. 1 No. 489 r ! T 1 f Pyfejrid -Statipnary JFtofatf ti Printing-Ojist, Wilmipgtept 11 Uaj&T,on the iew Testament -fiFmUf andachoel Biplea -Etaycr Books, .. . ; Blairla Sermons New whole duty of Man Sermons andther practical Works of the s. .Rv.R&tph.rhkiae, A.M. Thompson' history oLChriat, with the live of the Apostles sod their successors for . ! 300, y eat a after Uie crucifixion : Hefcvcy'a Meditations, . Wattils Miscellanies BpyleU Theological Works, , . ' ' . Beauties, of Watts. Family instructor' Zimmermanon Solitude, Pilgrim's Progress Tracts, Sermons, 6cc. on important Subjects The Christiau World Unmasked "the sincere Christian's Guide iu the choice ..of sreliion . . - - Hally burton's Memoirs " -Tiue doctrines and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America Sacramental Directory Thcaire'of God's judgment . Pilgrim's Progress Bryan's Holy War Minor Works " Poor Man's Help and young Man's Cuvde Methodist hymns and spiritual songs Rippons hymns, The Scapular ' Testaments Psalters The Naked Truth, concerning! Sprinkling of -infant. ' ' JllatrVLectures, KoUin's Belles fetters Ka4iie Criticism, Sheridan's Lectures Reld'sKssav oh the intellectual, and active . , powers of matt . 4; Sher'itua'a, 'locution, . Duncans Lor'ic " GoltUihuK'k (ireece, Ditto Englund Ijarns's Herrae, or a pu.losophical enquiry conceruing universal grammar., MsjI aicUcer, Silrfian's Gymnastics for youth . . Kiey's PUii)onhy, Nicholym's ditto t $eV.H:'' en,cnU f lllc l"ilotgpiiy of the ', IuUoiC9nic ccwonf, Simpstji'ii ditto )illwpit,n' tiu J ihk's ltooR-keuni: VeuuuHj .lciy UeWom;r or Trader's us. UI ,.V?fU!lt , v ; -., Jkc.AfVhmaUc , n n ' . . ..' . A.c -rcise adapUi to Murray's (rcwkiirdinnur , . , Array's Eighth Bsdrr , , yatwrjs Asiiajt, IttficlJ Speaker Acntan elcttuiis ' , Amcpican Prctcpwr! Aiucnctt Monitor Kcntlcuun :id h'l'a .Uailwr . Voujign's Cpiupsnioii ,. U'Vt'GMgrapliy iu question awl anwcr Jiartqti i.ccur,cs ,to baialavducaiiuo and ( '.a r .' . j . ' Aikin's Lt'.ters from a father. tnlus sob, on vsrious topics rcUtive to liicriui e and the conduct of life West's iAKlirt 'io a Young mso on his (uat rfemrWiKe into life- ' Wttod'J Mtntorj or the A mericau Teacher's, Assistant, !I tme Mentor Letters to a fning lady on i raricfy of useful - and fouwstlngMifejccts, calculated tom. prove the ficart,' to form the manners u4 entighteti the undwrstindiug Seneca's Mortis ' v -t Bsron Hllcr' kturs tp his dsughter ontha trqei(MwraJit wuFen,.u ., .... ... . r - .,; Csys,x:roi4n'i and Dodley'a Fahka . Wctei'a anAliUoiai's SptVt Boaka PiWh tkaa Uas, Copy bhpsn '., . . M o;ct's pd Jii-fc'ent'a.FrtAob sai tngTuk aEnJthaud FrtJHhwuaaTKa. W-CT',. $ ! i ) BV? QMi : Haiksaii- ... . 'W,k Wt.r.Juuuprt , n, .dnia A -Cordcrii CoTVf UA Caiacknte4U tulf9itlJUiMpWtU Baiiriis jornslu.jfppu, ; . . tn y(t, ir ViffdUQr.Ut!n Lai Otatt Pii4 sM EajUsh LleahW Cl tK.'M .1 ' : JUyHrudlcs . 