A LIBEL ON WOMEN. htract from the " Honst-Moox," lately Juh .. Itshed in AVw-Turk. "'Covkt and Rolando, meetings Rolando. , Tmerthrecjwemen--'' , ,' three loud talkintr women !' Whey were diseovrsinjr of the newest fashions,, ; nd their tongues- wuit like I have since been thinking . -.....;' hat most that active member of a women mortal things resembles- ";;'. Courrt.T Have you (found it ? Rolando. Umpkl- not exaetljsomethhig like a smoke jack s 'or it goes ever without winding tip! ut that wears out in tfms-there Jailstht simile, lext I berhautrfameafa viattr-millz P,7 -a J-r -----ui'that stands still en Sundays : woman's tongue Weeds to reviving Sabbath. And, besides, M mill, to give it motion, waits for grist p ytfow, whether she, has aught to say or no! " U woman's tongue will go for exercise - -.. In sh irt, I came to tiis conclusion i -ybfost earthly things have their similitudes, But woman ft tongue syet incomparable III . SLIP-SLOP. Lroilus-Paulus Faminius Quintus Julius JjCxsar Muzalemump,,is a man cf fine natu tr&l parts, a gi eat admirer of the liberal sci jehces, and was educated in the teamed pro febbion of a soap-boiler. When be had gone jlhrougK a regular process of his professional studies, it happened that the 'b&ut,iful and accomplished Miss Margaretta-Maria Sophia Angelic&na Grizzlegig, became, deeply ena moured with this same milius Paulus Ela- tninius Quintus Julius Cesar Muzzlemump, .1 j . i . . . i-. $anu- was marnea 10 mm, contrary ip me con emoi oom nsr papa ana mama, wr. Kept a respectaide pawnbroker's repository in the polite neighbourhood ol Drury-Lanc. . A reconciliation, however, was gradually brought about ; and, in the course of three year, the father and mother both departed this transitory life, leaving .ILiniliiis-Paiilus and Margaretta-Maria in possession of a gen teel fortune. iEiniliuH.Paulus tiow gave up his business, whereby he became enabled to enjoy at Urge those more accomplished pursuits for which nature had so manifestly designed hi in. It is about five years since itmilius-Paulus quitted business ; in which time, as he him self says he has mude no small progress in lite circle of polite literature : but, unfortu nately,' Xmilius and Margaretta-Maria are strangers to that inviolable maxim, 'upon which sob bt 'all the felicities of wedlock ; for, in general, whatever the one admires, the other, has a particular aversion to. In short, they scarcely ever agree tv.o days together; and the subjects upon which they quarrel, are frccpiently education and family. It Hi not many days since 1 had the honor to attend the ubsve lady and gentleman in a hackney coach lo that agreeable situation called Mount PUv.sstit. I do insist upon your going- says amiliusPaulus ; " lor I'll shew ymj one of the sweetest and most, ru- tllest places you evertcd." Cut .we had ;ot tidd.cn half a mile from Smithfielfl, when mil'ms-Paulus, putting his head out at one 1 if the window,ordered the roachmanto drive riore faster; upon which Margarctta-Msria, putting her head out at the other, ordered ' im to diivc mote slower. "Drive more ister, Isay cochmon," cries .Emilius-Pau-its." " I say drive more slower, coachman," rics Margare-tta-Maria. A'miiius Paulns ubmitud, and the horses kept only a gentle trot. ..When we were arrived at Mount Tlcas mt, and had ordered tea and toScc, JEmilius Paulus taking me by the arm, assured me, he , would nmvihewamoicptervaiing iojrct. y We'll just," says He, " walk cp to the aur eus of tlx Mouct, and then we have all be fore us. Here t here'! litre's beauty, alrea Jjr !-r,NGwhf re ' jww wind 1 tnlv rbsai ve I . ThcrTa Shooter's Ilikl i-BiKflKcrer P?n'J y.ou Me tn-1 iherc white hout thi fe I )6n'i jvm see a thing like a cuboU ? hkim our eye a little mors this y, and lhen youl have it. C) ravhhir g limicup U-and there's St. Patil's church jut Uf.irc 'us! .and there's the Mont rin tut !ind there's St. Iiii'lc's church, where my wife and ) was Hurried." Ay,hanu the chtirth," crks Mrs. Muzxlcmtp, I've luted the sil.t cf it cvcrsiHfe." - Atd sohne I too," re Nie A.irilius-Piiilus. And there Tfu see - the fiver Tcm, and the hills in Surrey ! ft uw in t this Jhe titbtt rurauett and most sweetest phcejoti ever sccd!