1 Saikrjijt 1 OihJjmarjnA 805. . AnycMtA Capitulation,' proposedby tho Lieutenaot-Colooek Jlieronimuji Castm&ui' von Prophalow, Commandant of the Town4 Castle, Sec." circumjacent fortificaionsf th ? Cape of Good Hope. . To the Maior-GenefaU ftithe Mmce of his Britannic Majesty, Sir David Baird, 13. and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's forces, . ami; Commodore air Home ro pKam, K. M. Commander in Chief of his Jiritannic Majesty's Naval forces in Tabic .".Bay. , " ' ' -r- ' ART. 1. 1 no cnjmuiauuu aigutu, ui Cape', Town. Castle, and circumjacent fortiW locations shalf be immediately surrendered : tb tht troops of his Britannic Majesty. The fortifications of the King's Block-House, Craig's Tovrer, and all the Batteries within that circuit on the other side of the Cam"p's Bay? ' ..." . . ' II. The jrarrison shall, at the, surrender, march out with all the honors of 'war--and alull tfieri'lay' down their arms and become r:-Vcarifr nCar hilt BUch officers as are na tires of the colony, or married with nativesj or in possession of sulycient landed property . to become, regularly, and bona fide domicili ated, shall be atfiberty to continue here so long as they behave themselves as .becometh good subjects and ( citizens ; or proceed to Grcat-llritain with regular passports, having previously passed their paroles not to serve ' vintil regulafly exchanged. ' ". III. All ameers, who;, according to the previous article tnust golo Europe, shall be I ' I O r Britannic Majesty, and shall have leave to realize their prdperty previous to theiride parture,' and receive the same pay as they did in their own service, till the day of their ' embarkation. IV. The French 'subjects, who, belonging to the stranded frigate fe Atalante, anQ the stranded privateer 1 Napoleon,7 were casual ly here, and comprehended in the capitula tion, shull be treated on thf same footing as the garrison, but they must all be.embarked for Europe, as well as every other . French subject in the colony. ' f " V. The inhabiuntsof thetown, who have borne arms, lobe considered as belonging to thu town, and may immediately return to' their former occupations. " But the distinc--tion between the Hurghers and other Inhabt. tvits is to remain the same, and subject to ths sani; restrictions as under the Dutch , laws. VI. All bona fiJc private property! " v he ther Vlonsin to the civil or military strvi- varits.of ihi government, to- the ;!hirghe;s and- iiiliaiurts, ta thurche. tirphnns, and oilier public institution of that kind," sli.ill remain fie and untouched. ' - - VII. Public property of every descrip'ionV wV-rher consisting of treasure, or 'naval, or military stores, buildings, estates or rticrch-' amiilrs belonging to the Uatav'un llV public 0 the government uf 1'ranC:, shall be delivers e l tip, tuid proper inventoTies given of them as sojn a possible. r VIII. The IVirjbcrsand inhabitants shall preserve their rights and privileges' winch they have enjoyed hilhert.i, public worship' as;t present in usr, shall also be mvnt&incd without alteration. IK. The piper money, actually in cirC'ila tion shull coour.ne current as liervtofore, tm til the pleasure of hi IWlcannic Majesty it inotr.. X. The lands and house, thepropertr of the 1J.it .ivi.