-'. ,-r-:' : ;' . S ' - -. -vv;,.--:'; j ' r ,-'" m . r ,m i i mm av 1 av ( -r:t CJVp. 486. ..? V. V, r C'1 1, !. - -.." : CONGRRSS. RETREieHtATirss,- a:.vtt:v,ttA-..- f,.. ,. , ..- w, ,.t.. V-C Jx'4-V!'f w ft 'iv . ;r J4ttut7 IS. r The house resumed Aeonsidiratioii of the filtepirrof the committeo of the whoia hou&e 'W Fridajl last., Whereupon. notion. was: i made and the question;, being put that the - said report be recommitted to the committee w?-f tbe'whcfctouse,- it passed in the negative ; ' : and then the Second ataepdment reported by ; the comrtilttees to the first resolution, referred -tonhem being again read, as .btloweth-ratrike-outthe words any eqqrdinqrj t . - -pencis vhiih may ht incurred injfa iratrcouru 1 : between the United States Kndaign nattom" V:-nnd insert M thetxpence vhjch may beinnwred V in the pwehasi ofiht Spanish tenitorief lying , I c the Atlanttepeean and Qulph of Mexico and , V Eastward oftht Mississippi." t , - VV -U - The question was then taken that the bouse r -I do concur "with the committee of -th whole house in their Agreement to the s4d amend imen and resolved in affirnuiivs-rYeas 7. r-.'CNayt 58. - :: 17 ,rV. -; V Thethird ahd last "amendmeoVreportedhy the commKteeof the whole house o. said t ' firstf resolution, to insert aftcr,.the words f ? uper 'armm? the words rt redeemable at viiti" - was, the" question put thereupon, agreed to by tht loue.- ,"" .w- iv.'.',, '.. ."v,-i ;-; 'iv",''-;. January 14. ! The house resuraqd the consideration of the report of the committee of the wole house of Friday last. Whereupon. '; The first resolution reported by the said ' , committee as amended being again rttd,, a motion was'm'ade, and the question be.ng put - further to amend the same by striking out in 1 the first Hue thereof the words the pur. " potecf," and inserting n lien thereof the word " imW,"Il was resolved in the affirmative .Yeas CS'ays 4. . .. . ' . Another motion Was made, sndithe qes 'tio being pht, further to amend the said re ' solution br.adding to the eod thereof the , fol- : lowinp jftroviiO.- t- i .v.,.,-. - .. . . " Provided that the sum stipulated be . paid shall not exceed; , 4 dollars,,,t) passed in the negative Yeas And then the matn question being put that the houiedo agree to Hie" said lost rcaoUtin, TfficinUd to read l followeth tr . ! Resolved, TM . ; dollars be ap propriated h law toward , defraying the ex-5p-nt whi'cir maye incurred In ;Ururebs , of the Sbahhh t'errUlfries Ivinr on the Atlan-1 tic ocean ahdVlulf of Mexico, and Ua"iwrdi of the Miin'cAlppl,- to be paid w f any mo-; ?teyinthTre'avrf nt oihcwise pprtpii-; .ld; and to be aue't Mtnicf Jh. predion of t)e.Pridentof the United Stale, wh lull have aulhorift, if necessary, to borrow ti e1 .aaid 4Uavorany thereof Jti bdUlLvf Viii-. ted Slates, at a rate of interest not jcxccei'.ing. six, per cchtum pcr annunHicoeemlerat, ' KilCsnd. shall cmjse an account thereof Ja br; ' laid befofe Cohrrss, as Soon as may b. - It Wis resolved In the affirmative Yeal T7 1 it-Kyt5l.' .' 