VI V J"; . - ;'v .lirtf.DollarprAnncMii.f' ' T H UK S 0 A V - M;SrV; Y.-.y-rgV,---; ,1 WiU'-'-y 279- , rii i uui i wnai mu ii mita iwlua iiaaatanaaanBananaatnaanaaaaaa www n ii iwi i ' iMoasywacmMWWMwBMrw ( r. t I f I I-f V r f V v" - CONGRESS - "; " OF THE UNITED STATES,. ."HpysB of Representatives,. Tuefdajf-FebJ. 19., ; - 1) E B .A T E v ; - On the Judiciary Bill. :'''f ;:-l:r ' '" ". - :.('Mf-S 'QayarA'ffficcb cmdudci.) I re ern. again to the Ab jsa.before, he cam :fmn the unplcaf.tu digrcfltori to which I wi totted ..,to (uKmiit'-id ordsr to repel iifwiitia whiebvwere. wlrter4 w-hivc tic wirit-cl wait, sbeoid which, are (uppofed hx fo.c weighty ;bjf , j8iie ntenoainc otiwriiijc v u u iv, m ii-ipe' t'i : nrefaoftoirteaend thft-j'Jtljerjuittwtj.-.UrsmQvcii by, Jaw, it would be.'ln'th power ot vtWYxt.erc3ie.v !). ai nic.n 10 live f,jiau.iant wu mif i.viiijf. T'jit argument ia predicated upon an esireme aiyw j of powef. which pis oevir fairly be rtr.d to trcftrsil tie legitimate ekercjie of it t ai weUmtgjtt ft b iir; . 0-,io. - The duiiet of the court o tht citouit ii di gsd, 4 hat . .fubfaquflai'coawcft.tod ' light a wjdtt.cjf.. teftedto'be performed by a circuit judgj and the irtr faUry of a judge, or of a Pijjfideoii .fixed by lfwo iliftrjft jndgea ol Keitueief and Tcuueffee'. founer coog'relt, .becaufe if the right, ilid not purely com pel cut for the legiQa ure to create a tuilt, one eoitgrefa might con.'er n fry ' of iourt, ad direft thtt ii fh 1 be holden by any of the jio.aoa or 4,t0Oi0 '-dollars to thev nj'rf.c(Uiiog juJgta. ! If the legitlature had done with ifn.ntut of the country. . I: will be tiiae enoaih tU ttfpiSt to a I the dijirict judgea, what theyhawe doae decide tape Uwti: evreintcfci,, wieiJ, tbey OiC(tr. JJih refpeft to thofe of Kentickey aoi'Tenneflee, I We are told. 'hat the. diitrioej we'tome,d fotr (: iai oqite certain that the prefeot -obie&ioti woold b et ooe leMituvt to derogjtc Troaa the power t' nother. Thrt it"-ttribn.:e'io former' powti which it denies to a fuhfequent lejifltture. Thit ia t)t corieft. We ad.-nii,Uai tbit eojigrert poffeSftt til the puwst p?ir.-!Tjd b.lalrcoogrt. Tbt coufcft hid a power to cJ-LUih t''tt, io hat the preient: That cougiefc hd not, nr. did it claim the . pw :t to ab.iiift .the .oise ' a j dgt wWkuJtiwM fii'ied. Though tlity thoui'hi fi judg uider the ne i7U-m; k-ftdect, lO.COitAilOie the Xoptt-ius) cut, in-y thd tut attempt to touta ttie out ijarcely vined by the late law, and the amount ot . ciUi.her of tiVHc jndga. ihigh thsy Condpredftk:chiige; is, that they are aiiefted. to rxercife : it iM:t conv 'Oieot to have.eireui- judg. to Ketuck- ey, a id run.Ui3, than dillnct jadgca, they did not 1' th.irhiodt upoalhe"611ccvof toe dittrift judgst, Vk'e iberror deny uo power to thi congteft- whish watiioi deoied ;o tbe lid"., Au tionorauic from Virginia fltfr. Th.mpf) ferWufl expreljU hn alarm, led the pfijuiplci we .contended (or fhould introduce into ths lountiy a privikdged or d j of wen.. . The idt of the ge.Uepi fuupoliaj thit every office 'H st.f iU IUbli(bes a priviledgei ordtr. Vh?juijret have their oi.:e for o;e term, the FieAJaot, the Ifntrti n