V Wlt n mG T-0 Nf N. C. V .'HVlifaryrow Raleigh thai 'the Legislatute has those. lien. MonUfrt Stoke? to represent tKisStateUxhi Senalt of the United States' in ttkctopm 0 the Hon. Jesse Franklin, JLsq. vhost: time will expire vn (to 34 f Matin next. Jlamei Monr6et Esq. of Virginia ha been nominated" and appointed MinisteryExtra t ordidarjr and Plenipotentiary Us theCourt of SpainTht object of this appointment it is .presumed, is to bring the pending negocia--, tioo between the. twq governments to a speedy Uumination. t New-York, Paper . : .- ' 'Trim Rivhmond, Dec.'i. ' Arrived in thjs city, on Thursday evening, -on their return to Baltimore Mr. Jerome Bo naparte, Lad jr and suite. ' They disembarked " in Hampton Roads; from the French frigate "President, we understand, inconsequence of the indisposition of Mrs. Bonaparte and an, ' expectation of an immediate engagement 77 with the British frigate Revblutionatre. Pre' parations for battle had been made by. both vessels, and tbey lay within a mile of each o- . tbvr Th4frigateaareJbota'lrench built, of , rfcqual force 4 guns.' f "'. ' theilonourable tfieHieneral Assembly of 'theState of North-Carolina. i ; . . Gektiembtn,- " ' ! . ; ' In fulfilling that part of the law, which re .quires an annual report on the state of the . 'Treasury, it becomes my duty-to inform you, u -that the receipts at the Public Treasury of 'North-Carolina from the firstday of Novem ber, 1 803, to the first-day .of November, i 804, including arrearages, thepyblic taxes of every ? description and the cotton gin taxes, amount to twenty-four thousand nine hundred pounds six shillings and four pence -which sum, ddd to the balance remaining in theTrea- sacyion the firstday of November,'. 1803, viz fahj seven thousand four hundred and twenty -two pounds seventeen shillings and, four pence, as reported to the last General Assem bly, made an-aggregate amount of eighty two' fhousaad three hundred and twenty three pounds three shillings and eight pence, (82,3233 8.) ! - 1 Out of this' sum disbursements have 1een made, .within the tinac first above mentioned (intlriding the cash burnt by the last Assem bly) to amount of twenty-six thousand three hundred and nine ppnds sixteen 'shillings and sevenpence; the vouchers for which are delivered ever to the Comptroler and deduct ed from the aggregate amount aforesaid, leav ing a balance of 56,013 6 0 remaining in the Tubl'ic Treasury on the first day of Novem ber, 1804, and yet to be accounted fur. From the bills forming the, remainder, 1 have selected and set apart, as last year, the sum of 2,500, being much worn and in my opinion,' unfit for further circulation. Thc Land Office, by which yoo willutder- stand, the receipts at the Treasury for lands entered and paid fori has produced from the " first day bf November, 1803, to the first day of November 1804, 5,218 2 9 and no more. This itcnv however is wholly and completely covered liy certificates and other vouchers, and 'does therefore iu.no manner affect my -" Rcneral accounlm regard to the balance rt- . maining in the 1 reasuiy on tha first day of the present month, as above, stated. ( 'Incompliance with the directions of the General Amrably of 1802, 1 caused to be purchased, since your last session and in the month of 'April last, two thousand dollars of the 8 per cent, stock of the funds of the United States, with that part of the interest and re- iiubiirtcmeot of principal which became due to-ili'rt ita(eon her stocks in the said funds, in the course and up to the e.d or the year 1 803, and which had not previously. been dis- horsed in purchases of tLeame kind : This purchase was made in Philadelphia at the rate of I OS 1-4 per ant ; and will, I hope be sati fictory to you. With 'the tntersest which become due to the State in her storks jn the funds of the United States, up to the end of the Septem ber quarter of the present year, I havcjlate-. l'T")y.Oiii'irio 7on lu 8lh No . her in st. caused to be purchased at the same placet to thousand other dollars of the per