. WAV 1 a a VV P LI AkT Vi J A 11-14 J to , W urn i. ' i i ' . iiJ ulj . . ' ; ... r . .: V. PUBLISHED (mxi?) m -AUhMAND HALL. TUESDAY, SVW 10,: 1804.: rot. riir.yo. 392. 71? DOLLS. PB Foreign News. , . IMPERIAL PARLI AMEtfT. Houfeef. Commons. 'V' April lo. Calumnies of the French Government. Lord MvrpetVrofrto lKa tew words on a fobi&t deeply Tniereltingo the feel ings andi-honor of this country., it was -with pafri he was compelled to advert -to . the difagreeable queftton : but the iranf anions that had lately taken placeNjn France relative to i r , rendered it neceliary to refcue the character of the Government and of the country from the infamous charges made by the French government againlt one of our mittifters at a Foreign Court. To juffity the as of violence which had u:en commuted by the Freud1 government, it had been urged, that in llrucVions had been given by our go vernment to the Minifler, to encourage an l eXcite'the fubjedts of France to the tommifiloiLof the mod abominable crimes. As long ?s the charg- s againft this coun try had been confirmed as vehicles of ran cour and malevolence of the French go vernment, the noble Lord would have thought it wife to treat them with that fcorn and filence fuch unfounded. calum nies merited ; but,, in his opinion the cafe was no ws altered. A publication had been circulated at Paris, purporting t.o be the correfpondence between our Minifler at Munich and a Frenchman refiling at Varis.' fjv t his" j t ap peared i hat 'the F tench- .. .. man had ocuayed his tr'ult, and put the French , government in poffcilioti of the cot rrlpon'dence. This publication had "" been communicated to all the Foreign Miniflersat Paris a.id from their re plies it would appear that they had all with the fingle exception of tlie Ruilian Minifler, prejudged the matters on allega tions unproved, and he truiled unprova ble. He fhould not dwell upon -the fer vilify with which Europe bowed to the power of France, but he (hould wilh to 'fee 'that ftrviliiy confined to the Conti. ncnti and to have it proved to the world, that there was one country at lead which is neltr to be awed by its menaces, nor Sifperfed by its calumnies. As to the charges which had in this inftance been made, h- thought he had a right to call onhis Majelty's Miniflersto clear trj. . He theugnt hx' lud a right to rail them' in juftice to themfelves, in julti.ee to the individual conc'eriied (Mr. Drake) and a. hove rll in jufltce to the character of tire country, to refute the atrocious calum nies, and to repel the irtquitous chaiges 4 fo unjuft'y made upon the h(nor of the country. He trulted he IhouM be jiitti. ficd in calling on his Majelly'i Minillcts to prove to the World that they had not armed the hand bf the a!ufTin that they ha I not aimcd'the dagger in the dark, but ' tin tin contrary, coiutucleil their fylleni ut hollilitiefc t;. the fair, open, and manly manner. wMch bHonJi to legitimate war fare. The4Ctia-.cellor of ths Exchcrj l'tt-cl rtife!f iinder the highclt obliga tio.'.g ti the tio'de lord, fcr the oppnrtu ni'y he has atfurdcil itic of thus publicly' tc pv!.!ing and. refuting the molt kafe n;l unfounded charge that has ever bccubro'l Vitft the ovcrtim'nt of any civilized counity. 