-n Republic, svhiefi must be iUji ik J In coiiif.tj'ii'ine of the present eipiinla t'.'vi. "h..'.l lem .io as security for th;.t p-trtnf ?!' p.n.rm tnry which is t'jt lrr:idv srcit-r.-.l bv nviftjTes upn tht rststrs cl" Inrtiti. ii . Sy it having liter, put io ihrni. This r. l.oirfvrr tub vhv: pifj'flicr lhr frer ,Hf u hf ind-if tht SaU h.n U and h-jotts f. r n'Vic ''ifP",J XI. I't'iS'jncrs if w.r, rrnrrrhrrd'nr'.n l e p-' St it Cftr'i'jti'Mi, shall not be prrssed I srfiinu iheir own five wdl sni cn swM. Wiih report 1 1 nih.r pronst fy ii- f ovUKd tot in.Aniclc V. of ihu capKa- XH. The ifdub'tsnts rf Cspe Town shaH be tnT?ttd fr'rt lavinjj troops fjuWttrrd' on tl rtn. " . XI It. Two ships liat'mt; been sunk Jn Ts hV .lir, to t!.r err at detriment of the Iload St.l thh-rsf'crthe flitstun llemihlic hd . .... . . d. . r - - - i.:t. :. Co:rmpl4ion to do s, iey re be railed aqVin an I iMlvr I over in an entire stsie of npfj t! . luvmj been done without the Jicionof the commnlnt, the rUJng qf the tiid shhn, stull be Incumbent cn those wli'i suiV thtm. , XIV. The CnUrtion shsll be &tt Turn (): this iftr f non, whrn th C'.ssilc cT the Cap? Town, an J alt the a;jscft,t fort, j.tiviyisly mention' d. shM be surrtnt'ertd to his Itrilinnic Majstf's troop. llivcn unlrr our hands ei.d Kl,lhi )ih tty .f January, 18 56, ir!rjitiJoT rtar frt (SI;t!fd) . C. ?JS3 Ti Prh t'm. t). fljinU Msjr Otaerl. vsir I'.tm. I.ONr OH, Jm. 31. Tf.e Oflu-ts'lottt.l 10 M. tot, In ihe pshd'n v" Adnun'-flfulon, frlhspi pnu1if'jf f-'etlcd bf I'in, that oi?. tM'aiy far Jurt grt ArTaiei, Ii pttciTfly s fsme Cumbm slith he.hiW it a Mxmbci of l' CMrcij no (rtmrt orcjf.01,1, vU.in'er the fSort lived AJ nnldinion 4thMrai of Rxkin .lin, j-.ei ia Miiv'i atJ tkit, t( tlic meroorablc coalition (in which he.wu cfHcienlPrime.Minifterj which came inu power in April J788. . . V We hajre Tna d, Buonaparte aflene Ihat he svill make peace with all the worla I - J. I '... I I til . a t n'j -'11 rever mate peace mi me nas reuurcu an the (hips flie has taken from-France, and otheiwife materially diminished her. navy. It is nnvi wrli known that tVie account of thebatileot Auflerliti tacceleratcd the death of Mr. Pitt. . The news when coin municated to him by Y"ifcount Caftlereagh Itruck tp his heart, and produced an in ftantaneous change in his di (order. - : ; ' ' February d. The ' Public councils ' are at length .brought into fome fhape i.id order, and the people are now at lead fatisfied who are to bo their Mintfters The-hew Te nanis of the Cabinet have at length" got in to their feats, ind ihmlgh, from the ne . ceflity of vacating 1 heir places in the Houfe of Commois forthe fake of a re-clction, fime;timc mult eiapfe betote they tan be gin to'adl with much publicity, the'peo plej fecure of their appointments are con-i tei.t to wait, and the uiicahucfs of lufpenfu it done away For.ourlelvcs, we rccarJ the prefent . profpccls of the country witih rrEttcv fan gumenois, inanacioic examination wouia, perhaps warrant; but we know what a 'combined and orderly wifdom may effect j wc know that tileiit may repair wlut the, want