W1MMGT0N GAZETTE: awMimMi ,rfcriM''y"r' PII"'M'M .. . ' i- - 11 ' .' ' " 1 ' .- n , - - - - PUBLISHED (wEEKttj ALt.MAKQ BALL. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1806. Ac. 478. r. rOUtlGN NEWS, PARIS, December 2. TWENTY SECOND IJCLLETIN OF THE GRAND ARMY. St. IVtcn, Nov. 13. ; Marshal Stult has followed up 'his sub jects. -The whole corps of -Meerfehli is des troyed. Thai gentleman saved himself with i officer of llutrs.' Geb. Marmont is at Lcoben. He" there iuide prisoners of 100 cavalry. P'rTricV.Murat has-been these three days -within half a league of Vienna. .. All the Austrian -troops have 'evacuated that city. The national guard perform duty , here, and are in high spirits. This day the French troop's made their Gentry into that capital. Th Russian re fold every oppor.iur.i'fy which was offered - them to enagy in tnttle bnthe heights of St. Pollen ('St. Hypolr.e) They crossed the tDanube v K.'ems, fvnd. immediately after - jthtir, ;.p'issag-l'uint the bridge which was a TCThu&fstrucCcie. The M.lth at day break .Marsb.it Mortteiy at tnehesd ol sbaUliAna, -fixed himself at Klein, ejecting to,nnd there - rear guard ; but the whole Hussian army was still titers. Then comnertced the bat-, tic of Diernsteln, which be forever me- ", snorable in military annals. From 6 in the jnornirig until 4 in the afternoon, these '4,000 dirave men opposed the Russian army, ahd , pot to rout every thing opposed to them. Wasters of the Village of Ceobeti, they 1e . Jieved the day finished ; but the enemy irri tated having lost 10 stand dffojours, 6'' pie ch yp cannon, 900 men prisoners and 2,000 Skilled, had gtvert a di'flferent direction to 'their HVoops by' forced, marches, in order to flank z French. Ao soon as marshal Mottier perceived this manoeuver, he marched di TVttly to th'e troops which had Sled off, and attacked them, at the same time that the &th re'girnie'ht of light; infantry and 3Jd of the line, having ch.ugcd another Russian corps, YiititToUiht, taking two standards and four - mind;ed men'. . . This "bs been a bloody day. '"' Dead bo . Jtlic coverel the whole field of battle. 'More ' 'ihac 4000 Rtissianshavebeen killed or wormd- rROCLAif ATION. . . "Since the decree of his excellency, the commissary, of the court established in Low- i er -Austria, the public are informed, that for tlis preservation, of peace and "order in the interior it bus been decreed thaa';cejtm pumper of armed citizens, comprising the nobles as well as the members of tlje acade my orStie ; arts,- and other individuals who have means of putting; thenuclves inTa con- onion ot appearing in urtm s.nau always, uc ready to perform any service', which may be requited of them. Here iollow the places appf)inted for the parudf-,. VbeThe mus ter-roll, is cauedtheJrurnpets shrill beund- ed twice at each place of parade. he a tiz"ni of each section shall r p'u' to their post with their arms, and thence vit for oroers. It is s' rictly forbidden, any person except Che citizen soldiers, to appear on the public; places when the trumpets shall be sounded. Any person who shall contravene Jhi order shall be arrested by the patrotei and delivered up to the police; Measures have likewise wen taken to, put all the sick and poor who have not the means of subsistence Into the city h.o spital in order to be taken rare of. Rrave inhabitants of Vienna ! 