Bruce' Trawl to discover the source of ibe Nile ,v t ' ' v . Denon's TraVeU in Upper and Lb'er Egypt, during the- Campaigns "uf General liuona- parte ,''-' '" ' ' ' .The Young Gentleman's and Lady's Monitor . . Barrow's do. ia the interior districts of South- .' ern Africa - ,' -Campbell's Adventures - ', ' Carver's Travel throughout the interior trts of-North-America, - for- mora thau five thousand, miles ,vTs " -i Travels in Lurope, Asia and Ah ica &lackei.zie' Yyyagea .fipm .Montreal thro' : the Continent of North-America, Sic &c, : with an Atlas v , ' , ' Cook's Voyages, ' Robinson Crusoe .. . 1 lie Algenne Captive, or the lile ancljidyen V tures of Dr.. Underbill, ' $ year a prisoner among the Algerines "''..' ..,.""..' Memoir of Major Generalise,.,' "( Life of Buonaparte ' . ,.' Do.o,f Suwairow , ";. Do. of Robert Lord Cl'tve . , ding her Correspondence,. Poems and F.ssuy ' i V . : ,. "., - Stern's 'Works,. Winter Evening or Lucu brations' on Life und Letters , The Spectator, Th , Idler 1 ". - . . Paine' Works !'."."' .' An Ewmiry into the nature and origin o .; Evd iv'-- Beauties of the Suidies of Nature, , selected from the .works of Saint Pierre- ' , Jkauticsot future, Principles 01 Mature : Spirit of Despotism V, ., ! .." 1 Voltair's Philosooliical Dictionary.' Junius' Letters, cleijant and tuiamon cui- lionS ' ' -' ,. . ;'',' -.' Political Dictionary, Democrat' Caustic's Dciriocr.'ty unveiled "' An Essay on Crimes' and Punishmcnta Dsfence of Usury Zimmerman's 011 National Pi ide . Somervilk's Political Transactions Dramatic LiidriRues tfeleraachu's elegant and common editions ' Volney.'s Ruins ' , Row's Letters from the dead to the living . The Complete Letter Wnter Lady's Miscellanies Free Mason's. Moni'of .. The Frugal lluuscwils, or complete Woman ' Cook ' Si'iubcu's Military Discipline Cavalry Discipline Milton's Works. Par..die Lost IThe Wtrk of Peter Finder .'".'' Little's, S iiae's and Cunningham's Foem Tho'np -n'i Seasons, ' Fleusuresof Mope, Da. of Imagination Science Ktf lived., or the Vision of Alfred "Young's Nii;!it ThoUK?.i . Columbian Muse, Select Poems , Musical Miscellanies, Songster' Magazine, Do. Museum . The Buifineli, Mayinic Sonars Tom Jones, KhoJcr'n.k Raiu'oim jiU Bias, elsgant and cominoneiliti-nf Don Quixote, ri;er Oil I. litgjtrBoy A Peep at the W01U, Lielina, Pomatu-.e of li.e Forest, Uciiritf'.ta Hcllauti AntQnia Perciviil. ' Armenia, ' AUxii, Intereitiiijj NLinoirfc, by a l.ady The Ci'utr, Jj-te I'uHb'X ; Ambrose.t. Kltan r. What Us Hcen Noctunnd Viiit, Female Fonntil'mj Vicar of WaVcSctir, Vicrof Lanlotti Constanfu de VaTmnnt j novel by Harriot Lee, Cliddrt-n (f Atibry Zadia, ortlie dethronement of MnhamedlV Slcphanii de llourbon, The Monk Kosseau's l'.!o'n:i, Cimilla, or a picture of youth, Viil for a We-vk,a or lints 011 the " improvement of lime Mon's.btrt. a nn I by Charlotte SmilU Graiville Abbty, I.binnnce ' Cecelia,.or memoirs of n hrirrs Tale of the Time, Tblc vt W ondcr The Piio;, a tale traiuUud frvm (bo Gcr - man ! KoUi buc . . The Cast Its, or A tidy n k Dunbiyn, a High Und h'o'V, Saiidfitd and Mertou , The Minstrr!, or Anecdotes ol dutinjuiibcd pcrviiii-cs II letgerte. Q 'eei ol Norwiy Werter, Add i 'e d Sancerrc . Dorva!, or t'.a SpcctLtur, a nctel founded on recent facts . . "l.yracal Bal!a!;, Ocean Spectre The Animated Ski Icl'in, Moidunt The P.'