;ior: .i.'J vi v.!-. JM -Lit! ...I Im t, Mi. Mi i . i ? '- . . ' ' T i . . -.1 U. 1 , i . ll i t MM. alC .nl. ,v-iui.itfif'-.,..r.( ,:.. -.' .- Y. v TO fwW jM;.9TOwr-; i ed although Hhe state of. tKe. "moat imDortant alien of auclden..adournmett. ;. ; ,."ThVcwseso ipjRd&jM'iT Korth-Garofl, 1 - A '. A. ft . . 1 ' 1 I maliRnant ' optoiiX.bowmn'diai. ba !!!' i?TWN-yM!at. in the House orKeprMetatiTes, before, any im portant natiojiijbtismesiJi&d been decided von;w VFiirappy,bax!ercenct) to the joum fto and QjBwpapei V ! 7; " rOn.tojr arrivatl Xoi?d,tH jLegUlature ti aged in del'sifig jmeaiyres, for th release "tjf 6r 'impressed' searaeh, and preparing Svjch arrannn TOigKt terd to restrain the" Brftfsh crWemimnf, from suchi lawless JP16, aijapfteAr tjo pe daily commifted Ty the arme3"ves8etDetonging, o(thatna ion, ,updr fjje pedour Ipf new: n!dorced tons'trrtlon oje law' of nations! modifyecl ; for the express pumps curbing" thtf'gl'ov- ' opnlVBqncf w. lue United States, .ba tatal ;t Several resolutions Jiavp ben intrbjiaced Vth a , y;e if . fa give ve'ijj;H to an'oijher at-, "tempt to obtain, by neKociation, anaiuicaJ)le j adjustment of our existing differences ..VVn , jtbat nation. One of these proposes to prohibit, aftpr a certain day, the importation of all Bri i ' tish manufactures ; if prior to that day our differences are not adjusted by negociation ; and others contemplate the prohibition of ' certain specified articles only. ' An opinion prevails amongst such mem- '(bers as I have .had the pleasure to converse with onihis importantsubject, that some de cisive measures ought to be taken to obtain redress of those grievances, and our tables are covered with memorials and resolutions forwarded to the Executive, faorn .our popu- . lous towns and other corporations, expressing VWadiness and ardent 2eal to support the . overnment in whatever measures should be deemed most adviseable in the present situ ation of affairs. The merits of tbese resolu tions remainjttill undiscussed ,$uch de layi may appear strange' to h(nc who arc . impatient to find oyt the- closed door nereis, ' Rnd anxious n, lit-nr a decision, and to such as do -seriously view the insults and injuries exercised by the British toiranlsourcitizens.as - a degradat t'lfi it i consistent with l dignity of a , free andindrpetiden people Yet. they will cer tainly iV.nw that in the discussion of mrn- cures wjiich, in the opinion -of good mrn. may lead to war, that it U prudent to prucecd with coolness and deliberation. You may have fen by the President's mes sage at the onenirp of Congress, that the, .Spiniards had committed several octf pi. . racy and t'tolence, besidfi.theif . ttlrroar.h. .rnntain louisiani, and hase peremptorily , refused, to surrender that part which they , ..call West Florida. Measures have been ta keo hv ojir, gdvtrnment, which alfnid, a f.i- Voura'le'prospcct of an amicable adjuMrnent cf all diiTVruKts withJthat country, and the Spatmh -Ambassador, ' Mnrfpin tie Yrujo, flu had Imptoperly interfered with the con k 'rerns of the government of the U. titates, has tbrcrroidercyliOmei ' ' ' ' Several treaties ilb Tndin f,Vve la'tflr r4tlSeV. sir', one with Ike Oelawarcv, , . vj.i.. .wyic v-im.,awi, one.wiin trie vne "ttokcs iie Vrith the, Cretks, and two with tit N')rnriilotw. By.thfsa six. treaties we 3havc'xOfrtriiUhed the Indian title la several J ril ilons of arVe s of s-aluable lands ind naviga Merivfrsv -Thelreaty 'witli"th4 Choctaw .forlhe UnJ which' trpsrate the Tombiitbv iaelilnr.i from the Natchet, :kai sol yst ber B ratjficdJ . ,: . , , .; J 4 The dansWdeTtnce,: reported by I com- rnltrtff tur hote, tre to f.nlfy cMtr ports rl harbors, and more naval preparations by . htuU'mty guo-boau tod aix aerenty.fours. None ef ihcie plans have, at ytt, been carri ev'-infbtllc'V, ; . : The public bills whkh hartibeen inttWu--tedf re t4Korlhe cncotragmeni f the ihippi ig md oavijtir.n f the United States il-J A 1LU making further provision for tx . fiuzuUhint! the debts dud from the Un'ttrd . 