11 jy... ,'. . .n .... . i ' " '.' " ' '" . - -r.r-. ....... . ... r- ; , , tf -'"'''- ,"'...H''.t ! . ;(.., ,'-; ; ...;U,- t vi x--r'! if ' :, r !,- I .'-..; :;" ? ,: - ;l'"v:. . !':..-'::-:':-. ;' xii ';' ". . .''. f - v ' : ... " FROM TUK ENQUIftERl Qftifral Miranda (a native Mtcoj js said to have been in possession, of three million of 'dollars an to haye, secretly jitud otd the Lednder at)i fwo other vessels at Jtfew-VorK, filled with arms ammunitioH, and torn troops, 7? of these- vessels, perhaps all, three, art tsaid to have sailed frpr , A!tv-Tor. Vhot ,, w his destination has been tht anxious enqvi i rJ for W 9T three loeeXs; fl somf of the north . ern papers , , , , . . :- ..... ; :- : ),, ., ', We shall lay wo conjectures on'y before,wr,rca' ... ders I. , ;. ' : . , - : " V -J ; ". -. .,-.;,; , ,'. : Some of the northern papers have stated, J. that the object ofQenfi Mirqnd ii to fevot i tuniie Cuba ;jldt. ot: befiepe it, $d. Is no thi ngiish Gwernnient privy to. his .plan? This conjecture is founded 1st, upon the report of"s, having received 60,000 Jioundsfrcm a htwse in eV'Trk, in .conse quence of, afyMngljsh connexion, (for which ' thf ffljqpijfgJiarpgrapJtfatii life yiurpfaj. ' t?ind ydly,upo unknonvfl and wysttfrioast destination of Sir flomet Pop ham's .su'uaJron ,t ., Trpetrthis jequaqiron, may rust have arrived Buenos JyrsSy qs has ' bee&rcpcirtedM bufihtre . . '.j are other landingiasis, in South Jineica bv 'tides Buenos Ayres. '';' Another C0njecture. infinitely ' rnqre-.. important Jhan these, and more- deeply connected jvtVi the -affairs-' of ..our AVn country,, rise upon us, JVemust have mere time to consider it. It if , rnuch too tmpurtant to be Itghtly trusted to public paper, ; . . ', . By a letter from a friend Qt 'New-Yorh tve Itarnan important fact, jtJi'ai General Miranda who it said lately t$ have sailed from Nevi-Yurk brought ieith him from England a Utter of crer vdit en one house at New-Tor i for sixty thousaml pound bterlir.i;. . H e shall bye and, bye get to tli marrow of this business. , 'Aurora. . " " . From ' Ihe Eiiquifcr of F-Mday last, ' GENERAL MIRANDA. ' , la giving the followiiy coyimunication to thewoild, weloitwiib that cau'.ion wliicU iho subject of it is calculated ,to inptre. 'i'iiat subject is wilhout ilcubt uncyu.nwIy jnteresi'm. - The sailing of the lnJer and ier consorts from NewAwk, tlio ritrtinT in which they were equipped, ncl the, uli N.in;i"vhith were attached to them. while Jdwy wcr.- i P'rt, wcr evidently calculated to.ruisc every thtnj nbout thcra, moie esp" ciallf the point of lieutinstiori and:.thcttd pf iObinguUir ail eijuiproent, into object of un cominou curio'.iiy.. Tarty spirit lov stepped in to aid the tutuiul impulse f the ccvro. The federalists did not. fail to seize upon the .mysterious cover in wjiitb the plan was -loped, and to crcnH' tliimoft extruurdinary " charges apain't the odroiuistm'.ion. 'I'hi project of jjeii. Miranda, accorilinj to their rjpiesentution, wkscilhet' directly promotel or indirectly co-mived at. The federalists therefore enquired, to collect the materials for an attack J the Republicans, to defend. 'tLe administration, Lnder such circum stances the expedition of pen. Mirnda has . become an object of considerable interest. Fables have been formed ; conjectures have been offered ; almost every one has been anxious to explrin, but none has yet post tite'y ascertained, the objects of this myste riojs enterprise. The held of conjecture is yet open to the imagination and the race of monstrous absurdities is not yet ended ' Wv i' l not thcrefre presume to vouch for t the veracity of a single fact contained in the , (oitodviny; communication. The author in.' tleid profsses to be confident In the (ruth of h theory, lie it an e-aaintance of Mi-' , ratida ; conversant with his plans, and rote tinted of their rcslity. l'millns is an affair , between grn. MiraWa'and himself. ' Far be it fro-n our with to make it a subject of con " . tcntion between us and the pubhe. r We f;ie, , it n thrm as