.il X!, Zeitco Charlotte Teniple Atals, or ihr Love an I Const an cj of I wo Sa- VJKCS ill the drrl The IJing, a. Spanish Stoty The Royal.Capiivei A ph'.iu 01 hical, l.'utor:ca! and tr.otal Essay on Old Maids ' The OrUiibrrj; Family, by Ko'te'.ue Ilastrlai and Dmaihas. by Dr. J7hnsloa The Nqjio, Mo Cl'.iT AlAcy ThcIUunttJ Csvcrn, BUckVslley Contrast, P;ribntropit. The Mirtnr Spri .f the Casil. Mitr riei ut UdJpha Man of Ferlniic, Ccor;t IWrnwiU Matilda I'.eikiley, , l.iwy ()rni(td !)'!trae!tk' Uoruanrrt, St. lca Inquiit.r, C4ntaiit Lover ti9 at First Si- hi lawicf Nortli-Carolinato the ytar U!3in clusiire , Martin's S'ew.JwMice Aliaattacki for kc. kc JUQ. . CotH,an.1 Ink Tcmdt r .f a lti!f rlof ttlisr Thick post f.dio, Tih do. Quarto Po , Velburt, best quality Fwj'sc.p, . l'wi.a SUitutR Taper, 8hh'im; barul, Pouncct Wafers, Ilrdand black Staling Was, CUck and fid UaJ v.-.--. : Pcflcils f an excellent quality ;U -; Seamun's Journals, Blank Message Card An a&iortmeut of Blank Books' .. . s. Blanka of most kinds ; K , -, ; " . , t A. ... 5 y Charts .. : , ., v - ; Tbe.Morth-American Pilot,4 bethjj-a con'ec ''tiouof sixty accurate Charts and Plana Wiliningion, March 111800. . 7 : -For Sate .' . . A DOUBLE CII AIR, nearly ntw. Apply tt .-v J. GArtNflER. - VVilrrtif.'gtf.n, March u 1 806 t f.; . notice. T!e flibfcriber rtqutfts aU persons indebted j him to make payment oh or1b:fo e te firt day of April nxi. Those to whom e is ijideUt-d will receive payment on, presentment ol their accounts roperty i autheiiucauu. . , y . ' G. V. Nob'e. 2r Wilmington, March 4. 'IIIK aubscriber -informs his friends and 1-ifia nuiilicin central 'that he has liken the shnji adjoining Mr. JaXob llanman's au the corner of Front and. Dock-street, wheie ; W has for sale Gold W atch Sid. and Key s, . ; Breast Pins, Fiur Drops, Finger Uing, Fap Cy Combs, Pocket Bouks black lead Pencils, St fyar Boxes,. Kazors and Raror'Cuseaj Ciilt Watch Chains',' jSt'aU and JUy,' ' NadiViiit 1 Dana, junV. ' N. B.' WatchU. cleaned and repaired as usual. : v.-, '.' ' - ' ;.'"," . ' A ilmington, Feb. 2y, r TO BE SOLD,'' ' .Civ'. - ' JIIAT well known and viluabie- Mil X St on Holly Shtlter,- 'about thirty miles trout Wilmington, lite the pri'j-eriy - ofCo!.l.ihn i. ; AVilliams its lituatuin . ... ... . .... 11 . is htalthy and agreeable, tere I un Ihe premifes a two tlory Dwcliiti K'ncKen, and other out Houfes the llrcam iknovi ji 10 ie eoiial to ai'vlr. 