Congrefs ppearV to be ferioully "enga ged in Tranfacling buGnets for the benefit of the nation. " The blank in the bill pro Waiting the partial importation of Bri tifti manutacturts, hai been filled up with the 15th Novemrj It pa (Ted the feebnd reading, unanirnoufly, ami was engrailed- for a third readingwn weaneiaay. the 14th, the prelident communicated a confidential Menage, hich sw read whir clofed doorsv On the'h, the houfe took into confiderat ion the refolutions for the better pro'ecYion of our ports ; and 'bar bourr. The ftrft and fecond,, rcfolotions, appropriating a furnof money for the pr0 tedion of our harbours, and building ejun boats, were agreed to: The third 'Tefolu tin making an appropriation for building . It would Teem, from the London pa ptrs, that Mr. Fox baa written to all the RngUfh minifters at foreign courts, ? an. pouncing the change of minitlry, . and idling, that it is h'a with to reftore peace to allJturope. - Natchex, Feb.;l8y;8Qi - . From Natchitoches. "Forborne time past the Spaniards hat been taking new : position and drawing in near us. About a, month ago they establish ed a post about 1 4 miles from this town on the Kagadoches road, at Qumdleties old place, is it is called, and their. patroU came within league or, two of Natchitoches,' and it wki a feneral circulating report that they intended to Hike possession of all the country west of RedriVer. Tktomnaiiding officer at this place received orders 'from the -President of the United States a few-days ao, 'o remove them by.rjy means that rnnjht -be found ne cessary." to the west side oft tie Sabine river ; the substance of this, ordejr wsltnriedUtely "officially ..communicated toth commanda'ritf f Nagadoches, Who returned lor anawerthut at. compliance with that order oft fiivatt would not be conformable to his inunctions, and liquified his intention to maintain the po litiona he. had taken, Sec. upon which, 'ear ly . in the morning of the '5 th inst. captain Turner, lieutenant Piatt, ensign Duforet, le 60 men from the srsrriwi of fort Claiborne, were detached for the'purpone of removing 11 Spanish Soldier. 8co. 'hey miojht meet with, terbe other t'Ae of Sabine," and in case of rr sistance to repel lore with force. They arrived early n thi-d:y at Qttindleties where' they found an offi.ur &ud to men, to whom marching orders w-n: immediately given A variety of unsuccessful pretences, were made use of by the Spaniards to procutx: ih.-' lay tas we supposed) till they were tvun'for- ' ced ; iUej;oc,ver without od'eriiijjaTiy re--aistance,. made oil". Captain-Turner retrain ed till the next morning an the ground, and after buvniothe h.'nc, marched on after" them, vh-n to his snqw'ne, found them aain encamped about thrre miles only from Quin dMie, wher thty were moved from, tha officer ttill t-ftcrimj frivolouseicnses for his alow reti Tat t th.-v wrs ar un tailrd, and capuin Turner pursued' them close in tj'eir rear towa-i' Saline. id no farther intelli gence 'een receivej from them at the i1ae fr this. Apprehensions are entcrirted that the S;n'urrs may be rcit.lWed and make a stand brfore they cross S''ne ; if they should, a conflict must ensue ; op i! tbey shnuld appear in arms aain on this ide the Sbi.V rw ceremonv will be used with them ; they will escape fighting only by thetr , speed. . .'; - . sWT' TT. 1 ami lRigT.S CURRENT- WiLMi)trvs. Dl:. Ou m. to, 3.C0Nf- 100 Tjs. 9 U Cotton per lb. ' 18 CpfTee per lb. 