1 JoUii'i hH'mx WliCotj 1 1 . V ' .1 s ... dote England ...' ... tif ittMiwhU's Works Varqers. Magazine, American Husbandry Jounstpn'sV rSlufrulan's, Joues's, Bailey's, Walker's, and lintick's Dictionaries' Muril TaK-, i Blutiomsol UrJi'y ' The ordinj w4 Uitni Irora a PrcCCjlrLit 'ohfi I'amU ' . If"' I . em Africa .. .. ';': . QarVcr'p. .Travels thrpughout the interior pa'rjts pf orthAmeric.a, for more than . live thouiand.miles ? Travels, ih(Europe, Asia and Africa - - Mackenites Voyages, from Montreal thro' the qntin,ent of North-America&c.Jc. Sporting Magazine v Essay bn Commerce, ' Bolingbrook's Tracts Jefferson's Notes on Virginia ltckford's History of France Gilford's Residence in' do-. Moreau's History of St. Domingo Travels of Anatharsis the Younger in Greece Park a. TrRvels in the mterior. districts of Af rica,, Ljmberger's do. do. 1 Bruce VTraVs to discover the source of the .Nile- -.J .. . Cook's Voyages, Robinson Crusoe The Algerine Captive, or tlc lifo and adven- " tures of Df. Uiiderhill, 6 j'f;--rs a prisoner ampng the AlgTines Memoirs' of 'Major General Lee Life of Buonap 'i-te bo. of Suwarrbw ''."" . Do. of Kobert Lord Cli e -Stein's Works, WinteY" Evenings, or Lucu . b'ratibns On Life and i.,r iters Tho Spectator, The ldkr Paiinf' Works 1 An, Enquiry into the nature and origin ol Evil : Deautica of the Studies of Nature, selected from the works of Saint Pierre Beauties of Nature, Principles of Nature. Young's Night Thoughts Columbian Muse SilcU Pocm Spirit of Despolisih -Voltair's Pinlosopliical Dictionary ' Jumus's Letters, decant ndcoumion edi; tbns Political Dictionary, Democrat;,' Caustic's Derftucracy uuvtilcd , Ao Easay 'oti Crimes and Piiui&hment) ' ' v Defence of Usury . Zi miner raatt'n on National Pride ' Somervillc's Political Transactions Dramatic Dialogue Telcmachus, elegant and common editions Bow ' Ia tiers frouftlie dead to ihv living The Complete Letter YY i iter. . Lady's Miscellanies Kre Mason's Muniior TIte Frugal Hiiuiewile, or complete Woman Cook F-teuben's Military Discipline- , Cavalry 'l)rciprinc ( JoJ.t;uton' HainUer ' Miin u's Wotk. Paradise Lest 'I lie 'whs of I'tu-r 1'siKier I.it'.li'a, rial je'baud Cunningham's Poems i h'r. ,i4' Schm)Iii, !;icuii,i.of i J opr., Do of Jinaninali-n Htivace l'ei,tii, or the Vuin of Allied Muvcal Mi'.ctll taiei, S'K.gster's Magwii.e, D. Museum ,' Hie MulfilKll, Ma'nic Song ; Rhodiiiicl; lundoni Don lixut.e Begi;srGirl, Beggar Boy A Peep at .the Won.!, Evelina Romance or tho 1 vl, Henrietta P.cHnun Antottia Pcrcivul, Airncninn, Alexis Inti reeling Memoir, by a Lady T k: CtKj le'te,', Fun ale roiindlimj N.ctartial Visil ... Ambrose' 5 Ehancr, Wlwt Ha Ocen ' , , Jane Tallin ' . Vicar f Wakef.tW, Vicar of Lapkdown , Consantiade Valmuiit; a iioul by Harrio ' Ixe, ChiMrca of the Abbry .. Inqu'uit6rlt "Conuaiit Lovwr . Love at First Sight . . , 'adii, or irjt cthroucmsnt of My.Viricd IV StcobaiiW'd HwMrbon, TM MUik Uosscau'a L'lujsa. . Camifla, or a pkture of ,. youth, ,Viitfori Wek,' or hinta on tho .,Mnpyovras'HQf time 1. . . -. , iWalhert a, novel by Charlotte Smhh GravUt Abbey, a Koihance Cccekat ir memoirs of an hrtress "" ' Tale of lb Time, Tahrsof Wchdtr IhaPiglatsatalf translaitd from the Cer . rusn ol Koixoba ' The Catlcs,or Athlrn It Donbsyn, ailigh- fcndHrers, J.Sandlbnl ind Merton' " The Minstrel, of Aflscdotcs of distinguished i.peroaga t '' .'v "' ' "L HdsfftrtetQuenafKar' ' Wcrtei, t Adlad irihnzirtt' ; u UorvaL oetba tpacclWor, a novel founded on VrcactiikcU' ' , . . ' 1 f.Vrrcal.Tisliao'i; 'Ccisij SpccuV J., ., The1 AnrtAsted SkUeUin, ' MortuM , The1 Rivkf Moxhets, ZtUia ,. ' , CoajioTt.