. - - - PUBLISHED (weekly) BY ALLMAN'D HALL. TUESDAY, JUNE .l?, 1304: ro'i. vin.vc. "89. tfJr I I DOLLS. Tl H A X if. . ' Foreign News, . LONDON, March 20: It I reported that Buonaparte arrived at Boulogne on Friday laft, he has pub lifhed a proclamation to hi? army at hat ' place, wherein, after accufmg England of rfavirrg fofmtd a cohfpiracy to alfilfinate. him, he proceeds to fay, that " the . time . not diltant when he wilt procure them an opportunity to be convinced that in triguers, however fuccefsful in plots,, are never valient in the field ; and that iron at all times muft conquer 'q!!. " .H; pretends 'to pity Moreau and Phdipqm, who have, he fay fallen vicYtras to Bri . tifh perfidy 5 and promifes to lead the ar . my in perujn to revenge the di (honor done ; . to France, in the corruption of tvyo of her greateft men. This finelTe may anfwer the Tirft ConlVl's purpofe of filencing "the clamours of his foldiers ; but we trull that minifters will not fufFer Britifh ho nour to (land committed, for want of a fair and decifive refutation of (j fcanda- lousa Oigma. It h alfo ftid, that Buonaparte has left Paris 'to avoid the torrent ' of" petitions from the friends of Moreau, Pichegru, and the other accufed perfons, whom he lias ordered to be executed the moment ; s tNbfeqttious courts of jnltice fhall have fnund them' guilty. The armies in Hol land and Hanover meant to petition in 'fx vour of Moreau : but their commanders : rtliifed to forward their memorial Sc did me the honor to addre(s to me with a copy of the report of the Grand Judge, re lative to papers whicn. prove iuai mi. Drake, the Britifh. Mmitter at Munich,, has held a culpable correspondence with traitors, for objedts which all. eiviu?c i nations mult regard with horror, and that horror muft. be redoubled when wc fee that it is a minilter who- thus prolVitutes .his facre 1 charaacr. When a fublrern asent commits a bafeor atrocious act,' it may be luppoieu mat ne is nmatm.w. uy perioral interelt. ; but the attions of a minilter are generally attributed to the go vernment he Tcprefents ; an I even when' he adtsagainit his order (wiucn 1 hope is thecal in this inftance) , his conduct is fo much indenting I with his government, that fuch acts tend to overturn foetal or der, and to bring nations back, 10 birba- rifm. I beg your hxcellency to oitcr to the Firft Conful in the turn; of rriy Go vernment, the mod fincere felicitations foflviving happily efcapcl t .at'empts o f his enemies, directed not only agaiuft. his lite, but againlt an objed .more dear'o liis heart the happinefs of the nation of. " , -,! r 1 r. . .1. 1. which he is the cruet ; a iiippincis wmcu is the refult of his noble labours in the field of honor and in the cabinet, and which is not yet fuffi :ieitly eftabliihed not to deeply fhaken by his Jols. (Signed) . "LIVINGSTON." Minifter Plenipotentiary from :hc;Ur,i - tcf StatcS of-America vera! officers have been arrelted anil lent to Paris, as inltigators of 'his meafure. .Every perfon above fifteen years of age in K ranee, whether male or-female is 0 bilged to carry a card, or pals, containing a minute clelcriptiuii ot his or her per- lun. The military counfel at Breffuire, in .the department of Deux Sevres, Ins con. tlemned to death liquet Jauras, AuS'if. tine Michel, Jean Pciuud, Jean You, itith lixty other perfons, formerly Chou- r,s; thev were execu'ed immedijtely.. The crime was thai ihey had no pall'ts. The military ccmmiffiort 'at Nantes. on the 41I1 nit. condemned to death, Pierre Gaurun,. tor bei.'g fj'in t without a rafs. He was executed the fame day. Gauron was formerly an officer among the Lhouans. April 17. Circular let'er addreffed tr all the mutr.