ih ntcmVri of this' fcoufe fcir :diftVi( urtrnt. . Wbilt ihele ttroueodnrei ihcre l; a piif iUJge to h.!d tue pUcs, aad uo pow er evfls to remove i li'il.h be what the ge.iJeman mean by a p i led;d Oidrr, and bfl agieta, lluiihe Prcfidcnt.lhf ioiuiori uJ the inemofit oi ton noils be oaf to privii'dged or.iert, t ihill give myfclf no trouble io dtn,', '.hat the ju.iget'lttt carter the fame dtlf.iiption ; and I believe that !h4 gn.le:nan will had it dilaeuit to thew, ttw ,in auy o.ner manner if are privilclg-d, . I d-d nut futol: ttal t.tis a' r meot wat fo much sddreTcl t a thi under .land iiilt of a-totVraen upon tliii fijor, at to (he picjudi and paGW.i of people out of donS. . U mat orgrd withdpie impreiiiea Dy the honors. b!e member tro.n Virjinii, to. h)oi I lift letri'cd, thct the pofuion that the office of a judge rilit pe jj'nan f.'urrt him by law, was net a new doctrine. That it was eittfciiCud ty ih very au now dtligned to be repealed, which wtt defcrhedtn glowing jan- guge to save mBiCteJ a gipmg wouao on th con Hiuttloa. ana to nvi unuej wite lit oooa tne at. g:t of ourSitiuie bookt. It lh l my talk, fir, toclofa tbit g jing wo,un.l, and to wa(h from :b pa. rt of our Sutbia bok, the hloid with which they were Qtiatd. It w'nl bo an eafy tsJtto (hew to you Cit ernftiQtitn widioitt s waad aad lL Suute-bogk iihoat H (UU. ' , . firkiae)th fro. of th biUof the ltd. ft Ton, n t tae hvftnubK member oahderi ai having ia B ;M the ghat Iv wound o ih ca3itouor, oi which he hs fo terliogty fjukto, Tott fecllon a hoi. (Set thaancie.t ciuibt count. But, Gr, have we ootendtd, oi htlhe geat emtn the wn, that the cun friio'.ioa yohlbut iW abolition of a court when you ti not aattC'iatiy acta ot any Cegtea unnic th MCKUtnci I ln, cohii it noihira- more ... . -!'.J . . ih in a-place where s judge is dire&ed it diUbtfcc cenaie oqucs. ictn it no ahOt yoa may ritu a rcw couu aMa airtci u io M noiien or iue iuJe- i the fu;weme court or of the dittrift coait'. ,.od the fu.-weme court or of the dtttnet touif. .-.odl I Oiould afietwtrJt be ovjf pUafure to tbolifh 1 . . .a in . i T :'.! court annot be laid thtr vos drIUay iht ol (ktt of tb -judges by whom U til sppousted tLuut toitt In n:p: 6 holden. Thdt ft wa direarj br the oii'nal iudicial Itw. hlu circuit lho4ld bt bflim at Yoik. own in the ttrift ol rei.fy!nia. This court wst altei watdt ilifheJ. bitt it at nevrt iigttl,lhat tie old; t inyj.d wtt tificUk let me fuaonfe that a ' it atit-iiled into two dlnfti. and di'ttiAcourU I' .v'jIi.'ktJ In etch, but ihtterx Julgr la appointed li law lt iKharte the ind ent d l ift ia b.t.k .rtt. Thaansos.wnaat is lteradt luuud inc-tn. f t. sl ea el ih count ia abo!il!ia l. Inih.i iia.w.l',UlcCaUtbillho!uenMtutiJrr it d-. Viot,, , jjii 6ndenc sQoltd I TH tuti fo wintw gfrtt'tmcn have f.tlen on thit futj'et, has .i ml enitleirltliifif U ffiai4 what ihv bat ""'"P! loptave ad wbti ttanvl be. Lpon-1-1. ihtl ltL t oi a lidt andaavcaun im -a... k I-1 omiaiet tr ,t, itmf lhf ,, u m j( t,t(f hM r " V fc 'r.f,d snJ dlrtv't'dte peilorm , iMrt lcvertitr4iM,an4that iht di'th r tiag hii i.n the beiMrmtnt 4, i. u. .i ,pmo be deemed ai itUmim iH of tin i -e tit the latecucMit m... . !.: ! .a..,.. - - . . ..... Hlfl.lHII tareum -nt. aad tt rotl.r,' J.