1 am furc that the lloalc will : feared r n prttrf mrmt an y Ihing rmor e , ihiu cxprclliODi o! i tmoll lurprilr, indij? na'inn and abhqrrcncr, agaii.H the ioul anJ atr ciout calumnies of the mo ft wUk tdaul tjranuJ government that ever wxM(hbiiihed in the midtt of a rivilifcj Wphr.' The fervants of his Majell tVurt a' fch i charg;, and will oppofe io it mm ciuracter anu ineir nonor. in compliance with the noble lord's rrqueil, 1 no aihVm with a clear tonfeience, and wj h Ueifcft irtith, that i inpu.liint l-vt I t Jtn hy tht Se'ii'Jh givffrmcnl j ny tj it i ifJlJftt shaJ, intmfjUnt with tit tl'lt H4'ltl, IJ btmff tritj JU. npiu,ffme. 1 fhail fy nothing at pie fcitt ol the Onilriittinr) put upon the fup ffe4 corrtfponJncr, but I adure the l.c-iife, thji ri' perfon can be mwe amaioiiithan I am my mrfclf, to vindi cate the cinuuflof h'l Majclljr'i ntinlf terk, and to fatify the grofTcU Infult upon the limber of the fovtrcign and hit go. termtirnt, and as a mean of wounding and drgiading, through them, tKt fcttfngi, the ilrJt tet, atl tl honor of the people l this r rtipira. The oftintTicnthat rot irctltedany H fpstchaifrcnn ih lefi lcM . ! Munich (Mltc) uf0nihufube bita.f,MM, aMfwyitrive, I (hall think il neanary trmUf.ic!i a communication, will, I ji cciivlnccdk ccfcufl hit iha. rafter as well as ours, from tV foul and deteilable a flander. I have perfeft confi dence that the more the particulars of his conduct are enquired into, the more appa rent will be the propriety of ir. .and the vilenefs And falfehood of that (as I have tlie bear groonds to ftippofe) molt 'impu dent and infamous fabiication." , XON'DON, April 17. , Three or four Foreigners within the laft twodays hive been arretted in Lon dorf. 'Ve underdand they are fuf- peftcd of being fpies ; and it war yeMrday atiernoon rcporteu.'nat two ot tnem en tertained a delign againft the lite of otie of the' molt high and illultrious characters in the ftaie.' ' - , It is reported, in private advices from Paris, of the '30th. nit. that Buonaparte infifls up'o.) he arrett of Mr. Dr-kc the Minifler at. Munich, as foon as the. Elec tor of Baviria ad his Minifler that! have rccogi.iftd his fignature and hand wii tins:. The Hague official Ga'xctte mentions that all the regunents in Wcftphalia have received orders from Berlin to call in fuch of their men as are abfent on leave and that a catup ii'o be pitched at' Lfpltadtjand' a . cordon" tq, be' drawn en the Prullian frontterr. . . ' A band of Freticlfcfpics,- 'amounting to fii'y, have becn'fent to tlie vicinity ol Va faw fonhe ptirpofe,it is fuppofed, of car rying trF Louis XVIII. and the Duke of Angouleme. Tlie miflions of Generals Duruc anJ Rapp to Berlin, ,'is probably connected with fome deft gn of the Ufur per upon " the -lives" of tiiofc unfortunate Prince's. " . April 18. Sweden is itat'ed -to liave made fome ftrong rcmouitrai'.ces againft the late out ragerus proceedings ol the French go vernment ; and it is t"Xpectel that in this fpirited coududl his Swedilh . Majeliy is likely to be fupported by the Emperor )F. Ruffia. We have already ftafed, that Meppen', near Kmbdcn, which belongs 'to' the Duke of AUrenberg, has baen taken pol ' feflion of by a dctachmctit of French II. .1 1 a.' troops, il.tnertn, an gooes mat nail to go to the interior of Germany by Emb den were obliCvl to pal that place, the palfage of which, fays a letter from Ain llerdam, heing now Hopped, theoi.ly way of introducing goods now into Germany is through llolllcin, anJthe Baltic ports. 