v iri , mXt ' fS eSr Or In TI H . II V At 6 I 7 if Itti rt PUBLISHES (wKEKt)' BY ALULitiB MALL, -TUESDAY; FEBfcllJAIlY ) 1805. tPbiirx? XX. CONGRESS. ' 0J? REPftESEIfTA flVES : ' : , . v ;" ? ' January I6i A message from the Senate, by Mr. Otis, their Secretary, infornied that the Vice President of the United States and Presi dent of the. Senate, had obtained leave of absence, and that tne.Senate having pro ceeded to the choice of at President pro tern-. pore,had elected Mr. Ar.derson,ofTennessee. Mr. Speaker laifj before the House the report of the Secretary at: War, on thepe tition of the military officer stationed jt New Orleans, which was refef red to a select com mittee, of five. - ..s...tr;".' ' ' ' ::)??j?ii -.fenBi?!rj'A3Uu Mr. Claiborne; 'moved the order of the - slay for tUrtfljWIW oresojve itself into' cftnimittee or the whole, on the bill making iurther provision for the extinguishment of the debt still tluc fi-om the 'United States, t Mr Varnum in the chair.: This bill goes generally to make provision for. the payment of certain debts liquidated at the Treasury. '.-. . " , ' 4 ' : A new section was proposed by Mr. Clai borne, making similar provi&ion for all tin-f liquidated debts dve for services rcnuerea or supplies furnished during our revolutionary war. . A debate of considerable length arid, in terest grew out of the question for adding it to the bill; ' On motion the committee divided and 78 members voting in favour of inserting it in the bill, it was carried. . ( A motion for striking out the last section, limiting the duration of the bill to years was made by JVlr. Macon, (Speaker 0 another debate of some 'length took place, and when the committee divided there were 48 in favour of striking ouV,' and 54 against it so it was determined in the negative. . Mr. Elmer proposed a new section em " bracing the cases of Messrs. Bowen, Moore," and Elmer, officers of artillery, but who were not attached to the line of any state pro viding for an allowance of the depreciation of their pay, which they did not obtain un der the resolution of the old Congress, in consequence of having resigned a few days ' previous to its taking effect. ' This motioh'did nut succeed,'only 18 mem bers voting in its favour. Mr. Thomas proposed a new section en acting that the claim of the United Stales vgainst individual states for balances which occurred previous to the year 1790, should continue to exist till the day of and Ho longer. ; This motion vras also lest, only 20 rising in i Mr Dana, from the committee of claim)' made a report upon, the application and re presentation of sundry citizens of Massachu setts, purchasers under the ,, Georgia compa-, ny j of the agents of persons composing the NewEngland land company, purchasers uhi dee the Georgia and Mississippi companies, and the agent for suhdry citizens of south- Carolina purchasers under' the Lpper Mls- swiippi' company;. "Which" was refemd to a conraviltee of ihe whole,- and ordered to bfc printed yith the accompanying documents. , Tn Speaker made the usual inquiry " for what day shall it be made the order erving tliat intedby mummtmJU have bei&mmP&t order aTet. . The v most Mr. Dana moved Monday he bad no khsa ol the report that time, of even if it Call itfflnintf W m me m mutes as a. interested. mr. i.eio movea i of the day forUhe 3d of M The third of'Mareh being tant day, was first put, - and a division of the house was called upon the question. There appeared but 30 members in the affirnt&iyc ; of, course1 it was not carried. Monday next-was then ngretd to without a division ' Mr. Nicholson moved thegpfder 'of the (lay on, tine report of the committee, of claims, on the petition of .Alexander Murray-, pray iug tobe 'reimburh'edtlie value, damage, and costs of a certain vessel captured by him, and which had been decided &gr.inr,fhim by the supreme court of the United States ; which being ogretrd