Late European Intelligence, ; j 1 LONDONTFeb. ao. ' s : , ,' . City Address. Yelbrrday, the right honorable the lord tnayor, the aldermen, fheriffs and com. mou-councilof the city of London wait ed upon his Mfajefty at St. Jimes's (being 'introduced by ;the " lord in writing) . with , the following add re fa, which Was read by John Sylvcfter, Efq. the recorder : , TV tht Kiflg'f most excellent Majesty. The humble, loyal and dutiful addrefs -".' of the lord mayor, aldermen and com. mona of the ci'y of London, ia common-council aftembled ; '. " Most Gracious Sovereign, ' -WE. your' jVl a 1 city's moil dutiful It , and loyal lubjetts, the lor4 mayor, alder- mm anA rnmmnnt fit th rilw nf Innitnnj , in common-council auembied. molt num bly approach your' niajcfty, ; with the . Var'tneft' fentimenti of loyally and attach. . went to your majefty's facred perfon and .. . Vy e 10 anure your.mateity, mat ' while ve contemplate with the deeped ''': i-A" S..'.' ''.a . . 4 . '! . concern ana aiiappoininicni, ine latcuu- ; aftrous events, which haye led in fo rapid vftnd eitraordmary a manner, to the ddeat ' ana .num. lanon orine, Aultriatv power Yft cannot icfrauv from offering to yMr : ,;.a Mitt fiNAArai fVtftAL a fkMrl w,r..' Illations m tltiifir-matmnf an ilmlntr. v ( . trationi combining ' men of the hlifhefi thefe advene evetftsy the cheering profpect, ' .1... k.. r..u ... r i lv ! r rgy to your majelty council,, a fyttem o viijor, Vigilance and economy will be, a uypieu, wmcn may luppon pur puonc ar ' ' fairs, prefer ve and firengthen our national ' lecurity,-and prove molt conducive to the . honor and dignity of your raajefty tcrown and the happinefi and Ubcrt'ws of .your, ,., people. '; ; , :-:-- h'.i-k & 'tf A?"r. , Viewins die' hlsh and diftinguiihed . fluraeri compofing vour majctly'l pre-'; jent government we nave; pitted contr the national ftreogth' wilt be augmentedi Iti-refources jmprovedand preferVed'inj ' the in mufl energies of a free, loyal and united people will be calli!d intalilion,' fo that, wittl the plefflog of DliMneVrovrl-i c'cncc, this court Jry jnzf keep fall its lu ( ucnic ana luuepcnucuce, ana, ai,j, man ; tain its due tank araon j'tlii nations of Lu tor.'- : . ' .' 'V 1 " Permit us tdfTureyour raajsfljfof' which Djay be demci' ciTcntial towards , refitting any uureafonab'e preten(ioi!$ on! the pari of your maielly's eiifhr,' and. "for cnabline your miicdy to rciloro to. your people the b'.e (brigs W peace, on fuch' rtcrmi ai tnaj lc vJiu.icih w iva mo liquor. dignity, and utety 4 there realms.,. ,. " Signed, by order ,vf the court, , , , - l!tSEYV00BTB0ltf Ir? i To which a.iJrcf his M .nelly was ptaed ' u return the fullowtn moil gracious " .'' 1 thanlt you for ibis loyal, and duti " nl idiref?, , 1 reane with th bighell fa-.', . tisfacUoh, your a:Lirai)Cci ut Ivyaliy and. , , siu.lui:rnt ta mv per Ion and tamtly and' you nnr red a-T.ired that 4 caivhave no' o-hcr ttje In ievr, in t'n iotsfures a-' U'iptea ivr tne a.imjntiiratiori rny g?. ycrnmrni, man to marram (lie r.oayrsiui IIniy-tf my Cioa, . . ' XWjh, Frbruary II. J! As soon si Mr. Fos. ws relccud yts tcVJy, fur Wmioiter, ha got.ifiio tht chsir, prtpjred him, -which ws crims dmsik. richly gilt; ana covered wab Uu rtl" ' He ss cssirrd round Coveril saiOtiw armdit the lou J 'acclamations cf tkt popu I ice. hc!i he rjuittcd the chmr, be vrn) . Into liuJimi's-lleul, Covc&t gsrdcn ) the iutlMit he iotout ths chiif,lherxpu!acetOii t: JUf els cff.shd cstritd It la triumph. I.i the afiemWn, thV friends cf Mr. foR . d'.iud iat!j Crown Irid 'Vt.chrr Tsv'ern, Mn, i los in li t disir." Mr. bUerHTaiv sttn Ins r;;U hid,Vad lrd R. h;icncefbn bis Itf! 