-jefpi:; ; , . AtIt, the Lore and Cent taw f (wS44 jtsms1 tha denrt' ' .' , , " -M"! -'I'lllMHJ.. , l lj 1 ThllrofslCapaTtp ' . . . phlUksl. hulorWa "RQr4Etsf rtijtiw sum ..t , . . The 0lnVt re Trw ct IttiUabut . ' -. TheNfiro, losiLLtrAbbcf ,. The Haunted Cavern,, BUxV V!J Contrair, Pbllintropiil, .TljfTor . , Hnirttcf theCaAk. MistsrU of Udulpb MaaofrttHnji Gtn BarnCl r Matilda IUetey,y ttrmxaia D'IsraeteVKoBtaiaes,, ,bt, Lyon IwsTlfc-Caniliha toihe jearvl803.iiji.; ':-:V:- :ur ti' - Martins NeV-Just'ue .ciusiye Pothier.on Oblicatious jntahe'rhert's Natura viuna . . . ' ' Eex Mercatoria Americana" y- Eapinasse's Nisi Priuu . Jvans's Essays 'lailor's Reports Gilbert's Distresses Haywood's Reports , ' ; .Schieier's Praciice of Law , Sute Tri.as " Proctor'si Practice Talbot's Case's Jatclje'a ditio , , , . , Mriurs Stutes 1 Almai.ackur 11106, &c. tec. Quills, and Ink Powder of a superior quality Gilt edge Foolscap, -Thick Poat Thick poat loho, Ilun do. , Quarto Po!.t, Velwm, best quality i- oojuap, Pot and Blotting Paper. Sand, Pounce, ..Wafers, Red and black , Sealing Wa, Black and red Lead Pencils, of an xce Hent qudiiy Seamen's Journals,' JJiank . Message Cards .' An aisortment of Hlauk iiuok Blanks of most kinds' Charts' , The North-African Pilot, being a collec tion of sixty accurate Charts auU Plans. r V .. r-r ': . Tor Salt- Alike)' young Negro Woman Vvi h IVVO LlliiUltli. Allpl),tO lliC PflUlttJ. n i .A a tv i iTir't: H HAVING been publi.hcd in the Wilming ton Gazette ot' Uvi celi, siuvU. M. Caoipbcll, iesLCti:i luy oiler to sell a TiJe Swamp Tract, L.iMi.;n VLi lon and Ua rendu.i, wherein cu'wVun.tAiices aem staled tlut righl luiblead Ujc public inliiU rsj:tc iiiif' Hi) '.on(iuci", 1 til ikii neceary torej'ly by the i'ol!uwtntxpUiiitiuii. 'Jauiev Caro.i? Iw Jaifuary 1796, atjreeu to purcluae Ii-om inrjailof a li rtClol laudyi'i glnall' grained to ati'U Gi"Hf C, ntxt nboc Old'ruwfi. "Ffom tlic in lot uitition - cuulUil'cu iib ain cirroboiis.d bv the uj cur ants' ol Grille's uU', scillcm-nr. a:d a aii bi inkiue il.uikedby J ;:ii Aik'.uui, whilst he M!iSchkCli Did ToWll tl l'Ct Cl'..Ul'i uact, anU which mc hcg.ii at the ir.ouvh ol (he .d. Creok above Old Town Cri ik ; Mr.' v,aiou aud inykclt' nad no UOUbt rt,. ctiug the hue of Old '1 own tract & 61 Course t.raiige'k. lie in consequence bum. on Uic very iiuation ol tbe old tcitteniciii, and a Died wai uudc on ike dill of April, l?9r,conU)lhg (Uj land ' between the mouth of MMary Citek aud Old Town l'laiitaiion, with an ikpbnatioii which suewtd our ui.