to, ' . V Mr. Tenney was called tf the chair. The comthittcerafler fiometitmii spent in considering the report of the rornniiUce of ! claims, adopted the resolution thereof that the prayer of the petitioner was just, and ought tabe granted, 66 members voting in favour of the. resolution. The house having concurred in the re port of the -committee of -t"h whole, it was referred to the comnnUcc of claims to biing i in a bill conformably to the said resolution. Adjourned. January 21. A message was rtcei:ed frtm the Prt?i dent of the United. States, informing th.it he had approved and.signed the ai l aulho'-i- Jer6me de la CapelLa. David Urcchart; J. F. Merieut. ', : Cif a r les PattoS'. . Nicolas Giracd. JAstr.iUARRick.' ' wMiCHF.LFoRNERVyiin.CEOR Pollock. Alkxande ITVlitzE.;' Uicikaq jlL:- The Grand"Jtiry having taken the oathT v Jrekribed by law, his honour tddressed them in a neat and intereatingchaj,ge'vV.hicb ihobgh not particulally remarkable for depth of re searchdeservesnev'erthelcas to be recorded, as beingthe'fifStilttfy ;jiulge has theie liad an opp6rlurity;ofdeliTetir.'tin theno vel situanln which Mr Provost was placed he might: perhaps have done more ; biit'li is, rather to berAllowe4 credit for what he has pcriormed, utiattj Si lowe4 credit fpr hed, than cenfcureft for wlial lie- has ?tft orpt6d. We had hopes, of recti vrng ' narge in. m own wows : but ntaher ot ; papers published inEnglish aUSewiOvlean'is I nvihg cume to hand, wq. translate the follow-' in y from dv Monitfur de la Lo'ljisiANA.'in. which paper it is published with tavtes tation of the swofii interpreter cf the court.' - GENTLEiMEfi OF Tilt GsAND-JciiTi ... . I cannot dissemble Ihe agreeable emotion which 1 fcel in addressing myself to an assem bly composed of the l c;.ptcUtble inhabitants, ofthisten-itory, by a title so .sacred "in the annals of civil liberty. vTheJ ' proceed rft", a deep conviction; of Hie imporiant conse qiienci;s that .ought to How Irom that sytern which is this day introduced amongst , yen ; frora the knowledge which fiperience has given mc oflts advaiitagws; 'amlfroui .a pre possession which makes me hopethat, AvbeU this principle shall be perfectly Vhown, it will be considered ai Uie most inestimable privi . lege that can be secured to you by ,y our clqse union with a people jealous of its civil rights, and tenacious of every thin which concern's tlie personal safety of the citizen. . ', I felicitate yVai, genth nich, net only oh the introduction of the trail nv Ji'Rr,vhut on the establishment of a tribunal for preliminary inquest, unexposed, from li e, rh;ivacter of its members to rorrup'ion of ar:y description; theltered, by the:rfinv.nesar.d inderxr.donre, from the assidis of power ; era nipt, by their ii.tcgrity, lit.ni ti e influence of iuvouihiiTn ; and .vhose.uupr.;,tiRlity is guaranteed Ly the siicrcd love of duty with which they are ani iratcd, and the bi;;h respcr.sibilitv attached tothe'n fundioQs. Revere, indeed, ouv;ht 1o pare a bill for indictment, contauihig all il h particulars "oi the crimei ' The Attorney General will aesiU, you in axranging such indictments as ywiay tl.ii.k I proper to consult him upon, inl v ;iS); i m you iui ins ntiyice on tie nature mh ; merits of the pi'ftefs rtiiuired iy law- to si.L . ilantiate each ipeci'es pi ci-irne. A j ' Yoii are dotibtlcss.wull convinced, jenUe tuen, of the necessity of p'resi-rvin"- thr'..ii..t zing the erection of a (lamur roucway from 1; bethe principles; and incorruptible the tquitr, Mason's Island to the wefctern bhorc of the i- of thai Irxly, 'whose sole accusraion an brine ts Vnvour. The. last sestlon limltisg the duration of the law for years being under con sideration, It was proposed 16 fill up the blank with S, 5, and 20. The question was then Ukcn on the hign cst number viz. 20, and lost, only 27 mem bers bfin in its f4vonr. On filling it with 3 yeafs the Hovr-e divi lcd, and