to hiti that the United States and the French Republic were on the most friendly footing, and requesting as an especial favour he libe ration of the Americans who had faMen into his power. ' Our readers may rely on this stJtnent as being strictly correct f and there can be Tilth:, doubt but the letter of Buonf parte will have considerable influence over.thfe mind of the bashaw,' as all the Bar bary states are impressed with great ideas of the Vast power of the First Consul of France. -Frederick. Advocate. i . REAL SALES OF, RICE. ; Extract fnm a London Price Current of March 2. By Mr. J. Fraser. Carolina Rice, 500 whole and half barrels, imported in Bri tish ships, 26s to 26s 6d also , in foreign shins, (tutv frii hnmp rnnt. i fid npp fwt. 12 1-2, per cent, and 9s id per ton, 35 barrels, 25s. and 654 barrels, 8cc. 23s to 24a per i , . , , MARRIED. V Qp Thursday last, ar BaldhetuL Robert., PoTTE,.hsq. to Miss Rebkcca Long. ; , On Tuesday -: iW in Bladen County, Mr. HiHTOif James to Miss Sarah Moorkhead, daughter of col James Moorehead. On the 4th of .March last, at Fayetteville, Mr. Jam its Holmrs to Miss Polly Dick. At Raleiffh, on the 4th: inst. Mr. Robert Johnson of Warren county, planter, to Miss " ViNiFREbGALKs,daughtcrof Mr. J. Gales, State Printer :' ... In Perton county, Jessk Carter, Esq. of Caswell, to Miss Betsy Paine, of Person. . " , ' DIED, ' At Monticello, on the 3d ult. Mrs. Epps, second daughter of Thomas Jefferson, Prcsi- ricnt-bf the United States. ' ;r' ., -. - PORT OF WILMINGTON, CLKAREO Brie Minerva, Biurdfv.l : .....Tobago... Sloop Nancy, Smith, Baltimofe KTn f.V Al PRW.F.R rURRF.NT. At r..ycr.y,-Miy 15, 804. from , To Dls.Cts. Dls.Cts. 9' -10 .20 15 30. yo ForJSale, on the 19th inft. On a Credit affix months for all fumt ubwe : The following Property, Belonging the late Griffith John Mfttie I fikely young Negro Women, Hotifehdld Fn " w , w f w . . . . .-. -n. . ... - 'jW oy order oj tin -Am it. M. LEVY. Wilmington, May 9,1804 Tfcrry & Co. :-:(' Opticta lis and Pri nt-Seller, From Charleston.! At Mr, Bradley's White House, (lip Stairs ') 'i .',. Front-Street- i' y- SELL all kinds of Looking 'Glasses, Read-" ing Glasses, Spectacles, Gold Ear and Finger. Rings, Pin Brushes, &c ; Drawing Books. Drawings and Paintings, and a variety of English Views, taken from Nature ; a coh lection of most beautiful Aquatintaand other Engravings, from all parts of Europe, by the most eminent artists.. . . , Also, ' -r -' - . A large collection of Barometers, Ther mometers, ':Hydrpmeters, Telescopes, Opera Glasses, Mirrors, Surveyihe and' Pocket. Compasses, Magic Lanthdrus, Fire Screens," Maps, Pencils,. Colours, &c'. 8cc. wholesale and retail. . JC7 Pictures neatly framed and glazed, agreeable to any order. May 15. t THE Creditors of '-Abraham M. Ifancks and lfaac. Bifhop,.wlit oniruitd)he late Mtrcaniile firm cf 1SAACK.S W BISHOP, r this place, unnotified, '"it all accounts which are not fitthd previous to the Jetting ) the "approaching' Chunty Court in tits place t will bf fxtJn.jVtli)ith out' diftriminatibn.- 1. Wing it", 7 , ir -I). Snm7,. I A"'S"l-- IJ'ilmingtfit May 7, l3o4. 844 r 1 . FOR SALE;- 3poo bufliels Lifbon S A LTt A few Crates of well Afpiftei CKOCKRUY VVAtlK. ; ;: wuiurigs, Scott & C6. May 4, 1804. ; - 83 2a HARDWARE. " The Subfcribers HAVE IMPORTED A Large and Very General Affhrtment of Hardware and Nails, Which tbef wUi Jell, WHOLESALE, . on very reaf unable terms. Giles (6 Burgwin. May 8,-j 804. . ; :t ;-7;,; . 