-- hers of the Diplomatic fjj.ly. SIR, ir.ci'itlt Vonrul i-.a oniercd me to tranfmit to your Excellency a copy of the report prefemed to hi.n hy the grand iu 'e, on an tntendrd confpiracy forme.! 111 France by Mr. Drake, the envoy of lals Britannic majeOy at the court of Mu nich, and which, by its objscl and date was connected wiihihe infamrui plot on which the tribunals are !ipw lilting in judgment. A printed copy of iho feitcn and au thentic pjpiu of Mr. Drake is annexe I to the report. The originals will be im mediately fent by. order, of the Firll Cn I ul to his Serine Highncfs the Elcclqrnf Bavaria. ' Such a prortiiution ol the moil lionourib'e futic'tion that can becoiifcr" red on men, is without ptecedent in t he , luf'ory ot civiliid nations. It will alio. - nifrrindrieve-Europriike-thc fcanthtTit an ut.lirard lit crime, hlch the moll wcrihl-. fi government have never dared to'maiitaic. The Fitlt Conful is too ; cll acquainted with the femtmenti,- and quatiiicb whih tlM i ntfiii Hi tin diplomatic Lody accredited 10 him, not to be con-vinc-d that they will Uc with protoun I for row the proianatiou of ihe facrsd cha. "ufJtr nt mbjHidnnoturtfil into ami i iltt-r of plots, villainy and iorr upiiou. . Accrpr, tic, lie, (Signs J) . TALLEYRAND. Mihifler ot Fnuign RclaiionsT The Mor.iieiir contains anfwcri to thi nter fro.n Count Cobculzrl, the Im. rerial Mi iilltr ; Cardatul Capita, the Vopt't Lfgatj a Ian re; he Marqi.ij Luc clieftnt, sjiibatra.f.ir ot hi Putiiiati ma. j'lly i.Citiivrt Srhimmilptnt imk, ttit Catavian AmhalTador ; Mr. Dieytr, the , . Danilh'Amballjdot ; Mfrui Ac Ga'lo, ' the Ntjptditaii AmbaH-dor j M. Cttto, ; lh? JlavitUn Amhairidor ; M. Bureau, , JVIioutcro! ihe L.rctor if Sixony, ,and 1 icveraiotiieff, anexr rilung tentimtnii of ', h nnhn apaiuil'il.e ioiMikI afciibcdto Mr.Urke. ! 'le.olloffinj; it -ihe an fwer si the Amnion AfluiLdnr, To M.TutiV a a d. m ..... ItWtV III W.I J03 Dated 26 i h of March, 1804. .The anfwers of the-Minlflcrs. of the different powers a' Paris to the adlri fs ot -Talleyrand mult excite -3 peculiar intercit in this country, which is villiiic'd and ca lumniated in a manner molt undeferved and unexampled. 1 hey are all more or lefs fun able to the clufadcr, policy i and independence of their refpeclive courts.' The minifler of Auftria, Hates generally that every member of the corps diploma tique mult condemn anr thing that is done bv a diplomatic agent contrary to the laws of nations. The minifler of RufTta f peaks jencrary to the fame rftett. The minif. ! . lerof Prullia goev'furthcr, writes like a ; Prcfeft of one of the U.uud D.partm.tits; -he fays that Mi Talleyrand can caft'v con- , ccivc " thtf whole part which 1 he King, j his nutter "wi'l uke in h entire cilfi of fo miny fuhjcls f alarm fur the friends of France." Tne Anv.ri in mi nilter doubts whether Mr. l)rke ut have bren ailing with the approbation ot his Gjvcrnnvrnt. , M. Cctto, t!ic B4vati an mi'iiitcr, exprefTjs t!ie uti'ho'.t M.d'guj lion that the ttrritor-.r of is maMer l'.ird h.ivc bjeii fcbA:d a the rendez vous of intrigue and confpiracy ag-iiHt ihe tranquility of France. The Eit-.lor of Badcn'i minilter fpesks in ihe f.iT.e lone. M.d'llcrvas, tlw Spini07nni!ter, and molt nt theiorps diphmutiqi:c, whe. ther