: r - - Published every Tuesday, by Allmakd Hall, at Three Dollars a Year, payable in advance, or Four Dollars if .not paid within a Year ti Jp-r m ym w'-'w w 1 NuMBKR.5l5.J jWilminOtoW, : NV C. TuesdwHovsmber 18 1806." 10th Year . - .a - a a. r. r rw . r.rf.w.rjj m m m -mm- w. r . . t . Wilmington, Nncmber 10, J 806.' THE subscribers (in consequence of their " late importaiipn from Ncwbury-Porf, Boston and New-York,) offer for tale; whole-? ale and retail European an d India G 00 D S, particularly adapted to the present and ap- proaching season. '.".' ' ' - -; Their assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY much enlarged, and a constant supply may be -1 depended upon, with a liberal credit to those' who may 'have occasion to equip vessels, ci ther byi;an, indemnification here, or any part of the Continent. . ., V V ' " X Also, havin'sj established' a regular Packet,-' k p'r "ketwien Ncwbury-Port )Dosloh!n4 this place, "they will generally have for stle. almost eveVy article furrikhed by the Eastern1 States; ameiiifjirVany others nmy en hand, are N. Hum by the barrel or puncheon, Pota - toes, Onions and Beats in barrels, Furniture, White Rope.White Pine Boards, Oil, Paints, Sole Leather, Shoes and iioots, Cotton Bed " Ticking, Tow Linen &c. with a considerable j quantity Sweed's & able, bar.Iron,-, Gerrtnyj Ozhaburgs and Ticklingburgs, Cotton ;B?g .ging. &c. ' ; " v ' . .' -y ' Every description of "produce'w)lf be.akeri in payment, more particularly TooluxoV Cot lon Bees Wax Tallow and Tar.';, V v Cash may be had for a fet! hundred Bear '. Skins- . , Liberal freight will be. giyYn for . 300 tons Shipping to load for Harbadoes. . T 7GAUT1ER & CO. TO BE SpLD-W ftr Cajb or Yung . ' ; Nfgrces, 1 300 acres of Land about 30 miles above Fayetteville on the north-ealt fide of the river, a high plcafant fituation, on vrhich are gopd Springs and a Grid Mill pri. an excellent ilream, a f;ood dwelling Iloufo and convcpienoiit Houfes. There . it opf land cnoygh to wcrk ten or twelve aaflc Hands. It points about one milt and an ha'f on i he river. The low land infe rior to nor e cn die river the high Ian a! - veil a.ljpicJ to,vth culture of wheat and tobacco. - ' 1 1 ' For terns ?pply to -' '- " SAMUEL NORTH 1NGTQN.. November 10. it ' Jutftrilc is .tiw epening at bit Shft ntxt it$ Mfjl tf Ar. Jtbn ClhtrdJt in Ma kit Street,' A uncial Aflortmen! of Boots and Shoes, - Awing which art Lsdio'lacc paittrn Eiiglifh LM Slippers, Ci'Iourec and plain Ai n'cm do. Lcll b'uk and coloured Morocco do. with and wittiout hceli. Do. do. with co k foli, fuitab'c for net wcj.lier, &c. he. . SAMUEL METCJLF. Nevtnitr 10. tf . . Bill & Rankin, "' J UTTERS, RESrECTf ULLY inform tht Ir.na. bitanti of Wilmington and its vicin. , iiy, that they hive jufl arrived from New York wiihan AlToitmentof themoilfufh. iqnjSl ilAT, that could be procure.!, confining ol Heaven, Calloti, Fell Mutj, Zl'" J ,?" . They fcaVe tjlea rsrt of the flctieccu-" fled by Mr. Jimei Perin, fiddler, whart tHry i Itlifptfecf be facnt at lie New. YorkMco;' ' 'M j? ; llalireat'f tlriTaJ. 