-PUBLt SUED nitztAj BY 'ALltMAND JWir..---TUESDAY,? SEPTEMBER 4, 1804.' "5 i ... ' IV' iff I! I ty V 1T' n 1 I f J ' ' CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL, j v 4 OfjU Department' lhi$eint ,V-','..':The aflot accufation,'driwa,ii- ty the : .'coriimifTary of the government, the p"ib -lie accufer, belonging to thecrirninal Ir bunal,'.againil the prifohefs xindidled.'fp" ; ?; confpiracy, forming a volume of ,-340 pa ges, our readers will readily 'conceive that f r the limit of our paper confine wsto lay. . ting before them but an analylu ot ir, , ': 7 . The commilTary of rhe government 'e . eMJ to- the period vhe'n Pichegrir firft5 . began to confpire agafntt the republic,lii ' ' 'lher as genrral in chief "oFthe armies of ' : the Rhine, or a X mstnber of the legiila : ; iijre body. He recurs to the proofs which - ate to be found of this In the correfporf ence'jtei''IC):iRgI.ia which ; was. fef I zci Qfifenburg the 3d Florea', '. year' . lent "to the minifter of police by general Moreau, and panted by order of the'di- - -redloryf STho. tommilQry , obfcrves up.': , on :his head that Moreau was privy thres . months before the iftih Frudlidor, to the -conspiracy of Pichegru, yet that he. only denounced him by .a letter, dated 47th ;Fruai(ior.lromSil(brirg, hut which let; ter he really wrote alter being apprifedef a , the refult of the iflth Fruflidnr .by ' the Telegraph, Pichegru efcaped front Cay." enne, repairs to London, is well received ' there,and paid for again con f pi ring againll his countr y.Hi correspondence was fcized sin the month of Fioreal, Tar j, He was then designated as. the chief of the roysl rmy. After thettempt of the 3d Ml vote liedofely connefls htmleM wall' the brigands whobad efcaped -the fword of t ie -law; The treaty of Amiens being rent aflundery" Pichegru afti more vpeuiy, he cornesto a conciliation with Morcarfbj the intervention of David and Lajollai. The former-is arretted at the end of Bru, '., maire, yearn, however, the government does not jet get Moreau arretted from thefe finl indicloe,. dajol'ais continues the intrigues of David. Three diiem. barkations are effected between the ml of Aogaftand e 171b of January near the cliff ot BeiUlc, of brigand difpatched from London to aiTaflhate 'the firft con. , ' ful and re-eftablifli the Bourbons upoij the - hrone. ; . Here the c6mi(Tiry of the government Uy it down, ill, that the txiflence of the confpiraijy is certaio 7 j.J, that the EnilliQi cvvemmdnt is the main forirr of it ; 3!, that alt the iodiiduals itntsri. ! - foned by virtue of warrants iftued upon' Vi demand are euher-anihorf oraccompli. ces .of this confjiiracy, or guilty of a! breach of tli4 law of the o.h Vtatofe. j Fir! fiiHtTho txljlcket tjji; xinftl. . riff it cerl ah. - Ocorge Cadoudal, coniminder In chief s of tbeChoiihs, and whofs very prefence' lone Id rris, isi froof of the confpira-j cr; depofed, ou the iS h of lift Vcn ofe,' In an eximinaiion he underwent before the inOrtidlirg judge; Thai he came to Paris with tho In temionof attacking The fir II conful ; that his attack was trt havt been bf open force; -, :hat there was in Paris an onion of force , at his drfpofjl that his prujeft, as alfj that of the conlpiraiori t,to poi aB nr. , bon ic the p'sceof the fir It conlul ; that t Ms - Bourbon wis the pretender, ac. . knowleifjtedby him and his adherents for Louia AV4ii 1 ini a ci-acfint pnrc was to be prcfent io Paris, tlul at the time of the attack, ho wouU hj'c aclcdthe part which that prince wouU have afligncd i 1 m i that 'the pla h'l been conceived ; and was to be e ecutcd wiih the acre mco rf the ci-levani French princes; that he had long