it is given lo us. We are the orpans but not autiiorsof the communlsailon. , It is put to the press under the persuasion, that'll" it will not enlighten by it accuracy, it may amuse by the novelty of the faM i and that whether itcontaina fictions or facts,' it may serve to invite the attention nf the pub ic to the future dcvclopcmcnt of the lot t , COMMUNICATION. ' V That Miranda, hasembaiked atNew-York that he has actually gone from thtner, with the Ced drs'.n lo emancipate his coun '.try from the yoke cf Spain, is a nototioua fact. . Standing alone, this miht be deemed a project of a mert ad.cntirtr t but ,cn we' read the following abort b'ntorr of this man. t mind mast trnd with wonder, that it, - ItasbccndcUyrdsot'rtr. ' Ho lor; since aa 1767, tbere wcrt five de If eatas from lite provinces ofS. America, at ' ladrid, sent t cmf bin ofifitolmbla fificr Biitrj iwey were t5"rnfa rvartss Hiroj;"i ' Uiijjhtlnns and pridr, jM-st as rur wtre, before ourdiiulei had ended by wr. f)ietif thre drbfstts, w9t iitrtisied u tnske consist propotitlont to t itrit-Untam. I lrdChsi.sm(h bat! f-Min-tl whole fid. ' trtlftUtrati.m, utiJrr tmM lertm pinit Trod the Lnj, that l,e ahodli luv Ids cn ; bounded confideace, during life) embraced those propositions", 'gave tiW ajept '0QO.' yearly, till the design should be carried into effect s he was-pai(f: this pensibn nf longer ' than the1 life tithe of that' administration, and theajjent was alonj; with 'tbe'other fouri sacrificed 6 the resentment of Spain.r '-' Ih 1783, Miranda, who was born in Cara cas, a city about' 12 milei aoijth of Liguira, made his appearance in this country ; - he is wll known by many, pf our. most erninent. citizens ; possessed a string mind.-, ami since his travels thro' all Europe, be may .be sup-, posed tojeual any m;m, now living, as to in- tclligeiice and capacity, for tha'mostimpott ant affairs. ' '. ; r t ; , -' object' has, besti nothing,, short, and nothing; else;' than 'td' deliver his country fi'bma most hitblfcrablei and hXimilitir bon dage.' Vhen England fitted out a lafge fleet to aiipport their claims V Neutca Sound. Miranda vas f ngaged to tio niore 'than aid them in thosre cluims, but the expedition wis .abandoned'; the cause! rriay'AA; conjee-' tyretl, but time only will developo the facts. - disappointed till the revolution had, crea;ed war le?,Veeij, J'Vnnce and Spain, he went to Paris ; ; became genera in their armies. -'That; fatal,, defeat of ' tbe. left wing under Demouricr, .which be comniaucjt'd, caused suspicions, hatjiying come over I'rorri Eng bind, they might have bctta betrayed, but nil, the Americans i:Y Paris (aiivong vhom Tjfm. Paine and Joel' Harlow) 'gave it 'hs their 4fj cided opinfoiY, th.it hisnncipks were sti ii.t' ly pure, ' honoiub!f ''and '.Kily Vepul licdn ; he proved fdsij, 'that hi protested aguiust. the moiltTof ktlauk' tho'Vi'fht before ih action, ami tlmt' be refused Ucin'mirier'a pressit) solicitations to. emigrate aloiig witlrhim. lid would have enibarko:! with, Hi nt from France1Xor the directory l'.djjii view,' but no opportunity 'tdfered liii pi-ace wtti ooticluded. . Intent on the same object, iic once offered bis services to' Knjjatid ;, .t'.i'-y were ones more arccnted, and lie vni l;ice mbre deceived. When just upon ittibaiking I he found, contrary to every previous and so lemrt compact, that Mr.'Pitf meant conquest, i 4ri iiut iliv t iilii-Jtiviv.i vst nil vuainrti" He renounced participation in thr ex;edition, rent his 'cW.rnis.ion in pieces, rcp'oached him wit!iperfidy,duplicity, and Lies, and em barked for America It is unnecessary to .any more .than that the doors will be opened ip three province, now organized ; they no our, exmnple and will follow it ; no conditions remain with the government of England j all nations will be invited to their port, hone so mc.eli desired a our own ; olTti of fraternity and friendship will, if we are willing,' tinite thu whole continent like the sol u' system, ,y one common attraction; every part h"hling its due proportion in