cuts would $tnuft nkiSer nil unwor thy of their conhdeflcr, ami consequently of eat on thiafloor. ' f -h jy are told that Jr p have no' iabint. - Is it necessary h it recognized bfihe constitu tion No. Tba PresidJi&a,powert are de lined, and have for five rears been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the people. ' ; ' . .1 have JbcardQf UrUull cabinet Britjsjh. mmiMers,'and Briti.h privy councils of their conduct I imbibed a very bad -opinion, before the timber alluded to,as out 6f his nurse's, amis,' and have seen no ca'ise to change' that opinion ' It is therefore plea. sing to toe tb hear that we haVe nosuchmsti Mr. Chairman,- however treat my ' irrati tude to that member for his paternal care 0- t'er the hlldren in ' politicks ' on this floor which roused him from, his sickbed, to' gWe his superior opinion upon this important sub ject bettfre our veek and feeble' minds' had beent mislead by . Tom," Pick1 arid .Harry; or same other arrogant chap, that might' hare some knowledge of steerins a shin- at sea t (at totally ignorant In navigating our Vessel of state.' 1 sav, notwithstanding I em all the attention in my power, to his eloquent speech - of two tours forty-eight minutes, there was divers' parts which my Weak brain could not comprehend, and which I beg leave to lay be fore this committee for the purpese.of rcceiv; Jljisr further information.1 :P :y ':.J-j. 'l -; ' ' ! 1 cannot comprehend -how our dernan tung tne release oi our impressed seamen and restitution for uniu&i captures of our ves. ina rirl.ti rnnatHidri 11 thpnwinrr nttp wciirht . in the scale of France, for" the purpose of , eapporttusj a set ot men,; who do not support uie weai vi me u oiaics. . - SNereaivI possibly discover that Great Britain standi precisely In the same situation " that republican lranceid 'in 93. -For infor mation on this subject, let tne ask, was it not Briusncold and iinti.h intrigue that then for. ; medthe coalition against republican France I And Is it not the same that has formed the rratnf rrva 1 Jf t nn net tAatlLt7Mai Pari e Have the amis of France in either case ad tsnred bevoml their own territorr. orevioils to the raising and' advancing forward their powerful arroieafor the express purposeof j. anhiitalini iHr;nllwlii'iivlit 'tf..ii toin.L tramonat the tbalesetd nbwers Mf the so ftrtilftf-.' mmmvmtl Ihvlf Kv tint ; '."VI' Cilt we are told that Britain is now the only barrkrtpairist tyranny, fcrttf her rirVy "otlron- JyliecurUy, that the battle of Trf.lgar: pre' vented the fleets of l'rat'ce 'ilnd Spain 'froTij laying eifr'aca port town under contribution, and that the British nsvy wlone stands bet ween us and. their lyranny; "-Mrl Chairman'.' if 1 British subject was admitted on this Poor,' td advance his soverefcn's cause, 1 should from ''bin, hac expected to hear such LDgtia-, but to hear It from a member of congress has astonished me more than any thing I' ever . iieafct witnin,theiK wails. J may ana' that' I . heliive rvrn' a ltrilish aubicct of -romrrtfin ........ ...... . . seme ana pruuencc wouia noi nave conimii; ted his character, by asrrtint; that the com- Lined Reels of Holland, froncc and Spain, Vers s reduced; th.f ten 'BiitlbH hi;V (I expect of tb line was meant) ouU be flail t me.-ttheir'whoU rarer,"' . Naiihercfcn I tompHhsnd '(hat lftgwg''c that in one breath asserts thatpain has gros ly insutud os on our own territory t that" vt MWkt ikn.' tn.ntl. I..f11t, . (. tl k A f J .voured nation, pnt la thereat brcnthsMeHa 4ktftht act of Trance, ' ' " . -f 1 there deem it my Jury, to make Tome remarks 'On obfelvirioni t OtaJe gi ''ihii fleo' wych' Ii'avc i tendencv to tniflesJ . ai.ff:arhfi' the pullick "wind 'wJ'h' teiard iy rjanrf a-. o j'pain- v c jij7e peen.ioh'; that's Sitri Ka itLful'd u oin bui' oii ti. finrt ; I aprrat to ihe" tepVttan fr)g 'Vf4ioUt'henf.a liot 'tlcclkVed '.hit re do not poitrtr nt-t crouna ttrtvi n the ieTvili lli fvMf M.Tltfft; the coi.tiUency or nil frmiit. . j ai It 5rTif fiar hn bttlsKniTier vtaiieria "ie Jptt our enel, and wnrtiier rranre h ' flU oi.aluenntf" iotiwne'iin hi .vifiail then I've fnib'itk 'mind be dccrive.r ?Hi lllf 7 7f MU lWyUl liaS 4UI.J III or riih we fyetfifick.; lUtm )be pember allucfed to;. bupilng thir;reirftJ moidertrf theirclti1 . gcpim me iq piy, icat-. si vf ueanaz in- n zens, a,na cauung tncir priionpia u pemu . m A . : La II , parchment w. can cpntioae to purbhife as good bargain! al LouiCana, and there TtT prefcro peace. vhope the United States 'triHVwarri" preferdtaliBg ia that it commodity rather thao-to imbrue their hands tn human blood.': fteTnecling veeva- bte Tpccf Rcki" rth,altl)Dry-rer"vetthat if that member lives to tnr age, needing no tnor fpeci tick medicine, either vegetable hp ir.fnvi.t mir nnCiAmm 'im ' nMtl . v. M.i.v.fl.., H. wn m j - vwiiituvi JIV4 ' blefiling I but bich I tltiok very irnnro bable. - V .& J ' - r 1 h- Mr CbalrrnVny belieVeiri mf duty to deliver tar fcritimentl in as few words al poflfble,. that other mem ftcts ftandirtg on aft equal floor, may liar an opportunity to tleliver theirs, I. fhall baflcn to i, conclii 1 fipo-at the fame tinteiot ddubtjpg, tbyt , tf I wai difpofed fo,to do, I qouldtake up 1ie'timt of (fte long, and to far little purpofs a an ae tuber; wlihjo thefe walls.Li..' C x&-M it tl ,t .: " I could, under the pretext of explain ingV keep the floor two hours and nineini nutes, if the chatrman did ' not crder rce down, which I hope1 h wilt if eier5 V: au V Io explainfnjl irouUdeclar t'did not .inea'n;tt ftS'gm'atiie t iefpeaablc dafsf citizens with diflwnefly, or any other re proachful 'cplifiei and immediately coot pxc them to buttef flies of the day, and to 11 ippery eel.'who Will get. round and evade any regulations or fclltiflions thaican bt inadei whofe .inKffrft'ita their gulaeK re gardlctt oi the peace indintcrett of the ni lioh In which they refide.. v ! 'J could declare that 1' had not' infuhed thehpufe but' airricd- at. certain political' j "chafaflfefs and iu thetiext breath charge' l a majoH'y', cf.Vhe fame hotife iih hat Mtig hoodwinke'd 'in member agVi ? could charge' I he'tn with gullying Englaod, wa3i?'nrjri!''r..iio(5.'li?i fpliil i ' "'o rl!J.?uTifriViM''V.M'i; , Spirt 'aTe iioi Jcfiiicd.'t , l iiul. h t;pp w - Cia'lV'iiff.Jio i jrvar'tjir'tKai."