September 3Sr -.1 " According to letters from . Manich,' the m Archduke F.efdTnand"airived at lhatfeity on the. lath at night. -The Austrian minister to . Bavaria IUrun SchauemUfti, hat'v repaired". to-AVarrztaurg, to present vYfiou -demands brrtire Elector. " The Austrian commander at Mjnich, ha sequestered the treaury of the Elector, allowing him only sufficient for , the support f his eivil lit, and personal e x-, pencea. ; ';r'V. ' " - v ' from Miii)icl, announces the arrival ofahe Emperor of Austria and Germany, at that place His majesty kparts to-isrjow far Laudborg... , ; , - , i Stbassuro, Sept. 23. Yesterday the superb rtgimesnt of .Greria cViars Ixdonjfine to the army arrived here. I It is couriered on the citlaens of the. towq,. It will be .reviewed to day by , Prince rMurat, v and the other generals who iyt here. It" is. ; sa'ui that General Lannes will command this Corps' The fit column of the Imperial, guards is expected to tlsyi Our vicinity is filled by an immense quantity of troops, infan- try, as well as cavalry. H , , . - . -y September ?5. f ' ' ' Early this morning, several divisions of our grand army, passed the Knmeon the bridge ol" boats, between our city and Khtl ; the Elector has grunted permission for them to pass through the states of Baden. The divisian of grenadiers commanded by general Oudinot, is one of the corps which have passed.,- . - ' ' '' ' ' ' 1 : - September 3 fl. Most of the- generaTs who were assembled here, have already quitted, 8c put themselves at, the head of their respective corps. We are assured that the Prince Murat passed the Rhine with his staff yesterday afternoon, as did also the Marshal Soult. It is said, that another of our armies has passed the river at Mihtim." . ' . ; Of the destination of our armies nothing is known VttV certatntyi as the greateat secre cy prevails a to their opinions. . Some per sons who have Cimcfroin the right bank of the Rtiine, state that the part of the army n which crossed at Khtl" are pressing for Rad" stadt; one column was directing its march i towards OSerkirch, to proceed from thence toward K.tibis, and that another was to take "pitssssion of the valh-y of Kintzich (or Chenche). It is also said that a passage of the Tlhirie hud been effected at Nauf BVisack. , 1 iie Austrian?, ic is saiu, nave anceu. f, considerable within these few days past, and thut thtir pitrol?s have entered Stutgsrd by CONSTANTINOPLE, Julj-raj: ' 1hc independence of the Ottoman Porte," ' hitherto undermined by fo many5 meant ; more or Jets muirecr, is ai p;e;nt opcnif i attacked.. Theag,ent of the RufiunCabs- I net has j'ift made koown by note which he his delivered to the? Retf-effehdi, 'the iutenrioc of his court tonhidea defen fivc and offciifue alliance betweeo 'he two r Sa'tev"'TTjroecTa'ati;n'oF this intention has fpread alarm througF.ouf the "Seraglio and has thrown the Sultan Seliai into the uimoft grief. The blood of the proud O. tomans ft ill runs in the veins of this prince," and , the remembrance Of .- their glory is not effaced. ';' "'" In his firft conference, ;t he agent of the Rufiun Cabinet made four different pro pofitionf. " We fhiU here tyeak only of the firft. ( The following is its.objift, and nearly its terms: " AH the fobjedts of the Turki lh empire who prof efs the Greek " religion, 'lb all paf under the prcte&ion of Ruflla, and whenever they (hall be xnokl- . ted by the Turks, the Porte Hull be hol den todo juftice to the reprcfentattons of t)ie jtuHiau ambalTador."; 1 It is laid that when ihii firft article was prefented to the Grand . SeighaT, he threw away the paper with indignation, and bitter tears ran down his checks! Du ring feveral dsys he appeared agitated with the utmeft difquietudei. tie afrcrwatds alfembled thofcof the members of the Di. van who are not fold to Rufih. They all direclly agreed that it would beuerbe- come them to bury themfelvcs Under the ruins of Conflantinoplc, ihan to fi?n a Jreaty which would annihilate the man power. In their indienation thev invoked the (hade