5uts- A , DHI prohibiting, fork limited . Iipje thec'xrtatloti'gf Arrai apd Atrlmuni lien rro;a tbe United Sta!e-- A Hill to ius- WDd the'commereJal lrrtertoorseltwe en the Vtifted States ahd'tenairt parts cf the Islaiid ef .Si. norn,mK-A Bill fir he protection tUlnkmninjartof American stamen A-1M td'estalJWH i usifemal academy A 4HffTrTttMrhingr4mg-hm)es with the Indict, tribes A UH fof eaUVIishipg rules rr4 articles for jhe gorcromrnt of iht rmiei f thaUnittiVatts A mil for tht punlh ,,j',ntf couijtfrfch'.ng the currant coin, cf ,lhe Uni'cd Sutt ,A Din for altering U.c -ime ofitotdiart the circuit roiirt of the state 4 Korth-Catohna A Bill declaring U.e ent ofCor.f re to a - set of Ihe Central sinbly of Ihe Stale ff Sorth Carotiua, su ihori.lnjftU bufc cf Tenncue-; 19 perfect '""ft M autlminc" the ;&crctatV' bf 7i-eaury to'ca4h c0st of Nrth-Ckro-tj?t witfclte kartera amtjCape-Fekn to ,e aurveyeu;,I qb sinderely htbt will pass 'jpto'ilaw aa'.U ctjhiemplateavX ..alscvtr the :pracUcab, Uty .bjerecling af ligbrhoi 'iti bf Hgh ?tei.bfaQ;br lyojft oh nf near hi extreme .point of tlie;8esnot This'plan taVriedlnto ef fect will 'icraiplr prqVe of utility to the tom .mercial Merest of tt$ "United $tktes,,:arfa'tb Northarollna in partfJdlar. ' ': Ji rjcport pf a seledt ''committee ; a'uthort aing' ihel'resident to apnoint Commissioners fto7ac;with snoh Cbmmssioners as, will be f appointed, by the states of l4orth'-Carolina and Georgia, to cstablisha dividing line between tne two' states where some disputes, have a Tfisen, re amongst he files on the table. 1 ,1 cannot; conclude without noticing the un ; manly manner in which some of those ene miea to the.rigKis of man (whose serpentine venom for many years has been heaped upon ",me) did, .from or near the town of Sneadsbck 'rouh, send a budget of calum'hy (in hopes to prejudice the public mind, and spread the itiramy of their inviduous and diabolical schemes,) to the Frederick Town Herald, the , Editor of which,; on the. 22d ultimo,' did, from his prostituted press, make known the contents, and artfully attempted to revive Major Purviance's , Ribaldry , long since dis regarded by all,' except a few er.vious and malicious Aristocrats whose malignance and hatred to every thing that is honest, just, and decent, has 'prompted them to support the speculative views of their monarchical parti sans, whose discernmenwin the selection of materials to injure and destroy the reputation of others has entitled them to a place in the dark pages of Porcupine's M-edley. I have always disapproved entering into a serious refutation of any charges which are published by any anonymous writer, as I ne . ver could imagine it possible that any consi derable portion of the American people are . made of such materials as.to be the dupes of calumny and misrepresentation, and as I do believe the opinion of men, composed of such materials, can be of little conseq'ience, for their esteem could confer no honour, nor their censure can be no disgrace, us all such are liable to the controul and artifice of a few 4 designing men. At the clone of the session it is my intn tion to (five -you a correct detail of its further proceeding in another letter, and I do che- ' i;ih a hope on my return amongst my con stituents, to be ai.lu to satisfy them that I have understood and duly attended to their interest with assiduity and integrity, c iJ " wjlh the zenl f a faithful servant. DUNCAN MAC FAR LAND. N. U. Please to communicate the contents to your neighbour. :::g;o::t: From the Njtional Intelligencer.