ON HE AI1LNG A LATE SERENADE. Gentle dreams with Mlefrlbpleasurej Softly o'er the fancy creep, ; Bnskjy beats each pulse to measure, Wifile I wake from silent sleep. - Hark 'tis music 'tis enchantment ! ; Music warbles o'er the. string j," " '." Gently flouting undulations, ' ? Waft it round on balmy wing. ( Every nerve obeys the mofion, - Sweetly moves the passing sound j Softly born on midnight silence, , Far away the music hastens, 'Scarce the fading strains I hear, h livery note like breath of zephyrs, Gently stiikes the list'ning ear. Gentle dreams with silent pleasure,. SoMy o'er the fancy creep ; Cttitly beats ach pulse to measure, Whilst I wake from downy sleep. " A very singular disorder was lately obser ved at Asti, in France, end has engaged in a particular manncrlhe physical class of the National' Institute. A young woman alter a severe indisposition, accompanied by a tumor in the region of the liver, raided M bladders of the size ancl appearance of eggs, only that the shells 4iad not become hard, but they were filled with a glutinous liquor, a little, yellowish in the middle. A report soon pre Tailed among the people that this young wo man laid real eggs. M. Bartini, M. Dessa tnr, and many others, examined these blad ders, and were of opinion that they had not the appearance or bodiss that had ever been animated. The case, however, continued the subject ofrnuchspeculutionarriohg&t the learn ed, and of (he .most marvellous reports a niongst the vulvar. A very industrious mechanic and his wife had for many yearslived in King-street, Vap ping, and notwithstanding his sobriety and constant labour, and that she sold ballads, they were always in embarrassed circumstances. The wife-, about a month since, was taken 111, and being sensible of approaching death, she vtlisdlosed to her husband the cause of. their, distress namely, her having for twenty years concealed a portion of their weekly earnings; and directing him to a hole in their wretched . room, he there found gold, silver, and note,' , to the amount of S20l. She died soon after ; Ike widower buried her decently,' and the vio lence of his grief at her loss having subsided, , hs lias since taken a young wife, t 11 i Every improvement attending to alleviate tin. an ITi-r'm at munkitwl i Miiit!eil tn tint praise and recommendation of every indivi dual, mid as such wc freely ofTer our admira tianof the newly -invented Instrument for the Extractiuiiof ImIIs from Gun-shot Wounds, the success and happy effects of which have tiecn established by Reanral experience in the - Military Hospitals, both at homo and abroad. The East-India (Minynreb well satisfied of Uc usefulness of this Instrument, in prefer .cure to the common firccps, that they hare tiruercd a proper supply to be sent for the use ofthe Army and Military Hospitals in their .diff.tjHt colonics and establishments. Mr. !up:uU Suron Dentist, iu fall Mall, the invenlcr .f this newly indented Instrument, basbeen honored wiili the appro!aiion and vmeii'vi of .',!c principal partofths Medical Pi ofcsiion in London for his ingenious iuvtn. tion, which is on an clastic construction, and fallows the ball un I effects lie estratUoii without extending the wouu J, t r causing any extraordinary pal i or cil'usiw ol blood. Li'.;J-i p.tptr. KNOXVH.LE, ( TcnA April :J. IlOUItll) MCKOEK - Ealract f a kver Iroui a geii'Jcnrar. in Haw- j kim. t his friend in that twwu, daud A j )itl 19, I80J. ! " There wa on Thurs.Ltv iiit, the f '.h instant, roc of the most horrid murdeiscom iniltcd in llT upper rnd