It'ishot only (he ruin ofythTaontioental merchant which weTiaveToread ; one branch of commerce is closely jif.ked to the other, the West and East-India merchants, and particularly the manufactures, must alsosuf- SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. ; A London paper of the 2lst -April, receiv ed by a recent arrival at Boston, contains the ' following intelligence a,- ::.,.-.'' .' 1 The letters brought by the Lisbon man -.were delivered this morning.; A general ap prehension appears to prevail in Portugal, , that some attempt against the independence of that country will be made by Spain. The emperor of the French,' 'it was reported, had determined to annex part of theLSjpanish. ter ritory to his dominions, for the loss of which Spun is to be indemnified by. the ''acquisition-, of a considerable part, if not the whole of Por tugal. The Spanish provinces which Buona parte is desirous of obtaining, Biscay and Gallicia, within which are com pmed the ports of Bilboa St. Sebastain, Fer Tol, Corunna, and Vigo. Whenthe packet left Lisbon,' 'Spanish troops were expected there, .and it was reported there that all these ports were shut against neutrals. The X'ortuut'tie governmentwas to be transferred to the B' iiznsv . That Bionaparte should be anxious to pos- j sessthe whole of the, territories' which skirt ; the Bay of Biscay, is natural enough, and fa tal as such arrangement may prove to Spiin, we fear there is neither1 energy nor dipn$i tion in her government to rist it. We as sure that if Biscay and Gallicia are surren dered to France, the Spanish .jiT.archy will jiot outlive their formal occupation inlfa y.-ar;-or, if it should, the authority eft y king. will xiotbe greater in his capita!, th-iii that actu ally enjoyed by the Pope at Home. The Philadelphia true American, states . thtcaptain Hartly of the h'P Jupiter, 37 1 days from Liverpool, on the 37'h tilt. vasToarded by tne murdering ship Le Ander, VVhitby, who pressed from on bond the Jupiter, Jphn Thomas, born in New York, and had a protection ; and put on board an hi J stead, a Spaniard, priaonerof war, ta ken about four months ao, bound from La guira for Caiiz. The Spaniard was on board the Leandcr at the time of the murder of Pierce, and says the ship is asjiin bound on a cruras off Vew-York -no doubt to add " in sult to injury l" Died at Richmond, on the 8th int. that ve nefable statesman and patriot, Gl OUGE "NVY niE, Chancellorof Virginia, supposed to be poison;d by a young man, his nephew, Mth't resided with him. The circumstances ol t!m horrid transaction are. thus retard li Mi ) a gentleman laiely from Wichim ml : The voting nun had t.refl .hinunck-'-j ii-me in drawing c'v.-cks on the limit; to prevent tlcti in. end ut the same time to secure a emsrlerahh si.t bequeathed to him in the I'.i lcS will, he administered the fatal dre by mixing it with the coir.'e prepared tor , hiokft; not only the Judge, but several of t; V!- J .. .I.- I r .. ... . I. mi u'l-neaucK rn ci the cottee, ami re ) tieau or at the point ol death, Jude Wythe fortunately survived lang enough to diio.v-r the fraud af his nephew, and disappoint h'm t Ms hopes of t legacy. Rdeigh Mtriett, NAVAL JRCUtncTVRE. The Marquis of Lansdown launched, a few Southampton River, a boot. on an entirely new construction ; the princi- i tleofitisof his own invention? it has two J . eel and rudders, and has the appearance ef twi Indian canoes, connected by an arch -Its length ii 31 feet by 7, and is built a an exoarimerual model of a larger size, fhu advance mer other boats is ita fast sailing; for",, the witer finds a free passage between the two bodies, the resisting power cf the . Water is thereby greatly diminished, it will carry more weight than boats of the same , iize, and live in heavier sca, and has three -tr-msUwi:h sails.The. tona.uroL , people gathered on the b )rdirs of ih; Rivtr, to view this singular invcnti'ic, was Rreat, and they severally chund hi IrcMiip lo testify their approbation of it, tn f auant. l'.NTiarn