1' A motion was'lbtn matte, andUit qiestion . being put that the h4uae sloconw o th ftl-, '' lowing resolution t . i ' " - i t ; fciWc-i, That snexchafRe of territory e-j .tweon the United 6iatea and Spain ideejn-j ; td by this UuOoq to.U the mont advantage-) ous mode of settlement of exUi'uig differn-, - cesrtipectinK limits between the y.'Sutesj and the court of MadiiJ, snd tbatjsny sr- Jangfroeut between tli'e.twfj gvyernmenls. which tkJI securt, to Spain sn im-ill barrier, a the' aid .of Meiii and tnsXi'U'ed , Sinn, Jhe cwrtrifs watertibJth.Uvs- rsippl ad(ta the ratwrd o( i$, will peel the. " " pnrohatjhpf U'us hwie- . It was r'tsolred in the afr.rm'anHVVas 8 Vat si: 1 !! ' I V OrtrrJ, That a till p bilS V MgWin pun-rant to the fmt rcs'iiuliuh Mwdft. and thst Messrs. Tl.d well,1 UVf !t.' UanJ C. MwCsmpbell,- and Uhilaraidaare ndbr1rgrfth Miri' J ifj.'i ! ,A molicn wi's thtn wiw!eBn-h ieeornkd thai a' committee be appointed,' to present to I the Pretlkatef tbatlniud Sutestbt rso)u a Jtioo Jsst airrecd td.. , . ,r , ! t u ' tii. Oo whickmntjeo, dcVwi arn'J.'it moved and seconded to pt stpont Jbf .'i deration theretf until Monday ea and rt s - ".r l January IJ ' Jlr. nidwelCfrom the corpmittet, appoio Vl iyrsterJir, pretd,'ar'ortrirtg to order, 'f LTtrniAIiig prvitcMi f(jr3rfrayinj"lliea Pfi which mye W, Jrrtd In ht purchae af lh Ppilnl.h rH-oH, Jf!nt)tfth Atlan tic orran an ! Cull r.fMriicoandeatwariloT thtjMUtluinpi, S)hfc.h ' wis 'ftporHj, read Caire, snd tttfrrttl to committer cf;U,whoSo loAiKthfl'dsy.,' 1 ; A mtorstthenTflslr,and-thw-nvtlnh e'?5 pvt'lhstU I'fjvnftirm ofwrrtf so frrfsthe'prtrrdjtacf thSfhwn, en tat said bill, bw UV.ro off, it pamd la the, , Mrative Yeas 49 Nya78. . The houM the lmmjia'rly rcsolrrdhl( lain a f nmmltlf e ft lbs whole hotj rVili said bill, and af:r some lime spent theftUi 11:. speaker rtsuued ths tiair, aci Mr. Gregg reported, 'that the committee had, ac i: ..i iL. j i : ti 1 : Curuiug a orucr, iuc saiu 0111 uhuci vuiiiiue. ration, and gone through the same, and tkiit several amendments ihretovwntch Ke ttfU ''Vered1. ia.iat the. .clark' taWa- $ i - Vfi .ffi ' ; , The house proceeded . t( consider the said amendments i Whereupon; , r ;: .The. first amendment tov the first section fqr filling up the blanks therein with the words' ' tv9 millions of," was on the question put thereupon agreed to by the bouse. f 1 f -The second amendment to the same, sec tiorvto strike- out ;the words M the' expenee -icl may be incurred in the purchase" of the 1 Spanish territories,- lying oft the dllantie ocean, 'and Gulf of Mexico, and ea ttward of ' the Mis-' sissippi-iMd- to insert in lieu thereof the words anf extraordinary txpenccsvhich- may be incurred ii the intercourse between the United States! end foreign nations was, on the ques-ti-Mi put ihereupon, agreed to by the House Yeas 71 Nays 57 ? .Vti.yf;.ta ; .The last amendment to the same taction to strike out. at the end 'thereof the words ;.ar, soonas'maj be," and 'j.o injertjft. jlieu ,ther.eqf the .words..; fl or before the, ntxt session of Qn-' gr,e si," vr'a's, on the questipri bying put tbe'rev uppn, disagreed to by the house. . .: ' The amendment to the se'copd Vecttoiv io add to the" end thereof the word "and it shall be lawful for t fit bank of thVMt'edSta)e't'taiend . the whole or any part of dtt"iant; Was, on tile ' question being put thereupon, agrted to by 1 the house.- . . '', -',' I ;The last amendment to the said hill to sdd to the end thereof a new section in the words following t -'":'7. .