; -H f ?r'?jl n h t- ::i . ' . iatei ntN t. iff I .'dT .VvVH, - j.":i3?rtafr-f:! ' - LLiLrs '' ' ', V n j mu iVi '. liV-jj.' ' .a" 'iVuM"' - tin PUBLISHED (wf KLT). 3T. Lil 4 . ji ! .l-. i. ' FOREIGN; INTELLIGENCE. - Vol Lotidoti pd&rs, received at f he off?cljf the ' Publi'ck .Lkocka, y ie Proicttrcss, -la zverttt, . ' We anxiously expect the-nejet arrival from the Continent. It is impossible the order of. .thing which at present exist? there can long 'continue The tranquility which seems to "Jiave followed the Peace of Presburgh, com prehends but little of the qualities of. real peace. By .this, unfortunate treaty Buona 'parte subdued the "house of Austria; but his success has confirmed (the fears or .the jei 'jqusies of other powers'. For what purp6se , re so many of the victorious French divisions assembling in the Electoral Circles, and on the borders of Franconia, but to awe and in ..t'midatc - Rrussiu ? Y hy does Ihe ' latter power resume her military attitude, if not with the intention of resisting Jhe insults and ' "exactions to which cither herself or the state under her immediate protection are likely to be exposed I The city of Frankfort has J)een severely amerced ; may; not the next '. imposition be laid upon Cassel or Dresden ? It is impossible that Buonaparte can forget ' the affront offered by the elector, ot.llesse to ; . a division of his army, to which a passage ' was, in the first instance, refused, though af terward granted, on the condition that it fehould defile through his dominions disarm ' ul, aud under escort. " May not this affected grievance, uponthc refusal of the Elector to submit' to a contribution' under the name ' of a loan, .bVjn verted inttr a pretext for: a . mirlrln i mint inn intn hi tprrilnriii f hTn. thing is more' lfkejy Jhan that Hesse and Saxony will be invited to contribute in some ' way towards the Subsistence or accommoda tion of , the formidable. Freiicb. army which is collected . in "their neighborhood. Thse ' impositions may be acquiesced in to a. cer tain extehi. hut .Ave nuestian whether. the en. '' durance of these nuwe's will be proof a- ; gainst the , "known rapaci'y aiid insolence of Angereau Against these they ca,n only be shielded by the interpositions of Prussia; ' she must either protector abandon them. If , she leave them to tin; mercy of A,ngeteaur ; there is no knowing where bis exactions may . terminate; at the same Utne fit is doubtXul whether they would find complete projection in her declared suppwtv , , J . . ' Notwithstanding thr encomiums which. IfuSitVpVfe ha-, i been pleased to ktvish in his Bulletins upon- the polity 6f Prussia, the demonstrations made by Hut power at. the time he had pushed itr MuVa:afi were. wII calculated to extite b'tli Ills upicin and ' his fars.' Wert it not fur the blt,: of A"-- , terliiz, ao;l the extraordinary evems which t ti i . i . i iiiuw(ii, we mean inc. lAiinihiice, ami inr t peace of l'rckburgli,t-.ert Mystery 'ground for supposing, tb it I'nrsiA would luy-at that time, dec lured wr agiur.st Franri: The unexpected ttrminvtioi. of liontiliiies ' between' FrJt.ce