f this county, ever l.card of. Michatl D.iheriy, was murdrrtd bv hi daughter, alwut 13 nr U years of ut , Viih three strokes villi an ae t the old man w,uasdecp, with ne f his little cliildtcii in his arms the frt stroke was in his tem ple, he turned ami the gul e two Mure in his f.i.lad nhich put an md to his trine. The girl, her brother IV or II years old. an I s'uUr or 0 ycarold, rollu! the old nun on h uid trrmv, to crry ItiuioIT; the blest j'.irl took we end, her bnHhir oud lit tle sitter th1: other, but the little r'u! was tu JS:- to cirry. her (uti. an-l her i.is!er (the n.urdrcs) wliijprd her nvrrtly tu intke hir ti rv'lt, l.ut Ciu'.d ti't. She then opened th cclLr (or notatoc h(dc) and rolled him in, v hero he M until SuturtUy, w hen he was. liiilj tue three, chuurtn ni no sinaUrr oitti sic tt there every fi;ht. When the tirl was apprehended h id she bad Lidid brr fa'hc r. ami had deme Ucause htr ficr h id V.VM her mUcr. S'mcc hir bcitigrom. milled he ) she did i't ki!l br lather, but tint it wi bcrl.rrthtj sv hc was scared, and cmtfcssrd she h I killed him to i,cr o4 ttfw, fr hr was afrid ihk'iiuf) vvl l"ok hr wmiU hn her '.he brother and title' jy ie Vilkd him, and C,tuX lni i..it.pril!jr. lift br wa Vntul I-the?ii i.t1'UdiillHilMJy ni'lttl h4CCfl bini I JutiU'M, ' ' l.ef W uttj linn tX Th !! tn dri.k had, and tol.tti e'mk w ttrycrts in M firm! that UedlolclI bin; cflann'J lur tUwthtri nfi'M frequently whipped daughter ; that on the" Sunday .before the murder was committed, she got an axe to - kill her father, and put it under the bed where he lay, by which .it ap pears she was determined to commit the murder on Sunday night, but did not until Tuesday night 5 then intending to have cut j III pieces uiu iu icuiucit uuu. Aiunyu a girl of hci age) is astonishing. All our differences with the British grv. vernment are in. a fair way to be aroieaoly selthtd. But before we indulge in this pros pect, we must first, know in what manner this : settlement is to be effected. .Pray Heaven we are not going, under the wise, virtuous and independent administration of Mr. Jet fcrson, again to bring our substantial rights into question against the arbitrary claimrahd pretensions of the adherents of 'Mr, Pitt; or, to have a sccoadedition of Jay's treaty, framed and established on the insulting prin ciple of mutual complaints and concessions. When we can have an adequate indemnity for the past, and a reasonable seturity for the 'future, the point is then settled and not before. If our seamen Have been impressed and imprisoned: if the property of oifr citi zens has been arrested and confiscated, by British adjudications, and our inoffensive countrymen inhumanly and even wantonly' -murdered in our own waters; let the former be released, our property be restored, and the murderers punished. This is the only settlement which ought now to be made. What is fact to-day, may not be law to-morrow. Anew code of maratime regulations may be prescribed by the great continental powers of Europe, to which tWlkititJi go vernment may be compelled to submit, and it would have a very unpleasant aspect if we in America, the authors and creators of all the recent changes in the world, should be come a solitary dissentient from a salutary innovation. Besides, what is law for Eng land, .must be law for Spain, France, Hol land and Italy. It is absurd in the nature of things, to conceive that we ar to carry on our trade with certain nations by the modern, and with their enemy by the ancient law. That the doctrine of the old