-iy v A. HALL '-- . ; 1 LIN G 11 AM MARS, School Books and Stationary, :aV ' - -Among which -are " t rrayer Books, Testaments, pSttlm, ftnd Hymns, Aristotle'! Works, . - - r ' American Coast Pilot,- , - ; : - '-V r ,'; ReceiptBooks, Memorandum do, Cyphet mgkCopy do. Best quality WritingRpfr, February 1804. , ' - i ,-v , ' 1 .. JOHN MACOLL, - " " ' . ; .TAILOR, Uu received by the febomer Lavatcr.CaL - " Ml, fnm Newark, ' ... -AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of Waiftcoat Patterns,, ? if out ftr Cafb. ' fcTtH ItS of'XcclUnt COAT u i i wins. aw. fcar N O Tri tv ir i" ' - rTVCW gentlemen wia have in their pop OnV BOO KSbtlnnoinr la tUr ": tji ate of Kenan Love, deceafed ftsmtrng which . it V tlney's Travels, "tit vol. are reaueftedf t, return the Jarrte to A. HALL, tfr. , ' r' ' C HOOKS. ." Ftb. 7, 8q4. ; : , t , ; . ; ,q. J ruiijujmg r waving in any negoaa. He manner vthuttver, my PJoie of Haadit Henry Ha) fry late ef this town, for Fit. teen Tierce of Rice, dated the Iff of April, i -. l8o2, tr thereabouts the' fame being fuVi paut ty me, as will appear by the following', receipt. DANIEL MALLETT. .. : tyilm'wgtoh, Feb. j, 1804. : 7 J yo . , RECEIVED, 'i'Mi8oi;.' Mr.- Dan'l Mallett , two hundred arid thirty Delan and three Cents, Jin full dif charge of his acceptance fir the delivery of Fifteen1 Tierces Rice, del'werable in ten dujt, dattd April the firft or thereabouts. : ' ; , Browne & Ha! fey .. THE Subfcriber, owing to thetnfettled Jtate tf his account r, 'intenit give, up his trade . ard, Cocptrage fir a certain. - time. ... The long in dulgt net he bat fivtn number tf bis riffectuble cuitmer',' 'it t ' hoped tvill nit ae bar ft m fair hdjut fettlemlnt if eectuHls.'l now arntJUy re cue all tlofe indibted'li mt by bind in leti account, tt fettle rnif ty 'th fame at fpetdf as pofj'lls t and tbofeto tbhim I am indebted. ' u'ill pie aft ti render their acxtunts forfeit llcmtni, - :.. ; ' I h'A've lof Sale; ?. v.-,;.. Ttvi LOTS in thepptr end tf this lea n fiuatrdtn the euft fide cf hnnt'Jlrcet, and tppfitc the, Ltsf Mr, jhn hr, tn tie, ntfth of Red Cnjsjtreet, ' A h ater List, in the cirntr if Surry & CaJV.e-flrtets, next and effafe U Mr. Jibn ". Sradlej'i tenet Wharf, , , ' , ; : ' ' Tuo Lots at Ftri,jQhj!in tt Smilbvillen Tvientj-fve hedd tf Homed Cattli at the Sound,- .' 1 ,, J.". 1 The remaining part tf GOODS on haAJ,' lltely imfirttlZend Sme HOUSEHOLD FURN1WRE if a gwd quality. ' ' " tT fit tvhJe ' tie abtve Property u'di It fttd IrJt fir Calk ir a Jhtrf Credit, in it v btjtre the tldiJlnt, by privale faleJf nit then ftlJ, 'it tvPJ be fet up it publn vendue, etmy hmj, at three m ilht ertdit. . John Martin, ' Wilmlnettn. Ftl.h.Xcl. '" N. C. 1 oainoUVrmy Lands in E.adia and Bruxfw'ui Ciunti't, ti Rtnt ' ni Leife fir 0 certain number if years. . 