I" " 1 from tit SJtte&p. I U re are J V wriW: iae tke y f .hex thus legally and honorably dilen- ungs ia me pounu.mi wu.t ..c , u . t'r.f the mdel Irinks irweat aic noijhe earning of i .-.b Bruva aw . irfiniciMimiRtVMW lo respect okjo,-' - , . f -m,t - recollect tronm ...our i . . - J.-f antl ithtr mens induitrv. Tie docs not mote ittfoleot ftriitted about make religion aclcak otikentiouf- " . . 1 ii - f A v t av m mi iir i. r ' . t . - ; - - . with a diemhed deportment ; ,iook v. vui. yi .. une6t or America or "in the .WR4odies, new apartments, decorated them .with to cneai an inqiicrcei traaeiman v c i . or C0mmO(ii,;ei , whit'octer, the nmmr. or ik anv Rrill . .. . .. n .. ! .n- n- - j.-I kcltre the ft et AbriLwtUke rtturntd iierruorv. doucuiod. or country nui uuuci u ( " th? dotnioion of his Mijefly', on the con I icltecms nonelt raer . let their teiicious.i cotMnS1rfliiinifcr the motleTR pbilo- proiciuons oc wnat mey may, ai'-oliellionj, - -"14 Tr soatE5jrlBa Vti once j TO THE pajSIDEST' A Gtneral Pcfl.Ojficc, as dead Utters. -.. . .: .- OLI VER BEES LY care of captain Cameron, ! ; John o the JR. Broward I. Abraham Baroe.' at B. mtMk Tuw Cuiet mi a , "J, . , Ju'e many a nte rmnw 1. I..i9r,c nfllfot Eft OJSZtf X I E'en ,jund thy tahtrtf. ' r Would bid the wurroisr" --7 s TA nollest " MS " " or couDirics. idiu i fin . . . . . . o 5t.iti.Mie nowi hywuhivc porn 01 inc unuca wirczaoin vi r on-lonniion. 1 : Kicnara mKtr 1.- - ajld then ': J. .lhln artvahtstrn -hv KU fuioohancwr he Rrinin ,n4 Ir.l.nif .nu fljlill. IlW.l C.-....ri Dl.-I. . T:'..L..' Dli-J PJ.. ... . -. , ;.lfnpats hie mini' nn si nrnnrr oCCa-ril tftrn. . .r iaf in ih rnntUT in nv U rTxr:i:. . . t ! f oecutiailt enerRetic iaanathematainfe tioas with the linccrity of a freeman,; wife' hotwuhftanding ; and the fame Blaney I, Thorriaijv Beatry I, Mtft b ' drV-iir r MjWri. He is great!) anJ lcorns to tiatttr, though he m.gnt ana ,mY DC Daea m . P--- Bernard 1, GettTho . toroeTfor ibe-caufe of religion, obtain the approbation of the power- proper officers of the.cuB t"'-. jijohii Bla,k, i ', William G. Berry 'rfJdbKSL: ihefecjuences oU- ful :rains,oliCaed in the ,anj JJ-u & J- tJ .C. David d.wford Major , t ttmoralUing tbe riQog generation ; tt .ua .uianges o, P"ei(' inq ; -fc 1(k . ( lh-ence of lh - Wi; vin 1, capt. John Lhoate 2, Mr. Crj- ' ' HwiU ofteaexclaVrn : what will becorm nw purpoie wnen neinreatcnea. 0 ietor, (uch Vate'hbkes to be tpproted mer I, James N. (Jrofby 1, .WJUraro U v ...k hi.. .T.nnt hlrf ir I the frowns ot the onulent : an !ao-urr t .1 it-' r l-r,;;r,K . ik- nc, ff.k-c U i locicij wwu wen v " ' 1 - . - r. - - . or dt me commiuionerj or nig micn; 11 wngmuu 1, jwim itm i, g, . ' k.. 