iiu m&ciatecTtouuiuoa'Fanumbefbf. T'or Bolton ancT Salem, fox chahtrx: WILMINGTON; jiircjnrio, 1 80S. Wc consider it scarcely necessary- to 'Attract '..the attention of the nation to the rCT,ort orthe Tasurr. hIch tre this Zialabcfore our readers-' .The friends" of their country will rejoiee in" the unri-l vaiiea prosperity 01 us nnance3, ana ur, confidence an Admimstratrop that op- nderndthefiourishing I:...-.: fu. i. .L. r:'i rnnf rtf nai'tw hriaiiifl'r" n-.d fiprsnnnl malice. Whatahdstof soundint? alarms are put down by the existing millions in - the Treasury 1 '. U. Gat. 1 We understand that the Executive have received authentic information, that the received authentic lnlormation, that the late suspension of the right of deposit at ate suspension oi tne ngnt ot .deposit, at vTE W-ORLEANS was undertaken with- JLnA. f..rtm 'Vi,. nt, rw,nr.' andlhit the mwSut-e lKui been immedi- ai -ly couimuhicated tohe Gdrerao of. Cuba, vhasa superinteridin5.attthori. ty over Louisiana, as it dQUbtless was to, the punish government, it is certain also, that the Governor at New-Orleans, who has no ' authority over the dfiicfer-,114 irom wnom me suspension issuea,. ou- jected to the measure. . Under these cir cumstancea and the interpositions of our; own Government, it mavibe reasonablv . , thur, who arrived S 1 days from St. Croix ed us the following ibr publication. Of the circumstances relative to the sei "'lure of the ArAerican' ScIVoo'ner'Maria "of Norfolk, extracted from the letter" V 1 tTllv.V0, V ' I'll I Kv V lX IJ" rickaon. at St. C.roiv! dat(d oooaiJ u iQtV'onj oj itv nvituviigt tiiai ia hill. a 1111 . of December, 1802. . On the 3d of Nov. 1B02. wa Jsailed from Norfolk iri Vire-iniai-andon the 6th, we passed Cape-Henry; all well and in i . ' . . fpod order. We arrived at Barbadoes oil the Ist.Dec. and on the 2d proceeded for Tobago, where we came to anchor on the 6th about noon.-in Courtland Bav. - - While 'bile we were on shore, the supercargo- 1 myself, in order to enter the vessel the town of Scarborough, the boat of an "t the town of Scarborough, the boat of the French frigate La Badine "came at S o'clock in the afternoon of the same 'day, took possession of the schooner and carried her to sea with thcm I . "The following morning one of our sail ors -came on shore, 'and informed us of these particulars;, at the recital of whichj both the Governor 8c his secretary seem " d highly amazed, not knowing how to' interpret the conduct of .the Captain of the French frigate. . The Governor said,: thatj-asthecifooner was then out of hUj jurisdiction, he could do no more than; represent the case to the Governor Gen.j nt Martinico. On returning from Scar-' borough to". Courtland Bay, . we saw the frigate and the schooner about 9 miles eff the land. , j " We took a boat and 4 stout negroes,! and rowed' on hoard the frip-ate. urhere we were received with low-lived febuse, 1 re received wiUi low-nveo Rouse, i,y , k wuix. reaching the schooner, found her ? der M'Intosh, Bristol. 