'J 31 Corn per bushel, 60 BJ Meal do. 7S- I Tlour per barrel, 6 S3 Dittopcrbalf barrel, 4 Lumber ir M. , It ll V o. hhd. staves, ' 20 ,? I 0. do.' do. do.' ' II A.H ' V. o.ll. do. rough 12 Shingles rx-r lOvO, J 7j 1 Siuar jtr cwt. , 10 1 1 . Jlolau s per gallon 3Tf- . Hum, 'V. I. pr(r. 3d p. fj 10 - ' JM:alo.AtUp. , , I,. , N.. 1'.. do. 6- 43 Tar per harrtl, ' 3D-. Turpentine,, I JO Tbicciptrcwt. ' 4 SO Fot Sale, 40 acres of land on ilic wcsulde t I Cape.Fear Hiver, fnuated betwcea Dl " .Isput and the Sind Hill, about nine miles ftom Town. Tlie'jfiti'ation is hn Ifomt tnd pteaUot,' being bluff upon the ilvr r, nd eirendi thetrfn about 1 wile. The land Is wtll limbered and an cxcllen , ptaet for rane,' both fo Cstilcand Hoi. -Abovtrtr:y acres Rice land, andfrl.tte fl?gh Mh on the iivcr( ffhkh can, tt ,siraine(L Alfa 150 acres well ilmbtird , lano on ot i v,reaic wnicrt 11 wu , .Idowq a rHMacc for fante. The stml rtf Cm sirs Cw MAAika mJLAl irmm j f w sv - mi m uniuiiiivi twti I l V fca'f, and iwclr months for ihe other. If the (sid tsnds fhouU rot V fold hcfoi t the fir fl df v of the n.Mry Uwrior Couii, vli'T fill 'hen be fold ar Vendue. JOHN NUTT Wilmlrf co April . -Fear. THE Stockholders of the Bank of Cape Fear, art hereby notified, that theFoUKTH iNSTALMENt" "O t STOCK is lue and payable at the. Bank on Satur day the third of May next On .'allure of. payment, the Stock and the previous pay ments made thereon is , forfaited arcably ; to 3 of Incorporation. 7 --r-' v , By order, '. JOttN HOGG, . CaJk)trK Wilmington, April 1, t8o6. List of Letters remaitiing in thei - Post-OfHce at Wilmington. . . a DIE & Hogg, Midame'Ait Jt drie, captain John Allen, Jofeph Atlalt, Daniel Anthony,, jon'r. B. Richard Burgei, a ; Wm. fiHk.ii Fattklin T. Blrtdworth, 2 capt. Benja. milt fioirn. Earl Bourn, Benjamin Buvr w M-k .i v a srsi 1 tt-.l en, jacob t5aiey, iNeai DcaM, wmnni Bragg, John Baptifts Brouard, ' Thrq,s Boy t oh , captain John BerUnd, jun'r. I faac Burler, capaift Jonaihan Bickford, captain EzeVa Bryan, jofeph E. Bacon. C CDtain' Arthur Child. - Gideon Cafey, Mofea Chafe, William Cutler, captain William Camby, captain Wil liam Culver. D, Thomas Dobfor., 3; Ret George Daughaitr, 4; cautain amea Derby, Anthony Dyer tico.y Dcavcs, Thua Davit. ' &. WHHarr Ldeti. F. John Frtehorn, Simeon reeman, Ms. Cridian Firming, ThomiS low en, Mrs. Franci Foriler, Robert Frank lin, John Foot. t G. William Galway, R.lvrsrd James 5owlandi Mrs Jwhf Grtettj Vprin i 'oiuel Gillpatrick, Mat hew O'eefon. y. H. M s. .Marv Hooper. 2.1 ' Abner Hatch, ( 2;. cap'ain Edward B iLUer,' George'B. Hodav, captain Elias Hamb lin, Abwcr J-Iopton, captain William . Harrold, Robert Harf, captain Charles Holdcn, Nvhemiah Hsrdy. J. lfaack and Sim;fon, ; MfffVs. Ifac & BiljTfiV, John Jones, Simuel R. Jocelin, William W; Jones K. 5-h S, Kcttel, Kcllick; Ow. cn lenani 3.'' L. Cap Jn David Le vii, 3 ; tiptain Hctekiah J. t,ee, Job LjuJi.oi, i har'ts .Lisdergrecn, 1 Nathan Lcwiu, R.)bert' Ly, M. John M'AliRer, 2 ; Dsniel M Kav,ij captain William Morris, Mifi . Mary KrKenrie. 