'WUr.iipitto'i. Host r htt to. tf r ' lMriiLL, Watch 5c ack.?klakcrfci Jeweler, RC!?h'CTt UI.I.Y fcc.jMij.ui tU In. !i.Mtv.!c WV.t.v.. -jtmn MtA ImI. cimif,.;-r ttlfUly.ttmovtl mthebfeV l.ftufchMtrfiiv 6 c J by Mr. Jor.oWiV JUini, rv;ia w,cte hs (or (? a tlorintl (ioWff Silver Wai'chci, Jwt'ty,. !c. ctipiCi as.wlual to rcpur G-l l !c Stiver Wajihci, Omit Jtw.ifj. H train onWiuhci arear. iJ Jtr ft jf) aca era wiocas i.r ru Nofimbcr to tf New t Goods. CfTALHT JO??r. ti -! rm.W An F.uropfnn ami India GOODS, Adsjuctl totl't usvxv l.cH t oCrfs tol.is fritn) inl.iht aM.t ff Cahf country Troduct, (iatl4 terms ai can W (n;rclai ti In lon. - , . . JIViM'jtVM, CtJrr:i if : PROPOSALS ILL be received at the Colleclora Of fice in V ilminciton, until the 10th day of. December1 next, for the building of li Vessel or Schooner, intended as a Revenue Cutter 0f the following -dimensions, ,viz. , length1 of Kecj forty thre fectf firait rabbit, length of Beam seventeen fceV,'clpth of Hold, six feet; her' Timbers to, be xomposcd of Live Oak' and Cedaf. onlyV well seasoned" ; Yellow Pihe Plank clean of Sap, one and three . quarter inches .'thick! for bottom, cieling and ttecks, with1 solid Vtticr Ways of Yellow -Pine together -with goodahd sufficient Masts, ..Yard and Spars necessary fdr such a Yes-: vier t'tLe fitted for ct.rrj:ingiix Guns in the WiittU. amt iilJ the iron work cOmpIeaU Her Bottom to He-' Copyered, the Copper, com posilicn.lioUs and Kails for the same,; to be found, to the. builder, and, delivered at Wil mington. t ' . . v . ' ' The whole to be fin:shcd in a workman like manner, the deling of Uie'Cabin except ed; and to- be dulivered at Wilminglon a Rrceably to contract. Security for the faith id performance will be required. ii4'"r further Particulars' enquire at the Col lector's Office. . The' Estimates to be sent in ccledup November 10. ' 'Print. Store. . DbMlKIQUETORRlKinformthepiib lie thaj he has just arrived from Charles ton, with an assortment of Locking Glasses and Prints ,Wcather Glasses, Themometois, Spy Glasses, Ppfcctaclesf'Microicopes, Maps, Scissors and Penknives, Surveyor's Con-pas-, ses.snd .Chains, Tjcket Compasses, Mathe matical Instruments, Miniature Frames, Pocket Hooks, &c tec. of the best quality, which he has opened for sale in Dock-Srrert, opposite Mr. Urquharl's and under Mr. Dick's nilliard-Pown. Wilmington, Oct. 21. tt. TOR SALE THE Planta;'on whereon Michael Samrfon, Efq. iormerly lived, on Morgan's Creek in New-IIar.ovcr Coun ty, containing near two hundred acres. There are on faid Plantation about 36 a cres1i?e Swamp under bank and ditch and divided into wo field.; quarter drained, an4 fit for the cultivation of Rice. The upland is well calculated for a flock quar ter, having a gcod range for Hogj and Cattle On the land are Pear Trees very valuable for ti e WjlminjMort matkefl one, two and ilnce yean credit will be gi ven. App-icaiion to he ma!e to the Printer of this Gazette, or Samuel R. Joceljn, Efq. A"on cy at law. The Printer It authorifed to baiter the rkote Lliu'i Icr young negroes. - JAMAICA RUM 4th proof, remaining on rna irem isie importations Jew cavks for sale for cash or approved paper a. D. SMITH. 