Jsereeably to the arratfemMS wrntyli were puWed in jyWerday VGazettey thchodiy of Mr. Jubu Piercewho'was killed oCTfiday yribot frouHhe Brl t i ffcrfhtn of war Lcandcr j vaaxotrrty etr to St, Paul's Church yard ; and refpett. full interred; On Wis occaf.oo, fivery poflible Tefpea vtzi paid-to the'-romitns if this unfortunate young man. AUclaf fet and cTirlTnUons attended, and as marry .e W V . I " j T 5V T ; the its .. alv as could, j owed the proceffion. The crowd in the ftreets and at tha church- was erygieat ; and it is with pleafure weob :fWe, - that there was not the icaft cor.fu- Spa Of noife, as wa, oy fame apptchend '"The Grand furors of the city and coun- 'ty of New-York reprefentjo ihe, court ihat they hate feen ina. newlpaper. called the American Ciliaen, dated this day, the following publication, viz, Indict, xnent for murder. The Grand Jury- at ilia fugettion of a republican member ' found a bill on Saturday laft agatnlt Henry Whitby, captain of tbe Leander, for the murder of John Pierce," svhich publica tion the v canftder hiehly Improper, in as mnrti i it is untrue' that the bill was found as therein Hated ; and conveys an infinua. tion that the gtand jury in the dilcharge uf 'their duty had been influenced by patty confederations, which they hope will ne ver be mingled with the adrhiniftration of juftice ; they fay further, that in the cafe Salluded to, there did not ex ill any differ ence of opinion. . By order of the Grand Jury, rYVm.T.SLOCUM, Foreman. State of Nxo-Yorkt i Kobert Mitchell of said city, "branch pilot being duly sworn according to law, deposetli and aa'uh, that on Friday last, about 6 o'clock, J'. M. he was off Sandy Hook,-ant! discovered lour sail of American vessels brought to 1y the British ship of war Leander, frigate CnrA brian and Driver sloop of war, which proved to-be the ship Aurora, brig Ceres" and Jupi ter, and sch'c Concord, not farther distant (as ' nearly a the deponent can judge) than five' milts S. E. from the light-house ; whereupon this deponent immediately made for said ves sel, with intent to board the first vessel that jnighc be discharged ; that he spoke the b-ig Ceres about pistol shot from the Leander, un der her lee (yet lying to) and was hailed by the captain ot said bug lor a pilot ; that thi fieponeat replied, " he would board hfhi im mediately,",, at the same lima enquired "whe ther the frigate's boat had boarded him, to whish he replied in the negative'; that lit the mean time the ship Aurora bore away from 'ijdcr the Cambrian's lee, and hove to again near th: pil-t boat, wuiiiisr;, as this deponent supposed, lor a. pilots uader which im pression lie immediately boarded the Aurora, ami discovered her to be in the f ossess'ron of a British officer and 8 men ; that he enquired whether the brie Ceres had been -cleared, and 'received the following' reply: ,"1 shall ia my own moc.ior mat give yoi)rscl no further-trouble respecting -the vessels, or .Vjfterhapa you trUy be sent to Halifax," and or dered this deponent instantly to quit the ship; that thli deponent then left said ship and went on hoard his boat, th brig" Certs yet hyingcltisc under the guns of the Leaner. , Thut after Retting on board hi boat, the lrig Jupiter unj schooner Concord (having b.tn clctred-by the Driver and Cambrian) stood for the b-at, and this dcpoaeiit. boarded the Jjiur, atul mU-..llis achooacr, dircxtin ih maMer't-j bllow him, no othr,p;ioi Ue inj in the' b.ut j Uv bi ir '-trts and M tip Aa tnrJ slijl nt-nr the ntith vcswli as long as they tul I Off recovered hr i?y ricjht. . An t thts dep..titrnt further saii.t. that h diJ pot. when.htk;J y the mtt If the Wir CeTcs. say M he w.uld nji hoard Jim' trrfl'rl rejr.uUrly dumissed," but that it wa hm intentkirwof this drponent tohavc bnafdr him if -tl Bri tish oirtccr UyiulJ luiC(,rioijtd hiovsulodiir UU U VU VrM 11CU tXL. Sworn Ihe lath dy . A.tt, IbOb, before Hie ) , t J. LkSMtvaTo, h. Pi- i 4 Arrived yeerdirtnnrfting, the pTlo'tloaT p4tri9t, CarKaui ,UirahaiBt wh was d.s . tclied r, -Saturday cvcrihg Ust hi puimt Ihf tcsiels which hU trcn rsureJ with. lrjarislictiona4eii4tHilirrfV- Clpth Ipraham procaaded tbrt It Trmles beyond ' Ueorgf 'a Bank, and retimed witbotit Jii. covtruij either i(Ahe vessels , rttm T.Jt4On .Saturday there were se4 Tcni rriTsis iron uvcrpooli but wt haw'. iKiebeertaetaTcarn any news, ofanorotw,! ticcpt what ii contained in ihe subsequent speech F-flnrmparte, copied from a Londen Jsperofthe IJth.callrd " The btausuan. ' spekcii . rrfaeCMriOjUndtlNC,..,;! , Mafca U05. . T ' ' M CentUnnnj'the dcfMitlca from Ihale. finrnstMs to tht ItgislJte boOy 'GeatW mtlU Tribtjnti end tU MemTxrt eT hf lentil of $tte.