ehi 4 ately obtained, and Is ready to pro due. this honorable court when necessary , and -me extracts from which we contained in tlits exhibits severally marked No. 7, which he I 'ays leave to make part of this his answer. J.a4 for plea to the said seventh article of impeachment, the said Samuel Chase saith that he is not guilty of any high crime or misdemeanor, as in and by the said sevtnth article is alledged against him, and this he prayi may be enquired of by this honorable couit, in such manner as law and justice shall aeeu to them to require. -(To be Continued,) Latest Foreign Intelligent. . Bj (he ship John U Alice arrived at Philadel phia, in 43 dajtrom Liverpool. Madrid, 'December 30. A part of the Garrison here has received enters .to hold itself in readiness to March. A quantity of artillery from the great Arseti? y 1 at Segovin will be serttasainst Gibraltar. eargainsUtfiandJKU with vieour; and the Greatest part ot our marine which consists, of 5 ships of the line , ' of various sixes, besidas other vessels, will be got in readiness Tor sea immediitely Pub lic prayers will soon be put up for the Me- mgs of Ileayen to our arms, CDiz.December:l5. Admiral Gravina is shortly expected here Trom Paris. All ships of war here, ami at Carthajena, -arc felted out, and mav.y sce.naen arc levied. Milw, December 17. -Mr. Livingston, the late envoy of the States of North America to Paris, has arrived here ; toe is makm-ja journey in Lower Italy. Paris, Jan. '7. We have received an account from Ant werp of a desperate scuffle having taken place between some American sailors, wh o were attacked by a party of Spanish sailors, who supposed them to te English. Many lives were lost on both sides, and sever! "rounded. , 'f---.- XlCHboM, Jan. 21. The French mi nibttr Salicetti, ha con cluded a new convention with the Liguarian the name of the Emperor Na- 'nrJi.nn. uhirK wai s'nrned on the Cth of October last, and of hich the principle ar ticles are as follows: -The Emoeror Napolean-encrages to pro cure a p.'ace for the Liguarian Republic with the- Barbery powers, and to cause .the Liguarian flag to be respected by those. pow- Should he, however, -not be so successful inthis endeavour as he expects, lie engages to famish the ships of the said Kcpublicwnn Frtnch color, that they may thus bo protec ted. ' . The Emperor of the French wit! further Vrant perm'mion for the Importation of all Liguarian commouuies-uuo neumoni, i r ma and Phcenza, only paying the small im p-jrtation-toll, which was before custonvry which ocrmmion shall bczin to be in force immediately after the ratVr.catiou of tkit con vention. On the other part, th! government of th Liruarian Republic enrage to furnish 6.000 ea:uen, dr.iiig the prescr.t war, and to have 400 of them Jnrcadmca in a short lime. The L'tru iriaw Republic cedes the hnr h-nirs, with the arsenal, es also the galley har)nms and the dock-yards with the basin ; uivl nlacesthtin attSie disposd of the French: and as it is mtended to build in the said dock yard, ten ships of the line for Franc-',. J he Liguarian Republic enlarge the basin suuicienilv lor the entrance ami sin liyning ofthre shins at its own esptnee : and as at the time of the conclusion rf this convention, a n-jw bllt il.ip of the line, a frigate, and tw corvettes, arc ly'ir;; finished in the do of Ucuoa, these snips anau w-.c wise be placed at thed'upwHl of France. v January -a. In consequence tif an application from number yS respectable Spiuish merchants n order of Council his been obtained, to YnrnnXt veiscUtoTar rycorn into the port of Spain those el excepted in winch lhe:carc tavl stores. January SS. HOUSE of COMMON'S, 7n'. SU Sir notice, that he should en M4idy real inove.fpr Jc-ve to briitqf in a bill (ontinue for a limitted time, suspension tf the H.Ueas Corpus Act, mid for citaUUhir.g " nurih! Uw in Lait n'rht dispatches