383 ; ' , lVilihington, Maj 8, 1804-. . The Snbfcriber' fHS k'CElVED.. 0 CONSIGNMENT, Te following Articles, which were pur chafed for Cajh, and are offered for Sale, ' either" by ; :. ' V VVUoIeftile or Retnil, 1 AT THEMOit REDUCED flUCiS. Bfi?7 FnnclJ Brandy, : Holland Gin, ' 1 6ldydna'Cd Rum, Btfi Hiib-rt's Brown Stout, in bottles Iniprrial'Ten, Urars, . 'mures, 25 16 95 25 70 BACON per cvJ. Butter per lb. scarce, Cotton per lb,. Coffee per lb. Corn per bushel, ' Meal. do. 1 Flour per barrel, , 8 Lumber per M.. plenty,. 9 10 W.o. hlul. stM-es, . 23 25 R 0. do. do. - - tlo'. - 1 0 12 "W. o. Id. do. rough, iO 12 Shingles per 1000, 2 2 Molaiiscs per gallon, boarce, 65 Poik per barrel, pleutyi 13 . 14 , Uice per cwt. 44 Hum, V. I. pr.g. 3d p. I I Jamaica do. 4th Jo. 1 15 N. E. do.- none 75 'l obaiCM pr cwt. 5 756 Tar bi r baircl, 50 I 'I ui pei.tins, 2 24 3 yo T I C E, fiC THE mciuhers of the Republican V-vieijr, No. 1. of Wilmington, are requested to ii.vtfal MivDoisry's, at 7 o'clock thi eve iiiii:', on liMiicH of importance; punctual at-L-niIaiicecif the members ft tcquirtd. miinipgton, MayM, 1804. NOTICE. 25 5 75. .7(7.57 RECEIVED, B) the brisFlitatViles, Avery Bill, rfiaster, from Alito IJr, 34 Punchconi ot well flavoured 4th proot R U lt And for sale, by .' ..Gilca U Burgwin. 1. May 14. 384. - H 13 FOirSTVtE On bosrd it c Schooner Uetwy It J-ne, (lying al LLVY's W harf,) Irom 1 rinidd, Hlidi. belt quality brown SUG AL 6 Hhd5 good MOLASSES, ) I'linthcns HUM, li.i-uiic of the L. on boird. Mjv tj. ISAIAH HAMMOND. ' llEXRr JOCELIX, Catiintt and Chair-Maker, Sftmtnrn tt hit hftfl id tMl low, . I ri .. L'li 11 t. fir- . - Hi 1,11 JOj'lil W Ar.Ci, If. ALL perfins art hereby furewnned fnm purch Jig r receiving in any -eiibte manner whaUver, my ne 0 band and ftzned account tor three hundred and.. fixtf uothrr,.t fames Cuton, daUd ab'jut Ike lgtlf July, looz ; as 1 rave puta t-na fully dif charged tne J.ime, UhLb 'mU-p pear by the unitexea receipt. Dillon Jordan; flt.jy ifr'iSdy- , 304 yv. RfCEll'ED, iQeTtei'Ue, ijth fan.' 1803, Mr. Dtlton fir dm, lret tun drid and lixty ao'iats, in full cf all de mamis, nous ur figned u. xitunts ' this dle. Should I have any ntte r JintJ ucliuh!, thry uiil te delivered up. SiL'd ' JJ$- CJKSUK. , N. . The uduert jtnunt is ret madf incQ"f'fUeniiif an'opiidtn pi P'l, that Mr. Lt jun will make an m.frunei ult $f the afortJaiJ obi gallons, but lliouhan pprclenfin that thrj my accidentally lull i; blhir iunds. I). 'J. 7 11F.RF.AS my ,fe PF.NF.ljPER, has YV flop J Iroin mr 6td and boat d, without any jusl tauxtar prwocationI htnb fteij ad prrtons fruiting her cn mj aciount, as I wilt not pay any debt the may contratt after ins datr. ADAM WILLIAMSON. Wdmintftn, April 21, lU4. Divllon Orders. THE Brigadier alt of the 3 nd 4th Bngjdt wUlijue Orders it, Vffi. cm i0ntn4ing Regiment in thur rJptc- live Brigades, rrjuirig thtm to halt shir Regiments paraded al tht Lcurl U'.ufti tf their fvttal dunlin the following dnst, f or lhtputp',jt of bting tn ieued tj me Mj jif-Gmrral in iht ful'M-ing order 7 3- Br gait to ommtntt at Brurfxuk, on J-f lyl)t 4 day tf Maft Blaoen, in Mmdty f t m,ll, D-pUn, n WtdnrfUy in tjth, U'jl:w, on 'Ihn'Jdty the toihand NtuJlanover in Zamraay Iht lltb. 7 he 4 A Brigade lo ionmrm r at Samff-,n, jmlurday the I)'' OclUnr Cambrian, tn M in Jay the 15 Moore, on lf "tdntfdy tit Xjth, An fun, on Friday lit lyA, RtthmjiJ, on Saturday th aoA nd Kobrln, tm Monday the 7 1 J. lr,Mjor Gen nl will etfrcl to find tit liumhums. "Gingham' , Carpeting, -. Frijh Alrdianes, Patent '-Tap'rt-for- ;rptng light w'out- any danger tf fire . ; 383 Akxandcr Peden. MILL CRANKS, SIX M'tl Crunks, with Gii-rgtotn and Boxes complete, jujl rtcihed per the J, h'r Lavattr, Jrtm A'w.J'f, a.d w'll he fold I iW Jtr-Cofb tr couptri P'oauC , ty' . Macgi l tk Co. r JOV iALLLL,1i, , 1 ' HAS FOR SALE, . 