79 ' .7. M. T INTEND o Wavf hU State in 1 few I Jayi. All perfoi 1 to wbmn 1 ta lu dcbttJ, nf hfc HdebiH 10 uef ct Lfq. (whom I hi ppointcd my ent lui letiitmcni ot the lame. ' JAS. ELUDWORTII. T UN tn the at' f Ufl OSibtr, JL.V a frgr urneo mamea uti its, vjbw ' it thtui c fret 1 inchet Hib, aid frttty Jltyt, if j ylkifb (irpiexUn,' thitkundsr hp tehih pujrMi tave thm itufial, has an , utter firetiiib bnie tut, the if which II off. rtnt vi(hi jftiVianihai al rge ik't ifd ft b.ilr. ldifyrp-f iVuf4 it Lriit f viiLm a few ri Y.VcV's I irt 1 have rt'ltn tt li'lnv fit it f.mewtt'e iplbt iSirtb Welt. I vi.'i the a tniari if ehi DiVan andfiy t laftnatie tttrttttt ary prrftitubl b ill trl Jaii wncb ti tne, or Itdt her - , U'tliiiti ldt ft tbit I may gtf hef. . Samuel lilack. Kirth Mill. ttilt. .. . her'SaleKr.''":.. : The following deferred : property , mill r be Jtld ut Public AuHion, on execution, - Under the Ceurl-bonfe in IHlmington-. , OV Thurlday the ijl day if Mutch ntxtr , i 'Iif mnJ m'fcilW dt PtinCt't',- Streets, and a vacant Lit 1)1 the fi'ulb fife if Docl-fireet, belonging ti jht ejldte ; of", Henry Ha fey, deceafed. Terms tf fale- one half cafb and a fredit ij Via month's for t 'tb balance. " ". - , 1 "On Friday ihe bt arcH eti The Leafe of a Lot of Ground tn the J!ft fide tf' Frint-firjtet', on which is a new Bwelling-Htufe, Livery Stables, Kitchen, and other out eufettbe properly of James Richard." - ''V i-;' . ' .-- ' .- ' ' A Htufe and Lit on the fouth fide. if. Prince s-ftreet, belonging io the ef fate of An d'iw Ufe, deceafed. - - ,, Likewfe Battery IJland, lying tffwt Fort-Jobnjlon, the properly ofjahn Burgwin White, deceafed. " On Monday the roth 61 March next, A Houfe an f Lot in the corhtr jf . Front and' Dirk Streets, the ' properly jf '; Tbtmas Robeon '; X NViUiam" Bl ud worth, Sh'ff. JiTilirnngton, Fib. 7, (Xi 7 ' Ten Dollars Reward; ; RAN away frm the fubf'riber on tU 2&th December fajl, a Negri) man ni- med TOM. t He it abiui ' J feci 8 o'e 9 in Che's bighm.csuntry .bvn'fpeahifitv and plafn-iscf "a black complexion, and has a fear in the fide tf hit nefe. ' .' "ftypifed be about Mrs Swan s, in Latjiin, or m iniminglohi All mafttrS if veffels. " and others, are ' hereby forevJarned harbrlg, 0 employing ir jh'ppwg Jaia Jl-ivi V ow ' " I tut II ptty any verfon w4 will, apprt "hend aid negro and deuvtr him to tnf, of . lodge pim in trilmingtin gaot fo ttat t get, him, the' above retuurd and all rcafonable charger. :. -V ' .; : , . ' : - v'A af An Mortiin. .' . , - e -, , M)rgan Cred, Feb. , 180 .. 70' ' npHE fiibfcribet hai ftualin'etf asa.!ml.: -JL ; nirtrator "pbrjtlieciUfcof HENRY : HAL3EY, la of Ne w.Hanover Cciiinty, ucccaict. Air pcrloni inJcbteu to laid ellate are rcquclted to frikc . immcJiatc paymcr.t, arui t Sole who have claimi. are required to exhibit t!te lame within tnr tunc limited by aa tr Anomoiy, oilier wife they Vvill1e barrei of a 'recovery .w ill k Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1803. j ,. . notice. . THE Cipertnerfhip if SMITH l E'.R R lit having shit day df 'fihedby tnuluil cifentAll tbofi indebted It laid firm, either, ty nt:e or account, are. dented 1 make immediate, payment And ' thfe having demandt againjt the faid firm tre reouJIdti exhibit then for parent ' tie (Utjcriier, wbo tt autbtryed ti Jettle and thfe the accounts aforefaid 1 ' vFrtDLKt trrnmr .