wrerr,t olTfrom lh A'lmialtf to AHmirul CWnwHn, off .l'ly mouth, vii'honter to n-Mime his former aiaiimiwtih ail txuwMe iitiMTciw There is a rrpma in the tny tftat Ilunna. turir ha 1 revil:d i mi M. Siummclpen tuck 1$ Mndni with 'pstsn, fnerture. it produrtd a Kliht tin In the fane1. We ! UcU no crwht to the rtpori. January 28. v , Tli Dnptror ef Russia hn tfinitively fited the viiy cf KriC In bU dominions fur rtidetice of fcis Mjjtsty L'Xiis XV HI. Me is, however, to rrwide at Mituit, until the Murmn mil l'.ie of the season shall eniibte I. im trr ntnve,'ifh ll hit liouftrhol.t, to the aii Je whidi the k'.ndnm of hit Ruisian Ma Jcvr h vrovh'cd for him. M, dVerjrifei, a French emigrant, who Itourf't la tbt wrsi'.a of the Emperor i f ' ItnoNii, wtwon lh demaiul ol thr ntinitef Sf Huotupjrte arrested at Home Uit autn. mer, and delivered into the hands oftheFrencb, has been' released.- " The English families of distinction, who were made prisoners in France at the com mencement of therwar have been directed by the. French Commissary to hold them aeliteain readiness, as they may expect daily. to beembarked for England. - : r . - January 29. - ' : Yesterday dispatches were received from Admiral Cochrane, off Ferrol. They state, there was reason to suppose the French fleet in that port would endeavour to put to sea, having since the war commenced been onn pletely fitted out by the Spanish officers. No less than sixteen Spanish prizes, ex rfelttsWefheBhAtritegatgy-have beeft carried into Gibraltar.- Theloan intended to be negociated for in March is not, we are well assured, to exceed the sum of Twelve Millions ; the rest of the. supplies being to be raised within the year. The Courts of Vienna and Copenhagen, have declared, in answer to the circular note of M. Talleyrand, respecting the Ministers of GreatrBritain, when Buonaparte professed rj-pTrthemoutxftherete lie law that they cannot recognize so ex traordinary a principle. , Private letters received by the Ilamburgh Mails, . atate,; that the exportation tef torn from the Swedish and Prussian ports have been prohibited, in eonsequence, it is sup posed, of the magazines of provisions which- are about to be lormed lor -the use ot the -ar mies in those countries. The Marshall of the Court of Admiralty has in the name of his M:ijesty taken; posses-' sion . of all Spanish vessels sent into the several ports by our'cruisers, as well as all such as were detained by the embargo, thus taking them ou$ of the charge4 of the captors or their agents. Letters from Berlin of the 4th instant, (in all , likelihood fabricated at Paris) state that the King of Prussia had remonstrated with the King of Sweden against his entering into a subsidiary treaty with this country, which might tend to disturb the peace otthe North . of Europe; which Jiis Prussian Majesty, -it is said, is determined to protect. A Spanish ship from Carthagena to Ferrol, having on board a considerable quantity of dollars, and gold in bars, besides valuable merchandize has been taken by the Malta, of 84 guns, and sent into Falmouth. A gentleman arrived in town -yesterday from France, who is reported to be M. Portalis, jun. brother to that person who ac-. ted as-Sccrctary to General Andreossi in this country. lie is probably come as an agent forthe exchange of prisoners t inwhich ca--parily, we believe, Capt. Paget sets out in a few days far France. The English, so long detained in France, we arc happy to hear, are likely to be shortly released 4rom their captivity, ,r 'Geo. Mack U ' to eommaml all 'the Aus trian forces in the Tyrol and Venetian States. ThelncieBse or these froops has, it appears, excited some alarm at Pnris. Letters have been. recti ved with the Ham burgh -mails, from Amsterdam, gi'vitigan ac count of the proceedings of the French, in st 1 ling the cargoes of English , manufactured gorKU,whichhave beenconfiscated by their sol diers. The Dutch government is entirely passive upon the occasion; The groom of Gen. Mannont is the auctioneer of this mili tary house. The goods remain warehoused ti!l an oppnruiniiy arises for re-exporting them. A guard of soldiers attends at the plice of fule, to prevent imuH.Such U the ir.icrdtile abject state of the natavians. CHARLt?rON, April a..' Accounts ff;n Cape Francois. by capt., ivt, that th? Havtian atmy had Rune againft Santa Do ninco. Tl cy were faid to atmniut to 41 o?o men, in 4 divifion! 