!.!," r'rrei ht ciouaiis afio a, mo f JMnirable .Ic'iTciricni, jo4d,J liKlUtUy illt4pui. r ' I . ."lii. Jl.U.4$:lt4ht l'lACCff woulibe, .at tyrmnsieta England, had ' ibetbcfijie HetLSk is pelm thu I bae deiitkr -(oatkAowlrdge orMfi?serty ri00gi'soc.oermin, nur eo icwn;j4f' ! fucli'Bf7'r$jwt'UtKr fiet(fry' oti f irrtrf-r' m prefent occafion, the'tleraJcJ tnnut hf I vkW li-wl.hh Srain bis bech filfmed,' ' the' f f iiii.kal dTfpofiiUo of Fl'ance j, abd. ' JJr'i'siftVtprtfrhted iiCSU '(fi'f "lu'd't p. ' t ?'f,j''bertv-Tl iioa.l.ciijl ,nti fur jV'V crtsing, ftich'lapk pajft (j'ljr im- , ! y ,srj. rtpti'Viiva w a ine.jxpi 'swtlyS.Aptereft h H ijgiuvata pat afU, fcjrinnyiiih all.natifxi ni iU einh j j ,1 filtily trtiuble th Cornmitue with n soufl obCe(Saiiort apon the ImsikJ SThI i elowat ((.etch ir& nxoiluiiod, irrwhicbt ' t'.frkil wu eiUJfed that f arcliment was ' 4 j.'t..tyireTntiljr appfufd lo ar grtlLons on eiT tsftl'ry,'rf Hch rmber frtW ' sw-Jirfey 'iccrirf"!' j -t.bU V v.'. v. 41 -1 . ' and trucklitic to France, and exclaim in an impel jous tote, 'thji you haveJorit and. you know If.;-';.,:': ,';",j- t ' . . .j.r vnarnan,. couiq go on inn tar. tlver, tnl ffe that the little,' tricing ar. gunaent if my opponents ought to tear ' no Weight, becavfe Icflitute . of reafon, ' ihat itifimcl the guide of ih brute crra- ' tldn was fOpcriur Ip fucb reafonjer it. ! clarethat I meant no infult to their Uhdcr flanding.'" ' "; ..' '. ; s;, I could then In the. prophet ick Une Jin. to.rro tK committee,' thai If they cffen'dod the Biifilb mlnilter,' he would immediate. Ir Dot forth bit llrenrth. and male the U. xtited.jStatc'i fccl-UiHind that althiiugh ' France at prefeut. appears friendly, fhe is liknhi AiU hoj; ditnling the fwi'.l, mcJi." Utu'g iutvxctvil, and will evtniiiiL'y (U In her rowetj ticaf us worfe than tng. ind..,, , :i,?.'.s.-:.y.:. "h!-ii coulJ. it. a few- wotds remove this Wight? hutUar .iKat -the frier d f the ' refolutjun have mSile fj' much ado' shut 1 mean the lmjrefihf of three thoufand 'of .tdir amert by Informing the rrhrtHi. 'Ice that it has. teen the practice of Efitsia . 'tirhe'Immeniorisl'ihat it haiWn fotiid .Tfi'Jtret.fitty, 'iirT.ry to enalle tlum to iimi tl.tirfl ,ctl.ifati to f.y, wiiluOit thefe (iiahiliol meant, w hich none but in .'fcrnat icnds in'httiun thapc coaU ctcn 1,1 fe lley could poi fo iffiualiV havt-canW-l hit and ftvord, I'tvattation ant; ,plt Ulcr, 10 evn , l.abiuble f in rtf ht iieUibe y sxlthitby Itr. greatly Intreilcd the of burnah mifrry, tud the !cittsil thewhlowi and IaleHffl.' ' I ruM' srlfA, if my cor.rtirnce '6tld ltrrir, after eeitUg my hantJ in ile ttlLfl blittr Hift HeJ'ienth cl.aigfdrorgf'ers Iih ,,'trutlfing lo.biiq a. id bcrtowloj) ll govctnm.'ft A jug fjnd ,tl(e frhrfl ajplaufe, for tic ipp Ji"ii0 Jq J-irpuh iytanny icpratedly ilen'y ,hPt M,P0,VP fS Uritain ; Vol a fob 