44 The Krciuh troops parted through Meppcn in Hanover, and there was in ge neral a French 'commander in h, but, till now, they never 'nicifcred v ith the goods hich patted through it." Apiilii. ThcDayarian minifter at our etiurt, ha, we undcrft jnl,preremcd a rti.i mltrancc, toundeJ upon the tx parte evidence ol the Frtnc! fpy, Maheedela Toucl, againft the cCiidiict imputed by him to Mr.Drake, in which' he rrquclts in thj name of the elect ir, hit matter, the recall of that gen tleman from the court of Munich, it is added, that in the event of a rcfofal on the part of fcur government, .he hat received inltru&ioiii to demand the neceirary al$ jorts to enable him to return home with all poftb't expedition. Such is the ab- j r ( . a nd Jt p loradc ila 1 e jo. w h i.cli,,.yjidcr.J th ilominiion uf tho.(iallic Tyrant tha -petty ftatts of th: Continent ate now re duced I 4 J : TIILRE -vis no arrival ftom the Con tliiCtit ycltciday J but a gentleman who latc'.y ertected l i clcape from "France, (laics, Irom hU own knowledge, that t'.ie army cncampid a'dng the caft of Pi. tardy, l.ave brj;un to ntanif'.ft great dif cor.lent rih delay cl the projected etpe; dition againft this countty, vhich they had fo olten bcec alTurcc' by i.neir princi pal riacen, was 10 be r ut iijto executiftit btforc ihit time," He adJi that the pre paration have of Ue coi.fidtrably relaxed. anJ that within the !. tnrtniht about twenti battalion hatebien marcHeJ hack Into the Interior. Thelrequcnt lumonn nf IndirrcAioni at 'pnii, ikoiigh altoge ther unloumicd, '.te faiily cnnfidets at flrongly tptefle of the witlict of ihc people, who'.e fcntimen'i, ai far as le couHcn lecihem, were dpci 'edly avcrl'e cor.tinuin e of the waf with Great. Cittain. Afrit i. WE Ifirn from Nintr, by a letter nf the ayh 11I1. iha, with other couriers who m l palTrd thrnogb that plate, wsa Ptitce GjilitiSo, Citatnber:ain o the Em peror of RulUa, 00 hit way 10 Paris, Another letter received from the North of Germany, con hrrhs1 he account infer- teuin our bit number, of the lroppage by the French of the neutral naflage by Enb- den into the interier of ""Germanv. A mercantile hmife in Rprmmih'itri'h tp. ceivedtne following letter from Embden, dated April 3 .: , " We are forry to intonn you, that a fevy days lince the r rencli flopped the rrtutral paffatfe of goo ls for H vjerman. . beveral couriers have been difoatched to Berlin, to inform the kinj; of this Unexpected bultnef ; and. we hop"c tliatj in a thort time, the iree pottage will he opened again Out at p relent i.ot la fnigle package can go tro'n hence to any part or Germany, and all the goods tor the Fair will conleq'-ienrty be too late. It is (rue we may Itiil lend goods by Hol fliin and the Baltic nto the. .interior di Germany but it is imuolhble tfiat t hc-y lhotlld arrive hi tuna enougn for the great Fair at rrankfoit.v J t is to 'reveiu our renderinij the Frdnch manufactures a drug at the Fait, by tha fuperionty ot our nia nufadtures, thai the ffe'uch have (hut bp. the neutral pailage. " Goveiument, a is faid, have refufed the patlports demanded U) the Bavarian riii nilter, bsing'refoived to detain him at a Hotlage for the iakty-.oi Mr. Drake. '-.t-.- . April 28.' This mdrntivg the arrival ot the brig Waller, fromBsngat, Was announced at. thcEa-liidi'artoiiie' Sh; failed from thence eight days after the Belle packer the 8'h of January, and did not" gt. lulo" St. Heteiia," but faw Tu fail of Inuiamen lying there. The Tigres"had arrived in Bengal tire 15. h ot pecember.wW.heri j hQV alter fat xd tifgua'i)hs Jar Peace tuefit pending, . . . mormnz It has bcert rdmoured this that fhould the ftrength and number' tt the united oppofaions i ncr caff, and ma jority be ob:s(tned agairtlt tniuilters, Mr. Addington