-. i f unit 4 . , rrUitiingttn, If an. 14. 1804. 63, .Jttf...' ' r MlENCii LANGUAGE,' ' -.SiiMUSIC AND DANCING; ; ' K: Frincis Maurice : .. . RETURNS many thanks to the La dies and Gentkirien of VVrimington Ut the very iibetat encouragement he Kai ' received the firft Quarter; -and hope, that bjr hit punctual attendance---the Unfullied moTila .Which he inc"ul'cateshis" endcavdr t6 render ht pubi la complete adepts in the polite acctimpliihmcTits he teache and to Qualify ,hefn fof the firll. companies, in the'drl3 j (6 merit and receive the coun tenance of the public in general. - v V ? Terms of 'the SeconcI Quarter. Every. branch will be attended to at the Academy twice a veefc.ii-Dancing, every, Wednefday ahd Saturday afternoon, from 3 p'cloct to fun-fet, ;' 'for he frnall clafa, and from fun-fet .to.t to o'clock for the ,'Iarge clafsTen . Dollars for new. fchbl rs, and Eight fr thofc' who he been to' fchool. before. ; Ten Dollar? wjr' thofc who are tnilru&. "fed in , Mufic, at the Academy, or half a dollar a leflbn if attended at their houfes- The terms fotrfeabhing the French Lan guage will be the fame as thofc for dan-'!cing.v.;'i'v;y The fubferi prion is opened at Mrs. MEEK's. . January i, - for sale, : A' PARCEL of Land containing about ; XjL feventeen hundred acrM, in Bladen county, known by the name of Hie In. DiAn,VVelIS lying onboth, fides of fhe Nonhweit River, & adjoining sha Wind of Mr. John Waddle. It abounds with Cy--pres and Oak tirriber, and there are three hundred acres or LowLn!s -well adapted to the culture of Corn, for terms apply td , ,.-Xl' ' ; -GEORGE LUCAS.' 'October f t.7.;;: y...,-x. -.! ;r r ; tORSALF." On rtaionablt terms, for Prompt payfnent. ' A Valuable Trati of Lad in ihe fiat, of TermefTcei containing one thou land acresi oft the Waters of Red Rivcf ' and SprinR Creek, adjoining the furveys of John Ellidt and Mr Shelby. The a. Dovt trau 01 una uci wunin 7 piuci or Clttksvillc, and iirnuil infertility of foil and range to any in its ntighbeuthoud. r or terms rply to f . .. .ALLMAND HALL. ' ' Vilmington, Dtc. aoth, 1603. ' FOR SALE, ' . A PLANTATION on ihe S. Wed fi !e of .N. Wtll River, 36" miles Hum Wilmington, calted' ' , ... Spring Hill. containing I aba acrra of Land, well Um Uted vitn iiNb-on the upland and OAK on the luw. lands, lrontlng iht liver one mile Ou winch is a good two OorjDe!l ing.Uouie.wtll finiftied JCitcheo, Smoke. Iloule, Sublet, and a convenient Store Umife, in which A Stote was formerly krpi. ' i 1 htf t are 100 c'rel of h land ileare j, about one third lov, the rcmaindet upland -J-wiih a good Apple and Peach OrvWd, and Nutlery of Fruil Trees cf