'fcqieni'qutilipiiiies,rwou!d she meow Urs tf hi comopiilee fulftjiUVo'lht 'll yiU of fh (?tcWaiRr,sl ' .; -' , j; rut Afr. Cha'ufr.atl, fwilldrtald the, 'cirnmi"et ito loader with telling thero wbat 4iKhO'oief bi esrrcBly 'rail', trerl attention fo'whai Mi been rlpne,'' to! iit tai t-fT..Ni'rtl this' floor we ban t UrnWthl tl't 1trn. carrot grt a poljr,d' ' t f itllce1' ir fpf sr. fnn l.ef own Ifl.rt'a' titit thff-Uf.hU h (diem tf Ajb eitea svfltU, andtai ve bate, a tresis UW o- .).. U','I(M il'ffO is tailrs tU turu'n,' artt gir lull ao-lComfIet:4fw of the wt.o.e ctQ(r-('ii aspiaiaa. la tha noil cUa.emisisUiU, w;af)crr..tha .cUUrata' fpeecbof twonowisand fdrtr-t'gks- t&i sjmS, arid- the etUrailo el twa Uouit ad tine mlautes.. Al 6m bx k poHilcin may br this cWaily tilfcottt U Jmra tlon I ibe snrmbev from Vlfift!j jaj Tom, Duk.Wlfsm. If thrv fir ly Iraritel tN three fit ft Utters tf U palxt tosy ndetflaod Us mesniigt,ud mhy be would prefei in embj;o i cvta partial npa-'mpVitstlon rf Cutiffj n. anfaOulci; IU pofLLU thai fJtvtgs tbi third, thai tsalous Jcfeedcr cf tU (soil ko. Irfaltb, lj whofe mo a gralos ordm, the colonUs of North America wtre dda red out of bis proi.Qio f s4 afwrwardi fiUftulwrawM farther "laaiiUUd, U . - - . with faf line. Is'nd oellilentf. in' iioifome' dungeons, and filihy prifon :fhips.i . -I. fay ltli pofTibtiras the preclods iifa of thia v grcatejefac.of -eFmankintJUl yet preler ved, and we are told on this Koor, remains animated with' the fame benevolent Iplrit, , fighting r the battles of-Hberty, again!, Gallich t jranny j if he ihbtsld fail by land, his pious teal may induce hiro once mora to refort to bit forlorn hope, (as be did in the late war with republicaa France) de clare all her porta and her alius , in ftate of blockade, cover the ocean with bis fleet i. In order to affecl by famine, what he it unable to do::by: ' foree'oF arms in that cafe aft embargo dn American VeirelJ would faciliate bis pu'rpofe. ' BuH her let '-fne afk hil committee, can the ''congT'efs of the United States countenance ftcft Vprcw ctdurtirboKhot;::',;::'';1'"',-):- Before I fit down, let' trie aOc Ihe mi: m- ers pf this com'mtttecVefp wnnic ears.ino expiring gruans oi your brethren in arms 6f your Jeloved Xeilow citjzens yet vibrates ; (Utn by, the mur. neroua. hnds of the nkrcenar'tti pf Ureal t Britain ; or, more barharoufly deprived of .me ; dv laminc. or peuiiencceari yu while, that fame monarch reigns and irt Head of dimini fhlng; has added to the long, and black catalogue of-crlme; fet'forth: Li our declaration ' of inJer(cndence, which induced you to rtfk your lives in oppoG lion to hit "tyranny j can ydu wfth com. placencyi - M any degree of apptobation,." fit and hear that 'government whe' con tinues her tyranny and injuftice to .'thefe United States, (wiinefs tbie capture of our veflels'and .impreffihcnt of our Teamen) hctld tip by si member on this floor, as the only barrier we;hv againlt nhe tyranny oi uiai uaiioa who in our ttruesie aiutlea us with vefftls of war' rmi, jammuni ' iuo, men, ana 