GMETTE; :- 'VtilVMS IX. PUBLISHED (weekly) 3Y ALLMAND HALL. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1805. AV-inrr hi-. snce- the an c. me il.e lc, ilh fmc the tins. ml .Mill ing al ft nc4 c Te ther i of cut '.ltd IE0MTHE VERMONT JOURNAL. , Mr. ELLIOT, s TO JUS CONS TITUENTS. ' LETTER I. -'"A representative of the people is frequent ly placed hisiUiulions of- peculiar delicacy. His conduct may be, misunderstood,' and his motives misrepresented ; and it may at the lame time be improper for him, to enter into a public explanation with his constituents. Such waajmyl situation' pi r.viously id 'the late election, and some may be of opinion that' my silence ought not even now to bo broken. But the most powerful motives impel me to communicate, to those who have done me the honor to confide to me. their most important interests, the truth and the whole tiuth, in relation to the political ronn nsot' tur country. A a centinel Vcr the rights and interests of the people 1 have been placed up on an elevated fcminence ; and in that situa tion I have made discoveries of such importance, that I should consider myself as treach erously neglectfulof my duly, were I to withhold t htm from the public eye. Already denounced, I am aware of the new denunciations which await me. .1 shall be accused of abandonin ; my .party and be-. coming an apostate trom republican princi ples. I shall even he charged with treason, in advancing sentiments which may be con sidered 8s tending to produce a 'dissolution of the Union. Against faWiood uik! calum ny I shall always be able to oppose the shield and helmet of truth and a v.uod con science. Those who know nie will believe my motives to be pure, whatever opinion they m.,y -form of my discern me fit; and to those wlvkuow me not, and in w.'iose minds - I am id ready conclenined.T.will address" the laconic -expostulation of u celebrated anci ent to hU pa.ssion.ite opponent, strike, but hear me. Aside from the circumstances of the lite election, I have ample evidence that my conduct in congress h is been misunder stood by many, and. that I been consi- dcred as giving unli-republican v ites, in op posing some of the mist ariv.ocr.nic mea sures ever adopted in otr coi r.iy. 1 urn a re publican. On certain subjects, however, it is time to speak out, and to speak with energy. There i a parly in the U. States consisting cf moderate ;uul reflecting con stitutional republicans, 'first rather that a' third party) and which .U. not entirely com posed cfindii idiials like myJf, humble and' uninflucntial. It many of the best fcr.o greatest paiii'it of omi tountiy ; men, against whose -pot'.esi ftni.-, even malice, dares not to raise her voice, and to whose talents millions pay homage;, whose abilities and virltus are dti'.iiucVI I. ope and trust in Cod, to preserve tbe"Uiii;d State from nuny political evils. 'I he objects of this pirty are, the preservation of the cot-' atitulion in all its energies, and the union of all honest men.' I know that the union of honest men is reprobated by some' as a trea sonable project, but it must be censured by the vicious and enthusiastic, only; the good and wise believe that nothing else will save the union, at tviv.c future lime, from division and dcuruct.n. Limited :s has been my political experi ence, I Inve learned that vioh nt pady nun are almost ajwata wrong. 1 hey view po- . litieal objects as thro n j-l.isi darkly. If the fury of piity vpirit be not speedil clinked, m-idcratioii will become as ureal a crime in Amend, as it was lit Trance during the rcin of Robe pier re. Self rrcalrd organs . of the public will, already denounce esrry one, w liulcvcr. may. be, lii. lUtulioaic chaw ractrr, whose .c n-luit is cliMinguislu-d by Cue least displiy of conw ieninus itidcpeii- . deuce. Anion-.; ' republican, among ar dent r:puhl:cans, iti alrc-ady criminal to be i an houest and iadvpciuLnt pdi'ninn. A .nrw depot is frcak-.l, a l! powerful and ir- resistible, on tite footstool of whose throne we ercCooiuwadcd to bow the knee, und to tt !me