'Ruil uroVine conicience ratfes him above n . t Pr.u " 'f,f ir,u- riK.it . ' JTvdf-gftacfui mitt&me&if . ( .f uv ' , - . With eo'rj briUiwe iMltaftwwh . r ft n' n " .hm f ITuVe Falsehood itvirdamifjt I s the oxoock of leierrfji Rill i a frderalift : he has aUnmec tais ciedi', goes on wi'.fc hji bi.fint fs, itven uow looks down with ineffible contctnpt on Sam Shady: Du.rlr. he rtign tf ttrrwpMj ana ni com iKre outrageous aeainft every man who dared to think different from tWr.l.M - the card table would fome times be difluibed by their vo ctferatiosjj : tn the tranquil game otwhift would be thrown' into confu Son; all the bomrs would often times Dt otf..and the tricks would betneoniT l.trt i-.f the o'vinf to count upon. I hus much tor tne nutory 01 17 Dr-rbut, alas, Si"! f was i-ertil r untoTtunatc unuer nis pu- lliiical denunciation. He was a young man, who had received a virtuous ItheprincipksofhoneUy and economy teaf. and a 11 his anions are the ie- iuh of delibcraiiibri, founded on the bafis of inviolable integrity, He ne- l! ver f miles to betray the innocent, r riowhs to difmay the .timid ; hrf n- culcates chritlianitv 'tO Drotnoie cha- . i . X . , .,. I. UI till V in that part of Great-Britain called. Ene f a nd . the c 0 m mi (Ii 0 ne rs of h is M a i ell v ' cuflorhs, or any three 01 four more of them ir. Ireland ..and the commiffioners of his Majefly's diQoms in that part of G. Britain called 1 Scotland or anV. three or'moWof .a Kt ripfni'f th theai refDectivelv.or bv the princirjar'offi x i . . . .' 1 .. ' ..".Mr nf rh nnrrwmn' fiirn irnnn Ihlll hf" oianwno maKes.'-iue: oeiiewienys. ",: , r , , , ; .V -rr S i. I X " ; . : li.AI Ihn .Mil "1 IIIIUUI LU li. IU lllb IB U Win IllllllUltWl me ueiiy a icource to uiuiw urn- 1. x . u u u; i. 1 1- -.ut u -k,f- petiive y Qia and they arexhertby auiho- chief rankliwg within nis own bolotp ; r. y J L k nti 6 , 1. ,r : rued andleauircd to makstacn rcgula'. his ptafttce .nd his pvoteilion 111 e- A " r L , r . r. . lionj. and to ffive fuch direflions as ihev v,y relpett conelpon.t ; he is not a mav def(n ncc, forurip2, goods lamt in words, and a hem' in deeds.; aBa'.Comodhies for ibf benefit: of the to. Thus Hand in -general the chArSicr erspncl0fs ,hereofand the laid goods and jf the lie tYu meii, and thu have they , comtnodtties fhall not be removed from Droceeded in their refoeftive Inter- Couile wiih fociety. IVavoid as milch thence but fur' the purpofe of being re.ex-5 poited, en due entry being made, to foreign li ihe.PTootis u i . . nnl. annlied himlelt to k-cn .he" bulU p .mmediate!,- Kff ILcen fble loJ;uJt,t eVpofed tu theHuck T T f thofe. fyftems of which fecured the riuhts of ihe people; he knew the banetui eitects ot monarcny, .lVc'.M . r tenJeRcy of ariftocracy , ana nan iri;u ((Uedion apprqved a repuum.au as raott concenialto nib.ouii.17. k' ..nUa ihat econumy was the balb tiw.rinrnditures and tUabliln- menu untie r me lormer uuii'm--tioo.wbich led to a fubverfion ot the mint nf its jr nciDlfc. In tne reig f tertor,thertforthe had the c futuitonot to wear a . cuWc; he .-.nir,! ihr idea ot a Qandine atmv i i IVl . r I " . he'did not approve ot eacne iaw mn aMi. and tnotiyni.u w imnofiuoii tor Mr. Adams to mu The vonngmemwf all I4s ' Kt1 haVe been artefca oy thv-veight of pecuniary icflucnce hsve .hreater.dl tkem b Pe,,T .iKp(Iv nywfl famines.' How of-cn h.vc we feen the oetteartng fpirit of a rkh Jefpot, exeicf on he dap c eleclion if is itrnwn a$ a fa, that many tradelcafcn Wire explicit ly tol l at the vmc the Pi"" '"J was in agi '.atioo, f hty cil