-This is the plire 6 philosopher !" -'Mp. Mujleinump, with ft kind f con. tenptui)u4 smite, tburved, M that she had Ikch taught to tmdersttiid, thst pholocp!tcrt always chouse sol-intsry places to live int" tut .tTiiliovPauly iniltd tbit she knew nriUHf altout the matter. . When we hd s iTcicnlr tiewcl each at rctie uhject, aiid retired to the coffee-room, AmiJiui, lockuii; very iirprtntly at nu-, asked roe whether or no 1 hd ever rrad rope's works? That there fVpe,- aductt he, was a man of fine ts! ins, and a true n of Parmniictu !" Mrs. Mm t tic mump, ttrr. ' rmc let red grsctiuUr towafds me, mrit jrtlirlf aihgtitd fr the likipiditv ftfhtr IiusIiimTs compftf. U(otswhi(h, .V.miliu l'uurs i)okuUfeaitiiy rjy at her, Ui hru t rfhte'd ntth i" l!lstrrl f "-rrj4ir. Mr. M. hh f.nespJ- nt Whit tV you oKan, Sir, ty ilhtrr'Uf Mr Umily iirtr none CI them tr'd!-.Mr yule Ho2wh. tf Criprhif.te WrJ (that's now dewl ami K'o) s f tivMis f HU Isrmng, n gsterne thehtstof edttCtshWmtl afHl 1 w.talwafs hnk'd ip,q as Jly f pbus and sciiterrbBtt u'J I U! t the xmsfortirne to take leave of jjy 'senses, & throw d myself headlong away upon a pultry soap-boiler ! I mought have - -t." . u Soap-boiler, Madam !" repltes-milius-Paulus, with great dignity of resentment -(k a soap-boiler ' surely as good as the laugh ter of a scurvypawn-broker?" : " Intolerable imperance !" cries poor dear . Mrs. Mujtzlemunip, with tears in her.ey.es What do you mean you villain, by' your Scandal on the memory of my papa? .1 wish he was alive to beat you.' . JJmi'ius-Paulus would have continued the quarrel, had not I interfered : Mrs. Muzzle mump, however, renewed it or our return home , and supremely happy I therefore thought myself, when the welcome moment arrived for rriy taking leave of this blessed " couphf Twd of the greatest evils, surely, which de- ' form the human mind, are- pride and igno rance united. The above amiable lady lias an only daugh ter, to "whom" nature, has indulgently' given many personal attractions: but it were better perhap foV the daughter, if she was less pretty; for. the lessens which she receives daily from her accomplished mama, ma render her in spite of uH her beauty, one of the ulitM objects brtathing. . ' : Persons ol mean extraction, of confined e ducatkm, and mistaken ideas, are often the most unfortunate, when' fortune -apparently smiles most on them ; for what is elevation in life without cultivation -of maimers? Lundun paper "account' or THE "ERUPTION OF MOUNT VESUVIUS AND 1 HE . DEATH OF PLINV THE, ELDER, who pei uhcd ou the occasion. From rtinj's Lpistles. PUS Y TO TACITUS. You desire that 1 should write you an ac count of my uncle's deailt, that you limy be enabled to transmit a 'more exact relation of it to posterity. 1 return you thanks, l or I foresee, tlut if this ucu.knt should be cel ebrated by your pen, the glory of it will be rendered for ewr illustrious. And not with standing he perished by a misfortune, which, as it involved at the same time a most beauti ful country in ruins, and deployed so m-ny populous cities, semis to promise him an t verlasting remembrance ; notwithstanding' he has himself composed many and lasting wors; yet lam perau.iued, the mentioning of him in your immortal tilings will greaily contribute to eternize his n-ine. Hbppy 1 esteem those to be, whom providence has distinguish with the abilities either of doing such actions as are worth) oi be ing related, or of relating them in' u manner w orthy of being read ; but doubly happy are they who are L!esed with both thec un common takms ; in the number ol which my uncle, as his on wiitings, and your history will evidently prove, may jutiy be ranked. It is with extreme willingness, ilreitlore, I execute your command ; and should indeed have claimed the task, if you had net enjoin ed it. ' He was at that time with '.he fleet under .his command at Miscnum. On the 24th of August, tUnit one in the ufernoon, my mo ther dcsirid him to oberve a ihud, which appeared J a vciy unu-ual size anJ sliape. lie had just reUnu-il from taking the belli ut of the inn, and alter l;jthing himself in cold water, i-r.d taking a blil.t repast, wus reiind to hi study ; he immaliatily arose, aiui went out uj on an eminence from whtt.ee tc couiu more distinctly view this very uncommon appearance. It wa not ut that distance dis- cti nable Irom 'what mountain Hiis tioul is sued, but it wat f.und aUei warJ in aictnd from Mount Wsuvius. 