'alt r ft foLVXK IX. PUBLISHED (WMjitj 'BY JrfLt jlito ; Jmir-omSD Wo. 11 T of?. 31 : cc- w -, icr f ra itrr tts U4 s to CONGRfeSS.. 'JaWJE OF BZPRESESTTATinS ; On notion ot Mr. Thomas it wasjfcsved! that the Secretary of State be directed to lay before the House a list of those person who haye obtained patents for new invemiohs or" improvements in the arts and sciences with, general description of the patent right and, the4ate tf the grant of the sarae ;.; ., -K V A letter-received from the : SecffaYy. fl State -Was read,; giving a statement .fhe I American seamen impressed byJthe :bBlef?? et nations'.' The doc iinettaccoTflpany$ngl html :jrere voluminous, ana -comameti toe names II W fifteen hundred inipreisea since me eoTOmewcement or, the: present ' war hl'Enropii " I wa inovqd tb ' frint the doatmentv with thfJ letter from the Secretary of State , but' the motion was with Jrawn on the suggestion of a-'gtntleman that ., it would be very expensive .( :;. : ; s- ; - "Mr. Huger tailed wp the unfinished busi ness of yesterday relative; to; calling on the Secretary of the Treasury for a, return ,rif " foreign shipping paying additional duties, an4 ine procroce oi ioe, pioncy pam imo uve treasury.'-. Agreed to. J' s. , " -:f ; ...... ' A message from thei $enate (by ,.Mr. 0s their secretary informing that they had pas sed thfl hill for completing the south wing, of the' capital and other purposes with -an a mendment, which on tnotiohof Mr. Tb'omp-. son Was concurred n by' the house. Thii'a mendment was t strike out the words far the accommodation of the house of represen tatives." The bill; is consequently passed, and appropriates 1 36,000 fldHars.. A1so biII for carrying into more complete effect the 10th article of the treaty with Spain, with an amendment, which, was on .motion of. Mr. Crowninshicld,' referred, to th comm'utee of commerce and manufactures. . And the b making an appropriation for the navy, of the United States, during the year l8Q5Kwith. an AYnmdment which received the unanimous ebnenrrence of the'h'oose.""' .Mr. Crowninshield observed, that .he was nofin his place at the time the' letter rof .the Secretary of State was read ; but he' under ttood the report contained he names of more thatfUOO'seinnen, impressed chiefly bf the British. He hoped the honse woula not re-' gard the expence of priating. . The United States mght to know that a great number of its citizens were detained by a foreign go- vernment, and he had almost said in a state ofsfaverv. certain!? contrarv to their inclina-' tlon. We wantrdthe servics r, this useful body of men. No foreign government had a' ripht to authorise the seizure of American citizfcirs. ' Ve know, that many outrages had been committed on .their personal rights, and he wished Ciingrcsato'petnt out a reniedy a dequate to correct the evil.' The expence of printing the list va no consideration with hiro nd hi trusted the hot.se would agree to it. ' , . . Mr. Jacfcyin- supported the propriety of printing the whole doe uments, and the house accordingly agreed to it by a large majority. . Mn. Crowninshield said the house would recollect, teat a list af impressed seamen wsfamislred thie morning from the depart rmit of state, which exceeded n number a py tMng he bad expected. Ke thought these iTpretMnnt OMght to 1m prevenUd, and that ttfe nhjeot demanded Investigation. He hod drafted' reotuUoii which he would ribmit to the house having in view to 'connect this with another very important subject. Many grntiewian most have observed that some Je peocUmatioHS had beer. Issued by theiro- Jernorsof the several British Vestlndja Is nd4 "interdicting "thAraencahlrare afftr tUf nexU The proclamations bore date in Ottober or Jfortsntor, and were to take ef fect in six months. It appeared to him that the British government wefe' determined to exclude as from their islands i upon the' ex pectation that their awn vessels would be