y,fu. .-.V t-rt I a- , -...:ti - ''. . JU& '4: ' " L' -V- .; ?; lbA ''';'l' ,;?-.Jr Til. . , -; i j- ,;! ! ;q) 1 j! l-! j!-4Bt-1: V :i. , .lu-i 1,) 'i T--tyJ"f . J Jlflw-"! ,,,.! . . f- .' '' -,t ,4. 1 y ' 1 mm , 1 1 ..11 1 1 1 11. 1 hi hi hi 1 it 1 1 """"T," '-' t'J-' ,'. f'" . ' "i""" " nH " - -. I : PUQLlSftEI (wk.fcY-'aiI,JM ftftX. IX.'no'I AIR. t on iber IVcirch , I S T ATE P A.P ERS.J The1 following are the two Notes presented by .:' M. D'OcfcKtt, the Russian Charge d' Affaires at Psrij, to the Jrench, Minister of Foreign ' I ' -Affair) referred t under the London head, "'' in our last vtekfikziTri. . '; y.( - .4.1. ..'.! JUtI O-i. . . ' Tkft Note which the Ckfen Minister of ' Foreign Affan transmitted tq the under?, signeil Chafgc cTAiffaires xfrom '. VUiMftjebty'.' : - the nippror; of U the Russian, ;hc did tibV fail to transmit' t6 St. Peteriburgh I'-buttKe. i Wdcrtigned hVs. to', declarf, that jus court grcatff disappi-ovtd his fkc&ymg a paper, : ; ; Svbjch did nt,'OBSwtS r1i!precediopjridt. 1 $ oinmunicatwns.ni WOTby'6ctp spaf4 - ' reiai Tlftliiid papff, lKnrfin I at length cdnie tntdet tie-notice of .tu topcria Ma jstjr,' who saw , with surprise, ,'that its coiw tents torisisted' altogether of suqh assertions as' ure . not duly unfounded, but also wholly 7 unconnected with the note of-tj 22df The - ' ' Emperor,'' 1 already moved by. th. clam'ties N which oppress a jjreal pari; of Europe,' and by'. (he dangers. which 'threkten-the German ' ; Empire, whose interest Russia is' particularly- f bonrtd to support, in confortnity to her obli ' Rations, received intelligence of .another re '" cent violation of the Law of pationsj which: was perpetrated at Ettenheimr hef, tbere: - fore, thenght himself -bpund to invite the as ' - semblcd Statestof the (iefma'n Empire, and " the German Princes, to concur with him in ' ' jointly protesting against the ,FrentV. gorern 'lSneiit, ' to whom his ,Majes y Communicated the same sentiments, in hopes tlm( it would ; ''repair the. insult offered iorf the German .'League', and allay the fears, of Europe, for 7 the repetition of similar-oilnges. -r--- jr- . ' The rinch.gocrnWrtuldnj5tjivpd in return, ah answer to this plain declaf-atioti . ; from his Majesty the Emperor :"b't the eva sive reply whict , wa made fiepsive to. Rus-iiato the German Empire, yid ty France herself; it impairs the good uideVsUnding which she declares hef wish, to preserve, but '. the effects whereof Rutsia has not hitherto perceived. ; -'' '"7. We' live ho longer ih itSki birbaroui limes vhen every conirtry Irear4d flhly'h'jrr; immediate interwti -maiet'tt pdfi'tf A-j' , fof tlie law of nations has Introduced cer tan principles respecting the interest of the . vbole community of Sates1. ' N Slate coujd .'view with Indifference the cVent already men flioned, which gave sch dreadful bjow to the independence and security , tf nations. .. By the peace of Tcscheni Russia urideriook' "to-guarantee Hnd mediate for-the Ccririan Eflipirc, In this vjh Mi IrnpcriaJs'la; esty'wa4 not nir rely justified in rising , his voice on this occaiion', bul WAS 'abiolutely bound to do it;' ' Tire : Frr nch governraenV ' bearing a simibr quafity, Uies' ttHfc libcrty'of wiolsting the neutrtdtfv of GerihshW in'd act arbitrarily rtn that territory It U difTiiH to conceive how his Imperial Klajest slioiild le incompernt to staiw "p ior wk vrmn fcmnirCr the secUrity-'ahd -independence of w'icli be hat guaranteed' i 'ahe-constantly.: referred to