i .1 .-I rir ii w unto IVolIb IX PUBLISHED (weekly) ALLMAND HALL. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1 80S. .Yo. 4S2'. GAZ CONGRESS. JMs0F RtPREStNTA TIVES, January 8. The Hie went into a coramitte of the "Whole. ' Mr. Teey in the chair, - On men to recede to the tate of Vir ginia and aryland, respectively, the juris diction oiuch parta of territory of Co lurribta, a re without the City of Washing ton and let considergble debate thereon, the comn ee rose, reported progress, aad obtained re to ait again -Sever sutionn teeadrod of a .pri vate natu and.teferrcd. . . i January 9. Mr. T apson, from , the. xomiwittes ap pointed c he public buildings, at the City of VVashi ton, predated a bill making an. approprii n of : ' dollars for complet ing thetth wing of the -Capital, and for ther pu ses, which, was read the first and second t :s and Committed. - The 1 tse went into a committee of the whole, o he motion to recede, to the states of Virgi. and Maryland, the District of cblumbii ind after considerable debate the coin mitt rose, reported progress, and ob tained le ! to sit again. , . , , ... January 10. - The h le went again into a committee of the whol -On the motion to recede to the states of rginia and Maryland respectively, the juris tion of such pans of the territory of Colui a, a are without tbe.limits.of the City of 1 shington ; !and aftef consiflei able debate t :ommittee rose, and reported their , disagree :nt to the said motion. The h then took up the business, , 'Wher: Ji vision of tbc question wa called for, ande question being t:ken that the Mouse concur with the committee of the who oue in their disagreement to the first res iom it was decided in the affirm- ali ve a dlowa : . .. . Teas essrs, Alexander, Baldwin, Black ledge, B , Brown, Bryan, G. W Campbell, Casey, amberlin, .Chittenden, Clagett, Clairbor Clopton, Conrad, Crowninshield, Cuttar, 1 U, Davenport, Dennis, Dickson, Dwiglit, iarle, Elliot, Eustis, Goddard, Gregg, i GrUwold, RGriswotd,. Hastings, Hclmes oln.es, Hugh, linger, Hunt, Jack son, Kei dy, Lewis, jun. Livingston, Lown des, Li i,- Lyon, M'Crcery, Mitchill, T. Mpore, lson, New, Newton, jun. Platter, Purviaii Saminons, Sanford, J. Smith, S ithai Stanton, Stedman, Stephenson, Tifjrar i'allmage, Tenny,Thomas,Thomp ta, Ta , VanCortlandt, Van Home, Wads- th, Walton, L. Williams, M. Williams, I nnt ' inston, and Wynne 72. Vajt. Mestv, Alston, jun. Anderson, Ar . r, Uc ungef Bishop, Boyle, Butler, Clark, ! Cla, Dawson, Early, Elmer, F.ppes, 1 dley, l owler, Cray H anna, Hosbrouck, Mkter, Hoge, Holland Jones, Lamed, Licb, ,ord, Mcrriwdher, IS. U. Moore, Mor , Mott, Om, Palmer. J. Randolph, J. E. U'cn a. t. mica, (icon.) Kichards, C"r 5eTi" nroarj, amine, Stanford, wart, Varnum, .Yciplanck, Whitebill, W ilMn 46. , he second resolution contained in the mo- i being under debate, . , - Ir. Smilie moved to amend the same by king out the words Vithvut tbc Lmtit of f:tv r'l!'ll(initlM. fkmi ou the question io agree to tbc sajd W I . I I . J . ".. i. ciiumcm, u waucciuc ih me negative. . 1'he question was then lake u to concur, hihe-committcc of thd whoIe"lroTie.iu" r dissgretrment Ao the, second resolution, decided id Uie aJTiruutivc-Ycas 6. he romirtittee to wbom was referred a (dnttranre and fetiiion of the represents- Dl tbc tree men ol the territory of lot- h.is discoarutd from the , farther cw- erati'Ki thereof, and the reinonstrance t petition wera itfrred to the commitue Htitcd on that part of the Prcsklen's taaue, relative to the amelioration of form of government of the territory of olstaoa. . January II. Sir. Lena presented I bill to amend the irter of Ceorjjrto n, which wts rrsd the it and second tim, tod committed to a nmittee of the wM. Jhn House resolved itself into commit : of the whole, Mr Crtptr in Uie Chair, the report of the' iW-Mastcr Ccticr.l, nreming the memorial of Robert Hen trson. of South-Carolina, and alter some rn sent tlx re in, the committee rose twirttd prof rtis, a&d obtsmed leave 10 sit (at ii. January 14. Mr. Nkhulioa firescnted a petition from i' Hccinaw, Major Butler, and other of trA h tbe airny ol the United State!, tstVed it New-Orleans atsllug that the auht.tr.ee noref atlowrd ihera propor ttonitrpon lU rstlotw was Inadequate le vt 4tt and ptajtatf to have the same etield w A sum equal to meet their beets tf VsUtence Refem4 to the Secretary it Vi ta ttpoa to the House tUereetw A bill . wa$ received from the Senate for imposing more specific duties on the impor tation of certain articles, and also for levy ing and collecting light money oh foreign ships and Teasels, and for other purposes, was read and referred to the committee of ways . and means. , Ob the motlott of Mr, Hugcf, tfte House resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the report of the