'ihi State. Mih a fu of Mills aVutle out of rrpjir, he.Gii'iiU Mill in K00J order. Th ictms ot fie nij be maJa known -Ivy arliCjtion 16 Ivoir Mooie ,: SSitrilTid' New-itJi'vcr Coiiniy, or ilobctt Dojley, mercbut-i, W ' iluiingtuii. Ucceink-r 17,-805. ; . . .' MILLINARY. ' ' A TUS. FAIUCillLD informs the Ladies lVJLet' this place, thut in consetUence of her store in Market-Stre'. bcinjj burnt, blie hus removed to t!uit occupied by Mr. Charles Jones iii i'roiii-iiu'tet, u few cows south cf 'the colut-house, wlicle (in addition to her f rtner) she ns received by the late arrivnh iVoni NcwYtiik aii elcfint Asioitmetit ol FashionaVdi; Split Straw Bonnrts, Feathers, Plumes, kc. vv Inch will be sold on reasom'i. . ble terms. She reluriis her thanks to her custi.mers for their past and hope ,for their future favor. Wilmington, February 23, 1806, ... 3w. lt tht-suhstrihtr, in Pt ittccss-Sirecl, Sugar by the hogah-jad barrel, - 31 pioif Kuiil, . 1 1 d. di. - M.iI.lTei by the hopdiriJ, . Tob;cCo J'oik 1 .uur-;Pnter Lafd. JOHN LO;p, llVu iv.N.'f ti Purchase A likely youny Nero Vcncli ijiai iinu.filaii'l cookw g Si salht;., aoJ i lobcr n ' honed. Spring-Hill Academy- Lenoir v-County. " ' ' ' ' ' - - THI public are informed that the Acnde m is liow opt-11 where "Youth will be taught j ReadrKt .Writing, ArithmaticJ' and, Eitlisji Grammar at twelve dollaVs per year. ' Alio," the Latin und .Creek' Languages' and Geiirapby, at sixteen dollars per year. The KUbacriber wil) engage tobourd those.' who wish it, at forty-eight dollars per year. V '6V j;icp!l,Kitt. : - SlLERItTS SALES V W ILL' BE SOLD On the ipentj-fourthttf March next, THIRTEEN Negroes r aUo two Brick ll.. .. ... !... ..........b . f i.' ....... miI i)..'.!,. liuuna aii lim vjrt livi Ul L iVJib i.iiv. a i fii- ces-treetSj to aatisfy :ait execution iirmy handn, Donaldson, 'M'Alillan k Co. vs. John Mai tin. Likewise oije litindred Scl'rfty acres or Lund, to satisfy an execution in my niitul Admiiublratw'oXj.i!pi'lcrveiit vs. Wni. De vane. .1 And a piece of Land whereon Robert Ohnsby Formerly or does at present live, to . satisfy an execution in my hands Roger ,, 'Moure i. mill Onnsbv. . ' R. 5EAGiU)VE, D'y.Sh'ff. Wilmington, Feb. H. I'aken up- and coinni'utVtl to j iil in this town, on the 3d instant, a Nerd Man who tails himself Jack und soys h- be lons to the estate of Pcttr Mullet, lie is Guinea bom, very small au.l t.)peais to be-' tween 45 and at) year, old. His ovvuer is ic pjctcd to come and pro hii property, pay ciiar.tres ou lac him awav. . "'Mcfrs M'Krthein. Wilmington, "March 3i lwp . A good smart Vaiting lidy who u f.;y inl l.oi.ilt, and accu.loutwtt 10 me caie ot hot f;g. . Wit-nif 'mi. FA. "rf. . O X MlCi. 'T?1IE fob'.w.tUiir ti.tviuia friend& JL the, that he liow vciupieslhe upper part ot ihrbfuk Uuildin cuiner ul From and i) Lkdl:et, ssIkic gtiitUinau Clay Uc aCkCtiUiiudatuJ at nlual. ' . Win. DICK. Feb.. 18. 1 he Court Luiiciimi ot NOTICE.- TUE lulfi.rilKi tic informition that X tlicy have o,,cmJ il.tir Uotc in the I'Mvk Building later iKtupicd by Mr. Ruwlaod Craiy, fwuth fide il M.iket ill htr me rcquclt alt thwle vl.o hivC Lufti tfl with lie. 11 10 ru'ae app!ica Ikmi. llavmij lavrd tlx. if itov k ot (iooJl fioui the late cm flirtation, tlxy have on hand a fcvncfal ailnrimttii, which they of tr In Lie uit icairou.t!c tcimi for cadi or ptodace. HOOPER & MITCHELL. . Fib. 14- , JOiINTuj;iN(rG CO. AT p'efent tKfopy t'e fin-It lime building in Sccofid Stirei, fanth cf the rraikct, orei'of Uvtn lie liniili wc.t coi Mt ai4 n:c thi dcl!n g hukfa .