.1 V ,7 , "f giTT V7 rj V H r aT-'f reeaivedt iaust cither be suw the.,; fulfvahf . tnklMM Bndett nti&d-isUuended. what wan , Terea pKfmpjV fcdgland musi Wlvassa.ad;d wbO( another nimeior apeaie peace, a she Ui purf rsased ar. . Dj-a pcifc 0f p'jrfcion, a peace of sccuri f. .A I. I I .. mNC,EN, Dec. 10. that the mamara between the Hleeiora! Piiri. fiSSjrf B-tvaria with Eugene lteauharnois, 6n-Trtfaw "of ttnr fpperor;; Napoleon, and Viceroy of Italy, will be celebrated immedi ately at Manictii. -That Monarch will seiae tl)r'nhninM!4MuJ:v af ilrlncr l lip. rmin Ir ,1 ' - t y - j-.-.-.,. ..... v u 'i ii i ia j c,T rhe head of hn son-in-law, who will found the? betidiUry ily fcaJiyiof-the lieauharnow- ThTyrol, fthafcikiiciettt .bulvarkij tC. the Austria Moharcbjj.fwIIPbe far thfergpeater p'irrt :tt;tetf ohe ilav&rian .tales, and the Sfridftt.iVn IHUlrilMa1 "trill 4 . ,L WHdiiV of Italy, m such a manner Uwtjtha'i rathe1 tond' aon-in-law . will be .near; neigh WtV i' : . ,o ... ' BERLIN, Dec. U. . '. "Itfis a enteral .report,, much credited'! by. ttiSpublibi that Austria will make a separate' pfeucc'l and another report' sas, that !in, CotWquence, of the aruiUtice, "alley rand, fUjM Vltil',.,..' ' , an, I r"...l-. .1 ' .7 1 V UUTC I jfrtVcVed Into ntfgociations at Nichblsburg, anil i niir i iiv in'prmffirjTHjn At pi ici .... 1 w i j wn.iiuij (liu Mill du ller guarantee, u peace is to be etpected. ''It Walsoreported tbatiif Buonaparte' cam paigns should be.'-: tended with the desired sdticeas, aoveral cfciiiiilerable parts of, thu rVicsio;iv! of Russia, Austria and Pruisia, h.l"o!aild, are to he given to Muratj the bro.' her-hluv to Buoaapartej to create him king of those united parts. 1 , 5CEIiyAMrDecennbcr l9. Soma Swiss Journals ay that a corps cf 40d blench troop 'have entered the county of Neufchatel, buloniruicf to the Line of Prus. . . J I"HIIV IPW 3P55raE"V: - -i-- Ik 'CQ wun a,iies 1 ln,s oe could' ne- nSITinir Iwtllll-lill th li'lunlnnal Dn'ili- II . t f I." i- l - 7"' UJ - urope, nu at taar.y useltU pur ; pose.he was piiriuaded we were iiheqal to it. It is aaUli that. ihe IVeneh arm. nnrti thc-wmairid ot prince Louis, is destined to . the relief of Hameln. ....... " From Milan they write, that the English ehd. Russian troops, 'which had landed in the:' kingdom of Naples, hare been . re-iin'jarkti. v ' r, PARIS, Dec. i6 The ETiperor of Germany demanJedan afminfee tir hi iroopsj which was grin led hfm in armi.tics w detrramled for ind Rtilyjtn trtjAp 'who were fct thu Iratile of Au.Wrli't. Of 8f,cvoltii .Hans, 4.0,000 ci'JJl h nrjre ; tie re' rwi:h-nt artilltf-1 rv of tuv ni: fgrruir;de.l l)'v $ r rn.h -rr.y, tojiM pot , fcipe wlihoutau aiiuiltivC, H,is Majcfty the Einprror liaJ the (?pnero;i'f tnrjotit, upon co'n.liunti llut the Ru'.Iijni ihould evicrtite, by et. fy mirche, Gsrmany. and the two Galli. cias, an I return home. The forcing ne gor"i ons by which a was hoped to fur. pf iftf the iii!.nce of the Emperor of the Frcgih, will he tucveeded bj reil n-o-ciA'itms the trl'tilt -r whmh will be fe. rutc And honorific peace. , ( Minl'tur.J . , . LONDON', Janmry 13. . The intelligence com.mnicatcd in the Lis' b in letter, 'untried 'in our Ust, of fourteen Trench aliipt of rc'tr having been seen off L"Jicnt by a iwredili Vdel, is rtnd rcd vsry pi-i')ahU by dt.ipatches received on Ha tuiiif fiim the piit admiral at I'lvinoiuh', 'whih' iiais a report, tint uiiot!ier sq.u.lron hal cCjpv'd fiom Breit, bttwrtn th IJth and '2J:h u'.t. the dcsUnaiion of winch waun known. Admiral sir John B. Werrcn sailed yes trrday lioin Puii.n.jith, wiih srvrnMi of Jhe line, tvro fri,tc and one !o;.; he is . cxiertcJ ti.! foil.et. by othr ve.-cl. 'Ills destination is not certai'.ly known j.ro bu'jly hi 01 in q jcM of -i.ic of the itra ,lin; f,uadroTi oi' .tl.e encnir. V kMinoULi td in one of our p'eri cf ths pre.cnt wctk, tl at in consideration "cf' the circ'intiince vf the ti.iH,'aid Vh.U wa -txpcctrd of theni in ti:e en-iipg jsrl: anient, ' the kadm nf what is raHed'thc opi.ition, . i.J somc of the ffioit disiinnnished ntnin iKo riumlrl' klit t.trmt.l 1 1, ...... . l- . liMU p (St, and Inn Mrfady met fincet'p fci the pnci.t Sitii.ttiini cf public ftlT-Sis. , They fjae sinvr had j ncotd Meelinj, it the house of the t.arl of A -Ic, when a q'jrstlon.ftt tie Crt puhlic inier.t, nd in Vii.Uinj in it the Very unin of the pi-y,'to tfic.v.parat'on nf which thr fount ry must fKk f wiUt J rm, a fully discunud and finally : arrsfi '. ' Tin. tj if .ion wai no less than the line of pohr jr'lo Ih: obs-rvrd y the party in the ciMiiii psitiament, Jbcinif tUe great quciuou of I'eace or War, , . , We h .ve oUJncd Hrm'nlon,and, w arc' ' Confidtnt, caiH.ivdy, to state as follow t Mr. l ot t It as bis opin'nm, thtt in the f recent kolitary J. of this ccOntry, itter cu ly tf.r la tfenu from hrr ctu aliUi, and ty the im enn's rcrdcrtd drf -r'e "in fwf htr .! si.p('Jrtii(f Hirir pUrt by o. Ihcrs.w.ih H..'j r'trta'intrln a tnaunfrlhut a wl.t.Jtf tear w.fuW t.! Jo,t bef tt she cnli ajai co-nf Ir.tn tl c ficl?. and with Austria i rt lutcd that sha jM tKter agsinrtnnt Intoihe f.tfd !l.a t.itiii politlcsl .olitndf , ltn iiiMVf ,!i h of alliance, nothing lt"a:ifJ f.r ihUeuui.inr hot to V. hidf " ptarv. I'Si.l I'ic 'inftrfrrurf and farmer iMiianrf, muse iiow of on.dfie-J s P.fl d.. , !.! 4m nr,tl.l! ffiu t bJcmrd by o thr r .icuoi iai. . a.id timt t. bn ii tl,ee tie ICf,ia:iiiiilo ipf tofMl.iian ttut fte a wnk f tji'Mhtinr. Ai"? rt nccr'mty la the w:jti time tha war, if it w.re c:t "-HiaHiio spirit of the eountry intleed-wa e-.; filial in it 1nf id ...lint Hin. . 1 : b ,1M1Il. vvasuiic 11)111, ailU : t.he phyiical strenprth of the body another. That -spirit was but mother name for. . pas--sion, Keiisrous indeed. but- Jikf passion, not exactly under the comroul ofi icusun; oui, .11 me passion ot courrgej the, passion of. glory led us to dispis ilangers, reasoiiV).ri5CidIing , u, from the, elevation, brought tis iowet towards the ground--Thatpuo dno admired more than him the F lived too lotm and, loved safety too wi-11. , fm sacrifice it to a nme.