anJ Austria neccssorily ex acted th: greatest rircumspeetior upon the ' put nf l'tus-.ia. It ya', ,leihaps. Jgrlu- liWa fwr her, -th.it the emicrpr,; Alexander , lia'.i K-ll his ciluiut troops.t her tfispo sat. It is not iimMvUMo, that ahe owes j her present 'possession ot , llnoei nJ .the rrputation vthich she hsi . acquirad til Veinthe protectress of tbe iMrutrahty o(lhe ' North, to the weight which thf accvf iort of the Kimiai.s must have given to her, arn.s. Whether she will retain the unw nrrncn. srante now that they have wl-imedlft ijnir uwn country, the experience of afc 'tU, ' t r ciyj, perhaps, will dextrtnpe.i ..: , ., That Prussia, ever the aU asjov.iiji lng luccessct cC HuonapatlAwithxctetr m , tisfaclion, or with any .seutira njs lut,t)tofe m or rcf.ret . and apprew;nsioriWf j hayf ycod ' grounds for d'ilclieving. . N'tAiUlt)ig the pledge whiHhii riuiAp;nijclrujH roudto have civen ti t eia ne rur Aluxm J r. reasons for declining to tt up V'Mt od to make war ; upo rrinec, eheiduVatid ' mucli by pruOcnce as necciiy.,,;,s know frcm autlmiy nf bc first cotirJurslinihtt I whcfi. the Digliija jninister,. applied $., ike r court of Betlt7 osorruiti iht safcJy f4 (xir troopi,'in lUnovtr, Laron Hardvberx.-AC j'iinUd Jiira, tha iftir jthe if rjmle occurrtnccs uOloria, tlws, ntpKfiv' 'kpectlon. wm inii.ranblt that. tHe.nt tlrnt armieoulJ,npt alwayt command the farora of Ibrune ;-ha) therrnre ttvi only tkc mufca't of j'nusia.'fci alio.Ue1ge- neri imerrsi, v prcrrni ttj irons bti tacked weight of the" :htMt ony hautd km WtaM rr Ulrrittf toia .'Thife wcr aotne of the frincinl clsenra. 4w ewtainetj In rhrtfftlllt orrfrtTuhTcaUon wide on that, in Ihe rruiilan Ca Ifrae V4 ocqtisirtfcil fi unJfrarte, Hat I.sLouM consider the rt-cinyiion if linger si 0nllcvf'W'riu'wlatb cut biitssjcs st ihat mmrnf, rTeo.lhe thole wsr 1 ould tttport JSer, dd b-oNnitlori 'ilfti tn.erfiowcVs ily'trusted. that the English troops wo?4 under his ieenerals." Wh those tr6ob4 for whose 66'Operati6iv he was theri"4o anxPV3,lj were afterwards corapeUedJtb'quit the Elpttbr3 ' solution of which Is t61e expected heTeaf-:, TeTT AvmcdaiiferTonTmef-irTirTh consequence of some kind'' of compromise ' with Buonaparte. 1 heir, removal, .perhaps,. rhight have been the only means of pacifying! this .terror, ol the Continent. lJut will his' demands stop there? Wliy may he not call. ' upn Frederick William to place his. armies' upon the peace establishment as he did the, emperor of Germahy before he broke up from lloulogne M'o yield', is only to inci " them to fresh exaction. He is neither to lew disarmed nor Satisfied by any concesstouq which would not be in its effect ruinous or,t degrading to the power that makes 'it.' Real) safety, we are persuaded, is'only td be foundj in resistance. . He will go on, advancing pre-j tension after pretension." till .at last a stand' must be made somewhere, ''trthe peace off the Continent continue, we shall be much h" surprised indeed. '. , (7imM.. . - , ; rcoruary aa. ' ,The arrival of the Hamburgh Mail dye on Sunday, puts us in possession of interest i'ng intelligence. 