school is to fa vor England, and the doctrine of the new to ruin I' ranee. Justice to be impartial must be equal in its dispensation ; and we will not yet believe that the present administration will adopt any other policy iij our foreign re lations. , BjstiM Chronklu F.xtracti from, tht Aurora. We learn from a gentleman who arrived in this city a day or two ago from St. Domin go, that at the time of hU departure there were ve.ry general movements among the subjects of the black tuvperor Dessalincs. What the actual cause of this w as he did r.ot vndtrstseiid, but it was said that some advi ces had keen received by nay of Jamaica, that tauglrt the blacks to expect a speedy at. tack. The conse-nucnccs of these mtvinc were, that DessaVines was putting the black army into an active organization for war; nil the money, valuable property und fcoods, were removed to the mountaiHous com. try in the interior, and all the white inhabitants were ordered to remove from the sea coast. During the recent celebration of some fete, a Trench family had made its escape liotu.the Cape, but being soon alter iuied by gen. Chr'utophc, h; attributed the circum stnnce tn thecminivance or some Americans ; in consequence, ChiUtophe ordeud the commanders and crews of all the American vcsbtls at the Lape tube seized and put in close confinement, thr:a:cning i jj.t 1r hatt; them all. Ujwn an invest igatiun, how ever, it ppeared that ih Aintiicaris had nut aided the escape id the f'lj-iiim, n) had, in fact, succeeded in making Uie Trench lines at the lily of St. Domingo. ' ,c fr. im-ricans tocrc then released. The degr idation, to h'u h the Americans trading to the indigent parts hic rvducsd, is low and humiliiliii ; as auy thijig to be fviiiMl in the annujs of the Dutch at Jpaii." Such is the opinion of the Amciicimi, enitrlaiu. cd by the blacks, in onscquciiteof the mean, nest of norne tlut trade there, .that Dessa lincs laughs at the law of congress, interdict ing the trade and in exulting and contempt uous language dv lares that "as Ion as be has a bag f colTcc or a dollar, he will never ant Americans ready and willing to buy them.tn disrvuaid of all laws. A gcAilcmanof this city U said to he Des- aliue's corrvspondtnt yd agent. It was miiuionid at the Cjht, by jcrons who had intcrcmiiie at the black tont, that De. line had purchased an estate in Pcnnvyha nia, near Phibdilphia, as a retreat in T,.c eent i.f an imiHiiut fautnmtnt. I Doolcs and Stationary. St F.r f jV el lA VnfMir-O.. Oy.'f,, ' 1) L'P.KT.T t.n the New I estarr ent I Taniilr and school Bibles Prater I'. Hiki; . - New hde duly of Man , Srrmf)S and n:her practical Vokl of the Itev. lUtdi T.ra'ii.e, A.M. . HerseyS MtdiUti.iu, Wall's Misellmel UoU'TlKt.;i, Woikk, lUaittics of Waits. Ziinmcimaitu Solitude, Pilgrim's Prfrrss Tracts, Scttaoiit, kc. mi iniKnaoiu!jftis ht SMvcert Cliiiiiiaa'a V,uit in the choice f ribi'xi llalltlfirtnirs MnnvifS 1 heit'tiinfsah.lilii line .f t e Muhod it Lptcopj Cttiieh in Atuefua Sacramental DiaCorf i i1 Pilgrim's Progress . Bunyari's Holy War Minor Works Theatre of God's iudzment Poor Man's Help and young Man's Guide Methodist hymns and spiritual songs Hippon's hymns, The Scapular I - -Testaments ' ' Psalters ' " The Naked Truth, concerning sprinkling of infants. - Parmer's Magazine American Husbandry Johnston's Sheridan's, . Jones's, liailey's, Walker's, and Entick's Dictionaries Blair's Lectures, HoU'ul's Belles Letter Kaime's Criucism, Sheridan's Lecture Ueid's Essays on the intellectual and active powers of man 1 ' Sheridan's