Junt23J, Ship Rthr-ra, 1'ldridge, Ncw-Yck Cliakio ISrSch'r lcy Ann., Providence, IL L SWA ling Kaiy, CvtcU, lM,n 2L.,Srh'r Victory, Patterson, St.l homas SJjr p Cohimbu, Lukin, ,t Bmtnn llii Hnain,Cu!!im, Fblmcuthl J'nu.ra Ship Enter? riie, Corner, lint!,l. -LmI Sch'r Two Sisters, Chant!er Nf 0 k rJUClS CURRENT- DU. Ctu J)h. Ct, U -II II - 34 eo si Tt i lACONpcr 100 Ha. '. Cotton per lb. Cofaeperlti, Corn per bushe?, Meal do Rice Hour per larrct, Diltoperhalf harrtl, lumber per M. V. o. hhd. stati, R o. do. do dci Sv. o. U.w, do. rtuli ' - Khingkiper 1000, Sugar per f wt Molaurs per gallon lluru, W I. pr, 3d p.. - Jamska do 4th h -N. 1U ,do. Tar pf harrtl, Turptntint, 3 i 4 10 SO IS II 1 lo 30 SO, 13 II IJ TS- t tl 40 TJ i-1 40- I to t 2$ Tl NOTICE, v - 'TMIE subscriber, having taken into Co JL partnership Mi. 'Robert StkwARt The business m future wilfbe carried on as usual at the Store of the subscriber under the firm of Howard k Stewart, therefrc becomes necessaiy that all persons having ol pen accounts with the subscriber1, should cal, at the Store of the Company, and settle them either by paying or giving notes for the a mount Mr. R. Stewart is fully authorised j to settle allacwounts and give full discharges i- or. me. - ' ' ' ' HENRY B. HOWARD. Wilmington, June 33, 1806. fOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, To any port in the AVeft-Jndies, 1 he Schooner SALLY, Captain Charles Pitt ; she will be ready to receive a Cargo in all this week. For particulars apply to the Master on board, at the Market wharf. - , June 17, 1806. ; r . DRUGS and MEDICINE, v Wholesale diid Retail by ' Dr. . l.arcquc & Son, At the Store lately occupied by Draper and Met.' ..' . ca'f, Market-street, V! 7 HO respectfully infornv-their friends VV and the public in general that they have just received, in additioji to their former Assortment, by the latest arrivals, a Jatge supply of 1 resit O rugs and Pnictitionersof the Country and others may be iuppUed on the most liberal terms. Or ders thankfully received and strictly attended to. ' ' " , 1 . - MEDICINE CHESTS. Captainsof vessels and orUers may be sup plied vmh Me.iicine Chests of all sizes, .war rr.nifcd to contain fresh Genuine Mcdiciiie, with proper diiections. ... ' LttuTs of t'.onsultation will be attended to with .dl possible dispatch. l ty have alio a handsome Assortment of Suar rvs of ev'evy description Candy of Hn: -hound, recommended for Coufrhs, &c L iLi-njes, common Lozeries of Manelia Si iiu of Capcl.u e, do. of Orange Flower, do. o! Marsh Mallow, do. of Rasbet ry, do. of Orgeat, do. of Ginger, Sec. &C 'ilmington, June 17, 1806. "Twenty Doihrs Ucward. 13 AN sway trom the subscriber about three ' vtitsago, a negro woman named Ji1 CiiALL, khc is so well known in this place H.ut pellicular description is unnecessary she was formerly the property of George Me rick. Fci. which induces me to think she may be lurking about his plantation on the i S-Mind. I will pay the above Reward and all 'rea.onaMe charges Tor the delivery of said lie nso tome in Wilmington. il. Mitchell. V.'ilming'on, June 17. lit Huh tjiccrs (wi half ptiy, residing vithm iht Vnittd Suites of Amtrtta. T1Y dir.cion 'if the Rijht llcr.ombte the Xi'ay-Masicr General ol'his BntminU k Ma- J j:tly I oi'tcs, Ins lSnlanmck Maety kvotw. sul resident at Chark-stoiu hereby icives no tice tlm the atTidavits of officers on ha'.l p:-y, and military allowances, who reside m the United Males of Ainerica, rmnwnriiig sub- aequen;ly toihc3tthday of DecemUr, IhOj, will not He paved at the Hay-OlTicc tudess the OtTicerS place of rcidcnce, and ahu th- county, district or place for which the M, - j gimfate acts, before wlvini t.c a.od ;!fi l.,H j is made, (thecompi iti.c) ol whom must tc ! certified by tlie British Consul if ay sl i'Mhc 1 rtsidni in the State, or by the Goviniur, Chief Justice, or i.nie nther person in au thority in the Government thereof) are therein w f ir. v. ttureeahly jo n f rrp ta Jbe iunby pj)n lu ili 'hvnlwr, , gi,o. hooper. Wilmington, N