t I sth of December for this port; Foread) the winds to the south of the island, she. s met on the 30th by an English frigate of uns, whose commander ordered; the Spa rd to send his boat, with his papers to the -te. The Spanish commander "answer- ' that it was against his . instructions to $ply with such -an order ; the English nmander told him .then, that he would,, npel him with his guns the ; Spaniard' 1 Manuel de Trelles, answered, that he ready to accept the challenge, tho'oniy. led with 18 six pounders, and manned as kets generally are with thirty men. The Jish immediately poured their heavy me tl on the Spanish ship, and a battle followed av! ich lasted though wonderful it may appear, f 3 hours andahalf ; when the Spanish ship v'mg not one man left to do duty, ceased , ; ingi The frigate then sent her boat on I iard the Spaniard, where the English atrip-, J ed every man they found dead or alive, and abandoned the ship in that situation, to the mercy of the waves. f The brave Trelles, his lieutenant, and IT men, lost their lives; whilst the remainder 'of his crew were all more or less wounded, . except the surgeon, who is the man that eht J the express with the news.., The, frigate lost " : mast, with six meft killed and seven-wounded. The packet is almost a wreck, with ; her flag and pendant still hoisted ; , knowing that Spain was not at war with England, she put into Kingston, it being the nearest port to repair ; they there found a Spanish brig of war, by which they forwarded the mail to Trinidad, in Cuba. v " This extraordinary aflair. has made a ; great deal of noise here r. the name of the valourous Trelles . resounds through every place. It canrtot be denied that that action U as glorious for the Spaniards as shameful to the English." , v?.- - por t of Filming ton, ENTERED SINCE OUtt LAST.' Sch'r Ceres, West, -i Pair Play, Hudson, i Prudence, Blasdcl,--ihip Association, Knight, ', ' - CLEARE9 bip Neptune, Hicks, -Eunice, Marshall, I , tg Pollyr Pcrsoll, T: 7! Orange, Pellham, T h'r Regulator, Nelson, Two Sisters, Read, Chailekton do. 'StrAnns,Jam. Liverpool Copenhagen Demarara """ Liverpool dp. Charleston Boston New-Y&bK, Feb. 27 THE crey) belonging to the sloop Jefersvn, ,ii'Jch was fell in with at sea on the th inst, a r-reck with no soul on board, and towed into ti t port on the Mtli inst. by tht brig Fair-Amc rim.from Wilmington, toere all taken off the ' before by the ship Dolphin, from a win. t vValet ounJ to Neto-Bedford, where she I since arrived. .. . i . ' NOMINAL PRICES CURRENT, t A iriixiHcroH, March 13, 1804.. r.ACON pcrcwi." Butter per lb. Cotton per lb. ' Corce per lb. Coni per bushel, Meal, do. " Ilour per barrel, ; Lumber per M. "W. o. hh !. stavtSj R o. do. 'io. do, t Vi o. bl. ()t rough. I Singles J0oo, lolass' A p!tr guiloa . J,cr.pcrcwU . ' ..m,r.J.pg. Sdr Samara Jo. 4 th 4o . N. E. do. 1 )!xocopcr cwl. r pet barrel, ' rpctitin,. "From To IiluCls. Dls. Cts. 9 ' 10 18 14 15 28 83 I 7 . 9 25 1? il 2 13 ., B01C 6 1 4 7 50 10 2 13 U 50 1 . 