1 1 with Frenchmen, who were soon -"r$ am, Coombi, CapFrancois.'! by more from the frigate.-Our;jbch r' L"y Easton, St. Mary's.', were taken away, and we were! L , , ' r .. ' .1.- ,.. Sch'r. Ceres. Wi. rvu.. I and on manned joined by ilors were taken away, and we werejL , , tld that we mint nrnceirl tn Martmirn. i&ctl r' S:eres West, On the llth of Dec. the provisions vtn siort, and the bowsprit working:' n-rv much. theFppnehmmihmivhtnm.1 rer topytin to'Grenada, from whence r A!v,nturL1 Cfns, Point-Pctrc. thrv departed the following'day. nardioop Criterion, Dnnkwatcr, Boston. wenthr compelled the Frenchmen on the ki. ci ijft. to deliver up the command of the schooner to us, renouncing all tUivn to her, either' at sea or on shore.' Of the seven Frenchmen that had origi nally been put on board the schooner from the f.igate,.two were already dead, rani one wai vlokntty lckt-" ". , We ariivcd at St. Croix on the 17th ef pecetnbcr, where the report of the ex amining physician induced the General . to order u out of tlie port immediately but, on ft fair statement of our case by Mr. Tottcn, the American consul, leave w obtained to remain here nntil further orders. Our o-iarantine n&t heinv n .' fintthen. we are ignorant ntth vocntt r , ourattairs, Mit hope that the Danish go -r - " " " I nilll Vl vernment win oe impartial in our case, and not suffer us to be th vinim. nrit,i. m ( ' - p ' sttvav IVflVIl" wen, who being now in porj and out of "n lay rijim to u,c cargo, and soli, tit tbc government to support The W,., Willlim, f apt. Coomb, ar. riml hrc on Sunday list, 13 dayt from! -rv-. ...,.vw, cargo mahogany, to or- ?P-' F?mbl lVhc hreref rnelan-' cbo.ly intclhncc fru,n the Cape j he in-' forms that when he idrd, the town wu , clonlf bcsi-gcd by the inrgtftUt wt,0 ,J nl',i n mmme number for the purpose of miking a t;enf r attack. To decribe the distrew of the misera f tk iniiatitanti of that devoted pUCe, it inipasiible ill the stores were shut p, ind buMncu n entertly autpended-i to Person wsi i jTcrcd to Walk ih tim.t. j every man comptllcJ to bear armsv a wu asa trench troopt irrircd at the .?e, tbe Utttcr part of NVrcmUr, h a' I whiclt died before ther reached the hat. : racks. ' ' '.: J ' I Canta'm Coomb Tfft nt tfc tT-r-r' l-" - .rv, cite ii brig; Sophia, M'Donald, of Portland, IvlJ in? nc cMoner x nnawk, Cook, of w The hip Alexander, M'lntosh, 36 us from Bristol, arrived on SuftdaV.- .. f i, . tH . . ' ,;t r r Ul - 'V iUl3 wysas sub- SlUeO. !" "s -X ..." " " JT brig Jefferson, captaui Dean, of 7reetown, M. arrived here on the 44th tanV 14 daF8 from Pt-Pctref Gua- ran5 7hich carr5es off a great number .ft Amencan seamen. Capt. D. lost all .1v"v, - "rM -VM",V,M "F- - v. lost au jhl crew except 2 men, and his mate who - tc who was fonfined bL sickness' .during the liassage. 