-rl hat he Io,ved heroes inthg field butiiot-in, the cabinet ; II.x:on, eluded by xpress.ng, a$ hivopinioti.that the situation of the country required ptace. ' , , Mr. Grey 4e.nted to-al 1 his arguments, if peage. could. da nothing, it had still Ue me ritthat it coit .not'ain?. '1 his, he thought,, constituted, th -whole of the difTereoce be qvveeil pe&Qe,firi4war : such a war atjeast us we . could be expected to maintain, ; Var could do n'.)thinjj, but cost' niueb -ptuce ' couIddo nothing, but then it cost notliing. - , Mr. v;ii!Jhum did not approve of this mer cantile. calcuJatioa of the v;due -cf peace nnd war. An arijcle cf some value was, totally nnatted. Rational honor in .his opinion tit least,, was. no inconsiderable item.. ,, Wa he -cajifd upon to make out a jwlitical bill, to,bi lrice,the creditor and debtor side', of peace and war, he should, charge' it at U value.i Uaa Iruiiless peace, vras indeed bette? tlian a tnutlifbs war s us a jn-o-ativ vii. J privation, w.is better than a positive evil,1 an v,.., wiu.w auiiriijig. 1 nat war was some thing, peace. .w rotliing.. 1 hat. war was ;jrj,jftV.a!i t m.iI, and an efil ofgrat ,mHg, rufidi-, and was o.njy relatively a gpod That, hu di;rei fd mucins to the eJTiciency of the country to maintain, a war without a conti nental ally. Uut that .he would not Vigie'ly. ?.,.;rc to (hiaopiiiiwi, as there eu- many, very .many of his friendsmen by whose jn lb'TUent he had been accustomed to frtine Ins own; who now differed with him upon l..j Vu)l ,Uit that there was one point in wmch all his friends agreed t the necessity of a pcrki-t imkui of rne amon;;-.t another, an unt oii.jlrtch touh! ,c ,.lt.rV(;(j in-iia tf icciue che.sion by a 8tej.lv adiwrt-nc e.toone n.t.ir co!incctiiitr print i,-J ci.d mutual .cnlicra ;n points indiiftrsi.t. Tbt ull U w.,heJ r.-s, th.it n hrt!UT c? r war, ths .ojorofl.ic ro-in'.ry li.)ii)iiConaidert:fl,tt well as its a-.fcrr ; thn Ur; f j'ure thould b taken Into co-isuliTutiou as cll u.the pit er.t ; that we s! ould not sacrifice future Uoty to preM iit..e; and that we khould Vu,!-r our honor. a tl most etfectutl meaos or our s.iieiy. above every petty .ppunht i-.-' : "'""'i iiwTr n wen. war as the p-cicnl. IIcprfrrrred a vigorous pyace to an inactive war. He conduced kr l.iviiki. l.! ... i 11 .. . ... 1 mucr a peace like a war, than a war like a Lo.d GrenviHe was not prescntxbut a gen tlernin. i..o was authorised to speak lor him, declared for A safe and honorable peacr a peace ren dered safe by guarantees, and . honorable by t.upporimjj an a.pca, and a Verity vL5th h uld teach the enemy that ire ftarcd not' war. Mr. Fox Then, thanks to th fortune of the rcuntry, thanks to the patriotUtn which the t .nense of our dan-cr baa kindled, there i a i..ifsct unmimit; and this bt our MUtilsl plr.H'f, , A safe Bud Irorable peace. A pearere.id.:,tdareby guaranteet, and honorb!