-Sir.r y otlr ?4.f ubbL tha irtatest jHrt of Etrrope htv etitertd into a alyi90 Vith EnglarKi. lly trtnic's Live ter cased ;o conquer, eiceptio wh 1 1 ortkrt J ihtra to combsf no lorgr.t a-1 . sed the rights of, the ftetl. states, p. liKd by the iirtWij.. Uf aJilca ti Ji, cisji u I 9tr axj4 Itt ofcif(;ueDCtf Itf nfrieT bive been humbted apd confounolT; House of Xapleshas irrecoverably lbst crown j me wuoie ot me reninauiaot iw forms a Dart of the efeat Empire. I, as I ed U-Supreme Head, have gtwra'nteed the. Sort-, .reign, and theCooaUtuUona thai tpvetac uinereni aeparimemi. 7t i'.u Kussiaonly owes the return of the wteclf of her army, tothe advauUges of the capitu lation which I granted iu Able to have o- veriurned the imperial throne of Austria, , J. have confirmed it. Fhe conduct bf the Ca binetof Vietifla will be such as wilt prtvent posterity from ' reproaching me for any; want pf foresight. I have yielded an entire confidence- .to the protestations which have been made to me by its sovereign. Besides the high destinies of my crown do not depend upon ihe sentiments and dispositions of fo reign courts. My people will always support my throne, against all the eitoits ot hatred or jealousy ; no sacrifice will be painful to them, to secure that first interest ot thecoun-- try. , . - " Bred in camps and in camps that have always been triumphant, I our lit to acknow ledge that, in theUte events, my soldiers have exceeded my expectations, u is also pleas ing' to me to declare, that, my people huvcaU so fulfilled the extent of then' duties. In the heart of Moravia, "I uever ceased for an hv slant to experience the effect of their love and enthusiasm. Never have they given me any marks of their attachment which have penetrated my heart with sweeter emotions'. Frenchmen ! I have not been deceived in my hopes. Your love, more than the tx 'tent and the riches of your territory, consti tute my glory. . Magistrates, Clergy, Citi zens, all have shewn themselves worthy of the high destinies of that admirable Fracire, which; for two ages past, has been the object of the leagues ami the jealousies of Us neigh bours, a " My minister of the interior will Inform yoif of Che efcriti which have taken pLte in the course of the year. My council of State will lay before you plans of laws to ainilio- rate the different branches of the administra tion. .My ministers ot bnance, and ot the public treasury, will lay before you the ac counts which they have presented to me. :ou will perceive by them the prosperous state of our finances. Since my return, I ; have been incessantly occupied ingiviitgto Ihe administration that spring and activity which give life to the extremities of this vast empire. My people will have no new bur thens to hear ; but ne w phm will be propo sed to you, respecting the system of finances, the basis of which were established last year. I intend, to diminish tne Immediate imposi tions which bear upon the land alone, and to replace a part of the charges by indirect do th s. Thro' the elements we have lost some ships, after an engagement imprudently com menced. I cannot too much praise the great ness of soul and the attachment which lhn Kirig of Spain hat shewn in these c ire urn stancirifor the common cause. I AM DE SIROUS Or PCACli WITH ENGLAND. Gnmypartt I shall ncttr retard that uon.tnt. I shall j.'