1 he weather beinr verv larounWe, with air winds, capt. Dean ?.uffere.P. n.ate"aVinS?yenience or in- jJu,7 ; uunea port. -j- " -n " on ;ma ailed 00 the !oth jns- leeward, e,rder t0 Pcnrs seamen. i is astonishing to. see tlie duplicity of .,C;erta!n cls district :?At a certain crass, of men m tHi fmwn qt,,v- one time Var onlv tm. .. v-r-- gger WILMINGTON PRICES CURRENT - V' January 20, 1803; 7' - Dls. Cts. Dh.Cts. ( B ACON per cwt. Butter ner lb ' fc"on Per- lb ofFee Per lb- Corft Per nnshel, '" a Meal, do. i-f."'-Ir barrel, . , !L,,mberPer M ij" ' l?,uU staves drej 1RV.K - dor.:do''tlo 5 11 j mf' bl '1o ro"g!l JIq1s per gallon, ;L?r.k Per barr1' 35 40 11 12 Rice per cwt. ... 4 jRum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p. 65 55 50 50' 75 80 5 0 75 75 Jamaica, do. 4th do. 1 N. E. do. . 4 1 3 12 Tobacco per cwt. . , lar per barrel, . 1 urw:n'in; do. . . jSugar, Muscova. p. cwt CUTOM.TTOUSE WILMINGTON. cnicrca -since our last. Sch'r. Two Brothers, Tuman; Jamaica, ung inc!usirvr"aic!;M, liarbodoes. Jeuersyn, Dean, Guadaloupi' car. go stn'ar, to oider. .ch r. Resolution, Miller. Trin'.dnrl cargo puar &nd malasses, to R. Muter. amp Venus, Dunce, Lisbon cargo wine, salt. !cr. in vv. te rn Sloop Maria, Kent, - St. Vincents. bch'r. Arthur, Babbidje, St. Croix. Charleston. Hannah St Betscv. Child. Boston. TTnna D.......I -U-j- II - . .K U . - "aroa White Oak, Patterson, Ditto. - kv iwjjci, jaroaaoes. IC7 An ArDrentice to the Primm., AO,? y E by. Joshua Potts; r - " iuv. nt 1 n I n Ftout, 5AtD LUU- Cotton, Ccbdact, DufriR. Corrrt, Pich Bb awdv. Atple Bkandy, LAMP 15LACK. Labd, PoK. Coin, 6 punchfoni rf 2oliht!s. Sucai, 5pmti of I ua rtNTir, Kuu, iomSt. Lucia. ,; A Cotton Machine, i! 17 Ssawi, Of 'particular conflruaion, well Wrnmn.ii.l.J EJ . vui.iipviiutui irTmo arw Mofei Boiti- - 1 notice; LL pftfor.i having demindj c any kit if v.lulever. i7iii,fl the okiibtr. are lieiebv notifiei tobrit shem (nrward on ox before the fiill I m . 'IV fil t.Iaffh nl fur nmrtl ' naie who are ir.de bird 10 fnm by note band. or book account, are deli. r.'dto make paymcit by the nril ol ..... rtoruary nrat. Alifif that period, H that tail tn comply hetcwitb. will t'l ' . r ' . , iuco waiuiimiftittiy. ,t , "UArVlU TUMAN. 14 16 16 18 18 -2Q 66 2-3 , i 30 6 j v 2 11 is A The fl ron? Nor thenrbn.ilrr.-hV "ARTHUR, -$X.B&bbidge can Jake a few 17 l"" . ch!dj;,e'. fingers if imrne. rreint, and a tew natTcm rortenm a.olv-to-the k,i i. : pe;r Maiket wV-.f ". 'J'" January 20. FOR SALE, That vlub't PLANTATION, v "W r- r i- i yitL. knivrn oy the name "of v V-: in ffiB;- . r V T " A-IJ i? ' V ' "' i,f,.,ri i u - "' key-Poi W bourhoodoKockey.PosBVabovt 5 mile from the Ferry, a;A fifreefro.ni " e from rne a:sd ht(Ceirfro,n , W 'ng'n, containing 640 acrcSj onehundred (and twenty of" whicMs tidc Swam ihiriy acres or' wMch-is' cleared. 