fine the necetfuy "funds at hisdifpofat ; that he was to havt aitnk ed the fird conlul wihsrm fuch as th fe of Ml effort in I f htrgMaf1.n Jiufi,t:$k, lue'iya Sif f'ld;ir, derls rrd the nt latl Vcntofe, at t!ie lart pre tc! r ol po'Ice, iharh'wsi picbe euim'ti had rttua'(ed him to cccha from , f.e'n.J wi'h l.im, and that to hif fcgrrt. t ha I tofftU the onhruwof the go. vcrnmenf 1 t'rai he had every leafort to b. Itrv thai )t wa i !ib ihi d? ant count. cf Artoiitlut Pichegru had . prtyared t'l hir mtass," lis fpvka of Motrin and (Jforcct ai.llnf bern pointed out in lm lor the chict ol tha ctnfplrcy wiih Pi.hiM. Hj f14tht' LkjolUts nU inu Irom L"njnn hid llfcfir I thst Mu rriti t!.fienicn l wl.h the kQVtthmcnt of tf tiril cwnfu', dcC'ied sod would ht'p . v nhitl Us power to ,oenhrow ir, iht ' ' fifu-e hit arrival U Franc picUgrM ami , Gt'oigH hd fct n Mrnu to Paiii. II ! ilr'litrd ra the uJ, M that h- hatd Po. j IIac (Aimso,) PolignaC (JuW) with a ,' i.uihcr (y, cvrry ihti.gcocson III, they J notigtcs ; VIvfraUdosi rot keep hn ' wbrd j;he'has" pr'lvata vieV7$ j .'we have : been tSe'ceived' added that from' I every ."thing he had heard ihe Was of epin- ion that Moreail haa always een conl "dered as the man opou whom' they really . did rely tThat it feemed that he had t i .his difpofaV a very iifge 'armed "force tfd, a great fcendancy over the authoririeSn V iS?v,BoHvef rbfLitbf,'iliKfylrig hiwfelf ; with the thte of; idjutanugcnerat tjf'thi: royal army; being cotiddflcd to i he ; ft)'wer vof tiia temple,tinab)e toifTcDtble hiuilt, erideavourtd to rriske way with, himfelf. 'Beifigj' however; fo atched from .the :j a ws , of Jcaih, a fenriment of graHtuae induced '''Mai ftf biake to the grand ,"liidge, "On- tlie 14th pf February Jaft, 'the,:following 'de-V, .dafjittbo'i JL:x' r v. ' li ts a man who comes from the rate ., bf the tomb, and is. . ft ill covered witb the1' Ibades f death, that demands vengeance- of ;thof,v who, j by ,, their ".perfidy, have thrown himwttt) his party; into the abyfV In U now 'in Sent" to " funoiirt '"rhe - -Bourbons, he finis hiinfelt obliged . either to fight for Moreau, Or to 'renounce an enterpdze which wa? !hs fole olii.-cl .of his midion. I exubin myle f i M,t'fi':iir was to come to France to ,!uve pnt, him . CAf at the had'of the 'rovalilt . rxrtv. Moreau promifed to join the. cai'ife of the tJourborrs. The rovalilts hlvfii renam ed to" France, "M'xeau ; r:tracl-whe pro.' poles to ihemo.cb the bu Tint; fa for him. letf, and to get lam apjHrtiMeJ ifidator,- ne v.tui4in)iK a iay agjir.ii nini u per hapi fimpoued oilv by halt proofs. H;re are the fads J itr youi bufirtefjioapiJie-, " A general n-hnlias ferVd under The ComirtanJ of Moreau, Lajillu, Ijlihik, is lent by hint to the princes at L.n1o Pichegru was the go-between. Ljollais aJheres in Rename, , and 00 the part of Moreau, tp the principal points of the propofed pUn ; the prince prrparr, for hi departure ; .'he number of royaliflj in Frauce itincreafed, indifi t' conferen cs wh'ch take place at Pin; betvVrrn Moreau, Picheg-o, rd CJorgei, the' fir tt maniftlh M ir.ten ions, and can only ad . for a dictator and not fora ii.Hvj. Heme hesitation, d.lLntion, and the al.r.oil tiaf 'oin rf ihe royal party. 1 Lp'liis wswi'h the prince at Hie bcjfiningol January, of thu year, at I have heard irom Geoiver. But what ! hae fcen, is his arrival tin the 17. h of Ja nuary, at the pottery, ihedoy afier hi Und.ng with Pichegru, by means' vt our correfpundence which you know but too wc!l. -.:;.'"