'lhtdintf wsi rr.l uibowl'sls O'cltik. Ahttihttttu Int im-A p.-o;K)rd by Mr. 4 w , w a 9 i . r . . r . . ' (.'ILc.Kif! Wl'.ll VhTM times tbttS f -TJMit sv4'waf" ' ' " !'' ll Uct(ursattc;ty V eitsu'n! . ' Jr,7 t i . ' Af cr wlub, Xu IJvvUtrt rsit and' tsiJi JJS).jia.i I nftl'ikUMi ti c conu anr. V worl i , tvefe; Irons' cnt.k.f'f? tthh fhlch lc s sur wis Mttr them thitt . ).. .. v ' t . t ' 'J . . .. , ., .f . The rr'.nce t WV,e- I ' . s r(eM r,itcaly Mr. I ui, st,d nr iil Vr.h i.'lu;.v,c ; ; liu. . Mr. 1 ttsnne .: , Fatl&U Virco.ttr.Jiucv'esi to lus cent. . -trjnd.-. " 1 ' V V ,-' 1 ' 1 he Dal' r f ?c itS, snj iacceas (0 the ? rov?mfrrH'f litland.-. , ' , ' Ur. F,s 'ert.l.srriini; Hal l efcaJr.H ' JvtJd r'Y !k, the W! jis of any mrm l lb AJmiriistrtiasir which R fcsd , ihr kocotla fnrm I rUViJ, thai t meant 4 , .? !;l;sai,r.-t lo tutke cn eicrption,sjd fil( -Iht HH CUni:,ref Cdafil. ' Itlf.FoStbeh observed, that ashej'not onlyf laboured under some' degree of indisposition, as mast have been observed ol the hustings that day, but also had some business to trans-' act, ne wouia oeg leave V" "r riv ing a toast which he had Jong been in the, jha-' bit of proposing ,, v, . , . . 1 The cause of Liberty, all over the world." ' After Mr, Fox had retired; Mr j Alderman Combe was unanimously called to the chair. ' He observed thai,' althoug1!! hisjnght Honor able Friend, and those who acted wtth him, cbuld of themselves have, formed a complete Administration, yet, in the present critical circumstances of the country, Ihey have judged it adviseable to unite .with men pf ta lents and consequence in the state. He wish- edthem along and perlect unanimity ; ana concluded oy onnmng uc cnu wi ,.' ' . - ,;. liord Grenville," ". j whlcb was received with the must cordial and unanimous applause. ' ' ia" Mr. Byng, air r rancis Burnett, and the independent freeholders of Middlosex's ', were next given by Mr Alderman Combe ; i i Mr. Alderman Combe,' on his health being drank,addressed the company in a few words, in which he said, that he had always bev-n attached to Mr. Fox, and to "his "principles, he had ; frequenUy declared it at paplic meeU ings, as welt as maintaining it In private life, " and he had no difficulty in confessing that that attachment was, in his opinion, his chief recommendation to the notice of the public. lie proposed me neauo ot M Sir Wm. Jtiher, and the Independent electors of the cltv of Vork." ' ' : The Honorable Baronet returned thanks to the' company ; and obtervedf that his senti ments had kl ways beeu the same as those of Mr. t ox, his new Right lion, tnenu be might call him, as, with the exception of a short interval, he had been always able so to! call him and now that his Right Honorable friend was come into Office, be hoped we should all recover those privileges of which