C, June 6, I8u6. Te n DtMbrs Reward. RAN aw,tv horn the Cubfcriber on the I'thwfMiv, i nrgto man named JUHS, ahi.ut thirty vrariof age, fic int I'uor feven itches hi nit, yellow Com., tr.atkti! withtht fmad pox, limpi a little (though hardly jerfieable,) oc Cif:cd by his thiph being biokeu heft , yputfi Tpeaki Hr'ncb, which is his native largii.te atnl rpeaki iht tng'ilh langt age , 1 operable plain, has lather at'i.wn lo , look with hm an f.zi.ahrgi (hut and j irowftia tth a t-umber ol other clo'hei; i He wa Ro, t ed on Ihe road Itadine to Far- eteville, l ot made hit cfcape, Uavirg all his except thofe he had on it is fiippofid fie intcrdi for Wilmington, whete he ill endtaver to go on hoard fome sefTel as a Tailor, hkh boCnefa le has fallowed and perhaps un ierflandi. The abova reward ami all charges will he pa'd for ha? h g him fecured In any jail lithe (late, of fifty Dollars and all rci. mraoie chargcLVill be paid for hatrmg Mm delivered to 'the fubferthef liungln Sneediborough, Anfcn County, AH malleri of trffcU are ciuiloned gainfl receiving or employing him on iw their Tedcli, at they may have to tiiUer the confcqurnccf Wm. JOHNSON. Sneediboioitgh, Mjj 24, lS"6. THEfubfcriben hatting qualified as Administrators on the estate of Tho- mas Turner, deccafed ; hereby give no tice to all perloui having demands against (aid estate to .' bring them forward within the time limited by an A of the General AfotftbV of thia State, paiT-d in the year.." 1780 Concerning proving Wilis and gran., ting letters of Administration, and to pre veiit' frauds in the management of intef fates estates thofe indebted are requested to make immediaie payment. HELEN TURNER, ' Admi. BRITTAIN HARGROVE, nifir. RICHARD HOLMES, J tors. May 22, i2o6. J, H. Campbell, Watch and Clock-Maker and Jeweller, jrom 1" j6-A London and Dublin, N FOR MS the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Wilmington and us vicinity, that he has commenced bulineis iu the Brick Houfc of Mf- John Crwa one door north Qf the Store occuuie i by Mr. Dor. fey, corner of Marke' a id Second-ftreets, , here he has for sale a variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES. ' .N. B. Old Jewelry, Umbrellas and Parafois repaired in the belt manner. Wilmington, June 10. AM- - Ml ' II I I 25 Dollars Reward. RAN away lium the lublciiDcr about -'I.' It it April Idlt, a neroman na- H , I 4 .h T a Kitii 1 fnrtu ti r ri4 o o a at J c . 1 - a M' w a v y wai v vy a f' f rear y i;x teet high, vi ry black, remark ably flut footed, ami ihc whites of his eyes tinned wiih yellow; -The above reward, lhuil be paid to wH'ocvtr will ill liver him iu Major James Shepperd, at S Pmk, ot M. Jonathan Williaim on the Nonh E.iit, ,or lodge him in jji , fo that J gt h.m again. tie has a wiU at Mr. Wm. Dayis's it is fuppuled he will be harboured' about that neighborhood." Wnit-F. Strudwick, June 8:h, iBc6. " For Sale, A'WHARf and Lat on Eagle's Ifl. and, known by the nume of Am. iieiUam, the lame being 100 ieet wide on thcrivemnd containing two acres more or ltfs ; on which there is a Dwelling Houhj and Kitchen, apply to F fontainc. May 27. rrilE lublcm er olT. is tor falc at a vc JL ry low price, a Philadelphia made Carriage, with plated Harm is f; r four horl'es. Alfo a we I tui'd For i Pia. o, almoll new A lusg credit, it rcicaed, will be given, fc will alfo tent his , Deitin fh.ufe in Fftyf'eville, the (itti. a i n is picahnt and hcj.tliy, anl capitis IJ; ic. mmodating a g.r.tetl family. For eriu aj'ply to Mr. John M'Miilan, Fiy euevine, or JoSn Li t i, Wilminptorv lli)bert Donaldlon, May 27, ic6. fifty IVviUrs Reward. A-M..Vrt'I) fimlcSf from tlx fub 1 JL hii'v , 4!i,nat!m at Sanlec on the !..!.:. 