A y. t it A. . .1 ! T LegislaWc ' of NortCarottru. . ' i' .: .1 It ' ' . aaa ,., . ,r .. - HOUSl'T OF" COMMON'V" " """-'"". '". SQ'i:ttn 15. The following MkssAOE was' received from -.: -. ,' .,. the' Governor : ..'."' ' 'Jo the' Hdno'rdble thl GeArat Ahemtiy- of the ' ( State of XrhhLarotiria- "' , Rkstlsme"' ' ",' ' '"' . " . I T affords ttk pleasure, : that, after' rear of great scarcjtr l can, at the bpeVihij 6,f tjh. present sessiijq of, the ; General '"Aijiertirjljy most jcordjiltlj'- Congratulate you on Wr c6iln tfy's hiving ipenencetl, with' fevtfcep tibns, ir.ttasM'tvf tincfonnmon plenty, 'and un the prospect of.'our citizens of ei ery'descjip- tlon having lifibundahct of all the, he'eessa , - ries of niey'' '," The following; Are all' thp matters of a jfcH lie catwrct whrCiv hafre come to xny 'kilow Wdge during'the pre'sent V year, ' which1, are"' Bccmra 01 sumc-iem imparlance , .19 una place ih this com'oniiriicaVion.' ' V v' ' '! The iriclosufe, nfarked A. contains theco-" py of a lettcHVofn' "the Senators'of this State, in the Congress of' the United Starts, giving inforuiatioitof the inarVnerm which, they iKs- ' posed' of (' the ieve'ral objucts committed to ' their 6ii&vgi' the la?!? General Assembly, and ttie'cj. of'. a 'correspondence between them arid'thc President of the United States, relative lands he IfV to the obtaining, a toad through the Idby'thc Cherokee nation of Indians. to'tbefir, the Legislature will it t'Tie 'assent of Congress to J5 y adverting be informed tin the Actdf the Gsue?al Assembly ol 'this state, pissed in the yean' 1805, tutitlcd; an Act M authorise, tne state of Tennessee, to" perfect titles to land fesertdd to this" slate by' the' cession act," hairigairVjbeen withheld ; nnd the presumption is, that the' rohfirrtialion of that act by Congress wi'l not be obtained. It liss therefore oecome K matter of serious concern to tliostt p-:rsdns who luve just claims' to lamls.of that flt'scrip'.ion, stul the LegUlafurVVdl seetho 'pi'opiieiy' of tht-ir ,takitgthe subject into csnsideruiiort' and of granting relief cither' by repealing that par of the law, which requires the assent of Con- . g'ress, or by adopting suth measures us they " may deein right and proper. Tlis fijc nvukrd. 1J. contairis ,an ofwcial co py of an Act of the Legislature of Georgia, passed at their hi session, entitled, " an .-ct appointing Commissioners for ' ascertaining -and fixing the dividing - line between thi atate and the state" oF North-Carolina," trans mitted to tn'e by llieGoVerhor,Vith amplest that the aame might Tie laid before" the Le gislature : of this stale'; ;aNo the copv or a correspondence that took place between the Governor of that stale,' ai.d mjfctlf, on I he subject.' 1 '''' v By t!e latter, the Legislature .will be infor med that no inoress In been nude toward accomplishing this dniroble object with the reasons which have prevented it, and- that there is no prospect of an agreement of the two slates whiNt Gl'org'u adheres to hrr pre sent opinions ; niiitss one u the n't im portant provitionsof qui ?:iw on the mbjvc t be abandoned, whirl: pf.vi'les, Tlul the extension of sui l line shall not rlTect the ti'.leSrfff any person nr persons to Ihc lands entered in either, of the aW states." W he thcr such a nnnfiple ought to be adfiiilttd to the man'dcit injury ot a nuinl't r of the c ' tiz'.tis of this state, t!ie Lc'ulature is Ihc only competent nutf'ority to drtermine. . The tinp!Mtit