-in..,.. imtneft, it any ear wkith eat be put. Thei n mmaiiy a: y juugrit.1 iMnl(tli eu. fh al was irv4 i a noietn by iM J .,IM e ,t ,'ijanf altbe ti tiui tw.u. U nlm Bi t te sea. ; iflCiiKd sad dij.a4 (0 pff. w. . J r' form cert si' dutitt i when affociated and in the p?r lufintnce of thole du iei,ihey Mjete dnominied the cir uit tourt. l'tiii courc is aboUflted; the ooly con L.) irce ii, ilit the judg-i of the fupreine anil d( uicl cnut ar (if:lurgsd ,JVpiB the ' pettorfoance of ibe j jin: ilu.icj wiiKH vvr pfevioud) impoled upoft them : But iitli otfi.e af due jade; ol the :fuprem (.r uf the di drift cnaiu iafringe i ? Cao ay juue Uy, in cJ'!j ienc of the abofiaon ,;o, the circuit count, t uij longer htA fnv clfice ' durtn cnod be. hiour. ? O.1 thu point it wm further alledged b'y ti.v lime' hunrhle dumber, that -iht law of the Jalt OiHiuTii iuil &l anothet wpufli on -iho on(iieutioo, bj ibolifhitiz :the4"tiift court f K'omrltey rtd Ttanittee; The fcMt1enfcn was here cltceivcd by the ferns' fTlsr, wUkh ov&ti Wrt o the ftffeieiVof the KTt 'Court; : If hriwpvelilnauiMhe uouWeot djfctiii iie ftiluloa, attcmion of the tegiflatute ,to jvu ijiir.t'.ngroicni oi tne orricc ui ui ji jimgcj. 1. beijevo Uteiutlemsiii'wertt iiaraa tomrff ut - pointuig by la lbfe- judge to acw ot- f. . , . - ' ' The 1 referrel to eabliiUe cirvmt, ' eompre- 'fcsudifta Keuiuckev. TennelTee iod the dilria' of hie aooeared entiiely feroundlef;. Had they direc- ippeared enliicly teroundlef'., iledtbtt ail the. circuit cputts fhnd be held by the .tefpeftive judget within the circuit!, , gtatlcmen wouiii hte clearlv Teen, that this wat only an imp fubn of a trew duty sad not an tppoiatmest to a new office It will be recoll.fted.thjt under the old ellsbHih-', tnentr the dittrift judges ot Keutuckey and Tennedee.'r'courtt of thi trailed' Stltts, where does . it Irtd the 'wore iaellcd, generally wita the piwsia 'of the cir-.j peqple ? .;lt leadt them to she gallowu trt oa fup. cult I ud.'.tt. -The ancient pawera ot tbofe iudiret are , Dole that conrela. f rreiful of the HmiU ' of the au. iVi powe S it a - court tormeriy caiieti a nu. ; inftkbut now a circuit court, ' and at other placet thin thore to which ibey were formerly coafined wui tr.a oiuiict juuge nomicauy rvmatni, ma omcc lne count upon eh arges 01 trcatan. IDeltw u ua both Jiniaslly and fub&f.oually rxtOi, and h holds eonttituionsl, the people hive done right, but the jt now at he did bctoie, duriaf good t)tbtiour. I J court tr bouad by t law nod oblirfd to pronource win retcr got"m-ii to dittirtnt -proviiiont in ttie j tc itw, wmcn win iaiw ey jua aeaisi, iuai in i fifluut carefully and pointedly avoided the aft of auuWlhmj the ulftjct of thole judjet. , e?th lec. ottbelaw pravidts tbat the court of taa6(h sir coil fhallkuieniaacd ot a circuit iudfa r od the judges W Ux di'lruJt courts of. Ktatuctty and TenncUce." II is-attcrwards declaied lit tue Ixiae lection, " thit there (hill be appointed in the Ctti cicul!, t JuJgt V tits United State;, to be called a cucmrjddge, ho loctliet wttli the