-would be seen gcnleel .hamlsome Frcnfb jroan iarxing to an egly vulgar looking black, face, and w another a delicate yourfg Udy, as fair as elilly. going riAi and kft with a , great big negro that looked as frigmful as SaUn aimieliU Teenies! t often pitied the '.' ifm creature! that were obliged submit to Mich a -degradation, 'but -whsa. I after - wuMi vmiilrril tht thnv would serhaps 4t massacrccd by the anda f these..tame partners,- my blood boiled with' indignation- 4t -would at retsonatileHb suppose, Hhat upooan occasion or this kind, where there, were -attch -iarpe: and crouded assembly,. of 'gerteyi perspiring: -with the; -fatigue of; dancing and in hrt climate, that the aU . mosphere of the iroeui wonld be.-impreg-nated with t certain something, that 'n-bet. ' ter smelt man atscriBea- vjn una- .kidjcm, . J beg leaTeioremPkt-thai Uieevy, general so absolutely premihatesihat amell of artr otUcCaoP'Stafias no sou oe a, tnancc. In W, a ballrntm in St. pomingo contains1 t pure and street ait at one In Philadelphia, Except at it leJitesvW the practice bf-$er-: ' fumino. hv:rJ kf-,o-,'v ' " ' -if, Abotft one o'clock srf the following" mornm; ing, being Wattle fatigued 1 ftonchtded up-, the Pqpe, that he intended to pay him a visit) ana repair to 10c uosei 01 th nounesa, pre ceded by the Great Officers Of his household. The same ceremontea -were, observed nr reh eard 10 the visit of the Pope to the Emperor. Ai eacn 01 mew viaiu ids rope ana me em peror returned together alone for half an Dour. , ... .. . ..- .. . Prince Louis, who was at Tpntainbleao, paid a visit alsd to his Holiness. The Em peror presented to the Pope the .Arch-Chan cellor and Arch-Treasurer- ; ' Mis Holiness wili take some days rest at Fentainbleau, and repair to Paris before the consecration, which will take place next bun- i : on swim? hame. but' was surprised to 1 find. ' the soldiers stationed there were, ordered to let iwtbdyeW '..Il.ttas dilemma I found " tut one . remedy,1 and without being very' emoni9ii, .1 ttuletfyl.aid down upon a f awoke a little attep day light, and found ; them "still dancing. ' AHaround me on the', - .,. jjoor ami ocncnesircrc u vs wtunva-, ..tf, ail cotburs but white, who it seems had . .had been . A on-wse' we fell t eaUn? . ain t a" mpper was set before us, being the I remains of ". Mi dinner v with" some onion 1 .'- oup, 611 which we regaled for a Tew minutes, Jtheii paid bui; Avoirs to our hostess and went ''how. i;,"r.V.. ' : ' ' . ! . i :AA;A FOREIGN NEWS. 7 .. ; . j,,..;iLs :.vAHiS,-Not. a, " V"'; '""inTntrAhierTkn minister to Lntrlana, Mri v - vMoftroei who had the honor of being present- iTflriA kh Frt-rwrnrW9 Siinrlar. was receiveil vV a most -gracious manner ana ms-majesiy : coodeseifcled Jo converse with him for a qtiar- .vV "Arrival in France is said to be to obtain inlor :, ntation of.the Eniperbr's ep'iRioa concerning v rthe dtfferences which "subsist between A ti iriba and Spain, since the former pur-chased .. . LoiiUi&ita. lie has Already had several con ftrences with his' Excellency M. Tklleyrahd and intends according to rtport, immediately after the arrival of the new American Am--bauador, general Armstrong, to set out for Madrid; should.' the Spanish court not sub scribe to the' demands of America, such as have been approved of 'in. France. In the present. circumstances, a war. upon the .continent of "AwiHca would exactly be what the court of -St James would desire, as it would nialtethe United States either the direct or indirect allies of treat-Britain both France . and Spain are' interested to prevent such an ercnU ' ' :- November 1 The Mayor of Rennes has caused the" jaco bin red cap to be taken down, which was placed above the town clock, and the Impe rial Ele to be placed in its itsad. Ail the Tree of lberty which were left in several pant of this metropolis, were pulled down lait week. - ' - Gen. Regnier hat passed through Nice, to tmliuvk for Corsica, wherrhe witl take the command in chiefover th troops Two regimenvs are marched ; from hence to Brett where they iiSXi arrive in a few days, to reinforce the corps 'destined fot'Ircland. , Six thousand, (rvops are on the point of marching to Touldry' to embark Tor the Me diterraueanV . ' ' ' ' ... . ' November 