NOTICE Bakk of Cape-Fear, 1 Ith Ncventbcry 1805r- BILLS or Notes tor Discount, will be re "ceived on Monday next, the lath just, agreeably to the rulei adopted by the. Board. By older ot the .Directors, i ; I :-. JOilNMOGG, Cashien ' I'or GREENOCK, (Scotland,) , . the brig ALEXIS, Capt.Sk mvelLi v .vc i f . For freight r or ; pailage, jpply to the mallei on board, oi to Wilmington, Nov. 5. JOHN LORD. TO RENT, And possession given- on st January next, . The , Wharf and Ware-House,1 NEAR Mr. Muter', at prcftnt oc cupied by MtfTrs. VViilkings, Scott to J Co, Applv to - GILES & BURG WIN. . Wilmington", Nov. 5, 1005. Sheriff's Sale. the io'hday of December next;.. A J will be Told at the Court- Houfr in W imintoi, two thoufand foni hundred :-.'. eighty-tour acres ot Land, in thv : i c. part of the Qounty, the p:oper;y of V- ; s Wright, to fatisty fundry cxecu- hinds, the (governor vs. iii ii in i'i.rM-:b nni nihrrs D. WILLIAMS, D.ShfF. 'iv.'w ori, Nov. 5,185. '.' m !! ik Plantation .'mHladenCoun- .'. ,. . i bin WiTnu'ig'.ch, where the' ':, : : ii.c ly livctt,kiHivn by the name.. 1 i erly advertised inthisGa- ' . t'vch'e huiu'ied and eighty . - r which ii cleared, atd .:. tie. I'cl'.c . Ill tuc. ' . v Os'i'.hard ' ; . . ,.t. rVr. ;t cfllie piifi ). - ; the v('rli;ist f . C- :drcn ' J ly to li.e Subs od two story frarnvd t .'. use, Kitchen, Smoke . . ..ith apple and peach . '.'. er cuiivcnicncy fur a ! v I I i:-u!u the Slst No 1 ;. u- s, fr. 1 ;-t vendue. Tart , r.-M 'made easy to ; -.-.. l;'..i-: ''tgro men and . r terms- up-' 'ton. ; COTT. A Vihnington, N Ten Dot ,1, .,1 v.,i ar 1 u. I id IIKREAS, i lic Mate of i . fi k Iivt, bp. run (or 't(. on the lSth Odpi ! rjj.vrd vi'l le jrivcf 11 1 i j nlo.s tiiii svili lr.ct.rc lu . ' inay be pnt-n bomJ, or it: ., t! t. lo'jLiijir, 110I.ERT m r Wiln.ington, OhUt 25. .10 SHU A POTT.. .. Lutn. is U rrnr..r lUr(onliU V,isinest in . Coiniuiisipn Line, .rJ x.ilu'. hrfC(iVj several ViSsclt f'm i -.f, lyuliiilit & C-sjslxi'ist, tlie ' ... i g a ftrr, .icA Af cir ?. ' ..- jr-friers; err; 5500 Ihishcl J.iu rpn-,! Sa!:, 17 ('r.ite I .?v ,; , 1 1", : t 11 .ac, 4 I i r t'iM S 1 M i I v .1 ni.,4 t t1 J 1'1'v, .. 1.1 ... proo! l P. !. I. .. . . . V .-.i 1st proof ditto. sr i;i:. I t v.,( n'1 11 tf Hat, 1 B,U V"uluO.!'.p-, 2 Itoxi-.s r :. 1 J o',l Caiil, I Tr:ri!.I 'li.'C'.tiOMf, 4 C'l -t ' I'.gl ra 1 a, I Ca, lla; its, ('ask 1 6 vr.t- t; 8 prnnt rails, 2 Kf . pr.'fli i.:on. itio'd. TGOJ l'...dt .;!.! 1 Fiiik g'dfiualay, Cwfinan U Llu.wr ''.cil, CouLiri. Hand M jl Sttr.cs '.d qnaliljr) (.lii.d S'.tl'.t FP.ODUCE. iltf, r'!i Tf.1i.-t u. Kegs tiut'iif ttiuiidd;!!o l.arrtl 1 1 Air. Wi!min::un,C)tiotcr 1?, Mr5. JRmlt lr the 'itictrfC-n'i H Hr.t.ntm S . t' t f1 uir. Not rMia Tra4, 1 8" J. lit, M, J J. 4lliaiiJ atUUajri,N.lIaf.wtrnd lrnnru k. thiMl;th dy. nWtitV Uu;'.in, Onslow, im! wtthoi tt'ie DullitU I liiiidtti Criminal attJ Ari;iimi.t CatiHS. Kih, llth, Itth tnd ttth dais, in Lqul'T. ;!LS W. WALULIt, QYl 1! V INSURANCE AGAINST IT R E. The Phxnix Lmu &fice. Company of London, HAVING found the circuitous and expen--- sivc mode by which persons in the U nited 'States were obliged to effect ..their In sn ranee against Fire at theiroilic'e in London, prevented many from 'availing: themselves of the advantages held out to them by the Com pany ; adopted the plan of appointing Agents in America to dobUiuc&j5u, their behalf. In the execution ofthisjiTun, the subscriber has been appointed- Aijcnt for theSputlvern Department of the United States, with full powers to sign Policies pf Insurance binding" the said Company and to settle Sjhd pay Los ses accruing thereupon. " . Public iV otice is hereby given, That the said Agent has opened al No. East'bav, Charleston, the Ojjiceoflhe PIlOENIXnimNSURANCE ' COMPANY, . Tor the Southern DtparlmiKt of tie United . StiiUsof.AiKtYi;:: 7 " T "WUKUh. he receives oii'des .