iMtring the example of Mr. Pitt when he had a majority aaintr t)im,'k will aJvife his Majctty 10 difpjvt the Par' The journey ol Madame ubhaparie, ,rhoi!icr ot the FitftjConfut," to Rome, at theprefent conjuncture, is a circumftance which may give rife to various'coniefturcs. eii)ir.uMy as r.i was .a' tended with a ' flrong guard, and feemed in fuch halle that (lie woiilJ not fl(p to receive the con. ;raiulatioiis of the public 'functionaries. A letter fiom Rome n the. Clef -de Cabi lief, ot April firfl, fays, . Ma-JaiTe Buo I'ipjr'c mother ol the Princes Borghefe, wan Un expected in that city." The ob ject of ;hc old lady's journey may indeed Li: im-tdy a vifit to her (laughter ; Eut we tccn!lccl that at the commencement of '1 he French rcvo'iUiion, ihc aurtts of Louis the XVI. hr,n tluy ofcrvcdnhe ttoim j;ailicruig, w'.fcly withdrew in time, .took uptncir ano',iCinaiti,eoj greater tranqutli. ly. By thef c mtans they efcaped the mclan tholly t.tc whi;h had awaited many of thtir t fiends and relations. Diamonds aiiJjcelsaie eafily carried, and would n; dcibt be perfectly fafe under uard ot t'.uirar and gens d'armcs. According to letteri from Paris, an ad xlrtf has been prefchted 10 the Fit it Con- fu by the Conftrvativc fena'e, praying him not only to t ame a fucci.Tvr, b it 10 -take uponhifYifcll-a higher-tMle-than hc - y et alfumetl, ar.d to make the fame he-" '.cditary in his family. The title nf Kinr; or of Emperor, is what .i is known o nave long tir.ea 101, ana ujw 11 ap peah that an attempt it tube made to af lame it. The Gaae'te de Franc, cl April C, fayi, the public funds have rifen fincc the day on which the Senate in a body piefcntfdan ddrrftto the Fmt Conful; tnciigh the objeil bl 11 it not exactly boaft of the Confular official fcribe, rf. the happy and indep'endciu ftat'e of reg nerated Helvetia ! 7 "? ' 7 -: ' ;.. ' PARIS, April 7. 7, : f V . The Ex-General Charles Pichegru has hanged him.felt' in prilbni ""he fol. owing -are the particulars of ihe filicide': '. ' Onihe repeated rcq.iefls he made, and on giving his word aiid honor that he would Dot m ilce sny 'attcmp' on his lite, Pichegru had obtained the difmiiTa'1 of his guards during the night. Every morning -.an attendant" in waiting came to light his !fe lih a l;"'-i!c of wcoif. Pichegru on one ol the pn ctjiny tr;orhiri4 hail'; a fide a part of at 4ggor, by which he i-. ' he migh' "put an end lo his exiftence Iu thort, bn'the'Jih inft. P chegru, after ha-- ving fupped verv heartily at '11 o'clock, went to bed about 12. The attendant in. waiting having retired, Pichegru drew from under his pillow, what", fie had pla,- , ' cecit, a black hsndkerchitf, whi.it h tied! tight around his nck,'? the pic-cc of wooilT" v which he had kcpt in rcfert'e Tiethen made, ule of to a f li ft him Tn the project of fui cide j he iuttoducesuliis piece of wood, into the two ends ol the handkerchief where it was tied '; he turns this little ' ftick'clofe to (he glamls of the hecU as of ten as he thinks rectHary to put a (top to refpiratjon. W'hcn on the jioiiit of lo ting rcfjjiration,- lie draws the flick be hind Im ear, aiidthr'cws hinuelf on the fame iide ot his befatf, in order 10 prevent - its fhiitingrr-Pictiegrii naturally fatr tult V of blood, fuffocatcd by tlie full meal whicf, ' he had jult taken, and by the great pref- l!J,!i1'(-n. he made, e'xpitg;;during .the night." ! Next day, in the morning, the atten dant came to kindle hi? hre j he fooked to wards Pichegru's bed ; faw