25. " Tlirt day at half past twtWem the foremwn, his Ualiuess arrived, at FontainblctM. His Majesty, -the Kmperor, who had gone out to hunt on horsebaclr, -being informed of the approach of the Pope, proceeded to meet hit, HoIinc't,nd'miVhim at la Croix de St. lie rem.' The Emperor ana the Pope alighted both et the aaitse time j they approached ami etnlMCcdaaclro'Jief. Site of, his Majesty's carrages tBeaenp The emperor tat tered first inte tlirfarriajgetoplkc his iloli ness bdthe righu," They arrived ft the Css. tie through' iw'd Tines bf troops and the noise of the artillery His eminence Cardinal Ca prara, an J the gry t rmcers of his Majesty's homehotd, rrctlrcd them at the bottom of the stair case. The'Evaperet and the Pope proceeded togethex by the glh stair case, -os far at the place whjch-separates their s part menu His highness having there quitted the limpvror, was conducted by the Grand Cham lerluin', the Grand Master of the Palate, and the Grand Matters! the Ceremonies, to the apsrtment preps red for him. Hsvingftrtd4nnolinte, his holiness paid a visit to the Emperor 1 he wis conducted in to his closet by the great oKcrrsdf hit Ms jty. The Emperor re-conducted tht Pope to t!ie hall rfthe (itt-Ofr.ctrv ' IHs hlRb ntiMmmedistrly nOerpaid a visit to the Em pre. .The l.dy cf Honour who went to meet bis Huiinrss, introduced him Into the ikt of the Empress. - Her Majesty recon durted the Pope as Ut ss the irtotid room of ler apartmcats. The Pope having rtturaed to his own apartment, the Minister and Great Odkeriof the Empire had the honor' of bcijig prtstatadto hit HlHTtsty. - " At four o'clock the Emperor tsnt notice to '..id LONDON, Nov. 20,Sf; 22. f The Rotterdam paper of Saturday las contains intellieence of ereat importance tq- toe. commercial interests ot tnis country. . juuuiiHitric, 111c music r ui 111c uvea nira property of jthe' free Bat avian Republic'has lssUfcd a: be motor v order that all shins known r tii have 'icome from England, the fact iu uc ascerramca oj iac awis 01 capiains, hall be Seized.1 The order is dated Irom Paris Ort the 12th inst. and is to.be rigorously carried into fcffcct afte fourteert days fiord Uat time. f 1 It was signified to the merennt tii interest in Rotterdam,' On .the 1 5th by General Rosseau. He states in hist notifica tion, .thaf, he Wis personiHy'dispOBd' to re lax something irom. the &eventy.f the order In favour of vessels) freighted -with colonial produce, but the roanaatcs or the Lmperoi f the French were peremptory, and he was commanded to confiscate the wbyle ot the cargoes-Of iuch Vessels' as should be found -to have any British merchandize ori board. . The fourteen days delay was allowed for, tht purpose1, of affording the Dutch mer-' chants an opportunity of receiving such ves sel as may he consigned to' them from Embden srtd other neutral ports. .. .. ,This despotic measure seetns'to haste been Jdtjtermied on in a moment of rage and disapiointment, as the order was issued im mediately, after tha; compulsory liberation of Sir George Rumbold. The fixed and deadly rancour Of the Usurper against every thing English or connected with the in terests of ; this tountry, has urged hiih upon a measure which the Jeast experi- ' ence" with. tht. nature of trade jnyst have convinced him was IinpracucabteiTTo ex '.elude British, manufactures or colbrdal pro duce, from countries which" requirVthem as indispensable necessaries of life b . above his power, great as h may .be. The attempt is.no less a proof ofthe folly, than the im potence of the man. :.- This paper contains the article from the Mflolteur of the llthinit. which announces the liberation of Sir George Rumbold, as' proceeding1 from the protection of the King of Prussia. So far from recognizing' his Mnnacence, the article ponitiveiy states, J That 'if. tk proceedings against htm we re' com- pleted, he would appear as criminal as Drake, .Spencer Smith, or Taylor." We suppose that it is meant by " completing. the. pro ceedings," -that if Fouche "had time and could, methodize a plot, and distribute the parts as he pleased, he could iave fixed the imputation of guilt upon the Britinh Minis ter, and possibly - have extorted ah official ' condemnation of it from the servile repre sentative