kiiuuiion in which our cii.'zcni n .that tpjaner fTtlie stcte are placed by the conflicting claim of Georgia for jurisdiction, - requires immedbte rcdrci,"cnd I iiiVptrMia ded the Lcgiibtorc vill deem it a matter vot thy of Ihcir most iciious deliberation. Immediately after lbs rhe of the lait As sembly, 1 transmitted to lbs Govtitu.r if South-Carolina $n authrnticted crpy f the 1 Set of that neision, entitled 31 Act to amend n act entitled rn et apj'niin:; Ccnnni. sinners to extend the Wind-? lute of this State, and the stn'.e Kf South-Carolina, paifl atUaleigh in the ycrr h')2," and sometime sftcr received fim the Governor an trticil crpy of an ct f the General Ah mblr nT the state of Soiih-('toltpa, prd alihtir 1st scision, etititled " an Art fonctriitngihc l.nc of dixikinn helttecu this t..te attd the state of Ntnh-CarilinJ," m hich U kid mitlcd, markidC. Coromiirfr wrre rt appointed by the ; Goveruuroi xti',!i.( aw.litu earl) finish lor amfctin?to tke rl.r he!rm Ihfin kiid those tin tl.tpart cfihr M-tc, Itf-rc the C?ih ; quest,that tbey; saii?ht be laid Uore . te e- ! fcislature of this state;, f.r their concnjrece I aiul artopuon,. I ha -proposed auiendment is -luended to abridge tlx: powers, of jVU'ede-Tijl-Juiliciary in certain caes; It islherefure of great importance and ought to he. acted on 'jby the liegtsla,tare, with da ciVcumspeciion, nd consideration. ' f ; . The Resolution of ih-; last Assembh pro posing an'amendmsni to tlw Federal Con.itiw union was transmitted by me to the Rxccu ' 1 tiyes of tlie several states), agreeable tu the ; ; rique.st-X Jth.'-Legislture. ). ' iAnd. the ' ; ceedings on them by thu Legislatures oi ; the i 'diiferent states, that have been received) ate i, submitted, marked E M u; ; ' "; V Vt'hft fil? ftrlirked F.. .contains such' ,1 pstjj-' ; '. nafions as luve been received tha. present ,v .v pnva.te.becrelacy wl, liy Deiqr ? pu ; tire Ac Is and .journal cf thq last Session of" CangVess -and su'cti liws an'd' resolutions of' .ttii'seVe'i 'ftl stales, as have been Vectivcd the. present yea'rjor the use of this state ; toge ther with the book containing the public L't- te ti "written- to and by the Executive .during' the present yeaiv " Having finished my commimicati -s,.per--J mit me, Gentleiften, oncfc- more to c.Ul your;. altemion.to whatever maybe calculated to advance the Agriculture, Commerce, and 1 '.Manufactures 'of our Country, also, to -tli tt , improvenfent.of oiir public Uo.uls, and Inland Navigation ; as you will, readdy. agree with , me, that hi proportion as(h;y are encouraged and progress, in the s.ame -.ratio, -will ogr country rise in prospeiiiy and consequence. llul more'especialh', let nie ugain jccom meiid to thu serious,.considei'aiioir of the. General 'Assembly, 'the' proper education of the youth of lhetac, upon some plan which :shull b-jvjcn! snd cllective. Whether by affording sonie uniforin support to one or ,mora well regulated school or school in 1 ve ry, cot'n'.y, after the cxaniple of our sister state of SoulJi-Car dina,oi in omc olher.ade juute mude, is submiited to joub wisdom. It is-evidcot tint the sUrtm of Our slats in this respect, calls for L l.ii'ive aid ; fwr though it must have Riven pleasure to every friend of science fcnd irood giveiiuiienT," to obiervei of late year, bthijh bpi inking up in many parts of our country, yc; it ir.u&t al so have pained him to see, tint .wlitn left to the support of individual patriotism alor.e, thev