Elocution, Duncan's Logic Goldsmith's Greece, Ditto England Harris's Hermes, or a philosopbical enquiry. concerning universal grammar ' 1 Morse's Gazetteer, v : Salzmaii's Gymnastics for youth ; ' ' Paley's Philosophy, . Stewart's Elements of the philosophy .of the human mind Huiton's Conic Sections, Simpson's ditto Ditto v Logarithms, Elements of Euclid Dillworth's and ' Jones's Book-keeping Eenn'iig's Heady lteckoner, or Trader's use- . lul Assistant Pike's Arithmatio' A Key to the: Exercise adapud to Murray's Grammar Greek Grammar Murray's English Reader Orator's Assistant," Entield Speaker Scott's Lessons, American Selections American Preceptor, American Monitor Young. gentleman and lady's Monitor Young Man's Coinpimion . Dwiglit's Geography in question and answer Burton's. Lectures ou female education and manners ,, - 1- Aikin's Letters from a father to ms son, on various topics relative to literature-and the , conduct of life . .Wsfs Letters to a young man on his first entrance into Iilc . Wood's Meutor, or the American Teacher' Assistant, l'cmalc Mentor Lctiei s to a young lady ou a variety of useful and interesting subjects, calculated to im prove the heart, to form the manners and enlighten the undcrtandiug Seneca's Morals Baron Haller's letters to his daughter on the truths of the Christian Religion Moral Talcs, Blossoms of Morality The Boarding School, or Lessons from a Preceptress to her Pupils Elements of Morality (juecn Mab Gay's, Croxall's and Dodide y's Table Webster's and DilUoilb'a Spelling Books Primers, chap books, . Copy Slips Boyer's and Nugcnt's Trench and English and English and Trend; Dictionaries SclecU Vctiri Pcaice'j Louginul Virgil, Horace, Cicero Dclphini, Virgil Dclphinf Davidson's Virgil, Clark's Inlroduttion Corderii Colloquioium Centuria Stlccta Eutropii Histoiix Homaiue Brcviarium Salust Curucliu N'cpotis Elementary lntiuduction to the Latin Gram mar, Latin Grammars, New Tnnch do. Chambaud'a 1 rc licit and English l.xu cists P. a yn aid's Indies ltol'.in's Ancknt Ilistoiy Hobeitson's History of Ainiilca Sii din's do. do. Hume's do. of England Ilusstll's (iddkmith's ' do. of Modern Europs do. of the Earth and Ani in ait-d Nature Goldsmith's Winks - ' - . Barrow's do. in the interior districts ol South cm Alrica ' Carver's I ravel! throughout the interior parts .f North-Amcnui, for r.ioic than hveltumtand miles Trawls in Europe, Asia and Afikl Mackenzie's Voyages, from Montreal thro the Continent of North-Aineiica, Uc. Uc T.t.y on Commerce, P.olingbrouk's Tracts JwlTcrson's Notes on Virginia lUckfoid's History of l unce ' (iiiiyrd's Itesidruce in do. Morcau's History of St. Doming') Travels of Aiucharis ll.e Younger In Greece Psik's Ti mis in ihc interior districts of Af , rica, Dambcrger's do. do. lUu'.e's Travels todiscovcr tLenurce cf the Nile Cook's Voyage s, Hobinson Crusoe The Algcrinc Captive, rrthe if and adven. lures of Di. Underbill, 6 years a prisoner imftntf the Algerine Memoirs if Major General Lee Life if Buunspatic D . ol Su arrow Do. cfltoWil UrdClise .' ' Stern's Works, Winter Evening, cr l.ucu. bra.lons in Life and Ixttcis i 'The Sperumr, 1 he ldkr IVmt'.Wi.ik, An En-miiy ii.to the nature nd svir'm tl Evil tUautieinf the Srn.fs ('Nature, selected fn.m the wo,ks cf S&ir.t t'itrrc Verne's N?,t Though' t.:iisMjn Mus SiIectTtens S;'i s it of De aiv.it r Vcltair'i Philosophical Diotiooafj; . '.r . Junius' Letters, elegant and coihmoa ir' tions ' . : . ; Political Dictionary, Democrat ; J An Esay on Crimes and Punishmetsfci Defence of Usury - Zimmerman's