55 62 14 25 I S 15 75 FOR S A L E - Under Direction of ; JOSHUA POTTS, ' Wilmington, March h 1Q4;' QuARTEBCasis Sherry Win, Hogsheads of Jamaica Rum pitto 3d proof Rum, Casks Goshen Cheese, J French and Spanish Brandy in Pipes Crates Liverpool Ware, Kegs manufactured Tobacco, 8 Pieces Cannon 6 pounders, Bags of Oat?, One Case Letter paper, pot do, Dutch Quills, Barrels Pork, x Ditto Flourr - " - Grind-stones, Sawed Lumber ' . Spars. : Chests Vqung Hyson Tea, pox.es Chiqa W are, Ditto Spanish Segars, DiUO German Steel, , r Ditto Cotton Cards, ; ' Ditto Wool Cards, ,f; ',,t :''j"r Kegs Spanish Brown,'- . ' Ditto Lard, " ;:-""- , . ". '," Ditto Butter, Ditto six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, 1 " FOR SALE, A tract or Parcel of LAND, Containing .695 Apres, ON the head of Bear and Mil Creek, adjoining Mrs. Mitt's JLard, and run n't fir acrofs the main road vfaut (even miles frm fyilmirigttn ; jixty rjr feventy acres of which is gttdcnrn landfnd in which there is at excellent mill firtam. The fituation it eligible fir a public hauftt and the rane is jufentr so any n Souna. tor $na half the amount prompt payment will he re. quired, and a 'fifth of twelve mtnlhs will be given ftp the Hher half the purchaftr giving btnd and fuuritj ' r- hor further par.' ticulars apy tt 4. Hall in WdmngUn 'xr h the fubfer her n Rochy Point. -RO&KRr HOWE. Mreh 1.3, jj&04. . ; 75 4 T$ tht Viltri, tip Counties ctmptjwg th DiJlriSl If Wilmingttn, and Sampftn - CfUttty. ; ....;l,:.:--v. jV ,: J-y; ;'' '". .C'-T CKTLtMCK AKD fl LLOW-C tTIXtNt, A S the e!ediop for elefUng an Elector, X .to vpte fo f refident nd yice.Pre lident of the yntted State is approachingr I Jake the liberty of prefenting you with this Addrefs, to ihforrn you that rain a Candidate for that important appointment. And believing, as I do, that the prefent Admintft ration ot the United States is pure, and calculated 40 fecure the rights, liberties and true intereds of its citizens ; lhould I be honored with a majority of your lutfraget, I pledge my honor 10 vott for Thomas jRrrtasON, to be Prefi dent of the United States. ' As for YicePreGdent, I am not prepa red at this time to fay who I will vpte for ; as the gentle'men whp will be candidates for that office are net yet known. ; ' I am, CJeotlemen,;. . ; , . . y.6ur: mqO obedient . , . juB)blc fervant, , v ; W' c P..GUSSOH. Lwp."". ,r P. ,1804. . , ,,-.7,1. :pqh hull, : fT'HE SHIP BELFAST, tlABpMrR I. maltrtym fail in ahout Twenty Duys. Sixty or ftveuty Bales 0 COTTON would (if ojfertd immediately) be, taken an f reigbt', on reafonable terms. . Jpply ta . William Giles. Vi. 28, 1803. 73 - ' - .. l'" ,:i ' For Sale, . ' . . , That va'uablt, thret flory - - BRICK HOUSE, SITUATED onthf f trtith fide tf Yfsrht. 'Jlreetl.next to Jamts Richartts. For : terms apply ... 0HN POUSQN, ,r u fHlmington Jan ,31, 1804. . 69 Thf. Subfcribep, : PURPOSING to leave this State earl the enfuing feafon, rtqueflt ajl thtfe. Viho. pr iifatblei tf him to make payment tt) v before the firji day tj Jpy next p vn& thfeto. whom he is indebted JbaU be pcid ot Presenting their uccompts.- ' - ... ; TO1 OFFERS FQR SALE, HIS v . . Retail Stotk of'-G O.O Q ! COMPB I SNG A SMALL ASSORTMENT Op " DRY GOODS, Hard Ware, Groceries, Liquors, the. The pur chufer will have the privilege tfjhe -unexpired terrn tf the Leafe. of that' very eligible fttualioiTntw. occupied by (he fubferibef. '' - " ' R, Langdon. I fyilmington, 6th Marih, 180. 74 . OPENED 11U& DAT, At the Store lately occupied by ;Mr. Camqkrin rrnt ilreet, L;, THE FOLLOWING . mkh will be fold low for Cajh, W HOLE', SALE und RETAIL. PRINTED Cambrich ahdCalicoei ' Brocade, Lace, and tippet llujlinsi . Briiifh Lafes, ; Q,ttin Cachings, , Muflin HJndker chiefs, Cottsn Bagging, Quills, Johason , fni P-owdcr, , Account Both, Cruet Fames, Double barrelled Guns, Single. . do '. -" 1 Silver, mounted If 'hips, Silver IVatcbet, . , . Looking. Glatfi-' - .. Bejl London Muflard, 50 1 75 rHE Ptirtnrlijr tf J OS t Pit DtAN and KlNCsL&Y TllURIBR, under I frn tf Dean 6 Thtirbtr, being dfj'ohti - the death tf the firmer, til perfmt tuht 4 1 ecctur.U ynfettUd with (aid firm, art rt jueft'd.tt trefttt them without delay for jyjt'tnt.And all thofe who are indebted; rj or HtMtuyt are reaurlrj 1 make jyaietlf A'. 