- Our readers must have noticed, for somr time pat. atrong animadversions in several of the public prints, on the conduct of m--ncnl Armstrong, our minister in France, in the case o( the New-Jersey hich has likewise produced a remonstrance to the Pie sident from (lie Insurance Compsnv of New. York. Of the communication cf this remon stranrp, Dr. Mitchill, f.f the stnr.te of the United States, was some tinir since made the organ. An atuwrr was made through him at an efrly day, by the President, ex pressive of confidence in the intepiity of our tninintcr, and intiirrt'.np ilmt as on as In formation had tern received on the opinion ascribed to him, a letter disapproving it had been written to him. the reply to which, it was expected, would comprise the nertmry explanations. The President added, that Jjaving no doubt of the ntht of insurers to stand in the place cf the insured, that right would be asserted and maintained on every proper occasion An explanatory letter having been since rrceired from general Armstrong, and com municated to Dr. Mitchill, is now published, with the view of elucidating subject which baa excited so much sensation among mcr cautile men. t Ettrafi ef a Utter fron General rmttrog, Hinhter fiWvtrntUrj of iht United St at tt, ! at rStii,SU iht Setretarj ef State, dated rarii, Krtxmler 26, 1 60S. ut I had the honor, within the last wee,of; receiving jrir letter of the a Sib of August, etprtisirg the solicitude cf the parties Inter estrd in'the Mp New-Jersey and cargo,! u least their claim should be rejected on the idea, thet the right cfth Insured did not: psts to the Insurers j" and communicating i also the opinion of the Trtiident that M A merkan underwrltert who had paid the loss 1othe origin si owners, cit'nens of the United -State, wrt entitled t the Ixmfiii if the Irtiiy of I80J.H : t ' . In my nexldiipstche I shall furnish you wilK lidt II mrnl t frum tahirh Imi aitl il,.i I " ins. the.diflT.culties lo this case, have in ro stage cf it. arisen from (ha causes to whirh ihw ItaveLcen ascribed j thai its admistion by the imcncin uoara vss long lutpeoded under coll Merttr objeetioni, that no evidence had Itea produced cf tbe iosolrcncy of j -v. i,.t captors," that its retection. bv the -council general 'f riuldaUon, proceeded iVomithe pcMeCihat M the ship and caro were. paV tiillyv or 'altogtthr British property ;, and from cer.trtin jthe causeV'-aixi that when tots belief tonterning the national character cf the property was dene away by the pro duttiotl of certain policies of insurance, which, mid been effected in different parts of the United States (but whkh till, then had ben carefully kept out of sight) the claim so far from being -opposed on the principle that ' the rights of the insured did not vest in the insurers," or indeed on any other principle, wasori my suggestion sent back to the coun ' cil, relieved from the first and apparently the principal objection, and left the subject only to the " other causes" .mentioned iu the re jecting arrete of the 28th of Friinaire. These " other causes" are fully exhibited