1 he main bodv under the con. mani ot ChiiH,phe, corifining of 24..ertO inen. nelTaSiiie, Jhc V. npcror, had marcheil at ih- hea l of thefe .imtirthey rear If d M.'Ya'm. an inland town, ofcon- I fnl;rable flreith j a council of war was thent'eirt, when if was determined to tlfnnihecity TI15 F.mperor, however, was rcijuefled foi n rifkhij life lemp anf tl.e dircvlion of the fiee wn given to Gen. Brave, who, after i del, peuteand blooly ctitrfli' 'fiicceelcl in cairrini the city ; nf , however, without rfinli.!r4H!e JoT. It was rumoured, tht Gi-n. L'rive wji moriallr vrrtundcd and in f W unehhcxtfan.l of his belt troopi. . The French and S uniar.'.i found in th; Ci'r, it was fuppofd, were all put U the 1 WOld. . We hstf tc:n politely favoured w'h Ktrtglhm, (lim.) paprrs t the 14th of Mirch Utftn one of thefe we estracl rhe fullowin? intrrefling articles 1 KINGSTON, (Jm.) March 9. Th DiuHh flirtji Ant, W-U, from Rirha l.iei'iii 9divf, arrive! eder lay at Von Rmal, An otfictr cams InKcr wiih difjiiches fron Commfflore Hood, for healmiraf, which are fail tn h- 0f.lne high-il imprice to this IlUnd. At a late hour yt(t:r day evempt ihen M'i.itiirr wai lavomea nn tne lidibtdu AUrturp of the 2&:h Ftuuary, frcirrf hich the lollowing important eatra arc cupica s ' lltmiDOis. Feb. 26. A fudfcn dcpreinon was tacted hereof a .... aanaif UK, 01 the arrival of 1 nenlr fiom Leeward, with the unexpected i lelligence of the ippcara,rlcc Jn ihor feas, of a powerful French, naval force, and yefterday morning the account was fully confirmed, but as it is too cuftomary, with many exaggerated additions which could only tend to heighten the a larnr Withoutfollowirfgjhe varying and vague accounts which have been induftri oufly dCaminated, we (hall confine our report on this generally interefting fub jeft, to that which feems mod authenac : On Wednefday laft, a f mall veflel, in her courfefrom Dominica to St. Lucia, dif covered feveral fail of large jeflcls (land ing towards Martinique, and having af- hertained them to be art enemy ' fquadronr- -lCjll7 uuuuguiuieu tneir rorce, Dore iip to this Ifland and communfeated" her obfervations, juftly deeming it of the higheft importance to be immediately known here. . The confirmation cf this account was yeftcrdjy morning officially received Jn difpaiches frorri St. Vincent, with the'addition that the enemy had fal len in With a fnlal COrivov hound hi-rc. andhadcapairedthe Prince oi AuRurias tranfpoit. It appears that his M;ieftyY Ihip Aligator, havini? a fh'Tn and brie un-;' ?r convo.y, fell in withthetMierrrv'ifniiaj dron on Wednefday morning ;! that -they endeavoured to decoy her by holding EnglKh colours, and one of them a Rear Admiral' blue fbg but the Aligator finding they could not ahfvver their fignals, difcovered the cheat and Hood dirccl for St. Lucia, the enemy giving chafe, cut off the (hip and captured her. : 1 he real force of the enemy according to the mod cont'd! account that has been received, and which is riven, by an Ame rican fchooner, " that pairwrthrough their tlL-eton WednclJay, alict their capture ot the tratifport, ronfid of one three decker, fuppofedof 1 10 guns, tvs-y8rt's, two 74', anct five (ViLNjtcs cvi.fentlv.fuU of tiboos. This force fo fuperior to any thing which wc have at nrelent afloat in the Wefi- ltis,perhaps voo juffly app'.rli-rf ?r that fome veffels yhich ;wre yeilcrday de-. fcried off our coaft, are part oi this re inforcement ; and . thefe fufpicions are flrengthened by an American veRd whi;h feUin with thertt yefterday morning, and from their manocuvettTiglccncIudcs t;ey were French lhi'jrsi Tw'a of theiir'appcar cd fo near, as to be perceived to be line of battle hips, and it is added; that five brigs were feen in company with them nany vejTels have certainly beer( feen from tljp heighths to windward tut tior.e fuch as defaibed have arrived. ' - The eriemv fnTi-c 1r.iftr arrlvf.fl 1 1 . y " .wiww . 