not fign nf iit Action, thatetetf n,eas would be t.keata tle?ne thtm cf the employment 1 Utoriuas t Vis fu.ee the 'f,iJS W7i8, certain ftU lv lyrantt have lAvfol to em j ley 1 1 iic (,(i7"M- . K:L-"r7;";;i,1 per cn.t for the 5.ar.of money. a -as Ttft M4 r W J? .Q hen ,!l 1KT fedeialin. had ever lM?lt ?nwWtt Kl tV.Ke nnd oiope.tv. ir, ;n.ubtedhur -nj. 7 " flirt ,Ie would ' P'JX t" 8 I Mh. did Mr Adams thus cil, fevcral Br.i ifh (flips and veffelVwilh mcir C4 if iKS, iu an cnuy, auu iu inn mc lame advaniaces and privileges f impor. tauon a? a:e granted by the faid acl, pa IT- in ibe ihirly-llxiTt year ot nur jviajetty a le.'g ij m the tils ot lutpt ai.d vtllcts be loi'iiMie u tsi ftti nf any country -in a in;1 v a till ae'nndiKli.. ' nerfonalVties. ' thev are Viotl parts, andfur no other purpofe whaifoever. . . i 1 r jf ' l - 1 ... ; ' 1 i .U 11 AnI uiVifr3it ht kjri f(tltl t?A anv individual' One, howevervh'as jfoo-ble to admHj by-divers orders in coun been covered with the mantle of Ft- derali I wXwhich like charrty hides a multitude ot tins.; wnuc .me otuer . - , . . . . .- la nasbteiT oMrgecrio extrcilc air- h b4.j virtues to Icrecn hutilelr l.Oirt tile tnalignahtlfpofition ot hisaclvtrfa while one reveled in luMity and dilt paiion, impulcd or thcrcdu- :( x(n?nt luus atd defrauded the u -ii Jt;! h-tieir the other was beiet wjtiv all u.e ve nom ot malice, and his ciurai r reii-' tiered tfe fport of every tiriprltici pled mm who'l'ad cnio'lcd his ra'itc in the talcial auiogue. buch I. things haw letn.," but we truu in . J od -1 hat tb etinic j is ai 1 1 v cu , w i.c 'cluraJlcrs wiil bctltimattd, no by the phrafcoUgy ot parly, but by the Han- t,rA ni Iv.nnr and hop.cftv 1 that im- 11 14 j 11 IM . . .. lordlingt who have acquiren ot I pecula tion ous . . - k. ili..ririnmir'r lOrtUUC nv iiwviviii.M.i f- .0 1 e' . u - f-. r, f, ,l.nt r,,rh nriiri nf whii (liall have aftid tion. ueiyoii1 wiiu vcivi6 u ----- . 1 . I I I t IH..11 .ri in nnffninr. nf rr 9rrnrHini In .cohtroul overuie iraoe.man a. o - - V.r'"VV-: w , fanat cks WhO W lift 10 ,u" ,ut" " u-" "-' " umiivi his MaicOy ;' and whereas it is that all fiu'j (hips and VelTeU, cargoes, (hyuld beekempted from; ro i Muire on accojut ot Inch iniDoriiiion, t cc all uctfona who have afted cr Ilia! I id in p jitoatice.of f-ich orders, Ihould'bc indem mhed ; and whereas it will be for the bene. fit ol the Commerce of this kingdom to. !coviuwe. .10 ; allow, by order in council, . Ci it ifh Qtios and vefcU to be entered, and to have the fame advantages and privileges of importation ; be it further tnafcied, -that l! (u.h ihipt and veilels with their cargoes (had be exempted from forfeiture on account . .. L ot lach imooriaiioD, ana an pertoat wno I : . . . r- - -.. rr nave been concerned in adviung- or rlluing or I r if . V if if Htf. nu. I s r. K 1 1 - John Chalmers i, captain Elihu Cot- . ' CVl ... 