t :' !'4 MMMi y ' JPUBUSHED (wEEUt) 3Y ALLMAND HA LL-VVLSB AY ; 'FEBRUARY 18,' 1806. i v Mm X 'A .-,(5 -n mMMl -': v . . , .. . 4 ' 5 jlf ARLESTOM, Tetnlarj;i " 1 :'V. FOREIGN NEWS." - BY the arrival,- last "ef ehing ef ttvd fast failing ship Independence , Capt. WaIkkr, in 38 days from Greenock, : we havel been favored with Greenock and . Glasgow pa- !ers to the 23d December,. from which we lave made such extracls as time would al low. - ' ... ,,, i - ', ;' . , '. The French army entered iehHa on thief 13th November.' and levied very heavy con tributions. On the IHh, the French undr Gen. Mortiier, were defeated by the .Russians ..under. Gen. Kutusow,' between Stein arid .Veifskirchen, with the loss of 2000 men. Capt. Wright, who was said to have des troyed himself in the French prison, is still live. ' Lord Cathcart left. London ''pec.-9, to take the command in chief of the British troop's on the Continent. The Duke of Cam bridge has left England for Hanover, having been appointed Governor and Commoner in Chief. The Austro- Russian-army defeated the French near Slapanitz, after an action of 2 days. The country people are; every where breaking down the bridges, to prevent the retreat of the French. . Lord Harrowby ' has informed his government that the King of Prussia had ordered 140,000 men to ad tance with the greatest rapidity to Bohemia, ' In confluence of Count Haugwitz having failed in his mission, which had decided his majesty's conduct. The King's equipage left Brrlin 3d Dec. for the army, and he was expected to join it on the 1 1th. The Aus trian Royal Family had removed to.Tcs.chen, except the Emperor, who gallantly fought at the head of his armies. The Russians, who are continually joining the grar.d army, fight Vith the. most determined bravery ; the win ' ter climate of Austria is delightful to them ; and,-while their enemies arechilled iii'tbeir operations by the ice and snp.wxihey are rier red with the glow of genuine patriotism, and feel not the coldness of a climate milder than their own. - The "armistice which. Buona-JmtJb-proposed has been spurned ot by tha Austrian s,i,vho have bravely determined to conquer or to perish beneath the ruins of their country. .The Archduke Charles was at Wsrasdia, in GroMia, with an army of 90,000 men. The united army in Moravia , is estimated at about 200,000 men. Lovdov, December t. In addition to the intelligence brought by the Hamburgh mail, we are enabled to lay before'our readers the substance of most im portant dispatch-s, received this morning by government from Sir A. Paget, bis Ma jssy minister to th? Emperor of Germa fiy; thfv are dated O'mutz, the 3d int The following is the official bulletin circula ted by government Government received lst nlijbt accounts dated atOlmuU, the .11. by which it appears that a general battle took place on the 2d, j between therrench and Austro-Ruksun ar tnies at Wischati. 1 l.c centre of the latter seems to hatve met with gntat resistance, and to have been repulsed, but the left wing of the enemy were defeated with confide ral It- loss, by'the ri(ht lngof the allis,under the mm wand of the prints Lichtrns'teln and Pan gration. . The Emperor Alexander mm mandtd his trtjona in person, and displayed the inmost bra very. . , u Tie conflict seems to1iae been of the most obstinate kind, ani to have been sus tained by the allies Jo the most exemplary wanner. Tht bnsof the French was im mense. The Messenger who brought this Intelligence left Olmn'a rwenty-four hours after the