of the captain Pacha Hulfiim, f 'i(lly named the lad of the Ot'omans.; But when they co n fide red h: in 24hiurs rne army pi OdciTa misjhi be under the - walls of the Seraglio, that of Corf funoort siJ ' unite- lti rcv6Ued Greeks, that of Georgia openly march a t inll CodHanthiopI;, the GrreLs of Wallarhia and Moldivia fluw themfdves at the heid of the Rulfiiu cava'ry, they preceive ) hey bad no otljcr tdonrce than to gain ti ne, bv fpinning out the nevjnei a'ion, an lconfcnun to all the other con ditions, to evade fbrnming q this fsial article. Thus Europe is about to fee the empire of the great Spliman, and the il- i, one side, and Jby. the other tbp country of I luftrious race of the Ottomans, difap- peir bh 'ch wnnoi'i commouon. What can the Grand Srignior do at this day, when th oj enin$ of ihe nofphonis to the Ruffian (hips of the line an t troops, the occupation ot Corfu, and the revolt of Georgia, have fo far fipped thefonh.lj tions of his throne, thai he hAfd'.r t'S'ts thelha low of hisTormer power I Vicrt his very divan itfeif, wbenhis reis efler di, become RufTun, nothing more of muf fulman than the turban ; and when this man is rather, tho agent of the Rnllisn ambalTador thin the minirtrrof the fulun Sclim ! No doubt this perfidious minifler will o si- day forfeit his head for his cow. Kn'ibis. in short that one of their corps is posted between Itgthweil and Villcngue. - Daslk, Septerrlber J5. Ths coVp of Austrian troops in the envi ron of llregents, imder the command of Ge neral Wolfskall, departed on the 17th of this month, in I proceeded towards UpperSwabia. This intelligence is certain, and proves that i the Anstrian army has not had the temerity to rnter the territory of the Helvetic republic, i irim whence it coulJ retreat witn so mucrt dimculty, and moreover assures us, that the Chines ol war are not to extend td us. lMPF.RKLpECREE' St. Gi'tiL 2d Comtkmentarj Jjf, jtar 1 , Nrfoolenu, Kmpcror of the trench, King rr , ard!y treafont but his' iuft punillnnent win vmy us m uicicis icuiQuy iui iu many Italyi his decreed and dots decree what fallows r Titlr 1. Kit. 1. There shsll be formed lhrt e bodies of army of reserve, the lirst l.ail have rts head quarters at uouiogne,anu shall be demanded by Marshal Hmne ; it shall extend from the Somme to the Schcld, and shall comprise the departments t f the bomne, of the Pavde Calais, of the Notd and ol the I.ys, The rcond shall awemble . at Maycue and shall be commanded by the S- iinr Mmhal l.rfcbre. it shsll comprise the dr psi tm1' "f the 25th and 26'Ji in'lita! y diviO'i'Mj the lhi-J "shsll ur.ite at Strst urg an l .'. ! bcom:natided by the Senstor.Mar i tint Kt'.lerafi; it shll comprise the depart. Tnoit s of the $ s-yl.C-th in-lhary division s. W Slt I S'V 'iS IUI IV V I WJ IHW V S the fr-ivf. TiTt.R 3 .Thcrishtilibe formal st He ihi a :Wx enp of Grenadiers, under the ijrdfrs of theGfn-ral of Brigade ri'yer,thfre sIm'J be fmd a srcon-l flying carr.p crGre. na.4i-. rs of the town cl Nupolon, tinker the or Wrir.fa Gcwral of llriadr. There shall be fi'me Va third fijii camp cf (irtnvlirrs at A'etandria. tlrpattmrnt f Marengo, under theoHsrs of a Getrl r.f Riljade. 'tVtrt shall hn sttschrd to each ti these bwlies a !is itlon sfli'il-horse anillety 5. These bodies are dsaii ie 1 f mirth whenever theif prrj-TT-ff that! de necessary. r. The rnii.Mter of w ar is . charged with the execution of the present de cree. (S'gnrd) NArOLCOS. Dy tle I'mperori ThrSrcratary olSutr, 11. D.Maisrr. evils. There remains to the fultan Sc'im only oje means ; ih'at no fhip, or velfel la lcn with iroopt, (hall be permitted to pafs the Bofphoms ; that his fuhjeJli be furbiJ tonatiga'e nn.Jcr the Rulhaufla;: that the men lold to RuiTiabe hani.heJ fr.m his Seraglio; anJ lhat with iVe lUn di'rd in his hand, he drive frnmlrs tla'rs the tyrants h opprets him.' Tlrrt e. very one plTHltr.t of the htir vf mu(T?1 man will fTvtk aronndhim and hisemoire, wlich for thefe twenty vars has bee.i dat y decMmrft, anl wnl ail a fml.fen the efTential nointi, and refufei to do uf tice to rcpreienuiioaiu as much tht ag greilbr as if it ihoulJ attack the other uo-juatr.