conncded wiihKrance or iiot.j'fi in rtpr(l)atiti (uch !ranfictons as'lh.fe im puted to Mr. Drake. If ilic letters, c. procl a m 1 ation , rfw ho a re de n pm i n aed " br 1 - gandsof Georgess gapg RouT Gilliard ot tlouen, known by., the ,nameT St. Vincent. ; Armand Gilliard, his brother, ; Ta.merlan, Atjas Tata, Alias Derville, a brigand who efcaptd when" Sr. Vincent and Armand Gilliaril were arrived ; Pi. cot Limoelan, Alias Beaumont,, who kil led' himfclf by- a mufquet fnot in the belly. : .. A number of perfons had been taken up by thd police, and fentenced to punifh mertt ly keeping the doors of their habi-' ; tations open al improper hours, in viola- i lion of the 'aw of the ?.2d July. At T,pul.yu(c, ciu'zen Pari. cnr 'nitTa ry of war, and citisn Paul Vanfe, had been arrelt'ed, and their papers put under leal. ,." " ',, Ar I.yonsv clti?.ei Bereau Pudy had ar rive 1 trom Paris, aid had taken the reigns of government.. . Kroni S'rafoiirg trrntion is m,i(Je of the further arreft of fevual einigram's on the borders o Itlu; Rhi:i(. -They fpeak'alfo of the fci ah re of fjvcrjl very irifporjant pa . pers which 'hrow grcJt lih? on the; plans ot t he confjiir;orf , We have rrceived 'mtc'.'igence that a Riitlijfi t'rigat(f, with feve rat irtnfports, have arrived irrbne of the ports of the B ack Sea. The frigate a i l the troops on boir.l are deltincd fir Coit'u. Informathur is received, via S'nyrr.l, that An l aclia, governor ot AicxaAdrid .has become reconciled . wi'h ths - foreign confuls. He quits Alexander for Cairo, the rm'tc having coihifea: to htm the gene ral government' cf Egypt. - ' " The anibdifjdor tibtii ' Rufiia had de dure I by a ci rcula r hwer, 1 0 all: t fx, f" nign niinidcrs, that accoiding to the de cision of his i-ourt, cheharbrrnr of Scbil. topol, will be appropriated cxclulively 10 receive the Ruffian veffrls of war, and that noothtr? wi l be admitted. The Grat-d SignicT is about to marry the daughter of Jus predpct-irir AbJul Hamtdan, to the Pchaof E icrund. Theth'p Magr.ificcnf, an Knglill vef fcl of 74 gun Uruck on the Black Rocks ot the iS'-hoit. A. ftjrt'f.f tilt trtw -pe-r ihe.l, a p"t v . : faved ' by thciboa:, and feven . "-, landed on Ilk- Beni- qM wht-ie. -r-.ey ' .-re nude piitontu Amun them -re 7(-flKeis. OF THE gUKh ir:N'Gi:EIN. T.lie following inttntlir.g account of the . execution of this nnfi.r'.utute rrince, i ex'raftcd fronu do-, paper of A pril 11, entitled 'ihe Globe. The txe. utioitcf the Yi: of Ene- y.du v.'as as private, ami as ttuuionlly con- ai-ti, as his conJffiiiiaiion wak.publith cd wiih eclat. For ivcnty-f ur hours atier ins murder, pctitiois lor him were pre- leinul by ti e Duke 1c Ltancouri, anJ le vers! other ot liisffici.nl, ihicugh ihe mcan of MaJaml Buoiunarle. as the Fir.t Crmfu! riftdesat 4allnaifon, where he is vifib!e to nontbnt his m'ui Here, fa- votiio and itlati-.es. hvrn in the fenate fciibed to tint envoy be forge I, and that "n. ,,c 22d . " rfor()f"l by I;-njan. hey are we Ijntcriairi not the fnu'Lit douM, r.aMlV,.adf , . C .F"1' S"?" ,0 P3.rd."n thev areweenteriain not ihe fm1 li.l.Sr aijc mc rtru v.cir.11! to psrdon we ihmk the calumny oi.if l.t to be rebut- '. ,,,c ,y"Kf' " uuai 1 J'lV-hat.irisac- ted in funic official wav. i f ""ed out in flroi.g largtroi-e ihe wiyr 01 aiciiuvniii l nooiisparic 10 D'oou in r,n caulcs ; and lani among other wA4nure-4:uifpiuuraWCWher- t, K "1--"'iLY"" ....1 nu ... .u . T , . r' hen l.e Has furccJ tu tint his name to a dta'h