diltncl judge of TcooelUi and Kcutuutey fnall hold the circntt to Jrts hereby directed to be holden within the ftme circuit." Anu finally m th; lame fcttiun H it pro- videj, " Thu wr.euevei ths ulH; wf dillrift judge in th. dUiidt ot K'ntuckiy and Tenncdee refprc lively, become vacant, fuch vacancirt (hall refpcftively be fupjiicd ty the appainluient of to additional cirtar judget in tba fa d circuit, who together with the circuit court slorefaid, (ba'1 cornpoie the circuit cuu'iof the fail ctrci t.y Whet the exprelt lao gu't;e of the law afRnoi the exidenc of the office and e-f inv q.tuer, by ptovidmg tor the Contingency pi the officer ccafing to fill the oft:e, with nhai (jca n gtbtiemet) coottad ihatihe oflic is abolithed 7 They who at rot fitiifttd upoatiiit poiot,l dafpair ol convincing spon any ether. : Ltioo t ie mam cueition whether toe t no ret bold tlter oiT.cct at thj will of the Irgiilttutr, ta argument ol grett weight and tccordmg to my bumble judg- mtnt, ol UicuittbK lore, dill lemtint. The Wgiiiiuv potr of the government jtnotab fu'ute po; limitted. v 2! itbedoabtiul better the I. g.UMme tut en w&ac ibe couuitutioa aoet not ex. piicitly tvtaomet yrubrietta be no que tioottht thif ctoiivit d- ttbat the cnJLituua ixprtlaly erjhi. ti t Tt mnaiaia ibticfoic the conilitunon, th kdr " check epnn the lt-;(lttut. Thit doc. uinn kaw it dratcd, tod U itibeirlore iocumbett u .on rat to (hew ton it it found. , . It wit voce ihou;at by ger.tlemea who now deny the jt jnc plr, that the tt!ety ot the citi'ent and of the that icUri upon ih pvtr pf the judg't to declare t uncon.ii wiiori'. Itw void. .Uaw, vain il a paper ftliiicl.n i I it CosiUt ntilhn powtf nor light. ,Of w'..,t i.pjrt.ot u ittoUy, Corg git are piohjbittd li in doing pertain act, , if no kgiiimti auihotiiy . . W, kv.iutmMii an art o.i n:r.rn the fcodnei el tbe ConDitution, aad leiter it.a ptol.mtrd H geniUmen ptiecive the led the laihntity of ihetnvrr. I sm not, f.r, difpo(d which would fulUw fiom.iltibiiftiag ,lo ,., but Uaodingon this grour.d,' I throw the the artnriple, that Cong efihttc be etdnTwa eigne 'gjuntlct to any chtmaioa upon iht othrr de. I csll iO dKieap4aibtir own powert t Tbii .poairvcm 10 miimiin, thtt ! ccLi&on between a .Jiucrd, dort .y cnnil.i Aion lemtinf Um not paw, and the coaOiimUn, the, judges are bound 10 t . powet ol the l;.n.;.i become sbfo.ute tad tn. I fnppoit the ltwi and annul ih conliuiiion. Cm eifo-entf Can you talk ta then t-f irmfgieffiag ,S, gentlemen ret leva ihrmlelrei (rem ttitd.ltmmt powers, when no on hn a rgU i judge td , Wilt thry fly, ikavgh a Judgr bit no powei la P.o. ihoisponrtiibutibtmfcUn? Thr. do what 11 not 1 nounct Uw void, U bat I newer to decliie tbe tjih iid, ilify do what it inhibi ed, my, tt etery coo(lnjttn invalid. rp theynempJ il.e rouHuuiioo uadtr foJt t yet I The dtrim f.r wMch I aea contending it not .J. !1. , . . 