-. vjys be ffuJji to condudi it, io adopt ing for its batit, tin stipulatibnt of the 4ri Amiens, - i - " Gentlemen, Deputies to the Legislative I)odytthc attachment you have shewn lotur, the marwicr in which you have seconded inc. in the U'.y sittings, leave me no donbi of your assistance N' jihin shll he pr'posrd to youhi.t thit which lsnccessay to guarantee the ih' f tyid safety of my ple." ,. , ': S' Laft, -ym kunfe. Dy the Packet, Ci;t. Trt(t,'r'm Liverpool, we tue kir hlelof I,m . ,,) papeii, cnlintied totlw March. It appears, from thent Out difpa'ihc hd h.u icceived frum Frai et, .lyaDigor irncc, on which a Cahinei C.uiM.il wjs itTimlaicly ImsLL . ,Thi were underpod to. fue come from. M, Taikyraod, aJJrdfrd to .. Mr.,:Ki)i, 1 Jhtie was a'f d.fpstch brought ovu in t) n thgi imct f to B iron Jacobi, the PcuHiau Mi.itter, . lloih thef t. pttcles mre tnc!ofcJ in letter tftwn tvmmandni uf Bo.lrnfn to Lord Kent, requeuing hit Lrdtliip to forward then limucditHly.- Thif. particulin ire fli.' tod in' oar pipers rf ihe lateft dvt'i it which time nothing fdrtbtr had lunfpifti en the fubjecl. ' ' . L . I re I xptfe of the ftatt of the Y,tk Cmplre, had been rectiveJ in .Epjlani. If is a.n elaborate wotlt, nj cmbtecis a wu!e and eiieofive fialj pf oltiLcal ipecv fatiyV. Tte lerais umdi whick EinHand riiaj chtain peace, are whxa (ol!f cotC dcfel, iimMog f i then an telitj tiimii ijiirne flt.rgih-Francs, the famf 'I rf,,tUiiio every acqulCtion 'ftt hsi 1 qiiJe ofiikcconiincwiof Eorrye.S VVMti Ihii Ungut ii held out io England, the r.xfJt crwimeritef llolUrvdai oVi cf (U ftdeiatirt ftmtrj( ih Grand rnrpW; but as Incorporated whhthit Hndan; Thlntnlotrloo,, Cil.ittiJutioQ.iiriba Tuiklfh NOvMXes fi openly avowed w' ii'iwpgwifWHs rrancfi Bill IKmtukMlJ -l.L'hk.. 1ft M N l M tt mailVit no L boin fjdt s, tp ttndf 1 1 Urn roar aceeCbU; rnori.rpaiDsodioiji, rd not tVctrr. Eiiins ara dirtlur at Aaim, n.:-. 4 C pals -ait, iftrmlnj at Afit'wrYi, Ufff, Ofotl, DuaUik, i4 JUtfe. pur "hk Mtftciaiifwoi, Ibe Ajc - r thtn Pn l-v't obfsws t m I f If SkA.A a. A Ki HJntteurj1!fo Hulinguen, BelUtfle, Ajacclo, and' Baftia, duayr are confirucied, and aettieaor moles lengthen ox rebuilt. All thefs diffetent kinds' of woras are carrying un as ivutuetic. i ue deanfing JDf the yottt -of Cettermd Miri" feilles is continued, and that of Oleiron is "enlarging: The ports of Oielette and Catlircf are' freplired Jntfuch a man ner as to be capable of receiving a great number of veffela and guo-boatj whfeh will alarm the inhabitants of 'the Englifh' illands ot Jerley and uuernfey, as thofe at Boulogne menace Dover and London.- X he foundings taken at Bruc have afford- ed fatisfaclory rcfultj ; the Rhone will have a' port. Engineers have examined what improvements it is poffible to make io that of Genoa. Six millions tight. -hundred and fifty thoufand francs have been -expended on the military ports. This fum has been principally applied iu ne- excavations, the jetties ot the mole. the coriU ruction, ot tas outer port and bafin, and the foundation of the new port f3uonaparte,. which, dcflined'to eomplcie tni3 peautiiui inariume creation. and worthy' of' his name, will be, on the chan nel, the terror of England; at Boulogne, the ba fin and the lluice, th; completion of the Woiks which conllitute tac whole of the port, and the conllrucVion of the esr tabiilhments by which it is (Wrounded; at Ambleteufc, the works ncccllary for. defending ihe port, the elevation of the jetty which protecls it from the fanddri. ven againd it by the welt winds, the line- wall, and the; buildings ; at Brelt the formation of aiartific'ul ifl and, the ex cavations ip the rock, the liofpitals, the mtsazincs, the axfenal.nhe barracks, and tie completion of the batteries; at Ant werp, the contlauatif not the apid works which are to form the atfenal ot our ma rine on the North Sea, the creel ion of quays and work Ihops j in the road- of Kochctort, the jetties on which fore Bay arl is to be erecled, and the operations of ever kind required by ths Julkult con ttrudior,." We feel the u.tmoft pleafure (fays a re fpcftable Loudon papcrj in beinj enabled, by the belt authoriiy, to allure our readers, that the ilitiltrlous dtatclmen, whom we have now at the helm, have taken the molt etfrClualdeps to adjuftalldiffeienccs