- ; v J: ' v, ... . ; 1 The peace between An flria'an j France reft upon the treaty of LuneviUe, one of whofe'Coriditlonl flipulatea and guarantees the independence of the republics of Italy, as well as the Helvetic and Battaviait re-' 'public J i arid infures the liberty of chiifing -for tbcinfelves their own govefnrnent,.- Every enterpr'ue tocoropel them to adopt "government, a contliiution, or a mafter, otnerwife than their free ifcudce, , and o-therwif- than in prererving a real politi cal independence, is an .."infraction of the "peace of LuneVille, and Auftria ha the right to complain and to Tut for redrefs. As to the maintenance-cf public repofe, ir requires that each ftate confine itfeif " within its limits, and refpecthfrightsot the independence of other itates whether weak or ftrong. Tha"t repofe t tillur bed when a power attributes to itfeif rights of occupation, protection or influence that are avowed neither by the laws of nations nor treaties ; when it fpeaks of the f ights of victory after the peace that has extin guiflied if; when it employs force and fear to'dicriuhws o its neighbours, to oblige them to aflimilate their conlliiu tions to its own, or to force 'out from' them alliances,' coaccflions, -acts .of fub miffion and of incorporat ion j when it pre tends that its dignity is offended by juft re-' p re fe nt'at ions, w hi 1(1 its own journals at tack fuccellively all monarch i when, in fhort, it erects itfeif fole aibitor of the fate and common intercfts of nations, and that it will debar, other'powera from, all pariic cipatioajn the maintccunceofthe tranquility arid general equilibrium, fme' btcaule they arc too far otf, others becaufc an arm of the Tea fecarates tlien from tha Conti nent, cppofiogto the claims of the powers the nrarcR to the danger, vaue aufwers, fending troops on their frontier, and me naces ot jnpture if, tliey put thcmfclvcs in a lute ot detencc. . .. After fbme other obfervaiions . on the asgreliions of the French, and the foibear ance of the Auftrians, the mantfefto con cludes with the following dignified decla- ratio;.! : II Such is the real caufe of the armaments. But the fame fentimenti which have ac tuatcJ his majeftjr in delaying to rcfort to their mealurcs, have at the lame time de termined their aim. The Emperor arms himfelf, not with holtilc view, not' to nuke a diver fiun tothedefcenton Kogland, wliofe execution, atter two years of me naces, ouht not to appear to be refrrved for th momeutwheM France had - juft p)vo!rd Aiillria and RulHa ; he arms fur the prcfervation of the peace which ctifts hnween him and France, for the maintenance of the conditions of peace without which lhat peace would be illu five ; to attain the end rf hc!iiitab!e re co'nctiiaiinn gromdeJ ipi)ii the modera tion of ail the powers concerned, and fit to ehfere theeq .iiiiriu u and permanent tranqiuiity ot Ltnopc. To complete the proof of the 'relir,!f of the . intentions of ihe two imp:ril cnarts of Auftria and Ru'iua, it is here folmnly declared in the of botri, That thrysrp rrady to ncgoclatc w'uh the court of France lor the maintenance of the peace 'of the continent, on terms the molt moderate, compatible with the Ge" ncra! repofe and lecurity. That whatever may be the liloe of Jhe 4rand 50,000 inea. Another body of trocpa of about 0,0W. men making a part of Ute t- ruyof TyroU is now at Bregentx, under tha command of Gen. Hoffenber, having under ' him the Generals Rohan k Aspremont. This body hitbetto inactive, haf just niadt a move ment; two thousand men ol the advanced guards have marched towards Rovenpbourg in Swabia, other corps are following them and are marching towards Ulm under orders of len. Wradt,but the Auatrians missed their blotr,&Gen.Wrdewasabletoretreattowarda rrnonia, and form tm lunction, with the o- ther Banrian tnps which are already as- temhled trxre, or on their march lhitheraml which will thew form an army' of SO or 35,000 