'Yoji vijl thank mc'for the wisdom of thise measures which are taken- for the Rood of your country. the magistracy wtii concur in th?tr execu tion with the same sentin-ents which have always actuated them. We expect every thing Prom liie iniinliitartt of this city, who have abvays ditiwg'iishcd themselves ia eve ry aitu.'ion ""V" fiigrftd, -'' - TE VicV BtlRCOICAfcTtt.t , Dated, i;hna Jov,: U. . ...i -' ed; 1,30Q have been made privmers; a "woire the latter 2 colonels. On cur side the Moss has been considerable. The 4th and &t'h I'n?ht infuntrv lu've suffered most, The co lonels of the irmh and 103(1 (avc be'eu slight ly wouhtf44.,Col.,Vltfr'6rthe 4't'h 'rrj-i-fment of xlraoans hs' bfcn -killed. 'His majesty had' chosen Hm for one cf his W , He was a brav olfirer. iiktdvaiHa'es of his-position, a bfilli-aU reiiitance aj-'"'1 a Ihiisian co 'jlunm, but he nu tlrock Uhh' a pihtfJl b.dl, fciid died in the midit if the battle It stems tluit the "Rusia,)s retired wi'.hcui biddirig ,on'l be 1 NOTIFICATION. 'His imperial majesty, ho aceopdirijr tn the pi-omie which he made td ihe Ttspta- oie slates ct iiunjary, nits ceiRneu to cisr. tht tViet, bus been preTente'd-by intervenirg rifcumitancesTrom returning to Vienna be fore going to Rrunn, agreeable to his first de termination. But in theintran time, itis possi Me the French imperial troops may enter Vietiim. Experience has pmved 'thai they observe a strict discipline and disregard, the 'dangers of w.ir. Should this take place he expects that his people will remain quiet ami conduct themselves with decorum. V l re I tomnvjnd it to each oite in particular ) ami itis mrjetty our sovereign, farTron cjr,pcc i Tn'nj.a zeal which Tuit;ht only.cOmpro'Tftt lt;'e ' lives littdpropet ty of his subjects would pun iivh severelv the least disorder, not only be l i.: if i i A.r I.-. lh HH'etftho i xa",,: nc lll!n c" im uccuneo ut'ivnamir nis he had made !' n caP'ta'''"!l because he entrrtains a most nrariou loiicuuuc ior me wtiure &i us ui- The Aoslrtani have not fcad time to carry off above a fifth or fourth of their artillery or any thing else of consequence. We have warlike stores tuf&cient tor 4 campaigns to renew our. 'artillery equipage four time if . wV should lose it. We have also proyKions ftgatftat a siegef for a grat numbef of places. The' empetor has established himself at, Schoenbrnhh. He went to day to Vienna, "at 2 o'clock in the mornihg. He passed the rest' of the night in viitin the advanced posts on the left bank of the Danube, as well as the positions, und to satisfy himself that cvei7 du-y was well performed. He rtHUiU ed 'to Schenbriinn at break of day.-- The weather has become delightful. This day is one of the finest of the winter .ho" cold.; ' Commercial and all other transac tions go on at Viennu in the usual way . The inhabitants are full of conndtfUc and perfect- ' ly at their ease. The population of this city is about 2f0,000 souls. -It iij not supposed to have diminished above 10,000 by the de 'pariure.of the court and nobility. -, '. ! 