of it has fullered to fall to ruins j and that a country is never fu loll but that ar perpetual livij- ilream in the hearts of its citizens may betounu, and that ihu e nergicsaiid powe.rs arc .not. waoting' to its falvation, fo long ai there is fkill and "wif-. do:n in the public Counfcllors to' bring them into atlh i. VVc regard the pr.efen Miniflry as the greateft hre and prop of lite tountiy, he- caufe it is rompofed of ihu molt noble, generous and dilirwerellfd mimls ; the molt ckperitiiccd talents and'wifdom. which the kingdoin can ftirniflt, If thefe men can' not five us, houe can. They 'wilr -not only do shcir belt (for the prefent times de mand fomeuunK'morc than barren Rood io. tcntioh) but they 'will t!o the belt that can be dine. We arc fecure in' ilefc meti 3rd if in the prt-fertt niomcniotis llrligle. I IDIIIICMW IKHI1II3 "3 l- IllC l4lildCa lion w,ill vet. remain to us in all the tloorp of our. calamity, .that we tried the belt' , means. cf human ' wminii!, and tht wc ttlJ hy no want ol cifoil ur fxill of "our own. . . . 'The peop!e have nW a furc cor.f. Jence ; am! tl.ry hnow ir one cuniuiou- feeling animates them ail ; tr.tir minus are rail ,xi j'thtir bpes are tretl 4 tUy arc eager to ratty upi?cr 't-jtViJ hi to govern, at.d . 'J ey exf ect hat, for ;his once the luil ho ' 1 fr "I ovc, t'rcngili and lii tfiisi f!u Kind-.m, wiirr.c unT. fle,Tf Mel'tn'tr. It is uir.a.ka' lc of Loid .Ne'A u uril Mr. Pitt, ylni.h lav died ui hiu U, ihod a tthie ! ejeh o;lnr, that t!i one was 1 he t,nly Cnm3i ief in C'.i. f f , Iji io'lJj tlcct,, whrt ever tell in nVonf an I ih? o ihti tiio' only lMiiic JWn'Icr. w4io rvc li-jt in 6i?icc, fi"re th: CoiMiitution . hj ludlis pitfcut form. February 10 Wc underpai d Mr. I ox hj alrxaJv fenl difpat lies to all our ininiilrr at I i itign Confta, aitnoi.nJng the chsne if our Mioiilry, an-1 ad.ling that his wr.1i o rcore prjrc to t'A Kurope. If report lie tri'.e, it i tvfr. Fox's inieniion io mafAt face with Fl-inrr, leaving lh: Bologi e d.itil'a at It rTV i 1 and he ptpnf,s tu ;;tatd aii' II the iltr.gt.rs rt in cti.1cr.c-' by,imicl iig every min in this countu o't ihem. The wl c'c of n..r mite - m - ' - - it " - " wiv HIS '?0ii of trls r p'.ort is to he C irollcit. cal'.fd out occsfiunilly m (.'ivifMni, am reat!y on ai.y fuJJsn ciccrcucy ttakc the tidl. . (Qnr tropj are atri?d frcm the conti nent. Fony fil of njnfpons-wi:h the t loop 1 aimed on Saturday in Yarmouth tb4ii ..." February j, O.i ihe 14th, the mtrrbge cf Kuene BeaohsrtcHi, with the friuetfi Atiiufla of Cavitli, wi fotrmoiled at Munich. Its took ih name cf Eugene Natolcon Th new inanicd couple wtte immedlaie. It to fet off for Milan. It Isir-eflc! that Irt May nest Ku;et.c Bcauhirnoii willbt proclaimed hcicditary king of lu. Thin are rumouri in the Tarts and in lh foreign journals that neociationi for peace bftwten tngiami and I ranee ill take place, under il.a aufptcei of PrufTta, ao llhil thry will be condecisd by Jofrpti Uuonsrirtc. There fremi no Imindatlon lor thlt rfpnn, panicu'itly at it is con. neflrd with inothir thai the propofjU had ceme from this government. . - lofrph Hdonapane If ft Pirii on tle Ith of January. Hit Journey had excited fome fpeculaiSon j tut It It generally fuppofcj he wai core to Genoa, 10 f'tcceej iht I'rch-chancellor Le Btuuu, governor of that ditlricl. Ultie atoj.ri 5wtdn mi ercacnted a - . af.t . 