cent, of the United States, at the rale of 106 1-2 per cent: -The Warrants of ironsfer for this hut purchase, are daily expected, and shall be placed on the books of the Loan-Office ' of the United vtaUs W.Worth-Carolina, so soon at they shall arrive, ;whc re, together with the purchase fr.t ahge mentioned and her other stocks, they will -eland. to the ci edit of this State. . As an act of justice towards, the Sheriffs throughout the State, who hsve bven employ ed in ejecting the revenue of the last year, I would as! leave to conclude this rrport by Vhling. that their punctuality in ar counting for the taxes of i!8)3,dce4tUcra much credit vi d exr ecds alt former es impla. With every respectful consideration, J lnnwur M be, Geutlcmcn, . Yuur oHedicnl serf ant. JOHN H AY WOOD, , , ,:, Fubtic Trteturtr. i?uV?x'i sXJv.U. 1304. , ,. tntii Ftitlnrr, Iff. hk artlvrd at DallU snore, and brinjs with iim the pleasing news .f th atlusl tranfrfc f mr ll.uk Hmk h fngliVl. so hn claimed b? this Mate. To Mr. PitKkuet, we are credibly a !ri?d, the suit i roach MrWted for U' rettvery f her .f,k.ncitW legislature will doubtless make 14ns a h44m compensation ft bis scat, lbih:Jc. a4 perseverance eaeciscd in rro . jbf transfer. Judge Chase 0t appeart Dot fenerallf known) is entitled by law to 4 per cent,1 com mission onhe sum' recovered for fciaexer tionsin behalf of the stateon a former occa- sion. 1 be nett sum acxtutne to waryjaiul after deducting Mr.Chase'a commissions wi3 moaint,to about 230,000 pounds current mo ae. . K..JBalt$mM.(r&epA&lW'-. . The late Indiana Gaxette : has contributed - to remove the alarms from that portion ofUp- per Louisiana,' which hadTbeen subjected to the temporary government of Indiana. - On the 2d of September , a -committee at, Geuc-'. vie ve, declared in fa vor of an entire submissi on to Congress, and in support of the authori ty of Gov. Harrison. At Louis in the district of upper Louisiana, 12 out of 17 representa tives appointed to meet that place had as- -serobled and had the -oath of allegiance agreeable to a proposal, made in their assem bly, and on' the' 1 st of October Gov. W. H. Harrison issued his. proclamation "by which ' the districtof Louisiana is to be divided into five districts, and bounded, the first including all lands above the Missouri, called Charles. "The second, called Louis, having the Mississippi on the north, Vlatin Crerk on the south, from its mouth to Us source, thence on a -west line tothe fork of the '"Mer rirnac,' -called Arenean, and down said fork to the Merrimac-then up said Merrima'ctoAhe upper settlement on that river, and then on a west line to tlie western boundary of Lou-' isiana. . .t- ; ' - The third, called St; Genevieve, owthe north" upon the district of St. Louis, and on the south by apple Creek, from , its junction with the Mississippi to its source, and then upon a west line to the -western boundary of Louisiana; Thefourth, between the above and that line -which has separated the jurisdictions of Cape Girardeau rnd New-Madrid, called the Dis trict of Girardeau. The fifth, all that part of the strict of Louisiana, which lies below the district of Cape Girardeau, to be called the district, of New-Madrid. z. The seats of justice are at the places from which the districts derive their names, i The vaper called the Boston Gazette is op posed te the Jefiersonandi ;CCnlon electoral; ticket. tt is' therefore 4he 'more serious that it stated on the 1 9th ult. that the " democratic electoral ti&et fir electors has prevailed in Jfevt ffambshire,"; I Previous circumstances rcn- ; dered it not ifnproablefor both iiouses of vlhe.aUte legislature, are. republican. - ; The printing-office, of MefTrs. Hafvcell ai"Smead and 1 he.d weJl fig houfe of t he former, at Bennington, Vernront, were . 