competent te carry the necessary supplies. C said we ha a right to carry the pro deftlonsoftht United-Slates in American Utms, and he hopel we should never per mit foreign ships te come to or porta and carryon a exclusive trade with any country whatever where our vesls were not allow c I ttwsame privilege. Ills Intention was to prevent the AmerUsn carrying trade to the West-Indies frons Calling into the hands of o tb'cr nitlons. He would at exclude fereign Vfsiclt from, our orti 1 hut It ss lesirabls fiat ir nirw export trada should not he me npA!Wrd hr f'rtigners. The lubject was ,lT,!r Jmpottsnt ta this emintry. Will the tVited'Htatee temtljr submit ta see some of its best citisens torn from their families and friends, without attempting something for tltvirrtl'ttft Stall s'twthnr'cotmtry pirsuirg mewn hosiik te our commercial ri'fhHendtwslten sirvrttoeorrect themls ehief 1 The WeiUadi Wnds dptwlrd en the UnHrd States for thetr ordinary supplies, . an.dor tcWUhaduswallf taitled! a larje proportion of their carfoea a American aoi COTt; but it appeared now that we. werif to' be shut out troro this trade, and it was in fu- L ture to be carried iai, lllptfeign vessels-, fal - effectual reniedy woulf he ta prohibit the ex? portation of ourprpdlutiona u foreign hot-; .tomato alLports pf Jdgnds -vrith which wei r.iWetenot peiinaUte.to'biaje: ifortiourse,. andf .' in .prden that; the;ebjet taight?, QjidergQ, an examination which .importance denjianded,i le offered the following reaolu.Vion;, .Re-f . solved, That thei committee, of Coniroercef and ManuTacturea hWracted'to enqnire if: pny, and what further provision be necessary i Ajfor the protection; ofr b tflmprQe and . sea .Mneii of the Unit.! isjl.ii!nd la enquire: whether anv for,eigi)4oBivnha PPyl -late rtgula;ionawtha;vw tp monopolie! a-4 ,;ny brapch ofhe Aflupcw carrying trade, to! f the exclwivebeaelfii'LajkPh oreign.ipu,ntjy, : eyniytti;Bgsjjwjrt b?fjnjuri(is v to the agrkultaraj iossettare"aC; the United S?s And ''J50 to enquire injto" . the" expediency- of- prohibiting -the expoiai tion from the, United Sutes, .of all goods and , , xnerchandiBe whatever, In foreign ships bound to any portiWtth which the vessels ofhe .U nited States-are npt allowed qomnunicaiion, . or where a free unrestrained, .trade;, is not per nlitttct in the. productions of the Uf States ; , .--imd that the committee be authovied to re port by bill. or otherwise." ., : , i Mr., Randolph wished the resolution to lie for consideration- a few days. . He would mention Monday ; the gentleman had. said it was an important subject, and if he had no ' objection it wonld be as well to allow the re- Solution to, remain unacted upon lor a I'Uie. timei :It might beprintwlfor the considera tion of the house, -and -be. rather supposed some alteration ; would be necessary in the form of the resolution. :, . . j .'MrCrowuinirshioid ,rei)lied,.that he was perfectly willing the resolution should remain I for consideration agreeable to the wire ot i the gentleman; from. Virginia," hhd he' would consent to any reasonable delay ; but he; would not-consent to its remaining unacted upon till a period so late as to preclude any measures frombeing adopted this season be cause the proclaraulioas would take' elitct in the month of May. lie was not tenacious of forms, it was the substance of things he look ed to, and be would with great pleasure agree to modify the resolution to any shape which the gentleman fron. Virginia might suggest. .Amotion was made to refer the resolution to a committee, of the whole ' for Monday next, which was agreed to, and the resolution ordered to be printed. January 24. On motion of.IV'r. Nicholson, the house went into a committee of the whole on the bill for preserving aeace in the ports and har bours of tbe Unites" States and in the waters under, their jurisdiction Mr. Gregg in the chairMr. Nichclson introduced two a mendments, one to supply