1 he Court of Berlin does not appear eay in its. present position. On ihe Hth .mst orders were issued t6 the Prussian troops to hold themselves' in readiness to 'march. His majesty's field equipage, was Ut the fanrie! time ortlercd to, be, prepared, rhese ie liianstraiions can'scarcely be the effect "of; idle apprehension. . Prussia, w e are persuad ed? would not deviate froin her,,Jregu)ar line of policy, which is that of. peacfj or, at.'the least, neutrality,,? xcept h,B' yWre dnven ' out of it. AV'htp the Sovereign 'of Prussfias- sdriies an hostile attitude, under the 'present vinc,ed hat it' is "the result of imperious ne cessity. For wlut, indeed, can Prussia have to contend, and particularly with France, ex cept for two principles: It is impjsihle but the court of Berlin must he awake U tbe danger! of that system oFdegradation and inferinrity, to which the .obvious coure of Bu-maparte's policy would reduce 'jhe princi pal States of Europe (I.f 'Prussia Hvifl coVi seiit td fi!.ic.v;-1icrelf hi t sarrte'rjr'k.- wih Austria, Uavaj ia, StWirtembefg", she i'ijv en joy peace; hut if she haf' thc'ijMntd strug .gle, for the( h'ljh raiiCs)ie hs obtaijied, she caAnot kiscrt it without, coming mtb collision with .France. How can theve be a .doubt, indeed, of ths 'hostility pf llie latter power, w lien, we learn, that she ii'ab'fjut.to ahviy-' ble atn army" of two hundred th'UHand men on the Maine? There are neither Aiitrjans, Kimians, British, or Swede's, to',c'Mjhut in this quarter. Against whom,' theni can these f jrrr.i'lable orrnaniioiis he liirrdcd. but flessc k;i;l Saxony,' i'u lhe;fiil iiutncjy, and PruSvauliimaUl)''?' . : KotwUhstariding the degradation to whicli ... 1 . f '.' .r -i ' ' ' ' thepeareof Presburgh las rcducc'i) Aiiria, she stiK'appcars ti lok forwurd to brighter dayaV'Thc who!e of her military eslai)iih nn.Tf i to be continued on f(li warsc'ale of 'exptnse'To'r sfx'inohflis. ( '"ltis cursorily . stuted,' tTikt'.tf.'e ccion of Venetian. 151 hi i is to the Vr'nliliai pro diic'e'd1 i 'fcf-eat fnsaipn'tr,Tnrkev.' Wc cr m tdLboliCT e. H. :jT he fiAxkuiif t- wth neighbours. U ulltculaiidi to, spread Kr rorMhro(kWthfc'hdre;hhjrt. But the rfofcrwof the contsgWh'it Ini Mrwilf hernf arrested. Tf sur 'Vl fir. Peters hurghhas tntctTiriwifTirw treaty 4,1 Panct wVthht Prte for ini y'rsi'S ataete it'lipe'4 flmt their joint eficcn'wiiruc msCch foricb 'srmstw-irt li fitrhprT fr.iWtlalirK. FtlW'HMt'inV'1' J -'At a ltnk Ian -Right Ae tctaf IV rupjponsoth wtfc,ni iiMKrotMr5lit int.' . . t , f a , -v -'' V iTW Monlwnf. of tk trHi'cohdins some eeft'obseti'k sjwn'.'trit',pTiriclpl(fi it tbe tfoMifwi iriatly Mi be irt Tar liwi. tiJrt-Hi c4of frlf-pirflf s S1Vi sver f iiVnHkiii's!4wMi J.epsrTtt few. 4 nil tkOlons t lunMctjtrMMtli1 ttA Ni. wons-t.'tVWctrt.vTe III? vf'4lil? Klfifr if.NfpWi swtkti t Mstfettf rM:r Wdl ;AotJW4rtet tM hV Wlrt'ttf; .it ntvte lot fVasisMv tUUtaihtn?jr this frtitkrfctfWMttTt.ic 5 .MIfpt6Mitlle VI .t iunf nu trp mitniw r ipiraicji n j re Vt"KP ?P.cr,l!7c5 f' f 1 f mtawttajsipCT natty iHirteTnr!r or-1 cimrnrjfie swetmsj itv icspa fcrijjs cumstancts optwWtHt ws founded, were I If51 fStrtlitTlirTrtSiy. ..ur'atit-SL .sw sJ.r:.UWljraW'f.