imperio'is inflates il ises tnrc ol democra cy to yield possiva obedience. l.u is this d '. l ? It is a phantom, but not the less pow erful for bcin-j imaginary; like other phan toms, it has power to mislead and terrify It is hii ccr'ain j'jiito plee lo term the jMiblic still, ' A for ambition individuals undertake to aniUipite tbe public Mntimeiil upon nil poliiical stibjec . and, lo the s'l.niie of our cnur.try lc it spoken, a considerable portion of the p-.oplc yiihl a loo eay rquirs csnceiollie mility usurpation. The vnet fft ptifrlr, v'uh it it tht mult of torrtct in he proyU mr be dclu-'cl. Deluded they . have been, at partii uUr limes, in cnir t;c iii9 - . A'i attempt is risking lo divert tlie cwrrenl of psul ir p(iiiu to an invriprr. t luoncl t 1 no glides bke ihe muM. it nu soon tjmndsr He tha lorrcU. The p-ople still be to!4 that ihe constitution i Jinus sys tem of aiisKKrarr j tint Jie President must , be elected by the people si Ifgc t lhal the Sen itc must be destroyed, or at least greatly sieskencdj ihstlhe ju lrs must b rendrrtd fleclirl and that sil s?b opJHJse this gin fvus rcooralioo of ou; J olibtal IJl'.CW siC federalists and enemies to freedom. There is too much reason to fear that this gided pill will be greedily swallowed, although nothing can be more certain than that the constitution, in proportion as it is rendered more democratic, becomes less federative, arid destroys the rights and interests of the small states. The small states may be de prived of their rights by the combined ope rations of violence and intrigue; they may be terrififd and deluded; they may regret their delusion only' when thpjr chains are fastened; and they may possibly be doomed to elope an inglorious career by the commis sion of political suicide! ' I shall be accused of political inconsisten cy. The accusation, however, can only be fiunded upon injustice, ard supported by deception. I op;tse many measures of the federal patty, because 1 believe them anti-republican, find pernicious to the best interests of my country; and that opini(.n remains unaltered.' Hut I have. changed my opinion as to some men and some mtasuixs which are called republican. I oppose a junto railing themselves republican,' Irom the same view, and with the same motives that I opposed tliV former administration; for 1 shall always oppose what 1 consider as aristocracy and persecution. I draw a line of discrimination between the administration and a faction who dictate equally to the go vernment and the people. To explain and justify my own conduct it is necessary that I should describe that of those to whom I stand opposed: But I shall do it without impeaching the integrity of any man in pub lic life. 1 have no private views to promote, no personal resentments to gratify; and I have learned to repress the aspiring spirit of J juvenile ambition. The first wish oi my . liearfu to see my country .free and happy,, i and I always deem it my duty to devote my j feeble efforts to the support and preservation ' of her freedom and felicity, j PoMdy I shall be the Inst man in the j United S'at s who will change principles, . or even pirties, unless parties slull change 1 'principles. 1 profess still io be, 1 ev r hav: be?n, a moderate and convstrtit repvb j lican; but in my pu'ilic op.ici'y, I coiisi ! der nf -If as the representative, not of n par ! tv but of the people. am most decidedly in fjvtr of a unl'jn'pf parties r th northern states up "I, I believe it the Union necessary in order to preserve and fulfil ihe injunctions of the illustrious Washington. It is also in strict conformity to the opinions t,l the present President, wbo has declared to the world that we are all federalists end all republicans, and of 1 comse t liar our political dis'inctioiis are ri- ther nominal than real. 