the place of the 2d section of tbe bill, and the other as a substi tute for the 5th section ; they being lengthy and important dames, he wished them to be printed before tbey were discussed for which reason he wished the committee to rise, re port progress, and v-V leave to sit again. Mr. R. Clriswold bad also prepared an a -mendmcnt in the place of the 2d urclion, he wished it also to be rt cd tnd pi intcd ; it was accordingly received, and the committee ha ving risen and reported the amendments, they were all ordered to be printed. ' Mr. Kiutis called up the following rcsolu. tion.o.Tered by him'on the 'i2d imi. Rcsolrrd.That it is expedient to provide by law, for defraying the espence incidtn. to fit ting and preparing one of the navy-yards be longing to the U. State, pud lyin; mcr the margin ol the oceon, lor the reception and repairing of such ships cf war as are now at sea on their retnrn to port, and such other r ships or vend of -war-as mny hereafter-re turn Irora their cruises or stations. This motion occasioned considerable dis cussion, and was referred to a committee, of the whole fo; Monday next. .... Mr. Clark moved that the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to make a circumstan tial rcpoit of all the claims standing upon the bofiksof the treasury against the U. States, which are barred by the acts of limitation, upon what authority the settlements ami li quidations were made, and the persons with whom they are made, and to whom they are new due, and the different circumstances which may wist in respect to tbe several classes of claims. This motion after being some time under consideration, was postponed oo motion of Mr. Thomas till Tuesday next. Mr. Turriancc laid on the table a resolution for referring to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury andlhe Attorney General, the consideration of tbe constitution ality and expediency of granting to the Inha bitants oi the dtatrct of Columbia afogisl ture chosen by Uvem vires, with iastrucuona, in case they dee mit constitutional and expe dient, ta report system t6 tbe next session of Congress. January IS. A message froei the President of the Uni ted Suus was Ktrivedionuinlngtbt report ..... j . , of the director of the fint, of the opralioas f that; institution for , the .last yeari , ; Mr. Leibffromi the committee appointed on that syhjet; 4 reporte4 abilimakjpg an appro priation for the completionof the Arsenal be longing tathe712Stailheans SchuyHalljjto the amount of 890 dollatss ' .';i'jt 'v' ... ..... .)- ' Mr. Crownwshtcld moved thalthe.commktee of wajslVrnaTfabe,diretedheet wht aK ratiqns afeiflecessajry iathe lws.fijdjng the aalarieiand,emohimenU;OiiU cUetors of diUieson iBptt; and omiaeer, which eotk)!n was earned inihe afirmive ; -r "sA ,-.; ' On aDDlication of Mr. Nelson., he was e. cused fi-fjnj, serving as a roanager pn; Judge : -fiiu 4.,4ianqUjplK reported, iWwi the com ;.roitiee pointed on the, pAion of a number . oj tj(i'e, pJantRi'K, ,vmeVchapt$,' nd others ol Iifisianaa, rejwjrt of onsidsjrlle- length" ioncloW a.reic(utiQn that nrovi&ieh ou lit u nuyiMaiiin wic i)5ov oi pia, gqj ennnerflrt Tbe report wa reierredjto aammfttef the :.hqie1,;,,: :;.-, ;y. - Mr". ). CUj presented a,bill?ii?p the cocn i mniee on tna part ot tne i;residen.t's message relating to our intercourse , with the luliatt tribes, which being read was committed. The, house on motion of Mr, J. Randolplv ballotted for a manager instead of Mr. Nelaon excused ; on counting the b;J!ots, a mouhfing in the whole to 95, Mr. Clarke bat 52 y'ote,, Mr. Claike.was declared duty'tir . elected.;-;..,. . , ' '' .-'! ' Mr. J. Claymoved that a committee beep pointexhto enquire whether .any, and if any what alterations were necessary to the act to prescribe the mode ef taking evidence in the case of contested elections of niehibeis iu the Ilouse-of Representativeaof-lhe U Suttesi ?uo compel the attendance of witnesses, and that the committee report by bill or other wisei ; t'- . - .