(et1. 1 ft'M-W ' It Wit tte'flWl'oSijjJce SHi4 re rtjtxsJrsOrttfnttViff 0 wAXKe jioVtoWct,,MM3' whole jK.licy of E rrrfpeVfVVc ;ow. H (rhMVs'C Urvrtyft tC irwnU Unlrnrs srfitch tft4Vnit- vtrV few. N toiWmu LrWitf itil If.'ifintW LlWl' ( "Tfi'i v&fent "bafljf-jrf Cdhressi seems fota'r; "i, broue-ht in. andldmf thia ttmtifcr manifettftdl by. thleef s o'thatf issmbiyA?here .is inof f d'oubtw'infeatr, of its trtrss'ihgfbr1. the rb-',j tectioiv.. atduxderoninxation jqi TAmerfcan i aeamendme of the 'provisions oFtvliich, we .will venture to assert, are the most extraor- ! diriir'y that have ever found their. way into any act of Legislation. . A re ward ibr the : j ' commission of flautder iS absolutely hel' odt J as an inducement to tne American seamen 10 resist impressment by British cruizeys ..'ihis ; any person or persons, who shalT injp'reis ; ?ihy.;ieaineh1'on ,toV'4' arty ftesscl teearin the ) : flg" of the -tJnited 'States, '. p;'oh 'the higli ; seas, or, in any ,, r.ive'r, haven, bason, bf .-Tbay,.; "under pretext or colour of a commission ; 'from'an'y foreic-n power, shall for every 'such "offence' be adjudged a pirate and fejori,'.' and 'f uu couvibiiou Mian nuncr ucsiu mni 'would be the operation of. this clafise, if" the. cruizers'of this country "were compelled to respect it ? Would ji not have 'the effect of protecting every ninaway, evt-ry emigrant from, Ireland .or Scotland, who could find sfieiteb or. boai d an American trader ? We find, that the impressing out of an American vessel some persons from he North of Ire land, notoriously subjects of his majesty, has been enumerated in the list of excesses con- j thitfed by British iruizers. ' Upon tlie prin ciple oT the first clause, we'c'aiinot see what is jo preyeQt;. 'the- 'American.", roasters frflm giVirij "protection to .all ,'tfie Fnglish seamen who are base enough ,to desert their colours. The party who are irislrumeiital in raising 'this try against the enormities of the Bri tish crulzeis." as they terrn.lt,' in . Ibejr ex treme jrritabilily on this, subject, srtms to make ho allowance fqr the difliculiy of dis tjnguishii'g between real Americans, and, the Vaiious' British seamen who,, assume, that hatti'eV As to the pra'ctrce of. pn-lerlions, we know to w hat abuse it is liable, notw'uLlatamd-. ing the greatest possible Vigilance pn the part of those who are inyeCd with tft pov( ef oT" crraiilii.tr 'tliem-' ' liculd this txtraor- Mary 1'itl leceTve 't?'.c ct'ncni rente .of the American I.cpis!atur, .and be , acted upon, . Cdns7lf,"r.ioiicy' 60'3-ti fur .Ftb.00 2-,S l;i-rwr Ajii-ii 3V7;,3, Kcducid, 61. Ofir Yar,-jout lit ;h received this morn- in?, announces,, inn arrival tm-rc ol son;e arrival tln-rc a more T i':ns fT-ov, Ije North cf.Qienna ny, fjrtign tijonpson boaid.. , , We have received 'Ft'encti journals to tlw litli.'ftild pilicfvtr p lotf.' Tlu.y af.' Forhjutlillle'lalelliirtnce ot inonietiU , , , t-The French am. y- advancing agf-.rt, Jsa. pres, bus scc't ding to letters irom