1 f a ncte to u e:t oj ii cempirj id wmtabc announces, his intention to takMO farther pan in Us proceedings in the prefent cir cumltances, while the snduence of ufur patiofianii felfiflinefsjcoiuinuei to prcdo. ininaie. -.. . r . ' r " ' rhi Piatf upon lord flefsori's coffin is gold The dimensions are thirteen inches by nine. It js tbe same size as thej)uke of . Glouxest- trs. 'ffis Majesty's goldsmith prepared it. I he following inscription is upon it. , .1 ... -. .-,-i?ti-CTrrT-i . The most Noble Lord HORATIO ' - .NELSON, . ' Viscount And Baron Neison of the Nile, &c Born September 29, 1785. - t After a series of transcendent and htroic ser vices, this gallant Admiral fell gloriously, in the moment of a brilliant and decisive. Victory over the combined fleets of France anil Spain, off Cape Trafalgar-, on the 2 1st ol October, 1805. ;' -: . . , tT, " 1-. . ' January 14, : On Thursday last the remains of the evef" to be. lamented Lord VHscount Nelson, , were interred jn "Sti Paul's Cathedral, London, wiilall the splendour which a mourning and grateful nation could bestow. The proces sion ;inoved from the' Admiralty at eleven o' clock," and rcach'.- the church at three. - It was attended by about 8000 regular troops, and atleast 20,00tf volunteers, as likewise by the Prince ol ales, wuh tour.or hve of his JRoyal Brothers, and a vast number of nobili ty and gentry, ' The ceremony of interment wis grand and av.'!ul beyond conception The pall was supported by Admirals, atten d;d by Naval -Captains, and a party of the seamen and marines of the Victory, of 100 gins.- Never was a more sublime scene be held by an-: admiring peoplv nor did ever pablic regret appear more general. We are sorry our limits preclude our entering in to a more detailed account of this honourable, proof of a nation's gratitude to the greate st of men.,- - . PAULS, Dec. 31. T Ii I n.U A' A T E. Kxlraordiniify Sitting of Dt-u-mhpr 3o M. Carrion Nias presented the following project : . . " ' 4 The I'rencli people consecrate in a na tional tcmplc,-the n.wnumenis ?:id' the tro phies of the day o A:sttrlitx, and -of -the campaign ifrmtrmted by that victoiy. ; 44 When a ' j;en riil pence shall t k 0 plate, the sword worn oy Napoleon 1, in that huf.le, shdl -be dep'ViVl with rth;ioiis, iivil. And tuilitary pomp in t.'iis turt le to be henc forsrd .taken ft 0111 tin nee with'. the smie pomp by the emperor of 'the "Vnr.h, . every tune ie phtces hims If it il f kt& of his' "troops, and lobe rt iKC'-l wklv the samecc riinur.ies 'after v'cioiy an.l peace. 14 In this -inp.fi shall -he- insrrilet! in bas relief, and In bronze, the bulletins of tbc grand, army,, the names of all the generals and snperi'U .oihcc'S w ho comtiiiiftled in it ; of all the divisions which conipo.t 1 it ; of those , br.ic men. v.ho perished during the cam- p'ign ; or till tiice who were wounded; -of all tl.o'.t v.f.o ruiivd nisil of hor.or"; :nd . tlie M-K.es of the members of the K'rat bo- ' dits 1 f the stale st thctpoch whtn this v.'e hall he uilopfcl. ' The-c tales shall be spread nvir the whole urfarr of the empire, ' tnd placed in the principal church ol the chief plac. of r;r.h dpiumim'.' 