its own orbit, giving beauty and harmony to the whole. The above sketch is to satisfy public curi osity ;. it is enough for the moment ; as to the mean, the place of destination, or p rts o ue ursinpeneu, n wouki oe improper io say any thing .further '; the plan is wcil tligev ted 'miracles dt not come every day, and unless a miracle does come, Miranda must succeed. AFKW STRICTURES. The preceding communication Js without doubt cilrcmcly cnmplimeutnry tvth doin and character of (len. Miranda. Jiul it i' incuin'.K: upon sto remark, that tline arc other representations of a very difftrctit na ture. With -respect to the deiijn, some hate ventured to suggest that the object of Gen. Miranda it not to'liberate his country ; but to commit a predatory excursion wpn the coast of. S. America, to sack the wealll city wf.llutnos A) res, or to scire upon the treasu ry of Peru ; while others bate dispatched Litn on a commercial speculation, neither su honorable as the emancipation of his coun try, nir so lucrative as the scirure of its rich If the design of Miranda be really what it bvofestes to be, .tome have gone on to doubt hit qualifif ationi for the accomplishment cf his projects. They have called him, an ir rant adscuturert they have piinicd him out in the hiuory of the wars of France as a di. grired and cahiercd general; they hnve illustrated the incapacity of his Soul by the repeated mUf arriae ol his plans, l ew like our communicator have ventured to eatol h, intcUigencii and capacit Lr tbe most int. pcrtantalTairs,', Hut let his pun be ever so noMr, or Ma qualifications eter so great; many have douhttd tlid p-Sabib!T of his tucrrrdinK hi ; the emancipation efViis country. Wc Inow ' not, arI inr cwiinunicatof cartfullt asoids ' to touch upon, the point oT bis desi'instinn ; , whether it be Mckico, Ncw.Oenada, i',ru, cr iiijenoa iiyrea, , liutm an tboi countries, dilTw uliies would turr.und bim. The rao. k.le ate tie, ducted slates oflhe Clrrv-y aSi the Httanish tolnniea, and the V.leitf are brmd by their rich lne(l:ei it tbe pre. nt pnfrr ihingi. tyta nd,t'n.6l jrj.i., dircs are acsfcely lcsrnUlnat tbaii their trrlcsiasticatl tbet bic m nrtss athrm j themi thtir opprsssJons may bo grtbu A- i I thtf hit. Itfarfivil tr hp rnntnti(l- : I h VeTV - i monopoly of commerce wlriclv prevails a ' morvg them, has tneeffett of ahuttiii-g'OAJt an ornna ""great means of 'improvement. l ew atimgers visit their country anT tiie miserable Meslee of Mexico and Pern has , m opportunity to profit by the dilcoverits ' 'ot more civilised countries. ? ," ' But'why may not tbe Spanish colonies be--- 'come as itilependent as the -"British colonies; forrnerly did f We may reply, thjittberr coii-' ditioft i's different in two important circum--stances- - Not only was our people freer than . J the" Spanish colonies are 1 at present ;' as f much -freer at least, in proportion ' as the J ; Hfitisb governmer.t is more enliglvenerl than the apanish but the government which was 1 established in our .colonies was much better"! calculated to give autcess- to a rev.olutiot- The legislatures, which were previously es-' ; 't'nbliahed in our own colonies, survhi.;! the? , downfalrof the British sovereignty, and were admirably titled lor collecting together., the f.'e'e of the nation. But in the Spanish cn. Idie3 no such organization exists for the conctntratioii of7 the pnblic force. The whole business of legislation is in the hand of Viceroys' or other ;subonliKHte' agents of tlvii crown. Electors and-eledted, cbristitu etrtisand repreMmtjAiiveHare names without a moaning iiMhe HpanUti vocabulary. " V"'";'J . These circumstance" at e '"strongly calcu lated to produce a dowlt respecting the suc cess of Miranda's enterprise, ' 'under'" the present Blate of tbe Sptujiv.li colonies. On this subject however, we are bound to spci k with ullthu .humility ofdon't. We know but little of the present state of tlie Spanish colonies ; the strength" ol the government; the character of its present officers, or its fni liiary resouru-. We know siill less of Mi-' ru'da's means c the lemiiccs uf bis ad her evils. 