wiih America ; aod that the tarl of Selkirk is goingoul Ambaflador to the United Sulci, Jcr the purpofe of cflablifling perfect har mony between the two countries, on the folid baCs of mutual in'.crell, found poli cy, and rcuorated trieudihip. Letters from London aifure tis. that the moil fricnJiy intercuife fubfats be. twtcn ibe Amercao Minillcr in tng'and, end the goviri'mcr.t ot that country ; aid ili-t no doubts were enteruiiird ot an im ine.'iaie a'!ju(lincnt of vut dilTvrnce.s, va I; C!) lair and iqmtaDle pi inciplcs as would ti:.i the ;wo nations in flail lliener bonds ot amity and tiirndlhip. l!rtti(h ihree'pcr cent Confuls 6o 3 French five pet cetiti, nut v six 9ih March 6$f. jr. rKTLitsuciu;, m j. The inhalant vf theMiivppi tfirito- ry hae,!fi cortscjueiice of the trUMtry n I'.ulaiionS) of the hpanisli eifctrs ov the .V. L.U, ti.tcrtd uito'the' foHovthi patriotic re cli.tioiis U. iy met the aprohaftwu of oil c!.as f eit.rtix in the Tombigby end rM-'jju.a s.:tieiiiriifs, and will, no doubt, kate coiuidiral.le influence cq .'the future t iudiict cf the Spaiiiai'ds. WhcrcaS thebfTiears of lis catholic m'sjts ty at MoUde bsve, by tn unprccedtnud apd artitrar regolation, Interdicted all direct Mnrnertlal irtBrcome fcttweth this evun try siil New-Orleans, Ue Jrt palpable vio Utpu f tbc 'ueaif Ulwaen tttking f Spiinand tiss Um.rd States, detained ves sels bound, from New-Orlesnl to the port of Fort. Vi d Jard, ami absolutely prohibited Ihe.r proceeding to the place af their des ttnatibi) andtie in so doiof: swttcrtUd eur rtccitn those supples which are nceemr fr qur carnfoiublc suUiiexct.. We mhm names $rc UrruutosbbKrileJ,bavc mutual ly covenanted, aad da solswa'rtlnd out stlvesonctto the other, sad to all the peCple of the Voi'ed Stausv . . . .. That will cot Mil M (a ar manner furnish to any cf the suljstti of his catholi tnsjesty, any corn, Utf, potk, or aay other profiio, wbila lL laid arbitrary it gula lions and rtstrktions art contstVMd la force; TUt we will oot Uiy argrtaTefkaBdin or fcthtr' t licit s ol any subject af lim kins; of fcpsin, which we feavc reason to UUsvc beta been purchased tor brough frgirilbetoSi f Mcbilfr-iTbti we slatl ria4 anj; too who bedda any commercial Jnttrcaursa with, the subjects cf the liog of Spaiit, aa Ud.P fsrtot t-jthe we If re cf the good people of Vashiriion couaiy, and is so eneray to this coutotrj. Ao4 we moreover Urtby caQ tpon twr kllewUirtn srHousfy to riect whttUe ofttr the 1st manlftitatk, ofkostil. itica on ihe part cf the if enu sfd subjects of Peking of Hpalrf,kByV iic'g ille jiautt i ,i rrttncaji roTtTnrt, suH t.fct bf tlty of a lljtH tTimf h efTe ting Utn ail od eotafort, fend justly espese klmislf to all tb rB aM jwnsltics f MrH trtaaco u sint the Uaitsd Stales. sssjsssssa Ttotsrjoj, tht ttfrtf inH ti Yk soiikd tW-BrkisVitolist' leniTthe 114 of art I Xrfgiish forcei' to protect their com merce rom the French brivatefs. ;Thia request was solely .cpnnnetf to the Engjisbv and pseudo-Americarl merchants. The .gander, Cambrian,- cc were, iustauily dis patched by our best friends,' and, instead, cf scouiring4heicoasts of the Carolines and Georgia at that. tjme infeste4 by: several West-Infita pickaTOons, commenced a rigid blockade of New-York, captured our vessel and. impressed; our -seamen. . Ir lfc05f qu best fxiehdsr renewed their 'friendsMpf and again robbed our merchants of their proper ty, and hundreds of native citizens of their liberty. In the present' year, we are' fated not only to be plundered by the 'rapacious) arm of British tyranny, but the blood of ond 6ur citizens has been shed, by the murdeV rous instruments of George III. All thaC bear this are cowards," and no longer deserve -the honorable appellation of Americans Several gentlemen from New-Yorkrwitst . Whom wc have conversed, inform us, that on the day after the murder f our country man John Fierce, the citizens became so enraged, that the British consul, at the insti gation or ttre mayor, nau leit me. cuy unui. the Indignation - of an insulted community had in' some measure subsided, and that tho Ehelish packet