have too frequently languished and 'ui,k, " . for want of compstetit" ptronai;e and vrell ji'; tpiiliftrd. Teachers. Unter the protcctton of ijovciftment, it is presumed, those fun.la. mental institutions, in which our youth would not only be taught the elements of useful knowlrdgi, but the principles of virtue ; and I 011 which, perhaps, depend the future pros- i perity, happiness, and frit-dam of the slate, I wouldbc completely nphrld. j Give me leave Geir.lcmen. to felicitate )ou j on the hte treaty with the Uashuiv of Ti i- , pli ; by which tthou"!i we shall firt harn I all the p n licidar t,f the treaty nil the-1'rr : I sident of the Cniled States shflll lav it b-fore ' I Congres niorc than ll.iee h'Muirtd ol .ur c.tptive feH'MV-ci'lzns have rerjuim-d their freedom, and hem. or ahorlly will he ic lorcd ti their families and IrieiuU n J evejt thut will be in-.iHior.cd to the honour of the united Suieiin every part ofihr j-fibc; since we are the lint poer which has com pelled t!ue Uaibaiians to do j,itire, vnd to set at liberty ciuzeut held by them in slavery. Vh:!t inst of the towerful nmions i f . . . . ljropc arc eiil.er al war, or Ituilr to I ntel into that tno and intern milMa will put us Tri that situation.. ' "An4 thi learts'mogiiin 'tcTsubmit tt) thi dytroera'ion thi General 'AsseinhVyrtlie-' propriety of takin-r such steH$ for provid"mi''o'ur'st.iie'with ette'r supply of arms "th'iiV we at pre'ssnt possess.'. The great imjiArtlnce " 'of tim .sub ject, l cannot but fialter mys'elh'vvVU procure it that attentiori w hie It itVtVit'ii'; ,,( Permit me to i-ecommCiia tr? ybrln' Vour dehberatibn'J'd Ji-iiig the p'reenVsessaohj .can-( dour and rt'Jeration in debated itut'ca'isf fullyj to iiTofd ai'vina1 clfc'hce to vouf felfow hiein- lers:V'for tho' fefery' legislator', feels' ' Llhjse'lf" bound '(lis jhe certidnlv ottihl) to' supiyif whatever sertirtn?nWs'Jie1-dc!e'tftSVfgt'aity ihw-( portttnt fir the public 'ifd'ir"e,'et this inav m im -of :t he pm-h y ' 'of U (H ' theW 'mot i y e s.' To'sunps'rtthis- te'rrrpe'tl IV'is' 'onl necessary' i! tTmnreywtf Ktnt!4'tt'flt5 Vibcf Jwljlch il "tv hofietr is 1 He truths. tHat'tHoafi' mem- ii. if. at.-: .... JLi': .i .it .aIs uci" inkier tu as iu yie j'n'P' v J vi polrritaV meas'tti, each 'has the'saoiv bjcj in Vicvvthe trooJ of our' comanin- cbtin- ' AtA nwrGeTtlepat';.iurTer.TrV:,'. K take f :my" !oav"'of 'yo1ir ijohorUfilJ1 fthdV:;-;'1 tlvj ! ing li id-the honour t r preid 'OvoV'this iUte- j ' to" the longest period w hich i'se provision, of the Con? titutiuii sllows.'l .snatrj-etire' VrbnV oflice with the most grateful Vt-lnvmbVaoce ;ojj tthe favorable sentiments 'A nf fi low tituens who .fi'avc 'repeatedly phiCed ine in it,' aiuT with mybe'st wishes forHfie'ih.i-tasing proi periiy and happiness of the sjatc w'hi :h 110 thitg'cait mol'e Viiecrually tfolfiii 'than ihc wi se nd nrudent eserche'oftK'Jtiowr r'si Ind rLit in the General Assembh'.'' AnH if, besides IS this exercise' of your pljiienl powers, .yoif hold put toj he t people tit lare,iri-youi- iiidij-' viuual capacify-ar your respective homes',, exemplary lives' 'of patriotism ilnd i::iie, no reasonable, doubt can.be. entertHinrd, tLat whilst th--state of North-Carolina will advance in populirttWn, wealth,' and toinseVjuettce,-' it i willaho progri'sl in lhos great u,d solid,' nt , titiimenK.