men. - '- - :.:; y BOSTON, November 20. ' ; - LA It ST tSQM EURorr. We have accounts fi-oia tilbrahar as late as the 5th October. They suic, on the au thority of letters from Spaing that hoitUitio had commenced near Ferohax Itlween the French under Marshal JIassenat and the Austrian ho particulars are eiven. If the French army of Italy, like that of the coast, had set out jo.r, its march towards Auvlna, it is highly proba, ble it was met by part of the Austrian cordoiT near Verona, which M if) : the dominions of Austria, formerly belonging to the states of Venice, and as prohaMe that a .rtneountre ensued. Marshal Massen we know too commanded the army of Italy. , From Gibraltar, Capt. Breck, from Gib ralUr, whose ship unfuftonately got on shore neociatiom, ar.d (hould the tumult of War be ii.evi'ab'.r, ihey havenxutually cntaeeJ to ahllain from any entcrpnte which would tend to intermeddle with the inter-' rtfun. iis ancient f'Jinh.r(-But ihcdarf-'lt-3 t Fianre, t alter the fiaie grr is renj--g; a ftw ysrs mure an I it W'll be ro loi ter time ; 'his unforunne priwee will il en fre himfelf feiird at the my gates of his Seraglio by the agents ofRuifia. I- I of ti e arrangements which are now legs ly tllab'ilhed in the Germanic empire, or lo wcund in the finallcd degree the rights arid in'eiefls of the Ottoman Potte, whnfe integrity and pollcQjons on the cootrati they sre tcsJyio dcfcnJ to theutmolt of Au&rian Ai;77. Count Cobrnttc', l their power. on the 12'h September, tranftn'ttttd to the I Inlhort, that Great. Eriuln has tnidt French miniHer of foreign relaiion?, a ' kn.wn to ihem lhat her femtmtms ire minifeflrt from the Court of Vicnns, . ac- '; pe'cclly fimilar to theiri, andhcr difpo. companied with another from the Cibi- I fiiions tqually moderate fsir the icrcft3- ret of Ki'tlia, in anfwtr t the demanj I blilhmcntof peace wnhruncr. at Ciibasset, lant week, brought a paper of (Jet. 3, trom which the subsequent interesting -pariglaphs are copied ; . ' N GBHALTAK, Oct. : IMPORTANT ORDER. The following cny of an order sent by ths Spanish government-to the commandant, of marine, at Algezitas, h:i been -received by several respectable mercantile houses' in this place: and, although the omission .of the names, both of the writer and of the person, to whom it is addressed, haH made us hesitate . -whether we should -insert it, until we found it ' published in the Madrid Gazette, yet its im portance, and the assurances we have re ceived from good authority, that its authenti city has been verified on the spot by persona interested in the inquiry, have induced us to give it a place in this number. a . The direttor-grneral of the navy, in a let ter of the 25th of lait month, writes to the commandant-general as follows t . His excellency the secretary of state ami of the marine, communicates to roe the fol lowing royal order of yesterday. ' V Ma Dam, Sept. J, 1805. hst Excellent Sir, ' His excellency, the .minister of the United Stales, has corupljincd ol new grie vances and captures of American vestls by the Spanish privateers; and that eleven A i mericans have been carried into AlRCziras, under pretence, as it is stated, thnt they were carryinc:Lliulnh ipcrrhaiuliac which having been laid pefore Tils ma jcty lit king, he has been pleased to order, thf.l if there is no other" motive fur the capture cfaaid VtMtls but tho one alledgcdby the America minister, thf shouIJhcimmediatrly liberated, a. by the fif te?nt!i article cf ihe tpyy with the United,' States the American Pajj covers tht- goojUon. board although th?y It enemy's property ; but. if they have b'cn c's tailed trmiy other . motives, the hum are t be decided wirh the utmost d'.vaich acrnrdinto the established laws which I communicate to your excel lency, according to the royal order, lhat you may mae it known to the heads of depart ments of the navy, lhat they may communi cate it to the commandants of marine and to the owners of pvivSteers, who after receiving due notice, shall be responsible for any in justice which may