'money j -wnoie loiuiera fought by your , fide,' and. bled- to fupport .. American liberty' and independence, and ' wbde government 'cent inues' friendly to wards us I hope not,. I believe you can. not, vour hearts tnuft turn indignant from ftrch language. ;' for myjnwn part,'! am free to declare, that fiuctrl have hai the honor of a feat on this floor, I have beard nothing that has fo Jnrrt my feelingf, .' I have. long born ihcm in filencc I arn happy in obtaining a few inomcnls In .tny piain unteari to way to taprtls them, that jhis committee, and all the United States pay know, thai I retain the fame-abhorrence againflEntifh tyranny tliaj 1 did in ttie revo.utiorury .war ; and alio the fan e love for the libeity and indecendenctf tf tl United Stktcs. ' . '' , r POHT OF WILMINGTON. - f .- i . J:TaitD v f:- ! aaruwuarqtie marj uasorr. icruiuua ' ballast.: i I, ' ' - 31d, ficbt Ocean,VBarakri "SC Bartholo mews, with sugar and rum, to the master. 24th.; 'Sch'r Aurora, Lee,- " ' Ne wTdrk 36tb, Erect, Whitney, :;. ' Boston SlV Sjch 'ir Washington, Kenaard, I'orta mouth, a. h. . - ; ., Sch'r Patty, Pitt, . . 33d, Sch'r Regulator, Cook, Sch'r Ranger, Knowlea, ScK'f Regulator, M'llhenny, 55th, Ship Charlotte, Cook, , S6thV ?ch'r Alfred, Grant, Ship CapeiJW, Bertard," :' Gaudaloupe Weat-Indiea ' i Boston ? Charlestors , Amsterdam. Gauialoupe? .n : - 'dltta Minerva, Lensr, ' Bristol, Eng. ?gth; Sch't JPatty pretker, Barbadoc BACON nir lOO lb.'; nco 7t; Cotton' ikf 'IbV 1 'ri H ' Coffee perllf.4 '. :i4 ' ; Corn per1 bishe!3'''-t:' ... J. va www Flour per barrel fJittoperhalf batTfi,; Lumber per M. ' "' Wrf of. hhd. staves, R. p. do. . do do '' W. oi do. rough Shingles per" 1000, " . : 'Sugar per eft. -;:'" Molasses per' gallon ' unH W. I. 'nr. g'. 3d p. i--Jama?ca do, 4tb p iN. E.' do.'' ' ? Tar ptt barrel, V Turpentine, ' Tobaccopercwt 34 tfjQw. ! -6S .vs.; r:I30.,.,rji'r 3 a.' ttvu c-tsi '..vtri-icu-' -t .iQ ' a ' ; SO I MADEIRA WltfE,... . v V, Gin of good quality, la piper,, ' fTicklenburf,..r:,v.(..,jl...--.;.,;..-,r. Bagging, and ..;- ,"((.". A)' ' Uiuaniai, by the piece for tale 6y , ' ' - ; James Flemini? . . ,Wilmmgtdn, April 39. ;. . ' " ror- Sale at Public. Auction. . , On Saturdy the Hth tf Jllaj nixtf- ,1 ' A IMECK of Land, Sound, . aeret' ahnut fiftof n'milrt frrm Wi'mln,. inn lh hrnni,f nf lliv ln ? u. I4ia.t dcCcarcJ.Six rVtnifis kl'riU Will btf''t . "sen'l with approved fW'ufrtv! 1 'J - ri'-Vi .'"...V? .;;'Ii.cjiacI inncs' r s ' ' 4 1 ' l j- iriLMIXClVNt lUESrUY, APRILS?, 1106. In the Le-ulfisna tiirttte, w findilit ollowiruji. tittaQ of a letter,; from a re lptctbl$ gentlcmsa at Nachitoches, dated the lath '.' ' 1 was lall evening Informed by' the commanding officer' ol this port; that he had received .lnctal acioWui, from 5 to 7,000 troops lilrg oh their way fur'ihls poir, ani which iuld ai live inkfuhan ilrceeckt. In corifeb,uei,ce,of whiih he fad dlieJM Dt agent the comiaCor, 10 procure army fuppllcs, and, keep. in flore pipvinns lor iwo or 1 hi er tromht. fufUcicnt loiifut at k afl 7. coo rations tr t , . . . r . ojy. An x. rcia wis immediate: dil . . . L. . . aa . paicncuio furi.AJams and Natrhet, re quiting a f;'ply as fiwo aa poCihle. . . ' 1 - ; ' - ; - , J uiJriB.riJ, Air. Samuel GvOjJen yt&cnjsy appear td before the CUcvit our t and was bot.d, himfclf iii". 