs inew that 'the public fcrvice would have often. fulfcred had not this been the cafe: moft man members knew how often this had hap peMec,.andl fttfied, and eels of appn -i 1 r r ij :.:r rantca,.af ttrwards, this cx- appropriation.:.Uws. cannot al- ; ways loucn contingencies : it Dad otten .teen the i cafe in i the office,;-of Secretary iat War; Congrcfs afterwards made up . l ' . . have been iu the cilice of the Secretary , ' otate. NOW LANDING From ,$n hoard the Schooner pifpatch, Obtain Svtainet trtm .Nw-)rk, W far Sak on very hw termt, 25 Crates QiieenVWarc, 2ioBoxes China, ' . 12 Kegs .Malaga. Kallins. frelh, Kegs 11-5, ; I Cafe Piper 410 Port, ilitio rlaying Cards, 2 Uoxes Tea, too dien Ghifs Tnmblcr?, 2 Trunks dark and light Prints. K.iacks cc liilhop, . . ijia L&e r SiUt ... .... IMLHS ON BOSTON. : December f, LLY l'EASE. THK fubfenber willctntracl to give for any quantity, the market price ol corn at the lime ot delivery. A. LAZARUS Wilmington, Dec. 3-:-6w A "Cotton Mill WHICH the builder ha v warranted lhall clean al lead one thouf I weight from the Iced pet day, fo t injure ihe laple at little at any other St Gin Sn the flate, erefled for or before the Crop of lift rar and to be completed at Ofton Mills in a lew days will' in a fhiil time lhtrejttr pick or rtea.t out Coiloo fvr tbe cuflomary Toll. CENJA. SMITH. Norexbef-i2; IN. 't - tl! ii I twi; H hclt a a immoral manf potat with ai much order is ufual, ,and mor by no taeant afuQicient gtou&J for 1 n.

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