we bad, in some measure, been deprived of late years ; for these reasons he could not help congratu lating the country on the appointment of Mr, Fox to the high office which he, now nils, the uuuciui wnicn ne win no uuuui, uibiarc with .honor' to hlmselr, and'beheUt'W the worlds The toasts were 3 ?r.y-J ' Mr. Whitbread, with three times three." ' b Mr. Sheridan, with three times three." ' ':k soxc yaoM nr. Dic-srcM-i." ;i - ' Whilst happy in my na'iye' ijfnd, ' M 1 boast my Country's Charter. " ! Then followed the healths of 1 , ' Lord Lauderdale, the Friends of Free. dom in Scotland," and 1 be Duke of Is'or- tfolk." ... ..f..-.-:- ;5 , Rlr. pignum sung the Popular songs, of Euras; . v ' . , y ', :' v , Scots, W'ha hie wi Wallace bled." : And several other appropriate Sngs, and the evening-concluded with the utmoit con vivialUy :' - . ' - From the London Morning Chrbriicje : ': ' ' I knar? It.'- i i -c ', i;-.-' UILAPIDATKD RESOUHCfcS aub s .. . "Hopes. -,'. ..r--. , The Courier of Thurday last, with tp ,u-' usual candor and truth,; remarks tht the .new ministry 44 art beginning to prepaie.the,, public not to be - surprmd if they bnd then unable to govern the country belter ihan.tbal, excellent .statesman wbo,l rf w pi more." They arc labouring to imprr litlitj that they have succeeded to dilapidated reour- Ce and hopes,,,s kc. , " '. ; ,. . ' ,j , t j ( We should not have tlujught it necessary1, to take any -notice of this, mor lisn ut the eternal columns ofvajiid cornmoipUce jyid dull malignity which Ell the (ouriu'. niM after night, were It not thut H msy'Jju fit to remind the country of the situation in, w hich, the new ministry succeed to the direction of siUlrs.. : - We nave said (nd with that afticls the newminiury have 110 more to do lhati withJ . . . . ; . the scurrilities of the Courier.) thatthttiew ministry succeed to dilspidated r'triourcc anq h'.pes. And mill the fruth or the "airt!on be flirstiunrl h sn whft bsS witnessed the e.ent of the lit fur months? .'Doe ssy tdst tb resourcU 1 1 fthe country,' a re RXtingmthed', '. of its ttpra anmhilattd f Do we sty thai the victory of Trafalgsr affords no consolation 'ir1 that'ita splendor Is not bright atnklst in syrrouhdi r glim 1 ".Certsiiily, aot. 'We relihe r dtipair of the country's rvourci, ncr cfitsf courss;e but tint nun mutt be blind Irukef whodixs not see that the rtwci'ircrs of Grtsti Priiain.'snd. itsbq, too,src dilapidated by ah ill-concerned, ' , illupporteJ toiHihrnUl wir.ty r,t I sulcol Au-' iheptic4 of Prtsburg. ; 4 J Only 1 few flays ig, t!,e' Irjoile " Mr irw.c nmrv ri -nty in int pqune w rvtct taE ' the Duke bf NewcsotleaciJ lit it in litthi 'h'h, far true im RmJ f.,,i srRurpasl c 1 ir ii utn ru story or p -.rtry riirJs w 1 the iptec tf Anti-Pjf oUr i',r !. 1 tflrpt 4 CitMf, fronounred a rf.frtIvH rr thi lat Mr.ritt, In'Rbkh !,e drjictsUU - tti client ttatfsmsa- as s.rllr.g the Victfm tf l fiii'.on'R 1II1, ind isclaiming; In bis lst mo - wMr -"fl I she times 1 1) I myrormtry tV nt ,raiakmr bV,V ksTt.ttWlcn Lurope, tvd in Lurcpt LnjUnd, art rrprt senttd to hsv trotcn his besrt, and a Lm kiftr 4 hm as h a full oft ahk. i -1 ' . 