'As the terms letl cralist itii.I democrat, allhoti,;h innocent and correct in themselves, have been recipro cally odious, it .v-itdd be well if we coidd sitiitc us a band of bribers under the o; pil I ilion if eon'linti'Mial tepu!Ucnu At nil c vents, I shall (ontinue to con .i Ut myslf as the renresi -ntative of all the people tf the ij district, and to devote myself lo the suppost ol the constitution. I or my numerous t-ne- mies. soineof whom, will, never cease to I calumniate me, ! will offer in humble indta- lion of Him lo whose merits I look for lup ! pines bevond thr R'-nve, this most benevo- I- lent of priyers Pither finite them. fr tlft km t what-they do. My only point , cal friends shall be the friends of real liberty, and my enemies shall be the enemies of the people. JAMES Elliot. 1.KTTFR II. .The first important jnhj7ct, bciorc congress, on which it become nrrts siry fir me to abandon ri'h-r my principles or niy parly, was the frsl bill lor the tc iuo rary govtrnmrnt of sicnj, Uy this bill) nil ihe military, citil and judicijiy Hwfrs, exercised by the officers of t'te xisting govrrnmcnl of that territory, were lo be vested in such p.-rson or persons, and rx trcicd in och manner s the l'lfubnt of the United States sliSI direct. Suirly a government of this description must be a p?ifett d-potim; and llus indeed, was admitted by i s advoratts. who justified the me.isure on the ground of nrresMiy nlonv. This necessity 1 could not discover. It jr ihe law of nations the institutions of the crded country wool I rcntiin in force until dunked by the Irgislatne power of the 1'n'nr I Siatrs; and it could be the wotk of a few days only lo devise some system of a general nature, sthich should be com petent to ihe temporary governmrnl of ihe territory, and at the .ime time ononai.t lo the reim'dican pritKiplts of the con stitution. The union of k-ilitr,txrn'tive( judicial, and miliiaty (lowers, in anin i-idual w utlcrly irreconcilable siih ihe j irit of thai instrument, and the delegation of t p.te r to the president to appoint a supreme governor of the lerritoty, wit upugnant to its letters the constitution hating au thorised concrrss lo vest ihe appointment of irfcrla' oflket only in the president a lone. Uy the institutions of ancient when ihe senate received information of ihe contjuol or.ctnioa of a ccuuirj) ihtx con. suited- what laws they thought proper shou'.d be prescribed, and sent commonly ten am bassadors, with whose concurrence the ge neral of the troops in the conquered or ced ed country might settle its concerns. The two first laws which congress passed relative to the government of Louisiana, display a very singular improvement upon the two re publican; systems of the ancient Romans.- It is a subject cf pleasure and of pride that. I opposed them ; and I am clearly, of opinion that the adoption of similar measures, by the federalists, while they held the reins ol pow -i en, would have been considered by the re publicans as uncjuestionable evidence of a ..s posilion to create a monarchical 'system of government. , . The celebrated alteration of the constitu tion, providing lor a distinct designation of the elect'. ral votes for president and. vice president, -comes next in order to the present review. The following letter which-1 ad dressed to the council and house of represen tatives of this state infolds the views . and. motives which governed my conduct' in rela tion to that subject. The council although, they had forwarded to me an insi.ructiot in the form of a request to vote in favor of the amendment', forbadi their Sicrilary to read to them my reasons for disobeying their t;:.sfrr tions. This conduct may have been truly republicans but it will be proper, previously to the admission of that point, to examine the constitutional power of rhe state legisla tures to instruct representatives or even se nators in congress, with respect .to amend ments to the constitution. The constitution has declared that 44 congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it neccs ary, shall propose amendments to this con stitution, or on the application of two thirds of the legislatures of the several States, f hall call a convention, fco" Congress are icsted with a perfect discretion in the case ; they may propose amendments