1 corifumed by fire on the 8itYult,' Moll of ' ., I ' , L . I ..t .l f.. - -tne-printng-maieruisTuiaoiicnru iui niture wtrefaved. fc 'y Capt. Bossau ef the, ship Herman & Thu -salla, arrived at Philadelphia informs that when he left -Lisbon,1 (un the' 17th Oct.) they were in hourly expectation of the confirma tion of a war between England and Spain. The accounts received there were uch as made it appear inevitable. ! A Kingston.paper of the 20th October has the following article :--i La Sagesaefrigate, of28 guns, capt, Shiplyr arrived on Monday from New-Frovidenci with the American ship Andromache, frqnvTNew-Yofk,. bound for SavaiiHah-la-Mar wkh lumber, which had been captured'by a French privateer and retaken by La Sagesse." Capt. Deakins, arrived -at Norfolk, in 43 ' days from Lisbon, reports that on account of , the plague raging at Malaga, the inhabitants .intended setting"fire to the town. - A letter from Gibraltar, dated 23d Sept. TCteived at Philadelphia, informs that the 'Pestilence at Malaga continues to rage with -mostdestructive.violence, Jrom.2 toOO fal ling victims to:it daily. t. At Gibraltar the , mortality was confined to strangers. The troops on that station, amounting to 4006 en joyed perfect health, and were 'in excellent order. . - ' ' The Land to the'Oemidgee obtained H '-. T.HJS . highly gratifying- intelligence "is ( communicated in the following extract of a A letter from Boiling JIalL Esq. dated, Louis- i mm V - - -, - me, November 12. ' ; 1 "' I take the first opportunity of informing ' you of tbe pleasinglnformation .which hss this day been laid before us We are infor- i med by a letteraddessed to hiaExceHency by j Colonel Hawkins, that he has ..concluded a treaty with the'Creek Indians, by which he ! has acquired the land lying between the pre- I ent temporary boundary of this State and the Ocmulgee River ;-runing up said river to the three forks and thenoe to the High Shoals . on the Appelachie." - "GoViia pp. A letter from Washington confirms the account of Commodore Preble' attack on -Tripoli, - with the -fallowing additional cir cumstances t u The attacks were rifade by six gun boats, the frigates not being able to enter the har bour. They were opposed by. 14 gun-boats. In the first attack three of the enemv's gun- ' boats were sunk ; in the second attack, made uncUr caver of the night, a Polacre, and three' ; gun-oat$, each 'carrying 24 pourders, we taken. The Americans lost 3 officers and 20 seamen, killed ; and 20 seamen wounded. The enemy' loss in killed and wounded was .not ascertained. '.. . ' By arrivals at Philadelphia from Point Pe- 4re, we learn that it has been sickly amongst thehipping, that the supercargo of ithe sch'r Widowson, and capt. Wilson, of the sch't Minerva, both of Philadelphia,withj, several . othersljelonging to differeut vessels, .bad 'di ed at Point Petre. Appointment bj the President .of the Unite j States. Dominic A. Hall, Judge of the District of Orleans. Mahlone Dickerton, Attorney for the said District. Fphraira Kirby, Jdhn B Provost, Judges of the territory of Orleans. James Brown of Kcntuckey, Secretary for the territory of Orleans. 1. 1 Ie Breton D'ogenoir, Marshall for the Districtof Orleans. - -Members (the Ltrtitative'CnnteiL'"' Julieu Poydras, Ben. Morgan, Bellcchosse, John Watkins, M. Bore, Robert Dow, Mi chasl Cantrclle, Daniet Clark, J. Romain, of Atarspaa, Evan Jones, GaspaHl Dubuys, NVm. Kenner, Mr. WickolT, of Appalouse. Mrf Bore and Mr. Jones have reused the ap point menh v . - Appjintmt'ntt bj the President, with the odtici , end foment tf the Senate .George W. Erving, of Massachusetts. Se cretary of Itf-gstion s the court of Madrid. VYiUiam Brown, late of Columbia, CoUcc torof New Orleans. William Lyman, of Massachusetts, Sur veyor and Inspector of New-Ortesns. The Prtsidcntliss nominated James Bow. dn'm, of Massachusetts, Minister Plcnipotco tif iy to (he Court of Madrid J and we under stand that the Seaatc Late confirmed the fc rainaiivn. Nor. lfcrald. Chilitothe. tie. At an e1ectin held In this town n Sslur day last, for Scioto township for (he choice of three electors ef President and Vice-Pre sident, and one representative he the state 1e gislaturcithc MkswW votes wcrs taken t ltlcror. R'puUiton liiet. , Kathsmel Masste III William Goftmh 114 