2 Martin nd Ijioodworth, 2 ; , Geornt M'lriie, Samuel Morpan, AtoM Vl.llirickrol, captain Marii' Mesher, G rgcM'Don a'd, Daniel Mal'eit, Abiehatr. Mi. liken, captain Samuel Kfurrill. N. Mirs Elizabeth Slutt, William Notl. 4 ; Richard Nixon, t ; Richard Sico'.fun, Mil. Rachae' Nixon, Col. William Nfh, 2 ; Cyrus Northop, Mrs. Mary Nicolii, John Nealr, Jarret No blet. P Peris mln PsMerfon, Oeorjje P!den, . captain J efeph Trindle, Lo'o'u PafielJ. R. 1 hd.ra Ri.tteM, Edward Ruflell. Edard RthtirDn, Jchn Rav, captsin Crji Rv'ITel '.hdrew'Read, Horatio li. Roptra. tnh Rirflon. " ' , S. Arthur Sroc l, 3 ; VNIIiam Smith,, oa'iy srwie, v. nine 3Coi, rir imive, captain WilUar. Swann, cipiain Edward Salter, Thomas Snrit1, captain Hen kiah Smith, captain Edward Su'ter, Sheriff of BMinUick. Jolhua -Turner, Wiii'um Turrer, csp. tain Jchn Trolt, Thwidou and Pelhtm, Thi'ip Toolev, Afam Tcbo, John Thorrpfun, Jaris I., j'Jn'r. uptawi S'c dun Twmofi. U. Ilrhrv O'uuhart. V Ji.ftus W.VuUlrket. W. Edward Ward it S n. i 1 drre Bank of Cape Ward, capt Ekrrtrr White, 1 ; Tho. masP WcrW, 3; Col. William Win. Ka'e, 2 1 Nitf-a" Wallrn, John W(h. irg'on, Mrs. Henry Watiers, captain S.rthcn Whe'ter, J. B.' Y Mil Yonheer, Jonathan Yonrg, JOllMXURD, P. M. April 8, t8c6. Regimental Orders. TIlLoRiccri commaiHtirg Cnrrps tiles ' bt'orglng and attached to the New. Hanover Regiment of Militia are hereby required 10 appear at Wilmington, with thtir tcCpecilvt cumpaniea completely ar mcd and equipped scrtrably to law, at the ufual Parade, on TucfJay the firfl day of May r.ext, 10 be formed In line, ar d ihtir m.IIi called prrrifcU alia otovkt inofdrrtot General Rev taw. PiKOiial aitendlr ce is eipciled, and a coirt) return of the dumberi of anen and arini belonging 10 each compmy will be required fieot the commsoJirg efficsii theiff. By oidcf, RICHARD QyiNCE, Ci'mtl Cw4i$t. ApiU If'iUl. SCIIUME of a Lottery tot raising a sum of money for the purpose of defray ing the ex;cncc of making the Cduit-IIoiise Firo Proof. Wilmington, March 24tJ805. 50b" Tickets at '. S$ S 2,500 1 Priats ;4pf. 00 . . .1 $i.-Z2.'i 100 ; lo. - ;J 50 . : 2 do. 20 . l4l'd0. . . 10 ; 4 do. last drawn Ticket, - 500 -J 60 so .'40 1,410 400 .2,500 147-Prises. Discount from the PrU 352 Blanks, ses 20 per cent, prutlu- ces 500 dollars for the f 500 $00 . - - purpose aforementioned J The Lottery will be under ,ihe manage ment of Joslma G. AV right, Archibald F, M'Meili Archibald M. Hooper and "John Scott, and shall commence drawing upon the first Monday in May next. The Commi&sioiiur of the town flatter themselves that a project, for raising money for so essential a purpose, and to prevent il necessity of burtheninij the Inhabitanta with additional, taxeir of levie by. subscriptions will meet with general encouragement. - Thomas callender, r.c. Wilmington, March 3, I BOG; , v Gautier & Co; 1 ' HdU fast received from Ntv-Yorkt m addition to thtir Ship Chandlery & Grocury Stv're, wliicH nlikts their assortment extensive. Madeira, Sherry St Ckret Wines " ota superior quality Shrub, Holland Gin, Conlac Drandy Loaf and Muscovado Stilr ' Green Coffee . Hyson Imperial and Sonclofcg; Teas Nutmegs. Clovea, Cinnam(ri Race anu ground Gingei Alspici, Pepptr, .Vestpdia and N. England Rum of various . .jtmds . Mohivris, tlhocolatc, Gii Powder, Shot