BooKs rand;J5fafibMfy. for'sale efihePrittiinfctffice,' Wilmington- B'URKIiTonihd:New;jrmameut Family-and schooLBible " Prayer iiooks, elegant and common editions Blair's Sermons, New whole duty of Man.,; Sermons and other, practical .Wotks of Xhe. ttevv HaJph.Erikine,. A- M. - . ,; . .... Thompson's history of Christ, with the , of "Apostles aiKTthelt, successors for 300 years after the. crucifixion ; - Ilerrrfs- Merlitaliofl, Vatu'Miscclkoki. Boyie'eTheological Worksp . ; , Beauties dl Watts FamiU Instructor , Zi romehnan on. Solitude, vjrilgrimls Progre H BoatdnVfottf .&W WA offfllm ': ;. j$ 4 Timet, Sermons, c. on important subjects The Christian (World Unmasked . '' , o , Tlje sjneere ()hmtian'.Guidc in the choice. pf religion t ;",, "TV ,' ' V .. ' Hijtyjjrt6n's Memoir .', ;, ' ' The doctrines' and discipline of Ihe Methodist IfnUcnnal Chiirch in America ' '' 'A- C Ayihtsrn.' and Universalism contrasted ) ' i Satrimental Directory .VV- .m Tficatre of God's judgment " ' Poor Man's Htlp and young Man's Guide . J , Methodist hymns and spiritual songn ..",; ; HJppons hymns, , The Scapular , ; The Naked 'luth, tQiicerwit sprinkling o-. ' .Infants rr ; ; ,:"-. .. l arraer s Magazine, American Husbandry The Minor Encyclopedia, or Cabinet of,C,e- jieral . Knowledge, beingf a' Dictionary, of - "Arfs, Sciences, and polite Literature , Joftnstorijsy Sheridan's, J6nes'i Bailey 's and' . I'mick'S Dictionaries', ;:.V .", ' Blair's lectures,' Rollin's Belles Letter '! Kaime's Criticism, Sheridan's Lecture c Held'' Essay on the intellectual and iCtlre" ' ' power of man ! "j - ' ' ' " ' j Burke on the Sublime and Benuti fill Sheridan's Elocution, . Duncan's LorIc ' ' Goldsmith's Greece,, DUt England , , Harris's Hermes, or a philosophical enquiry : IqoAcecning universal grammar , , Wse;s,Gazctteei, AflamV.grsphf ; -Salzroao' Gymnastic forjrouth , . ,,: Gibson's Surveying, "Ferguson's Astronomy , Paley's Philosophy, Nicholson's ditto Stewart's Elements of the philosophy of the human mind W" . Hutton's Conic Sections, Simpson's ditto Ditto' Logarithms, Elements of Euclid Dillworrtli's and Jones's Book-keeping . An easy method of working the "lain and Sliding Rules; for the use of Architectors Kenning Re?ly Reckoner, or Trader's use ful Assistant Clerk's Magatine Murray's, ,Lo(vilic's,, Harrison' and Web ster's Lnglish Grammars " A Key to the Exercises, adapted to Murray's ' Grammar - Murray! English Reader ' ' Orator' Assistant, Enfield Speaker SiAt's Lessors, American Selections American Preceptor, American Monitof Yrwmg en'lemsn and tody's Monitor Hill'n Asthmatic, Giugh' ditto . .' Yoisig Man's Companion . Di'ltt's Geography in question and answer Spelling. Books , Priestley miscellaneous observation relat- Ing to education . Burton' Lecture on female education and manners Aikin's lxiters from a father to his son, on ' various topics relative to literature and the conduct of life Wc-t's Inciters to a young man on his first , entrance into life HVood" Mentor, or the American Teacher' Assistant, Female Mentor letter to a young lly on a variety of useful and interesting subjects, calculated to im- prvcliie heart, to form the manner fcd intighith the understanding Seaaca'a Morals .