1 lsmst Pritcltard 101 ftitinl TuUt. I natslfcUVella t Jn Cat lisle ll Joha Hdrr 1 'By accounts from Gaudjloupr, we learn that a French frigate from TFrancejwas lately captured and fent into Barbadoes. This isTaidtobeone of the -htec that failed with troops for Martinique ; one oi which got faie into Trinity,. (Mart.) and 'hasTince pot into Port Royal; and one o ther (ihe Prefident) afier landing the troopi, at Gaudalotipe, arrived at Annapolis, with the French Minifler to theXJ. Slates. By the JConneclicui, capt. Allen, arri veil at Philadelphia from Gonaivcs, we learn, that a French privateer brig ot 16 Tgiim frn Gauda'oupe, had been captured .alter an a&ionof 8 hours, off the Platform by a Briiilh f h'r privattcr of 14 guns, and fen into -ltingflon, im. TheTCingorSweden, (itlssaidin a Lon don paper) has .made overtures for an alii liancc, offensive and defensive with Great- Britain, with an offer to augment his .army with twenty.'-new regiments, and 'his naval force in the same proportion. .. Ne&-Yor, Dec. I. - "Capt. Prentice arrived at Boston on Sun day in 25 days from Martinique, informs that none of the pcrts in that island "had been blockaded for a considerable time back and that during the late appearance of Several British ships of war cnT the principal ports, American vessels were suflctrd to pass and repass withtut any manner t.f interruptioa whatever. 1 ney rcmamea mere oui aicw days, and retumed to their former station. Ufcemoer. A.Ietter, it 4s repotted, is received in town from the Mediterranean, announcing a second cntarcraent with the Tnpohtans by the A TDcrican Reet under Commodore Preble, in which Lieut. Decatur -is said to have bcea Villed. CapUFatrchild, of the brig Ann, svritcsto his owner that on the 19th October, in Uu 36, 43, long. 68 48, he saw a wreck to wind ward, and hauled up for her. On coming alongside ht found hr to be a schooner of about 60or70 tons, with a whitebottom, yellow sides, full of water, both masts gone, bowsprit standing. and havinor no rxrvoa on bosrd. The wind 'blowing fresh, and considerable sea run- ning he couta not exactly oetennine cr name, which was chafed fcppartntHr by a yawl over her st erst but st nearly as he could make h out, it was Vclighi 0 Charleston." In addition to the damages done by (he Tarthqnake atlJsbon, as atsted In yester- day's Gsrette, taken iromtae rsMioia tie- taRthe Public Ledgtr adds - iei im tut efringt Ui4ntdf fresh vater." A declaration of war, It is said in the Char lton Courier, rus been Issued against Spain by Hlslmperisl Majesty the Emperor of Tlsvil. We undrrstsnd sn Insurrection of the Ne grots in Charleston and its vicinity, ts re cetitlv been planned, by which the horrors of St. Domingo would hsve hern tape rienced In those placet,' had It not been bt a wise fortunate sad sessonable detection. ' The particulate, &f this will doubtkts Wsoon re ceived. --' v A London, pdet currcntcf ipt$i't siptr that Carolina, tit ; acid uctionon He, 20thf 37s. 164, to 44a ,',Gi oi cui Cottti: quoted mat Is. d. to 2s. 64. - - V . - - - - -' s ' - - - - -" t Copies of Bohaparte's aiiswer to the ultima- -tem of tbe tEmperor of Russia, are tiow cir culating on the Continent c Europe.1 We fchave not yet received a complete cop -of thitv . document, which is couched in terms of the greatest, Insolence and most unqualified w'a lignity. The followingouUitie oi"ila entente will enable any person to form a pretty cor rect4deaofthivnroductionr 1 " 1 After stating that France willnotiw dictnt ed to by any ppwer.upon earth, Ikiontporfe asks why. if the Emperor be desiroits of war,. he does not at once openly declare his enii ments ? why he does not commence and ji:.s - tify hostilities in some manly wty rather tliun have recourse to the flimsy artificepL. de manding satisfaction for the violation of the f neutrality of Germany, by the seizure, and the pretended assassination of the Duke d'Ei:g- -heim. The answer then proceeds jo justify these flaitioiisnd aboniable principles, and aflerwarV-inM'1151 asks, whether the Em