1 cmnot give you nmrefrXact description if its Jigure, than uy reemoiing it to uiat oi a puiv-uwc, iui u shot up to gitat height in the form ol a tnu.k, which exUndu! itself at the top into a ski I of branches occa iomjd. 1 imagine, elthtr by a sudden gust of aiMhat impelled it, the force of which dct leased a it udanctd up wards, or the chud itself being pies.id bmk again hy its own weight, expanded in this manner. It apearcd sometimes bright, and sometimes daik and spotted, as it was either more or less impregnated with earth andcio tiers. This extraordinary phenomenon excited my uncle's philosophical tunity to take a nearer view of it. He ordtrcd a light vessel to be trot readr. and rave me hbeity, if I thought proper, to attend him. 1 rathrr choe ! ccntinue my studies for, as it hap pened, he had ghen toe m em ploy me fit cf that kind. As he was coming out of the house, herereiud a note fim Hcdina, li e wife if n.u, si ho was in the utmost aUnn at the imminent 'fm;tr which thrcattnrd hefi for hrrsilla bring situated atthef-ot o( Mwint Vesuvius, tine a n to ss rape but ly seal s! carntstly enttcstcd hin thmfgte totonte to htrMtnvte. lie Bfcord'mgly tloi;vd Lis firt dein, snd what hebrgan with p'.iit'nopl.icsl he pur sued i h an hertUat turn of mind, lie or ih n d li e gatlc) to I ut to sra, snd wi i.t hin.sf II cn lMrd with an iatcmion U s.ist log not only Hrctins. but srerl othtis f r the villa stand eatremely thick upon that Uai.U.i coast. When htrnifig to the htt from whe e Athens fiid with the, utninittrrtr, he sir td hit ihrttl lourst ll the -ilt t f .rKr and with si much fajmmss attl prewr-tt t.f ru,, ff be Uie to rnVe r dj!'rJte lis bVknatUus uvnlhc rr'-uunTi d f ju:c f that dreadful scene. He was now so nigjt the mountain, that the cinders, which grew thicker and hotter the nearer he approached, (til into the ships, together with pumi.ee stones, and black pieces of burning rock They were likewise in danger not only of be ing aground by the sudden retreat of the .sea, but also from the vast fragments which rolled down from the mountain, and obstruct ed all the shore. Here he stopped to consi der whether he should not return baek"ftgain 5 to which the pilot advising him," Fortune,'? Jsaid he, favours " t her brave ; carry me to: Pomponianus." Pomponianus was then at Stabia, separated by & gulf, which the sea, after several insensible windings, lorms upon the shore. He had already sent his baggage on board j for though he" was. Jiot at that time in actual danger, yet being within view, of it, and indeed extremely near, if it should in the least increase, he was determined to put to sea as soon as the wind should change. It was favourable, however, for carry ing my utiuls to ' Pomponianus, -''w'hony he found in the greatest consternation. He embraced him with tenderness, encouraging and exhorting him to keep nip his spirits; and the more to dissipate his fears, he order ed the baths to be got ready j when, after ha ving bathed, he vatnlown to supper with great ehearfuliitss, or at lea-.t (what is equally he roic) witl nil the appearance of it. In the' mean time the eruption from Mount Vesuvius' flamed out in suveral places with much violence, whVch the darkness of the night contributed to render still more visible and dreadful. Hut my uncle in order to soothe the apprehensions of his friend, assu red him it was only the burning of the villa ges,' which the country people had abandoned to the fUmes. After this he retired to rest and it is most certain he was so little'dis-" compoied as to fall into a deep sleep ; for . being pretty fut, and breathing hard, those who attended without actuall heard him shore'. The court which led to hjs apartment being now almost filled with stones and ash es, if he had continued there any time longer, it would have, been impossible for him to have nade his way out; it was thought pro per,, therefore to awaken him. He got up, and went to Pomponianus ami the t est oi his ' company, who were not unconcerned enough to think of going to bed.They consulted