1., Whtthtr tflis picnirt fee too mut colour F cr fn(, w do titt Inquire. We did no N.thwwbUmeeneriyet.t when we said thst ',lv nun.rtry saccecdcd tod'dapiditrd re. -'wea tnd bo;s. Wttuvsnt todruri 1 Ut O.ints RnJr Which in rfn,i ii' tatestaiamtt4ltJioftt it tht gnye. We shall have a great reluctance Xs bcins Mr. Pitt and his system into .discussion upon personal grounds. but,ior the sake .ot jus uce and ot trin, : jy uB-??.i"!t- ying to be robbed ja order ito deck tbvjmou menu of the dead. oV.' t'.n: . ' ' We said. that the new'sninistryj aucceed to w dilapidated resources and hopes," "because, after the late events on the continent no man can reasonably entertain, the samexpecta tions of glory and ultimate ucces, in the war as if these events had not taken place. This must the obviouv though the iuiupst praise were due to Mr. PitU liis.own fr.iends airree that the success of his continental mea sures did not correspond,wtb ,tbe wisdom of his plans. Be it so. . But, surely, if we can transport ourselves back to last June and July, : before the continental war began, before the battle of Autlerliu', and the peace of Prc burg, it might have been said with a certain, degree of truth, that we bad resources entire, and hopes fresh ;? and .vigorous.' It miyht then have been said, that in addition to the courage, the leal and enterprise of Lord , Ne)soil,. and all our fleets, we had numerous and confident allies on the, continent.. We had, according to Lord Mulgrave and Cas tiereagh and Francis de Neufchaieau, 500, 000 men ready to take the field in, the same cause vith us.. Surely, at least, that wa a resource to look to in J use last. ' A wise and able minister .would have., been entitled to calculate upon that-as something to all our owu exertions and to oppose the foite cf the enemy, . Uuf where, no are the 500,000 wm f j.Whfere are thobe resources I Where ar,e those hopcsVbuiH upon them of deliver ance to Europe; of new banners to its inde pendence, and additional 'safeguards to our own i r'i- is it faise then to say, that now, af ter, the battle of AusterUtz, and the peace of ; Pt e .bargh, the new ministry succeed to " di lapidated resources and hopes.". . ' 1 ' We see from the teaties laid before Par liament, that' the object of the confederates among other things, was to . ,' 1 m : He-establish i,U$ King of Sardinia in Pi edmont.., v. - : 'S The security f Naples, and the evacua tion by the French of ull Italy. ' , v " The establishiuebt of such an' order , of thing in Europe, , which may effectually guarantee the Security und independence of the different states, and present asolid bar rier against future usurpations." . , i aese" wtce' ccsirauie, :most citkimuic ou jects, and ha who, in the prosecution them, could contemplate the prospect, 'of 500,(KO armed men, and .with ability toemploy them well, must be acknowledged to hate posses' ed great resources i.,iid,.pcih.ipii, nihi have been indulged in considerable hopes. liut when the attercpt, has been made, tnd ,has failed, is there .nothing itiXtn away of ? resources OS liop from Viiosc. who have the 1 1 to succttd to the conduct ft this rdu-' OUR War I ' ',. . . -j. ' -.'- l-h : . . , .. . .'