- whirh re'ridcr nations 'Irtily great and respectable. JAMES TL'P.NL'ii. - Kovemher ISth, l8'j.' The aboveOJpssnjre was referred in" this house to l4Ssrs.' 1'ortcr,. Live, Pearson, Lowrie, Yancy, N. Jones, Bryan, Nelson, Jsixon, Mollon, Hay and Picket; ' - November 21. , A halloliug for a public Printci took plare us morning, when Joseph lak was elec ted by laii'.e ninjorit f. . A. Mesae from the Senile proposing i bailo on the rnorrw frr Gotct n'r, St' nomi nating ftcnjariin Williams und Jesse IV.trk- r.h, l.sqrs. was agreed io, ard the nunc .f IV. Naihsnh.1 Alexander added' tu ihc no- ' ni nation. . ' ' j Alto a Mi'i';c prop,sing n jo'mt rorn- ! mrtee to tale into foiiiidcratmn t he prnprie- j ty of establishing a Sttte Bank, and to rr- j port by bill or mluwise, adding on their I put Messrs. WehVirnr, Cnh tm. Shober, 1 Lindey, Tyson. 1'ulwood, H.ttcH, ficshi, ! ter avl Siiwiirt ; which was acceded toby t!ii louno and th fulo.Tiu juidcmtn au . -i-i . .1 ... i ir 10 inc r.iim'nr.iet : ,u.Mi . iM'jore nl grants powetto'ilie trtfs'-eet cf the Chi- yersnV'iTNor'tl.CaroliiiaV.'o eiae and Jis s;sVToflie,iii.corth"e iaul liiin-rsftv, any ts cheated ai.d'confiscatcd pripety.'MUi'd I'ir.d. scit to the SetiS'. ' - Col Joseph. 'Taylor ofGrt?y!k,:iv.f dc'eA to incn'oitiinatjoivt'oi (ioejn.ofc, Mjd lhen.ma of Jesse franklin.' Usq. wilVidWuti ; und h balloting for that ofll ie pohtpoiud Uiitil Men Cav'.'?V' " ; .. .! 7 ;;. ; '' . Hecc'vt d ft-Am'the ; SenMe? a Bill to "est blish a Co"' t "o CirahetrjT;V LicTi as 1 cud aqd retUrpeJd. 1 ; . . '',p"f . ( ':- fLiiiinuiikti: "" ,l1 . Oit'rlJlay liioi-inng, Jyincs Turner, car fesrtft:6tH"ernbr:i '"v. as "tfeVled ' Si-nator of m Utftt'Stiit'cV 6.f t1fis'.sia4; M iV Uyi of Gen. Mont foil Stoker, win 1d dccTluVd I the appnitjiinent "ifiAlV.at vrjijTJiy'seasion ot j ihe C.yi.f.'rui AstmbffV ' ' , , ' . 1 "Mbnflnvml'rttlri'g fsfoeti fo b'al!ctirh;'fr J tiovornur. T'hV fatidiofes -id Nft" tjit'f'AfcVandVV.ttii. ft; wniisims m Cl. J?'seTt Tavl.:r.'; ' MaWtFfaGkRri'wai'pttt in' rfomt nation nn-' Frlda t-l.tuf ott ' Satti'f dayrWoi-. . -"' . 3 "'"II r I nltii he witlidrew Jiis.nanie. 'vVe' linder.Uud 'that .tfte' Commissiotk-rt ! tip pointed ty the Vr.tes of Sobih tind otl'h'i' j Carolina, to adjti.Mhe'thimS ofrli'e'tiVi states', in reiiHn io ineir onseineo iiuii(VHyt-e 1 by appoiiitjnren.U' at LuciferVv'uVhouseviri l Spu,lh-Ci'.roJ'ma, 0:1 Monday h 23ih.Oi.to-. her, -und continutni toother un'd Satinjly ... ..... 4 -' j, the 2d i'ist:m I'Lcsmit - yj) the pmt of this tnte. Col. J( hti Mfbre.tjf Lincoln, (encivl ; We!l!)orfi, of k, and (m. jot n S'eele, of ' S.dishtiry. On the pnrt 6f StiU'.h-Carolirui, Hr1. nlyth, of (.eorgetown, and I honi.n Sdrnpfer. join E""f. of Sta,fesbi.irj,h ; the o ther Commhisinrjf rMr. PnrcVjl,' of Charles-' ton. was sitkahd could hot attend. During the f!ttciisstons, the commissionrrs on eacrr side, supported the dainis arc! interests of Iheircti-rctive .ratcs itli beronitng real : 1. hut we isrr happy to 1-nfp thst the greatent; j, harmony and iood temper was preset sccf !lhrlM3hout. If liotliin.w;is fiui'-l ed, v.e loa. ! lievei tlieTcss picsit;nc" that much has brtn j done towards an adjust mnit rf the liiSlnncrs. Vl'hs priiH;pal posits were J rolally bfri-ht into vivw, and disfhj'sitj. Tle cotmnission 1 crs will r.onsetpienil)J come together! their I next meeting, vhb h is appointed by common. conei!t.lo take plarc at Thai lot e in this" j stale, on the 3d Monday in Jarpiar'viu-xt, nt .