together whether it would be most prudent to trust to the houses, which now shook from s'ds to side with violent concussions; orfly to the open fields, where the calcined sttuies and cinders, though light Indeed, yet fell in largeshowers,and threatened destruction. In this distress they Yesoked for the fields, as the h ss dangerous situation of the two) a resolution which, while the rest of the comp u y were hurried into by their fear., my tncie embraced upon cool and deliberate cotiMrferutiuin. They went out then, having pillows tied upon their heads with napkins; and this was their.whole defence against the storm ofstones that fell around them. It was now day every where tle, but there a deeper darkness prevailed than in the most obscure night; which however was, in some decree, dissipated by torches and various lights of other kinds.- They thought proper to go down farther upon the shore, to observe if thev' might s.fely put out to sea; but they f Hind the waves still run extremely high and boisterous. 1 here my uncle having drank a draught or two of cold water, threw i.imself . down upon a cloth which was spread lor him when immediately the flames, and a strong smell of sulphur, which was the forerunner of them, dispersed the test of the company, and obliged him to rise. He raised himself up with the assistance ol two of his servants, and inxtatitly fell down dead; auflWaw-d. 1 C"ijicturc, by some grois ai.d noxious, va pour, hating rlways lud e.tk 1uiiks tnd being frequently subject to ft thfliculty of hre.thmg. As suon s it Vas light again, . which was not till the third day f cr this me lancholy accident, his body was fuund intiie, fthtf ""wlthOTrt'any-THarks f-s Mrnee- wpu iU- i xaclly in the same posture that he fell, ami looking more like a man asleep than de.d. DuiinT all this lime my mother slid I, who were ut Miscnum hut as this 1ms noion ncction ith your history, so your tiiq.in-y !' went no farther tht concerning my uncle's death ; with thst therefore, 1 will put an end to my letter. Suffer me only to add, that I hate faithfully related to you what 1 was tither sn eye-witness of myaclf, or rtcthtd immediately alter the accident happened, and before there was' time to vary the truth. You will chuse out cf this narrative such clrcunvUnces as shall te nioM suitable ' to jour purpose! frtr there is a grest difference between what is proper for ft letter, and an himoryi between writing to ft friend, and w riling to the public, l'arc well. .- WASaiSGTOkt HDtlALIST. soar trpon the win j of hope, rendereil steaflf ark! stable by prudence and precaution, and V who knows but I rnay at odc day reach the Olympian btight of glory and the name of.v - at no very distant day, become -dear to Columbiaand : Columbians ! Forgive ; thia strain of rhapbody it is the wish of my heart, " - ana my pen is atwaja guiocu uy us lrapuiitSi. i fltOM Tt AS ft protif of the position laid down by Dr. Ct.Maruith. in his Animatrd Mature, M 1 hat the honian mind, as will as body pro j irrrsMS tnote rapidly tow aids mi.tutilf, s wr pttiiicd to ti e iuth, until t ittit g within the tropics," the follow ing txtract is ntde fiom a Ulttr wiittcn t-y ft Uy of fifmn; havii.g luid barrly a ronimto l'.iiRlih edu cation ai.d hting in Augusts, Gtoigia, to ft f i irtul on the Potomac W ith reKl yf cpinlons cf my learning ltm, they are in ft messurt loiifet and jyfi. Aiurt hai, I confess, toured into ty .youthful bocr,i the ajutit of ambition; tut Fortune ! Luiud n y I on. tie i.n,e ItncaUt the wu cf ob.ei;riiy. Put tay, Oyou! who proffs tole the tountil tf r.y )ruth, is that ar.y rraxn why 1 shot Id tr i nmin so'? ' No Let ire split. Jiem the be titer drpth ly my oau sutiivtt Ut tut '.Ambition f thou grand producer of good ' a and eVu, as nature has implanted you in my breast, I will not oppose you by pretended ; philosophy but fhemh you by encourage ment while I check your violence by virtue. Never wiUl establish my fame though, upon, the ruins of that of othersNever will 1 rise upon the fall of another ! The history of nations is spotted with human blood- Nay every page exhibits the ' crimson -hue of ho micide. The patlfway to the temple of glory, in every age, appears to have been crossed byahe stream