treaties afrgady. It wmdd be in vain to attempt td explun ctherwe the eondnct tf Russia; tvhos'c mo tives arc so evident, w to discover' therein' the influence of the encmirs of France j its sole mothT is the' wretcaed conditiou .to! which the French government, If its Tnnu-',, encrhii reduced Ecrope. ' Should Ryssia, Vopn to tuilihh a Coali'.i'Ott, T IV the puN , ni of renewing ibt wur.hn the contintnt, it rould n t v. M be required to stek n; in fnr.Vt. The Fftnth ftovcrn- ,r.H'tit ats hnx given too Wch ind' lod jult cmiic r-tr breaking tl.e nanr.s 01 narmony, which the Emperor h' prelenrd merely by his moderation, and which be desired to prf vrvu fnf xrrr. 1 No'pcrion, and the' Fiench everner.t let: of. smI. cun rnlsuke the' v:ew ftf the ' CtVifKt . 0? Sf. Petersburg, jiince bis Imbril J.TMjcKtV'so explUHIy de ' ehred. eren beforcift rreient wur, bow ne- .cessarV It w. s to lstionr for the cbr-soWatinn cf esce l to prevrnt he w re vohUlons in Fi; rop'c ; to af-id rRrfullf ertTf catj for mV 'trmt on' td' W f iff State 'yCtry enjoy rw l.lwi.f.'tlfr. A4 ihr'slnte'llmf. Rvia bs'clel t.1 ilie rVehch (binet; Uw, much, tiit'tWsiml that mi wner pocr migm ron-, t nrtktnt orlf f 'iS:n:sj that it heti!d,Ty iw.modctttipn and u'.titrrcstf.lnpii: Vieo'a hMt loKt oU'cf fctiM-rf FtiW, .iRt;evet7'jyvernmett ttvuld at Ica't (sncr u.c uippT war, tn io mur I. liyfdyUe1Uclf,ylh safetf nwl qlH,'tn th- sppint's of tie peofJe,cn ivusttd to h. Fr frvrh eWing to rtkindfe concluded, had 'no btjief view At? poh the' '""J'' ' - 1 . 'J' 'lI 't L - 'J-' same grouna sne proposea to B mcoiaf . tor between France and Englandi but wai; not accepted. Sincfe the. renewal pi the War ,' . the French government thinks .itself ,coroe. ' , tent to occupy those countries .awl deprive them of their comtnerce,' which in vain aj'-, peal to their neutrality : his Imperial Ma-" jesty was thereby -alarmed, ;.not inileed oti lift own' acc6uf)U 'iinc,' Ivam the! actual sitnA--'5 )tion and- power of, his 1 empire,' is Majesty -tag-: rUma'm a .iqtiWt, kpeetator pfhoie jdSa' tressing scenes ; but he ,tvas alarmed for, t he ". security of the othefstates 0$ Europe I His'Ma?Mtv tebeatedlv tirotrdith tefe 1 French government btit'alwiyS ineffectually,' 1 that inose countries ai least fijiouia ;ue per mitted to remain Neutral, wfiose neutrality r France 'and Russia had truaranteedbv mutwal treaties; Hfs Maiest also repeatednr.disfld- J Uiiia aemimenis; yun respect o ,ioose,, states that are .alreaor in dancer or.sharinig ' the fate of Italy of 4 jiart of Germany and of the other countries Which France has al ready got in her possession.; Meanwhile, the ' Emperor saw, in spUe of all his . exertions " and reraoostrances,.. tbs danger increasing daily ; 'French troops, cn the one side, oc cupying the coasts of the Adriatic-fon the other,; levying contribuon's' on the Hanse Towns, and menacing Denmark, ;T, conse-, quently," bis Imperial Majesty lias ;resolv-j ed, as the' theatre of wir approaches, his frontier, to establish' a military force, which ' shall be adequate W put a stop to further en-, tiTjacnraemui 1 Re, jact is JlOtonwis wit Europe the' Eroperir wes particularly de- b sirous that it might hot femain unknown to the trench government, and the mutual ex" plaftations always rrtferred ,o .the ame ob-jects- iyeverthcir, did ahy government, act more tandidlv, orf for a , oirbose wbicli re-' quireftess" Seci-ecyi or s subject to less false cunbirucuons, man, nussia ciia 10 vne preseni