in the report of the Directory of the 4th di vision, dated en the 15th Germinal, and may be digested into the following heads: . ; ' - 1st. That the judgment. of the 17th Prairial, year- 6, pronouncing the confiscation of the New-Jersey and car&o, is still subsist iflg inasmuch, as it has not been annulled by the decree of the council of prizes, which directs only,-the-restitution of the sum de posited by the owner with general lledou- , vill. ' : ; ; v-v ' . ,, ; . . , M 2d. That the claimants having neglected to prosecute their appeal within six years af ter the capture, were precluded, by the laws of France, from a right of appealing. 3d. That the New-Jersey not having role d'equipage, as provided by the treaty of 1T78, was excluded from the provisions of the 4th article of the treaty of 1800. 4th. That the captain and agent of the privateer not having been heard in their de fence, nor even summoned to appear before the tribunal, the decree of the council of prizes was illegal. -J 5th. That no evidence' having been pro duced of the abandonment of the ship and cargo to. the underwriters, and the agents having even deniedthc right of their govern ment to question them with regatd to an a bdrtdonment of the property, snd having be sides acknowledged that the original owners, or -a part of them, hnd acquired the New Jersey by a new title; by idlingto the un derwriters, uj" droit cr.nenatle Je nprue dans Li depot" it'may be f tiily inferred, that thejossneverwaspaidby the insurers and that the receipts (whi.:h by ihe' M ay do not corres pind in number with the policies) are merely fictitious, and " Clh. That were it in proof that theowntrs had abandoned, and that the underwriters hud paid, still the cl.iim of the latter could not be admitted inasmuch as it could not now be liquidated under the rules prescribed by .the treaty the Anicritan commission hav ing no longer an existence. You wilt readily perceive that in all this there is not a tinlo ayllabie ointed at the rights of iniurers, " who have p'dd the loss or the original owners." It only remains for me, therefore to hew, that in no after act if her of the council or of Mr. Muibois and inyitir, was the broad principle which has iv'tii ko much alarm to our underwriting ci-1 tir;ns, or even the qualified one to be found in the Picsider.t's opinion, adapted or applied to the rate of the New-Ji'isey -The report of winch 1 have tdrcady given you the sub. stance, not having been agreed to by all the jr.cmb'TS of the council, and the liquidator general not cheosir.g to decide the differ ences, transmitted the case a second time to theUcaiury. with a wlh that Mr. Marbois and myarlf might determinate it t complied with this wish we did determinate it, and admitted it for its full proportion cf the marginal fund. It Is true that Mr. Mar bois and I differed somewhat concerning this rircponion. He would have given 333,000 rancs, wjieress I thought that 300,000 were quite as many as fell to its share ; and that fou think as I did, I have no doubt, when inform you, that there are claims amount, ing to more than three millions, as sound in point of principle, less objectionable in point of form, and better rtcnmmended by the pe cuniary circumstances feflhe claimants! lor whkh I have not yet got a single sous." i M:tt;::tt:ttf CHARLESTON, Macih 14. The Rochcfoii fquadron leiurned Into that port on the 2d December. They ate faid 10 have made 39 prizes duiirg iluif ciuirt. . The Senate have difsftcrd to the bill, introduced by Gen. S. Smith, lor new crinization cf the militia on the piUcU pte cf eliding them The fenite we trdetdind, wrte ycflrr Jit erigired on the till brought In by Mr. Wjlfto, tUtjve in tU irnprelTment cf our icamcn, auer lome fiiicuiuoo, me y whole wiiftrick otil ticept the wordrtj ut 11 inaat mat 1 rrw 9111 was teen re ported in in room, which met with milar fte. V. March. 