Bar. and &heet Lad, Allum Brims!t nhe . Mould and dipt C'ndl Copperas,. Chia 8 by Id and td by iZ VIniio-.v Glass sin w.nne ana urowti s(,?p Cfs. itm Oven, Pots s 1 and Spidtta Mustard i 1 bottles. Sweet Oil, OhveS, C-pcrs, Anchotica Salt Pet re . Spanith Segars j Sheet and cast irnft Ica' Kettles Looking GLitscs Russia hiJ liJi.U Camas tlav.iis lutk;- Huia hi-cttii vjwiivj Twine and N'eculci Shcilliing Paper Ditto, Nils Bar Ifou, Nail of all sur . Cordage .f every l'bcrpliu:i Lare a:i: smull f nchors Pah'i and L imp Oil faint di v an J innd in cil of all Blickrai! 'niht VitTiisli VtrJi f t Gii.iriiuf America fc '.VTst lndies iireiieraj Mailtkal Uf-.s, Qusd-.auU, Spy Glasa iai,; anil WMimjj i'Bjrr Serving ca!;,, Mullets Hin'k, do.:11- and trw-bL- iilouka S!eaVi;s rnI Tins' Hot.Vs aui T himbks assorted slztA Hooks ditto MiriiaSpiVe,. p iutllj-ks, Cauti'iDg Irons Scupper and Pump Nail Trucks Vpptr and lower Pump T)c Hand Pump, Pump LtlScr Lampblack ' Deep, Sea and Hand L-ad Lines and Leads Log, Putting, and Lines. Ilarpooiss. Gra'..s. Toruumors, Ladles Tinder Bjlesr.6m'plcat Binnicle and it her l.sinps Sanrf Glasses fi-om 14 .f ..ii.da taoaeSioar Hiisijjos of different size - BMnrtnifof Ui.I'Min Ti-umptta of u.lLrent sixes Horn aud Tin L-.i.krui . Signal diit P. 'mt, tar end ,.i:twih Prushs Hair Drooms, Scrubiu;' llrushea t.'loth brushes Mors and Hanlca L' r,.d iltOrt I.amlled Fi iiij Tana lo irtls Iron and svood handled fcrtpera Garsof r II sites, Hand Spikes Ilrsss and wood Compasses Gnd Irons I'x and iron CurTee Milli Hinks, TinJPete, Halrhcta, Pump HimnreTT, Palm Irons, ' Worstsd I roks 'thtj hat eU$ m hand An asfjonmcnt if Dry' Goods h lav a Ui' tutjJj ff Pork, Beef ami Flour, in bands Butter, and Lard In firkina liacoo, tlack eyed P, Indiaa Corn Cm Ctnnfmmtni A few tierces, barrels and boxes mm and wurr tn's Shoes Waldctktr Boots, Gotten D'Sjlnc Sugar t hocshtads and bamls 3d and 3d ptoof Rum. ' MMasict 400 icpirior drtsicd Calf tk'ms. Pitifcoce tf cttry description win U talea iQtsntr. SO tierces Rice, for cath or a a 1 TO PRINTERS. . . THE subscriber being; desirous of rtl' t. qu'uhing thu business of Printing, .vwt ' selUn wiiole or in part, THE ESTABLISH M ENT ol the WILMINGTON GAZETTi; , T on terms far below its valaey and on a liber. Cfedit. This establishment is equally ifnelf. more produ'etiveof re-I profitthau any other t the kind in this State, the office laaupplied wttJt materiaU sufficient for the entensinnfcf bu". ness, 8c the situation is eligible fot 3ook-Prin ing ana Dinuing, 11 ucm our moii consul rablc Scaport,fand the Mart bf an extens1' and rich back country.; ' 1 . .. .r A particular description of the quantity ai . quality of the printing' Apparatus if unnecei . 01 y here', as on appliUtioti by post' or the1-.? Wibe, it vriil be furnished,, and thfe ostensibV tonditi6ns of sate madtf khowh; ' ' ALLMANDHALLs .. - Wilmington, North Carolina, ? , April 1st, 180G. $ . AUVLIU ;S.tMEW I . - rTHE, members of and. subscribers to h support ? .St. James's' Church, - Wil mington, are hereby riotictd,' that on Mbrv day near, being; Eaatet Monday, an election will be, held for .'choosing five persons, is t : Yestry ftir the present year, according to layf " . .. t R. MOOIiE, Sh'ff. ' .Wilmington, "April 1, 