- ., Baron lUlltr letters to his daughter on the ' truihs'of the Christian Heligion "Moral Tale, BUoins of Morality 'The Boarding School, or lxont from a ' Preceptress to her Pupil Element of Morality y ucen Mab , Gay ', Croiall't and Dodsley ' Fable 'Primer, chap books, Copy Slip , Boyer'a tnd Nugciu't'Krviich and English and Et)liskaiMl French Dtclionaiiet Fearcc't Longinus Virgil, Horace, I'iorro Delpliini , Virgil Dtlphini Daiidon' Virgil, . Clark's lutrwlurtioii i Curderii Ctilltxjuioi um Centuria Select Emropil Hisloriat Komana Brcviarium Sklust Coruvltu Nr pHi Llementafy Introduction to the Latin Cram "mar, Itin Grammars, New French do. Chatnbaud' Frtnch and Ln&lt-h I', sere ins r.oHia' Ancient History GfW Hiry ef the American Revolu tion, Kolcrtscit'k Hiitofy of Aintrrta o,lcn, do. do. . Hume' d. ff England PukII ' do. of Modem Europe Col limith' d. of the,lUnh and Animated N'stttr . , - Harrow's do. in the Interior dist ricts cl South rn Africa Campbell' Advtt.turr Carver' Travels throNgl-out the Interior tirt tf NwnlfA luetic a, for moit Uan CfclhoutaMj mile Travel li F.utpe, AU arvlAOira Matktniic' Vojajti Lvrn Moutrtil thfi UherCoDtitient of Kortb-America, Sporting Magazine ', " y , Essay on Comnierte, Ijblingbrook Tract. Jefferson's Notes oh Virginia r ' 4 il. Beckford's History of France v SJ; J r'1":--Gifford' Residencfe'tn dd. " , . -Moreau's History of Mi Domingo ' " fc. : TVavels of AhacharsTs'iKe Younger in Greece Park Travels (iri the inferior districts of AT- ', ridaV;" Dam'berger'i do.--."'do.'J ' Bruce' Travels to discover the source of the : aii aw r . . j , Denoh's Travels m Upper and Lower Egypt, ':' during the,, Campaign! of General Bdona-' parte jj'he Young Gffltle'matf s ahd Lady '.' Monitor .with an Atltti '. ','?. , , , j Cook's Voyages Rbbinwn GroBoe-" ' . , he Algenne' Captive be the life and adven- Ui're.) bfiDfi Underhill,. - 6 year a prisoner amonur tne .Mgef ines ; . , . . Membir of MajorGeneralLcft , IJfe of Bubna'par(e,, " . , ' V ' Do. of Suwarrow , ' , . Dq, or Robert Lord Cltve;. ' '-'r Stern' Works, Winter Evening, or Lucu brations on Life and IeUem r The Spectator-,' The fdUr ;Pa?he's Work , 'v i An 'Enquiry into ' the nature and origin of , xvii iy. t : '.. : w?. '; , . Beautiel.of the Studies of Nature, aelected si- from he work ;of Saint Pierre ,,. , " v jBeautieS) of Nature, Principles of Nature, , i lYo'urig's Night Thoughts , ... : ;Columbiari Mute Select Poems ' !Spjrit pf Despotism'' ' ' !; oltair'8 Philosophical Dictionary . IJlVS-l tl a rB f .t'rM Aalcjrvoni fln f 4 Mrs n rvM AIt. wuiiiua m ajvuviii vivgtuiw 111114 vviuuiWH ut -tion ..... ' ' Pohtical Dictionary, Democrat : ,, Caustic' Democracy unveiled An say on Crimes and VunUhmcnts v.. ' Defence of Usury Zimmerman s on National ruie Somerville's Poiilicul Transaction . Dramatic Diulogues ; "' ' ' 'Telemaclui, elegapt and common edition )Volney' Rtiin ' -,-- ,. Row's Letters from' the dead to the living ,The Complete Letter Writer Lady's Miscellanies . f Free Mason's Monitor " The Frugal Housewife, or complete Woman, : Cook Steuben's Military Discipline .Cavalry. Discipline ..'' ' ' - 'u Milton's Works, Paradise Lost The Works of Peter Finder Little's, Savage's and Cunningham' Poem Thompson' Seasons,-! Pleasures of Hope, Do. of Imagination Science Revived, or the Vision of Alfred . Musical Miscellanies, Songster's Magaeine, Do. Museum The' Bulfinch, .Masonic Songs Tom Jones, Rhodcrick Random , Gill Bias, elegant and common edition Don Quixote, BcggcrCirl, BeggcrUoy A Peep at the World, Evelina Romance of the Forest, Henrietta Bellman Anlonia Pcrcival, Armenian, Aleais Interesting Memoirs, by a Lady The Cojuette, Jane Tallbot . Ambrose 8c Eleanor, WtutllasBeca ' Noctunial Vuil, Female Foundlmg Vicar of WaltelieM, Vicar of lnsdow". Constantiade Valmont) u novel by Harriot lee, Children of the Abbey V. ' Zadia, or the dethronement of MuhamcdIV Stephinie de Bourbon, The Monk Roseau' Fiona, Camilla,' or a picture of youth, i Visit for a Week, or hint on the improvement of time Montnlbcrt, a novel by Charlotte Smith Grasville Abbvy, a Romance Cecelia, or meinoirs of an heiress Tale 'of the Times, Tale of Wonder The Pigftm, a tale translated from lh Ger man ol Kotaebue 1 1 The Castles, or Athlyn k Dunbayn, a High 'land Story, Sandtbrd aivd Merlon . The Mintrcl, or Antcdote of distinguished personage Ildeigerte, Queen cf Norway ' Werter, Adelale deSanccrre - Dervat, or the Speculator, a novd founded on recent fct - Iyracal Ballads, Ocean Spectre The Animated Skeleton, Mordaunl The Rival Mother, Zcluco Charlotte Tempi Atala, or the Love and Constancy of two Sa vage in the desert Th Ring, a Spanish Story The Royal Captives A philosophical, historical and moul Ejy 011 Old Maids ( The Ortcnberz Family, by Kottcbue Rassetas and Piuarbas, by Dr. Johnston The Negro, Moss ClitT AbUy . The Haunte.' Cavern, Black Valley Contrast, Ph.wnlropist, The Mirror Sinrit of the Casile, Miseries of L'dolphe Man of Feeling, Georqe Barnwell Matilda Bctkcley, Lucy Ormond ' D'ltrat lis' Romances, St. I .con Inrjuititor, lm.tant !vtr Ixe at Vnl Sight Iwsof N'orth CaroliiMito the yeir 180J In. elusive . Martin' NcwJuvj let Park on insurance Puthieron Obligfttion FiuHcrSem Nstnra Brtviura Ixt Mercatorit Americana F.jinssc' Nisi Priu Evins's Emits Tlor' Report t Glltrt' DiatrcsscV , I lay wood' ditto 5 Sthiifcr Ffictici tt Law -!!- ' - -i'j.i- ! !' ! ..:-.: I State Trials,, Proctor'a Practice Talbot' Cases : batches .ditto -Martin' Statutes -- , Almanacks for 1806, Sec. &cc.' ! ... . ALSO. , Duills.' and Ink Powder of a junenQr quality s Jl hick post Wo ' . Thin do1. ' 1 Quarto Post,1 VeUomt. best quality Foolscap,') Pot and ;t Blatting. Paperi " ' '' ?" "' : Shining Sand, Pouncei ' Wafer's, ; Red and black Sealing Wax, Black and red Lead: Pencils of anexcellent quality . 'Seaman's journals. Blank MesfiVge Card f Assortment of Blank Books " ' , " Blanks of most .kinds " " - f 1 Charts , 4 '. - .'-.-.?-: The Nofth.American Pilot, being a Cbllec-" tion of sixty accurate Charts' and Plans. ' ' 1 Wilmington,: March 1 1 , 1806. ; : : notice. IN confequence cf the Legiflatre having; by aa AlcI ol the lart. Virion repeiie'd the ! Al paifed 10 the' year i8oo"irleftrrrg the Trulfees of the Untvetfiiof thcVfCneat ; ed propetty , t lie Board of .Trtittee enter. ed into a rcl'oluiion, di reft ung their feveral 3 Attornies to notify in tliejrrcfp-flive dif- tndls the laid' repeal, and alf to give the vvUlTngncfs and teadi-- nefs' of that Body- to entef into 'compro- . tnifes for all property Which has been con- iidered as ekneatea and claimed under tne original ' donation of theLegiflaUife.' 