- ' ' ' 'A fi he fame LajuJ'ais On the 26ih of January, when he came 10 fetch Georgesaiid pichegru at the roach where I was with them, EiVevatd de la M.dc laine, 10 conduct thrm to Moreau ho was waiting foi (hem a few flept from that p'ace. There was between 1 hern at the Champs E'yfinj a conference which aU ready gave u to perfage what Moreau o penly propoled in , the "following oe, huh he had with Pichcgr alone to wit 1 hat it was not polTiS eio re-eUablifh the ling, and hs propofed to put hi m ft 1 1 at the head of the government, under the ti tie of diclator, thus leivirg to the rryal Ills etily the chance ( bcirj his fellow laborer ana1 Ml foUiets. ; , 1 know M)t what weight you will give to ihe aftcition rf a man fna ihrj within rhii hi ur frcm a death whub h had given to himfc f, and who fees before him ibedeaihhch an offended govern. tenl refervr for Mm' ; but I cannot re. tain the cry of defpair, and not attack tho tnan who reduces ma to it. . Moreover t edto Wm riot to .accompany, him. , ' His pian was to proceed to Jf raoce and pro-: ' pofV to the,. 6rft conlul to .abandon ihe reins of government, in -order, .that be . inight teRw them on his brother- If; the 6rftconful hai rcjeded this prupofal the count, , was determined to ndevour by force df arms; to contut;r thofe rights which he COnGdered as belonging to -his family."; 'u ; ' ' .- v . V .::'' I" On being reqiiired to 'declare whether? he had any' k nowfedge that Geergej Pi. ; chegru,' and Moreau had feen. each othfr,i he replied t I knVw that a wcry imp'ir- -taniL conference took place -at Chailidt,? No. 6, where Georges 'jCadoudal lodged,' feen fsitrt, general Moreau, and Tiche- PTY. ex-tfeiiifjl. 'A Wu - infnrmrA ti.r U-Oaorgef-CadoudaU-after different orerw ure and explananonj ,4hI to ren4raf Moreau-1 wijt leave you with Pic hegrir and you will at lead perhaps come to an umlerftanding togeiher,' the I refult j howe Vtf r, W ai promiiftive on ly of difagreeabfe .uncertainties,' as, Georges" Cadoudat and Pichegru appealed "very "faithful . to the cailfe pt the prince," but Moreau remain eit1 undecided and gaye to fufpec that he 'was?, Uiaired by conliJcrations of his own intcrcft."- : ' ; -' ';-:''" ! ' PylgC -iJ-uljiJ hetnft fninmoried . tn jleclaro what were the'indructlon which were gii'en to him'.when he left England, replied, that ' none had been given to him, but that he coulj' not, denythat he heard rfoincthing -confpire concerning a change in the government." He allowed thai two tr tlwce months after "his lepar tore, the ci dsvant count d'ArtoU had fpoken to him of Tone changes -which we're to take place ia the government . of Franc. He a'towed that he hadfeen Geoigrj in Paris, rear St. Palagie. Hi laidrlial they had con ver fed together oh the manner in which the 'king wa to be recalled, lie had aUcwl him what wn 1 their piilition? to which Georges replied that -it was good. That it appeared both 10 htm aitd his brother that the pro. jcci intended to be carried ino execution was out fo noble a one as they naturf)y expecd, they had tatke3 to each othertf tetfring into Holland. ' .'; Bcirg req'iellcdio exp'aln ihe motiv of his fears h-J replieJ that h fufpeflcd inQeid of fulfilling any million whatever, relative to a change of government, it ws intended to aft againft one Individual, and that it was the fit ll confj whom ths par-y of 'Georges prcpofedto attack. He added that T'-cheru had informed "him that Moreau would not do any thing for ihe B aurbons, . that . ily tou W not - 6 iid Out hi intentions. 4 Th confident of the ci-devant count d'Artoi. the ex.mirquts Rivirrre. de. "1 Iw inaf find latls conformably 10 what advance in the Irqtiel of this great trial wtlcrr I am Imptlci'ti tfj. T Pbligrae (Atinim) in hisfuft tlinilm. lion confined h'njfe1! to dexlairn that ' I f Georgra and hi accnmplUei wtf lit Parii In Coi.fejuence r-f iirilers , from the prince, ratliing Wo.1d b bten undrr. taken un'U the arrival i( the latter ; and 'that then pctfonal nd loyal engigtment would hav been entered into brtwtan ths prince, fvpporwd by his pHifni, and ihe fift coiifuf. 