'JPte' eniperor, received ut fioon M. de W rvtia,' who is n6w placed at the head of "the admiuisiration-of all Austria. ; ' ! The' corps of Marshal Soiilt passed. thro' Vienna this moi-ning at 9 o'clock-. That of '.'Marshal Davouit is marcu;; through it at' this moment.""' uen. Tvlfu-mount has gamed ditterent tnfl-mg advantages kt Leoben, with his a'dvcfieed posta. T L " The Bavarian army receives preat rein forcements every day. The emperor hits just made 4orue frest 'presents to the-'elector. He lias jfivcli him 15,000 stand of arms taken in Vienna,- and has restored to 'him all the artillery which Austria r;aat di-rent peri od rken from tie Mates of Uavaria. Th 'city - of KulTstcin tia. cap'uulatiexl o col. romn-. . J" Gen. Milhaud has driven the enemy en the rad to BfttnnaV f,ir as Wolkerhdoirr. To d.iy at noun he had made t0o prisnhers, and 'lakvn a park of 40 pieces of anillsry Complete., Marshal Lannes amvtd .at 5 t. v. at Stockerau, l!e there found jii immense magazine of cluathing, 100,000 puir tf ihuci and boots, and clo h eiiouh to nuke reat coats for the" whole Htrny. They have al.o taken many boats vliich wrre .escendinj'; the Danube wkh vrrillery, leatlivr and clor.tMng. The bulletin here goes on tophe a p;r tlc.ular lnv,ntory of 1547 pitcts of camou, 473 mortars, 109,21 musket, and crbluci, a great numb, r of swortU avid pibtoln, tmim niense quantity of powdir, car.non, musktt and pistol fjalls, Qnit, lead uud many other military stores. S . nc tirpcrtr of t.erminy, the en)c-e8, 'the minister aKiJ luurt -r- t jliui,i, ui f.t - i r..via. . A!Mhe nobili,,y tuc 'ijitsed Viei-'i-, " but the fi'.izMV hive renieint'd. Thfy ex pect th'fn.j.eitr Alexvtiotrat Hrunti, wjhis , -return torn Rrrim. - " .(e' rwut re (jfuf-iy ha, irtn the beaer i , c m my d.spAchei between the cinpcroia of . j l';ance anl Girmatiy. The tmperor of -tier-Many will m 'doubt a gre to a peate a "foon a he can btit Ja the aisetu i.f tile empe- J rm'cf RnM,u In the mean tirm: the dis J outnlt.f the PecnleK eftretiie. Th! si 1 Hn Vkniu ahd inkll the province the AuVrtan mon.ihy that they ,rt Mt go. TJci.ruci- "f ? e.ned. Ihat f,rthe sole irttcre.t a Png. r1 " hnd, they havr been d-agt-ed mtoah uniu.t I nube, leavmg .1 r and Tomolis.wWi.that ther hve iifuudattd Gtrmny wi"h HjtjMniina.tk thrnisnnd tinres 'mere detrucifc ihan 11 tie scbui fees ttf wariiniteds that t lit ir financss are in the !i J5"C! '.'.'-i'iV" ti . Jliit public-and private " crci'ifare niotd. by the grtit quaiity tt )pfrmvi iy, which' it at a iscouut ol 0 ,p ; tint. If.at ther hud tnifortunea tnoueh Icfore, without adOiur to them tue horrors i ' " .,.. . -, J ,1., t Tne.Ni:-H-p'cofrip!iu of an ill'tberal jfrtvernmcn hh U offtrs iioibir.j-to oacou r a gt t hr i I" I r C u . n.k t.d b 1 1 h i h c a Ik c f n- iiit jeslouiy ufUa irpiivilfgcs, andlutint 'J cf iheir na'iMi !bh.- Tn Hun -firv si will 1 .iailn Aasttk; lVlmaaiWrlMnAlfoTler !i ort eu:uunc i; fUi- .?p$ror NinHn Hi, wKhecl ealy, H r ;p.ie ti(3tlt is the frit lid of al) OAti4i!wl uT t DbU tuttitucM. The Lnf hth ire il. f , perpetual nTjeets cf the cutyfsof fc!l lit V ,f jeciiftf liwtKipeior ft-Gf m.iy, anj if . jttf r utiKt.rsl hstiecf. It Uhm then ttmt ihat'pH' Wild ftcn to the vi.lce of the fupple. anl th-t thry ahwuM VMrt'ter ta rrest ihe fiM baulftte if the TUfe oh 'fitthy I , ; b,aU;an,. ' " "'" "tilled, " Rrrrt !, Thmpte IVtuw, "Ooinmissaryvf the court. VrfT!n;t, Nov. i:. TWENTY-TIHRT) WUI.I.ETIN OF THE' " GR ND ARMY. i Trow the Cattft 5ch fnb'um Vnl5f, 14. At "tlie baflc'nf Diern-tein, where 40! Frctirh attack. d on the Uth, titwun 25 -and '3'V)'0 RHshni, k?pt their portion. Tiiilrd btwM:li S aiid 40O0 pif h, capiu.vd Ihtir cMrs kid miidc ISO.i pMencri the 4'h and 9th rei-nrtm of !iiht ii.f iMtry mi I ti;e 10th ard 32i regiments nf itifantry of!" the lin-,-tovrrtil tbemt?e with t,loi )'' Cien. G.i-i there dibted gu;t v .lc r Ir.dj.t gK)d conduct. 