200 Barrels Tar, 40 do. Pitch, . I 00 at. roi, Aj -v Hghruds ani Sarrets SUGAR AfriU), 1804. 70.' John liapcilte 'Gabriel Dcn. House Carpenter Sc Miliwriirht. Ot hERS his Jcrv'tces to the lnbubityntt cf this "Town mnd Us I'Uimty, and o licit t employ riitnt in either --t-r hlh j his pro. ftjjionis. Being an intire jHru,igir It ta, mAhmg to tccowni nd him to the favor of th' pur He, bit profrjjions tfatbo rcu inow . lege f Us bufi...s, ihdiijlry and a'.tmtim, , u-biib he S'lijli will n. l be duubltd, by title uio mafjawr L in with w- rk lilmington, Airil-,lh, 1804. FOR SALE', . Under Direction of v JOSHUA POTT?, . .- ' Wttminztnn. Mat 15, 1S04. - 0 m ' U ARTER Casks Sherry Wine, 11 hils Tobacco, Ditto' 3d proof Rum, - Pipes Spanish Brandy, Pipes French do. Chests Hyson Skin Tea, Kegs 8d. Nails, i , - BarrelsThiladelphia Floury t Boxes brown Sugar, Corn, - Bacon, Barrels Me,ss Pork, . ; Spanish'Sears, v . Crates Liverpool Ware, V ' Kegs manufactured Tobacco, -4. Pieces-'. Cannon 6 pounders, Bags of Oats, " -One Case Letter paper, ; Do do- Dutch Quills, Xirindktoiies,'-; - . ( Sawed Lumber, Spare- , . ,- Chests Young Hyson Tea, Boxes Chuyi Vi'e, . Ditto German Steel, V . ' Ditto Cotton Cards, v , , Ditto Wool Cards, . , Kegs Spanish Brown, Ditto Lard, Ditto six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, . 4 Cases Men's Hats, Boxes Soap, Loif Sugar, Lump ditto, Iron Hollow Ware, Bar Iron, FOR SAL&, A 1 I p-Ji'e tylliam, Efia. an J folicttt , H-e faonn't tf t't f-ulli. lining jitifJ m ttfalar' trfrtntUtfftp jtXeral R'gmtMt cof'tlt, and paraded iltk mrmimnl m-ptr u i trade, he u enintt to afa't ifo fuHie, iht Hi u'l tui.l lt tXfhlrd in iht Ji pfrotd Jlyli and in m fol ;!tn'ial manner, i lie ft?''! It trf.rm hit prices for FtrnUttt, Kit. t&jjtchtgfdy CAinth't If Aw Took, f .r t,kr mrl,fl,i ad o'epm-ifg, n)l CtfltJ, fat inioflt), it tt fffpttl if hhhfin'fi, It Will ix. . lkt fayt Hal is, r-tompj j jyii.irlt f.r t lhal, wul, frtnua.'ly, depend Hi fcefi CiT, All Order for Article! in lit way, will be executed Mrith dfftih. if.nLUnt My 15, 1I04. 14 h one o'dotk of iht diyi reffttlivtly flattd, 0-meJ and aiciutr'rj treirdmi lo Law. He f-op't thai iht nihil and appearand tf Iht Ofi tn and Mm willtnHetmt flare ike M'Jjiia tf h 1 Dutitn tn 0 rtfrtH.blt pvl 'f litw in next return w'ub bt jbU kt lo ikr Govern ml the mttling of lit General JffimHr at ivrll account of ill i'np'oifment in difdfTmr and eanipmtnl, 4J it I ini reaft in nmmt-et land fir nelh. 74 Brigadier GentaU will be attended r ibtir rfjpetlh B'adt Mprt. '' -Biown, Br V Jier. C ntrmt, U D. S. C. M I en Dollars tteward. Rf.V away from the fibfinbtr, on the 23' ' l-fi, a Stg'o mm ramed is aw,ut 5 fetl 5 or 6 inches high, ad tf attack cempitxiin. Ail njfters tf tnf,ls and others are here h forewarned jibsuring,' tti.pltymg or JHppine faid ..v. - will pay any ptrfon who vUl apprehend fa id ntg't and eliur.bim,Ji me bim m h ' dmington gnt Jo tint I get tmt. ire above reward ind a.l ftajtn'tbtt thur get. AAROS JliGKGAX. Mtrgrtn Cttck, May 7, I004. 