44 In eVtiy t t.i the SSiliof A'lg'trt, the ani n'.vetsury tr e hir'.h 1 Niip'',eon tht tirtut. the sivloor tl' i rsnce and of r.uit.jic. shnlt he tht Diiijiioot the rtr.pire a duy of grunt!, rt li ;i ius, tivii'aiirt miht..ry s le:nniiv. . ' 4'At vTiIs Mletu'-iiy. in eviry fhpartmrT.t, tlv.re shrll he rend 7 !-lir!y tl. 2 i.an'u- rd ail' t!.t ti n scripts win ! u.) U-1. r.dcr thur Colors, the rcfi'.al tf thtlr he!c ic trtiohs, and the !e'iiiotiy tn'their ri lutii rs of the iii,fpf ttr.n j" of their cof.n'.ry. T he:t lm!l 'rx(ilo fc;-.d i th ti.-nies of ihose nlmsna'.I mt l'fenlo'n: ct thcircolets, they it;;ic rl rh'.-i fJeitd to .honor. ?r.d the oHiution of tl.tlf tou-.try slii.ll be testifif i to tn ",r ttL'in . . .at. . .. M . AB. h X. cry three j est s tins so;t r n 1 r i'Nav I . . . . m ' "mo l"c nam,! V,,."r!',,, h ,:rr. rn "'' Sc-Iw?:im trames shall bi ccU-HratuI in Honor of N a poll n f,the asviour .F Furc.j.r. ; t sihich jrrsnd pritci shall he ttistjdt.trd '.t s'l the arts to All descrlplh n of talent In Itl rirp. cc,atid o evrry virtee which honn'-s d Lurop'. T! i r rjrttcr f-f ii e IrrfS shall preside Oter this fi ti fror. rh-v ln.i d the men sh:dl reciivi their friiei-& men from ll t hutA of the crop:ts. Ailil fareljrn arubastadcis !r S! ir.vllrd to trts f ertnony all the pf cpl if tie ctr.t'tnt nt of L'irope shall Le dnmut! at this r !U, 1. 'Ihetrst ir.r.us! w.Urr.aiif tf.ii if c ttkt Rratid tricnr.i'l ft'.c, shall tke phcr 01 the 2 1 th T AtRUst ins'.. ' The trdiiina'e. U&'e U toihe foverrnn 1 1 dtterrr.ir.e v,;-,n. the iM04r olcarcutit'4 the atl.tUs if tie vole kb-e Klx.stl!.,, M. Djvtytiir pttpend a trisnphsl ro f.mn, on ti e model of the Pil'sr of Trsjun, to be auiruoded by edifices (errtipcndmg ith its dipt ity. M. rtttil! proposed 1 nallnrsl ar.d rli fbtisfetf, to be olf.r.r.srd try year on thr1)irthi1yoflhe trytrff. AH their ' ii'ioni wer refrrrcd t a, committer, com'sting tf M. M. I sure, ('. arrfin, Gallios, Currr , and Anion. The members if the commitue withdrew. For Sale A DOUBLE CHAIR, cearlf new, Applt to 1 J.'OARtflER. Wilmtf.g'oo, Macia 1 1, 1I.6 tf. WILMINGTON, , , TUESDAT, APHILI5; 1806.: r ; At a meeting of a majority of the fubi . Ccrfbets toftabUfh a Night Guard, were appointed as fir ft, feconti and third Cap tains, "Archibald F. M'Neill, Chriftopher Dudley, junV. and JefTee Wingate, as they are here nanied, and have formed the companies of four, "fn'miard each night as follows, the firfl of which are to go on duty this night. Jl Gward, Jaries Fleming, captain James UOier, Edward' Dudley, johjn 2d. JohnM. Gabie, captain; Jamca Telfair, John V. Howill, J. M. Levy. ,3d. Nathaniel Hill, "captain Joel E. Hobb Kyan Jones, Thomas Archibald, 4th. 'William Dick, captain ; RicharJ -Lloyd, Timothy W. Bludworth, Mathcw . Kellv4 5th. ' Robert Dotfey, captain; Jonms Diinbibin. JoftnM'Coll, Jafne Suttonv 6th. Peter Carpenter, captain ; Jethro r Dartlen, J. f.arkins, Cyrus Bryant. 7th. Nehemiah Harris, captain ; Wil liam Wiikinfon, Nathan Williams, H.'B. Jyi ..;-.' 