4 Alt per fbtis therefore who ire fn poflef. fiofl pi, or claim, property of fhat cfefcrip-: t&w,' fittiaie in the ditlricl of Wiliningi; , ton, are hereby aitordihgly noticed, of the repeal 'ab'oVerrlehtidned, antf aVe-' heteby further Infcirrrled that' the fubferiberor the Attorney and one of the member of the Board of TrufteVs In Hild diflrift,' will rc- ctTye bopQfiuonf for'comcfrornifci, and with triether'irtemb'erf belonging to tbe diftrlft Will proceed to act upon fuch.prtv. pofitions agreeably toiformcf refolufionii and 'ordinances of . the Board on thefub . jeel, . - - - , .- v J. G. i WRIGHT. : Wilmington, March ir, i8tf3 .3W. THE subscriber informs bis friends and the public in general, that he has taken the shop adjoining Mr. Jacob Hariman's at the corner of Front and Dock-streets, where lie has for sale Gold Watch Seals and Keys, BreaH Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Fau cy Combs, Pocket Books, black lead Pencils, Segar Boxes, Razors aod Bator Case, Gilt Watch Chains, Seal and Keys. Nathaniel Dana, jun'r. N. B. . Watches cleaned and" repaired ' usual. , 1 W ilmington, Feb. 26. A Bargain. TO BE OLD," " THAT well known. and valuable Mil Seat orf Holly Shelter, about tMrty miles from Wilmington, late the properly of Co!. John P. Williams in fituailon is healthy and agreeable, there is on the premifci a two llory Dwelling, Kitchen, and other out Houfci he dream is known to be equal to any in the State, with a fet of Mills' a little out of repair, the Grid. Mill in giHxl order. The term of fae nay be mad known by application to Roger Moore, Sheriff of New. Hanover County, or Robert Dor fey, meichant, Wilmington. December 17, 1805. NOTICE. ON Tuefday the 151 h day of April next,- be let out at pHblic ven due to the lowed bidder, at the Court. Houfc In inflow County, the BuiMii g of a Bridge acrofs New Rivtr, nearly orpo- . mm a. iiieunuow ciHirt. Motile. I he condition of payment and the plan of building will he fully made known on the day d iiir- 1T.J inc. LEMUEL DOTY, RICHARD WAR WM MONTFORT UcQow, Jrcb 31, i8c6. 7W. Cmraiflloners. Spring-IIill Academy Lenoir County. yilF. mblie are Informed that Che Acade A my is now open where Youth will be Uught Reading, Writinj, Arithmatic and F.nglih Grammar at twelve dollar per year. Also, the latin and Creek Language and Geography, at tit teen dollar per year. The subscriber will engage to board Ihos who wish it, at forty-eight dollar tr year. 6w Jofcph Kline. M'liuirc h lioatwright CARRY onth Dtack Wbiu fmiili bufirtfi In all in variout brarclci, on lelfaii'i Wharf; arwl will furnifh'op. tain tf e!rclt and all other with whe. ver they may want in thrir lii.c of bufinefi, at the Ihodcfl notice, wel ciecutcd, and on the anofl leafor.ablc ttrmi. Wilfnirgtfri, Mirch I . A tUckboy i wn'.ed i N f-rn'.icf le te ajveiurr.cM. j I l 1 1 1 I I V7 "I' ,11 Hate just received from Nem.TorH, M additiok 1 rA Ship Chandlery c Grocery Storc", ; tohich mshs their ouo'rtment extensive. -. V i Maclenrk Sherry ClaretAViric' Shrub, Holland Gin, Cogniac Braadr 'V! Loaf and Muscovado Sugar , , ' . - ' .Greert Coffee;-' - ; , '. ' ' tf vsnn. Tmnfrinl nA C...l,.. T". Nutmeg, Clove, CinnaouaiH . '' 4 Race and ground Ginger 1 ' Alsptte, Pepper:' ' J W-est-India and N.