( John Wii:klt.i. A Dwelling I Iourc for ?.!c. 'Apply ai above. ft. 18. NOTICE. " ON Tueflay i!ic 15 h day of April iext, will he tt out at pji'r ken- due 10 the lowed biJJes, at I If ul'e in Oiifl.iv Con iy, the a oiiu'c acnu iev Kivcr, i.cariy ot-po-fileOidl.v Court. Hoofe. Ti e co,di!ion .f payment ai d the pLu (f l.uiuling will be tid'y rr.ade known on the day it llii- J.LMUEI. DOTY, ) R1CUARO VVAdO, Ctnmiinoneii. VVMi MON I FOK i J . ;0..lliw, Feb. 31, icco. ;w.' FOR HALF., 60,000 rounded Cypres Shingles, druwn and jo'iittd. 6 to ECU fiei inudu Stone, fotl liiack Walnut, , . Apply to Jul IN M ACLF.Lt AN. WihLiuion, Feb. "Jiih, luot). "1 HE Subfcrilier ii.loru.s hi (riei.Js JL and the public ilia, havicgpiiKtuU ed ilic i'r in TtuJt f Mr, John Kelly, iieichan( i t 1 ln town, cofliltirp i a CtutJ JtJJu'lmtnt iJ.DhT. GOODS, tH kir.J;DU .FK-jUt ct, ice. ic. he hi Cvlniiii.i.ici! lull ill l la the Honlc late ly otiiH'd by Lid Rcliy, vshcie tLc fe bo y dttflt will tn:J the lame ad aint -iiciiiii'it i.i lh ir .lloin, v hkli lie lolui; at.oJupt lobb laifi. i . 'Mil ilclly having declir.ed bufincf' a guc-bly to hit iiiuiitiom made known oy ad'triifi.niciit in Dccrmocr lall,lu an uitt tu make a IiiimI ciolc ol hit' incicai.uie t lanlaciioni in thi p acc ; nc net it then lore Unby wtvul iu i iholc whi tie indcbud to liuu, iuiuicdutc prrotnt ij itquned. t "Tiiofe 10' v. iiom hcli indebttd tie it qutiit-d la cilnb.i ihcsr aiiuum cr de UiaodJ, tu( fctiUMtnt, to J ON Ai HAN L VANS. Faitttcvll , Fib. acih iBt6. 3. J Fresh Garden Seeds, lull tectivrl and for fa' ujr JOHN WH.LKINCSaVCO Wi'ju.'tu.i, Jn. 20, KOTICE. HTJIU vhiiUr Inttiinr; lo leave tl i tUU ut a few inonlht, rnjucUall pvi-oi. Indib'.iUto ihiin, at 1 ryvllcvd.'e or Wdnnrtoii, l ii.akv aimMtu or Uloit the first day of April lxt, 10 that thiyiimy le dianUd w ftlile th demand amst then. IV.i-cc -who fail to cm ply siiih the noC rr'pacat, may 'ipcud on being legally prvtChdeJ against tikos.t iJ-.ct to ptrsi nt. ' i ho- wlu bate accuuiV jrint thtru, re tVsuiUUi piisent thioilcr icttUmenU DAVID u K.CAMUCK. Wi'.minton, FcLtoarv Hnh, Is'vC. " IOH sai.kT" Al tit Shhitiitt't Ctl'ar u.J.r lU ntv lfcr. COGNIAC Craiuly, lUUat A Cir, l.iner(d td,bpenMitcii()il, C.iniiFni,ntiit, Fu, I rutict, I ilUtti. AlnH'd. Vimi.rlli, Split rte. n ddid Cuid'.ci of a sw; vftcr ruliiy, and a (uiCit o( Fresh Garden Seeds. V I'ONTAlNr Wlltulai'.ca, J-r..;iy U, U'.C. ' WHnwigtMi, Merck S, 1606 . Gautier i& Co. - - Haw just received from XtTurl, an addition to their Ship Chandkiy Ji Grocery Stores, d Vfhit h m jkti iheir assuring' iztensivt, Madeira, Sherry c.CIiret-Wine3 f of a anperior (pjality ' .ii v.w, iivii.iin ill, VVglllHto Ul .UU Loaf and Muscovado Suar V Green Coffee ' liyson, Imperial and Souchong Ttas Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnauioti Ruce and ground Ginger ' -y Alspice, Pepper ' Wesi-lcdia and N. England Rum of virtoua kind 'v ( .. r ' . Molasses. Chccolate, ' Gun. Fodder, JLbct Rar und theet Ltad, ' V " Ailun. Krims'tone ) '.. , ', ' Mould and dipt Candles Cpptra.s,' (.lue" - . . 