11." three provinces" nreidready or- !!!('! if. Miranda is assisted, if not by in I re.'!..iTTV, a: least as it h s;tid lv the 'Ad- I narafty oi l'-'igbuid : if three millions cf dol li i's hnve been fu iuad by bis ,Ymerican a s'tcialeb Or Enirlisli specnlatoVs ; if success isoald oiiws bis first exertions and thi t'r'e'a aury of the king of Spain should fall int ) his fcnnda; if the militury hare of that country be feeblo or its discipline, imp.rlect ; it is certainly probable that Mirnn.'a may become tlve Washington of his country. Vhat w mean tov' assert is tlmf even if a " miraidc' does" not "come," still Miraiidif'-in no: aAiCceed." r- v-4""" Manh 1. COMMUNICATION To the Lditfir nf the Enquirer, S! H -1 am imt in the lubil ot making com- llf,I.M Mil tilHli. ll.u ....l.liM 1 . . ........ i.iHHivuuininu.ii. l.jlll y IV u r 111 pi 1 I M w J company, which are not Mi'pnortcd on iaels. I The short narrutivc, us to Miranda's past conduct, 1 know lo be perfectly true. 1 ought to have added that be was ac(-:iiitd by a court-mnri;.,t with liotior Mr. ILilow, w)0 ii'i resiiles in Washington, ran bear testi mony of it. I have been u willies, ty some .very imifjitant things, both in 1'ratire and England, in which he shewed talents, i.itvg. rity and perseverance. 1 Mtitsoiry to ve bim represented as atv adventurer in any p.ipi-r in our country. The limtijnittcter is approaching, whcii bis chnrncter will be better known, . Vnur i'.rirturc, therefore, may rest uncou. trndkttd but that you miy,crrdit what I hare advanced on this sul.ject, I have lift a k-ttrr with Mr. Ilylton, the clerk of the council, addressed to you. and to be (Mitred when it can do no injury toihe cauic in ques tion ; in which you will find Outlir-s of the design; the place of rendezvous, tec. ijc. You must not blame my caution in keeping the port or place of destination from the pu!- lic; fortlie minister of Spiii wouhl trld!r e .. ...uu. ' .D ' 11, imuj v.rvss, nilglll possluly pr Ttnt tbe design. Yours, &c. i. HALTIMOKt, rarch3. The Elitor t.ndeii a tribute of Ma warmed !harV totliccommercijlfrier.il, who jioliitly foinifHed him with two dif. tinclprlntel (hrcii, the conttntibl both. ... .. .. . ... . in rrencn and J'sluo, Pf wbuh the lol. lowirg ar:tia-dated sopie. They ue received by the late arrival of the Pars irnii, at tliii poit, fr,.m Miliga, v,hich the left 151I1 of Jan. lllootly H.ittlc of ihc 1 Dec. tiavttn the I'rtnh and .Witdfmti. (Translated f.-rthe Amtricn.) Cfr of alt 'trfrom Mat thai lUnhitr, Zlinu., if IV j end Mujr Ctr.tr J cf tht grvtj It Mar if, J Mjssrna; , ToaTotu, Kth rrimatrc, (5d Dec ) jear Uib. I am impatient, msrba!, to svnd yu bisck yvisr aid-denamp to announe'e tu jou tbe briloatit sictoi' wbiih e have jtut gained ter the. Russian army. Tiny were drawn out in arry In-forr tis t tl number of ti1, a mm, i.f ,kU H.ikk) wrie Austrian. On tbe loth tb y i.iade a motion in their Uft itift toMtack u. and In surround our ritM. It was ttidi'tit they loidiuted an attar kmi the 1 ttb, ( 1 e tntp?rM', at ts usual with bun, pr.ventru tl.U ly himielf iciiiu.tftcu.t; the , attack at the break of day. The battle, 1 at ted from seven o'clock, iu tlic morpiiuj; jiuuil j S. in the. evening. . Tle. Auqaan irtiiy..w ,s : eurly destro)ed, 25,000.: priaoners taken ;' 1 5,00 killed, and 13i pieces of Caum)n .ta ken..posmei'aio;noT'ne.gltarda,Qf.t6tt j sian emperor wewe attacked byrtbosfc. i)f Jc r eraperoriIapoleoj-j-They fcet enV'tly . discomfited; the colonel and one third of ;bei -eiFicefs taken, the standard bearer, aU their j artillery, and in line, the whole body o.f. the: guanis, as well horse aa foot, lo the amount of 5000 men, were entirely cul'to pieces. Almost all the Russian generals have fallen inta our hands.. ITbe Emptrofa o(Ru6sia and Auttia4tad the greatest diflicrilty to savo. themselves across the. nitrrshes. A conkide-. rable (jnantity of men, stopped-by the mar sshes and a lake, into which thy vhrewtheni-, selves, were drowned experiencing the same fate as the Turks who threw themselves Jntt the sea at the battle of Atsourkir. Our troops' are now pursuing" the $ma!l remains of thia. army,once so arrogant. For further deuilts , your aid-de-ciimp will relaie :to-you what he has Seen and heard. 