1Uiir ton x, ouvanus voieman 4, vr miam jCampbell I, captain Crokcr 1, captain 1 nomas tiid 1, captain Artnurv-hild !, DrRfCutlar 2, captain Thomaf margin 2. u. rorma uuval i.Georee Dun- can I, revtoti Devane I . Tonathan Uunbibbin I, Colonel Thomas Davis I, Wilfon Davis I, Ifaac Davis 1. E. Capt. James Eaftwood 3- , . F. Gi bert Fowler a, Mifs Mary . ' iFleming 1, VVilliain Ferris 1, James Flowers 1, Nancy" Fergufbn 1. XG. -William Goodman I, captain, 1, vapixiiinp vjrccnc a, jonn vjarti ier t, William Green 1, Benjamin Greetvi, Df William Green 1." H. John Hogg 2, Mellrs. Seal" Hayes and Co. a, Jacob Hariman 2, Mrs. ileron 1, Alexander noltler I, . nenry flolkins 1. X, J. Captr Uwen Jones J j captain Benace Johufton 1, Andrew Ingl.ilh'i. h.. amesJkeiiy irKobert Kelly Mary Mrkwood 1. L. Dr. Laroque l. Duncan Le- vingflon 1, George Lucas 1, Jofeph Linn 1, Micnaci .Lualow 1. M. ; . Daniel M'Ervinc. I, Thomat MaulfbA 1. capti lohnMaiilev I, Da-' uiel Mallcit I, James Marlhall I, John Mu.rcbi.fon., i, Duncan ..M'.MUlan i, '. Archibald M'Killon 1. N. J. Meillont, Milter Wicholai f, " r-T 71 ';. rr- P. Tom-Prince 1 , Matthew Perry kind ot ta uiifie curtxtujio w-c p- - -1 r . tun inlrimcc u pjiMtoBi. .. ... ,, ahtKUtioni. -.tKrjraaxaDi , 1- . r . thofehoNverc P- "iffl.No ttUm would be t,.h 8fi;'-!'f- in hif company; no UJy yrn W,rr, ib!-U condefcendto .idewi.h him. , fit J; -l.n.io...-t!Hypwilifc.t4 ulk with him, vW,.4,f;W(H. ,P , rn.fv to him. ctcn if he . r7 fr i a Sowed ,0 .hem ;-Ala, " '"rracnJr .SW va, lo, taken by all hi4 V vlu.ti . - , . J .i!T. aronain.ance: and even the : . .i. n i: -s m 'iJ.htf K'in. . Iback'e the reafon of mankind, will be brougnt io mat - knc.. u- lance' which givrs ihem no other pre. than what anfes from their tin. - ... 1 :k-rn mirit. vvnen tnis laKes illlivi - ... . place the hypocrite will be itripjcc of his plumage, mcpunc-piunu ijiuw !ator. ot bis trappings, im ipui u..r,i;in ancear in that dttwrmiiy 1 . 1 1 I. 1 1 i . n . . to which its aavocatc iuu tuiig uit. reduced it.' . OLD-SOU I 11. An tl for r . pa in 'l' rV; I!flTrr. adheml to hi. prin- - . f ... f y M Ir J 17 I 1 M.M I T 'W M tM W . T , - ."-j - ,,l,.,l hi. buGnefiwith in- ir.tvrji, if. tftr Il not beir.e admi SI gti tra'ty nt .'. liki tcvIiiflrT. Df not bcir-R admitted ind ft,dvuith. t-irTiV-. lie sf r" " """-Vt. r'VV a. .u.k A (n, ie.b . 1 . . .. - . ua ii-nnfp in nrniExuic tiia mm pv ... - 7. - . Iies-i forward in orpotition t hiri: is .'a'U v-itMC tpciit-w .fit. .rJ 1 . 1 j . iu tKc tie means of enemica tot tVrti.tuUc ardtftAU.j pttlucad, ... r . . u, teA J I, , tail...! Imh mi i!c.wtvf Inal T" "-1 . - ,. 1 . , . e.mrcnij tiaaer by nunduaily c cticc t till latt liMiat "V ' ' r . 7 .7ii J . . m . . . . . 1 m rum ih iii . . . w or 'epealmg Uvrral Afls, made-inj the Tbiity-bfh, . IhiMy.l mt-, lhu-. lynin h, and fotueth yean ol ihe Keign of his prefent majffly, te atttg to it.c Admillion of certain amcles of Mrr. thanJtn ia Ntuual Shir', and to the 'iiTuing of.Otden in Count il lor that pur. jofe, and tof making other pit vifions in hcu thereof, to continue until ibe ill day of Jaouaty 1E04. fiai June. 1802.I WKirai the cconnme-of the ktnffdom ... rr.ilv bcar6trd dinr vhe late war1 m ionfequence rf die impouaiion of Goods' -.' 