-only prepared, but we t(ope 'v.illing to U what is jiroper; in the case. hives lis pU- -t shre t3 'underniurd tluit .tir romn isiur.ers , in their Veport to ihe Covtrnor, while they I snak H till ui:'.:::.i;:iheJ omiMnce eflhcxiiUJi t -f tfi-cljitnit, k!eak also in lnr,,. he hi'tie .t rcpert'nf the n.r.did rnd li!cnit ,c poitiTieht 'of the teitlmn w I n Mrrr ppi -fed to them on the put of South-Cuoiina. . Disputcs'bctwcen states are only tube settled ly eonriliatory sentiments and disposition 1 while uch sriititncnts and liJk)siii(ins mn- ' tintje therefore to be cherished on lMh s'ules, we cauivot allow nurselvrs ti doubt thm the conrlusioit will be conformable to ihc dictates oij istict and nil. When Alexander Martin. Y.in. wnseh-ctrtt Love, phi'rr, lw -ie,. ('amp-ill, Cochran, 'i Speaker of the Senate. 'd. Ben foul pnh:ely Farm?r, W. Hawkins, S!adi,Ch try, Bril.t,' ' conducted him 10 the chair, wharc after bring Klinlrs, Nixon, M'.pon, II y and Picket. il icated ash'Mtthne, he rn-- and delivtred, ex Mr. Nichu!-a)u presented a hill to amend ,1 tempore, the following ttdchrss j '. j ! .i.' W-'i of tht h fff i.! If the .V-n,j'r, the p'.ndhwsoftl.is stale trad and enl lo the Srna'e. j I'h'n bill contemplates the cstaMUhnicrt of Penr.entiaiy Pr the rueption of con- Cts.1 in. ..!. .,,. . ., , i lv, T: f '"w5 w received from I Mtu.iin of thu coimirv (uinr , ,. . ' .... . . , r .rf.,i.. 1 i i t.cirLiurn 1 he cnr.otd memorial of s cKfuUitil a tic and live lie- I , , . r.i . r the U;sings publican government) is atmstethsr tiantptd end happy. , And though ur tominerte has ' suff.-red, n iisnal. from the ships and rJ of the be Ibgertnl porm, in a in.liiu r, siiiicli I wiihout !uc ripiaituu tindc, engage- I nr. nts 1 nurcd into fir future fni-tcarnr e, cm- ' imi be b'-roc ni.h 1 Yvt fmm Ihe deire the j Tinted .Slates hate always manifested l avoid w ar, und to itlc any tlifT-rmccs w hich ! may wnv uh fortign tountiitk.hy the rule ! . t ... ... 1 ....... 01 junicy ami niu, rauirr man liy luc savage end unccmh issue cf the sword ; mid more fspfciallf ftsiin the steps whirh hst b en laken by l he Pre nul cut f dii L'niud States lo obtain redress fur ll.c Kinrc whh we have suiT.rcd we may vill hope to cjoy Ih fiiiitsof ouriii''itry in jhtsic. But if the nation at war wdl not !ten lo nitr overtures for peaceful urcnimodatin of our wrtins j but will coo. nine to dtpoi October Iv.t t on thai day they nil at Un- the prH-rtv .l our mcic'. ani.ai,d lnidl uur eaMtrConft lIoo, in Sf -h Cair4ira. and, fu, a id nothing nu wir till s..tislv ihcm, hate adjourned tmd the Sd M .m'fyin Jai.u- Si stcnout miVelhe Sarrf,cc nnd be tVu-artd ryneii, when ih-y are n-rrt acain at ', (, mtcl ihe cret,l..f ,r. mch . vt I,ve Charlotte, in llns sir. A n j rt of Ibeir ris?ftilins has' i.tt brm received but IS tt If1 Inh'tnit l IhM fth'ldi tid le f'o. 5 press h kirn rnii!e in tie d,Misifi ,f III auhW WheniKi r;"1 i teenvtd it shall he mailt the aubj'tt ol faiuie toinmi:. rication. , Tlit f ie msiVed l. census tes,b.r,ns of Ihe lcMjio'e vf Ken'ftiy ad l'n n.yht. ft, proper ' bh inimrfnii Hie I or, u. lutlm of t'ti'lc! S'te, trii n it'ed n rrt lythc Lutu.iHcI ifcvic Ua-.u, with i n. pe.'ce, Mf value tu'iorul indip:u.!nn r s'ill irj'c. And if the CmieJ Slates vlnmll nt happily U frin ftitu tint state, Ilnnl. vc he it in iv.r pcr lo usAc tr pu n re pent of tirfi!ity,w!ruh shall force uiJi.nv Ihe d:fcnrf of l,t we hold not derr ur laieru, our properly and our fminli. It lspilltl,t anj Icievaiy thrreh,ie, clitic ,nrn.,-or f uvf no fc'jn,r lor our un 5 if-rmp'ri! Jnaie, tntith und wfileruly a C I dvsirc iu tu te .