8 by. 110; and 10 1y 12 Window Glaaa ' While and brown boiip : Cast lion Ovens,. Pols and Spidera Mustiti d iii boules, . Sweet Oil, Olives, Capers, Anchovlaa 'Salt Feire ' ; . '. -.' Spanish Seyara Sheet and cast iron Tea Kfitllca , ; ' Lookiiig Glussta Russia and Lnli h Canvas '' ' Ravens Duck, Russia SJieetine vm Twiiie and Neealea " ". hliealhmg Paper : 11 ' ' Ditto - .Nails '...-'. .. . iA ;- liar Iron, Nails of all siata ' V Cordage of every descripuwa-,' ' Large und small Ai.choia - Paint and Lamp Oil ' ' ' Paints 1I1 y and ground in oil of all kinds Mack aiid bright Vui ulsli- Venlegrtase -: Chains of America Sc West-Indies in g.neral Nautical Rooks, (uadiants, . bpy Glasses Lo and writing Paper Sal ving anil caulkiiig Mulkta Single, double and treble Blocks Sheaves ami Pins Hooks and '1 Limbics assorted kizes lliuiks, . . oitio Martin Spikes, Boat Hooks, Caulking Ironi Scupper and Pump Nuili 'I rucks ' , Upper and lower Pump Eoxes liar.d Pumps, Fun:p Leather LariipbbiJk Deep, Sea and Hand Lend Lint-sard Leads Log, Fishing, and lioimvt I. n Harpoons, Grains. Tu mentors,. Ludka Tinder Ho.xes com pleat Binnacle and other Lair pa Sai.1 Glasses ironi I t leroiida toone bouf ('.nolens of diiVcieut siiea iuntini( of all colours I iumpets of ihliVrciil sizes Horn and Tin Lwntciiis - Signal ditto Paint, tar hnd wnitp Rriivhca Hair Rrootiu, Scrubil. Urusln.s Cloth P.iusbts Mops nut! limbics . ljongwi'd short haudUd Flying Pans li;; Reel . Iron and wood har.dlcd Srrpers1 Oarsof. ail siacs, lli.nd Sp'.kca RraMs and oid Computes Grid Irons 4ox and iron ('ilTee Mills Hanks. '1 in Poia,-4,:,!chet, Pump ILtnnitrs, Palm Iuu, Wotsted l iotki 'J luj' have cl'O on hatiJ An r.sieoriuicnt ot Dry Goods I Sviltibit In the , ift.1 jri'tin t audgiiiitUf Pork, Ik-ci'and I'lojr, in LarreU llutur and Laid in fnk'.i Ha con, LLuk eyed Pes, Indian Corn Ott Cn innitlit A fc7 tierces, bauds and boxes mi-n and M ii. in s S1mc Wtldi cktr Ih.Is Cnii n Rjpi;ini Stii;arTn hv;lirwt and bam l d and Cd pioof Rom. Molae 4tK) tuprtior dreavd Call k'n. PmhIucu cf cwi v deiCriniou will be taken - inbaurr. - . - -- 90 tierces Kice, Tor cash or a abort tndu lor appiosvd f U.t Mmbmbwp BMMaMaBBBS aa'wwwBBav mmm aaMaaa MMBHBaassMBaMkl roRSAi.r., Tlic Town of l'arkt rsb trough, LYING in the ful i-f P.Uvk P.ner and M roue's Crtrk. For Hi ma afp!)' lo li Ei iuir of the Wllndnptoii (Ii-a t'e.;i n, FcU :ilh, V,CC. Sheriff's Sale. tra h SjIJ 01 I he 2 5 1 h .JJ't h fifir, lkiwttn 2 i GOO acvniof Land on the hi J of Init-Crtk. L kf sie fif f"iiiiitlc I. ndaol S.nmfl lUi.iiii to satuly an tKriuiHH in my lir,lt C4m Alui, aiii.nre. kr. . haini i l Idooi'i- i.b. it. sKAtinuvt:. t'). hi. tr. Wili3into;i, library 5J, It'o. Very cheap for cash. rPllK kobcrlUr am MlSinu tl tir rt. nntivc asiimi t o( .' at M nud prir 1 nv-is:t wk.i Ii ai Ship t hiM'l, iy, i'ntftp, t.roctiitsi ( a I ai i, Hm r. U p Ilrttd, Psv, llrtf, l.e W, 'lallusr, Itmier. Hi!U on Chpov or I.ortV n. by .USIL ?i0v J JGXLS.

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