- - . . , -J,,., Oil motion of Mr. J. Randolph the house went into a committee of the, whole on the Louisiana memorial. - The following resolution, which concludes the report of the select committee, was agreed to without a division. Resolved, that provision ought to he mode ' by lav, for extending to the inhabitants of Lonisiana the right of self government.", The committee mse, and, the Houaeimtne diately concurred without a, division in their rtpfcU ani.inv.ructc!, the. same committee "that brought m the upoit 'to' bt if g in the necessary bills. Mr. J. Clay mojed thafa committee be ap pointed to enquire'mto the expediency of pro vidingby law for themoie effectual preven tion of fraud and forgery on the l,aiik of the U. States. The motion was carried, and refer red to a committee of three. The house went into a commitce of the whole on Dr. Ir'utt.U's motion for fitting out and preparing one of the navy.yards on the margin of the reran for the reception nnd re pair of one vessels of war on their return to the U.' States. A lengthy discussion look place on this motion, and several attempts were made to alter it J all of which having fail ed, the committee agreed to the original re solution and reported it to the house. Tle votes were 3 in its favour, and SI against it. January 2 J Tbe motion of Dr. T.ustis for preparing and fitting upon one of the Nivy-Vards on the margin of the ocean for the reception end re- Jiair of the vessel of war now on cruise or ureign station, being the unfinished business of yesterday was taken up. Mr. Nicholson moved to nfcrit to a select committee. . , , . On this question, there were 47 ayes, and 63 noes, so it was lost. Mr. Liutis moved to postpone the const- deration-of the same till Saturday- ncaU A- gretu to. . Mr. Thomas reported from the commit tee for the purpose, a bill to authorise Joshua Sands and others to erect a bridge across the marsh and Wcoicbaughtlo the Navy. Yard on Long Kland. which was read and committed. On motion of Mr. I'lliot the House resol ved itself into a committee of the whole, on the Yaaoo claims. General Vamum in the Chair. After a short discussion, the committee rose and reported the resolution in favor of admitting the claim by way of compromise. The votes were 61 in tbe affirmative and 50 against it. a . The house took the report of the commit tal of the whole into consideration and Mr. Clark proposed to amend the resolu tion by adding a proviso. That no part of tbe 6ve millions of acres reserved to compen sate certain claims, should be applied to the benefit of the claimants under the act passed or pretended to be passed by the legislature (Georgia in the year On this question Mr. J. Randolph called the yeas aad nays, in which he was supported by the constitutions! numoer. Mr, i Randolph went into a anromtnt .shewing the impropriety of the measure; and tbe sitting terramatrti some tim after tbe usual hour by aa adjournment. f .-! W in&tanccr oftbftpfrndid, and; cx .iravagant.sty.ieH, w4ncJkw aticrof Havii live, I wjiLg :-def!ripftiW of' i .tnmenVth:t:n as gjyen. by- trdw- &esanev tf ommdasr; th. iSih- of, Ftsbnsarv, ?n Aew.dyaopreyiatia toibjeapjomted time Jnvit prktei; oil fine, incr, wnh itr border?, of vfhichlhe following. H" trans. iaioa we4ist,nbMt!ed-Jiv f : . -v ' Tie Cape, February I, 1 804 . t;. .