1 ....... . . .1 1 w. iL-rvciMorij. j.' 1 t J. 1 A .1 ; . I . .- . r nuwirai. jwemz ; . thole expected trom the McditerraKean , are under AtJn;h x Villaneuf. - . . It is to awake the caution and vigilance of our community and not to excite their fears 'and apprehenfions, that we fta'e thofe pai'tjculari ; every man is calif d upon to be prompt anc) energetic when his country is'threatcned, and by (hewing the Indie?, certainly threatens Tome dange?to our Colonial puffeilions.; not. however. in that extent winch the toy timid haftily ! apprehfnd, ftr our gurrifohs throughout j the Iilands are in geiieraf well Ireng'th ene), admirably appoiined, and in' high heahh and difcipline. On our own inter nal refources the moft itnp:icit confidence can be placed, ami we might even defy the hole concentrated force of the ene my :all langonr-aitd -inactivity., howe--ver mud be thiownoff, and the ical, ac tivity, and' vigour of our Commanders both civil and military be fcconJed with promptnefi and alacrity. The mcafurcs already adop'c !, and dill purfningare futh as mark a (Irjtng determination of obfli nate refiffahre; and jtidirg from thofe eminent talents which we fliall hive to guide and diredus in the hour of danger, fhould it ever arrive, we anticipate a glo rious rcfuit to iKe'fionor aui reputation of our country. ' . . . ' While weare naturally folicitou for the fafcty ar.rdefe .ee of this country, the prefcrvationnf our filler colonies fhare our equal vrtlLci and anxiety, cfpecially as their loil fltuation by them more o pen to thcjiiacks t f the enemy, who, ac, Jj.v'e anvLci'crprifin2,.weIalready 'find in veding n, of ihem. Thus have the ac counts othc arrival of the enemy's forces at Martidquf, been immediately fu'lowed up with liar of their attack on the I (land of Domiiica. ()o Friday laO, rhcir fqua dron ipcarcd oft Hoircau an immediate attack ffnmtncfd, and a debarkation of troops piempttda-fpitiird defence was made, ir.d the lami ng refilled twice was the enfny repulfed, fnd obliged to retire; they dw ,.ff to Point Mochell, a crrelc about hree leagues further to the fouth wirdj whither rri2Juner General rrevofl was parching to meet them ; and from Ihenip whjM probably prtceed to Prince KuprVt'f, where a more effeflnal (nA UroayW-ma.le, Tfnr-lTrti-..... t.r T,n,fa are c Si,nday r.ight, when the entiiy hsd not made any material pro grfi, tn1 the QUe and vicorous 'If te W.M con,in"cJ- Lct,Jie i"f tliljand be what it may, wherher fob bed by a twi fxiwerf ul Vnemy, or rear, iintriurnplithe Britim ftandird over 1r v.nquilhed alfailan's, alike mull Hr tellimonnothe Rallaut fpitit of its fnlomal militia and tegular Rarrifon, led bn by an officer than whom (in the perfon bfn.lgjUcr Gencraf Prevofl) ih Uiitifh 'my nor a prouder bojll. I auuuiuii 10 1 note pat Mcuiar we have to add, that farther appearances of danger threiieit ihefe Coloaiei, unkfi by the t mclraitivat of an adequate nay.1 force, the rntmy'i career le checked, ft is fonfi lenity Hated, that vtdel from Marti. tKjue, Ufhiel by the Unicorn fripw, wmch hit JiriivH here, riot only con lirmcdto her , file nth of the enemy, already arrWcd, but adds, that a reinlorct-ment-ifTtvn, fsll f ihe line, with fff. gates 1 ml tiinfportr, was momently ei pefted there from ths MediitiVanran, jith ibe eiprefs