peror of Russia would pot have acted in the same manner under simijar circumstances I It concludes with a remark, irrfpertinent tmprinclpled, that it could not be supposed that a Monarch, who felt such a lively inter est on this occasion, would hot', If the murder ers of his father (the Emperor Paul) were within his reach, Use every ' effort' to -bring them to justice ; We hope soon to be ' able to lay a full Copy of this document before our reauu. Charleston, Nov, 30. . - COMMUNICATION." The effecl , produced by. the September "igsne, on the vegitation-in the vicinity of the city, is somewhat urprising. "Shortly alter tmostof the trees budded out, and presented the appearance of a second spring. This wa particularly the case with fruit trees; and we were yesterday gratified with a taste of seine ripe Mulberries, get be red from a tree a short distance from town. ... 4. Dec. 4. WAR BETWEEN GREAT-BRITAIN V ' SPAIN. . ;' BY recent accounts from 'Havarna,.-the . ';pvcbability of a"w ar between these two nations .gains strengtih. On the 12th ult. the British .frigate Mermaid, Captain Hollies, arrived at -at Havanna from Jamaica, with dibj-atches 10 the Governor, rclitie to the ctnduct of Frenrh privateers', towards British "eisels taken intoihc pens cf CiAa- Two days lif ter, a British Gcvernmtnt brig arrivtd .at Havanna in 8 days from Kingston she hud arrived at Kitrgstrr. in 32 days from England--of course must have brought as late, probably later accounts, than tliobc received at this port4yAhe Isabella. This vessel was sent from Kingston immediately on .her ar rival, with, dbpatches from the Admiral to ihe commander of the Mertnati, tbe contents - of which were kept secret. , Invitations had been' given to all the principal officers at the - Havanna to attend a ball whk4i was to Lave been given on board the Mermaid txi the even ing of the 15th ult. but the arrival of this brig frustrated the wide -thecocnmatKler of the frigate, receiving these drspatds, weiglv ed anchor and stood out to sea; where he continued lying nff and on, tiH tbe whole of the British merchant ships an the harbour (one only txccptrt, which had rot ballast on board) joined Iriro some of these vessels were part'y, loaded; others had purchsbrd ' cargoes, hut net taken, thrro onboard jsucb -" however, w as the import of these dispatches, -that they immediately left the port, and sailed tmder convoy Of the frigate The brig re .'. turned to Jamaica. The gentleman whe communicatea these pwlkulars, rnforms us that he conversed with the oflicers of the fri gate, who Informed hhn (hat such were the nature of the dispatches, Chat prices would un doubtedly be made of ny Spanish vessels thty might fall in with. The brig-did not ' enter the port of Havanna, hut sent in' her ; boat ; the midshipman who was bearer of the disralchcsto Captain HoIbVs, was immediate ; Ay shut up in a stateroom himself, that ne ere might have anopportuaity to intcrrogsu linu on the subject of their contents. D!fB-OatMy 14 Mr.Ctsiss Ivaua, S tA SoU LmY ki New-Terk, Wr.Jase Csav, lmM. CVH ! sWs MWB. Hit toft SSiyS4Ulf Vfrf4, k S nalrtoi4 talifl ma. 4 ewiet W OiMidUn latsUwva s qlrt4 tM (Stan il II b kmm kirn. , . - Wtw-Yoik Chatleflon Gn adiloope do. PORT GF 1FILMINCT0N, KHTtatb , SUp Enierph Conar, SclS Tolly. Nelfcn, J are, Boftwick, Sloop Ifcary. Robinfon, cLtaata Brig Advcnore, Bainey, Vo'Ir. Oliver, Sloop SiBy Wirner, Pennorer d04 Capt. raflrWgo of ir.e Vcli'i Caroline,, wno STIlveo nere on in .n i-n, ifr. St. CrolK on the uthr,0f f,v, Enlini, Twyciooi. to faillr, 0 itJt . kh'i Sally, Picice, 10 fall ln5f4ayf - Hot. aoth, m iai. jo, iori,M, co, ipoaeuiip 1 wo Brotheii, from PUladelphia, bound to Ja maicJ, 14 day cut si I well. Lois efJ SaBj tNrwlern Cart. Holder In forms, that U tailed frena Jamaica t the Sitix Septtmber, ladeo with. Rum, bound to Kcw-Yorkt that on the 30ihj hcmad CapeCorintiua) st4r. x. asths, sed by t smstl priviteer, which con'tiavci tr log till dsrk, when le lost her by 'shlfUov hla course. On the Sd October was. wpsxt U