when they deem it necessary. Congress :i.nd the state legisla tures are. constitutionally, .distinct initative bod res, as it respects amendments each com pletely independent of the other. To justify thu stale legislatures in instructing even se rvitors to pr-ipos? amendment, the constitu tion should first be amended" so as. to read j thus Congress, whenever t'ae state legisla tures shall instruct them to deem it neccs- pary, shall propose amendments, kc. I shall at this time ordy and that 1 have, upon ma ture reflection, altered the opinion' avowed in t!.e?f.iUwing letter, that the amendment ii trot materially injurious to the small st iles : and I shall devote my next letter to an ex'iibiti m of the reasons which produ ced in my nfihd that alteration. W-shinlon, Dec. 10,1805. Sin, . 1 (!uly received a communication from his excellency the governor, covering a resolu tion of the council and general assembly, instructing the senators, and requesting the i rrpresentaiues of the people ol the Male, in congrcs, to use their exertions -to obtain an htnend'nent toHhe'Cohs'itution of the United S'ates providing for a distinct desig nation or the voles, for President and Vice-lVesidt-nt. Previously to the arrival of this communication, a resolution providing for that subject had passed the house f repre sentatives. ,by-a lare constitutional majori ty, and was sent to the senate fir their con sideration; for that resolution my vote was givca. The senate did not act upon the resolution but originated a new one, contem plating another ntatrtutl alteration in the con ' ion, connected with the principle of designation. The alteration to which I si- h le .s a provision that in ose the house of rcprcsvnuiitts snail not make a cuoice oi the l'restdeot, when the right of making mk'i choice devolves upon them, before the fmrth day of M uch., the Vicc-I'i evident elect shall be !'rcsid'-nt for the ncs.t four years. To the resolution the iciuie, myelf and six other members of my own p-dilical sentiments, four f-o:n Mat t'ltucitt, one from P sirr, Aa ar.d one fiotn Ynin ia, ft:r m ing fmitlets tCunpt to amend it, wire couipvllcd by the dictates of consckuce to give our r! tided dissent; And i. becomes me,' in the peculiar situa tion ii which I Jijnd, respectfully to of fer to the legislature of thai state which I have the honor to represent, the reasons for m) conduct. We were all attached to the great prin ciple sf designation, but we thought the additi'iul provision of the senate cdtuLhd to reproduce the same etil which lhal prin cilc vas intended to remove, by creating new pobi'i litict of the introduction of a man to the i'ntidencvt who was never control- pitted it a tjiulle candidate for thai office. cither by the people or Ihi clcctois. We urged that the day would probably soon sr. rive, when new -o!itiol interests would rise in our country, and numerous t andi dites te presented for the Presidency. t hat upon the cstshlishmrrt of the princi ple of discrimination, the office of lor.Vf. iiJent (' J horn tf ntntr ttntiJeraiion, and the public attention would he turmd upon all the most prominent characters In tht Uaioni ratrtly at candidates Ut lht of Pre- siclent. That tvo large states, each involv ing several Mnaller states withiirthe eiieie of its influence, might present two emen dates, equally and pre-eminently: qualified for the . office of President, tnid iqu..:,. -gi-liearly equal, in tlie number ..-of eki toi .al suffrages to the house of represematius : '1 hilt each of those great sti lt s mip, t.l"l o obstinate in its pretensions, and rhat-Vtyer-al small states might, as luq pei ed at thu last election, be divided and ."g-i'.e i;o vote; that it would be in the power of two c-r'thYu individuals to prevcuUaqcUon that . ti e Vice-President, al Siiiy ' e hbsen'eiilier I y tiu electors or the senate, wt-uld't iii l-kcl (o promise Jihot.e iJitti-vic'uars. the first fin es -in -i - -i VJl Hit CAIUHIVC IO IjeMt'W. though U.