on Nation Pride iiomcrvillc'a Political Transactions Jlramatic Dialogues Telemachus, elegant and commo-edHioJJ Kow's Letters from the dead to the fitn5 The Complete; retter Writer , Lady's Miscellanies Tree Mason's Monitor . "TKe-.Tragal Housewife, or complete Womqp Cook - ' -v''. - : ' ' ' Steuben's Military DiKjliiio , ' Cavalry Discipline : S-jf&r. ; c Johnston's' Kambkr ..''"'J - Milton's Works, Paradise Los ' Thi. U'nrVi of lterPinuVr ' " Little's, Savage'sand Cunmnghain roeom -Thompson's Seasons-4 -' Pleasures of Hoper Do. of Itnagination Science Revived, or the Visioivof Alfresl MusicaT Miscellanies, . " 'Songster's Magazine, Do. M.uscAtra 'TheBuUinch, Masonic Songs Rhwlerick RandoKi -Gill Bias, . T.eggar Girl, Beggar Boy A Peep "at the World, Evelina Romance of the Torcst, I lenpk-tta r.eUmajJ . Antooia Percival, Armenian Alcxi Interesting Menioiri by a Lady ; . The Coquette, Female Foundling Nocturnal Visit, Ambrose S Eleanor, What Has Been Jane Tallbot Vicar of Wakefield, Vicar of Tinnsdowfl Conslaiilia d V'almoBt; a novrj. by IlarrioL Lee, Ghildren of tU Abbey Constant Lover Love at First Sight itadia, or the dethronciment f Muhamed IV,' Stephanie de Bourboiv, The Monk liosseau Llotsa, Gannlla, or a picture of youth, Visit for a Week, or hints oattu? improverneM of time. Montalbcrt, a novel bjr Charlotte Smitti Crasville Abbey, a Romance Cecelia, or memoirs tsf an heiress Tale of the Times, Talcs of Wonder- The Pigion, a tale translated from tho Ger-' man ol Kotzcbue The Castles, or Athlyn tt Dunbayn, alligh land Story, Sandford and Merton The Minstrel, or Anecdotes of distingut shoi personages lldcigerte, Queen ol Norway Werter, Adclade cc Sancerre Dorval, or the Speculator, a novel found edey recent facts Ocean Spectre The Animated Skeleton, Mordaui'.t "The Rival Mothers, Zcluco Charlotte Temple The Ring, a Spanish. Story l-' The Royal Captives A philosophical, historical and mo;i)l Essaj on t)ld Maids The Ortenbcrg Family, by Kotzcbuc The Negro, Moss ClilT Abbey The Haunted Cavern, Bhwk ValWyi Contrast, Philantvoput, The M'nTur Spirit of the Civile, Misicries of Clo!pht lan rtf VctTtnvr George I'.arntll . Matilda JUikiky, 1 ucy Onuond Disraelis' RoiimAccs, Su .Leon 1 jiws of North-Carulsna to the j ear 1403 U elusive Martin's New.Justice Park on Insurance . Pothieron Obligations 1 itzhcrbert's Natura Brcviuns. x Mercitoria American Espinase'Nii Plies T.vans' T.ssays Taylor's Reports j Gilbert's Distresses j Haywcod's Reports ntniciri i raeiiesi'en s-iw Stale Trials f Proctor's Practice Talbot's Cases l.a'.chc s unto Martin's Statutes Almanacks for ls2S.c. l,Vs ALSO, Quills, snd JnViToT.dcr -f superior uali Gill edge Toolsrap, Thick Post TVick jH folio, Thin s!o. (Quarto Posl, Vellum, best quality TooUcay, J'ot and Bloianr Taper, 6 Sand, Pounce, Vers, Red and Hack Seeing Wai, Muck sr,d-rtd Lti Vtrtcits r,f an cxctlleiitqusliiy Seamen's Journals, I'dai.k McsicClrdt An storimcniol Books Rlanks cl tncil kinds tharts The N'onh-Xmericanrilot, Icing collrj lion of slaty accurate Charts snd TUn. Thirtv Dollars lictv.ir 1 UN.aWas lnm il a f.. 1. 1..'1.. . inv .wwivfiovr, XV. rxfcf o UUm tyvrie name ol JOHN, he is abitit five (ctt ten at tletco incUl Vf), lilt!; fcnJ ssctl madf, biiry ar ftntti by trade and liarii.j: woikcJ for loroc tims pall inTvsn, it is PioLib' tlut lie mat luik wiiUn li e fame. TI. above levari vsiil U paid lu any frfot) ha will dcUstf JiUn tu me si 'Umi( lion cf confine hies in Jiilfotlai I It Usia-.njwAiriJ Is, llC

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