35 acrriijljnd fvyamp, banked' Jmd ditchftd. and K as bepn plarefffeveral ycirs, arid produced excellent Lrons i ft- Hn.,u ,u:, it rnay he watered ,t arfy'time "from the'lVfill nnritl 1 - ; . ADdllt DUie timher ancivcryconvenient to the p antation.i There i- on the ore mi Its a t.w1 - ..1 x . rtory houfe; 4 fdtf long and 2 w ide, r wnitn incre iva geared Ur;lt Mil!,, tile ilooes A 1.2 feel diampOT. J K ce Machine that works ewhtpedies. , ... -1 u B, I iii JVlacIuue is worktd by tlie fame water-wheel that work x the flones, lcparate:or both' together, on fo hm pie a plan that any common Careu er may irake the .nectary r:prts, when rtquirtd. A lf;, a brick Bun i.8 fei j!22 fee: wide, iutdy new cove-ed idwclii'itf'hbiifi-. Vitli.. ' . 0 - "-"Hi , . aim a uuin - "fr "t ii,t boiifes. .! i llC above e -'fi'r'iho j r ... L 1 ... .... !th,: -.V.WU Itlll'B IJV Hli I7ft!!i-eu(l River. ..( .i'-l qrct-k'iopuincthroiiu'i it .,,vu,.k'. (.,. I'i'al osts, rrarly to the cenire."l's ""on or ia;ig5ii equal m any in 1 k-.county . - x l-ulilVuia'-le gnod. titcs will he made, oJ nnmrlute i.oircmoi. gyen o the prh.1fcr. b ' L a.orlV,i fl,ing tpj-piircn j" i '-Mnnn will p.cjfe apply 10 I lit- '"'deriher at GittaFicid ti Wil- ninj;tuii I?F.Nf?Y Hai cr v January 2o.jf. tfOTICK. THE lllblcriber reauel1s!,,,e fubfcriher may h ve -the.:. hofe indebted to him. by Bond ,,r pen account, on or h,.fr tU. c.i r ' --. v mis inn ui 1 March next,, to difcharge the lame t - " miji nave t itmain u cr.r.,u I nn'',r,0.rt;m,r ,hcni for r'yVent. r V', rtn,JnoIc "debted to A. F. M'Ncill, ihTt punaUali.y i. txl petted, and cannot be difpenfed with. . tfnnitL M'NEILL. J.nuarj 20 3W. Lands in Duplin or Sale. On a credit tl m . .. w ,r "i 'i. Dim wujeturuy to b t'tvtn. ., Vi f . . 62 . Acres on Long Branch. co arret, on ihe wl1 r. i- i .1.. . . , , - . " IT'. 11 IIIC Norih-caU Jivtr. ahnv IV ?... i ,-.-, .", ' , ' ' in. Ajut- 320 acres mr the mouth of a fmall oranth running into Kuckfifli. loo acres 0.1 Rock fifh. . . JCOcres on Maxwell', Swamp. ICO acres on the lm,n K,h ,brim.t, of Rock fi Hi creek? 1 I ico atrei on the north. fide of oiuinp creek, y The alove lands were'lcfvcrtifedin ihii paper on the 12J1 of March. Should any pcifWj with to purchafc Efq. 11 auihortzedJictrcat lorthe fame '"V will be fold at the neat Duplin court tinker hit di'iec tioni. BURGtVIN. 'Wilmington, Dec, 30th, 1602. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 i:atn cuert tor use ! X. hia valuable plantation on Holly hrer, the ruh land, fhal he fo di. vidca at to . make menu 'Fh i..t. . 1 1 n . l7f r M lbe erate. One half of ihj rpuf Cnife mmtJ w, be rcouired to be .wi ..r; .1.,- t, rv" r " niern months. , AI. SAMl'UsV. No 1 To my port in the Weftr Indies or . - turope. ' Theltannch ap well foun' brid; no p E. Oft herirq r j nen-'oflR t rQ . A ie Vvili uc in ten (lays. rcauy to receive cargT r;.rtpp'y o the UaDtatf, 3rd, j-iiuary J -2w. 9 Ninety Dollars. Hc ward. H k ' m ,hc Htniifae o. lhtf;0-h'of this in!tam, . the fol ... owing Negroes, belongirg former! . o John Burgvi, l,n. but thev ,r'. now my property, viz. . ABRAM, a carpenter, who is wcl known in and 'about WtmnQa as , fiddler; he took orwithhi:n hr, wite named HANNAH iv, ,'. years of age ad iheir daughter a' ikt- ..7uug gin "raoout if yeari of ao named I KSSEfv. . . ' aSl ' . . . mT t. M- VT W ' V 1 III Fl Jrt I Wren boys, named MAR C U S and NED. a Blarlt fmith i; Uu. ...... fftllow, a bow t jl.vMrinf.,,! .