383 Twenty Dollars Reward, 1 AN away from iht fulfinber on ilx 2o."f JJ ttmbci lajt, a tSer man nu. med 'TOM He tiabiutt lfet 8 or 9 in- tbet higbiounfy birnjpraket fitw and piuii oj t otact Conpitxfn, and has a fear tn iht fife oj bit njt, ll it Jppftd tt it about Mr. Swan 1, on Laifjrf," tr in If 'limn e tun. AH majlirt of v litis, and 9f then are hereby faruarntd haie,uringfrm- plo,mg or jh'tftrgjaid JlaVt Vein, 1 .. will pay any f erf on whi will apprehend , faid negro and deliver him It me, or lodge timtn tt itmmgion gtot jt Hot Igell tm, Iht above reward and all rtafonablt ihatgtt. Aion Mogan. Mrgn Crtik, Ftb. 7, 1804 ' 70 'I cn Dollar Reward. RUN oswat from iht fnifcnhtr in Da. fin, negro man named BILL, he I at wooden lgany fnttbtr defer itunit anntyfary. Any ftrfin who will ft tart bim in G'm, that I gel him, or d,, tr him lo me in UupUn, (had bt tnlttltd It the abite reward, Maflert tf veffeh are ftftwarned tarrying Dim oj, f. . . THOMAS WRIGHT. fltay , 18:4. jt. 41. PLANTATION on the S. Wed fide.' of N. Welt Kiver, 36 miles 1 loin Wilmington, called . .Spring Hill, containing ubo acres of Land," well tirn- " ...'ill, IHKIIi' n,i il.. 11 r fa 11 J a l.'.l O A FC on the low.lai.ds, Irontiog the river one mile On which is a good two Htryl)elL ing-House.wi-ll huiiheil Kitchen, Sinoke-' Hunle, Stahks, and a convenient Storc lloufe, in which a Store ws fortntrly kip'. 'I'here arc 100 acres of the land cleared, about one third low, the rcnuiudt-i upland with a good Apple and Peach Orchard, t 1 . t. T" f i.r.. and a iNiiuety ui i run 1 ices 01 uuicicns kinds. - For terms, apply o - ROBF.IVT SCOTT. ' , Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1803. Mr The above Plantation u fituated in an agreeable iieii;hborhood, and adjoint Whi;e Hall Lsndmg. bherilFs Sales. On the 2ith d.y if My next ' be fold tn Exccutmny under the Lturttivujt in Wilminiton. ONE hundred acres of Land lying tn the fork of Black and South Rivers, in. eluding faid fork, j"ihirg lands f Jihn SiL tars. . . 3CO acres jtin'ng the above land loo acres in the Jrk of Bljck and South Rivers, ji'mimg tana's if 'Jutn Herring, ICO acrti joining tr near tit obovt land 300 acres hnthe eafl fide cf Eluk River, adjoining lands if Jihn Carrie and William H. Scatty. 500 acres on Moore i Cretk, about ons, ttbive th BHdgei tn which is a ntu) S-w-M'il. aoo acrti of there oUuts adjoining lit a-. hove I rail,--.-- ' 7,0 act et or there -btult,' tn Moore' t Crttk, adjoining lands tf Bartholomew Basns, iht pnperty f Jamts Rogers. He pUmaUon tf Ifilliim 'Jonei, Ja ta Cypreji Cnek, whtrctn he uw rt fides. WILLIAM ULUDWOKril, SA, ft'ilminton, Apitj 10th, 1SC4. (". He Voter t in the Lountiij amptjirg ihs Ufirul f iinuniton ini aerr.pfoit County. CtNTLlMLK A HO f 1 L 10 W. C IT I i IN , Ai the election lor te dling an Elector la vote lor a Prcfi.lcnt bd Vue-Pie-lidcnt ol (tie United States is approaching. I uke tlx libcri ot prcfenyng you ihll Aitdicfl. loinloim mi ihii f am A Candidate lor. that important arpointtr.ent . And believing, at I do, that the prefent Admloillratiyn.ot the United States i purr, and calculated to fecure the lightly liberties and true interclls of in c'niicni ; fliould 1 be honored wiib 1 majority ot' your (utfiages, 1 pledge toy honor to rota lor Thomai Jtrvi Hon, to be Prcfi dent tl the United States. Al for Vicelrefident, I am not prepa red at ihii time 10 fay who 1 will vote f'-r ; at the gentlemen who wilt t candidates for tUt ofTice are rot yet knowo, '' 1 am, Gentlemen, , Your moftobedieot Humble fcitani, D. CL1SS0K. D'tptin, rcb, 3, 1804. 71