1 'I. im wiui ira pinning, ana ii ia l-tiion : tn ifiid ihtrt. U ft i I, mi, do ih drftrinet Ml.Uintolifnlcgt tlrmtn agree, lbty ted u they at Inrndly to the ttileate ol -iht 6ti t : thai ihtt teih It . d of t(d'iatitlbut the eienirt of aeon llidatd 'i titl tntrmmeai, and y, (n, lo cco. pUili t ft ity otjtU, ihey are wil.iog tu Uu!e a p'i-w i plehicH. beyond li doubi, wuuli tvrviuil y tilaiA a coofo'idtttd getmnvnt with nnliaailud (jwrr npoa the mini ol ibt flate gsratnltl , NUn g can be tnoi abfutd llanie cnnio4 tktl iKsrt uiptatlictl rtaitiat, epixt apoltilctl bod y ah t'S solwerslt to not bi4 IhemCeUet lor lb it ua.i of ibe tt'iaiai, and wb tn dm, i,9m K vtitft olnolmoa, uoitciib jJilu,ioit tl iht i (induct. If Mr. Chtirmta, )nu met to f tv i tenQimtioa you mad ( evet pewtr to wbkb the a.knw1ej. gtd I'l'iiis lua- trdel r9nciir.(ir 'ih Invalid 117 1, of ty tftt eiUiiflMrjiVltiiljeoitth. tnrlir pteqaky of tfta'e i which ctecifwn ttroihcnt. . "' ' .-'f ;.; 'r9ld'b'had, where u alrawo qocftion -.. Dirt the pbwpr re(ideui the ftctel? r1 tlat the k-; toRlljj of treatv or ihtotc.of or an authority giflnure ot a fTatea right to decltte b afif of X'l) VxtfcffifJ, Undt the United Sutet, am! the decifjoa , grefs wid 1 una wuum nc tfiiuj; upon., uis wjjij Jt should be'p1cUg Ux gtflttii go Cut extreme. vernmentat the foot of ,xhe Bic sowixMutt. It woald be alio wine one memher of .the Urbibii coo- irolall 'the reft."'v'h would i nerliaiil1 jf 'lead tdJ ctH diSVntioti' and a 'diffolutioa KthVeAeral goVero. riht 6f.J I ate ce a re to d eclat e a. ucatv, - a flatttto meat Will it oe 'preteode 'thivtie'rtaie; .cooti acfetj' tU txetcifed Uader tb Uc.ited State hareihe exeluGvc right, of decid'tu j ayoja ihe ira)id; ati'(jj If the reviflon of ejhe fvpremc court ot of ourliwi ? 1-J,;1vn,Ji:,.-, ,;: ip$ td3?'-'s Xfoi id it hat expreftly givei .the. ft. I jdmit they have a rij'it io declare i1fAft?,;tV pit' ft trfc -fomecmi'rt to effirm a judgment grcfi void. Bat tt,igjit ttley 1 'enjojr -i' ' fh' ' alftl thealidity ithr of tteajy, ftatatt and ifver; S:aiil!r mutt ftrfft W 4 frlitl ( iL government. i. - '-vJ. . '. . 6&4A,tmr4 tSthe rjW rwt'tot&Ltt Mt, )&,l kive givt11' If the ftate tiourts kfinuiely yo&M. th rib f aWiildarit jpflii fi thSnittite of.r gwrnaem declaring the invalidity of the laws bE thit govern- -front the Wignigeof the ccfnllitotioa, and fadmjo meot it woo'.d 'Unrtg'us ihfu'ujeftiontq the flatet gflauve aejcodwlcdgmefit,- that 'the joidgva t)jf: our ' The judges of thofe count bring bound by the UW coam have the power to judge and 1 deterttinei upon of the !itat. U a ftale declared an aft of conirefj the coiiftirbtioaalitv t our lawt. : s -V i.'t uucouuiiuiionil, the law ot lbs ftate would' oblige its coaitt to determine thr Uw iava id. (-,rhit principle would alfo defUoy tbeunifoimiw of obliztiion upon all the' (latet which fhould attend every law of this government. ft a law were ; declared void in ooe it4te, it wqjiU exempt the citizens o! that Gate from i op;iaiioo, wtiilft ohedieoie wnt yielded to - it . in the other CUtcs. I go larthcr end fty, if the Bate or ftate courts had final power of annu ling the afttof thitg07eroment,iti rnilerauic od f lecarioutexittence woiili not be worth the txo. b!e of a r.-.omcot ta pteteive. ' It would endate but a laort time, at a ( il'ittt of divifloti, and wtBiog iat an empty fhtdow, would uick!y ariifh from our ficht. ... 