-ir and Uender made, and fmootlv faced .tii ,i rjvei evi inn ... perty of Mrs. Vance, to which place t itivV may oend nis courfe. JtLM. a likel vvmin'T foil..... -t. 20.years old. , he has a. wif. property of Mrs. M. Jones, in WiU ll"ni,iun named Aj race, who will no aount cntcrtkin him f., .u.., .. 1.: broth ------ - u III III er?, LONDON and ZEBB. th fi,i';.. about io,- the other a'louf j 5""yeVs of age, London is a verv fm,wi. K ( , hkelvboy, Zebb is rather awkward and icravvny. JOHN, a likely fmooth fa fwi)fi,-b. t-M and fl-nifer, -aboit22 vtr.voio, re was hired laft vaar w. t4. ffl.f.y at Gn:en Fields, and has who .r.tre naii)e Amv. .h,i T r.... 1 .ill-. . . ' '"r tpH w'H-harbom him. ' AjmA, an vld luflv f. llnvt, ,, - --, .. ...... I'uuuin tictd, fpcaks pra.u a(J 14 upwards of Ail the fad Nt vth iK. 11 led) are-yoing and liJudy,- AU Ih fne. k verv nlain I.'..w.i;n, 1 .... .. ifremel pUnfible in lit ce?i linn A Hram h.iS a rrmurr K, ,t . t. standini; active and (tmntr. . Ten Dol-ars will be j ail for each, to any ueifon anrrehc them, 00 their bring drliytrc'd to Jfhn Lord, Efq.in Wiliiiii.gun ;'orNi'nc 1 iy ooiursior the. who hi rtT,f(,nf.i.i.-i ucmjj miivertn as at .relid or fc iCtircd in a y troai in ihn n.r f .1, . (iEt)RUE C. CLITiiintAi r Jnruan 20. f. rT0 correa mifunde rltati!iKt di f. pel oouot, atd renew the exer cife of friendlhip, is 01 e of rhoto do-' ties 1 feel inyfelf difpfcd to li.Ifi!. In due adherencs o rhij conlidc tation, it may therefore be proper foi me to mention, that I am now per Jea,y frtisfied with the notice of , P-U,l, and Lord, puLliflied in this Gazette of the 13th infiant. ' A. T. BROWNE. ! January 20. - S .' "', J' THE Creditors ol the late Firm of Browne & 1Uly h.., by-tiotictrd thitrthc" ret oThI Monday" in February," enfuing, tlie fobrrribers win attend at the Coufitiifg-Houfe of Jofhua'Fotii.iri WihrJnuion, in or dcr to receive claims againft the faid vupannerintp. All pcrfons having demand, are requclleJ locahibit ihui account!, properly au inricatd, Nvhcrcon a dividend may be appor. ' iv'm. iiicrraucr as roJlr lc. , JOSHUA VO l T$t 1 n . , ....... 9 ' Wi'mlngtoii, January 13, fvlarflial's Sale 0l loth dav if 7innir. ifi- h IU under the Ccuri. H.,.i. I. tun lh hursy el(Vti eud twtivt iVuufv iiogifteiaicrWfit.l,.4(l RM X cndnuKa in il, Fclkr Cuiti 11 DtctmVtf tcim, 1E01, L. A. DOSF.Y, D. M. v,m.f.giti, Jan. fi, ,j,Cj. 1 tbe ,emiinin part of hi, Ko,i.I, . 'crmi, ami rcccm- Ueer fkiri in r-ymtni, for which a liberal ptjce w ii ,o;f , fo Unhr! ,r j - n 1 J,A , ' u. ,nr7 fC, C f 1 I ii M im-.isii'trru m vviimipcton lume. t.rnc iU the moniA of February r.csrt. MMFK ' - - ;For Freight or Chartir r prt in the tndict. 