warrant; but, at anoiher lime ac- ciil'omcd to the fight ot h ood, by i: e ad The Patis papcrr mention the arreft of in the fol t)w.u and Chides tie Hosier, terms. - . Citizen Paqucs, It.fpnlor General of the minillrj ot the Gran.i Judje, ac companied by citizen Cmnungcs, Cnm nilTirv of Police and fome chofen (iei s d'Armes has arrclled Cha ties d'llotie ore of ihe principal brigmdi, he was concealed with one. Gallcr, a falcsmati in the Itrcet of Si. Martin. He had with him ftvcral wigs for tlifguifo, and fjfc mixers nrine lame co,ur of the Hif.' Icrtnt wigs. It was ihi' ChatltJ d'Ho 2ier, who provMcJ at Paris the lodgim;i where he was (hot up, with fotir pens d'- , arires, for thnhdurs he lived after hti 7 condemnation -; there was neither a -.bed nor chair ; there was fome -tjawj. where . . he fat down, but he was prevented from , a mom'snt's reft, by the noife and qiiefV."' tions of fatcllites, whTTKad orJcrTlo pre vent his" flumber?. : A clergyman vva with him for an heir, but was not per rnitted to fpeak with him oapt fo loud as to be heard by the guards. ' In' the morning, before ('ay .lipht ori the 22d, gen. Mura: -arrived at -Vihciii-. nes, efcorted .by fifty Mamelukes, inl accpmp.anied'-wiih four aid-de-camps, and generals Moriier, tlulin, & Lonis Buona parte who had come on purpofe from the coalt. hoh Mameluke, held a flambeaux, and coo ens d'jrmes 2nd 300 men of ihe Italion troo;)s furrounded thecaltie, pre vented the approach of every one, and guarded all the -avenues, to that part .f the wood about an hundred'. yards di'lant.' from the cattle, fixed for the place of c'x- -edition. The Dnkc being told that hi? fentence ras" to be executed, fard, calm ly, " I am ready and re(i:;ned." When he heard upon enquiry, that ihe grata cti'ers who fluid Id (hoot hi in-, were Ital ionjt of Bonap-rte's g'tard, he faid";hank God ! they ate no. Frenchmen. I am condemned by U' "foreigner, arid God be praifed, tlul my oxecutlOner are foreign . is too. It will be a lla'"n lefs -upon my countrynTeh." Upon rhe place of Exccu tion, Jie htted his hands towards Heaven; and'faid May God.pttferve my PC i n , and deliver my Country from its foreia yoke." Two gens, d'jrmcs' then' wanW! : ' to :ic an handki-rchicf over hi eyfs, hut ;.hc f!id;:.la loyl .Soldier;"-who -has. becti fo cfitn. cxpolVd to fire and fvferd, cart, fee the approach of deatji with naked eye and without fi-ar. His hat. wa tlx-n ta- , ; ken off. But in looking' at tVe srrr.a. diors vi ho ha ! already pointed their fufif at him, he faid, in Italian Grenadier. lower your arms, other vi fo ym will rrrifs me, or only wound me." 'Of the nine greniniicrs who tired at him, f;ven hit hioi ; feven bullets parced his body. Im mediately aftrr his muider, en Mora! fent his aid-de-camp to Malmsifon. fmall coffin, lined with liuie, was re3fr to receive his body and a crave had h:eii dug in t'e garden of tjic c-ltle, where ho a Diiried. Such was the end of ihe Duke vi Er.gh.in, butclutid in the 32d year of hit ge, by the barbarous forci t trlurpcf, of the thror.c ot his family. Hi poilclffd the fincere arfttiun, not only of his royal relatives, but of rvrry Frcr.thnian, wi.V hid ferved uridtr him, and of every perlr-i who knew nm. He had not on.'j the tf term, but the friendih ( of the A'.clnfuke Charles ; who, during ffverat cainpji)jn, had been auilltd by his talents, and wi; neired his cuuraf. He was as fccncroti'. as brave : and. in the z-e. of deprived himfelf of allenjoymVntr, to af tilt hil