of those Courts -who reprobate the supjviied.plot of our Minister Munich.' ' , The Senate of Humburgh did every thing in their power on the seizure of the British Charge d'Affaircs. The day after he was seized they made official communication of K to .all the Ministers resident at that city, '. ana --pledged ineniscives to employ all the means within their compass to effect his fi. Deration' It W'prohnble that their application produced the ready and energetic remon strance ofthe Court of Berlin. His Prus sian Majesty has always appeared to pay much attention to the rcprescnthtiont of the Magistracy of that tity, which it uiiotun )ikely.may fall ondcr his dominion at nnvcry . distant ptriod. On the dd Inst, an EnglUh three-matted vesstl from St. Pctcnhurgh, with twelve guns and twenty men, and a cargo estimated at 4L9QQOQ lures, ran.ashore.ncar Calais. -The vtsiel.was setae J, and the crew made pri son, rt'. ... - .Nosemher 23. We (Sun) think it necessary .to Inform our reader, that we, it wtHl as the. other pobht prims, haVe been'imposed'upon by the account of a pretended engagement, ' between an English privateer, named the Lord Mtlville, and i Spanish frigate, the whole being a contemptible fabrication. fJjuiJMt 16. -' 1 STATE PAPER. Tit following it to ht the "att prtttmttd cr M. RjjncfJ, iht Frpnh Charge tAfain, f hince Cltrloriiuh, at St, Pttertlurght Jur he had rtttiud his 'jiNu t . . , " AS tha Cbarre d' Affaira of his Mertv the Emperor of Uosie has demanded "pats- , ports to quit r ranee, the vmursigned has rcctived orders to mske the same dtsnand 1 for him Mi If, and tht persons who belong to ' the French Legstioo, in order to be able to ' quit Kottla at tht tarns time that M.d"Onbtil shaQ hsve passed the French frontiers. The ' undvrictd Is fmhtr charged to sirdar, L that as his Majesty the Emptrof,oT th I. . . rrenca-aiwaya rtmemveri tn oenrnau consejuences whi;h tho rtcotwiliatiaa, be tween Francf sMid Russia produced la Eu rope, hw never couM conceive tht tnotivts of the 1 raistindersUnd'iAg which has crept tor tome 1 montha nsst into this benchcial hsrmour. ( and that he sect with regret, thai the depar u xnese aisagieemetHs d long 10 ine and though it is how'neithet .in -thK, of Fraace nbrof Russia to have pre l their -taking place,'it would, on. the ;ture of the Rssiia Qbarge d'Alfairs, which requires also that of the undersigned, seems to .ucrease the alienation between the two States to .the highest pkclt, whil. the differ--ences ' which cculd have given j-ise to l.are as yet so Utile cleared up. . Whatever may be the gnevaaeescomplaintsTand demands on both sides,, and notwithstanding the pub-' Kcity, notwithstanding the disregard of de-I-coram, which, mutual asperity has often j carried too far in thse differences,: it 'is how ever, to 'be perceived, that the French Go- 1 vernment said nojiiing that could ihfrince sjpon the -regard ihich great powers and - ; sutes ot equal strebglh owe to each Otlier- 1 whereas, h thV otter hand, the templaints of R-ussia have liut too often related to such ,' 'objects,' :aTid have been expressed in such ' manheY,"as to.affot the safety,' dignity antt Mrtdepehdence of the Frtnch Government. lJut, an these disagteements b long to the : pasl--and though power vented other hand, be vey iasy. for them to commit " them . 40 bli viorf for amidst the various allodged "grievancesi the bnly one which ' remains -Jo J'e. aiscntsedy Is that wbtch ro lates to tbe execnrioh bf the Treaties sub sisting between Vrahttf and Russia especi ally as' far as it tcontAns the -mutual ifid1 ;respec.tive;influKei0f t1o pbtai, Ifor " ik presenaiioa 01 me, oaianre ana lnce- pvimcucc vi 111c jiituuouiiiig- uaics. Ja the-' Russian ' Cobft'J has made ; tome ' com plaints in tfils? respect 1f has been adswefed, tliat'if she would Confine herself within the natural limits of her influence arid territorial extent she would find France equally dis posed to do both.' 4 i4.