'Thai having frfq-iei.tly fn Pichej;tu In Lorwloo mUU the princr,' I imivttf4 tfitr Ms ifttirn tuihe family of th Doiirb(. f, thai h would hav been wiih ihe pilnrt, but that with regard to Moicau he did notkboW him and bad not twat d whcilurli had pwfui vely ucclared himfelf. , ' H plainrf hirrfrlf In a much mo Erecif manner on iheail U1 Vet.ioT, efr ihe caatrnnlng jmlt 1 Wln I fel dUfiom Lo.hIuii this lad lime," fi4 he, I knew what wrrtth projeds of count d'Aito 1, 1 was two math attach I cured on the jo-.h Ventole, vhat ht came to Pari In order vni atrure Hmfclf of the (late of things and of the political fituation of the interior of ihe republic, tor the Information of ihe prlnres who wtiuld have judged from his obfervationi, whsihet it was their interetl to return t-i Eni!an l. That in general he ha I Teen in France a ciwfi Jerab'a portion of ego tifia and apathy, togcthi r with a great rle. Creof pirferving tranquility. . Royer, otherwife Loyfvau, made no forraal declaration concerniui; the confnl. P tacy, before the eaaminin nagifl rates,- but tnanv gen I d armes d lit deputed, thai on ihe hill Germinal, brifgen Juard over him, ihey beard him lay, that haJ not the wind been unfavourable, lomeof ihe ci-dcraut prince fcf the blood who were on botrd a friy at hoverirg of the coaff of Dieppe, wcruld have landed t and that if a delay of only eight days had la. ksoftaee tha plan would have been rue. 'cmedTthar-Xcr; different" emanations" he canfcrT,:d he kntw the three principal chiefs of ihe confpiracy wer Moreau, Pkbeg.u and Geutges; that their men. tion wainot to do any evil to th fuljiery, thai tO Hrfl Cocful watio hav beet rar rteicf and conduced 10 England, and ihe pretender Louit the 'Will, placed on the throne 1 hat h Koytr wti on of the Cunrpitators that he had a coal made for th purpofe, and hid given ili'y-fie louis for a borfe, Pichegru and Mdrcau were made ufc of to mk fur cf ilear mie, and that upor. fom icficflions con ctrning Moreau, he caclaimed I t fliaw, rfhaw I Moreau was ne vet a republican. Louis Picot, declared on th 3ih if lall Pluvolfe, 'thai the chit filad cfrswo Ion wIm fhould attack tie Fird Cor.ful th their intention was 10 ntry him off, whi'.ft ha was on his toad 10 IW.ogne, 10 adaflinate Mm wkllfl prcfentlrig a petition 10 htm at th parade, or h was gning to ihe ihtatrt) iKit it Wat for that purycf rl "they had uniforms tpade ; lhat there wer flight horfe uniforms blue, that there w era likewifehufTar unifotfns, . green, cockade, hats, with filve'r buttons and loops." 1 ha fame dsy,1 its faid, " that she chiefs' had ' frequently repeated before hrra, how forty : ' .they were that the princes had Jncluded f' Morea'ii'irt the affair' '.';' .ir 1' Holland 'oh rfii examination of the aSth; f. of lart Pluvoife, depofed ai follows : ' : j' .:Sy I remrned home about ic in ihe e . , ;y vening, ttie'ifay in whih Pichegru . went. ' ; in my cabriolet, for the purpofe of having " a conference with Moreau. ; '. . Pichegru pri his return, gave the to V : Mfiderlland that hi; projeQi ; were; jrery '-'';.': clitfrrent from thofe I , imaeincd him to v ' cnteraifr.4' lie told me that he had feca ' i ? ' h the erincei ill EriIanA, at whofe defire ha ! " ":: 1 had made, certain overtures to MoireaU j - that he had corivfcrfed' with the latter con cerning them but that rot coinciding ia1 opinion, he intreated me, to call on hirli the next day, t a order to have Irom bim a categorical reply, whether he Would con duct aToyalill movement; or otrcrwiie,u .? wuh thrile that acted wi.h htm he would, enjiageta dcliyer up ihe anthorityy: wiih - lJ it - -i j r.