1 r 1 ' II.! II- uedtr cettaln-fiiecfs 01 nis nij i Council, nd cetiaio ifl of parliament pall ti in tU. ihitiy.bf b year of his tMajflly's eira, for icndtrirg ibole Older Cllf ciuai, t)4 fuf wakipg fuither piovifion tbeiein rf iTimiiita t4i r -rd aitier pi' ia the'ihiiiy.fiith year ol Ms tn.y't trlgn, loiputmnify j fn atlngin con fiaurfct nf iy tctain ordets in Coun cil ifftwd ftif the like pur j ofe, and 10 au ihottfe ibe ilTuifg Orders in Council, for ibe like purpoie lor a hmiiled 11m , woicn tn the fame manner as fuch (hips and vef (els had been entitled Idvtake the benefit l ibe orders of council referred 10 in the lali tl : and it (hall and may be lawful until he full day of Septeaiber. 1802. to ad. , mn, by otder of council, firttilh (hips own. . . 1 , cd, regiltered, and navigated according to aw. wiibtneir cartrocs. to an enirv. ana .he cargoes Hi a 11 be catered and warchouted 111 the (aine manner as is permitted by the faid lafl mentioned act with refr-ecl to (liipt and veilels belonging to perlons 01 any coujntry in amity wunnis iviaieiiy ; an ,imb Bri ilh ihips and veilels, and ibe goods and commodities imported therein, Lull be fuliect to ibe fame rules and re uiaiiooi,' penalties and foTfeiiures, and be entitled 10 the Ume privileges and id van trfgci as are provided in ihe laid tail men hu.cd atl icipcflug (hip and velfeis be. onging lo peilonsol ary coun 1 ry in tni'y I. Ifrael B. PaHliall 1. Sally Profper i', Monfieur Provincher I, Ephraim Peabodya, Abner Pe-rce, 1, Oliver & N. Pearce !. , R. Ihomas Robefon, foTmeriy Deputy Collector, 1 captain Nathan, iel- Richardfon if-taptain Alexander Rogers I, captain William Rindge l itaptain John Read 1, Andrew Rkh- ardion 1 . - S. Jeremiah Spicer 1, captain Fre derick Swain, 1, Sfdgwick-Springs 1, ueorge owain 1, a nomas ouhmi 1, captain El as Smith 1, Mellrs. bamoel Paikman and Co. 1, Hugh btellings 1. tantain Samuel Stroud I. Samuel d.ail jitranfbuty l, Michael Sampfon-t, IMrs. Maryr t. bamplon i, siicrm 01 IN. tianover. T. Capt. lob Traflc 2, WiUiam,- 1 illinghaH I , John lonle I, jonrt viih'hii Nt.ielly, and goods and ton mo dules imported in li. e Ume, in oidcr to he wirehoulcd. 111. Piovided a'wav. that noihin in his acl contained (had esteod or bedicm. rd ui coniliucd to extend. 10 permit ot iilow the importa'ion vt wirthoufing of iny l ocacco, iJiiui', 01 rvn.c, in inj outer manner ihan is termi ted and allowed ac cotdirg 10 the laws in force on and- immc. D. Toomer I, John Thomas I, A braham Tucket ! , V. Peter Verfcheur 1. W. Henry Waiters a, Mrs. Eliza Waiters I. Mrs. G. C Haticrs 1, Ifaac L. Wright I, George Ward, Onflow, 1; captain Will .1, David L. White 1, James B. White a, Mifs Ann Jean Wttiie i, captain Wal. tcr Wilfon t, Jacob Whitcman a, Mn .Walker 1. Robert-WoodllMilc. 'care of Willkirg, Scutt and Co. 1 i James W. Walker 1, Uar.iel wnea- pV9 DCCn nui vt v wt - UpafJed in sbe.thmy. ninth and fortieil years "ol bite)flfa reign, until ihe lO day nf iinuarv. 1 Boa: And neteai it "r dict, iston(rucnce of ihe teQoraiion f peace, that ibe faid aQs Qtould ceife ard determine, and that other ptavifioni (hould Ibe ndt in lieu tbertof, be it therefore ft . . 