1 he fait iailifto hrii I N D If s ir r, 6Ghe burthen of 143 tonj,' JamssBriggs, Mafter. She is a new veflet. well found, ami will be readv im receive a cargo in two days. -Apply at the ttorc of jpcelin, Gau. icr aid Co. Jaunty 13. iw.- IMPORTRO' In the brig Hipe frm CoJ:zt the brig ' Reuben from Nevis, mnd the Jch ne ' 7WVWm Barber, Coff e ''e ,cnor Juali7 - Salr and Rum, I - Which xvii be,fold by ths quantity ' tihip for cat!) or country nroduce. Whi wmt ta Purchaft. 100,000 reet Of Llimfr fni which caih will he given.', January atj. 2w. V : i HL fubferibef is once more un. x der the hecejfity pt requeuing alt th.of wbo.'.have open accounts with nim, tobiing them forward fcr Jalion ud to ihr "nil of Ml u' -The VKNDUL and COMMIS. ION BUSINESS w;n in . . .r: earned on at the fame place, under ha """""VI and L.AKRfJL, who "uw orrer tricir isrvicc to the F.ihl.V. 1 hope for a conticuance of ih,t couragunent hitherto extended to wr JACOB LEVY.. Wilmington, Jan. 6, 1803. JulHtti ported- And tobebi'Jat reaonablepriceifir - Cjfl) or Proefuf. - ' "! BARBADOES, MontfeOnrT,i, I rat, and St. Croix iRU I b.,ar in hhds. and barrels, Coffee in barrcls-and-bagip-""'' Surinam Molail'ej", : Riiflia Iron, bv ths Inn nt pm . E. Rum. &r. JOCELIN.GAUTIER.&Co; Uecember 30. WJLLRRSOI.n, Oh Thirty the 3V day of Fehrufry iter! iin.l tt . s tT . , . ' prompt payment. ' - - ' ' " rpHA F valuable Lot of Groumf I on 1 he ' fouth fi.U f !trctt between Dudley & Dorfey'g l:tnrc anrl f'..,i II VT. ...n: ' hoilfs. ' IIINTONJAMES. W ilming'on, Dc. 30.i1. N O T I C v -nlir r- . ,1. , - i ,2"v-"np or fontaina a. and larbe. is this dj foal corfenf, difft.Jtcd. All ptrfonix ho have, demands on the faid corf.' ern, ai wtl! 'ai aaaittlt F. r.,rtf,:.,- ,s r - viUMiitrj A:. to. arc reaiieilcd to 1 kfilM, .1.-. - V V I I kll lur f itleir.c.l with..uHlcby , anj 'hs(c mehtcd to either firm, are foli uted to n.ake iaffIMiite rsymfM. Wdrntrgton, N v, a,; ,;0i P ciircr tak. thii e'hoj A. ,0,flfyH'irvices to t'com mun.ty m cnera, Sm1 p.ic m!v ,0 thole of his felLw. . . . . tradcDncnandtmcfb,,i.lf an! time 11 more profit Jy,cmw., bv drawn: iT.ilii..i.-. l. . . pmi trieir po.iks and-drau,-,i r. ..i I If 1 w i.aaiim laccounti v nl, accuracy ind difn.td, ' Bull, Boo.li, Bcotr.ry Bonds, DeeJ. Letters of Attorney, Mortgage, Leal fci,&. conformable to Jaw, ' AJ ri'' t P'"fe to apply at tho nnurele now occupies in Ewini'i at. ,u u K r lit. ... j. ... . t .v iwuiinauui will bfl t fromrtly attended to. ii.- r.,H. I favour acknowledged. WM '. J0N".DELCIIER.- viIminton, January 6. j HAN A Way, T-MKSubfctiWl loy SPAtiott-, f P Bull and lr.fi h.Mtl,i r j r . iwiiB UI'HI n ttfltrfert A fWi for lUtrv MTOfRlll tehof( w.ylron ih fafcuker a or trr.ott,t.' All prfofii re tamlmJI iA ' AWTI'Oi'ii t. ' I t .... ...w.! u, JUUMEK. ! I'CUir, ov. 35, 1S0I. tf ALMANAC A.C For the Vrnr 1P19 i irnscr 15, Drceiter p. ihh oince.