(krtaiitihg cltarly ol Old 'lowli line. hoOn after iuy sale to Carson, Cal.. Read claiuitu -.he land and contended that Grange's tract lay bllogithcr bctow ih Xd Creek, and that Old Jvn I'laiilatioil or Tract eatended no bigner up. the rjvtr than the firt Creek above ii ; after a long and fill kuown uit he prevailed at November ttrtn, l8tj. In CinvqUeM.e whereof 1 puixluwrd tbe land I had aold Carton froio Lol. Hcadt and tmri (pictrd (he pOkteuioii of Mr. I'd, son, Who had bought the lower pait cl Car aort a plantation which ulhe part now owned If Mr, Campbell and which was valued by taovtry rcipccUblo gentlemen as contain iiig Bjhikrcsol l'id Swamp k (I acres cf high. i ,i ri' . 1 1 j ti m picar oy a copy ei wnwi utw, Cun iity,posMMvni In this vslaatioo 1 usdcrsAood Ci4 Leltcve they began at the but eUlibed between Catsou And myself, ai4 did not value one acre below the 2d Creek. Aa tl.e lide lanid wa valued by the acre at an high tate k but SC acres to Mr. Poisoa,j it reasonable to suppo thstttarson would not, have b4 tbe J7u acres baiow lued, if ha thought had any ilaim to it, for by an ar urate survey, that is about the quantity of Vide fiwatwp betwicn the first and second Creeks above Old Town I Mr. Pisson aold What he pure ha ted from Canon to Mr.Camp ltll,hbstkowghrit proper to Inform taa public f tkal I own oo inch land aa a tract Utvte Old Towa and Clarendoo.N T hat rublUtfilljudgi of Uia prapriely of hisinfur Taaliaa whan aoOtraatcd withtbo ttrdkt of jury, and also of ,tis justke b tUitaing 170 acrrs fit l HtC 3 tamo, raw lbs was valued (o pUpradectssor tarfuicta niatakl ar'tMS from the want of knowledge aa u Old Town kit.'aod which rpiataka or fiuaapprtht&aioil h drill pravtd by id U'mfc wdlkao.n thC I ifidtoot claim tbe land h now cprUndafor, till since (he verdict of tbe Jury. sluth snare Ihsft sic years aAtf the ate cuiioo ci tpj DikU 'TM mlarake, however. Ulp-t prehtnd, low easily cits red up to admit of a 0iU; bf reading a haUmorf of taa Dctd Mf. CatapUU MMAilaoa, ihui what he Aai lVXnfcs'apuUieIt. Vet, alt&ongh he It correct, i statipg tkx B.S. M Conveyed to, James Caxwn all his tsads U twee a Mil 7 Cr rd sd OKI Tews jHi&utt;yet 1 htk if' s tnyself eqUaUr;splasta45tMtiJgej , orryo shcwic'leajederstandip'g aad in tejtiot of th parties by Uic explanatorff'' -scrjption which IbH M jamin Smiihfs land, situate, lyinp apd be- . " M)g'; on Cape-Fear Rivr, betywanlthw ' iMutHv;pr..5alaryCretXada Ohl Town " Plantation, to 'fain at tht mouth of the 2f ' Crtek of Branch above Old Town Creek and run thence . 86 '-i W. to a stake in 'the elbow of a prong of Beaver Dam branchy hen 8.'74 1-4 W. to the 'back line of a ' tract lately belonging to Nicholas Eveleigh, tlttnce with that -line N. 15, 3-4 VV. to 4 Beaver Dam Creek, then by various cour &cstotbe river k then down the rivep to th V begining, the me being repreaented k de " li.ileated by John Hardwick, ( o!iq vas m plojed bp Jhe beortnuntionfd JMXS Ca " son, u ateartain the Ijnes of said llenja 4( mill Smith, between the Mouth of MalarjT k Ci eek, the 'Braver Dam llrsnch or Creek. " and iht lines o,;CW-'Twn' 2V(lW-'n4 .' ' made return,) as in a copy of his plot deli " vcred ly said James Carson hereunto annex " ed."' If, therefore, Jainps Carson's fiit veyor did make a mistake in " asteTtainini; the lihe of Old JW" riantatirijri," ia -Jameii Carson or his representative MI Camp1 bell to take advantage of it, and 