-,l)y;rtcnt.Vav.asjiectof.trcnt-5;. A peace l.ke a war --Inv.cad of a ar like a peace' Suth was this. crUWaia lueednj. V pledge ourselrei fully to tht 1 j.jtance if not to tf,e C1iac, ,jy 0 muft ,a the court': 0r te rext wetk wt shall inur tnorc full on this auljrct. . CIIANGR Ot Misrsrn r. T,h chan of Ministry j, n0w confident!; UUcdor, and the Mowing li.t Wk Harl nuwini.m.Lord Lieutenant oflrtlsml. Mr. Vt, becrctary for furcicn ' DcDart ' ment. Ird CrenvllJe, fir Home itto. ' 1 Mr. Windh.m, Srcrctai) U Cnlonfea. Mr.C.rcy, fhaic.cr tf the KarUqtur. Id Spencer, I'itstUrU of U.t AdmiraJ ty.. Urd M.ra, HiM Ird ftheTtfurr. Ui.cral I'itfpatrirk, becntary at War. Mr. T. Craniillr, Srfretaiy fr Irrlsr.d. Mr. Sheridan ai.d I,rd Hef.ry Kit,, igT; tnlrr. " ' Mr. IjUV'fie. Lrd Cbancellcr. Mfort!rriUnd' ti:"nCn,r.cf xu E"bc9uer Mf. riamia. India n-ard Jtd ('hAr.am. tre OrCnce. Uf A S.dmomU, rre t,M of ih, Council. ll:re art the pfir(lo lj.K.ii,ttatnf, IhtlMt or M.TItmty, h xn r,, old -Mustion.f TrfaMirif of the Ny. Such are the report f.ftbe day, and, as to tain land Jnti-gri'y, wr ..kthe iMtWi iop.f. ftnuf.ee, lfuchano',h.-f bt of tren could e ma If nA. or n.cn o l.ktlv In save the n.:ion rrnnt the dar.gsr ith Walth It 11 t ow tire-t-eutd r lej'pripu acjion fj-jtweeTp tliwarcndUkC Chartcs ardmar4al Ney, does, not set m to Sel with much Jcredit-upon ttfieaioh. ilf e a4xhdoke haoVgassetl 'into CtoatUi as has JriwitAaTeJiar a.battle-with ilarmoKf -yMJ .... mnwt. 19 m . a vasi, uiaiatie. ' At Nuremberg,1 the? do-nmon cbnver.ation f ipealut freely o.f.JBuorWrie; kXeriiynatio 1 to re-establish the kingdom of Poland. the JSTj ll- Sir tnhn VVarrn. -t,.J2W got tuidcf weigh, and iqwardlthe'.e.v'er ,rxiflg;.they were.AHt of confi.iiing of. ijleven (ail of the i,ne two higatcj,. and, a ' -jfloop; viz. oudroytit, h 80 guny,-La !;N)n, 98, Merq, Kepulfe, H.milieR,.; Lmuvand. Courageux, of 74.;: aCilalica. I and Ampliion frigate j nd Sifa?en fioooi' It is generally tiBdrttoodv t hat Ss'r John's orders are ,tj proceed 't: the;'W;ll.in Hies, in d,'ue(t r.f.t!ie' 3reft.ft3fdran.'j 'Tli'c I Unit rUais,;1 Canada arid MoritaHjr, ' of 74. Ss,cach, .w.hidwe'rt of his fidrp'riV' air ordered' upon at7i:r fei y icea; rhe- ll itrcclnu a.-fniwcW ,$C-$wstyio. tb, . WcllJ Miics c aod .-tHoiiuiu.'s,. Certain Pittance with- the .'utwaviitoili! ,-convoyi.-. . ... ( f,,lh!;. ...,,.-,'; 7 he WcfUtndia, Irtd jMcditecranear; conveys began to h6Vecariyihimoriiingy but-btjore they couhl-gei; bWtf w$u Sic. ' lenVj WtndTiliftfd to th IS.' WjJSomc otthem are ac StiMcren'" aftd1 fume at t!is "Mothsir '.Batik;' ' 1 VfnifWiW Ihipi, which have the conycyi ori'tltf' their Witae, 'have' ahchdr'cd i'i Pi. n'tW" ; il.aHdacuiui,. Mediator; Si'iJrfc' Hofe, i 'J,rt,!a." Camol, lVevoyaatiV, Xr 'i, VVi,l m I A . A " I . ' I ' - ' A '. ... i Jfef. of tiguha Vice-Ajirjir'ai 'Coti ; lO-V Q.-p;. : Rkkctts ; ahij - the Caytaij 74 guns Captain Stcp:u:is...fvm . thp Channel flret. . The Captjiniud hcenloi : hut. for lite fsr'trable.llits cf the' wind , ; fl'.e tmift come ii.'ty.do.k. "...i . 1 rT"' . 1 ''''-" i-t'. ,-. 1- , , ' T fniew?rn allprifonsirour.'irgWnti Decor Gun. ciitti,aiiv Timh,.'f othcrwiie 1 1 1 T-ju f:i n t on Suritur VAA P!aw .fivn aml il iU Jap ijiVooi tl.ence ;o ih P.ii' Vr'-A,- I I 1. ' a 't.rJ. J liau.Canipl-ell, tinder pcn.Jjy ot piofecu tuui aw lar ai ilic .Ii.aw wiUi4l;otN - J O.U N. M KA R LAN.. 