ciretimManccv If this conduct be. tiot up rigntif ' it can fie .considered as hostile to France or an 4ttick ..on ,the(welfai e and tranquility of the- man Empire, then Uiere is no longer ahy dtifefehce existing between 1 manifest encroachments on, the one pii't,. and that just indignation, which the; other pari must conseautml W j.rnce ; bcttrcen the oppression anq protec tion of tlje weaki.. ' ... " The undersigned; vrillnot, in this place, .examine," by the law, of nations,, the. ques tion; whether the( French government, be jhsrifie'd' in 'persecuting in ; every country, those persons whopi it has.'exiled from, their own'1, and in precribine to foreign powers the' manner in which they shall be permitted . to treat or,to, erilploy the late emigrants, whbht they may have adojked Jor the'tr wtb 'jects, of employed in ;their service? hoch 'a tenet Is at variahcej wvlv every principle of -justice V nay, "with those . principles which . . 1 . a. 1 1 ... 1 me i' t r nenntuon ni so. syicuuiiy proclaim eA. To suppose that Russia attacks the in- dependence bf flic States of E'uropoi because she' will not permit a person m her employ, hicnt abroad to be appointed somewhere eNe at the' will of the French government,- were to confoWl all Ideas and wvrds l or because ho is a DftUjral- ne nevenneiesst eia wwseit oouna to ! nate,his declaration as -elicit as ipoissible,! , -i n.aJ:.?SW. not with'trBtKi'oe said that , there was not asingkgoyernehten !tf)e ciio-; ineni which had the courage torahSta voice Jn the catnit; of just'tc and'that tneTlissrffn goverpmehj, migln nbt be charged with hav jnpniittd to call the. attention; onis'Cb-Es:, .tates ,fto, the dreadrulVcooseqaeiKcs1 mfttti't. jmUat Necessarily ensfe from I rurtlurr hpgler.V' iff-ff:;an4'pC.rtn4ii Whicfi"' JtbefrtlleiDg ihdUiwi' tofy oNjperifl. "If doei, not appear, how itcodd iiWtkWmo? EiX 'fl? tKe present 'diauter'HkaiHfttasrl y " " -V- Sf :inwiircsrvioranon ie , . 'w.of nations, commijued bieoWd rtpitts': of the Fre"nch Repnblicon a neutral tcrrjtor" , of the German, Em pi fe, by 4 guaranteeing ; and mfcdiating power, bad thereby interfered' t in the internal affairs of France ; "an'd to iAtef-' fere in;, which the Ernperor never had Jtlvt; mpst distant iclea-.Jivery-st-ate is, .mated, 1 competent tp outlaw a person within its 'wrT fimits 1 buf no state lus a right, 'arbitrai'iiyi, to place any person "ont'bf the protection of the law of nations i -because the latter does' not depend, uixm the decrees of any sin'jrle 'State, but is- grounded upon the. unanimous" ! mill r.Ck. r Jw. Kr('......:nU.i-... "' Thus the French goVernment could at;mbst ; detnand "of .the Princes of the German Em-' pire,jn, conffrmily to the treaty of Luneville, that; the ; emigrants in h'eir stated j who' hk'd oqt yet made rhc"ch(ice of a entnfry,' ofid 'a- " she chims anothcr'.pcrson .ho is ixed Russian, and ha just low been deliver cn tip y another Mate, yitnout any pre vious trial, and contrary to tvery appearaoce V Never did the, Emperir prgtcct conspi fatotss bisnobie and iiprigjt character is too well known to all Europe tnrequire an elabo rate contradiction, of this esertitn, as false Is it .1 TKlecefit. . Tbe Ftncli government itself is convinced of the .'ontrary ; it need -tmly Terr.embe r that the Empe ror has" fre quently declared, that if. iicli an stcinstion were f roved against 'anyluMian. m bis em-, ploytncnt, he would ba;ei to punish Lint most severely hti 1 crime iticli he considers as of