rbjel oco rtpersting in a general attack on all our I (fan Js This vcird further flattd, that an epl. ttoti of 4000 men wn on the point of fail, ing from Martinique ajatafl St. Lucia. .1 ' 1' ; L- . if ! -r - "i r- 1 iMiigcrs ai auaii o.nejj i points out tho'e wnicn awaits atioiner,,4t , The arriyalf o,rowerful a FrencSt naval force to '-wiRclw-ant,, has jundoub'ed ly been thcoccafiooof the d:fpVches fnm commodore Hood, that our commauriets .here may be apprifed thereof ; and ba bet., ter prepared to refift 'he att ack of the ene my, thouid he have .the temerity to at tempt (he conqueft ot. this iflan. : '; March 14.. ' .. A Council of War li apointvil to he held at the King's Houfc, i,i Span:(h Town, this day between thchouis of ten and twelve. Charleston March 29. Capt. Clark left Ubrdeaux Februaiy I. A French fleet of 1 1 ships of the line, har ing on board 9000 troops, had effected their escape from the harbour of Toulon, about the 20th of January. . It was conjectured that their destination was either the East-Indies ' or the Uraziis , Capt. Duncan, from Havanna, informs, that a heaw P-ale of wind from the N. rnm. menced on the 15th Inst, and blew with great violence for three days. It was reported when he sailed, that the Rr'r.ish 7, Vanguard, ivas lost in this p-;i!e on the Florida reef ; and me rrincess tnariotte trigale on iYlartys' reefthc cre ws of both vessels saved. Capt. - t t . rr .1... Tf ti . " , ' ' ' ' sloop of war the captain of which, on tcinp; informed of this report, observed that .he had little doubt of it,s truth, not having seen "any the gale. . Nkw-York, March If. WAR WITH PORTUGAL. Uy the bri Washington, from Teneriffe, we learn, that t'ae Dri'.lsh have, declared war against Portugal and, that they have taken possession of Madeira. This was the cur rent re port two days previous to the bailing of the nhnv -vrp1. si , , MONS'R. DE CHAN LA tnvir been deprived of his fortune and obliged to leave bis country by the French Revolution, has fettled at Orton where lis is engaged in teaching Reading, Writing, Arithmatic, the Latin and French Lan guages th two anting -Gentlemen placed under his care by General Smith. Thefe not being futficient to occupy Ids time or encourege a laudable emulation ; he will receive a few more fcbolars on the under , mentioned Terms engages to bring them on well in thcir cducation and to be parti cularly attentive to their morals and manners. y hen the fickly fcilon commences he will remove with them to Smtihville, ths hcalthinefs and rdrafantneft of which as a fummer retreat It well known. i Ahntr. De Cbanla received his educa tion in th". Univerfity of Paris and com pleted it um'cr the direfllon of fome of tho firft literary chsraflcrsin France He has made te per Icaion of the French Lan- guagc Ids particular fludy, fo as to arrive at the mod critical knowledge thereof ac cording to the new pronouncialion lad frttlcd by the French Academy. For boarding, warning, lodging (their own beds & bedding to be fent with them) ftfti lasKinA ..Sik.a! .vhii IVMUIIl, TIIIIIIf 0IMI4U4411V -1 ff.... at uic i.aiin ana rrencn isngusges, j month Sixteen Dollars and iwo-ibirdi, Heading, writing and arithmatic month. Two n.dUn. Do. do. alfo the Latin and French laa guages per month, Thrct Dollars. jprit 1, 18.1J. " noticeT THE Ctipartnerfhip 0f Jocilim 6 Gautui, ceafes this day, Incor,. fiquenceof ihe death of Mr. A. Joceiinj all thufe thai have claims agiinft the fa if firm, are requefledioprefent them to the fubfenber, the furviv ing partner, and re ceive tht.r money j lrkl tl, lhofe jbted 10 Inf faid Cofflnin ...... il.J come forward for the immediate adjuft meni wi i.c iarae, as no indulgence caa dc given. in. ti T N GAUT1ER. I fhili csrry on the Lumber bufmcfa citenfively in all Its various brioches., March a6,i8ac. per 1. ret

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