'N-w.Hariovtr Ct.tiniy, M.ud. 24-iw Yi iLRC11 i.5,Mfeoo4 DR. SCOTT has the pVaHrr- cf Jh loioling tii Liendi and the public, thai du:ingii$,abfen.c,lfoin town, he was fortunate ' in procuring Valine Virus, which has foccreded iitheful jeA. be. ha? inoculate I fii.ee 'tis rcturr.. At a tiiie like, the pfffen', when .that mo.l dr-adtui Iccurgi; of ihe human race fthc (nail jnh; ii fo preyaUf.t both in pur own, and t . I I m t mm I A . a I. ""'Ii ua-.r, j.b conceive? it a u . du.y he owe, ,0 the pohl,,-, , inJ(rm j J6' 1 iliar h u.nt 4i-.- , . 1 imperial, jH55licbt5tl oUi politeness " of "fit Bri- tannicajeslf 8TonsurrBehjamTnTo the, Esq. for the following letter from Ad miral LbchraBa,' eonta'mir.g'an account of - the action between the-Briiihh mid t rench fleets, offttie City of St. Domingo, on tho k 6th l ebnurv lasfl -i. . ., t , ine.jetter was put on board the brier fane. ''Wr'i; 1 ""vfU jfisieraay morntftg . raraoors, wno tetHfi with'tfae AnAam derlanJMi the Ifih . ultimo, Tn laU -24 54, uJobg.63 - Admiral Cochrane rntended' "to 'luake for Hulifax to repair, hating hie tnam mast' aliot aWay about ten feet above deck, and his mizen-mast considerably in-'jMfe""- '..''; r An officer of the Northumberland informed "capt. Hunt, that this ship BustainedVthe ' ' B1"-. tnjafy "in the-aciibn, bavjd .niuiig side fhe Frent' Adniirafof iSo guh-The Northumberland li f r. ' :' - 'v::'CO-X ' V " 'Nothmukrlaai of&i--fiomingot yV--' ' " W'.wry,' 2806. ttt-I bare much satifcticfK,u"in cc-i.tiu-nrcitrngtoyou, that the tneitiv's tViyvn rately; arrived from rrtrnfe, nun.cu in the iMnjiii-wHicn-vice-AcHiai btr Jo.ln DutK-w-o.;nfvy,-ljt in pursuit $ irvm t. ci,. Ut. phcr'a oaths lshavon tiiken or cfestroy. .'',I!5cruWfcr? liC0rpJ at anchor off the tiih of br. Dommg-o, on Ihe iffon.iTor the 6th. yAs .tbe-'Hritiah quadro: aiiVanctd, Wiepit-undef Vcigh,' and .uvnM.ird iosI ":tie !,y f imnlng ..h.wti .Wi; .iPf sfert,' l0 tne 3. H. y. but wiie lrustrau 'y ihe prompt meures artortcdLy the uccu.'i. rl' '.'- tv . ." - , . headhy thcttvanctd -.pjrt' l .i(n-.v3a p.lHdi'W(, nnd brought l-cWe'tf-r, . ' T11 vSuperb.tyy . b J.)Kif'l),n F wortifs flato bchVig, i,ivul by -tl Noruu.eil; consing ol tl.ennornv.bearir,;, ,l,c ot reaMiTmtrat 1 D.nce ,i .ad Atlus cominjf tip to L-c aai J. - c .. The atviori vby Ue Strw-f f .;n on thi? Alexander, the loding bh.'.of i"he'iie" wy's hue; ihe'.VonhuntlnTlaftd, tak.ng.p he fmper,a!,lhe .econdinp, Whtu-thc ac tionaoon afier became gerttrid . J Tf Alexarid.-r, be in -KU'a'Jw', dropt a atern, and nbowt 1 1 o'clrc ,,.v,k ,er co rs umn,. lost aH her .nU. T.,,.rSr oi tne entmv ii -"-t ll .l t , , . "-i J "-eir cmt:'l H tn the Imperial.- ar.d ot a rn.uner j.,st . . Jlr. struct- to the Donegal. I he- lir.m l,o .ubmivtcd soon otter. , - f - The Imperial t.sed every jncans to e sran. ! buthndtnir thu inirov, i. ' "I" 1 U "T.gte.ab.ua 10 lftV,UCi S. W. . of bt. Doming,, , ,,d Wjl fufmc(1 , lf)e .... r .,crc ...cf ttnnilcd. and aere nf. .1 r ui ici tin ni ;u it r ot .Matfer, at Ii:s medicinal llo.p, in Mr. John Mjrini a houu, rrnnt-'titcl. Wilmington, Match. 