'Let u now aflt if the power to dec de upon ttiu validity of our laws re. fides with the. ptppl.r..iG.,ntlemcn cannot deny thit right te the fivervi go people. I admit tliey potieft it. &ut f at the Time tune it oe t i.ot btlonir to the tltvrity, palt an uoxontituo.n, jw. .They lay a di. reft tax, upm one' Rate, and, impore ooue .upon the oihen. Th; people ortl.e Uate ttxed.contel! thf va. '3iditT of the It w.lhey irr:bly ulitl Kt txecolion. J.Jhey are brougnt by thaexecutiv authority bclore upoa tjieoi tHe fentertce which U tnflctj.- Dei. to the courts of the United States, the power of judging up.t on the ceolitutunatiiy of our ltwi, and it it vim to talk of its cxidirg ciewherr. The inltavurt o( the laws are broasht before the courts, and it the courts are implicitly bound, the invalidity of the laws can -' It. r i -TL l ..oITS,fI llluttrate u.Lon. . a be no onence, Tbrrn it howeve ft I ll a ftrongfr grnund elargnmen' I (hill collect oe or two ctfet to Duftrate it.Con. grefs-are prohibtfed from pi (Ting a bill 'I attainder j 11 ia ana acciirea iu vas tmrnii uuun in no 41111 n- . r. rn.11 1 , ., , , dtr of iresfon Jhsll work conuption ol blood or foi. feitut except Curing the lile of the ptrtv tttsinrd." t r -f. ...,rt- .,1. . :.i -r ..; i.-i. jiii. .l . or they ea-ftthit on autlncd of feafon ""f---. "" f ."' fhtll forleit tn the ufeoi the United aiatet .all the ettae which he held in any land! or tenements. The party attained ts (eized aud brought before a federal court, and tn awrd of er-.tiiioo p'lfed a- gaintt own. tic ooeat tnt xnniiutissi and 10 thit ime no bill of attainder, or expoft (ifto law fUsll b pt(Ted." The a toiney for the U. State t radt tbe bill of attainder. The court ate bound to .decide, but they hay on!y the a trrra ive of pronouncing the law or lba coout. tutiua lavaVid. It is left lo ihm .ouiytolay, tint the liwvicttei the conliitotinn, or thi Coniluutson avoids Ihc law. So in the oihei cafe Slated, t'relcr after thi death of bit anccllnr, brlngt hit rjretment in one ef ihecoaitt of tbe United &tete, to recover bit inhaitance. The Uw by which ft js cotf.Ictied it fhewe, Tb constitution give no power to pi ft fjch a law. On ibe cnntiaty it rapteftly denied it, to the guvemrneni, ,Tre title of thi , heir ii tcfted oa thi coaditution, the title of the government 91 the law. Tba-iOtft of one dHioyt th effect ol ithe other j lb eowrt muA ffefluI. , There are rr.tny other cafes JJrt C,bairmtn, afi bmilar attuie, ta which I might aUuJe. . There itshc cite of tic privitet of Hibett Ccrput, wh cb cannot be fufptaded but in timet of .rebellion or of inva 0)n. Sippole eltw prohibiting ihaifTa ngof a wiit, at moment of profound peace.. If U fkb c.' lha writ were dery.andrd ot a . court, could they fay it i true the leg'ulsture were refliaincd from ft Jin tbe ltw,fufpend.o th pr(vi'egef iu writ, at fuch a lime lthitahirbnOWIZlftl.bat Ihtir mi.Slf B,ikn . . . . . " I T . Jhsaftt irWaielnT lrtft1! I. an watt lias, at.1 a! 1. nf .L. i coBUUuto.b.t by Uw bii Wwt iimdlv .drci.iti a w-'I v itt' 1 ' ww a-wF-v. a VJ hiiiii H wx ar V lUfl j aad eOtblilhtd la pitdue rua the txiQractof that riftiameet. THeid wc el the glatr.of ti? conlitntioe