-. ,'f '. . . .Skc. 3 nd be it further enacted,' That ao myen as may be necessary of the surplus of tle duties on imports and tonagc, beyond the tpermancntapproptiittion, heretofore charged upon them by law, shull be, and hereby is pledged and appropriated for the payment of the interest and reimbursement of the princi- Iial, 'of all such monies as may , be borrowed n pursuance of this act, according to the terms and conditions on which the loan cr loans may be affected, wrfs.'on the question being put thereupon,-agreed to by the house Yeas 74 Nays 53. ; . ;kl f - ' ' January lfl! ' An engroseAbiIl entitled, "An 'act rna-; king provitinn fr defraying 'the cxpenres .which may be incurred in the purchase ol'Uie .Spanish territories lyur on tb Atlantic - O ceaJi and GulpU of Mexico, nd eastward of the MiMiwippi, whs vtad.the third time ;-aht; .oallif q;ipkUu&lhallbe auM.a.p4sl it x ' fckolvcd iu.the atTii'tiuuvG-r.YtsV6-Nars 5t. ,1.') k v ' Vi t V ftwaathenwioved a'nVreitlfleaftlmend tne una oune Suki ul ss'fcllnweth: " An art making previim fa dcfi ig py , extraordinary expences altending tc ititec. j course bete een the Unhed States and fortiKii ' ftatiens, aod in the qnestim ' thereupon, it resolved In the aflktnative Yeas 81' Nays 45. ; ;.. t , ' , .Amotion wisihen made that a committee be appointed to carry to tlie acoale. the fj lowing message. , Uf T" "otl or atr'aVsniTAtieas,"-. ' , ' 1 January 16, 1806. Ctntitmrn the Senate, , . Weiransraityou a bill which has pasted this houe, entitled M An act making provi. sion for defraying any extraordinai exjwnces attending the intercourse bet Ween theUniled SuUs and foreign nations," and In hith we rtqueit yoar- concurrence; This bill has been passed by" us to enable the Preident 'fcf thi Uoited States to commence with more i effect nctroc'ution fur the nurcha t,r ,. .Spaniah territories lying on the Atlantic Ocean ' nu ir,u,pi o juxico, and eastward of the ri ver Mi.iissip;it. , The nalura and imporUace of the me a mre eonttmpUted induced ustoart uin the, subject wi-i- ejpyd door. 6u willoicontcqiience, consider this co mnnicaiion at ouSilenliaU fo .U-h pQ'Wan smndmrnt waa.mo t6 ltrlkf mil Trt fh nrAiw.'.. I n... .1.1 Words ntr Mitrtlsiffii,tinAioUtnn thereof the wrd'. "'Jhy'ef'n'fa'f'ifiA In the quettio fhrreupon, tt a(st fi In hi ile-i EaTi TtS 19 riiitr'"' ' , . .si . . i ' ac question wis then Ukert. that the boihe -do sgrbe to'the motion tbsMltbi seffute rlie' said masaaKt asoHinl!y propod, and Tti Solved in the aflirn a ire. - 0'itrrtL,7ka Mr. flUUvlVJitd Mi-.'h.rt L bs appointtdaconinitusfurspant llrret. , Aootuar ir.0Ous.wM JJirai m4de hd the q'levuon being put, .te rttlavathe V)oaetirn of secrecy so (r ts sv apecK thi, rrporl nf the sU-ct tommittse mad ! U'sM'W.co Ue 34 inU on tht Utter and.eervTnvtcttions from the President of ibe Uriied States rtlsr. ftd to them on the 6th of Deremberlatt. ; , It patted in the oefsUve )'tas 4-WViyt H' a Jr. , , ' ' '-t . , . . ., January 17, On a mot too made snd seconded, that hs resolution agreed to by the houe on the 1 iih ln. In the words fu.'Jewing to witj; ' ' fwri'Tht an exchanc t.Ti.ls.i,-. Ut wtefl the Unltsd Stales snd Spate, U drrm. q cy uis noun to m