7IWRBER, WHOOFFERr tn l btral terms. . ' 7be Brig HERCULES,: A Jtut and burthenfmeftititn hu,lt vefftl, tf 11 tun burthen it well fiknJ uj C8m i ', anchors and tiggi'g, and may ee fent fea at a fmall expence, hlminghp, March 1 3, 1804. j " Ten Dollars Ueward. UN away (torn tht fubferiber, about the 15th Septtmbtr la(l,a negro man ud 11ALLEV, fret 8 or 9 iniUi s, 13 or 74 ycarftotage, well made and ormr.on complexion. lie is well n i'rWiJwiitynahd its rcighbot r L4 I wiU give the above reward for ng him dcUrcrcdiuuio or to the jailor hi town.. laflm if vtfTcIs and all other frfcni forbid harbouring, ctnplojingor car him awav. ANTHONY D. TOOMER. iloinijto i, Oabsr 18, for-sale; The toll owing Tracts ot Land,v VIZ. TH Plantation adjoining South Wa(h iiton, on the North Eaft River, coniain jng bin hundred and forty acres about one hundred of which is under fence and adjoining the river about fifty acres l'ccond low ground, part of this is wood Ur id, of a renile foil. On the premiss if. a Dwellinghoufe fufllcient to accom modate a large family. , Alfo A Trad containing two luirudeJ acres on Lcwilco Creek, about two miles and a hall from the fiver about thirty cres of this bas been, fleaed, fituated in an excellent range for cattU or hogs. . One other trifl, containing one hun. drcd and twenty acres on North Jiranth, near the upper lines of the firft mentioned Plantation. A credit of fix moths will he giren for one half f the purchafe money, & twelve months for the remainder. Bond and fe curity will be required fuflficient titles will be given at the I a ft payment, - Any perfon inclining to mirchafe, may apply in the fubferiber, in Wilmington. , TIMOTHY BLOODVVORTIJ. January ly. 367 " FOR SALE, A PLANTATION on the S. Weft V fide of N. Well River, 3$ mllei A LL per font indebted ta the frm if. X Hook's 6 SiocvM9,.are hereby rt. quefled tt make 'immediate payment io.Sea grove & Hwks, who are authorized to re ceive taymefiis and give difehqrrii, - 2 ' Jiksjc Slocumb, jl March 6, 1804. 74 r To Leafe. : r ' I Will Leaf e out , on moderate terms, to god Tenants, for five or f even years, tny .Plantation in fully Shelter, and tie flantot tin, on which I formerly lived, in ftw-llunver County. ; Michael Sampfoh. Feb. is, 1804. 74 iw , 1 . 1 SbeiilF's Sales. 0 'uTuefdayiht ioth day tf March next, will be fold, on Exetution, under the Court Ijltufe in It iUningttn, the follow ing pnperty : viz. A Saw-Mill On Moore's Cretk, with the lands trereuntt belonging, the property off. B It'hite. . , 60 cret tf Lnd adjoining Mr, Ritter ; and lp acaet adjoining Arthur Harper, vn Lorg Creek, the pnftrly f Jomet VtQAcrfff Lana,.y mites jrm trti tningttn the main rifd tt fttubern, the properly if ffti' fang- Wm. Blud worth. Shff. Nru)-ffan$vcr County Feb. j, i8c4.- 72 s r m 'Northern Chcele,in prime orcjer, 4 lihds. Molailcs.. 72 4p. '-' Feb. 21. 70RRT tk CO. OPTICIANS AND PRINTJELL,, ERS, FROM CHARLESTON, Ten Dollars Reward. 