5, i 86. MMMMa) 1 a 1 l aasMaaaaBTaSSsam 20 Dollars UcwanL RAN-AWAV from the fubfetiber a. Kuit ihrce weeks ago, a negro man i.an.fd Jack, jeilovromp!c'lcj, about Ave feet un irthes bif h, hn a lare fear bc iwten his eyM, nhlch apjeari lohatebcen o.-cali.nrd by the kick of a hotfc, and Ii ahnt Iwetiiy fecn yean v( age He it veil known in 0. flow Couuty, in fome part of whivb I fuppofe he ii now lur kinj, ha.ifij hcud of his being in the rm; hfcoiuhti'id nf Swai fjorooh. I will ru thethuftf Reward lor taking up ami co.ifininj? in jiil the aforefaid Negro, and in additian ihereio will pay al rcafona'ate eipences for having him tJeJifcrei to me on Topfai S;ur.d thiiteen milci Jtom Vtlmir j;.on, ' M.Qcr.nf vfffili aod all mher pcifoni arel errhy forewarned ' from carrying a. way, ent;h y rtg, concealing cr harboiipg bim under the ffteiell penaltica of ih Law. EDWARD ST.GEORGL'. Marh 25. 1 6c6 tf 4 INSURANCE Aiinit Low or Dair-.i-cbvUrc. TOIIN IMAYNAUI) DAVIS; A,en, J l.-r the Vhtix Cortjp.ny ( Lr.lon, CMiit'Oi'fi inmaktf li furarceonn.ii'diii. Nlercharite, Furore a.xl ahipi and I argots in ritifainQ U.oe .Isaeeb Hre, si Imi ()tf)ce, 3s( n.lu ' Cbar1,non, .Sooth Can Ii, 1. , Vot piM,! ntlari enT. of Jtf, LonoVn, tffl. ilmir-g-o,-. . , ... B LflttnSoihc Agenl rnft paUl y af fvf red, aHonteidpn f remi. M.p iM'iM w,tl. tittuifd ar.d fuiwar. vleJaa JiieOc wltaeui ifi'ar. - r . . J no i-ncrr.v ull 1.'...? 1 . tnpertal, hut the raniiit .r .1... i-.- was brought i.ff w :h alr. inn . l the rest had got m sho,e; ' ""Cr' 1 he loss ol the enemy hast;tcn Tcry nim jereUy a fug of Truce whxh came 4f to reiesi, ixrmision to send sut.plie, i f,7u.ndfdiirm, that the im penal bad about 7uO killed and woumied-L 1 he D.on.fd. a great many the three thins f.nlu makirP 01 ,nc,r fluadron to be 1,800 or 3,000 men. I am happy to say that the loss cf the Dntuh amuJror, ha Leen. romparailvelr. imall, not bear ing any proportion hb that of h'rf:!B2Z!?V,U,,Jn' ndI not ;;;i,3ea..:u 1 enclose a copy of the thanks test to thcl h.ps ol the squadron, l.y 8ir John Duck hPiebT f hi dcr,rture fop J,Tn,i Ing prcctdcd bim the day before.''"" Tte Iriiratra an. I . . - . . . . I- - ,"7 " , ".sue tnocieq ineir ,'ieape during the action, but 1 hope ther . et be met with by a squadron I batV 1 hire the honor to he, sir, Your not iJdipnt sertant. ALhx. cocnnANc. bumf, captured. epturcd. destroyed, cpurtd ecaped cicipdl etcacd Imp ri.l, Alrasndcr, Brave, Diornede, Jupiter, 1'rattrnite, Cimtf, A Corrctft, 81 Bi 74 74 40 4) 20 H tor-T. A h i irposie for lantosgt to coorr an sinuate irnt f my fctimg to the Ho torbl lUir Admiral (totl.farw, for ih no bit aupport rendered tc ty the Northurn. brlndtor lift Admiral Uuis, and tha tsa.moftbtiuadton undtr my command, Ivf Ihe brastre tnj jodgmepl di.plajed in tN imin of ibtir.Kmg am c,ontry,br tlTf cting a cooiplcte t Utory in m hort a tt. fK)d it our tiavsl annals cart produce) I Ibfrefcrt. tan only, with a beati.impresad by" tb b.g!t mom f admiration aad ap. rrr.bait.sm Uc to ofTer to the Honorafde Hear Adm r Cothraoe, lUar Admiral