T'd B LI S H D W S E KL Y B-Y ALT mT.D HALL-. Three Dollars per Annum T H U R S DA Y, MAY 20, 1802., Vol. VI.N0.-280. St that the p.eceOary ex pence of fuch r;mo, -the circumflance "of his not. hav'dg ap- onjbc ift- pf Jaxruary, il fKrtulf' K Heitaved niu nLihik 1itrii.i' nl-!d the whole of ihe tnonev drawn bv I7Q7 r i. ' ' . C r- 11. 1 IV ..y ! f Ml iiiwi-i- J .--r ; . . - ' J ' r . - . Y' 'Cim-nHtec appwi'ted .f Wjon mrpolrand tonnage. This appropri- him from the treafurer, to the fbecific Maying m the wno.e From A National Utelgtxccr 11 E P'O R T. reptrl whether mwti " J-aivn from thenwh"s inclehnf.e in its nature and pet 7 real ury have been fail hi idly applied to 'Mpt ivmi: contrariety ofc opinion may exilbas to the extent or the evpence it was intended to cover ; but the commit tee conceive that a ft rift adherence to the letter of the taw, would coifne the apprnprtationTnr the exper.ces, actually incurred in removing the books, papers, records and hituUuic uf the TefpeCtlve offices. Fromjthc .document; (marietta" G,) hereto annexed, itappears, that the fain of 1 5 ,29 3 dol I arv. a nd t w c ;i r y -1 hjee ce n t s w" e r e p u id f o r t h e 1 r a n f p () r ta t i o n t the books" papers' records and furni ture of thdfevejal offices, and the furni ture of the Prelident 1 and the fam 'of cDjecis for which it was appropriated by a fum Chargeable; to the law. tor the extent anu reiuit pr thiswar ue-paiiiicm, .iium m. ... onfapplication, the committee ' rdfer to Jar T797 t) i8or, (loth . the :itatemcnt (marked C) accompahyUnc!ufivc) o 10,213, ti6 4$ ins the communication the-Secretary j Of whichfte accountant -has , fettled of the Trcafury, under da'c of the 2J of nd rendered to the trcafury, accounts March. From this ftatemVnt it appears- t0 theamooit of 6,335,923 dollars and that M. Pickerina drew from the trea- 93 cer'fs ;vtng a balance ot 3,877,192 " tor defraying the exjiences incident r no'ytjt lettltd. to the intrcoiirfe with foreign nations ; , - Vo s.m V'S. for necociatin treaties with the Barbary 1 he mmies advanced , . ; the sbjeis fir U'hich they were hppn ' pr'irjtd, and iviether the fa'r.e huve bten regularly accounts (or ; aid to. report -likiw'i ivuther any farther m vtsare mcc( ';rj to pnm-ti-economy, , en. en e a tb re '-icr-to Ug:jl -tlve rtlh ii;- act-in t -VVy vf prrfcn f' ;'l--ti.d with pMic mojiy," . Jw-in t'e '. . - w-- 'i3i.trwtsi XEPORT J, " . i; oi.L.r ?; al..tfJ;,'u ytvKrrally'tn what ..mann.-tvi'trl.Jr--vi-lvat bkefkj, moni: wt:,lri-'i. fr.n :h ;Vc:i!ui y of ihe U nitt S'.; "-s .i.-i i W?rc; .aftei wards eX' pend-i a.id 'cc.4irvd f.r, the-com ml- 32,872 dollars and thirty-four cents far i.'o a p I i e i 'Iil obrei'aTjr.of "tjjc Trel- j ex pences incurred by the officers and Turv, -U t!u u v:r objecfo whidi 'clerks for the removal of them.fcdres and they iaf-.T.tiu'Uii -iirccl , ttieir enqn;r ; families. In central the vouchers pr.i- his.'anfwers ond. r dafe of thevfecand !t ; duccd in (tip port f thefe hit mcnttdied dollars and 11 cents. The fame Hate- Mar..h, a tnl trie y.v. nt Aprt:, are anna jexneficevare the Uated accounts anil tltc mnt (fj) will Ihew that the whole 0f; rfccount.iui-4iiu ! declarations of theouiccrs and clerks, to this fum. was expended by dollars and 50 cents tinaccountedrfor. "- iy - - - J ' 1 powers, and for the contingent expences ",e navy , flepanmem, ofgovrrriment'the-Tum of 63,999 dol- ,om its. tlfabhlhmerrt in, larsandcTcems mote' than he applied 798 t0 l0e 3 lft of March, to thofe (everat objeas, which together'80 "cluiivcly of the witn tne mm or 14., 50a aouars ana 54 ""- 1 " r " . cents Pained by him on the' purchafe of fliry t0 indlviduals a bills ot exchange for the life of the go. mo"u ,t0 ' . " vernment. fnrm jn amprat -nf i rCC Ot which flim, 3CCOUntS . : .". -J"V u.... 1 r...i,i u.. render- 1 r . him n obiedx , ea 10 'he treaiury, to me tee can afecrtain the fal , ) bux this ex penditure having been rr.dc from appro- e l to this r-rj'Mt': to wh'ch. as wcU'as the itatemcn s or t!i" accountants ot the 1 witmn tlie fame were allow? I. Tran- !of" nnVJir.ninitf , lir nc tli;rnm,;i amount of 1 1 ,. .. . .1.