1 he 'Riisan th! d affer . H KrcmH, and qm ed it;e Jj pr'oner in ti e tit- ; j'nrtt:nress. iiivy fntinti the od n triy r men who h muitit Wotiiiftid i.d Vd I'uting thenlght. '1 he 'rnTentinnof the!! yUi, mi.ia i'tJThBTeiieen.to hive HsitedfttKitm for rlln- TjXAB QUAHTFRS, rVia, bwewbir 18. Oabrx o tue dat. The emperor testifies hi satisfaction to th 4ti rcgimctu it liht infantry ; to the lOOthof the imr; to the ihof light infift try, -lid to the "2d cf the I'e, lor the intre pidity which the) displayed at the battle of Di ! 'fortements aifd hive . Cst3llij.heiL ihtnu tMt il.ephiage (c,fih Inn 'the p'and rmr Hn wfl'ln' its d.flViiit slun.ijn t """Vrth IwVr tfckm J.te, al out UnWHl j,fj. ,np, I f ir HuW.jn am t htl iwmff Ttlt , 11 M of the-1 r UVelf Urn 4t. Vftd. hvsrrai rcipt uf the irwf art p.r. the PuMHVt lf!l Rtfit S'i. 1 h !" prrifUnN,i, of Mkick tha Wbiwitf ttt tfalnlii gc pbiihtd Cn lie tutfc in4 ISiU lmu . , , , stkt s onihe Daur.be but tie taitfei Die rn atein hai iieor,cefud their pla:i. They h,te eenby wlu.i 4000 FK n't hmen could do. hi.t 'they 'mijlit expect vihtn cotittndlr.jg againit tnuilfmrmbfrs. Marshal Morticr pt'TJufd the Rumr.i, wfiilrannthtf rorp ef (. army p&Hrd the D vube by the bridge cf Vienna, (o, intercept em ta the tight, Vnd tte corps fmarhitl Ilertudotlc marthid to iatefcept "ifiiVti on the left. -Ye'rH7 the5 IS?h,-it tt o'c!o:k, A3u BTinee Mural paivrd through Vunn.. At thd brefk of Vf a column of tavslty es tjUisltuI their.selvca tl Ue irWge tf Ihe D.af.jcr Ind p4.ed it fcr.aml roftftr tneeihh the Atisttiin ctrr.marulcri. The! niiMn who had orders o burn the bridge' ittcmptrd it arveral timet, bttt'weVe trnable to succeed. " Mmhal l.ahnei snd, gnet. riertr!, a'l'lt-de-csrt p of the fcrnpt rcr, wit I. the Cri to cfrAa the biidge. The tror psdid ix.t'Mou in Vicuua, but cantSaued tUir dtt tin (id iMit. ., - Fringe Murtt ht ch'blihf d hlletl jor. tt f the Uu r.f duke AlUrt. Duke Al bert his .wi much for tkt ctay. Msny Ipiartti ffaiited warier. He introduced tt it his oa iiptnce, aa4 Is well lnnwn to hart spent grftnimi on this object. Great quantities of ammuniUon and artiUrywert found in Vienna, an atttur.t of a hlrh is here ith atiixied. The home of Austtia Ins nd i.naal tr Luudit tattpt in Vicnaa. , iernsteiti, Vihere their bravery in pieservh;g thi ir pte-jMoji tvh'tch fhey occupitel obliged the e Kmvlo.)jinhawtncilirhe!dOfi the Danube. 