be sustained through them." , tThUfews U corroborated by the late ad vices from llayonnc. We are uncertain who performed tie functions of American minis ter. ' Mr. Tinckney whoae commission has been superceded was at Madrid -It is pro bable the United States had a rhsrge 'daf. tiirs there. Possibly Mr. Lrvins.l ma !e by the emperor of ih French of a citagortcalcip'.anationcf thecaufrs of the svatlike preparation in Aofliii. At mlHt be etpeilrd from Aullrii, the qianl feiln Is con hed in a temperate but forcl b'ertile, anJ gives a iftrolpeAbt view of the dangcrotit ard barefaced breaches cfthe trea'y of Luneviilf, which hive at length cniUed her lo nlfciiih her de. Asiin,Ti.Mw.T,..M. - meoi peace anitakeu3 arms deferca fme!arorpsr.flhrseUtCc S.Umrn j cf l!el(r.Iy lA of bff ff h ,f Th, be com- j dc1afl,j,m ha1 f pJlfronscy,t.flhetvrela ye.r.,.t y , h In'erlion. bi to the rffif st fir each drprtmeM.tjU ta. j Mtmm . , , 10 k,n from ho sh,IU-er them- 'lhltn 1 h.(tnJ . i i .Mi.uitk.i.i.. I csmtfei wlthFisncf, and no oihrr dtflra iVs'srnste.l lv lh I'rrfrtt. The Veli'r s must t of sound constitutions and mlM list rf thrir nn,trfron tMr rtlatk.ns a irrute rteru iai'O frsnrt a yor. tut to frecerrefpondif.gvlewi In ilw Em. ptror hi France anJ prorrtJi, L'uMhe'milntenarct of ptare between two powen dixi rot cooliii mert'y Inpof li s Mairsivthe Fmrvw snd K?iff.c.t ; aMscklri tih other. II foofidi'not left 1 tht army en Tuesday lat (. ira.) ; tlFtatiilly in iht arcompliniment tf fiea Iht C.aattt Ot Vitrei at'd, tb.l the tier upni hich peace his hn bllV Cinnraai lit of withthft i:hKror, - jl td J'U powtf who Jcl iSkih ia FR1DOURGII, in HrhjaSrp. IS. Onthe yth inst. the Auuitns eroticdthe Inn at Xarhauscn. One column look lha road to Mulhdorf, sad directed its tiwrcb to wards Landvhut, where it arrived on the 10th No ir.teUi jenct has been rectivtd of its further progress, but il is conjectured that it wilt march, or baa already marched, towards In- rolatadt.thcnct to proceed to Donawtrt where It will tkc tuist. The other columns marched i! by the way of Wattertourg lowanls Munich, jl It is thot that its intention It lo take the posi tion of Lansbtric and I ribouirh, sjpon the Lech, positions which it oc copied In the Ut ir. Tkli irmi. rt.i'i-na1t iitilil ila rnllinc into Bavaria, under the naiat cf the army of the camp of Wait, and which stpt art to hive nowtsken thst of army of the Khine, will be rommandtdby the Archduke I'erdBam!,lia slnR tinder his ordera ihe fusner Master General Mayer; but ni other commander in Chief directs it at ibit moment, and rath co lumn maVts itsinovtnents accordion iPar ticuUr orders) hi forte sp;tatt ta U ;: cia TUESDAY, DhCEMDEK 10, IIOJ. . Accordins; to some late accounts from Kcw'Orlrans, tht Spaniards were represent- .j. . . ... a in mo'ion. siinccri were orueren to join their Cort)t. ilh rvenr amtraranre cf inten- . 1 - 9 I - ded hostilities. l!y some, these movements, if real, were supposed to arise from the inter- nai amirs or the colonies, ana as mere pre cautions in lime of war. The last accounts say nothing of these movements, ind atontradie tion has heenVuMiahed of the suppostd ordera to the Spaniab OflWrt to oin thtir corps at PcnMsola, it still appears lhat the alarm has bctn spread with r;rtst speeJ, and that even io Kentucky it wss considvred cspedicnt to attend to thtir military sfairs, in tdrr to b rtady tipi any public tmcrfriKy. Thtm litis will be UlUr diailphotd, should war happen. - A difpotf hasarifen, amJ occafioreJ as fotrefporience, between tht Sparifticom tnandiAt at MobiHt sM the Arsserican col. Iiflor for the port f Fort S'o-ldctt. rela tive to th payment of duties by vtltcU of ih? Ui I'rd Suits on psdma: tht formef place. Ore velTcl had Ncn felted ry tt Spinlifdi, on account ef not j ailnj thefa iloticr, rttrihr Jitth It was a enrrtrt rrpnt yesterday if tht Coff Hvit (let wt aavt rtUtn able t P trace it to its otir,in, er to five any tll ua-'e4 cjinioa a its aulltbikit;) that

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