wevc si in the afTimutivc and 4 J in the negative, v if was tarried.' The commitfee then'rose and reported the bill and ill amendment, and the House pro ceeded to consider tlie latne. A considerable debate took phce on con curring in tbfc amendment proponed by Mr. CI libornc, extending the law to unqualified cUimt, an1 upon the question of concurring, the House divided, and were for it 3t .ngalnst it 5& So the amendment n not agreed, to. ... . ' . .Several ver'M ameRUme nt were alter- . warils agreed to, ami the bill wis ordered to ! be cngrusyd for a third rcvling to-morrow. J Mr. CrowninslilcU repotted a bill for the -fflicff JhelsuiTLitri bv fire in the City of-' Kcvr-Yoil, it lite stitc of KeV-York, itmr ' twice read, and. referred to tlic comtniuee ,i the whole for Monday next. Mr. Sloan laid upon the table the fullow ing motion, which was KCoudii ly Mr. Aiukrvn i . . u Resolrcd, Tint from and after the fourOi Cxy of July, 1805, all bUcks and lop'.e of colour, that sbill be bra within the dittrict of C4rohia, or whoe mother shall be tho property of any person residing within the aid irstrict, shall be fite the male at the ice of and tho females at the njjeof Mr. Stinford morcd to consVrr the rm tion at this time. The llouke decided m 0m nuethm. ind there wre 37 for the immediate consideration, and only 30 against U . . I . ......... .1.. ub lilrn tftIA 'i 11, WlKrHll IUS Mill mmm tcnsiurration. It was then moved to. refer the motion to a committee of the nbole. The Ye nd Nyi were clle! upon the spirMion of refeierice, and ncre Yeaa 47 Nayt6S. ... I he ,v:ction wis then tskf n without de on the orijinal resolution, Ayti3l, 7S. f3 the rctolaoti wis nejstived. The thlM reading of the till mikinj far h prov'ulon f r the etiingtmhmtnt tf lrl rfiM bf tke Cwiud l'ti. m, m mo !or of Mi . Miton,postpgnc4 till Mondsy htat. liver Potonitic. Mr. Findkiy presented a memorial on behalf 6f the : people called Qu:ike'"s. i-equev-ing ConRrtS'v to pass a law relative to li e importutior. of Blacks into the United Stales. I iieicrreu lOir.C coni;nmec epponueu in inui mrlofthe President's Message relating to1, the amelioratien of the government If the I inii.xbilants of Louisiana. The hill Tor eJtinguiihing certain dcbs due by the United States, being on its third reading, was, on' molion of Mr. Eppes, com mitted to a committe of tlie whole. The House divided on the motion 50 in tbe affirmative, and 34 in ihe 'negative. So it was carried. Mr. Nitholsrn moved to mrkc ittl.c order of the dsy for the foui-ih ot March tivxt. The House divided 19 fur it, a!ith4C bgsintt it. It wd then mudc the order of ihe day for to-morrow. Jr.rUnry 22. ' The bill foT the support of t!vc miHtan- cs- I tablWirhrtit far If 05, wrs rtad a third lime anJ passed jj . The bill utloriMng the Post-Master (.c- 'neral tomske further allowance fyr carry ' ing the otail from Fyeilevil!e to Chaile: ton, was read a third liir.e and pacd. Mm NiehoUon repor:ed from ihe commit tee apfointed for the p'.irpcse, a bill fixing the sa'.ueof ratioh alhnvcd to the ollircrs ill -the-wmy ithe.Ui'td State, j II b read twice, and referred to a cornlhiucc' of the whole for to-morrow. Mr. KhrV(of Tennes-?) molion relative to ihe number of trtHipsand olTicers and their II declination, was called up and agreed to. Taon tm Noarotx HcaAin. LOUISIANA. The 5th rf OccemUr last was a day which deserves to he firever rememWcrtd l-yihc r.J. tlxensof New-Orleans, and the tcrritoiy tt tuched to it. It forms a memorable cpodi in iheir M story, and may be called ihe birth May of their cil li'eiiy. On thai day the KiriKMr CovaT of the Territory of 0. LPAKthcld itiriasr sr.sticir, under his ho nour J. 11. I'aitos?; inhibiting to the for into 'i me r subiecu oi a King oi opmn ui? novm j', spectacle of a free end impartial trul of all 4 crimes and oflVnct,by a judge subject to the k law and to the previous decision of twelve I diinlertlrd and honest men the only fell .