-y as totally imqr.aH cd .... ...ou nsmmseit lor the ; r d that he nnvhi JlltlUe tllis ,,,0,,, . a perlect certany 0f being able to per if they should piotract the election umil tf e; fourth day of Marii. We .u't;ged-i hat ...this could not be consid.t i.rd as imp'robrbje -tl-at the American people, although i vv "Virtu ous, W'ould,be at no rctiwt time in m me ce gree corrupted ntl . AuiTitfalw ny-s-rshU ambitious und 'unprincipled 'uifliviruids ' of talents and influence. That the poj addition to the constitution contained" l. n guBge inconsistent with tlie r mtr.a! ('ii;-; , voice of the original coi:r.lttt.tio:i bv ..u in " the House of Heprtt.! i.t.tives isiierkti to. make an election J" President sit' ;ll evert; and thst, alihough the impctxiite Mile could not be considered ps intended to erce n'c ral v as improper, r.lur ( ing the heme to makc a choice, in mediately to tell them t'uy maydo it or not as please. That this .provit ir.n seeixud to in vite to corruption und. tq open a bro'tujer-'a- venue through which injjiue and ambition' mrht advance. to, the very s itr.Is cf our ri- publican system' than any free people Iir.d ever established as a radical princir.le- of their constitution. That it was danrrous to alter the constitution with p'retipilation,fe audio insist oon blending with a prmciplj winch the public sentiment niicocivctalh' demanded, a novel principle which the peo ple had never contemplated. That it was. irrational to conclude that the discriminat ing principle would be lost by a t ejection of the present vendution; conferef.rc with the senate mii;ht follow, and an accommo dation immediately be made, or th senate might proceed to consider the resolution tent from the house, and the probable result would be its adoption. Although almost every member in the ma j' ritv allowed cur objections to possss great weight, we wire not lavortd with many sm sners to our arguments. We 'wnp rm!v told the' e i's we feared n igl.t nevir l.e x perienred and that il we did 4il pi ihe Ksoluti'.n in tU- f. :,n in which it passed the sertf, we slu old in all piobability its principle id'.c fetlu r. The meml-crs wl ' gcrrrclly constitute the tnui'.rity in the !. e i on pi litici li-ue-tions supported our in jections, ;it relied principally upon a point width' 1 romider imtenr.b!c. viz. th;.: n principal of (ibniniii-a-lion between the votes for Prciditt ii"d Vice-Presidenl, impairs the prii!es?s and relative niuht ol the s-tt ..11 naus in ihe .Union, 'liny mpporttd thrs positicn with much sinrt-tiiy tnd injrmnii)', l.t.t I rtmM not discover great futce in ll.t ;r arjii mri'ts. I possiMed tlie sentimtnts t fthe Itu'isla lure and people of Veiincnt with ruput to the question of designation, but roi.ld not rntiripate lluir opinion opon ?.tft'r ens stil.jicts, and therefore bli mynlf ct libtrty In tote ogiiintt tic rttoluticn. which was carried iy inc costing vote oi tlie speaker. Il was mutter of great rotwdatic n to me in this painful situation to f;lid so tt toy ok lo be I, of the si me polilirt.1 siiiliirrnts with mjsilf, and i.fmuch greater political tx Itr' uniting with me in rpinion; a ii--enn stance which will pitsevte -me f'om of hnvirg Mlcfitd I t litat y tnd tetciitiic ojnnit n, from j ttiictstsiKii.s adverse to ccol riflcctif r. jamt.s n.i.ioT. MAV-VoilK, Aptil :r.. POSTSCRIPT. Ti c ship Oliver I llswotih, npt. Pcnnr' arritetl lure yesterd.ty, in 40 !) fitm I i crpK,. We hate uciiwd ftc ni opt. I'm tint fde of lat.don snrs lo lie I' th and Llotd's List to tic 9. It uliin.r, which cnabltsuslo l.i jr Uforc our reat'ets news e srral days Lter than has been tictitid if former artitals. I.airnoif, March, 6 r.vrrrmcrt late vc understand, rteeised inlr lligrnce tret an unusual drgrre of actisity .'us )i'tW ptc saiU (I in the Dutch Potts and it is abo re ported that IhiottAfarte sa last wtik at Iloulofne. If Ibiotiap..rle has scrioicly e lermined lo make an aiicmpt tpon thi Country, we think it probable lhal it tjill be made soon, becauie frtitn the t'ijkitii.ti manifested If some of ihe gttat ft ntir.tM al Towers, it 1 na trrr hkil li st be will ' a h ff. - r;