17. cdsivd igntdtle ct for stopping thiln;r jcqnne with-certain parts 'cjfjihe island olSl .mingtj, oil the J8th ult, V), W-J..yJ',Lij- - . ..... k $jtUhtKg Kc jiaft if tacit ariiff thi 'f or o'thtr ;Vj.iii'ehaMaep a'fctunt of iht IX .Friga -nitedtMi ? S '209,336 5 ConsVituu'oiir i ; 302,7 1 6 84 ; - w tellaV(, r.. 'T Congresi ;J - President . r 314,212 15 1$6,246"8V !50,9rd 08 220.677 ,80 '155,t39 0 139,3o3' 53 113,50 72 'i j. Phi ffi -.rhuadelpb)8j... .. Kew-Yori hssex John Adams. & -'i .it Atiams 76,622 2r ..:".; ; (Jcorge Waslingt,bn ' ! 69,024 1 19,570 04. , , ..general Qrceine', " ;, Insurgent , . V Ship , . 'Canges 7 , : j 'f . Ports moitH fy." ' , "Merrimack'(!,l ."'.! j;:; Cpnneciicut ' " .'' i- .. .Baltimore j ';' -.. ... Delaware , , .'- , , . Maryland' ' Petapsco l ... , -j .lhvM. , t , , I rumbull Warren . . ., Montezuma - Brig Norfolk Richmond Augusta Pickering - ; Siren , Argus '105,492 42 ' '96,640 & 80'.'P65 21 5,soi ax 46,170 20 S7,2Q , 56,277 67, 59,563 01 70,249 8 73,104 40 47,,780 77, 56,494 at 34,702 01 '51,732 13 18,720 55 27,896 87 16,294 32,126 06 32,521 rr 37,428 29 Hornet, fht accounts -for builuitigilas ves sel have tift been exfiiiitcd, the ad . . xenecs ou account omou)tto 52,603 Schooner Enterprise r 16,240 52 ' Kxperimcnt . - 1 6,689 15 . Vixen 20,872 73 Nautilus 18,763 5t Galley South-Carolina 5,14$ 54 1 Thsrleston f t Of). DA lieaufort 5,03f5 53, St. Marys 5,575 III Savannah 6228 6 Protector 4.443 69 Mars 4,387 45 Covernor Darie 3,125 0? C'lvernor Williams 3,211 34i CuQ-BoatNo.l builtaUYfivhington 10,210 65 2 " Ilamplon 11,399 95 3 Philadelphia 11.737 4t 4 Wakhiogton 1 1,930 50 5 Ualtimore 12.291 8f 6 New.York 13.790 7 Dilto 12.729.50 8 lloston 13,090 97 9 Charleston 12,792 44 10 Washington 12,072 46 ' Bomb Ketch Spitfire 17,307 83 Vengeance 18,143 24 Xtt. The frigates. United States, Consti tution and Consti Hat ion,, were built before the establishment ol the navy department, and their costs ascertained from data obtain td from the treasury and war departments. Jiuvy Depart tttent, Aciounttmt'tOJf.ce Ftb. f, 1806. THOMAS TURN till, Auountart A STATEMENT Exhibiting the amount tf mtnej expended in tht f urthest and improvement tf eth nay jr& belonging lo tht United Statu, el's. Navy yard at Washington g 180,920 is Boston 80,$ 31 94 Portsmouth,,!. '33,349 Of Nr w.York 89,555 50 Philadelphia 41,180 14 Norfolk 32,799 7 aVjtf Department, Actnntant's Ojitt, Feb. 6, 1106. THOMAS TURNER, Atovr.tont: Sheriff's Sale. TXlLI.te sold, without reserve, cnthe v y 4th day of April next, the Mill Seat, on Holly Shelter, which Us been advertised some time past by Robert Dorse y. R. SEAGROVE, D'j. Shf. March 2S, 1806 3 w. INSURANCE Against Los or Damage by Fire,' JOHN MAYNAUD DAVIS, Atent fur the Phaoix Company of London continue! to make Insurance on DsiDdinf t Merchandize, Furniture and Shipi and Cargoes in port talnft Iof or i!amreb Fire, at hie Office, No. 36, Fifl-Dsy, Chirlcflon, South-Carolina. For partU entan enquire of John London, Lffj. WHrnirioB. Jko. M.DAVIS, Ageaf, &c, Clarlflii, Ijl Jlfirth, 1806. N.D. LeiunloiheAjent poll faUJ duly anfwercJ, and on receipt of Trcffii urn policies will be executed and forwar rfrd it ditcdrd. without delir. 4T-2ra