1 . . !!... iuMra bv tne Kinf a mun eactucm teflr. bv sad with the advice d confem w upon the eithange at K)rlkctvMdi Spiiitual and Ttmporal, " and CI (live - , . 1 liii rntf vtie it.tiycW. sJ cvrt rj tea I my . . . " 7 vtf... . ! tm,A M. MDoncnill "1' . .L. ..i;.mt .Item 1 1 a:. . sj.... aiiiaairB a m - aw 11 .miHini iuii wn tt v a m - - - 1 .. it, rn. I.rU id that tkf ItCd IltUa- I e 1 1 ICCCCCloHsil At tor-.. Tr,:." .tV; Vir. A. f.ii.ft.C.llee.fesnd d I ,.:. IaumAM iwn. ! II itwwi "r" - !" . . - . ! P."V. iU iZk ie all Uar.f. that Us enemies envy him. He Le.iu tal Ho a-4 t m J ir tUik . n t ra. " :....V:n.ii.- .k,,.: ' f ,k, ... 6f Scat. itoi. and unul ibe 6fl day . . I - I . .1 111 I. M Mjl fclMVIinti WW ... ,--- - - .. . I..' sl'n'ri; &m i-U .U'o,,.! hewalk. tie ff i rri. a 'fwllj't -hi lU BiW wwlvnol lU CU. 1 1 iu ii 0, ' r'i tbtic, e way 7 - - 1 'h, -licdcttfTvis tf ikf! lurxfcl! kj P. M jnaa "aJT X' H ! .1 .M.f lie doM not cant the baok In ttv.Mmtf, in crcwi , '' i - ... ' .. !'. V mi.mt tvAtTttort. or Wmtt iit lift an mi ucpw, ic,fs r--" rr , " ; ;. ,. iu-i-j Mtt'nri-iU "I icctipt tajull f.itdl de I r t.... iSai. h Ot.U .nJ mar be taw rL uedrr atv uroaroi s,oucn ! Mil to taiDmuoi in Grcat.&i'uais, and Lder any Order cf ibe Lord Liruie csnt 1 1 . . and Uowactl n ttiptu ,io my 110M ialrtlaad, to ipott ia ley .Onp ttlklcloejiris;wpfioM 01 ioy 'M latuty wua lit Majcuy, aoi Kirg c ' J. Lfnta lk tikffa&tt eif iVim mt km iiaici itiuib i 1 v ! ion I ibat luch lobacco, anuB, ana Kice, ' Y. Mrs. Younecr 1 peciiveiy Wiail pe luptttt anfl liatie 10 illf ZZ L.. l-, r , , - cacb.Md every ot ihe r:ei, regulations,' 1 f,,; eS libit! v'it. lellncuon', oenahits and forfeiture!, f0V"""""" which the fame were fubiffl ird liable ty I ... , ,. " , . law on and immediately tcL.e the palling3 On Wednewayi, comrnnnij at 41. .... M ..,,1 .Imifi mi rtMiir.liv at in A. t nut atl. . .nvi - - - - I M until altered under the new corv I On Saturdays at 7 P. M. and d- RAN-AWAY Irem the fubferiber, part on the loiiowit g Aionuays ai 7 fome time early in July laft, a A. M. r . hecro woman named GRACE, lor- lull an hoof. "Vwe,! or ma merly the ptopetty cf Jeremiah Fon- ing up the ftU'is ; ana any icne or ville Hvinn on the found, fhe is a papers not ir tune, remain until ths vine, ""6 , , " - . t l.L. -;i . k... . .k. ihi (Una middle ftzed wencn aoout 35 jears or s VU1 ' ; ice her drcfi cannot be defcribtd as ou Monday ii made up over mil, U (he took with her a vaf ety of Cothcs is neceflary that all lctteri fliou'd b the is luppouo to uc r.aioouri" a. pu I'vivn, ..6.. b6ut the flinuilon of Mr. ForiHe, The ewhrn-Mail irtlvei every or on White Oak, where (he iCi a Friday in the for-noon, ar.ddcpatli in number of telaiioni. J win give a tne afternoon at 3 -uow. iun.. reward of io dollar! ind all realon- tcrattons. , able thargc fo her Jbe'irg taken up r Ko more credh given on letterf;, and delivered tome in il.ls town. j, it t jj.j bufiLefi, and l have bioU All perroni are Hereby lorwarneu lhe fl4le. finm bitboinint. employing, or car. n- .,- tying her away, under the levertu fc na Hy ol tbt uw. , iMAIV ivicciw. Witniiigton, Dec. a. tf. . January 6, J011H LORDi BLANKS for falc?t t!is OHlcc.