-for I;"e and on payment iii-' Preuiiuin, cc. tfiVct the 'Same against loss or dannge by rire.oi Houses," Iiuilding9,.iitore5v llou ciio'd'rur--nimre, (ioods, Wares and Merclnndi,e, ci ther in 'Town or Ct.,!,ury, on.tlii Liiawiiuj; Rates and Ccivliiums, mz. Rates. of Annual Preailumi To be paid fir A$S'JRAXC& against. 1'UiE.' , ..' No. 1. '. Ihz-tnhor the Fust Class, viz. Brick or Snne liuiidings, covered with Tile, Mate, or iU'lal. ' Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous cuiKained in such Buildings.';-.. , For sums not exceeding . 1 I0,0v)0 Dollars in one Pik, 37 1-2 Cents per Annum per 100 DolLrt. No. 11. . . Ihxardt of the Second Class, viz. Buildings having the Four Walls entirely of Bi ick or Stone, carried through the Koof, 'and covered with Boards or Shingles. . Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, contained in such Buildings. Hazardous (ioods, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen tine, Salt-Pen c, Flax, ILmp, Oils and Tuibw, in Buildings of the First Class. For sums hot exceeding 10,00 J Dollars in one liisk, 511-2 Cents per Annum pr 1 Dollars, - ' No. 111. Ihxards of the Third Class, vit. Buildings constructed partly with Britk or Stone and partly with Wood; or havjuj either of the Four Walls of Frame-Work filled in witn Brick. t Furniture or Mercliandiie not hazardjiu, contained in such Buildings Ilazhrdotu Go'Jils, va. Pitci., Tar, Turpen tine, S.dt-Pctrc, 1 lax, Hemp, Oils.iiiul Tllv-, in of tiic .tccr.d Clans. suns not txce: Ji i ? 0,r,)J, Tj Cents per AunuMfer iJQ lijllars. No. IV. JlutarJs of tin Fourth Class, tit, Tin ber ot Slight Buildings covered - with SltingK's ur Board. Furniture or Merchandize not hazardous, k lilt tincd i i such build. ngs. !;.; -don-. G" jds, viz. lYch, Tar, '1 ur;u:i-l.'i-. S.d'.-I'etrr, Max', If-..,. f U an.i 'i J. , v, in IFnl lin ;n !' ir" 1 Fir sum- .: : . , 1 VMM DnSLl s lit t li s. . ...-.I l'" . u i r:. i e4. .li' i.s I..', ;v - nd . o- 'on j-jkl'O, may I .1 C. n -.y ue insured by Sp:riul t. 'hidings in Con. iuity to ..s 1' :. 1. ngs, or ir. ciiur re--inugcciisSy, wiH b-j; 1. 11 iniuin. The R .to . . . ba propiirtiona'.'ly 1 . ..I- Bnilditigs in the ' o 'hi ; ngle and detach 1 1, vuoo'aiitta of pecu- S '. nuy aN . it moderate! 1 . Country, 01 a ed, or altar 1 , l,r security. 17 Tallow- M s ap-M. ken, Brew 'I v !-.. Hemp mid I ( ie' s, (-oer, k , r. .. I.-Makers, . ; 1 fi .i" 1 BojI- ''- .,I)i. ers. Vinegar ana - Flax Drcsseis. Carpci.icf, Cabinei M Mali-lloii'.cs, BaVcTk r.'iilJcls Ropr-Mktr tillcu, Claiiiits, Vtn. M . I Ur en Mill -d .. ' ii !. :s. ,1 tl J Hi- tincAVrnkn, Theatre, ..' ' Machinery, are dicmcfl 1 -and the ILite upon suth H p-ntioiully increased. CONDITIONS OF l.N t ANCK. I. rURSONSitcMrou lomakc li . on nuihlmm, are luttiliter In to the S the LHoMit K panic i.lar. siz. Of ha triial the walls and noft,fei'h Bud. uic con' nn lid, at wcUds the fo.ntrucit nfthc hudditigt coiititmus tlicie'o .Ahtihe the lame are ottupud s priiate dilh:t;S, (r l.ow otht ismc whrrr