him, as he fuppofed, in a profound fleep, and retircil lodo his work. About halt pad 7 the al ienism again went up, again faw the head of PichtJgru quietly, rtfling on his pillow, and again went away Hill, Icaring to inKrtipi hu U.ep. - At nine o'clock he 7 went up a third time anu obferved no a!;et ionth the pofture of the prifoner, wri'ufua)ljr fpoke to him when he was ' aw&ke. "1 he attc.idant began to be fur- nuled at his flecping fo lorg, went up tq his bed and fees his face pale and tliflorf ed ; he then moved his body and found it litelef, and withoM tnotion. M imrne diatelv gives iufotmaticn to the poaler, who went that inltanrto inform Yluliof, the Judge and Solicitor in this imoorunt trial. Eight phyliciai.s and furgcons wer employed to draw up tlx pr'cces verbal vf the ttate in which the body was fyuncT, and this proces verbal ahd the corpfc were brought bctore the Criminal Tribunal ori tlie o.h, about or,t o'clock in - the aftcr iioon. ' . Alter the report was concluded, Citu xeu General, CommiiTary to the govern ment, fpoLc 10 the following purpofe, addrciling himfclf to the Magittratcs and the Tribunal : . The publicity which you give to cvtry thing c'onnefted with the conlpiracy, formed againft the Jife of the Full Coniul completes the atrangtmenta which you have inttiiuted. Thefe ar. raneinciits have been purfucd 'ifjth alt ihc Mciiviiy and zeal of whuh we are capable. No effort has been fnared to difacDoint -lbc.Jjjcjctfi4 a fchenicof the molV-abo Kiown. By the Hamburg Msil which arrived yedcrday, we learn, that a great part cl Switzerland is in a fla-e ot infutrcclion againft the conftituied auihbri'iet impofed upon that once happy country, by ike common fcourge ot Europe. The ab fence of ihe French troops was made the (ignal i f revolt. In the c-n'e'ni of Befnr,' So'cure, Argcn, Frycburg, Ice. the teme rity of the infurgenti bad reached the highelt plith. They every where present the people from taking the Oath ct Alle giance toihe new coniiitiitiou. in the nlcht of the at I tilt, fome of the dilifTer. ltd, fct fire to, the CaO.te of Wadeni. weed, on the take of Zuiich. and the hit leneri it ibit the Landmaan, nnabteto rtfiftihe t'onent. t.aa felicited the return' I flte tfienchitmjr So flvich for ifcc minable nature though the form cl lc. gal proceeding have not been. bfcivcd; you will have ihe muik fontlu!lve evi dence of the confpiraey iiftlf. One ol the) principal agents of the projected aftaftma. tion difpatched himfclf in a manner conv traty to all human laws, "the evidencjp of hit guilt j however, mult forever aft a Itigmaon hit memory. 1 1 is Vonicm poralici and poflcrhy will lay, Pithfgru law no' diflinclion bttwKt hia guilt anJ his infamy. He became a fuicide. Tie rnagiraies appointed 10 ci. quire ifitoihe evidences or 1.1s crime, and to fufcmit them to the proper tribunal, have done their duty. I inquire tP,t (he Jbody of Charles Pichegru be buried in re place ufually appointed for tin burial ot the cupel d pettonitaVcn from theTttnpIs, w here.ll tre hate been Inflancei vf fuicide. His butiat it to be mad in pit feme nf Iitiblic efheer ard two fct vault of the Tri lunat. 1 require farther thl the frier ttrfoof the opening tf the body and the builat fhall be commorticatcd to etery pari of the Irpubliw whtrc it may be re ctfTary." , On the above, the editor of the Loo dun couiicijof Aptil 17', remark: . "No one hetc bclietci this itatcmcril. He w at known to be a man of great p'ety; and morality, and 10 wiih' Id be fried U