. ; The objects of the cor.fedcracy.,were land-1 able, -'iid iliey were, .to use a simple phrane ' jOfne of.ihe.Ueatics, more-desirable thun ' easy of attainment. Put what .mau, io his .ot?sr4eniics en oi v indul;;e even the dream , of sucbtcrms Wing obtained ty wsrornrgo : cj.4in, hit,man Woald-.-pro'pose them to Buonaparte, so unsuitable are. Uicy.'iww, not toieason and justice, but to the ulttwa r,:iie re- rut,' thmt fuicc, svhicb l as itniumidied, Hint tlortUiii.hhsdiyc;d.. Is'itfalj-v, then, j tlial IRr i;w inmivry succeed dilnpida ted reoifrsnd fcopt-ii", . . t Far be it fi;oni us, however, to say, that We-' cauje in many -npict we are deprised of all reasonable expcciatics i f settinii Jtotinds:' lilo.tkr tRlvnp andthi amliiiign .cf Jluons-. parte on the Continent c are thtrefore ! to consider omwihes eitUr dtpried ofre-i sources or of bc(H s. In rtlatiori to the Ccn--t int nt and the effcctusl reduction of the jAw. ei' of Frsnte, - w assert tlmt none but a vi-1 sionary can eij-ra sitch a result fi rm he sin- I! piR.eierUons nf this counter.- Aflff what It has lately befallen-the Cobtinetit,. as bl'le; cn any reasottablc maa kKk'ttsa new cotiti-. tienUl co-bptsfitUiU la 11 hick. IbiomrpsrteViiStj biliintv.njakt any conccsilons, eithtpj fmni fefcr. r. policy. -. i ,,':' j Tire next mitistry, therrLre aurterd to! the helm of the st.te under t-'Usdwantases! -."JCtb uwiotje. denied. 1-1 he wsi"Mtnt r.o stmmi a different character from that' which it'poswssed pn.viou the ' : tal diaistcrs. The public rrpoie conlidenre ifl the new admhisttwtiun, but they are too jnt to Indulge trpecj.iiont et to make dc-j rnahd sUoluiUy ieniseht wit V stS'e in winin tin u tairope art low (la nd. - '. -. ,.. ' ,Wt entertain n fcsrs,lowter. tbstthe new miiiiitry will find, it necessary to tsu-' tion the public not to be sttrptmd If they do! not govern the cowlr; l elUMhsn the tL Jtnl lUitima," now ik more, 111 they ft KOtiateJihe treaties with foreign pewtts, r-ow belore parliament, and conducted fk ccafr. dericy, somherably bracn to p'mt. we! are confident that to onrrhan. nf( ihem,' Kowtter, supported by'tviuious rectitude, would have arrogated she 1 honor cf a monuJ mint. Therw is not one. amung them who has not spirit to bold in supreme contempt the authors efsinU absure and unactaoratle adulation.) '. r . . . , .The rJUxens of London may rUe bst columns hy pirate M to lift the bral and lie" ol Mr. Pitts merit! . kul tht pile cf rit inswhkh ctwer Lurope intplrrs the beholder with d. Cerent sentiments, aad musttcU an. ihertaUto ftitur rimra. . , Letters ci a recet.t iiaie ,rm Loi..on, s sert, thst tbt flrHiib high court of admiralty bssoflatt dctUuJ Crtrn conderr.rlrg Ant rlcaArtl4Ct;ac4 In the ctl tr. in . j? To any oft the. Northtrl ' States,t oriithe V esi-ia-dies, (Northward: prefer ed,) the Staunch' Rnd well found'- fast' bailing iScVt, ' ALMIRxU J r. . i. 3 IftR, Eswabds, Mastc'ri !- burthen 105 tons, ind la ready 'tb,receive, ! cargo on bbardfor freight or passage!, having- : good accommodations, apply to the Alaaster ' on bbaid,' lying at II. Urquhart's wharf end of Dock-Street. - rJ' April S2dk )806. '"' '" ' Sw. '.' "iNpTICE,;.-;"'? : ' (T'HE fubferiber hivirig febi ained lettcff ' X , of AdininiHratiolt'uptin the ejlatel f , John SbutrVlate of Wilmington dec, f queft ihbfe who were indebted to the de? ' t to .make payment.