1806. , , :, . ; RICE lLANTlLRS yju lit) may be in want of Dupbh's new m v vented PfcMfitLVM Kcrkkn (under Pa tent) can be supplied by applying to Josbua Potts, Wilmington, or to John ti. Baker neaf Srnitliville; . , ' The Screens are warrantVd til. sift Ninety hundred wu;bt pti- duy, rocking a complete separuilon of the 1 lout, Small Uice, Mer chuiitubl; Ki:e, and rmiih or head Rice1? with the Ubouri.foue hand. The y' will be lini .hed in Charleston ' com plcte in all the parts, and rltl'.rered at either pLcc above r.iculicnsd, ftr filW five dollars ench, Abe puivliistr ptiylnfi the freight. Tlu-y.wUl be sa marked, and accompanied by surh particular direction-, that any per son tf i Unary cnpaciiy will be adequate to the tuk tf lilihi? tbem IV.r ue The simplicity ot thfir cunitructiot), end greu? ; durability, togr'her vith the immense iav iiiR of manur.l labour, und the hiore pet -ft ct f leaning of the fcroh, rt'ndtrs them a truly valuable acquisition to every Rice Planters They can fr the tdditir.nal charge nf ono dollar, be retidiVe'J so far forther Useful as to answer the purpos cl a llamiic Scuaa-V which separte the rouph from the ground Hure before it is p'i; int! the Mortar, and oc casions n soffit aaliufc oT the crop. 1 hey al- ' so mav he attached to ahy tnir.mnn pound ing Pitx 'ttJ wls'i-'mrjtr) hjivethent m fi:td will pS-? i'ljly ys ".Livc. and leani a description of (ViciV un cliifir, svhirhbtin !uai!c knSwn to pitprietois, the Screen will be lurnishetl in vnrb a tta'.r, and ii such iiisfi'c'cViOnw, ts will enable any Mill ri:t to f.V.t tlieirffatliV'trati'u;. CsAricl'.tli, 7lb t0?v.ary, 1806. 479 Uw. FOR SALE THP. Plantaiiyn ss hereon Michael Sjmpfon, Llq. formerly lis-ed, on M-ran's Crctk in Ncw-Hiroter Coun ty, couuinirjt neat to hrdfed acres.. Tl-.tie tin I'M f-id I'l. malum about 36 a crcs tiilc SSiKp iiiu!r Link srd dich ai d" CiviJid l ( lit !d, q mner dra'n eifj now fit for i-q tuliiraiiou .l Rice. The upland is well nictitated for a rt'u'x quar ter, havii-K a i'-fd fange (r Hrgs and Cat:le. On she land arc Pear Trees eery valusble fjr the Wilmington n arket. One, two and three years croiit will be gi ven. ArUcatiou 10 be ma l to the Printer of thn Giz'tte,, or Samuel R. Jocclyo, KTq. Anor.ey at Uw. Deccruber 3, ib. . - ...... For Sale,... . A DOUBLE CHAIR, nearly nsw. Apply jo J. GAUNIER Wilmil.gtng, Mscih ti, 8( tf. LOST SO MP. time last month, two Pire Dsri, , oiadtf of i(litCaiiTats, and maiked W. al. -1 he person who bisthcm in possession la requested torctutn them immediately If atolsn, hamlonw 11 w aid will be Riven to ti e finder of them. ' William Kiddie. 'Vilminjton, April I, 1806. ' A CAM). ' D. SCOTT hii He f teafuio of iV forming h'n friends and the public, tl at during hit fcbfcriteflom town, ne ti fununste in prucuting Vaccine Virus, sshicb has fun ceded la l.e fubjtQs L hai 'inoculated fince bis ntuin. At a time like the pifo',"l)n tlat muQ dieadful fcouryt of-tU human tact (ih froaltpoi) il fo prcva'ent both in our own, and neilihotrlnj fiaer, he coDCcireJ It di;it Iovtii to the public, to Inforrq them, thsthtsvitl alst syi hate fuply of Mailer, at his aredklnal Hare, in Mr. Jf'iu Msitio'i houle, Frotit-Orrtt. 'VtMffliriQp, Match 35, 'IK

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