different IMt. . ' For rertnt apply tu . .' " ROBERT SCOTt.' Wilmington,' Dec. Jt, IB03. . ' t ThetifY- 1'lantation u f;tua J U, n grrrl.ie neil.boiliojj, anJ aJjuiiJ. Whin Hall Landing. , , ; ' j : . A FEW : ' r' -sun Tea". a e'bves JuR rreeivtd for Market and for Sa'e Vy U17. JrllUiLRALU. :;--r;;FORSALEv:'!:;v -:y The lollbwing Tras 6i Land; ': "Viz.: v- ; THE Plantjitlon adjoining South Wafh ing!on,. on. the. Ndrth Laft River, cortaiiimg Six hundred and forty acres -tboiit one hundred "of which is under fence af.(l adjoining tlic nvcr'ab'nit fifty acres' is Tccond low grojind, fart of this is wood Ian I, of a fertile foil. .On the premifes is a DwclPirit-lioufe fuiTicicnt to accorn. 1 :mdlaie a !arte family,;.; . ' ' . Auo Tract fOBtaimng two hundred acret on Lewifco Creek, about two miles anil a halt from the river-. about thirty a. crii of this has been cleared, litualcd in ah excellent range for tatil: or hogs. X)rie other tract, contaiiiing 6ne huri flred and tWenty acres on North Branch, near the upper lines of the firft mentioned Plantation, .... - A credit of fix sncJnths wi'.l he given for buehalf "of the purchafe money, & twelve mon 1 ha for the remainder. Bond and fe. cufity.wiil be rc'quued---fufficleiit titles will be given at the lafl payment. '. ' Any pcrfon inclining to nurchafe, may apply to the fubferiber, in Vilmin210m -TIMOTHVJJLOODWORTH. January l. 167 ";;-.b.il;:sA;r:fi''f .'" ''-' ,': Vnder Direction of. . "V JOSHUA POT T$ " ?'Mlmingtoni.ebiitary- ?j.tt04 ; QUARTER Casks Sherry AVhte1, . Hogsheads of Jamaica Kum, . . , . Ditto 3d proof Rum, . , Casea Hollarkl Gin, , . Casks. Tallow, . Casks Goshen Cheese, , , , , Barrels Muscovadot Sugar, , Barrels Port,. , . . ' Ditto Beef, . " , , , ' ' Do. - i Tar, , ' ' Four pieces Canfioh 4 poundei's, Grind-stones, Barrels Flour, , : Kegs New Butter, .. ' 'i Sawed Lumber, ' . v' , " ' ' ' tuhests Younjj Hyson Tea; - Boxes China Ware, , f ' IDitto German Steel, Ditto Catron Cards, t)itto "Wool Cards, Kegs Spanish Brown, ' ' Ditto six-penny Nails, j . - v Coils Cordage,i - '. .:.'. ( - JOHN GRAY Informs the inhabitants of. Wilmington and ' its vicintiv, tbJt he has jufl arrived froitt ; New Ttrk, and is " now .opening at Mrs'. Howard's, in Front Street, - ;"; ? y:.- A General Afib'rtmerit of ' DRY GOODS, Which he tjfers ftr (ale at the mfi reduced V prices ftr,CaJh. :y .'y 'jv : .V'-j W Jan. 2, 1804; r 8 J tDCiry 3, iSv. 'FOR,-SALE, .. , Brown and Clayed Sugar in Ihgfheads ,r Barrels, "... .... Green Coffee, " : ; , , Tk'i.ljUndSdttt and f,w Barrets Frrjh Limes. Inquire' , " , . F. FO MAINE, ': On Campbell', Jf larf. A LS O, .... Fttur in Half-Baneh, . ..' H,g'iLrd, , Bef, and Pirk, . , , Manufactured Tcbdcct, Saw-Mitt Lumber,. . ' " Small Timber. 7'- -1. 'S4. . , , , . ti - " For Sale. ' ' fhat V4 three fliry . IMUC.K HnfTvc w v vu terms apply U JOHN fOJJO.V. ir U . - EVAN JONES. tf 1 immyon, Jan. 3 m 804. 