Post-Master General, on the petition of Robert Henderson, complain ing of his inability to execute his contract for carrying the mail in South-Carolina, and which, recommended a further .allowance tft be made to him of 154,200. : ' The rporHaagreed eo and a;eonm)ittfe of three was appointed to-bring in a bill con formably therpto, r. - - . On motion of Mr. Thompson, the House went into a, committee of. the whole, on the bill making an appropriation for compTetint the South wing of the Capital and for other," purposes. t.jyir, Dawson in the chair. . After some time spent in considering the same, the committee rose and reported that Si 10,000 be appropriated for the ptfrpose of completing th flouth wing of the Capital -and 220,000 for otheripurposes, Which was agreed to. by the, JIue,. and the bill was ordered to .be engrossed for a third reading to-m6rrovfV;'- ' ' On motion of 'Mr. Lattirhore, the Ioi!se went into a committee of the whole, on the bill for .regulating the .grants of land end disposing of. the lands of the United States, South of t he state of Tennessee. General Vainum, in the Chair. A small amendment was made thereto, -authorising the register ing of the Spanish titles to lands witl'iin that territory, and the, committee rose and re ported, and ; the House having agreed to the amendment, the bill was crdeied to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Newton, the House re solved itself into a committee of the whole, on the bill to prohibit the exaction of bail upon cerlaiusuits, brought within the dis trict of Columbia. After some time spent in considering the tame, the committee rose and reported the bill nith an amendment, which being agreed o by the House, the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. . i . The House went into a committee of the whole, on the report of the committee" of claims on the memorial of Captain Alexander Murray," to which was added a report from the Secretary of the Navy, msde to that committee on their special application. The raport was favourable to Capt.. Murray, admitting that his claim was reasonable and ought to . be granted. A discussion took place on this subject, and it was evinced that the law relating to the capture of French armed vessels in 1799, and of the re-capture of American vessels did not justify the pro ceeding of Captain Murray in the capture of a Danish ueutral," although 'his insume tions from the then Secretary of the navy,' appeared to authorise it. The committee thereupon rose without-coming to a deter mination, reported Prtr. lll i'mi IcWc o Tt again.' . Mr.' Rhea culled for the consideration of Ms motion, which had bren some time laid upon the table, requesting the Secretary nf j War to lay fcetore the Home, a list ol the officers and soldiers of the Army of the 'Vriitid States, during the years I8JJ iirtd 1804, and a statement of the Posts at which they were stationed, Sec. On (he question to ajrrct to the motion, the House divided, and were ayes 36, navs ".' wnicn no; ocuig a quorum, ine iioush u juurncd. " ' ' Jnnuary 15, 1803. The Speaker hU befoix the 1 louse a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, atcom psnied by a suicruei.t-of the sums of money counsel lor advice und asilance ta the officers of tint department from the cttsbliihment of the government down to the prttent year. Ordered to be printed. The bill appropriating a sum of monty for fm'.hing the south wing of the Capital, in the City of Washington, and for other pur potes, was read the third time and patted, as was likewise the bill regulating the grants of land and disposal of the laud of the United blste south ol the state of Tennessee. The bill to prohibit the exaction of bail upon certain suits within the district of Co lumbia, was rod The final passage of the bill w; opposed by Mr. Coddard, Mr. Root, and Mr. Nelson, and defended by Mr. Neion, as a proper measure to prevent the oppression of ma lignant creditors. Mr. Kppei desired Mr. Reekie y to read that part of the Constitution of the United States relative to the extent of the judiciary power, and that part of the taw establishing the judiciary authority, of the district of Columbia, with a view of shewing that the bid wss not essentially necessary. Mr. Early moved a recommitment of the bill to select committee Mr. Bedinger expressed his wish ihst the bit) might go to a select committee, because be considered the principle a vslusble one. lie Inutmed, tawncr, tut the details wtrt hot altogether perfect. He felt conceroed on this subject on account of several of his constituents, who had been tricked out of tktes and bonds, for lancls in Kentucky, Which had been advertised, and were no longer available against, the drawers in that state ; but should it so happen that business called them to