1 Mj), a mula'to tJlow turned Vjl.iar.1, trde a Cerpcnter and Mll !: :. u aHont thirty years ot age, five !ett 3 itKhthgh, hij rather llraigh. hau, a f m on Ins t Lad and ont on his imhIc; i,.. hi ha? woe ot hii, tjuimbs l(!it open by a Ch.lL-i a dis very civiland pLiitMc in liJ,'eth. .Arewaroofhl ty dollars and all tcafonai lc charges-wilt be paU on h being-apprehended an I deli- -rerrd tmhe jiilof of GioTteiowf ,S. C. or in Uurlclfaii to James Ladfon. J'ine 3. To be Sold, MY place on Mafonborcttgh Sotiad, in a very dcfua' le aeihbourhiKid, a tot eicellent Dwellire Houfe& Kitch en, and lery eligibly fituaicd ai to health. For terms apply to John PoUson. June 3, t8u6. For Safe HOUSES a LOTS. For pariiculan aj rl; eiihcr 10 iU Editor or to JohnliiH. Wilmicgion, May 37. For Sale, A HOUSE and Lot in Smttn Wafh. 4r5gton. tUitiblr Ctoated for a Ta. Vcfn and Store 1 the houft it nomy and weU calculated on the prrmifri i a Core houfe and other t ccefTary out hoofer, alfo an eactllent gaidcu ipot under fence. Ff terms apply t ALI.KN fetth Wafhirgtofii May 6, ilto. To le Sold on Credit. TUE Mills nd Plantation on Holly Shelter, ' A formerly the property of John P. Wil liams, Esq. A credit of one, two and tnrco years will be given to tlie purchaser. Sa tif cctory security will be required.' lOHN URADLEY. ' Wilmington, June 23, 1805. NOTICE, THE1 fubferiber having obtained letter! of AdmiriUraiion upon theeftatc of John Shuter, late of V itmington, dec. re quell thofe who were indebted to the dec. to make payment. And thofe who have demands of his eftate are required to pre feni their claims to the fiiblcnbcr withia The time limited by aft of alTembly -o therwife thev will be barred of recovery SAMUEL SHUTER, Adm'r. Wilmington, April 14. To hire 'by the Month. ONE or two likeiy Nero-.IG'ulSf "fed) , to watting in a houfey1 Durfing. Apply 10 .he Printer. JAM Ait' A RUM 4th pr5ofand of good flavor,1 "just landed from the briic Hiram, Capt. Cullum, and oft'ered tor sale on acconv. modating terms by D. SMI 111. June 10,. 1806. 4 w. f liOKE prifon in this County on tha nilvt otihe 3oh ot Apn, a man wuo calls himfelf Htnry Hjat, lays ho was b' rn in ihe fla-e ot Nsw-Yotk : h is a llutit well built lehow, of 'about v feet irn imhei huh, had no particular niaiki as we re "ember of. lie floof ommiited on a charge of robbery. d A reward of Twenty. Five Dollars will be paid for apprehending and returning him to prifon. L. ELLIS, Jailor. O;.flow County, May 1, l8op. FOR SALE- , I 1 INK '41 VT U- I vvu iinvimv Smpfon, Efq. formerly lived, on Morgan's Cieek v New-lianovcr Coon tv, containing near two hundred acres. Tlier a'c on (aid Plantation about 36 a errs tide Swamp uwfer bark and ditch and divided into two fields, qi.a-. er drait edl now fit hr te cultivation uf Kicc. Ti, upland is well cah ulattd for a Hock quar ter, havit k a goinl raotje for Hogs ar.-i Catile. On the land arc PearTicts very . valuable f) tHe Wilmington, market.. One, twoand three years credit will be g", veil. A 'phcatioo trfhe made to the Pri'ite of thi Gazette, or Samuel K. Joctljn, Efq. A! orney at law. Deumber 3, 1805. The Printer is auihottfrd to barter the above Linda for young Negroes. MADEIRA WINE, (i:n of good quality, in piper, Tickkoburg, Hanging, ai.d Uiitanuj, by ihc p'ere for f-!e bf Jnmcii Fleming. Wilmington, April 29. NOTICE TTHAT tle CopartncrOtt?"f Chriilo- L phcr Dudley, fen r. Chrtltophcr I)udleytejoti'r. atd Rihert Dudley, Mer fhanti, t'adiig In Wilmington, N.C. under the firm of Chnflophcr Dudley and Co. i iiitfolvcT ilii 'ay by mutual con tent, of C Dudley, fen'r. andC Dul!ey, ju'V. ir. confeq icnee of the fuppofed lofa of Mr, Robert Diuhey at fea all pnfonat therefore who have demands againlt tho fat J firm, and ill thofe Indebted to the firm are requeued to call on C. Dudley, fenV. for aJjiiflmcAt and fctilcment of their accounts, he being duly authotifed to fettle the fame. Clirtftophcr Dudley C. DudleyjtmV. Wilmington, N C. Jure t, iHo. THE fubfcfibcM InaWiil"- fo theif former arlortment of COODU hato imported by the late arrivals frvru Liver pool, a large jflriment of Niili, lloei. i Kinr, Wlodnw Olafi, and a gtneral f fortment of Hard Ware. AH of hich they will fell wholrfale or retail on iba ; Giles 6c Burgwiii. t June 3, Ilc4. HLANK CHECKS 1 for ! at Priotif g CfT.ce.