- Lanf D$vWRS' ''. i ', --' " Jnvitea.3om)iiii! ."im--; fit & dinner.. , and bay,; whkh;&e rives nre. ,A$lM: sren, o'clock, i. thvetung; hc rO...ih.l he wift d hrr the SHx4! and t.aitJKeahJCvpur being of the pmyfc : , L-H,vItwaa ftlioMven .ViN:isaitAi.4Jiat i 1.9. CQhtnce.pf -$m jmejtwcwnw Ue ri wiian;e a ve,inpire,wiv7i? fcj. ways on Sunday) ouj cpmraenre aopner than common, that the guests, might have an reppqrtu1bity of sembling tl,ere, r 4hf purpiMe of prpceedinor a a Ihw1 tn the house pffeitiyity, The theatre opened t unit pa.si nve, ana, wss aitenacd by a Very rtsptctablt audience, " jnclfudl.hg Ui'e greatest part of ihe"fwa6'jyi.' .'At. thd'concluaio ve moved io a large proud aud about 8 o'clock found ourselves before, the government bouse. t s grand and spacious buildings wuate a short, distance-fooia the street, having a gravel wulk and green HV n frout. of it. The avenue, from, the gale to the dotr of the house was. bnlliimtlY iHumihated with . about one. thousand small lamns. . Wc nas. I sed through - the entry of tire hoMse into'a urge, saloon, crectud purposely for this oc casion. It was about ten vards hroad. mul . one hundred long, covered and entirely lined with canvass. Itwas eleganjly ornamented , . msice wttU Ilowers, branches of tuees, ilirte hundred small, lamps of coloured glasa hung round the room, four, large chandeliers over the table, twelve great looking glasses, and a marble statue at each end of the room in in a recess, The'table contained all the meats, fruits. Vegetables,, poultry, pastry, confectionary and liquors that could possibly be procured..Among these were beef, mi. J. .ton, turkies, ducks, fowl, oranges, pine apples, alligator pears, epplci4 pics, pud dings, jellies, sweetmeats, cakes, and Claret, 'Madeira and Champaign vines. , . There were 250 guests ar the table, be sides many more who were obliged to stand. They consisted of general Chrislonhe at the centre, Lady Dessalines on his right hand, and hit wife on the left six or eight black generals, as many colonels and others of hii;h rank, besides all the other principal officers of the government and army then at the Cape ( the captain and all the officers of a British, man of wart about 30 Ameri cans a great tvirober of white French in habitants of the most respectable cUsi, and an coormour crxmd of mulatto and Hack wenches. The table was surrounded by Soldiers' to keep off tbe rabble, who had rushedjn in shoals, to see this elegant Bij?ht, and a grand band of music played the vhole lime we were eating. This dinner came nearer to the idea one would foi m of a feast of the gods of fabulous history, tlun any thing I hive ever seen pt heard of, ard I am confident that nothing jn America ever equalled it for spkndcur, variety or luxury Gentral Cbaistpphe was dressed in a scar let coat, embroidered with gold lace, with two golden epaulets, a large cocked hat with gold lace border, boots with gold border and tassel, and an tmbrwdercd rest, and pantaloons of ctnkcen beautifully woiked in front.. . ', , ,, .-The other ofucert at the table were dres sed in proportion, temg however very little inferior to their genera). Lady Penalities wote a plain, drcs, ler hair or rather was omsmented will) artifiual (lowers, beads and tombs, her arms will, golden bracelets, her cars with superb rings and bobs, and her tugcr with a ring containing a small gold watch, set ia diamonds, salued 'at sctcrtl thousand dollars. The other ladies of dis tinction were also encumbered with trinkets and beads, but none of them so extravagant ly as the governor's lad jr. . . At the conclusion of the fcasl several touts were given out by Christcphe and drank with loud expressions of ippU'iie ( among these ere, ihi Central f lhjt ' (Dcualinct who was not present) hit Driiantic Mjjmjt and the JWtiJmt tf thi Uttiti Sieiti The first was applauded by the negroes, the se cond by the English, and tbe third by the Americans. After this the company retired Inlo various parts ol the house and gsrden, to keep out of tbe way until the tables should be removed, and preparations made for the dance I si hen this wss arranged, the music struck up, and the wlle room wis in roc- tioiu As I declined dancing I had nothing to do but lounge alwet the room and be a silent spectator,. Their chief dances were cotillions i nost of them danced waU, and some of thcra decently In ena flats v.. 7 1 e.' n

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