- ( w Jt has, 4here fore, fbeen remiarked,- with astonishment, that .Russia, wit hoHt entering into any.further diactssions- has retlVed to withdraw her Charge d'Affair frbhl Paris. If the relations with France seem to be of no 1 utility to Russia, France : has, oi her part, no means to change this Opinion of Russia. With regard to his Majesty the Emperor of -the French,' his seriiimcnts and principles are sufficiently known in this respect.' He believe! it to be the-true -polit y of France to maintain a good uhtfefntanding'wjih Pvusi sia, in point of mutual respect and confidence1,! and on the basis of a perfect equality. The; -particular inlination of his jcsy th Emperor of the French has always ltd him, ; to u confidential connexion, and at this mo ment leads him to a display of confidence," regard, and friendship, inwards his Majesty, the Emperor of all the, Russias. The idea which he had conceived of his Imperial Majesty's character, did not permit htm to suppose that his Imperial Majesty of all the Himi.i8, after hvin pegociated with the 'F.mperor of the French, end received his Ambassador ; after having appeared to be; ot tht .same opinion m some important r-e-gociatinns, 8c after h'aVing'even keptupconii dentj&l relations, wouhltliave been disposed to acknowledge the prt tension, of the House of Bourbon, and suffer its intrigues Wh'tn Paul I. was iring to'pul en end to the wur, , and to renew the bond of peace betwetn ' Russia and France, thefirt Mfp he took was, to take no furthtr aiterest in the con cerns of that House, and to cease to acknow ledge its pretentions; ' ? One is forced to. attrilmte to tfomeiHdiipoed persona the change which hat, manifested itself in the sentiment of the Court cf Russia; and it is a matter of regret, that an approximation, which has been so sincere, should be liable to such an alteration. , ! These are. in this respect, the rnnstant sentimems of h'vs Maje ty the Duperor of the French and the ihtersigocd is charg ed to repeat the assurance, that now, as well as at alt future times, hit Imperial Majesty will be disposed to renew the ancient . rela tions with Russia, and that he win congratu late himself to see them ratoned to ij most' perfect good untlerstan'dihg.bctratn 4he States, which, if they 1ay.aide all animosity,: may, by "a reciprocal , fritndrfhip, produce important advantages to thuir common wcl-I fare, and tbe general tranquility of Europe.. : (Sigied) -RAYNEVAl doo paper one of .which dintes six columns toan account ofthe juvenile pi fot mer) exti-ls his talents in a superlative sti-nio oft-ulcigitim, ' pronouocing blm a phenomenon in dram-tic- v NeWiYORKVIauuary il. . Frenib 5ia.'. Anibng the num- bcrlefs inltancci of' unjiill detention and capture ot American yeUis by the pirati talprivatfebjl,.' Fracpt w Knov of hone inoie ittroctous.or which more loud ly calls for the repfahenfion, of our go- vernment, jnan. tno captuie.01 tuc imp "r"-! . 'ciwflgog iu Ajcmgc -uafnwcii Efq of this city The (hi p Hope, capt. w..f99i8Mdeo With lumber and a very ' fmall quantity of provifior)' railed "from New-York early in Novembcrfop Sa vannah la-'Mar; Jamaica,'' arid upon the 2 adof November, in the Turk's 111 a d paflaje,:vvai . Tallin in vyltb bv the French ichooner priyteef, Amity, QnUett, wh( boafiled ahdyxarnined her paptrsi , too poffeflion crtfteicffeli'jUred hera law, fill nrA nrl.rrl Iikv' f, .. '? - ' . ...... J au. o'nmOj, .tqiiraay taey fell in Uh he Sch'r tfcy capt; Hammond, of this ,p90 boundj Jatfiaicaori -boafd of wnicn tney out capt v avion , ma anJ Ox leamcn, notwithllaodihicaut. ..Wat- fon's earnctl lennrll to k ncmln : proceed eTt her his fliipor the privaiecr to hs pefen U the trial. We are happy iu 10am wim ine veuei was mluredV kfL'lf''it ' A' January if ThtmfniWpT&nt prevailing, will be found, we fear,' to have been productive; . iujcmauic ciicus, noi only Iiavele vera! of the veffc wtiyfj olf the Uwk go.ij alhare; but foreof thofe tliat haJ got mtd the:bay h.v biea iorceJ fiom,, their ahchorag'ea and. . jj is apprehended, have eilher Iharecl the fame fate tu be rt driven out to fea.,v.The heavy fnowc which has continued now. ikr two day sand three n.'ghtH and the gtaat uaitity-of drift iHg ice rnuft have rendered navigation a once difficult and dangeroul f and the norther ly ale itiaLmorc'than 'psbbablc has done (erious injury to she' weather-worn veitcte and haplcfs lea men exbofed tt its fiiry. "Several ofthe people- belonging to the Angenora, which Jately funk otfCoocy-v in 1 c t ' t - iiiauu, were on dunaaj orougtu to town in a milcratle cood'wion, " They were' carried to the Hwfpital, their hands - ai,d feet frozen1 to ligidity, q4 devoid of feo fation. , ........ . . . . y ... , February tr-; Capt. White, arrived yesterday from Mar tinique, informs us the island was not block aded, - A iiriush 74 and three . friirates wtrk cruizing o(T St. Pierres,'but without mclestingr the trade. It was supposed that they medi tated an attack On the island. , Captain .V't likewise informs us that tte British had cap tured and carried Sato Antigua the . French, privateers Buonaparte, Napoleon, and Marl borough. They have also tent in five Spa Dish vessels. ' WASHINGTON. CITY, February 7. . TRIAL JUDGE CHASE On Monday, the trial of Judge Chase cOm menced be fore the High Court of Impeach ments, t ; . i . About a Quarter before one o'clock, the Senate took their scats, every member of the body being pretent-Immediately after the.. Managers,' viz. Massrs. J. Randolph, Nichol aon, Rod neyypdy It-, Early, G .W , Campbell, and Clark, appointed. to conduct the impeach- meni, entered; at cpm'panied by the Speaker and members of the Jloveof Representatives, -to w bom seals were assigned As soon as. they wtrc seated, iiamoclChsss, being called upon to appear! entered, attended by hiscoun- inwhftmui 1 were hkewtu. ninrn(l'M - - 7 " t) H i.e. . r .1 ..:. t . i The Imperial Cabinet- bat TtccM'cf a'ccai' ricr (Vom Naples with important dispatches from their Sicilian Majtstica, which have oc! cssioned art extraordinary Council of State lly the tame conveyance advice has been re ' ceived that the k'mg of Naples has given or ' dertfor thelmmediate lflvyingofhtar 30)00. recruits to reinforce the royal army. It se ven said that one man oufof twelve It to lake up arms. V'These troops a"rto serve to rein- lorce me gam Kin piacci m ne iwooocmics. -lletidet that, a corpsofobilrvalion,of tO.000 men, it to b posted in thh belgltbo'irhood of Palermo. - . : December 1. The Dsnith array ctmsiru of 74,000 men, and Its navy of 87 sail the line, and 14 or 1) frigates. The Kwtd'ish army consists of about 47,000 men, and its navy of 30 tail of tht line, and 14 frigates. : Master Betty, better known under the ap pcflation of Young Rostiut, made hit first appearance in the British capital on Saturday last at Cove ul Garden Theatre, tuvlsg chosen far hit debut the, character ef Achmet in tht tragedy of Barbarosta.' The high 'report of Ms Drsraatlc poirers, (which tttra to have excluded all other subjects of converse tor aonta tint past) prodsccd a degree of cariosity, which Mr. Gsrrkk dostiot ap pear to have ever equally txtited, the guara't aitenisnt on tht Thtsuabiing numerously employed in keeping ofT at impstient mdl titwda or la facilitating thsir rstrtst from tuffocaiMcu Tht trhiut gfven In tht Ln Derrnihrp 9. ' ll f ft ri th 'hir. tha Mamtiwra kint- . vv ., ... - r . ii "vii't. ifcvm mbdaVcd with seats on the right of the chair mine same line The ittiJtnt (Mr. Dorr) after staling to Mr. Chase theiadulgence oftlrue which bad been allowednuirtd if htj were prepared to give m his ansjrcj',..c.. - . .. .. ...; -, Judge CfoJtiaid h had prepared, ai well as circumstances would permit,- hit anther, which, he bagged permission to read by him self or counsel ; this being granted, he corn- menced thoTsadiag of hit antrer about one o'clock, la which he wat relieved by Messrs Harper and Ilopkinsoa, and which occupied the court tilt half after tour. . ..." Mr. 7 Rtdtphi in behalf ef (he Mana gers, requested brat to ctasolt the House of . . . . a t. 1 - '. . L . r , a ucprrscmauves,ajia nacwia 9 dc Mmisnca with a copy of the anrterof Judge Chaie, for tht purpose ofmskiaga rtplicatiorv thereto. Tht VrnVfnriai4 iht Senate would take the ' request . into tnrukWratiooy arid msko known to the Houst of RtpTcseutatim the order taken thereon., : . , Whereupon tha Senate retired, st the tug. getiKm of tht Pmldmt, toihalr legislative panttttOV-.'-1 ':rj .-:' ' T- '" ., t." d - YettcVday the SUfRiMB COURT, of the Uaittd States waj p&ed Present, Chief Justice Marshall, and justices Cushiar, fa fcrvTn, Chasa, arvd Washincton. . 1 ' THESetittt hate, we understand rejecud tht treaty (or eatingtritblng the Indian title U to certain lands withla tht llmlu of the ttatt