siutsted also, the hjn? or oamrsf ihe present of cupittl. Fach bftiidirg must be rp.iratly"aluc!f and a sptt'ul nm in'tited thcreorr and in Me manner t trpara'e mm insured t the i'i;ttt) r iiitiird tl err in. All MjMifaifttt sshif heotltaln Ftttnates, Kills, Slum Co AtcsTOre ns, or otherie V Fire-licatf arc cLar' 'Je at adJi.u t.l ra:c - : In the of Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, the building or -place in which . -the same are deposited, is to be described i also, whether such Goods are of the kmd de nominated hazardous, and whether any Ma nufactory is carried jun in the premises. "And if any person or persons shall insure jiisf or iHeir lViil iingir Goods, vhd shulLcause the Simie lo be described in the Policy ether- ' wise than 'as they really are, so asthtsume le charged at a lower preiniuni tlan is here in proposed, such Insurance shall be of no force. II. Goods lieldia trust, or on commission, are lobe insured as such, otherwise the Poli cy will not extend to cover such properly. III. No loss or damage to be paid on Fire happening by uny Invasion, Foreign Enemy, Commotion, Rioij or any military or usurped Power whatever ; nor. for damage done b'y fire, occasian'cd by Earthquake's or Hurricanes ; but this company will make good losses on pfojv-i iy buint by Liglkiiing. IV. Iioo!i 6f Ac. o m'v, Wi'ntwi Securi ties , 1 Mis, -Bonds, 'i -j'Ix-j , and .Re ;;d y . iii 0 libfV, t.ttinot be i:Ktir:.!.: V. Jevveh, Pil'c, .'pedals,' or other Curi oVuies, Paintiiv'-s c.:d .icuipiures, arir nt in tlu Jt;d i;v any-.Insu.'f.iicc, uidcsi such ' -articles : are specified in th I'.'-ltry.'. 'L Pers )tii insn; ?.ig property at this Of fice, i.iu-.t "jive -Notice oi uiiy other L".sa rance made ehevher.oi) their behalf, on the 'name, a rid cause such otiierTiisuraiu-c to be end i'ieJ on their policies ;' in which case each Office shall be liable to the payment on ly of a rateable proportion of ar,y loss or da mage which may be sustained; and unless such -Notice is given,' the Iiwired"-vviJ"-.Dt . be. entitled to recover in case of hs. r' Vll. No order for Insurance 'il! be of.e.ny ; force, u.iless the premium is paid to. "tin4. A I gent, or. unh!is a sum haab'eeri advanced, and I; t!ie Agent has delivered his receipt on Ac count ol t lie Ouice ; und tdl persona desi roil to'" continue their Insurances, must tn'akr their fiitnre pjyiiic.its annually wilHin' fifteen day afu r the day lamtied by their re spective Policies, or the same w ill be void. Vllh -All persons as -cured hy this Compa ny, Mistuin'mg any lor.s or damage by 1 r.e ure'firihwiil, to gtve -Notice to the Cumpa ny's Agent, iuiui as soon as possible i fttr, lo dvliver in as pariicidi-.r mi account of their los orda.nngc, si-.rned wfth their own liatuW, as the n ttui e f 1 ie case will admit of, and mike proof of the tlitir oath or af-fii-ination, and by their bo"hs (d accounts r otiier proper vouchers, as niiull Ue reasonably rckpiircd ; and halL procure a Ceitiiicate un der the Hands ol 4 'lagis'.i atc or .Sworn No tary of the C'li) or Dm iia in whirhthe Fire happened, not concerned in i.uch loss, im porting lint t!iky are acpiaiiued with the chsr.ictci and t ircunistanccs of the person or p'.rsuns insured, aiul do know, orcn!y b.-lLve, tiat he, she, or they, feally and by misfortune, vvitnout any Mnd of fraud or ed p-actice, have sustnined by such Fire, !i i r.n 1 dj-.r.a-e ti ihe amount therein m. ..'i .1 ed ; and until such Affidavit and 1 'en:.'