tne-mAtt sdvanxaf eous m4 of Mtirmg ssltliiiit NfTerwcs NiSee ting limits betwten the United Suits sniths Jourt (,f Madiid, and that sn; arfaxrtment between the two ffovernmenti which shall se-' . - . - ... r care to bpatnan ample barrier, to the aide of Mexico,' and to; thft tn,ited , States the,1 0ur tries' watered by the Mississippi and to lb eastward of itr will, eet thes aupporjtlandap robation $ thi.s houseMl..be bow made pUBr'; It passed in the lietive. , Yeas 4ff, ! A message, in writing, was received from the President of thi , "united States as follov k To'the Seriate And ttouse'cf Representatives hf M' a.JI . a "'-V. .iie mcioaed'ieitew-irti.m tlieimmister plea nipotentiary of theUnited Stales.at the couj-t of Londorf contains', int'ercat'mg informafion ai .the subjects tf nvy ;ot her, toessage of this date.Jlt is seht jiepajaiclyi.and tpnGdentijd ly, bfcauseis, .publication may; discourage frank communications between our uinistry generally,. .and the govemrotnU With, which they reside, and espe.ciaflyjw'itb the 'same ministry. Ji; . : . January 'is, jwCV - ' ;4 - ";- f -iA The letter referred;' to' bt the ' fdregoTnfe rhessae Was read.-; y'PA?r''": ) ; r-i if,rt -i.iifi Fhrunrv 6th..'i? - A. message, In writing was received from the PreS'ulent of the! United; States by I, Mr.' .Cplcs, his secretary, as follnwctb t- - i , pa the Senate and Jfeuse of Representatives of '.' y;V : .the Unitfd. Stales l 'i'.i.. &f;v . ; f Since the dote. my mesifge of Jaruaf rjfl a letter of tht 3.6th -ofi'ovr)))berJVa been received from tlie mnisteij 'plcnipoferi Wyof the United Slates at", JLndon, pOve ingone from the secretary of "fo'rletgn affairs of that (to'ventmerithlc'h1,, beihir' on the tvbject of tliuCmeasuVe.'ls'now trahsrnjtiea lor the information of Congress'. "AUhouB nothing forbids the -'aiibstamid '.vSf- Jlieta-'leU tefs from 'being con.nninlcSled iwirtout re serve, yet to oi any-ill eilecu proceed jfrotn the puiliCation of correbpondenQeSbetwueo minitersrein-uiing still in oflicev that. I can. not but recommend thut these leHt ri bq noj pennitted. to be formally published, ' ,. '..- 1 ' " Th ! JtnzasoK pt . ,1 he said mettage and butter occomp.y, ing it were read and wdertd to lic-bn the v ble. -M--- , t.' ( ' ; ' ' 4 ' " - On motion made and eronded.' Vo ameiid the sectet journal of the bou'e ih the-mannc'r fanoig ti wi.J" ' ' ' '-" ;. --.-' -J TcismbeT:3lJ'i ' " The following moh'on'wat niid'ea. thvli. ble V ,--: " " ' l" "tfmerJ.That dollari.ibt apjiropriatcdby law for the purpose nf ide. fiviyiig any, estreotdinary itxpnce whisU m,y be incurrsd in.the intmoyrte betwrcp he United States and foreign nations, to, bo paid out tfany monies in the treaury, not vuicrw appropnateo, ana lo be eppiitu tindet- 4xhi ilirection of the Pi;dnt. Vb.illbayr authority, if nv'ceiaary, to borrow the aiif Wm: or' any partie'reof, In bel.a!f fit tne I'mtrd. States af a rate or Interest jiJl exreeding six per eentutrt fter annu'rn ( and shall fcauae 'an 'account 'of Ihe-espcflditijre thereof to b laid before Cdngrctaas toon as may be, Kt . ' . . t . .... ., i?4W,Thst tha larUitional duly cf two sndajtalfprr ettmmt ad -valorem, iiupicd H an. ct totiiled An Set further-pn- icti mecomn-frrsna tesmenftbc Loited , states