-cprtd for vr, fr, at j I leait, wi't oic.i,.i.d and wjlr,nld the Legislature of the state of Tcnncsace. passed at their late session, r.nd an act f the General Assembly, of that slate, pas sed the U;!i of Auu-t, 1 ft' I, entitled" An ct ratifying and confirming an act of the (eneral Assembly of the state tf North Carolina, enltl?d an art lo authorise the state of Tennessee It perfrd lilies tolands , reserved to this stale by the cession set," j was handed tome by Joan William. Lso, ; appointed by a rcvjj'iior the legislature 1 of th .t state, l deliver to the Executive of .1 . , .. . . 1 . , i oi', un a i r''iri uiai vner inis;ni oe laid bc;ore the I-e;ilaiuro at then present session. As Ihe Prt of airt emnt helaeen thelwn stale is csmtplcU If supi' nded hy the assent of Congress lririfj withheld, al'hou.th ratified by ihc tte f Tennessee, .imI neither nf the Hatts tan perfect tillc to land whicli a number oflhe f ,iicvsf,f both Mates are in tilled I', no doubi is eii'cfta'ned hut the !. pili'u'i will c in;dy wi'h li e wis'us t,( thu l4".sla'ur-rif Tt nner, provided it cpnln 0 me ronsntenUy with her vnajemenis with Ihe t'niled Mates. 1 hate the honor to bepen'h-men, l r. J.IL'ltNl.lh 1 ft k!ove was rtf' rrh lithe am cm n.'crtii vshma was r.Lned the (icmoi' Mr. P. Il.swkui', from r'-e j'vint hsPotiu f r S ii-ilartl C"ii4is reir:e4 Ihal Jatnct Tut-r.tr. !,. had a inajon'y vfvotrs. Mr. W. Ilakin piri,:d till torrpeal in a-! nit'i'.f 1M An act lo repeal st much 1 f the atviu. has caw in Lrct ,:i thi l i t, I icturnvoulhfiiksfor this honorable murk of your attention shew n lo me. Not having beajM onrt-isant in conducting Icitl.ttue pro- re-din' hr onie time p:i-t, 1 feel snwr dif- JiL'IPlJ V.PJL fu'iyit't'u) lalhclasLjof-, .""this fippoiiitmrnt s hni nl)ii'g on yot.r fr enoly aid lo support with nie !. lioMn.r and dignity of this house, and vnni knowh and e spsrienre, to correct any ibl'tuiM y of Kf,i.ative order, I shull endeavour, under your aulhoriiy,i$dirhar;c l he nu'ir of ihe chairto the utmost Cu toy skill and tbihti.. The fidlowiuj Memorial vf lhmran M' l'allalid. r.sq. wps I, id before the Ltgis lature y hi Lxnilei cy ihe (.Miiru't s Tg ffl Kitti'r -ft 'jir-Kft V'mM'f, tttmttt (, vrrtrrf iht Siu'.t t AVi.f a'rfoiu. Thr memorial of I huM an M'lail.md fc ijiertfully ahewttht T Last being elected XI rep-esrnt the 7ih eh live J'is'tKt rf the State, in Ihe C'otipless oflhe I'liilid Slati t end prrpj-td sr.d I'oing for aid on l is mis Stun. 7:;'tf .i'ii of irj.iinuut hare hern fonr.d h the Gt vlid Jury rftl 'is ditlrKt fr hiijh rrimcs and mi lemtanori, kc. Your Me inonalsl being at all rime rtadjr lo rte those have r laced him in this Hi m .viable liovt, lifted n have Ihc Iravt rsc. hut in vain. ' from ihe objretions n.ad Ly the tf uruls for Ihe .anipreri'tioiii Voi.r Memorialist, unwiilir lolfp fr rdtnhJ.re his publi'-, I'r'y haiir-el ws'hlhe iniputiiiiof sich rrin'e. H' ibv.ntf !' rorisrioh f !., h-i'srer ' ) . driron ofn Jffly ll'lal. loevmic l!,t public mind tvf h irn.ottr.cy f stand toovU ted. Ml casr. he fof,ir'rr rf p-.hlic nt'nrc, ! rtt extreme l.tii'Lip. Laung ii.aMr.vlr iMhevethovi irruAli' r tat l-en futftrrtd in ihc prvtnt rniini nl from rosbce aga'al himetf, and withatitw toprtvtnl tie He iCHIi',atiaftf ihil li.t.'itt ill the U.UVf .( if il is.' 1 i s. if it At 1 i s t ill -ti i I t A M - ii a) It -V .1 ' i I r i a