Ivovrtijq, haludf for trfc purpc of receiving re'inxe-nu-nts. . It ist.j be' ijicreastd Vi 90,0Qi men. Wi dJft'lhV." however, Infer from ' this, tkat liect'lo'oSeel wntli.inurh f pn'osition It is more prohabfe"iha't,'lfc .! icct is locive rcatr Slcbfour aud' f'w, l",iicj uioflucy tmtt'of tbe i)c'v ,ij)h'sty, fiidjiVj ,pj,oy Qri.6 ioflicient 'to prevent tljoser mupnurj wldttt mtj!it be" expected in,l; 'ie 'plci tftr'iteillg thcif anticnt ios'tiiutions swt'Vti Sonft brt Jitters yom'jf oVndiai e af so bfrnc'ctUe ti'owv',Tfiey''spe4ktf grtkTiiilitary .preparations (makir in sin, i'iV WljlC i ''j'JhC a,mt, a complete' wircVlaCl'iikfimfnV; vr, liDviever, cpTidccbcfe usuruf i t uoTQ $f th? aCwir,t whicli hVve sptcarcd in snve of thetlerrdsnpvisr" . r:j- 'TnVVeir itifmtcriiil arrs.irr'rnents iin AusiHa't'oe ht from the hints throwjxltut itluiion BI ajll'I 1 b it cxprcurh W.TTts ci mai uiitiui a iO l KMSJU.k oilimj ardour, iht .Isdi Mtss tr'4 f is the spirit ana tenaency 01 one 01 ine sec 'tions, howeyer expresse'd of Bisguisc'd it'may b'e.' Ahother.'he 'nTsihirause, enacts, ' that it wdl be do eiisy utatter.for this cnuntry to aA'dfVVoptuie with' tlc.C i.iti Statesi. . Piict.of StotU l!ntdrvtqt wt o'cLi.h in the Monitrur,.aLpesr to ttd perfect, sa- W)f sjlpofntmrAf orCwJd?iadion ii Vn" ?Hf ihctm 'tut'sfioulAarooyiHut - : n m 1 1 mi t 1 11 B m'Wi,ilfrVcrtt fifa mm - r. t - ' iTin :-m u p si. the excIu'slotiBritiSri manufactyres'froni the'6inenrtirhk.(:4ree not saspehded evcfijTdring thejiate peace.- v ''f 5 r Irt-havtfiWen'efred at Glasgow frorA Ds9eWot"data the 7tb mslanfftV vwhicb'it ajppaiH flta the' Fr fh ar.e'fletei'- J mined to seiee British manufactures tRrsugB, tVery part of liatari.' ' A rVench cts'totri 4houseofncewHh'M'rturoberx)fai(sfa1its,lV'aa 'reached fJlisueldbff on life 511 'oM'imrritdi fcately insisted on exafthining "and tikrng'awaj" books and lefters'ljelonging to themercfla'ttti, and wished td seiie British good, aftlioiigh n6 prohibition' against them hadtherf eer made in tlial country. Jt rS'farth'er stated! 'hata large1 wagoft-was'seraed byte-Frencli officers, on the road near Basle, r.fxn the territory b'f the fi?ct8r of Ba'deh'-'l be effi .cers - opened Uhe ' packflges, k ani" tookrM-ith them all British manufactured trowli.'' "; His plans -are 'irVot, however, confined toY' bveh modes of altatk.as w;have just standi By negociation, by intrigue, by promise, jond by thvents, he endeavours to. bring othet power ti adopt "his views 5 that all the portf oftho Continent, frbm -the extremity of Italy othe Baltic, may be "shut against oiir com merce. It is understood, that some sharp e monstrances on this subject have bee'ti tnade but hitherto without effect, to the -Ootirt of liei I'm. vHenmafk has bten assailed iifther same way, and neither 'lemptaiiorrt 'Hfc threats, we understand, 'have he'spareA ia induce her ohitt the SHr.d tAute Measure tha't mASsti .'imfu's W:'th r.ommerce of the Danes, as it'wnild bt4tiui rious to the Britilrtrade.