71 AN fiwai from the Mfcriber tn the iib Dsccnbit lad, a ftegro pian na- mtd 10M He ts about $ feet 8 iw--ertl hghitwUy Urnjptaket JltW and pluinr-it if a Hath (tmf Uxi'.n, nd lat a iiuiu Wilmington, called SprinK Hill. containing no acres of Land, welltim. bercdwim PiNtqn theuplanJand OAJC on the low-lands, Ironting the river one mile On which U good wci lloryDrll ing.tloute,wcll fiailhcd K'uchcn Smoke 11.... I C.LI... . n .1 rnntfiiifnl SfurP - There arc lpo" acres oi th jaAdcUard, about ouc third low, the remaindei upland with a good Apple and Peach Orchard, and a Nuifcry it f ru'n Tces of diffcrepi Lint's. For terms, apply to ROBERT SCOTT. Wilmington, J)ec. lt 1 803. . (r The above Plantation js filuated la an sgrceable nctghborloud, and adjoins Whhc Hall JLaodmgt ICar n ihfiit tf bit nofe. It it fufpofed heitaVtut Air- Swan's, tn Cat fh, or in fyiltii'Ati,-. Jll maJtri of VtfleV, and ti- therire hereby fuwarned haioturirg, em- apprehend Ja'Ufrgr and deliver him li mt, tr ltdge him tajfilminttin till It that I fit htm. Jht abtve re-ward and all refftnable ibatget, " Aaron Morgan. Morgan Crtib, Fib. 7, 1804. jotj At Mrl6"wafd?srFrorit-ftreeti SELL all kinds of Looking GlalTes, Reading GlaffeJ, Spctlacles, &c j . Drawing fjpoks and Paintings ; Drawings, and Paintings and a variety ot Eng'j Views, taker from Nature a colledioo of inoft beautiful Aquarinta and other En. gravings, f"m all parts of Europe, by the molt eminent artifti. ALSO. A large collection of.Barometen, Ther mometers, Hydrometers, Telefcopes, Mi crofcopes, Opera Glaflcs, iMirron, Sur. veying and Pocket Compaires, M'P Magic anthoms, Fre Screens, Pencils, . CoJojirs, 5cc. ice, Wholefale . and Re tail' ' 1 ' tT Pictures neatly framed ancj glazed, agreeable to any order. Barome ters, F.ire Screens, &c. cleaned and re paired, on reafonable terms. March f). . .74 . . FOR SALF. - On reasonable terms, for rrompi pojmtmi. A Valaable Trad of Land in the date of TcaneJTce, containing one thou land acres, on the Waters pf Red Riser, and Spring Creek, adjoining the fnrvcyi of John Elliot and Mr. Shelby. "The a- -bove traftof land lies wlthin-f Tnilerof Clarkivllir, and iMqual in fertility of foil and range to any ill its neighbourhood. y For terras apply to , ALLMAND HALL. -.Wi'-nipgion, Dtc. 20th, 1803. FO"ND, f it., t J iai ne-i., it.... vv llfilminrti. a Sate tf HaA. tarn- .. .. . . " . He tl lirnry Pelamotbe, dated eAprtl itb, 179 a. The twner may htve it by calling at tht Printing-office and y'wg fr this ai-'v vertifement. March b, 1804. 74 -7p KENT, The Store and DweUing-houfe ' in Market-flieet, at frrfent Occupied by Jamii RiCHAlb. ftrttrmt apply ti ' JOMM POIISOX, If EVAM JOKts. 1 tUmirgit fil. 14, Itci. 71 A.HALL , , Hat just received from Afw-ftr, LATIN GRAMMARS, And an additional tpply of other School Hooks and Stationary, , Among vhkh are , A few elegant Pocket IUblst, School ditto. Prayer Jkki, Tciiameoti, Psalms and lljrmnt, Ariitotle's Works, American Coaat Pilot, Receipt Books, Memorandum do. Cipher ing k Copy do. flcst quality Writing Pape t, SUdiuj and common Ptncils, tilnirtg Sand, J'ourue, kc. he.' State of K or ili-Carolina, 1 , Cumberland County. J WHEREAS Jamet Lundy, tf this County, bath this day nude tath be. fire me, Jthn IVrjUw, Fff. one e the Jud'netif the Peace for fold ctty, tbatt tkeyh tj tht iffW. at nitht, JOHN S.0.1N and COpFRF.r HOOKER, hike Gail and are nit ytt apprehndtl Tketeftrt, in the name tf the State, I charge ym and evtry tnetfyta to rmketue and try afttr them t and ,f fall fni the hid , tout bltaa and Httker, then you afMthmd thm and brlnr ihtmbeltte lime fufl'ueef faid county wh:re tley fiall be apprehended, li be dealt with at the hw dl'eflt, Chen under my hnd, this J3 day tf February, 1804- . . IX 7. tr issLoir.y;