1 lis rn. j. sty al.o sinifii s Ids jpprc'bitioii to 'the ?:i'?egimert of the line, nnd tuthe 30th, 'which a the b'.ttle t.f Lambath made a i;ati'' ueuidM the rearguard of the Ru.si-iw, end n it oidy gare the fir.t blow Ltit tr.uCc 400 piifonets, HU mjestj fnitbcr expres ses hi t satUf..rtkntothe pu r.. (litis of Oi'di not, who at the battle of Aii.iUKi n iiioe ti e Rimiati and Auurian ctipi f;om tbeir rong and ccmmuiiint; position, end made 1500 pitvtr-vrs, of wbfm tO hue Russians. His majesty ia Hati-fu'd with Vhe-It, 16th ati l ...lregirrteiii of Chasteuis, and with the SChand 10. li r'u. n rs of l!u.tar, for theiv gotd roiidutl in all the tklnuishtt which lok pl-re frm the Init i heK'eoT Vien 'va, tld'fux the SOU Kusti.n piuontrs made atste!n. , Prince Murat, marshal I..nnes,the reerte, cf cav.liy, and their tirj:s tTthe army, til lered .Vienna tl a 15th Kovmler, maile (herflteHc mastaa the sonie dy of tj.e bridge ever the Dancbe, prtuntidlt from being burht, biSrta It Immediately, and ut tVftiglil the UuttUn army. We UwhA in Vienna more than '2co fietta of ranncn, !00,CtouYit, amrrunitinntf cvety klruh in finr, every kind ef4 equipage, iieceaty'for a or nuict. i i pc(pie ni v irrma leirmed to teceiTt the atn y with fiieiiIkhip The trupetor dtettcs, tint the, propetty Uf the, pet pJe cfhit taj iol, ihll be hi 14 asercd, ami that thty ilu llbe treated with the grc.ttll tempter, for ihy hate lehtld as two Russian generah. It eems that eol. WaUier is not dead, but bis hors"e having been Wounded in the attack, he was n.ad prisoner. T hi. news was highly pleasing to the enipcror, who has a particular icgaid for this ufiicer. A column of 4000 Aunan infantry and ,'a regiaient of i-uirassier, passed through opr army, who permuted them to go .ff, a "false report of a fcuspcusion cf nuns havii.g 'been spread among cur soldiers. On this occasion we ricognize. the character of the rrench---vho brave, in, the midst AWiattle, are possessed of the utmost gtnerosify when tne action i? over, General ftiillhiud,"commard"mg the td vanced' corps of Marihl Uavoubt. has taken I at pieces of cannon, with all the prpi5k-n waggoua and 400 men. Thus almost the , whole' atllllerycf the Austrian tnohut rhy, if 'tn our puoaesai'dn. -Tfseimlace Schoiribivm':. , in won ii tne emperor resides ui ut ry Marra" Theresa, . whose portrait is 'to bei v teen in -Rlmoat every apaiiir.trt. Itvil t ca Vinet Svlikh the. emperor now occitpie.s, is f a mat lie btalue of that empress. . The rm peror tn'-st'eing it, obiervedi that jf. lhit great queen v'as yet living, she wMild.' net let herself be governed by the intrinivi of. such a woman as mudair.c de C clleredo, ' Constantly aurroundtd as-she ' alvpy.'wau by the grc t men of her nation, she would have known the will cf her people.- Sl e wotdd not'have permitted Tver pi evinces to be ravaged by Coasacs'and Niusccvitcr.. In debating on a vat with l'rarce she would mot have consulted with EV.ch a courtier ss - i i . . J. .. ...... uouenrzci, who by lar too wen acquamtta with the Intrigue of bis court, fcrrs to dis ple'isc a stranu;e "wtimari, shariiefuliy inestd with an iirflut'iice which she abUsea nor by ' such a writer as Collenibrch by a rrn, in !fi;e, as uiiirevsally flat tied as Lamb? rty. rlK Would not have given the commaru (.1 her army to auch a man as Mack," appointed " not by the will of the tov. reign, imt by tb confidence ot the nation, but l y F.nglard aiiiP Russia. Indeed there appears to be a vc mark&l.le tliiunimily of op'mienln the nat:rin against ihe measures of the" cr'v.rt. Ct'ir.ers' ' of all cl oses, theinrsi enlightmed men,evri the pr'ulte thtntsches, are'ej pcted 10 the' war. . It is said that prince Chaih', at the mo ment of Jiis setting-out for the army cf ll.tly. wVote to the tmptrcr, repnentir.g t fira the imprudence of his conduct i d r r lict iug the dnwnfal of the rrcnairhy. 