biHle, and relate that, at that lime, the losses cf lie i rerr.y were reported to be much more ceniderobTe than those of -the allies, who' still 'maintained their posi tion at Wivhau. M Acconnts have been this day rcre ircd at the Admiralty, which left Hamburgh two day lacr than the Messenger who arrived from Sir A. Paget. These accounts state that several skirmishes took p1cc between the allied armies and the French, fi-ons the tih of Novcmhcr.to the 2 J initan', whin thry came to a general action, In wMcli the French lost i7fi(JO n.en and kll their anil- 1 Urj. That the French relreateJ that Jjuonaparte was woumled thai he Udpio ohi! an armistice, which was rejected. " That tha Prusiiis to the amount of 140.000 men were in motion. That the King of Prussia hud l.innrtf taken the com mand of one army, and the Duke Bruns wick el another.", The accounts received &t the Admiralty were transmitted by Admiral jiaJlowy,'whi Hated that a Llruttnant of the Adamant was on short at Cuxhavtn cn fxtturdy last, where accounts hal been 'received from HamburfU two days later thn tht I'tira Mr. Kaye( the mciscnger, passed tbtouh ifial city, i Hating that the battle had been entire ly in favour of the aRIe-trmt Buonaparte had becntevtrtty wmimltd in the right arm ind it was thotigbt doBld Li obbiftd to suf fer amputation. The commander of the l iercer gun-vcs-cl, arrived fmm the F.m, ive an account tf what be belr, similar the abore. All tcoutil!l owe ttr, a;rte i. i. ;.. ..: . V.f ' . i..t ; ' . . : ... that the battle was fought on boto sides with the greatest obstinacy, arid chiefly wVih' th"e bayonet. The Uuisians expended . littje ammunition. The Carnage was immense. Tne-Empcror Alexander was'missing fof tfbftut six hcnirs during theptionj and no little apprehension was,. entertained, fur his safety. ,He was at length found fighting a mnng that part of the trpops which in the eiuF was worsted by tha French centre. - It sva with much difficulty he was. persuaded to re tire tb a quarter ;Where he would be exposed tales danger, v-v The number of our Sillies is stated at .sqven- . if thousand, thotigb the accounts of the nuta-bet-s in letters from various parts of Mor-. via, befdre the battle, say they 'were 90,000. The number of Btlonaparte's army "is stated at 80.000 ; and some reports ay, that nearly 27,000 fel,l on each side, while others "make., that of tire allies only 15,000. - " H is probable 'that'th battl'iviH'. sobh be fjllowed Cyariother, and it may fairly, be i ri fe rml.frovh the French attempting nothing for twody. that they had suftured.'verVe verely, and were not in a condition to' risk a fresh attack. i: That there would be. aftother dreadful cnga3en.i(;nt ficfote Buonaparte was subdued Is manifest. We may, be allowed however, to .indulge Iht most sanguine hopes of success.' The Prussian army may bs now expected to be soon at tne fit Id of uclion. While Mr.-,Kaye, passed through -Berlin, news of thts battle had been reVivq.d tliere-vAr council of Mate' haidj been hld, and th? Prussian army,- liQ& Istrong, had aotuallv begun its march into.Hbhemla.. . Tins Emperor MwaUfler, as, we have al ready 'Mattel ws 1,11 the 'Jii'ikest and hottst of thc.'battle he animated the troops by bis courage ; he inspired them, vi,h the, utmost enthusiasm, by the manner in which he exj posed his pet son. Every one who knows, the affection.' partakingfascntimentrof adoratibn,, which the Russians feel for their Sovereign, notwithstanding the lies in Budi napsrteV bulletins of their aversion to .him. Never was tint affvCiton tnd adoration ctr- ried to4 higher pitch, than when the Ru sian troops saw themselves led into battle by their btl jved Alexander. They advancsd to the tharge with shouts of triumph, with' incir own national songs, ar.u wuii nuzzas. 