8ih. John Williams, captain ; John Springs, John Mitchell, Alexander An derfon. 9'h. John Mac Auflan, captain; The- has Jennings, James Dickfon, Robeit Allan.' - - loilu ilenry .B." Howard, captain ; Roger Moore, Satnusl R. Jocclynjun'r.'4 John Witherhcfd. Uth.' Georre Noble, cactaln : Tohrs Barrett, 'Daniel M'Kay, Hillory Moore. 1 2th. William Mitchellj captain; ViU Ham Mcorr, Charles B. "Morris, JamciT Larccjtie. 13th. ThomajCoWan, captain ; John M'vJan, Peter Pt-lham, Elijah M 'Clam my. . 1 ith. Owen Kenan, captain Willisrt tlarri, John Brown, Randolph ScaproVe. 5'h. Samuel Blv-dworih, captar; Jamea M icrccWilliani Kemp, Thomas Smith. 16th. Richard Eafcj''t, captain; Hanfou Kfhy, John Foott, Samuel fcCrcw. t?th fivhl Sf,iili -.,tn,A Ti.m - r t . ... , j Gamier, Robcrj Mitchell, P. S.' Ca'nu. iCih. flenry, UiQ'hiit. captain: ' J fr.ua G; Wright, -John AUen, John,. t'9'h. jacohHartman, captain ; Lt-w. . Is Toomer. John Nichilfon. Aarnn Cr - 1 4 - 1 y . met. 1 . ioth. A!cxir(!er Pcdcn, captain ; John M'Kay, James Allen, Samuel Ii. Sibley. 2irt. Edwin J. Oihorncy captain;. John B aa. ey, Andrew Scottj ' hot). as : Robef-w. . iad. Thorn a Ci5rr?rr, fan'ain - ArrhibsH M. Hoiipcr, Emar.ud BitUli-, court, Thomas Wright. tyA, Ptier Maxwell, captsln ; f.arr-'i-r.l ,4nfn, Caleb Nichols Wl'.liiin A. .WiUirgs. ; ' " 2;4!'. Rohttt William, eaptlin ; Ri chard .TalnrH. EnHy, J hn Ri'hefon. ' 35 b. Jo! h Pan!y, CApia-r ; Robert W. Hrown, MUi.atl Latarur, John U Covvan, 26h. Gct rr Hooper, captain ; Jrt.a Ca hcrua, Fiai cis Foniaip, Samuel R, Jt.c.'y fnr 27 b. larrca W. Wa!kcr, cactj'n: lhoin.tt F. Davis, Ihomaal. Davb, A '.eaaJcr HcHUr. a.S'h. RicharU Bradley, capiain j Jane Marfhat, Thomai Fit;craM, Jcl.rs Maccakb, h. Perjamfn Jacob, captain ; Dj ni.l Omal, John W'ayrc, Jamca Coleicf. A Gv.jid comj- frJ of the three Cap tain ad Gtcrgc W. Curgwir, ni l be tl e 1 jf on di.ty ; "maki; g at this tiiW al t etl cr thirty (nurc'i, and it ii txtcctcdf in a srry fhontime, il ere will afLlfkirr.t .r timber f Citircri ccifc forward to fwrur A. t f I j irscrai v-ompao"f or viuarus inoic. :. 1. iM'?ttiii. Christopl.cr lJutilcyf jutVr. Jesse Wir.1j.4ica . ; N . B. 1 hi fc Lei.t!me n c( the tewn, i l i have not as vet fienrd the aercemtoi. 1 r lurrr.ir ir.ttuiciTsa into a sxignt Guard, rrnfl te admitted It of great utility sn4 isfcif to tht lawn, ar niw particularly icquefleJ to come for. ward by Monday nest, and promote at far at (hey can thii laudable irltitution. T Men cl teal enate, look at Ihe ficgoir g lift of Guards ai.d fee the num ber of ftibfciibctl ho Jo not polTcf tta kind of property in the town, will nt4 certainly kfitate ore dm men t, in gltirg tbii itiftituiion all the aid In iheir power ti .r .1 1 ....1 . i-iii in i,wiiiw-f. ui wiu n'l'inrTTePi at sstll 11 a few yvung bnt infirm mrri' whom l ha preleftt fubfuiber frel crnfi. dent cannot do perfonal duty, nor do they eapeel Ii hut it li hope J, that rtr' still hae r objefllom to the three Cap taint of the Night Guard, hiring a fubfli.' lute in their place on te r.if,hti cf the f c"jt), ir.dn iliir txptucc, at if pe.'

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