1, tfho did didoot tmjloy Uc iurvejar sufTtrhy it I was so guarded in this- respect, that oithe back of the plot are these'wordis 'lic ifre " memberedthat the 'within plot in annexed to tbe Deed, to gfatily Mr. Carson, but B. " S. is not bound for the accuracy of it." In the plot, however, the aaid 2d Cretk and the w hole of the Jaud intended to be sold is clear ly deicribed by certain linen, and 1 never can believe that a jury of the country will sanc tion Mr. CamplK:U'a pohsessin land out of thcie linea whi atthetime Iconvejed ull my liw Utwetn Malary and Old Town, was hot claiiutd.by ne, tor tor several yeara after ward, 8c therefore could not be intended tobe , sold as mj land ; nor did I know Mr. Campbell postsed any of t land ofl'cied lor sale when 1 advcrti&ed, otherwise it should not have been included, a I undtrtand it is illegal Torauy perou to purchase land iVomone man, which i pscsrl already b her. I shall with draw tbe ofi'erpf it (of sale 'till the injustice of M Campbell' pr.etrnsio)ii u' provtd boro tlial Tribunal which trv law of our country havcwiMily appointed for dctci mining ques lion of pi(MfiayT not doubting 'hi l'itrmallrt dtgret the isjue of a' cpMrvcry :n which 1 am drawn much agftiiikt im inclination. BLNJA. SMITH. May. IS, I6C-6. NOTICE. HAVING obferyid in the three laft papcis an advtiiiftrrent by Denja ii.in dmith, urTcrii g Ui fa'c (strong o iher pioperiv.) . a tide fMamp itari be, tcen Old Town and Claicn.on," I think it pioper to inlorm the public that (Jin, , Suiiili owns nofnch Land j having con'otJ 'o1 J mr Carfou all his La-K i between Ma laiv Creek and Old 1 0 1 . PJai.tation j agfteab'7 to which Uc, 1 now poiTtfs llut Ii d Ai.y ptifitis wilhing further informs tion may fnfy ihemfelvcs hy pcrufing faid Died which is in my ft(Ttinnr, M. CAMPBELL. y'm:n;tor, Apnl a6, io6. if.. , l;6r Sale at Public Auction, . On Stfirdafth 1kK of M.ij mttt, AVI LCE ot Lar t, on T0pl.1l Sound containing ore hur.drcd and twenty acres, about hlteen miles from Wi'mirg. ton, ike pvperiy of the'laie Lewis liinei. deccafevl "Sia months err Jit will tc U co, with approved feojtity. 3IithacI limes. For Sale, (J A HOUSE and Lot in layeittvilVr, on tf XX the foutb Ceof Gtuva.St-eei j tht tloule ti targeted well calculated lor ft pnvata Dwctlinf or laveri, and the fit uatiofl ctleemed aa ane o( themofl healthf in that pi ar. On ihepremifca ate a Kitchen, SnuAe Uottfe, Itc. The urmtof sale ma? be made known or, applicitiou to Mr. Jobs Matthew cf Faycllcville, er tb fubfqibtr in this town. WM. MOORE. MW1mrrs;ton, Much 13. ; T5 KOKE pilftm in this County on the II pight ! iht 30'h ol April, a man Wfhi- taHiMmfeU Hint) ;, fayi he was horn in tha Hals ol NcwYork he? it l flout wc) twill fellow, of .bout fi fret tri) Inches hi(h, Ud ro psniculir rriill aa we ittierobrr ifII Hood- committad a a charge of robbery. 1 A reward of Tweai?.Fie Dollart will htpaU fiar aparshfftdirg arul rsturulag' Umtapuion, . L. ELLIS, 7iHtn I 1 I V ft t v; il 4 ' -i ; if y i ! i: 1,, . "i a. 5 I V T v 1.4 1 1 2 ii :'J Mi n IU t 1 1 "I I 1 t

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