1 he Lmprror Alexfinder is a most noble ahd commanding figure. His counlrnanre inspires confidence and love; open, tnarily, and affable. The manner in which the Ras. slans received and made the last attack is' described us having been tremr z Iqu?.. Af'tr a shtMttime cannon were of I 'tie use-in '.he. ctntre, for the troop fought at the point of the bayonet , ; i ' It P'mutz, hfc. j. Ycscrley a great battle, took ,hce between 'Uv coiiiH;. cd and French arniie-, in the vici ii y of t'.c illaees Scli- hwp-witz, K'im'.iiti, and Chirnitz, not I .. r"..l. f... i i. ... ... . . litr i!-ui;i iuiiiv which lavcti u.i 'o-r.ay, ann was extrrmtly bloody The issua is stllW VHicjr.cictii, Rna ail the accntiiits rtcttveJ , here ret oh mere rtpoit- t)Ur fortress, in the mean una-,' hat bet n put into a state to Maud afticgt, ai!.I tr.c Royal family h:it re moved to Ttschf ii. Th? two En pnflrs tre with the, army. Vc wait for more circunistautial particulars' r Accotding to later account, the hat tie has at lj.t been decided in favor of the Austrian and Russian army with whom the Victory remains. . ftlin Dec. 0. In tlie course of t ester day and the preceding day several' couriers arrived here with dispatches relative to the irreat Kttle fought in Moratia on the 2d and ' 3d in'st. Mtwcen the Russians ai d French armies. But as the accounts received j-tst only on verbs! reports," we have lunhing cer tain on the subject, except that a. scry lunr.. derous battle has taken place, and that the tmpcror Alexander fought wijh inuscri table courage at the head ol his guards. , This great Monarch did not spare himself, but led en his brave soldiers into the heictt of the fire. ' , "The first day the battle wss extremely bloody. The Russians had missed their wsy by which circumstance the French' profited, a"d fell en the Russian centre which they threw into disorder, and the battle continued with various success till hight. On the following morning the battle was renewed; the Russian left wing piessed on with rndiscri'inble bravery ; the Trench weie entirely defeated, and the Russians return ed to their former p)'iion near Attsterrthr. The lots ia lYid on loth sides is estimated at 20,000 men. Prince Pangratlon distinguished himself in a very eminent manner. This is all that is known from the couriers that hate arrived here to-day. JbVoti, Dtt. 4. In the battle on the 3d the Russians, I y the impe tu ns attack of the French hJ lo't a prtr-f ihtlr artillery, but towards evening gcntrM iiutuow ttok lh artiHery, ansl tcscusd the greater part of the pTiwinar. On the 3d tha lu!e was rer-ewed, and the fittunt of arms declared in favor tf the cmliticd artnjfi wl.uh rvtumtd Its posittca rear Ansterliiz, and prepared for a new at tat-kmi the ath. ' Victory or death, was the Word in the bat- , tie, which was one of the most bloody in -modern history. The contest was decided by the bayonet and the sabre. , "Tim Russian .guards under the grand Duke Constantine, fou'ght with the greutest bravery j the Austrian cavalry likewise con . tributed greatly to the deLision.of the battle on the 3d.' -.