- c. . ! f . - e . 1 . cr . I . . , y warano navy ni'purimetns, on uiu nc , icrtpt ot neaf coiinis ot meomcers on fubjedt, thjv be icuv.e to refer. . 1y, are aiinexliHf, thofc ui" the clerks- be- The committee xfee.n it un'ti :cri to ; in'.to niimerou to be detailed. ' 1 ftate here, that all public monies are ih dra-vn from the -treafury in virtie ol I to , Lea vim' an tnaccount- 5,810,661 9 1 4 Treafury f coui.terfignc'l by t fio Conp I tr(lor. " are niid in (lS.cr. or. agents :o whom t:;s fame at a dud or who arc entrusted Vti'-h their apli cation ; or when "rela ing co the var of navy tlcpartments, they are placei'.in tit hah.ls of the trea'fnrer, as aent br thofe denartmcnts,' who iiitfe tries then on warrants dra-vn by ths f.-crctary yf tin? uepaittn:nt, and ccuatci finned by uc refccliv accountnt. For til- general .conftntflion hereto, fore given by tliL-1 reafiiry department t the various appropriation la ws, the com. mittcc refer to the communication made to them tho Secret arv otheTrcafu'y fn the .2 i of March, and nvue particu larly for thf conftrudion given to the annual appropriations fortiic fupportof tlie navy and aimy ftfpcctively, l'jcy ' refer to a report muds by the Secrr'jry of the Trcafury on the day of Mtv, one thoofand (even hundred and r.ii.uy fix, to tlie committee of VVav$ cv Mens. Fiom both ot tliefe.it appears that the appropriations for the i.rmy ?nd n:vy . rtipectiveiy, have been considered as g.to numerous to be detat ed. ' I1 ioin 1 prijtionsjieftgned for' other objects by cfr accounts . (which are marked G-tilaw, tlie mifa'pplication of money has G i2,.inclu'tve) it will b-.-feeti tht prc.ycnted the comptroller of the treafu'rv the cnarges coiiuit ot trayemng xr?H res, lodvs on' the fale of articles thought j Although the committee will not fay too inco:ievietit to remove, ps:Kagt ; there are no cafes in which a public of. breakage ami tr importation of fumi-' fictr would be jutlificd in applyinc mo- rure, nome rent riyiaowpnu anu cxt ru.: appmrttcii -to one object, tc ex tra. -xverKTcs aicer ii'.vir arrjvai aiuie vi- , pcn.ji ty of Watiiington. As u!l the officers , (M,in and clerks, were at thz time, in the fer vic and pay of the governmn, and re ceived the toll amount ot their 'aiaru,' 'ed for or unfdtlcd anccof bal- 4,170,651 g$-. Dollars ' 9,901,313 73 cxclulivtiy of thefe extraordinary allow- ancrs, and as the act ot June, 179?, pro vided only tor (let ray tog . t lie. .ex pence? inci'lent ro the removal 'of the otHce!, the committee are of opinion, that litis fum ot 32,872 dollars and 34. cents was drawn trom thc treafury and expended without any lega! authority. .The manner in which monies drawn from the trcafury under previous appro priations hive been afterwards applied, prtlcnt a fubjea ot enqtury ot more Jit ficolty and importance. The cxpcnccs in relation to the civil lilt, being chiefly tor falaries, are not othcrwife liable to abufe, than in cafes where monies advanced to agents have not been ap;-lied to the objefls tor which Thefe fums differ in amount, nomi nally, from tlofe contained in theftate-' mcnt annexed to the letter 'of the fecre tary trf the' t rafury , of the 2d of Mrch, n . " r - I' 1 ... liturrs on another, yet they are of I m,t tllc atrteience is cxpiainea and tne ptnton.tl.at in everv c eviatton t he np.'ak,"i,, llluu'1 r-- uc mc iamc cedity for the application otht to he I: a the ,c"cr and "dements of the 9th for fomcobvioui behcht to the United C 0'!'"1, -r Stares, and inever? fuch cafc,- -a diclo- Thc "atCTCr'ts of t:tc accountants-, fure thereof t5 Congrefs ought to be ! a,,hoosK exhlbit balances appa- mde.