a mhM heinous nattre. Ilut the cabi net cf Jt. Clcmd rcturnc- no answer to tins tahclid 'fonYniunicayon, jor riid.it lurr.ish afty prof to.support.tl rc.tcnjions$ it has .then rio'riXh tn rompIalAtf its 'unsupporttd demanfl'rKi Wing, comped Kb. .Ilut at the present moment, wk n PorPigal was tred t'o rrchae hcr'jeutrali'y t- when Naples, to save Jirr s, wa;onpcuca 10 con. tribute, at an enormoustxr;nw,to the main tenance t)f the KrencH (nis on her own ter ritory when all Italy,' cWially those, re publics thut been romied independence ml hsptMhes-when.Siierland and Ilol- Isnd were considered merer at. trench pro- ll e Ttiim-jf sf f.tJ the cbhtietnt t s'uM MsjeiJ-'mdrt rdrtilly wioVes", '? Vli tl.A3 !awriecTf -lhtre ; riit TuV 5lajcny t1iii h4ttiniUVtKh.'tl;at?.e rrenJi . 1 'Afticle of; tte s'aU CowVptt jnf Miiiviiv auun.pj'owse. j.cr.iTTUUii!in, ini- mediaU,lyx; soifae piincjjte cCncert with llis Imperial jVlajesly. 0f Wgulating the basis upon 'hYch the, xffairs d' I tuly shall te final- 1 adjusted.,,; ,V, " 2. Tlj 'it U.1 f enmTi'i s it prcuwU t the same 'de r k'.tr. wotil.1 let thse ni'.Vwt alone, who wish 'blr ttt-e fc'scnllV. ih' 'king m p.-rt in the nrtTit tf'fMes. ,, tt TM otiytiK'Rti uffittiirtaie to U-r ti c e'N of t vusnby. It rft.eJ i'H rTfCMti!) nltl of llsa.'h'fh Prur d ..ted fi'.m O hm- piic 'iAc I every step she ul w,!h the rfrncli jovemmcnf, which vinrei i'.when one part oflht Germar, em pire isofcupitd, white In at4her part Freneh detachments execute arrest-, in contempt of Ihe'sag-eillaw1 of natjows- such a moment the Kmpcfor, wil leave to alihe stares alledg. ed.nay.to thf impartial opinon libecaumet r St. Clopd iueif, the decion of the quet; lion, which, ol me. tW. r tnit.Vcs jhe seewfity of Funpe ? w Vtb of, them acts e n priivciples tbe mo favourable to the inlcpenfritce pf ether sulci? which Inferures most in the government anu inp TlV; ftf olncr' r'nf' practises the most arbitrary acts agsirUtO'ern f . Ahhoiich the sorrow whirh the Lmpcror ftlt at this alarming titum'.ion of affairs, was raioM whom authentic proofs could 'be Dr'o- flucedt should be. removed ' but the French , government wis by nb means jtfstihed in tbe niTaiiyii 91 mosc oiaies sworu in n una 10 tarry off such persons by :main jbrce."!'1' : !.' 1 ' It Will hardly be credited, thatth'c French Cabinet could (to maintain its eVrone'oiis pril- ,:iple) deviate 46 far from -every reqursiie der cavunv, an4 the regard dne to trutl; as to ai. leige. examples which were altAtther1nU . proper to be .mentioned t thnl.it shoptd,' in an ofEcial document recall even' n father's deillil ,(t6 tjie recollection of hi$ illustridus6ii7 in5 , oruer to wound his tender fcfclingS r ard t.at ,it shouht .(contrary to;all truth and alt proba bility) raie an accosatlnwagainst-'anolbergo-' vcrnTnen'whotn-cFf anfe ttever' erases to"' fa--' . ry.tcpause she Is at war with' it; . ,, . ..... -r-. -; ' : "' 'I France. has endeavoured, in vain,o'pis- , lijy.herself by the most extraotdinary SurmV (sej and suggestions ; but they cannot tditr . tbe state of tbe bresent question, nor' can they ,be made.to juntify, with effect dh arbitrary' act which annihilates the leading, knd hithcV . to, undisputed principle of the law of nntten'. I , , llis not,by any means necessary to analyse tpe whole contents of tlie ttote from the .tben.MinisteV lor Freigft Affairs, in order tobe convinced that it is cVasive and unsatis factory, if the object'be tbnsidtrre.l, wliicli the. Etpperor