.. 1 I arc produced, the Loy ?.iotn y v.- no. payable; ii' there n; ; ..m .. v ,. i.r : faNe SA-eaViiiif, the ('lain. 1.; -,1 .-.1. i n h ii lis Claim to Ilestilut; j.i, or 1' of his Polity.' ii.eiit, by Mi'.t.e l A. in . .tie a. iv c . rr -ice or d.iii'.jte shall arise t .... 1 in iv 'x l"i i i, t'.-.- .',v.i.!'l ahi! ihe Company, en' 1 or i.i. a , ki:Ji difference e s '.mi' u- I lo in-.- 1 , lenient and de le, an ii' H.ii of i.j ii4to.-iin!drereinly cho-N.-n, w lioe -.V.vtd mi willing shall be con cl uivc ;'.!'.' tiinding to all pa: lies. And when ny I n, ,r damage shall have liecn duly Jr 1 1 I. tie Insured shall ireeive salitfacthm totl.ufull atii'iuut thereof, without idlnw aiiceofany discount, fees, or other deduc tivn -.s hatt-s tr. X. Pcr'.ns eliusin' to insure for seven yrais, will l-e cl.aiged fr t'w )cars only; alto, fir a L-4S iiu'iibcr ol cars than seven, will b r.lhfwfd a fe4Hable dirount. - N. 1J. This t):ficc. injures to the full a mouni'oftli: teal salnetflhe propeity, Ihey nNo intttt e- for a term nf time less than a year iftiqiircd, and payTur prop.rty Insured if burnt by Lightning. For tlic cuiucnicnce of perscn lisinfj; it a distune from the, oit!e i foj. Insurance M pVid) ssill te duly atti tided to, and on reuniting the anu unt o Puin'mm, Scr. Poli eica w ill be i xrtuiid and forwarded ronfonn ably thereto, Tree of any evi nce of Broke rjpc or Agtnty. Such pemons may have been already Ihsuridin i)k Company' OiTice In London, have tluir Pohcic rencwrd at this Of.' hrc, on ihe terms and cond.tion here of fered. The Agent Impel, from the moderate rates nf premium which the Company have fixed ; 'heir well known ability to sti'y losses, and 11 cir very liberal conduct toward kuflerer F.-ured in their Office, that no further in- i nriment sv.i required bf rson wishing .il..ctmy security ol their, property from I y Fire, to make Insuum e llt rcon with 1! -i t, than the conscnictKc and facility r.f 1 .rciio' Iniurance, aecurcd by this Lstab ! i.t. JNO. MAYNAKI) DAVIS, Arni 1 ' -"... aiu'wi.f Comfanj rf l.vuLt I ... i. '',(,, '.C. I at October, (80S. 1 463Jm A 1 I W CO PI US OF Th Hcvised Laws rd tlii. - New Ju . ISO, f. oabci i' ' 1 inttusltf 1 Martin's : J Al.i snatk for the jtir Properly. AGREFABLY to the h,st.AViIl and Tf . . taim-iit iil ,l u-r M.dlelt, i:sq.-r!'ec..-Mrrrr late of l a) etu ilic. .tTiirSiilisciibe.i's cuiicr ; sul on a rcd'U, the lollowing.p.r.' lijf lying in oifi'tru.;. pai : of Norih-Cu-o; a. a. Cumberland'--. County and Twu of' Jtuiyettevillc. - - 1 A Tracfof Land adjoining landa of Mri. Smith and Isaac Williams, Esq. near "Ave ysborough on the South-west side "of Capt J'eir river, about 20 miles from Fayetteville. A Tract of Land containi.ig about 320 a cres, known by the name of Council Hall Tract, adjoining the towri of Fayetteville j from the fertility of. the soil; and its vicinity to the town this land is jconsidered very .va luable and will be hid Toff Jin lots 4tb Witlth purchasers.. A Lot and House on the west side of Geles pi; -street in" Faytltevillc where 'the dt ceas es'! funnel ly "wsidrd; the buildings are in c;ood repair and the v wtjl calculated to dcom-ii.o-ia'ea gepttfe! family,; -Thrfe'tiidinproved .so:. t!,; we t nl: ot Gelespic-strcet .lt- 1 ' I Ui.X i! ; va::L!m and Mtm:lo:;(.-!, ects iu!oin- the J.oi on whith the dweihni: housc : S. Vithiabls. i' . r 15 unimpr'6ed Lots on The wtMtsifl pl -s .'i'. v - -bti'wVtu &'iuji-.'tord-sfreU and' Mtd';.'