-at the next fiffid.n : tihlcn -.ihMlir rently unaccounted tor, to a lartte a- immediately thereafter cnl'ue. mounr wi'.l fkewtto Ihew that accounts The monies which have been advan- ,,avc .v.een 'dcred for a conltdcrable ccd to the frveral fecretaries of ftate, ! Port'on w"'" arc a tra" of fcttlc have been remit tr.My them principally ,cn,J but not finally clofcd:; ( to tniuiltrrs co:ifuls and o her agents a-1 Thc ,a,e "'"r a: vWc!t the V.Jumin I roiJ, whole accounts arc not yct ren- '0us ,,ocumPllt' accompanying this re dcrcdr ,'ahhouuh many of them are of an Porl wcre rcCtivCli by the committer, old ute) and the coinmittrc cannot fay ("Pon ,hc 11 April), and the labour how, or in what manner the mor.ev hit ncccifary o imcftigatc fuch a mafs of b-cnexpended. j accunti, and ct advances unaccounted inc advance ncccfiflry for licfrayin - ",r priivuiary in me war ana navy the cxpcnccs of the military and naval ccraMm5n." VhvaCrn' an expenditure 01 o hiu.ioih o 00.1 r, nave lenc.erea 1. r h i A'!. conaitutmg bur one general fund or l she advincc was made, & have not been each otihcle ohj'.cfs although in mdl! if er vard. regularly accounted for.- ct' the laws nuking appropriations a j Amnnglt th fubordinate agents to whom variety ;f heads of expenditure we're dif- J monies hue been advanrH for mifcel. tinctly fpecifie !. If the g:ucyra! con-, lai '-n-is o -vAs of a civil nature, lome Jlruition tc cottect, it may perhaps tw I i;.'iv.r ba delinquents, and fome faid that in molt insfances rtionio have . r.-.i ' rendered their accounts, as Ken drawn from the tre;fitv in t!n- i will -, c fren hv a reference to the docu- S me irre-! ;ui'' markc'l u, herewith reported iave occurred,! ,1 he monies necciTary to defray the t I manner jutfcribed by law. 1 ; J K'a.!f arc lUleJ toll! ' I where inonir l. !.... f i' - iti. 1 1. :.. . 1 - . 1. the Ij.np! pjilcatio:! of the bwcrcsary of tureir:n nations, have till Uie'.y been 'IVeafury by letter, wiii-.ojt :h: for-' paid io the Sccrttary of the Slate, who nlily.ofawarnnt, and fomcsimts even! ufed to difburfc die fame. The ac- cftaJilhmenss were formerly made in panto individuals who have accounted direAly with tliat department ; but flnce the Uw of the 16 h of July 1791," the ! l,utieS r. f,,:m."?. wiihout a previous srnrouttattoii. h;it in thefe cafes the irre -ularity has been afterward covered by fjbfcrjucnt wai counts of Mcirrs. Jefferfon, Tilarfhall and Madifon, who have at various pe. nods, tilled that ippotnimcnt, have been r-itt and jppropriatiop.p, and t!tc ci. n-' fetiltd, and r.o balance is due ihcrton init.'ee d. not dtfeover thai it has ken : A fuit not vet decided has been inflitutcd I'jJiK'lite of any injurious confequcncc againlt. Mr. Randolph, formerly fccrtta-L g6 061 to the United States." Thc frcretarr cf ry ot liate, for a balance unaccotinrc I for j theTirafurr, in his commur.ication f by him. Thc accounts of Mr. Picker-1 f . n viuui oi iun.n, iia vir.i; ciprencj a ir.g arc noi yci nnaiiy letticu. tie ?otibt whether the monies advanced on trains charged with a fum of 1383 rc- 3383 dol account ct the removal of the :cat cf go- ; lart and 20 cents, erroncoufly natd by crivmcnt from Philadelphia to Waft. ; htm for the freight of a vcirel (upnofed n'4'cnh;d hem authorized by any pte-: to itav'c been employed by the cordul at vioc