pi-opoied, When be in the ccutse of lst spring, caused the notes to be deliver ed atj'aiisapd atRalisbon": it is aUoevi.'cnt, from the said French note,' th.it the French government mlher wished toincjj:ait the Em jerr' jut indignation, since its only object in that note is,-in Ui indcrent manner, to a yoiithe important question proposed, instead of efferiug h candid investigation of it. ,," The Emperor i, liowever superior lb the emotions of personal resentment. -' I IV has principally at heart the well-being and tranquilitj'ofF.ttrojKjJ he, therefore, dot! nU hesitate to make a last effort for the preC r- 1 vatpn, if. possible, of a friendly intercoftrsc with France. His Majesty' sole wjtt 14 .that peace, may fe'vive in Europe f that 'ho person jqay assume any authoriy whatsoever JI?L intlherjtitc and. thauhe- Fwich government do acknowledge an" equality of rigsts for. inferior States, bMt who arc not ies Independent than France. Rnssia, it cahoot be too often repeated, eoteftams pot the hrait inc mai.oa for wtr, nor can she be' benefited by H i her conduct will alone be influenced hy ie pressure ofcirciimiianraa. SW Mif'. . hovever. Justly presnme, that the Frcndi d- mii 'rv'--,,. vnch .n ori:on , the Utter will not "remain an idle or tuBcr- l .MM.tnr f an new encrowcnnirm-M v 1 . . . ... . Af ii trf llis Majesty unstmperorwi . himself tnfjutncfd by fctr, 1 or noes ne w.. todirrrtU pperaUonstothe tninoin oirv,.. t. t. uu .i..Im tt nmpn-e his forWcfreld-' tiors with France; buttipon ro other grourd , 'than that of perfect equality The first con- flition imbat the termsnratuany su r 'shall be sacredly fuifdled, and on tbii condj- ticn onjy, can the two States, inai u ,1,'m ibr former' relations Of jrOfKl Will nin7. - . 'ine wnuersigncu h - .PiSa8;e, in'copformiiy tb the 6th Artie jof lbp .Convention afore said, .arid .tbe, 'pMWm i.w&efaaijj'ivtn to ' Rumania indcmmy t witbopt dela, the King pi aacanrorf jgssea. tofciias siitUuie.- j' Ta.rprtuftJoi. tbitt oblignticn of jSwiualgarjiu Overiimerit shall pjrpmue ' immediately to "fevaquajle atjd -withdraw its . troops from the pfori)0frhtj-ii4 f&fyt into an ehage Vnent'Vesp'ect, in tbe.strittest ruann'er, tire , Neutrality of the efmhrftIkdjCi : ;. , ,' Tie;yndersigned has to add, that he has receivtd' orders from, bis Covtrn'mtnt to de mand a. categ'orical iiswcr ..to these four "points, and "avails hjrpsdffif this oppotttvni tyi &c. ;,,;' (Signed) .i , - .j .; ..'f , ;;;; .1 1 ,,;;.r , i W .. D'OUCRIL.'' ' " '?Ai, AV. 16-28, rC4. '. ." ,.The undersigned; .Charge .d'Ailaires of His Majesty the Emperor .'of al the Rosiias, in answer jtoj, tbe.Ote .tratts'niVtted to him by tfie Mipis,ter for.oreigMi Affairs -.feels it itu tujfipcjuon um 10. conn ne,ii.,uti sen' to tne recdpituiatioT qf , ibit conduct whiclv his an- K ( gust Master has, constantly held towards' t he I , French government tbe plaid txposttion of whieir will sufficiently demonstrate: the na ture of the reciprocity which he has in bis .turi experienced .from thut Power. ".. ( ,'?,' i irbm the -mopjtnt that bis Majesty as-.