ex. nrtfaly cxtmdilhe judcitl power 10 ell curtail, (menndif the tenl. yiioc. ike ltwi. Vc. the nro. vtiioe 01 trie anaia-uoi ibt C;b tit 4 leivti ro. ihlnt ii deukt. N This conUii.iion an! ihclawmf ibe United I e w kith fh ill be tnU in ut(sete thereof, h . fhtll bathe fjprvmt law of thi Ised." Tt cnnOiieiien U akiolately ik fjpteaieliw. Ket feelifctttu of tke trOure. sua tnly ae ibe IkicI ikeltnd 11 aie n-sd in eetf.ance tf thefoit ttilniioit. ' , a ...k. ! I.. a t rg"v inaaigi.ctoi in cemeaillre, W. rM, while I tritkfilf)WiS rf,,60 from lb a yn i. i am jaauiai ta ol ibe r tllj A kJjed.nt.f dsirt lite- fui ia th tlj!nj sawipvn liimny, may v ii-uipvint mo, iveiTirf.aSirnieA ill" the fiapreme court of th .4j-nud Ji o vnt ot ermr." Thus at ejrlv a1rh vtit among the fir ft afta of the go. vstomsrot'JIlte FiegifUture enplicitlv rtcognired the Let rti: rww fupofe thgt in enrr frame of . bovero- meflt t'li! judget are a check upon the legiflature that the conthtunon It depofifed tn their keeping, will you tf afrcrwirdi that their exiftence depend upon the legUUture '? That the body to whom they ar a check hit the power to deftroy them ?. Will you fry that ihi conft'ttution may be taken out of their bands, by a aouer the .mod to be diftrufted, . becayfe th Aniv nawrr which coald vin(i it ;,. i jmpqnhy f Csn any thine be mora abfurd thtoto arfmit.thstthe judgea.area check opoit the Jtgifk ture, and eootend that the exit at the will (f ue jcgTuuurer n. cnecat njuw eariiy impiv a j power commonfurate to itt end. The political body acugnea lo tneck, anotuer molt oe tnaependent.otiT( othrrwife there eta be no check. .What check cad there be when the power drfigned to be checked can aiini tiilatc the body which is to rettraio it, t. 1 go forthir,.Mr. Chairman, nd i Uke flrongef " "" ground. I fir in the nature of thingl, the depen dence of the judges upon the legiflature,' and their r'ght to declare the aftt of the'' legiflstttre' yoid, are ri-piigntpt, Vnd cannot exilt together. .The doflrine, fir, vppofrt two righttnrft the right of die Jeg fla- ' lure to deftroy the office of the ludie, and the, right oi tncjuo ji. ic vacate .ire tct OLUie irgiliilurr-r- " You have a tight to abaiiflTby a , law, 4he office of the judget of ibe circuit cooMi, ;They bive-a right to'cf-clare your law void. .It unavoidably follow in the exeicife of ihefe rightt, either that you deflrof sheir righii,.or that they dtllroy yoort, .This doc. tune it not an humlcT) abfurdity, it it mofthrtp. left hereby.-. It it a doc'r,ne' which 'cannot ;be prtc. tiled without prodacipg not difford poly, but b1ood (lied. Tf you pa ft the bill upon v our table ibe iud. ei hwt ' ftitDlionl tight dclire if void m wittVnveihaaowrng, xcife frif i: . . ' uinai ix wrjniuta in py coo cieiue ana oetore my ! turn luppuri vi ine conuita ,: f r rv, .11 . .1.1 .1. I tion nr my counti y, I insll not tremble at tbe eon. ! re(.,lrnce' . u v m ! Tk-.!j';;,..C v... ,. l . u . " ?'0i rosy hs u enemies, bottkntrur . lliat It hat alLi U ti end.. I h m W. u K,..r. 1 KrFnr K.. .....!.:.... A Tl . . , ; m t.iii.i.11, my. 1 iicrc ircminj,v. ry msny who btlitve il you flnse this