t'lOlIK 'The be so amende'd.l and resolye n iht afrma,- sent' A iinjo(ryi)rrj r tny seamen f4 tbc uoitcd es against the Ikrhy rvnN be con- he queslinnjFsi t?Vent "Uhe1j'Himsl by yeas and nys, eytrj mcmber,re. voting h the tomjlive, . - , motion tt then made and eni!ed th a committee be appointed fo pretent to the .President f the United Slates tfW rr'tr Intion agreed to by this hooenthe Ub1 ultimo, t in the wtxrdi following-, to wh t , ' ' nAt&ttt)hU, That an exchanf'ef Vrritory ! between the United States and Rpsin is deem- ' ,d bfihjhnuie.taba tliinoitlvantagtois ' cfsypie e(ett)f meat of aiting!iffereates rtj ' aiw-curg .JnutsiVetween tbekdited btliei t snd. the court, of 'Madrid, aadtbM sny.ar. Yr meV- llween, Jhe twOfvtf'we(nt, lirh shall secure. to Spt'in an an-Til larri. 'rrott the iidof Mrxico, and tp ttei Upi'ted ouifMut roiT,jrie waicrtii ejr ibe, .miis-' UA id the eiwsrj of j'u ij mett.de approbation oflhitbfniia. ' ' " i ' J"On which mntlorf ifyUtiirUinc. It was' trtovtd' and Vccndefl to")'ostj (,me.lhe cofiti dersth tbrtofuntiPTbrdiy nexu i tiiAMidtcidad In the krrtiVe-ytsi J7 Mrs ft.' i li.l L.ia V j iw ' - i i- ru rt'iwweri vnouoe laaevrteif raane am e. (Of ded, 1 amend 04 said originial aoin by irttlnNitinfi the same commitiet alwa iw rreMfit 1'rrvdcnt of the United, &ate hn thef rrafdutioa) arrcil ;to by, this,houe 6n iht said 1 4th ultimoi la th; wards tjloaiJx, UmV''f i -r, V ttioIttS, That , , i dollars bl ap propriated by Is w, loasrd tJefrajing the tx pmce which rrtsy be inrrt4f In the jnir thate of the Spanith te rritorie s,- y me on the Atlantic 'Ocean andCuIph of Mtaico, and rttward of the listlttippl, to be paid cvA of aay rooaey in the trtstury pot otherwitt p. pwpriatad, sad to be applied under the dirte tivnt-fthe IYHtdcra ef ihs Vn'.ttd Siattv wii mifm, amuvniyt u necessary, tp ooW row tne saia sum, or any part thetf, on be . JhaDfjOf the United States, & a rateofipterest, ,io-.,eceeqwgvi!j pesentura: peR, annum, redeemable at will ; and shall cause an. as? count ther.eqf to beJaidf.befpi-eCtaigrejVafc : soon as, may.be." ' f i,H ;....,. j'r- -if-. beingtakea. riT:i-',' .i,vV,H ':,,. ,iit wasresolfed in the armatite,;.., - And then theain, question being taken; 0olion, as tvowmeiukd- - ' 0 a " .,Qrdcred, i atJt Mr John JRandolph,,andj ; Ir. .Cregg be appointed a committee, pcrs-a- - anttheret0rj;i..;v,,;, fttr, 4v&:i&-ith .Mr.r.John Randolph,' from the, committee V appointed on Thursday" Jasti to presehUo the ' President of the United Statolith, iu r lutions of this house of the J4th ultimooltput , ied, .that the ycommittee-' had, according, to a pracr, pertormed tl)at.sf rvice. (t ..tj-r gr'l, ' . Mr. Thomas M,Bandplpli,.;from the e'"V: rolled bills; reported thBt4he.-cornmjttee,bad! v . i , 1 1 . . . . . An act making proviaipn for .defrayinj'tta ." ny extraordinary expenses 'merjcfing tbeari ' tercourse between the United States ld :fo- ' truly enrolled t whereunon.? fi, !.:- : ; Mr. Speaker signed the said enrolled bill..; - : wruereg, i natJUP .clerk.; oj this bouse ,di ; acquaint the senate Uiei'ewiths .- -s.