1 .j ' SITUATED on tbe ftutkfJe of Varitl. Jreet, mxt tt lames Kith arte. fr. -Sucr, CofFe, and Pimento- , aft received frm Jamaica,' and for Sale; It D. Jan, jo. Smith, 69 2W nrHj 1 For Freight or Charter, . (if apf lied foi immedi.tcty) Ftr Viyige It the It rJt.Uiies or South ; ' . . " . f Eurift, Tie ting ORASGE, . "fV4lir , faumb, . Jit, gJ anda'mijl uttu wjftl, ant will be ready to j T retetvt ear go in ten Jyt. Aptly it C. tf P. PELUAhf. If bo have Jl rtct'xed, aniwijb ti fe'J, jooo Dulhds ot tcry tvlihc TurkVIihml SALT. THAT, valuable- and highly , impriveJ : 'PLANTATION n. the mouth of, eui.Riveri ,. ctntaiHtng - Sixteen hundred ' Acres i twi hundred and fifty if which is ,-i J f . r - I j I. v ' ' tween. Wilmingtm and , New-River, andtt admirably adapted it the culture tf Corn and Cifttn - T be rni is 'excellent, and the fit. 1 Uaticn agreeable and healthy, being oppifitt the Inlet and in fight tf tht Ocean, tvheti every fpecies if marine diet in the greatejl . abundance may he procured, with little or n . Iriuile, at evtry fttifu of the yeaK It1' kitwije atounas wua win jnvi ana game tf tvery kind. ? ftluation is alft eligi ble for a Store and Tavern, and the back tounlry Wirgmers ref rt ti it in the vj'tntef tor fh and lyflert, which renders it mire xaUalle than any other place tn the river, . On fie fremifes art a gtid JwdAngJmfe, . tut houfes, tar, 6e, and an excellent Wind Mill in complete irdtr. 1 41 . The Strmt w tt. T' I. mm S..r. t 1 eafy tt the purcheftr, Fir further par lieu. , tars, apply to tte fubferiber, on the premie fes. ... . ' . ... . , (. - ASA HATCH , January V3, 1 804. . ( . . 68 70 RENT, ' Thai valuable PJjiutUn on .ocle:Ptint, 1 ; ' tailed .' - ' New-G rounds. wrt e'euil si an on Reel'- runt, and part if it tuell draintd in fve acre fieUt. There is ine tunJrrd and thirty acres rf etedrtd land under fnct a tngota iraer jor planting, j ipt uncleared land afftrds a gild fflitt Oak Rtnrt, titixr for (aitle or beet. It it Jituatcd inly two : miles trim Rliiev. Point Ferry. Ar fvmt ! apply t' ,. ff JLLUM HOOPER,- . if int c itnitlun, (t tl ' GEORGE HOOPER, Ff.- Jan. 37. . . (5 3t. r ' ' ' Fifty Dollars hcwaVd. OV the ii irji. u as fl.Ien ft in tie fulfrriber, a Bag to'taml, ljVa Hundred Dillars in. Silver it was taken . iuI tf a t'uKi in thetatin if the bug A'u- 'tilui, if Bijl-.u, wlile lying ml 7amts JU ten's wharf. . Anyperfon uU may It fetor r the fcldmi. eTi give intelligence thtrt'f, Jt that it' bt reervtttd, fhall be eht.tled t tie ahvo rmiarJ 1 tr tmr ..( .f ..J ii . ten, ten per cent. Jamej Derby. ft i!migtiutJan. aj.'lt 4. " 69 vJ ShcriirU Sale. ON TuefJay the at day f Fthrusry' rctt, will bt fulJ at tie Court iloufe in LiunfwUlCfunty.'he (ullowinj Lsndi, to pay tl.e Tattl due thrrton, fwf' the year tfcoa - " , , Co,coa acrei, the jropetly of, Juho (j Elount. ' - . ll acrvi on the fca-fiiofc, rear the S. Carolina linr, ihe fropertv t Dr. I :'h. Wm- t. GRLSSET, Shrf. Janniry (9, 1834- . 2S v