blow, yoit ioft ct a mortal wound on the connitotion. These are many now wt'.l.ngto fpill their blood to delrnd Iheirconuiiutien. Arc gentlemen difolcd to riflt, tht eonltnjueneet t Sin I mean no threat I have na expectation trfaptalling the ibivt hcaru of my sder fatie 1 but If gentlrmeo aie tegardlefs of themfe'veJi" let them confiier thei.' wives and . cbildtrn. their neighbours fmt their fi'icndt. Will they rift civil, d (fation t witl th'y bstud lie welfsrr. willtl-.ev jtoptrdite-the price of the councty, 10 ftve a paluy turn of montyr left than thirty thoaCind rlollart. Mr. tntirmaai am confident that the friends of this rtirafurr' irV.not tffUM d ot tlie ntturt tf iu ope ration, nor fHf.blacf the.mifch;tvous cocCrqncocfa which if, iikefy vo attend it, Sir.tho rooralt of yoor people, the pesce of your country, the P.tbiKty tl yeor government, reds nponiiientintenance. of the independence, ejf ibe judiciary, .it Is not of half lb iropufttncelatnr and.thttthe iuJrts fhoti'.d h n. d-pe odeoi of the ciowp, si h it with ut, that th t Inould be independent of ths legiflature, . And I ana tfcrd, would j in render ihejudgtt fopcrior 10 tbi legiflature? i art(wr tro, bet co.ordiotte. Wapld yon under them independent of the leg fltlurt f I tnfen ye, fodrpeed-nt of evtrf twr rw esrth, while they behived ibemfcfvr well. TbeelTcntiat inured, th ptraaane.u wejfate ! focrrty, renuUe this independence. Not, fir, on account el the judge thst ia a smalt cenfiderstioJi. but en bicomi n't thofi ttiwrea bm be it to dicidcYv4j calculi t on th weakneTi of human nalai. aad von furTtr iK jedg 10 be dependeet en no on( left be (hould be partial titthbla on wl cm fie dtpendfi- Jnrticaeeti not raid whrre bsiilalltr prrv-ilt. A dr-Beade.f iudge ctnaet be insperl.ti. IadcrndrsM .is there Ipte elTeeiitl to ih pmlty ( tour judicial tribuatli.' tMinvtrriRtaitci! I Hit no power Itlolcaitbly lelt by fectsif it tktC otib iuOtdary. TbeliUirH iTopettyef etiry mta, it litllelob inajw bands of thejjdfM. lilt not our rrrar i.iial). it lin .... Hgct upon fuch high gVoiind, that ao (tsr cso Inrf. inldite, rtib p cm frdrjt tber . The prffcet mesfarea bntablrl 'then in tbedud, it pioOraus tbesn lllbeftetrrf ftftioryU rtadeii thtm the too! t it try dentartji piny.- h It tbUtffcQ which ! de prMiit, it ia thi conttqocne whUb I deeply deplore. Wait dees reafoa, what does argument avail, when psrtf fpint prcftdra Suhjrft yor bench to the lt fiuense el lit fpliii, tad jurtare bids a fiasl tdinj tn your tribnnsle. We are (kd,tir,il tbe judgaa ara to be iodrpendrrt tf the peert f Tbe rjntrtron u fema fa'fiinatdilnrve Kw. We are, and at lane 11 w if jnv per Tidom, we fhtll be divided fat artriiev Tbine:rtiio la, (H .lithe jaditiiry b pttmineat, ot Lciatiiv with tbeiide sl t tl opi. en t 1 bg, 1 implore gtntlemta, ia (onftdir ih ai(iiude and tle el lh piiwl aihnh ile are ibeut l atraiMair. IltanijrJgn areied,. deal of f elitUil cbn get, tat m.y biv their ttsfrt. entft, but they w tt not enter into ibe ftairii nf .in. But let tkfir drpemf upon .h fuf prt of iht pwer f itcnilbftT ol turn, in4 tbey (ipeot be ' T

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