( s.ifeifuitd of the person and property of the !: cilitrn. The mmct of the following gentle- ';' men are recorded as the first who have been honoured by tin tilk ol ji acai, in our newly acquired province firitGrand-lnqutit Jor the Trrriirr cfOrUtni. JACQVK PlTOT,. IllJAMt"M0H0AX, I.fVAVSAtS. SfT.liT AXDlt W BlBtK. PatL Lakw. STrrtmi Hriosci. jouri Faviu- Ait irra Moafci II il to the b:ir of justice, as a irjminsl, ihe roan most exalted hud dignified ; while he tbe most- tbscurt cannot, without its tonsent, be put to pnswtrtevcn fora capital criine ! J f the )ow et of JicruMug could be tx-rtir.cd iviihrut t!ie restr'pint cf previous c:';am'.natirji into the na ture of the charges, there would exivt no se uri'y even for the ciiizcn whose conduct should be the most irreproachable. Cal umny mijlit rob him of his reputation ; cre dulity would lend ii complaisant ear to his defamr.tif n; and hatred or revenge mijiht rmipu him U appear under luulcscrved ac tusitioni, at the bar of a criminal court. In audi predicament what would his ini'bcrnre uvail A lardy judnmcnt mihf, nci'haps, in- ncqui'.ting bin, re-estublish his reputation in the ojiinico of the smidl number of those wlio judge of things by ihctr real meiitsbt-.t 'not iz tl.c minds of an unrcllecting multitude, who hut loo often think that t be arci?s:rd and to be guilty are synonymous. AVrreiMs p'ower pl-ud in the barn's t,ov: j-i. or in aT pcrtriHneM bo!y, it wonhr m :;rt:! !;. subiecte'd to the ih.pulfes of fj'trr M-rlcnr- .rnption. How, then, re th-.e evils o bR j prevented? What is that accnsr.tich which muni inevitably sirikc at thfguil'y? How are ' the innocent lo brclTictuullypivitcclidaaintt groundless charge I The experience f ages, the inspirations of genius, the rciult uf the most enlightened oleivntioii, unite to demonstrate, that mnocertc cannot puss tliiongh a more pure ordeal, rannoi ave a mere powerful buhvarR7Thori a triTftintftTCm posed of men, chosen, at fixed cpocha end for a limited time, out ofOie modt rrspectabie classed or that soticly into which they must re-enter at the expiration of tluir functions. Such, gentlemen, is that invtitutiou of svhlett von have the honour to be the first members, in this territory; f rom you, gentlemen, who hae been thui selected, and who have scaled your engage ments with the most solemn oath, your r'otm trv cvpccls the f-.ilfilmcnt cf tloc duties which are now imponcd upon you. , Your du- ties arc briefly drstgnntrd in the oath which you have taken, and y which you hste.bMaid yourselves to denounre all crimes which may' come to yobr knowledge, " Ailm4 Jot Ja tune, rrff , o t liofit cf rnrit d" '; as tvtry Individual whom cu shalf accuse, miU be subjected to the event and to Ignominy of a publick trial, you are equally bound not to accuse any one, M through tmj, hotted, gr ma. Let t" n shot t; as you arc responsible to God and to your conscience, rou are enjoined to prcscnvall things " wit h ttvth." It is also your duly to take cognizance of alt infractions of the laws of the land, whatever nisy be the degree of rath offence I patiently to htsr and diligently to examine the prrefs which r.uf be offered to you in support of complaints and whenever twelte of your number shall unite 19 finding tlitca well grounded, to pre- ,iiufc aotrccy respecting every rnc.umv.tniu:i; whiclt may come before you ; ar.d puilkular-. ly with refafed to the opinions I, ch iiiy hd' " utlered m yoUnLpiivate,dclii)'cvaii(jiis. Tin secrecy is indispensable: to the free exercise of your funtiir4iM; ibr nW Vine vvfi:ti v vj.m iiicucine enmrty na- nis; lwittw pri' by a Uiey would be rxposed by an iiuiicn t i n vi - lllllnn .. tl.it. (lv. r.ir,1..Uo r- 'lTnr.il. Mil M. .III. I I' - rjueiitfy es'ciipe puftishm'tht, if il.e vuic truth were not, certain ot being proierttd, bv tbe assurance thai it's counsels, would never be 'divulged. V ' i ,. After having thus etpWieJ x mC&t mid object .of your- fuhctibfisi it only rtirviitfe for me'to add. Kehtlemeu,- that on yourvipjicncc in examining and in denouncing nffern es. de pends the preservation of order,, of morality of religion, an'd cf gnyrnrntrnt. ., KOil -SBB-l.ATIONAf, IXTM.L? frLNCKR.' H "The Ntw-Vcrk prints state the arrival at that City of Captain Hamilton, from. Naples,,, and, that he has hrougji dispatclies. tf)oi iernroent, from Cphimc'doVe Prd.lc. Wc learn,1 on enquiry, that the Secretary;, the Navy has vece'ued'ft letrer from the Navy Agent at Naples, dated October ihe F.OilI, " vvhicb,' howevtr, furnishes no mformaiivii i-it , addition to rtiat previously received and pv.L li&bcd. (. . . . ; ' Other dccciurvts give some cii'cuu.staricei not unworthy of notice. The letter fr;m Comniodoro liarron, of the Sth: ;Septcn.h r, ' further statjs,- ibat lie w'as preparing to ut- .. tack Ti-ipoii (vi'uliriUt the gun rthI moriar.. boJ.rs) with the iiiy;.aes, the - I-'resi'deiU, the Constitution, the Congresi forul t! iC iihttl hili onand that this sttr'wk Vvo'Jd be- iiir.de as soon as they h;id c'oniuh ud the lepwirs of the few injuries received by thtil'c: sthu- Li'ion in the. action of the 1st bi' September. It jipp;jrH u .q tliht rr Mnoflov: rreblfl ' find Mr. O'llrieu, under 'he in. predion lbs. the gun boats ord mr.-;. vi '.a enol-t -:-t longer, with any piosperi of surress. leid, ihe sea, directed thtr.i c'i tlie '..h .f hei t. two days previ.ii.s io the i.ni:d of Co:iiino. rfore Uuiron off Tr'oli, to rcpr.ir to Syrn cUse, On which day they actori'.ii!y lei;: the fleet. . A letter from an cficcr cn brsr;i tie Tie sident,-dated Symcusc, harbour, Sep'.cn:bti t'Sntl;, states the followirj: f.rt, l.k'h uc j loo interesting, 100 illustrative ci the I ii;lt heroism of our seamen, and too honour il!r to the memory of the decwustd, to be vitii held fVbra thc'publis. "I wrote you f.:om,Gibrr.'"r the IJth August, and fi-um Malio tle Oth 'a t. sce which wu have been o(T Tiipd'., and on'.veik lieru two 'dy-Mnt'c. Two days p-t vie. n to our arriving ipff Tripoli a lot was filled . vith 100 barrels of powder started in loose, sud Sr.O shells . the eomriiuhd wast'nen td K'V.x- L" nd Somcra, uho had with him i.u vir II tvuaiits W-.t'.sworth and Iroel, v.iih t''it 11 . . . '. . e -of h. lil oiiievk -Aere to pet 111 OS luU ti.e toin and b ittenes as possible ?no pm iire to the twins hu had with him a sn.all bpzV to ell'ect hjs escajx; from the hai brur iff which was Captain Stewart in tae . van 'ailing Car lm. , N hc,n we arrived off TrU poll vie .were informed that he g"t tH and set fire to. the trains, but by "erne acci dent it was supposed the irs'n commr.nK.. cated to ihjs du uowdcr bcloic they get oT n iumcieTt-liR4r a-frum Jlhevcssel. But by an arrival here last nibt c I a tcI iromi MalU.Mhe captain cf whom was rt TnitU at the lime rf tite explosionhe ii forfns tl.u Somers had got well in, when to gun boau full of man wctc.KOt to board him, which they e (Tcctcd, loo Trrol'itan Wf-'T. cn ,K)!,1' of his, boat, be (blind he mu.t till er fjll into their Iwmds or Mow him'.f "P ehoie the latter, and with hie own Iinw-a lut the matcli to tbe powder," winch ir.ataM ly cj.abcf! to pkevs. the boats and tvciy per son in them. t . Aloni IW) shelli Ml into tie town and ca.ile, at this instant there m ti e Rrtat tst const erAation tvtry where, awl . wuh aco tMn believe, Ihe castle migU baveUin tal.;n. ' Amoor the brave Miows who tr.us eroru th-irdays, and laid a veil fm.mUJ ti Hlory, were Captain bomrrs. of "ntr Meutenam W.cUrroith, .( .MassLtl.uttf, Midshlpnun Israel, tf M.rybml wWc names have been stated before, arc now given wiili greater precision to p vent miMiV.es. . eLn The vessel blown up wis a lugge.fci I'ttle value, taken from the tucmy. VanieJ at this office an apprentice w th PrUuinj Buiinei

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