-SiM.J ' . I he attcmin that bus been mnde hvisornO indiscreet .individuals in the AnVe'vieart'-co press to carry ihrouh-a Violent UV respec ting the protection ofrrrcricati seamen, wiH -probably be scouted by the sober and Cofisr derate. ' SuchnieW ideas in . leftixlatic n curt hardly receive' any countenance frcm those who knowthe retd state of thv question,' and if there be auy individuals ont:uili who can not plead igtionancs as rn excuse forintempe rancej if is the Americans themselves. It may be true that rfome indiridhuls, who wer born in Amricai hatf been imprtstte' Tiiitfl' our sericc ; but(whre rtort the blame Ire i Is there a Single American nlive-who dorft nm Liiow that-ercry' artifice1'! rfclployed to natorahre,'"! theytall all i're Britinh sea men whom thttycsAetrusc1 'so to digracd tjietritejvesr Hi if MT1 Aif.erici.p reftllicatrf : roultl converts 'born1 Briton into any lhinp else Uu I' "Briton.1 If no tft illtitish sail or, in a PJ itish bttHorn. can give birr; ai vx i?rrjtion from hein called v-x n to fight "ths -I attlts tjf lii rotmtry,- will i ever be rt)ne-' dnl ia fmeiira, o u't)tnd or ItitcvdYct'thls powfi- wl,iH -Brits ritvr'hc owrt Mlivd' borncl.i'dren I No,;m),- IftlcreVtrHyTeaf em'se f complarnt. it ji on i-ur sirV. Let AmerirasbandinthcnTfiiriiJusy'.lein whirls bus trd- it the inipiesMvent rfiinen fi-oni American bottens.. AlU-unt uinety-ninr oi.t rf,,eve-y .one hundred seamen Iff rerted have, teen Bf ith b.ri scamj-n, and agaiosl the, onc,in a buiidreil that may have bcen.ta kxp,.miitak?t it, would U cay.to prov l9 ,nvth greater tumUr lin'brtn c!Ubon ,Ha).lXACltf,:nn, PJotund by. Gl and Vfid .ceitiGc,at(esJ1of Ampncaiji.sitiati'dii'h, . Thenwsp KPPnptnl is .wtlU(QUU ed niiK iliu (. mmA Uwrtfor. belive will encourage arid.OouHtepaJWfijjoi Untan4 hasty pioending. The whole of l rti w port snt jK8tH.r, ho w e.vcrr HI prot a V.ly .ton conic intn (JiscHUKH) fficisltybt4 tween tl.e.itwnufyries j. aod we Ibueba 4a't that, wl.ie on the one hsndf . fompl 5fiv!.tNS .;will be civer for real injuries, .not si jftjt ill bejiuhUd of those rights which thit cop;ry JisdlwAr rtcd and cxetcistdM jijst towards otitis andoscutisl Uiitsow V . l-n ..!! .' "I -t' M,fil!. .Tins day u emperor accompanied by th4 srch-rliancellor tnitminiMtr for foreign f- lair, insjircudt,lie.tmptriarlftui. 0 V'cn lh prefect fthe Seine sn10isr wjt. Jc tle'piitKifrom , 'oritff ilUi'lrt 1 uiete, pf ie4cui lh?li4ltVl A& t&tfVfft rak rouraLJb t4'. Jsc4 ct soijtiskiigt, tNciHXrffsjiswsrsdt Cljv UfaA UtfAsji4nncrihnSM rvKirfj tlf JHt-'K-W illes-r4 v4 fvrroi r,spii 4!!P ITWj.l Iu4 gtst.sxra,Msrr r.cccssaty, but that fit was i!cirous.iti Muf. I, fntsAM ia")h 1 tit)? U4iili po.u.r;.. .n-.J v.: 'j AhrS ITotliitr f.rtitwtlf Vjlsr-W W il7H oMjtk. rMay ..ml U:UU v",lZhi' f.jd Jf tnrofauti.fi.tb XudcA Ahc.yitiiwr, M. stfiiun stWi4 CVfJVI Vft bpt4 spccjrr.cM of tl arts n4 , sj')silM,iO(cu)(raf) fwr cWfrh)3s MiftrfnVt? V IVJIItl lilies psn-3W at.fr 4 ic inifrvniilt CTcrssAiJrtloC thrtxl iV "f.'-ltM Vrctfis4csktltvf K wvl JW VJnwi4 of 4utss(coc cr tvcmctfau'.bs'L! Jtti.J ! i 4 isj HnofXrtlccw-ralcji, wWlltd f ;r.flH:1lsrrts ttsuls bttw Ul uiut of tbe Tl.iiillettcs. 1 4 1 Uf fcthf Ui vf u Tallcjrtad, sT