- . , , ' - Charleston Teh. 8." The .ship Avcricl, captain DtxosTj arri-" Ved yesterday imOrn'iig, sailed from Rotter' d;n on'ihe 20lh of Decembers Captain D. brought no papers; but states that the re ports iVo,m the seat of war were, that there had been much hard fighting and that Bno tiaparitf, in the battle on the 2d December) had been slightly wounded in the arm. The latt accounts, however, were, that the French troops had been successful! - '' .' Captain 'Decost, fui'nishes One important article of information, which proves, beyoitd "doubt, that Prussia has taken part -In the way, All the Prussian merchantmen in Rotterdam had been htittd iy the Dutch government ;. and accounts were "momently expected of the Prussian troops having struck a blow. " : ' Ttmtst ' NORFOLK, Febrtlftry 6. We bfiVc accounts by the brig Wheeler, Capt, Betsom, in U days from (iuadaloupej arrived here on .Tuesday, which' 8tatef' that Six sail fJ Bt-iihh line of tait.'e ships and d number tf frigates, under the command of Ad mirals Ducfovorth and Louis, had arrived at Etrbadvts on the 2lh hit. in pursuit of 14 sail ej the line which made their escape out of Brest, lite French must hare taken some other route, as they hriS not arrived in the West-Indies, tvhen thf Wheeler sAittd: '' -' ' " Stale of Nof Ih-Carolinal ? In F.cjuit v, ' District of Wilmingioii.J 'Nov.terui, 1806 Daniel Morgan, 'bj his Guardian, - ' . ' L ' vs ' jfatnet liloodtvonh. TK this t?tise, it appearing to the court that i the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, It is Ordered, That unless the stid de feiidunt file his answer within the three first days of next term, that the complainant's bill shall be taken pro confess k heard exparie ; and that this order be published- four weeks in tlie'.WilmlngtOw. Gazette. Done at my office in Wilrnington, the' 6ih of February, 1 806. EDWIN JAY ObBORNL, C.k M. E'y. i ' SHERIFF'S SALES. Y ILL BE SOLD - OH the twenty fourth of March next, THIRTEEN Negroes; also two Brick Houses at the corner of Front and Princes-streets, to saliyfv an execution in itir lunds, Donaldson, MMillan It' Co. vs. John Martin.' Likewise One hundred cfifiy acre of Land, to satisfy an execution in mv hand Administrator of J. Portervent vs. w'm. Uc vare. And a piece of Land wherem Robert Ornsby formerly or does at present live,' to ;iy an execution in my liai.ds Rogtt Uore vs. said Ormsbv. ' R. KK A GROVE n.Sl'ff. ' .VilmingtoiH !'tt-1. . i i i i i . Bank of Capc-Fcar. THE Slnvkhnlderi of the liark of Cape. For, arc hereby notified, hi the third irflalment cf S'ock is doe ami f'ljablt at lb Dahi on Tcf-Ny the 4th Much next On faibiie of payment tile (lc U ihe'prcvioiis payments made there on t fotlcitcd agreeably loaded incorpo. ration. ' . By Orr'er! 70.V HOGG, Cnjlitr. totHFeb. ifit6 Ii U Hat timet BWHM----B-' SaawtM-awtW aaBM-iBWWMt-MWTafeBwaBMMBai Dank. of Capc-Fcar. RESOLVED, That ill pet font deal, it g with this Dark jinder CopaiK.er fliio Frrm. 'in which the ranrei cf all i thf partners are not I ptcialty' mentioned, it lhali te incumbent cm the peilont l. nftrg a Fwrr, 10 make snd fign in li t firm link tj th Bank declaration cf the r fon or peifom comj'tfing the fame; nJ all the partners cf futh firm, rrfident in Wilmington, (hall be required refpedisety to rnake and fin firnilar dcc!aratient a a frHcfaid of wlilih public notice Ii hereby tlvtn by order of th board of Dirrcltui. JO US HOGG, CaJhUr. io'h fib. 1806. 