-. England Rum of various .' kind,: . . . Molasse, Chocolate, Gur towder, .Shot. Bar and sheet Lead, . . ; ; , , ' , - , .--- 'r.'i Allum, Jiiiratone , . :v'.'.. 0 mi ...u J jw. r.. it - ' niyuiu uu uijn vaiiuies , -, Copperasi, , Glue . ' ' u; , 8 by 10 and 10, by 12 Wbdow Glass ' White and brown Soap Cat ironQvens, Pots and Spider j Mustard in. bottles, ., , Sweet Qil,;' Olives, .'Capers.' Anchovies" Saltpetre . , ; ; ;-; ;l Spanish Scgar . , Sheet arid cast iron Tea Kctlle , C ' " Looking Glasses (- ,' ' -Russia and English Canva ,, .. ' .' Raven Duck, Russia Sheeting. . .' . , Sewing;.Twine and Needle , ' Sheathing Paper ,. Ditto i, Naii;:; : "::, - . ... Bar Iron, "Nails of all sizes " Cordage, of every description ... ' Large aij4 small. Anchor Paint apS Lamp Oil ' , ' ... ' Pjuit 4f v and ground in oil of all kind . ',' Black and bright Variiisli, , . , - Verdegreasp i ..' . ,' ., Charts of America 5c West-Indies in gencrat Nautical Books, Quadrants, Spy" Glasses Log and writing paper .... Scrying and cau!kingIallcts Single, double and treble Blocks . . ', ' . Sheaves and Pins ' '-'' Hooks and Thimble assorted sizes Honks . - " . ditto . .' Marl)n Spikes, Boat Hooks, Caulking Jron Scupper and Pump Nail Truck j . ' Upper and lower Pump Boes Hand Pumps, Pump Leather Lampblack Deep, Sea and Hand. Lead Lines and Lead Log, Fishing, and BonnetLints 'Harpoons, Grains, Tormentors, Ladles', Tinder Boxes compleat Binnacle and other Lamps ' Sand Glasses from 14 seconds to one hour. ! Ensigns of different sizes Bunting of all colours Trumpets of different sizes Honi and Tin Lanterns . , , Signal ' ditto ' , Paint, tar and white wash Brushes Hair Brooms, Scrubing Brushes 1 Cloth Brushes ' Mops and Handle ' Long and short handled Frying Pans Log Reel Iron and wood handled Scr.rper Oars of all sizes, Hund Spikes Brass and wood Compasses Grid Irons. Box andiron Coffee Mills Hanks, Tin Pots, Hatchets, Pump Hammers, Palm Irons, WptstcdVrotks 'I'hej hate alio en hand An assortment of Dry Goods Suitable to the approaching teat on f and ventral If hate a large svfflj cf Pork, Beef and l'lour, in barrels Butter and Lard in Cikins Bacon, Black eyed Peas, Indian Corn On Ctntirnmtnt A few tierces, barrels and boxes men and women's Shoes Waldecker Boots, Cotton Bagging Sugar in hogsheads and barrels j .1 , r 1, , u mm .u fium .tioiuiea " , 400 superior dressed Calf Skins. - Produce of every description ill be takes in barter. 90 tierces Kicc, for cash or a short credit for approved paper. Fresh Garden Seeds, Juft received and for fate by JOHN WILLK1NGS&CO. Wilmington, Jan. ao, 1806. " heriff's Sale. ' (',: be SJd on the Hth tarth next, Between 2 8c 300 acres of Land on the head of Lort-('reck. Likewise fifty acre adjoining the land of Samuel Bunting ; tossiiily an ecccutkm in my hands Gaven Aires, assignee, kc. vs. Samuel Iiloodorth. R. SF.AGROVt, D'y. bU'ff. Vilrolngton, Ftbmsry JJ, 1104. :Vcry cheap for cash. rPHK subscribers are selliag e.0 their ex. tensiv tssoi itnent of Good at reduced frit et amorist which arc Ship ChitMlkry, tord, Groceries of all kinds, t lour. Ship Bread, Tease, Beef, Bet Wax, Tallow, Butter. hU on Glasgow or London,' by J.YDLJiSOJf t JOSCl

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