1 hatebut barely. lirae tparshal, to write to you tluu 'briefly,' aa yott; know we have few moments to spat:e ibate recWedjlie letter in-w4ich yoii informed mt of youi-uocticavAvith gVi JMai'lu.'Kiti' ' The jk,:ian(itnral, 'a-.-rhJ. ''; (Signed).-. -.. M. BEHTHIER, . - A true C'f'V, ' ' . . : M. MASSENA. A true Copy, General of 'Division, , ... VEUDIEliV - Extroct of a letter from his excellency Monsieur De Beauharnoist Minister Plenipotentiary of . the French Empire, ot the Court of Etruriat to M. Verditr,UentraJ of Division, dated, flortnce, llth hrimdire, lithyear, j . , At I o'clock in the morning A lettft from the( Minister of Exterior Re lal.ons, dated VienQaTiheT2ilCErimaJre,'.inf ' forms nie, my dear general, of the grand,; victory gained by our ai.gu&t sovereign on tbo day of his anniversary the three j:mpej'ors being present. The guard of the em pc rot1 Napoleou attacked that of the Emperor of Russia, took itscclonel, one third of the offi cers, all the artillery, and cut the rest to pie ces. ' ' 1 The French troop? are now pursuing, tht remains of ihe Russian and Austrian army. The field of battle was at Austerlitz. Napoleon, our'august sovcieign is wetland was every where present. C'.ood bv and love me. 1 ANUS 'l)E B E A U II A RNOIS. A true Ccpy, Central cf Division, VERD1ER. The nest advices from Europe should they hr tiuiu Iai.i!nu or rails, as late ; H e -Olh ot Jur.iiiti ), may biiiig'atctul.is f-the roro nation if a king of 1'oUik! -jiot u M-uld not ' be at all surprising to us, iu heartbat the an 1. di ke (.'l.utlcs n invested w'uh the im perial dud 1 in toin dem the brow of Fiatxi !! (Juror a.J j MUNK.11. nA:. r. At a late hour yesterday un ivtri here a l'tu, tetiunt-colonrl of tbe staff, and aid-(it--.ai to the emperor Napoleon, with ordtis from the impel or himself, to inform the elector that he bad made prisoners 40,0( 0 Rnstiant put 26,000 men hvrs tlu tombat, 1 10 piecas of cannon, The count def'ouiy was pre, acnt during the whole affair. He ttutrttbat the emperor, who had stationed himself on a. height, noted onasl.stt of aaper l be num ber of each regiment and corps, adding, in lew words, w hat the regiment ot- corps, rmm bervl was to esecutt. .An aid-de camp took, charge of the pi-er, for li e purpose of car ry inj; the .order into effect. The order cf battle resembled exactly a game of cbees, or drafia. The emperor cried out on a sudden, Now I have them." lit then ordered a gt ncral attack. Tbe marshes in the eatiron ofOlmuti were of great service to Napoleon ; a numerous divi don was driven to, and, for the greater part, cut down in the maithct, the remainder, fearing the same (atr wens . compelled to lay down their arms. The eft. loin I of the guards,' Mailot, died of hit wuunda on the day of the battle. VIENNA, Dec. I. , Thus "1 the emperor Napoleon agam, a third time, give peace not to France alone, but to the c,tilintlil, and more particularly tr ' the Austrian stales. England ia at length con pcred in her allies. How then la the central pc tee to he oh taiued, and rendered taiisfictory to all par ties? What remains but that EngUm! should consent to her share of sacrifices ? The emperor ha conquered half of tbe A tit. trim empire will he turrsm'tr it tihhMit e piivalcntsf Shall Englai.d, skulking bh'md hr dirty cbannrl, rmoungt the contir.ent to r J Shall the shed tht blood, and, at far at in her lie, tnhati't tbe treasury of Kran;r, and uffr nutblng in return f , The tmptror Nli4ein will im suffer I hit. Shall Austria alone be the avfft, erf The emperor 1'iancis will ool sufftt this. England Must if Cstroc-tbut-j 10 tbe common rtdstsptibh. j i s- A i ,1 1 1 . . f, 't .1 I,- . . M 1, ' ' ii m Ii lit -' a t I.

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