of murder, and obstructed by' the wounds of misery- and tJio-.e who wished to go there, were, it seem, obliged to wade through and step over them. . This for a mo-. .... ment makes me pause- and to think it bet- r ter to die in obscurity than to climb the emi" nencc of infamy merely to be seen. hut'", my doubts arc soon dissipated 'I hey cease when 1 raise mine eyes to the noble form. of Washington ! -August, .venerable; hero! where shall we tee such a man? Not in Orcece, net in Rome, not in Carthage or in short we shall see such a man no vrhere, Home boasts of the vii'tuesof a Ntima ; Spar ta, of the virtuous wjsdom ol Lyc'urgus; and England of that of her beloved Alfred : Cut who but Columbia can boast of the pati iwtic bravery! the surprising virtue ! the public and private probity'-of a Washington r es, my Country, you are the mother of the gteat tst man that cvet'cU'cked the earth. " 1 will endeavour to follow his bravery,: while I emulate his other patriotic virtues. 1 will joy to be the disciple .of a Washington ! remembering that virt'O'cintie only true, sure, and firm basis of fame. Cxssr isheld up . both for our admiryiion and our siorn So is Hannibal of (Jarthage, Themistocles of.. Athens, William of England, 8c Duon?prte of France. Hut Washington must be 'held up tor our admiration anu u neration alone. CHARLESTON, September 11. The schooner Sallv. I. Ditkinsnn, master, has arrived at New-Huven, in IC duys iiom Antigua, where she had been seat in by the privateer Grand Turk cargo condemned as 1 rentii property, ulihuiigh most, ol it was cwntd in New-Haven vessel clei.ied. Af ter her capture the mate and .two of the hands were taken out and put on board the pria teer, w hich sunk a few days after off the l.ar b?iur of At'tigiia, and every soul on board pe rished, to the number cf between GO and 70- -. Men taken fnni the Sally, were Samuel P. Jones, of Milford, (Con.) has left a wife and several children -Almon Ik-ach, of Liich field. al)out 17 yeara of age James Living toi", New-Ilochtlle, N. Y. about 18 years of sge. SAVAKNAH, AVC. 20. A letter received by a gentleman. in tHs" city from his overseer on. Skidawny iMand,. mentions thst the Caterpillar have mad? their"" appeal ante very , numerously in ti e cottou field of Major C.Ksrlcs Oddir gsell.. e ! not knowvf their having appeared ary whero else, but we fear that notwithstanding they tre six weeks later th'n sessui tl anil.ty wcie last, they may yet do great damage to the cotton planters. A letter from a respectable hour in Li verpool, iated July 1 3, says the underwriters alarmed by the m.cnt eapturc rf the vhip Mary, firm New-Voik. forLiverjMK);, have raised the premium cf insurance to 8 ai.d 10 per cerii 2'ctV'Yirl pa bet, Extrcct of a tetter ta the editor if the Rnton Rt Pertorj) dated Ilaeanna, July 4, 1 305. SIR, Advices have this moment htrn rcceired here, that the governmentof New-Pr ovidence hse passed ft decree, granting lir.y to ' their citizens to send in fur adju i- ationallA mcricankother vessel that ahull go for their return cargoes to the Seaports in thi. inland unless proof ran he exhibited, that such ports were ports of entry for Amcrcan teseli in time of peace You will please in make public this circum stance fortl Information and government of our commercial Inends, adventunnj th.s ay. i - tw.TosK, srrr. 7. T,he alarm of fenr hs already become pretty general ; more so, we tiust, than the ml situation of the cky r would re quire. From that part wl.ie h f t present appears to be the principal seat of the disease, namely,, between Petri street It the East liver, from the Old slip to the I'ly market, a considerable riirr.her of tie ciiiiens have removed and probably in the course of a few day it will be ' whtlly evacuated. The rm-asure. whether recessary or cpUwill U cf benePe'uI ten. elency, as while thoe who remote will be free Iiom danger, those who remain will in ccnttyacncc be lets exposed. "Two inward bourd sl,lrs (ats the Sew. York Meifatitile Adveitiser t.fthe 2lih ult.): wi're tapturtd on Monh y oT the llw.k hf the two Ibi i.H Uisclicf war w'rt are nw Lloe ksOlr.g thi sport. Two Dwelling Iloiiics TO KENT. Arrtf to M. M. tOOMLR.

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