.-tt'3 ivinl., "' A .!!;. Tv'arel.'iU'.c it present crcupird 'oy Nimms. Nesb'tf and Campbell, on Gdei-'.e-' street near the Tew n-liouse, sulject to a'biv.all ground rent. '.' ' A Lot and Dwelling House en the ast aiU- of 'Grecn-atreel near the Cotn't- Hf'n-.e, -now occupied' by Wilh;ni I I. Williams, Esq. . A Ltt and Dwelling-House on the east sid of Green-street, in possession of Mrs.Limiict, and subject to her life rent. ' Two Lots at lower Fayetteville on which there is a Tobacco inspection under the di rection of Messrs. Davis Mid M'Donald, to- gelher with a Urge three story Warehouse, three small Warehouses and three extensive. Shed with every necessary acromniodiKhn Tor the inspection and storage of Tobacco. -If the purchaser should incline, one of. tha Lots on which stanch a large shed will be sold Separate 01 divided into two Lots. Orange County and Town rf - , Hillsborough. SCO Acres of Land in the Haw Fields ad joining lands of Gen. Mel .u.e. A Grist Mill on Er. hnera: d in t':t town.' of Hillsborough, the Miliums two p..'.i of stones, with the ncccv.rv n-athineiy tti; Merchant Mill, li e v. In It in told;.! It- repair from the natural '.ill pos- " st Hsi s, ii u ( ( -i.sideud lo I e tl.t lutst valua I !c 1:1 '.!;e Male. Ji-JIu'.vrr (unity and Town (.' Jl 'iltnington. Of half -Lot in he 'lown cfWi'ming 1 i'.n n th- ""outh side i.f Piii.cis-Ktrtet, ex- ' ; . longsaid itteetl.oia Fiont-ititetlo e r:el". A Tract of Land c n tl.c Fisl side of tl Noith-Wtst branch of Curc-l rar Biscr, a bout three miles above Wilmington, joit ing 1.....1. rs'. w 1 1 ! !-.... iniuia vi 11 in. mi jim i.rniT vv niers, Esquire; 0 considerable part of this End i nfthc very btit tide swamp, audi consider td equal, if tol superior, to any Pice Lnd in the State ; it is well worth the attention of those whoprcpose engaging in the ctil'iuc t f ' luce ; the whole will be sold or it will be di vided to accommodate the puxhau-r A large body of Land 011 the West ide of the Noilh-F.:il river, c-xtending aloi.g th river Irom Henry Wateis planiaiion called rortepnl to Major Moore's on 1 ishnig-ercek, a part of this land is tide swamp and wr.'l uitrd toth! rulnvjtioii of Uicc. Also three Tracts of Land on Little. Co- htafa iivSampsorr county, well calculated for Corn and Cotton. The Subset iber will rtceivc'proposal at Fjyctteville by letter tr otlitriic for all.or any part of the above described property in til ihe 1st of October next, if unsold hc Mill and Lands in Orange county' will Ijeoflcrid . at Auction in HilLbormigh in the fth day rf October. The Lots, Ileuses ami Lands in Cumberland, at Fay-iteville on the 2'lh ('.ay of the tame month and the land in New Haiiiner on the 18th day of November next. Application may be made' to Mr, Jame Mum fonl at Wilmington who will describe and shew the land in the tlciniiy of that place. JOHN r.CCI.r.S,' ? Executes ,) V. JOHN W1NSLOW, j terJUUiu June 19, 1805. 46 - TO HUNT, THAT commodious Hi ick Store!!one, a few doors east nf the Court- hou e in Mar ket-street, Possession wiFbeg'Stn imntdi atelv. "spp'y o A. II ALU Wilmington, Oct. IS, 180J. To Kent . THE Dssclling lloofe In Front. flreet, lately rc"pid hv she fuhfcrivr, NLlltMIAIi MAURIS. . 1 WANTED. A YOfNO fcntlrman waMed sa pupil ti study Medititif, and 1 boy aboit il .r 1 1 and net &'iose I $ to attend the shp. Itr partictUr apply hy ht'er, pot paid. Wil;aip;toti( bc u ' I. A. VCO IT. t 1