0,600 dollars,' siid futefy U 3o,coo, "to fiand trial on tactount dr Ma connection with the Lu todsr. ; " "'', ' - " i"1 " By'an's'riUsl this da from" V. l)o- rfirjo,la 17 day. , It appeail tfiat the r-.. .. .a. ..11. .. 1.. . laniainifaDJ iccruliire lot the Klaine. Cstsln Lewis, ti the fVp Emperor, wss. tt is laidaiair-g and aa-ting ,5.InatkJa,. a.M .... - -,- 1 Cspt. MifcU artid from tU city tf Ik Doreicga, rtTDrtt, that b was then tutor me J r tapt; Well, f this tlty.' that on the 6th of kf artfc aa ambsrro bad bteq M tm all Amvtlcaa e ff1e 11 Lsrtrira. It Coufe eoe&te sf the Intelligence received of Mirar.ifa'i fir'cditioo. t Captain Woodwsrd, attlvcd tUi me Irg from Madeira, Icll Jo Vith a BrltiOi fnairon eff jbst tlsra en the it h -bio. aty. , They crfillrd t-f i.ina fail U tbt line sr,4 Iwo fiiptri t ufii Ir.fonrtfd that they were ia pnilutt of that part of tb I irutlt fleet tal wh bad sfvajti litra lire 4 unJer Jirotne Baocsparta. ' ' Cift. W. cid not Utrn l,o roremaadtd ibe BiUifh fvioa. , . it.... l&sttnttftftrA ; A'-'akely Negro, Gir)'. f.Vteio ..jr. years .of; urtins a,?ply t'm ; j - t a.' . t--.,f la rT'r 1 !. J ' t " i O.f not be fold Iffaid Girl fcould not if.enTeipg SupeticirCoijrt fhe wil before h.Ti Ie "put np and Jifjxifcd of to it e hig! eft bid' Ten Dollar KcwanL " RUN.AWAV. from the fubrciiher.'a nrgro fellow by the name of JOHN; he. it about five feci ten or eleven inches high, bkely and well tnaJr, befr.g car fienter by.'INiW and. haying .worked for orae time psflin Town, it it pioballe thtl be may luik within the fame. Tho. 'above tvwaid will be paid to any prrfoa who will dcl'vet him lo tne at my I'lanu- ttoo, or conhne him In J aula that I ret Vtn.'V-'V - .. .. , j ..,, ... John roresoN.- Wllmften, Aprilf5, l0.-. , - 1 .I, lVegimehlal ' OrfJcrs." 1 1 L c fficer i 'corri rri 1 nd'n g Corr. fcs 1 lie ' X 'telonilnt aind attscledto the New. t UanjDifi.Uegimer.l of Mjtitia ate hejtbt ivuirou 10 appear ai uniingiop, wun ihtir.tefpeciiveccrnpaniee con p'rielf ar wed and equipped at;ietably to law, artj ufuall rrtk, on TbuifJay the, 6rfl Jay e iy ntit, to be formed U line, an4 ihelr i oils called pifciftly at 1; o'iloci. Id rrdcr'to a General- Review. , V; Pun&usl attendance ia eapetlad, and corrc dl reiurn of the numbs rs ef n tn a&4 arms belonging lo cach'cctnpsny . wi'.l be fetjoiied front the -cotntniaJirg- cfficctl thereof. : ' ' . r . 1 . " By otdcT,fc ' " ' ., RICHARD QUlNCrV Cl.aW CtmtuHmatt, Aptil t, U6. : ; ;.. . . , v . ' Toe Sale- ' A doubu: cjiaiiv -' ficailf new. Arnlv 10 ' ' . , ' V 1. garnier! wU.alftgion, T.farth iij ttM'.l Book6 :uid I Stationary, BUHttT e the New Vtstsmtnt J'smily and scboxd E.tUs s : Trayer Bocks, - t tir Snavat Xcw n-s'.e itfjplUiX

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