- :-...n.A ' s. t .:.! wnucn ne inouiu uc iiiTCHtuj tinw irgin mate hsnds a fon s ht cquld, ' : , ') On the following day then, I , had t , ",; Take, rthe famous overture w Moreau . which I dared r longer 10 refufe ; 1 ho- w ped, I kbewrotwhy iha'' this general ; I would drawme out of my embfralTmnt'.' '; . This is pretty near what he faid to me t ? cannot put my tit at me ; read or any movement in favour ot tne iiourbon," r they have conducted them fel vrs fo ill ihar ) ucb a.trial would never licceet. If f j- chegru will act differently In w hich "cafa have told bim the conlul and rover nor of Parrs muft cfifapptarV 1 thick k have a party flrong enough 10 the beoate to ena ble melo obtain the authority; Will then inflantly employ it to (creep him and his friends, aner wbtcti public- opinion ma.l diOate whatfball be r.ect ffary to bo done tliat 1 will not engage m) felt to any thing lii writing, lit; told me. litewilo at the conference, that fince the firft over turetf P.ichejrh he had fpoken of it to ma-; riypf his friends."' -' . , i ' Laiollais 'declared ano,-vpft otber tli'mcs-; that on the 27th lad Pluvoife, Pichegru returning from the lalt renaezvous, witri Moreau, appeared to be dilcontented, and upon Opening Ma mind a Hula contrary to , hisufoal ctiltom, fa!d, "it appears to me too that S has likewifc got ambition and wifhes 10 reign. Well 1 1 wrfli hlrn much foccers; bin in my opinion be is not Capable -of governing France for m o ' months.' . He added that. "As to Georges, Ms end nd appeared to him to be pure and f.m- pie le-eliablilament 01 royany in t4ance. That it was for the fake of bringing that event about hHd quitted London, mot than 6a months Goce ; that in eider la lucceedtnhis views be wifhed, after ha ving alTiirinated th Firft Conful, to maf- '' facre all ho tnighi oppofebi Intentions f ' that he had a number of pcrfont at kis fcr- ' vice Wt Para, Picaidy, and e'fewhere ; that he had a portmanteau filled with gold, upon which be and bis trod) afTo- . ciatea reckoned for the execution cf the plan,' that thir portmanteau had been bu ried In ihe garden tf a tiotife at Chaitlot ; that it was not found when fearth waa to a ile for it 1 but that ft , had been car ried eff two day afterwards." Gen. Mores acknowledged in an exa mination before the grnd judge, minifies -fjuflict, on h 9$h 111 Pluvoife, that fom month had patfedover, fince Frtf nicrei told Mm thai a perfon who pretrn clad to know Mm in tit army, but with whenibe' was niiarquainicJ, hadintreiiej A Frefnieres to afk Mwieau whcii,er Using the oblivion anidereliflion In which ifca. government Ud left Mm, ht wculd rot enttr Into an,engigement with iheFtnch princes, to feiveihcm n tie firft charg which might take place lo ti e govrnw rnent. , On the 9th Germinal I tonfcEcd that Pichrgtu was ai Ms houf and fpk with Mm concerning lha pilnce and ibe ckan- ces which a c" kenl in England would prcfeni. In a letter to .the Firft Conful. dated from the temple, o th lj-h en lofe, alter having fpeke ef Pichegru, ha ihus CoriUniie 1 . ' . . "Duiingth twodtft carrpalem la Germany and fire tl peace, diilanto vcrtutct hav ternmaJeio mt lo kr.ow wt eiher It were pcCUe for m to tntrf into relation with the Frenth ptincei, but 1 ihott&bl this fo tidiculoui lhat I. eta made eo reply. With tej ard to il pr. fci.t 1 onrcjuall; if lit) to jtu ll at 1 am 1 ) ( I- 11 r tt V I.. J

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