had been hauled into the? stream, to prevent her being destroyed by the populace. We further learn, that the funeral of our unfortunate countryman, wast the' most numerous solemo and impressive ever witnessed io this country Between' 30 and 40,000 aniens, not with their M inky cloaks" alone, but hearts cf deepest sorrow, followed this victim of British insolence to the place" of interment Such an express sion of the public sentiment, will assail like, thunder, tho astonished cars of the insolent Britons. Arrivals at Boston, New? York, See. furnish London dates to the middle of March Their contents are interesting. None of the continental powers have reduced their lorcea to th peace establishment. Russia is as sembling atr immense army in the heigh borhood of Warsaw ; and the sublime Portes ' alarmed at the hostile movements of Alex ander, was. making great exertions to bring his revolted provinces to subjection. Tho archduke Charles is placed at the head of tho Austrian army, and i busily employed in erdeavorinj to restore the ancient lustre oC thi house of Austria. Naples has been' o verrunby a l'rcnch arroyVide Joseph Buo- . naparte, and 200 pieces of cannon and quantity of powder had been taken posses- sion of by the French troops. It is said, that the vessel on board of which the queen est NapUs had embarked, vith all htr treasure, jetttlsfkc. had, by contrary vind been dri ven on the coast,', and fallen into (he bandsT of the French. Of Prussia, all is doubt and uncertainly One account asserts, that a rupture bctwetu ber and France-' i merit a blrj white another niaihtaira,'.that a treaty of alliance has been formed between the twa countries. Humors cf a negeciation be tween England and France-vcre, Io circcla lion, but little etc Jit was attached otlkm Acccrdiri to tV.e fnj;lih accounts, 'Buona parte had about .13 large ships on the stecks in- the 'difitiit.t pons of France, wbtcli would be . laann he d ty mid-summer. On the whole, we should 'Dot be1 su-?eWc jf F.rope were tot asin lhted tfp'ty thV u of war, the rtbv 'oliWckaro ye divcernaMc i i ecry )mrtijA of tbtt distract ed quarter of the k'.oac. ti i - 'Capfsm Wd.b, of the brig Eliza, from Maricaitni, itirmis,tbat juat before bo sail fd ordeN had been teemed from the Co virr.or of Carracas, to hate tho militia Inv nicdiately oi ganiicd, and the city put in the btst stac of defence; ot ttrj sUansw re t;r Hal taU n tint i ihe : n. Lltrtt rfd tellrr ftam C'ii f'.rin . La a gtntlttian 'in tfjUn:tt (JtI) rtattd f4, UOJ. A the Interest crChTtst'.eaity lies Desk) your heart, 1 aow inform vou. that the two .Missionaries who have waited here so many years tor a license to go, to Peking fcsio at kegth obtained permission, snd sccordingly embarked faw days sines lor that great po- ' pulous and opulent city. On their way, they wilf pais through tho Isrgt ciy of NsaVir, and wherv'tvaee settled Io iSrkto will not be . allowed to return to Eurojx. - Prf viocs td . tlicir deparluie, they assume the Cklocta coy tume, and their heads wrrw Shorn 'afur tho Chinese maaaer theilgh, being advanced la ' years, the great barber, Tims, whoso rsiof.ll ' more keen than that of 1 lupins, or sny other modern lonsor, hadMtbtn few hairs on tke'r arankiBM.: Ooe of the shots Muslonincs Informed me, that a complete tra&slaTioa'oT the Old and New Testaments' Into Cklpcso kodUcaitaids.by a minister who, ksd rcsf sled, SO years Inl'eklo, wklrh' trill Shortly U pvUiahed-. The jmt minister hu Versanti trs&alai the Dibleinio the Tarurlao Uo. gtisge. Tb Missionaries meet wit aot4t success to propsgat'mg (heir IcMta, Tkers) are (bor Caristisn Churches at Ft kin, oadsV tout 6O.4C0 Chintie in that city have essvors cedChrlAUhity. In the protince olCaMOt there art about eOOO,' snd mors orleaa loiba other, provinces I worker tho tntwt Cburrh; sssjtllss tf.elloman, does not send her Missionaries hither vhers lbs Larvcsi is so urtat i there being accoriine to slrGoswxf Sitx-ntofi, itrte huedrtd snd thirty-tkite raUliocsifsouUiA this vast eroj.'irt. & ( HHt f itt tf kn arc WvUtpnr

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