1 - : NOTICE. TTHE. subscribers intendiog to leave thia A state in a few months, request all persona indebled to them, either at Fayetttville at Wilmington, to make payment on or before the first day of April next, so that they may be ' eniiU'ed'to settle the demands against them. : Those who fail to comply with the! above request, may depend on being legally proceeded against without respect to persons Those who have accounts against them are desited to present them for settlement. DAVID Sck. CAMOCK. Wilmington, February loih, 1 06. .. 1 ; ; , L-ml Very cheap for etisli. PHE subscribers are selling dR' their ex tensive assortment of Goods at redurtd prices amongst which are Ship Chandlery, Cordage," Groceries of ah' kitids, Flour, Shiri Breadr Pease, Beef, Bees Wax, Tallow Butter. Bills Gil Glasgow or London, by ' ANDERSON V JOSES. January 7( ' Will be SM OH the 20 A February text, THE Brick House and Lot in Market Street, now occupied by Thomas Gautier, to satlsly an execution in my hands Trustees of the University. against Blanc and Martin, h . v li. SEAGim D. 5;,;. January 1 4. V Fresh" Garden Seeds, Juft received and for falc by t JOHN WALKINGS & CO. Vyi1rnii)gtoi), Jan.-20, j8c6. - r'I"HL fubferiber is now opening at tlio X Oofc ci" Mr. James. Dickfou Front Slrttt) the following gcods which having ptircbafcd for ready money he will fell., -wholefJu on the lowest terms viz. One bale anchor DoiiUs Two fmall boxes 4.4 fupcifina IrifliL'tn liens, '. . A few pieces Plains Do. while Hanncl, Do, Cotton Bagingi Do. Boxes Claret, Two CliciU young llyfon Tea, GLOR! M'BIUDE Vv'ilmingtoh, L)cc. l, ib'oc. In addition to the 5,ie-, the substHbcr has ra'.' opened A more general assortment, " as fALm 1 - . f SUPER FINL Cu.tiu, Con-rn o. Sanldowii?, VcUercty, b-pifne Ciicoe, Common do. Half b'.caJ-ed Intli Liner.s, Bio a n do. Pocket Hnker chitls, Madrafs and filk Jo. Cotto.i lira ies, Gloves, cVt. tVc. All of wt.Kh lie will fell frr approved Notes at tja daystif i Ij4,tcr iur Pl0. ducc. . GFORGE M'BRIDE. VVilmlriob, Jai.ui i6, 18 6. - - . . . A great Bargain. -FOKSALh, A VAtUABl.t iiact Of LinJ inf!,fl Cot t) of M'4'len, cont.ining CI40 a- ,vic., on the notiiucai: f.ie rf (lie fNiirth welt 'f "Cpe-Fcar, i-eiity mdes below Fayettevilie and tllitcrn abovi Elizabeth'. 01 v filch is a r.ew drilling II 1 fc nearly tn.sQicd jo by 38 teet incuul.tij f'f'ani ' Fiarn, a.Uoiy ). an laU Iih a Kitchiii, fiiiukc Hoi.Tc, Uc. '. It is . well fttuated and ttjuul in Icrtiltty to any Tral cn the Ilinr. ALSO, Four Idindrrd acres bark t,rnd nearly jotniif( the above i'ef libcd I'r.O, wb'uft ahonndi with l.ighi wotnl lor 1 ar and Fines lor Turpniine. Itsrge (or rattle and Logs at ibis place, is nearly if not tjiiite at nod at any in ibe (late. A further defcripthn is unrecetTarjii ir any reif.-n inc'lncd to purclufe wrmty ptcviotiily wlfli 10 fee it. The price may ie k imts n by applying to the lol fcribtf rmibe prcntifes. Cafli nt llrgrnes will" .be liken in ajmrn'.'ind podeiTion si en any lime previous to Ihe fit ft day ol A fill ta.fuipp. M. MOLTON. Jsnsry iy, i8e6. ... WANTED IMMEDIATELY A Journeyman Printer WHO is qualified Us perfittn the p-ieti-cat duties of a Weekly Newspaper Oce. The sTtvatiim to a man of w4iriitv and rWterd cctivct, will be easv, ernf trtrhlr, ar.d prnancnt. Al.LMAM) il,(M Wilmington, S. C. Jniry Si e rift 's Sale. Kill It SM, crt UuJsjtht llfi tf ttlrva'J rial, 1 Lot in tlie tout) of Wilmintrtoin I V) TreM-nree!, S'i. 11, tiss'.'y n ese ' rtition in my lomd, lrv v'u ii.iib and o- tbeis against the hib 1 J.mo Bcitd. I -'.. .. AO, Jlf lt'j 1-0 .uwt'je I, IKC. "ft i'4 1 7-7 v M 1 VI. I VII w 1 l ' I 1 1 '- ; ;- , 1 ' f 1

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