-; it . -J't ' V'.i V' V February fiouiouttee for, enrolled ,bills,.reporteil, that Jhts cpmmittee did, yesterday, present to the rirwjem.onne wpueqiMatea tor his appro batioo an- enrolU d -billf entitld, ''.Art waet-' . rakiiigprpvisioaipridfravinr.janr; extraoo- dinary expences attending the tntercourK.be -tweet !thc U nited Stajes and foreign national t'-uv.' .!.f ! ;.i.-'. February :18i x;. .;, Aniessgein:;rAting, was received froril the. President of the United Stales, by JW Coles,, his secretary, aa followeth .u tv ) 'fMhe.lhuse ofjlfpretentutites, of tin United Vm' : ;- .' til 'S'fltCS, ( , J ... -i I t;i- a 0n the 13t)i inrMant 1 approved and sign. ' etl the cu entitiel. H an act making provition f'?lilT)inga.Hy;ex.t'iorilinary expencet at tending t!i?juiercouro betwetn the UtattJ' iBthelloiise of Ifcpitvptnauvi's, and I thai in.-due season di:o.sit li umng the roll id ha o((,et VtrtUry of state. . . . . j .-.:; o 3' : t aTnt JxrrEasn. a ., r;bruary 13v V.S56. v.i .. v .. -;i .nv-- j ' ,-.." .; ! ,: i .March 24. J J5 A meisge, .in jrrif tng ytt received frorsT the Tirewent.t,f .tlic.,OMfd,Rtatei, by Alt Coles, his secretarv. ftsfuUoweth , ..r". " .... auau .... ur.ir. ibi.tt'i. jt. ;' '.'..f.. trn'( Sutes.J :., ;: . .t" I commutiitate ,to nongreaa a letter. rtV CfnlJy recvirtd 4i-or.4he: Minister: Tlenifv. ' iniuirr of the L'imiA Sijtt. f . , ting aome.ciccirtp-ruactw whith bearriJitica. to the subject of my mrsae ti January, .1 Til . .Jl psptr ueinr; obijrmoU and to be ctarbu- ...v. v, iuiv i tie. return out m pbj- tHJEFFIillSV.it v; I'-'inj- 'F "iv incsjiirp ana iKKumentactLmtiv. f-yK't, yrre serrrjdly u-c read,', i ,. Ordered, Thst the It ttrt reTcrrd to In tVjJ said tnrage.'Wretune the Tresfdrrt, of the Lulltd Ktes atreeally to hit leiuesL .'KM -l Sl.O'AK'a'.SPEECrt''' - a .1 i ,,. i ! . T -it . ' 't -"n , i.-c " f t Mr. Suaw, , J da not.rise to der.y, but atknowltdee try self, r,ne -f lb- hprjSjli. ' nuiji,y ! i' tiir mper jrem t KP'" nd to aspire tJns'commJtfeeibftvr' sujri6ui' p.eniq. takntt, or lerr1inir' ftrttK'r. trt k ott behtir. and othe tt" f tCi" ' c,Ui the favour cfhting permittre'd'HA ttt,. vet our" sentiment's Anthil ind 'cfhtf1 'iiji.. tsnt ehje'cU'lit'wuch Uftgusge St we iA pahle of until our contiittu-ma my Ksve'J .rp0r4iuWy oruecdiig'Adfct ititmhmWsu-' par-in itarairg aiMUieata, t! f.rtriW if var.crdin polUkatkBe1dre, jTLU-t la.- itfope win rwh4 .ekird, otkcrtcIr. , great .aufliUt af AmeTicaaAiiteav.tbe ;o i t1?Hcr wii sod Ut eatsiHg avaanuiie t . tt tnrepresiiif(J , ,,s.i,5 , v.A vj ' Intnierb it itirn !nr i .i,..t ... 0"t'l itcn0yc.Ut'jrttmgisptit ws such ff ''f, t t(t V e ru io n , t h a t w e d art p ot t j k l rr Y T fln 'i.rrrttjr.V.at ws arc r.'-r(t'l IK natlvft' lnvw tl-t Verit'p, , ,r ( j'-;!-. assule'laH'r.cmrV, SjvI 'this v.L.n, s.fr a t. i ' a mm i rntiirti sT.arra frt4m;;il";..r.. hrsrtlorthe f4rt y,w ( Hcd In tt. I-1 I. ftesstotd.Aii.Cf.jjVst the'V.J VJ.ti It taken- 4fT wftdtl.f f ile 'a'ifi.tH Vf ; Uit' wkale trahtx-iiou'; t rfSinrf'lT,!a i ! ItJhe peace, and intrret( tf t!, Uhhta' Nta'M. will fuily approve tktcomkitt of tkfwryj.' with wiioaa 1 had li t (ileasurs w ort. -af 1 whith, were t by aide rlances, arj la'fa .tint to endeavour te lmprtta- '.e ri--l m'md, aith t Vi'f ihjt t mjr,'y of i, ' rrprtwntauvra had aciJ In a r.vnner.t'".' ttre atbatnad f l evasive my XoavV

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