iaWf the committee dircficd tfutr Tripoli, and ith another vhdc of the monies have been paid to the 'rcafnrcr as agent for thefe two t'c- partmtnts, and have been lubjecl to thc drak of the rcfd;divc fecretaries. Thc letter of .the fecretary of the trcafury tin.tr aateot tr.c 9thot April, accimpanicd by fundry abitracl, (rr.ar kedfrom A i,to A 9, inclufive) together witH the llatcmcntsof thc two account ants marked E, e I, e 2, e 3, and F rcf- pcaivtly) herewith reported, exhibit the amouH advanced, fettled and remaining unaccounted for, in each department. From fliefe it . appears, that from the ift day of January 17J7 o the end of the year loot, the advances made by the trealurer on account of the w ar depart mer.t, have amounted (cxclufivcly 01 a lum in tre hands ct the treasurer; to dollars 29.100. : Dolls. Ci. Of whicK tSere 4iave bceo.paid to individuals Who have accounted with. or are accountable to the it imjolbbl for the committee, confif- tently with their atitiitio:i to their other- ion as to the fum of 1.180 atten-.i ) Q t!ut oVied, anJ imw ol'cr .uolbrs and eo cents, being ihe balance The la-v cHaVHihlnf the fterrnarrnt : . " . . an i icmpwraiv uai rf j-ovcrnmcnt (jal. fidnlhr iMi of June in the )cat fe vrtt'tr l-'iej and nirtty.) rrovied. ' of an advance made to Samuel Uodgdon, ior tne purpyicot oeuig remit tea to Mr. Hompiircys, at Madrid, in par of his falaty, which Mr. Humphreys .did not receive., Do h thele iuins it is believed . . . - -1 tiMi an oMceri at-nefctto MJeatcf may, and wilV be recovered from the equil to tre above turn of f.wr:i'ffr:5i fhuW be trmtd to tis 1 perluns to whom they wtie rtfpetliflr T' hich it to be add ii !rii"t orrth f.ift diy rf D.vtmber in advanced, ,,I)ut thc principal rcafun cJ a balm teiaain ng ihetArrnaihoufanlcigh f idirr;'b MvM, h a,.r'eati to htve prevented an u'- uruccownled for, on the tlteif ri.jiicliv' botdcrs," ai.J vlaTtd,timiic feulcment w'nh him. atifts fioi books of the accountant, fl ' ' -.V- ... - . . ' manrcr in whick this, fum has been ex pended. Uut from the patiial view which the) have taken, they be leave to prefent fume fadls and principles which they believ to be wort!y of the notice of congrefi. , T here are two previous requires which arcneciflary tojuftify thc expen diture of public money, - and withotit which no legal expenditure can be made. Firlt, that ihe expenditure for the ob jfft to which it is applied, fiioulJ be authorifed by law and Tccondly, that an appropriation mould have hem made to cover that authoufed expencc. In the war and navy departments, this juts does rot appear to have been ffrTclly ad hcrcd to in a cafes ; but for the rcafons above afligsu, the commute lave been unable to a "certain how far it has been de tuned Iron. .The molt prominent in tlances which nave yet prcfct.tcd them fclvei, are herewith Ihtrd s ... . By an acl palTcd on the 25th day cT Vcbruaty in.thc year 1799, an auho- trcafury, a fum of 1.590,238 22 c,.., , . rv And thcie have been paiJ,' by virtue of the warrants of the fecretary of war or to individuals accountable to the war department, the fum of Making an agcrrgate fhipt of war, to he armed with, and to cany not Ml than 74 funs etch, and to build or putcuic ha, Uoops of war lo be armed wjh tS'guni each. In rrt of the nec?!Tirv einrniliinrrt (nr 45"725 7 thefe objeels, afum not exceeding one ' I million of doll 41 was " approj tilted by 9,846,93 29 the fame law. lAtjd by another aft paf- Icd on the latnesay, it as declared that two docks fhbjd be creeled in fuitable places, tinder ?ic dircJion of the Prefix dent of iht Utied States, lor th (On V-l I' ' ' ,' .j - - ,1 1 rt: V

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