-" scendedjte thrpnej,, lije Jlniured-witli nil his 'care' 'to renew the. good iptelligente w.ich bad formerly ptwikd bel'weta F:t net iul ' Russia. , llis Imperial Majesty, : in aiiticip'ut jng hetex'pa nations w h ick-wt re to p rod or.e a olid and . pernfancnt und.Miunciing be iWceri U;e twp''coiin(ries,"lwas hanpv in the h per'huasion't t.hftt he .would l,y, jbsn. meTis eft feptually bntribnte. to lle geiierul.pacif.ca tiori of Europe.4': f.h'e Hanquility of which h&d I f been tpojopgUs'tuiWil bjt tbe t.ints whith '. occHsiqnca nc w.n tnsi .was uiminaica y rtfiV-Tiraty'.of LneriuV. . Tbe irhdinrts Vbicli his lajwty shewed to make pc.ve with tlii French oycrinienit,.at ti.e time it yas at war with .several other' powers t lie . jjrefvewal of the forfner Treaty ol Ccmmtiire, wbich Was entirely, to lx "advantage of J rance Uie good offices of Rusm in bi irg 'ing about a j-ecopdliation between the He public and the Oitoman Porte are all'oi .yincing proofs of the disposiliou of his ia jestyr aiid' of his wishes to neglect nothing . on his; part which could tend . to cjpsolidile thai connexion which he honed miuht tis.t for ever. Mi.'. ;' .. . , , ., . . v.M.Smce that period, wh'eh, inrcntcquenfe of ih misfortunes which Germairy experieVi ced in the, course of the war, and that many Members' .bf the Germanic licxly'wiTe put unt'er tbe necessity of .tutmittiwg. to nu ke sucrifues, and that it, became neresarj to ascertain those sacriheen for the purpose t ( Vrlt'Inv (In. inft-n.n'.iU. penspte for their losses) .the. Frnj ercr ten sentedtn become a Joint Mediator wiUi Ue rtetich government, in the coidisl -bf.pci tint the Act cf Mediation would fits I tie e'cUre, that he cannot -prolong Mssty at .Vis, onless the following dim" ' P'' Viouilf granted 1 ' .'u 1. Trnrt, eonlormaoiy w Articles ti the Secret Contention oiti.e inn of October, 1101. the French crn;ent .ball order its troops to evacuate the k.ng dom or Naples rand when lb.' It shall engage to re.pect th. Nentralitf of ibalVingdom durirc the present and ,' To- lU" 2? That, in conformity to the iecaa. tranquility of the Coptinenl. TI.e coo p!y tlon of this ssiutary w erk allow rd his Ip pi-. rial Majesty to turn lis attention to the en., gagemcnts which France voluntarily entered into at the focrioiof the fonr,lnNbriief her . peace with fyusMiu, . His Inij trial Mnjesiy, having srrurniloiisly fulfilled thbc which he Miiered 4th w Kh.l ranctr hsd a right torx- pect that tlit Frei.ch governrrent wmild . have shewn Itself iiriis tueqt.al lis pnno lualiiy, and to perlorro its own obligations. .ti ... -.it. .1 - . - . iibwcTcr rcasoniuic iris esptctaiinn wss, 11 : has never been real. xtd j snd the Frtr.tU governrncrt, to far ficm shewing try !isp sition to fulfil them, has Ukeu no Tittle pin, if the undrrsigncd may ute the esprcskiou to retard their teorplihrocr.t. . "u x.,mwpr.Sarf!mis', who has been by the vmii..I nciiiiiv.. .--wv-fr ..-.it i.lk for thtt Int.'tnoilT which I IX Cabinet of the Thuillerics had sr.lcmnly' pledged itself to Russia to lallow him, Mhitb the latter )ts continwnlly dewsrdcd. ..Ti,- i:ir f,f Nile's, who was freed lor a short time from the presence bl Tifli ' lArmyin his Kirgdom.'teboWs U prn oc 'tupyhig Provinces, wider a pretext, tbe nsture or wbUb,.is pot known totis-Nri--litsn Ml jesty ; and U is IrequmOy pUced tint tf the V.M of Imlepebdent Stste 1 be rrprmra aliens of Kmsia. founded rw he . a .,;Mui'.r.n ftf Friifeocnw'rthe Kingdom 01 Msplet a Nctnrat Sute and 10 emor sll te advantapes of t.rutrbty. hate able K that t we :r. ' . h Tbe whole of ItHy i Mtai,....., h tb eovrrnrutMif the 11. c sii i w ' r - Republic las caused h to nf!rfO s.iua tbw r!cb'ic.n of the p between P.tii f?J Frsi .V hhout any 'pttlimmsty ;' with lis In,ptrii MMr Hhtugh it lad leen ictecd upn ly tie two poweii at tb 1 ! sr i i 1 j .1 I

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