- And 'thofe who'fcuye , demands of tis ellate' are required to pre fent their claims . to the fublcriber vrithia tl the time limited by adt of afTembly -o- , thcrwife they will'bc bar'red rif recovery, r , r- . Wi1mingttfn, April i4, 1806 '". ., ,f .i, '."i ;'o V Bank of Cape-Fear. rpilE -Stockholders of fhc Dank' of 3 X Cape-Fear. are(hereby notified, that . the Fourth, Instalment of Stoct- is due nd payable at the Bank on Satur day the third of May next Oiv failure 6 payment, the btock and the previous toay ,mentR:rnade thereon is t foifeitcd agreabl ' to afl of Incprporaticn;. ' , -.'."By order, ; " . 1 .y-' ' : JOHN HOGCJ, Cajhicr.'i . . ' Wilmington, . April I, ltfc6, ; ;';.V(j - . -rMIE subscribl-r' has .on land remaining X . frotn last Fall's Importation", which were . laid in on' the tdost t advantageous ' terms at LiyerpooJ, 'and which hi is disposed to . it'll low.. ; . u " White,, lead, m . keg ,of 14 tc"23' lbs. Yellow Paint do. 14 U 24" , , - .Spanish Brovndo. Jl hi 33 ' .. ; , A . Green Paint in' Pots" of 2 lb. . - Window Clas: 10 by St '12 by. 10 in Vt boxes, , ' j Putty iniibddcit of 7 lb. each, , , I : ti; 5 lkokccye Hinges 8 10 J2 1 J 18 24 !c 30Irj'' ches, -,. : . . Nails, fine drawn 4 J, lOd, Kd, 20d 30dy . .l lnring biiidm,. ,k: .1 .'. . 4 ' l'.n)od axes, LUing and club do . . ; Carpenters l'laines, well assorted,' II b, III. ruihcd joiiivs and others AMD ON HAND of other importations on assortn.-nt if . Hard M'are, Paint, Ol, c. he. . ' DAVID SMITH., ' Wilmington', "Mx-cb-1 1 , I ?U. 7 itAgaimt Loss or Damap-c by FirCi w iikr it t ki 1 m a- m ( ' ' ' SForlreiKnt ot Charted . 1 fur the Pherhix Ci mny cf London, " . luniipucf to make If furancc on Taild infR. Meirhlmlif . Kiiiriiiiri- ar.t Mhi ...t Cargoes' in port'sgii! ft Igfscr !amape if-. r'irt, M l.i Olinc,'rNo; J6, Eaa-B, harldln,' in'uth-Cartlu.a. Fof pari- cnlars ei.o iire c loba London. I-L. VilmirK'on. , ' V' I 1 ..- r 't-e - . ' - . i c u, ii, km j ngenr, c, N li . Ltttritotl.eA-i t pofl paid duly anfweitdv and ott i ictipt f Prerriif " u m polk Ws-w ill le- eeculed and fofwar ded as tiirecltd, witlHJUt delay. J ,J .-, : ra 1- 10i SALT.'". 4 ?HE .PlantaMurj' wl.t rc'n 'RJicliel , "Sarrt fon, tft. formerly. ITv e ca Morgan sCmk in fUw-lUi LXuri. ty, containing near two hundred acres.- Tfcti are on- fawl Plantation about &.. trrs tide Swampurxler bank and ditch snj "utdtd Into twtt fields,' quartet drained, now fit for the cultivation cl Kite, 1 ha (upland is well calculated fi t Hock jur ler, baying a grcj range foMlcgs an4 Cattle.' On tbehnd ire Pear Trees Utr Valuable "for ti e Wifmipp'on . rrnktt.JL Onf.twasnd thrte ye art credit wlilbagi, Tr n .Application to bt ma.'tto tVt t'tirvrf, of ibis Oautte, or $iuijl R, Jxcljo, JEfq. AtMrncy at Isw, , ; , t (. peccmber 3, ,t8oj. . , , " FOR SALE T lh .irrjr, i rrimmSirtrt, Sugar l)f ihc 1.6ijshcaJ kizitl, j 1 proof Km. ' -..',n 'f . ii ifo. do,.. ,.. t MoUfTct by the tifpfliraj. J!tt . ' ; : Tolicco rork Hcur liittfr-.tif, V ' JOHN f,ORr. tl'Lt wunti ( Inkji ' j (A Jliicly )'r cf Wcnrh 'sbst ur.Jciflamli cooking U wiill irj . t fober and bonefl. . ,. ,..". ' ' - v ' ' A jxxl smart Watting Do v.!i It Ller and Kontfl, nJ Rcct.lcjtcJ to tbt tire of botfes. - Wilmirgtop, fib. 3T. 4!ortf it 1