Washington, they might be extremely harrassed for want of bail. . The reference was opposed by Mr. R. Griswold, as he was against the principle of tHfc bill altogether. . - On the question to recommit, it pa&scd in' the negative Ayes 44, Noes 59. . Th'e question. waa'iLheu taken tbepas- sjc 6(.fhe? mllrandirwas", tiwrrafgcftij:' but thirty member in its favourt- vt Mr. Hoger from the committee appointed for the purpufce, reported the bill authorising the Post-Matter General to make fiirtlier provision for carrying the mail berwecn Fay etteville North-Carolina, and" Charleston, South-Carolina, not exceeding 206' dolors' per annum. ' The bill was read twice' idd referred.' '.it' ' On motion of Mc. Thomas, a commttte was appointed to enquire w hot-he i' "any, ;Md . any what alterations are 1 necessary in the laws regulating the grants of land,' appropria ted for the refugees from the British pro vinces of Canada and Nova-Scotia with liberty to report by bill or otherwise.' " ' IN SEN AT E OF THE UNITED STATES. January 14, , On motion 'of Mv. Ellery, r. ' Resolved, That the members of the Senate, from a sincere desire of shewing every ru'-uk of respect due to the memory of the honour able Samtitl J. I'atter, deceabCd;late ft mem-" bcr. thereof will go into mourning for him one month, by the usual mode 6t wearing a c.upe round the left arm. . . .' SALKsiTjaklaut 10. The late troubles in Biscay, provoke our enquries into the condition of this Noi lhcrn part of Spain. .It was not till commerce had given this province its blessings that it fell under the purer of Spain. It had seen the flourishing state of Bilboa for nearly four centuries before it was in even nominal subjection. In 859 the Biscay ans : were Roverned by .tbcir own Counts. Under John the first, in 1 S9, they werc united to the Crovn of Castile. The singular manner in which they hare preserved their language,1 indicates their independence of their neigh bours. The changes they have fLlt, from their subjection have been few, and their" character has pvevtrved the liberties which they have never .accurately defined. Johnj not so happy in regard to Portugal, as lie was in his neutrality in regard to the elec tions f the Cviuch, was advanced to the throne while he had all tbc affections of the Korthern parts of Spain. At Butgos be was crowned, a pljcc iiumorallo by the heroism of T.lci':or of Castile, who suikcd poison fixnn the wound of the eh'cst 'son wrrTnTrIind, fthdwTowasWghl. ed by his wife in this city, and still more famously by the Hero called the Cid, svho has given imn.ortality to the genius of Cor neilk'. ll lboa Ins 0OQ0 iiihnbiUintv, and growing to,Ficher is situated In a plain on the riht bmk of the river YbeUslielr two leagues from the sea. The plain is so nar row at.cve the city, that the passage appears, closed by the mountains, and the plaiuis aho contracted below, so that the city is upon JJLUl'eg'Jlat td JjianKuJrpf4-And-n nu-- turn and winter h prewrivrd from he rains and north wind, and wppienlly sunoended by iitountau.s. Fischer travelled in this cou:'ttv in 1'j7 and 1798, ami we may f.tro 'him, obtain an impartial outline of this Province. He observes that' Biscay . is . a province under the prelection, but not order the absolute dominion of Spsln. It is a little republic unittd to a Monarchy and the authority of the Crown is not unlimited, but respected. No . garrisons, customs, stamp office, excisr, or donatives arc to be found in Bixcoy. Under its own government it has consented to admit a representative of the King, and a commissioner of marines ; but uo royal ders arc Iws without th authority of their on magistrates. The privileges of the province and the acts of royal power are often in opposition, and in turn prevail The Biscaysns assume the name of noblemen, and eUim the pure blood of Cambria. They admit no superiority from the high opinion of their pure descent, uncorrected by the floors or any foreign nation. The highest oMkers -are electivcty the majority of their parishes, and are annu ally cbosen lery year, eight Reridora are chosen, and they elect the other officers. AH those offices must be flUd without rm pensstion, though they have found out the method of rewarding their own services. .The pleadings before the Alcade are by word of mouth, before the Cort ifidor only by writing, the latter try civil csuit and the former criminsl. laxes are scarcely known. A moderate Isnd tat, and a olon tsry cootnbutioo to the hospitals are all they acknowledge, bnt they ara tiee from excised poIl.taxr and'such iropo!uions-.TJ) traveller . still confesscf, hat he ovrtM little respectf to the provincial manners which b;ivc little to ' recommend them' -to a cuHivattd mind.: :: '- v ';:, , ; ,. it is in thq compQtltion between the tvo governments that the most serious evils ran arise. As these evils arc -.fmpient, their, can be judged of only by thow who posses'" the history of ihep,, aiid thei- eiaot, temper with wbicli they are conducted. . , 1 1 h. the' " L . i e :. i. resentment whichVthe Spanish government has she wn -which -ivr the jauic. of iic cio'w-' linual disdai'etsV TTfe'e?rnt4of the soaiets. l tie ear 6f BiscajVis given tftf5 ?pamh '.llis fnnn' smutv td "norUir nfrgi w; iM-'Mf- t?tst. 