'I he e. kctot Sahz.irrg, the archd ker , the r.rtka all held the same lftpgiugv. The wh.lc continent ought 10 regret what the emperor i of Germaiiv has done, who tsishts well, who ' aces better than his minister, and ho might be a git prince but for his iiiflicercv in himself, ahd living o comtsi tly iititei'. Fe would learn from the nobles tf ihe en pirt, ' who c!tetm hirn a just cr.fiflirce in Isim aelf. But none of those w homu'ei htantl ui d herish the inte'rest of then tiumiy, ever .approach his cabinet. This teilu'-icn, f"r which the eniprcsMs bUmcd, ii tl r chu ef that univir.rl hatred which the iMn 14 conceived against thiit prlrrcis, l.r.rsz at thisorder of things fclmll remain, the en'.j e t rcr wdl never know the wishes e f I W" t tp!s ; , but .will twy be the toed of ont:ptd 1 ig lish nf ents, wl-.o fMit'u u.ll) ni i.u d l.im to prevent biro from being Utter inicrr.ui!. 1 here is but enf opinion at VUnra st Wi ll as kl Paris. 1 he ini.fuitune cf the con tincnUs the eireadful nk of Fi gl if.i!. All the columns of the atir ? isre nakinf; rapid marches, and are ln:H( y inMoiavii, and net many days match itsm the Dantbr. A patiole of cavalry Ixtt kendy' arrived it the gatea of Presbin jr, the capital t.f VpRer Hungary. It intercepted a eotirier Ircnt Venice, wlute he was ltrmitiDg to enter that city The.cHipaiehertf that cmtirf - iaform that tl4srmy of priue'e ClrJrca was re. treating in rt haate, in Lopes cf arsiiing m time to f ucrcur Vienna. teener) Murmett informs tket tl court which I ad tlvunred as r Ocdei.btig, Ly the valley if Mrn.th. hot evacuated li st r t.u M r y t It e r ' br eak i r g ' ?i w n ail t h e hrid $ i . a precauiiOD hkb avd it In m in.mcdiHa punuit. . , The notnberof piiKrrs made tytLear my lcre- every raomcDt. His rnajwsiy b at dienre to dsy Jo the Il.tivisn mijor-gereril Riuee. brother in Kw to the 'ft and pensioniry. He camo to felicitate the cn-ptmr on the cm tf tte 'high and nttghly itatet tl Holland. 1 ke tnpeicr haa not yi rteeited any ef the Minorities cf Vienna, bvit erlr a eJetnia. with snriow.tbe tiajust war whieh I'.aibtrn U tion'frrm the d.iTtnt.t rerporuUn ef tka earritd tn agitusl us, and they testify ly Jj eiiy.wbo the tity cf Mi anital, came loait their e'-nct'wt as mutn irtctnthip it r ui, Ihey tnterii'.n hutted fur the Futtkntt a tfcple, who lJy their tsv6e ind tsiUroui rnsnnera, ought to be detested by every cU tjld watior.. ' - Mt.pt Gtnrrol Motihd Btrmti, TVF-STY.r0URTir UUr.l.F.TlN OF 1HK GRAND ARMY. At the battle cf IHernsteln, the AaltiUa tvte, at Sigarta r.UelKri Itwss ern p'td rf the piinee de hiniende-rfriha ptU ifi 8Klnicttn, ti c erunt de Vttetini, J -rin rft'Kees, tke barims.ter of ire eity, M. it Vohbben and ' tentral tl'turgeoia. Ilia IrU'K.ty received Ihtvn wTH fttest t (T.bilitf and told tbtrfttrai tiny mikt aisure the f fo leof Yhnnaof hU tfotrrtirn, Ihe genttaltf dtiWi tltW, hn been nvrnlatf t tvntuvr gvnersl f C'l tHr ar.J J lAaer Ae;Mrii, The eimelhr .f state. msjor-gmersl Smfch, who tiec'ed tl e U.yru, hit bees ippoibUd iottodatil grnttil ... f f ! ' ID

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