numerous diltrclTrd counttym';!!.' ,t . NKW-VOKKVlay 29. - Inthe new project tor a penal ml cri. minal c'dc, whiih we injniioned a few days ago in the Mercantile Alvcrtifcr, as bemg about to be difciiirel by the tribu nals ot the rrcmh Republic, great chan- lcj are propoicti. P . Accoruins to inVi 1 viceof depraved com fcllou, l eniuiilcr-- edhis own niotlirrand broiher. his tutor, his (riiators, mir.illers, general, ard all clalTe of Roman ciiizen i:h the fame indifference as he fiw Rome burning. Buorupaitc dr fired general Muitiei to be pttfi lent of the military commillion whuh condemned the Duke, but he de. clinrd it. Grn.lliilen was then appoin. ted (the fonofa wafherwoman, and tor metly a fcrvant In the work houfes cf il.e Court n Vclfaillc) rt.iorioiu fircc July like a cnach't'.an. who wei fnt (.,.,tvt I - ..l. 1 . ... 1 c.. 1 ... .1,, rt c " . ..I1'. WI u,c "voiuuon. nti lentcpce was - i,m, mc 111 ui .icj'iemucr lair, ana brough: him io Par:i. itor Couchcry, il.e cor 5 lent and 1 ICCnmplicc o Pichr i-tu. i.aullv dlflin. guioir.i mine f.'tia ii hit, mk artil e. on ir.e s nucrmirul (291I, Mar h) by ci;i tifen Pquci in the llrcet uf Ibybiu, wn?rc i;e wis tonccale lj th-brothir of im. Coin hery has re?ome the hired ia liimniatcir ol the Krruch laiion, iniW jm.tni ent.ilel Le Courier dc. Londfci, being prfkcuud bv firknef. from arn.m. rhyinP.'cbrgru in hi piHeto France. iv 'imucj nil nriiiir ii . ..'ai rr.e other rfrfom recchtl y afrtflet', are Lemrrcier. John .elan, Ah Brutu, ul 1 cter Jcac, ,;i fc.ibesUo ,he gfr,cl, pafted.tlieDuke aflcfd if he r.apane t " yttf faH Hulin, if y.ui have any difcovcr1e to make.0 Df covelit,,, aufwcird the Duke, v ih InJ f ration f carrv me to the place of exicti. tioti." Tint cannot be dure" faid H. lint, bcfre we have rcp.uicJ our fen tc'icc tu the Firll Coulul." I kitw the fcntcncc," anUcrtd the Duke, be. f.te, igsind the lawt of nation, fa: car red me away from Lttrnhcim.M , Fiotnthe lirc of the Duke's weft he nad never once keen permuted to lay on a bed, to tmlrcfi, tolhave, or to change hit linen; ml hn ft were U foh'eii from fatigue that he co-il hardly ilanj. In the Dureun at Vinccnnei, proitA. rtrenrt are- I to fuCcccd the prefidents. Th.-iurifdic- tionoteacli jreior wi.l contain fcerat deparimciui. . He is obliged to appear at rarnonce in me year, to give an account of the judicial affairs of his d.flrict. Thl nragidraie is tu be affiiteJ by pro-prelor and fupplram -The prO'pre'r 'o I'm n.licu to in- tribunals of ti e full in ftance, and are to lorm thecrniinal tril.it nals, in mcc.ingoncc a year at a certain fixed period. 1 Crimes are to be punifhcJ with a more rigorous pain than doth. The ccffjtion tl life is to be preceded by torment which augment the horror certain deflruc. tion infp.rt. For itample, the patiefde will have hit rit;hi hand cut off before he !ofc life; Lit mrpfe it to be t onerf rn the fpot wfttc he corr.rnitted the crime ; and over his gt-ve it to be filed a gibbet, , wHt hit narm and the nature i.f his guilt. In certain cafes, even the tmiurts which' luring the rtign of Louis XVI, were tail afidc and profit ibed, are apain tr be in-' tro-luted ; and f.r confpiraton, whenth -dcaihol the chief maturate 11 plotted, tha criminal iitotc broken upon the wheel. May 30. By thf-niiiifh racket Leiceflcr, Loni don and Halifax papcri are icuivcd at the ofTice of the MorninftChronicle. The f London datei are not f0 jic t thefe aU icad; rc.ticJ. The only aid. tianal at tl I L'.tl