'The Spanish . roiie 'eual tia-. fotirXEnglittf m'iles in the co'oiputaUon. ; The European Gazettes Mmsh sdme cir cumstances respectintj "iisjtwit1bn of France and Russia.' In reply- to the "'avti'cltrs' of charge against the French, the ' frltfch impeachtheRussians forhcwing uncomr.uin frijiiidsbip jo the political and dcniestlc 'te mic.s , of France, and for assuming threatening attitudes jtii 'the Ve:netia1v ' Islantls. J1 Is added,, that Prussia is ictly.e ib preve nt 'a',, rupture between the twij fKiwei' wnd. K&.' hopts of profiting ffotn 'the' ' piesvr.t (lis .position of the Frenph: iti nrf'scquisiti-iHi of territoi7. n France nothing is njyre Re serving of notice,- than .the 'continued .t.n. deavouis to promote a pacitic temper of tlnr cL-rgy in the church. T.n'e' ' traiisWiMi of the circular letter, signed louche, ai jests attention. Ir ithis letter the alliance of Chun li and State is evidently 'abRhtloned. Many revolutions are named to justify subnirisior. to the new' authority, and the, suVrMssiors wliich will be required, is expiesdy, an nounced. 'The senfimetir which is formed upon the new establishment, is thus express- ed : Freedom of religion is a law of the Empire, and one of the rights of roan, and i -it present tstablished in -every t n lip.htened state. You are no Jongtr at.'IU berty ta extend the conquests of religion, of which you arc the chief ministers. Ex cept by your talents and your evangelical virtues. Jn the age In which we live, that' may be denominated the best religion which most forcibly inculcates the principle of morality and obedience to the, laws." ' ' In regard to Holland, many inconsistent, reports-are abroad. That a new domtstic arrangement, is expected, may b; bdiwed, but time is to explain it. In (.etmany it is probable that greater changes wiil tr.ku . plarc, 'and repeated exchanges of leniioiy will be deemed convenient, but no serious evils disturb the Empire. Respecting the Island of St. Domingo, various reports have currency. It is well known to those who have lately been in that Island, that Dessalaires did actually threat en an invasion of that psrt of the Island now in possession of the French and Spaniards, and that he did consider the conquest as easy, to the troops under his command. That treasonable practices have been obtained may uls9 be "probable, and that while enc parly We consulted Dcssalaincs, the wilier may have r.ontultsd the English, is to be conjectured from facts already knowr. Bet consequences from tnese'messhrci, or frpm ." the deposition which led to them are not known. That Dessalaines hss soberly tho't upon a new establishment of Church and State is known from his many attempts to con tinue thcbabiti borrowed front the whites,' which tend from the acquaintance the black hare, with them, more lh.iu any oirr. prmnnfe-theuetxisary civUiud!iV"ATd t'lial circumMances truly ridiculous will arise in the imitstknof Eut-openn Covcri'.m-,,is i;l TJ0t.be questioned. .Still .it intul l consi dcredthat DcMsLioes has great power Irom the firm conviction of his troops that much still depends upon the preservation of h-s life for their prosperity. Th restrictions on the Jamaica trade are announced, and roust be expected. Ezirait bf a Lttttr horn VaUain .John II Awdsrw, ofiU brig C)th;a rthtt Pjtt t hit ffvntrt daltd ' u St. Pierres, (Mart.) Dec. P, 1 104. M Nothihg rtutcriil occurred until the 3d December, being in Isu IS, long. 30, saw two sail, one of which proved to be his Bri tannic Msjcsty'a Urig Le Courier, of I ft fcuns.Csptait Batswtrtb The first slot be fired I 'look in tay sills Immediately hove to he fired two more guns after I hove to. ' t i l', M. be time up and ordered me to hoist out my boat and come rn bord with my papers, which I conplifd with Imme diatelyIn the time cf my gttur.g the host out, he firrd several smsTl arm at t.e. When 1 Kot on board 1 delivered m? piprta lo the ofTter of the df ck the first lieuten ant ordered roy tnen out out or li e Us, and sent other men It I be went ct board of the Cynthia. drot my mst li d all binds, the cook Included, Into the boat, without giv inf them time to gtl their proUtt.on. Af ter being on board one hour, (the Catn.it sending bis acrtaht up rcpeittdly to inter rotate me) he then ordered tne down iho cabin. Alter rectiving insult tpen insult, fca MUt ruy Ut after Uie rUcctiuit, ltd