'Wjfminfcton, Oct. J8 4t. pTsxanu, WATCH-MAKER, INFORMS the public that he repairs Tis tols Swords and Guns in so complrte a manntr as to render them cqjally as pood as when thvy came out of the hands of the ma pufurlurtr. WilmingtoPilN'ov 4. it T" Nathaniel Dana, WATCH-MAKER. RnSPKCTKULI.Y acrpiaints the inhalt. tants of Wilmirtfjton k its vicinity, .hat he has taken the shop adjoining Mr. Jacolt llanmsn's, atthw corner 01 1 ront aul Dock Streets, ,T7hti ht hst for SU. . WarrsMcd vlchct with and without Se. rnj l.ttfdi, (.'II Scsls krys sr,l Chains, Tar Drop. Hi rut I'ins,Cofnb o( newest ftihtons, Potktt Iioks with lnirymrr,u, Pistols I'Iaic.I Cfn-JJfs'uks, Sihtr Ihitn. tlr.S;ik rii. lirarrlrt. If. K. B. Chtks WstMira, in I Cmpsstts . rtps.rta In tr.er.eit gunner, t.ftl.l tnd Stt VfnfukVs ttk tltnt With tUlch'y srul int. pttl. ' " Wilmington, Kcv. 4- tf. , Notice. A LL re tfn lt lf bird to ire FfU't of t Uut'f Afhforrf, rcfid, are hcrt , Ct rrjneftc4 to mile lrnmeltae eirmcnt. nlHoftlo wkom lie fid E(lae is in c!tbfd arc rrculfrJ fo rrcfent their a; roo'rii ff ft'f atwftrJ wiiMn the lirre l.mlud by law, mrntwift thry svi'.l tf timd of recovery. ScraliAflttord, Ex'x. oa. ai. John Scott : ' Has retcived by tfii late drrhalx. from AVw- York the following Articles, '-which' he vill jell on the most reasonable tetjns for Cash er ' Produce i I " - SUPER.FJNE, fecqmlAelaOic Cloths, CaGmeres, patent Cord and fattin . Cloth1, : . . ....;. Waitfcoatipgs fuitable to the fealon, -Fri7e, Fearnauht, Coatings, Dockings,: Knapr Plains, Ketfcys and Kendai Cou .' tons, , . . - . .. . . ; Rofe Blankets ,7.4, S-4. and 9. 4, Duffil ditto 6-4, 74 and 8-4, Hup, : - , A har.c'fomc aflbttment cfvpUin & work'd; Mi.fiin, : , Muflii) I jcfulker chiefs and Cap Patterns Cot ton a .Id linen Cambric k, Catlicocs, .Corded and diamond Dimities. ' do. V Wiln Caml. Thread and cotton Lace. and Edging, Cotton Footing, Do. Girdles and Triming, Furniture Fringe and Lace, A variety of RibbonS, Flat and round flii it Buttons, I Do. do. Bobbin, . ' lare . . ..... . ' Long Lawn, . Lii.ens of a very fine quality, IriQTand Ruflia Sheeting, Diaper, :' ' ' . ' . D-. Tabic CU ths 6.4, 8-4, 8 by 10-4, Ed TiVkirg, STOCKINGS Men'i, boys' and chil- dren's worKed, Men's ami vcmrn's cotton andfilk, -GLOVKS-Mcn's uhite & colored fi!k, beaver and whitj kid, Won.en's bhek and white picnic Glovti and Mitt-s Do. loi' white, tuck and colored filk G'cver, Do. fhort do. . do." , .. do. Da. long bt.ver and l !'e kid do. .Fafliioi.able fold Er hoop-, . GoJ Brcalt Fins, Lviio and braid tutilt flieU Ccmbs,. . ., La. kt' Moroico Pocket Books & Puifts, Colos Put fc., Flfhicnable fi k Watch Chains, Silver Tooth Picks and Pititil Cafes, Smelliig Eo't c., Cork Siell S! ec Button, Men's, wctrc's and ihildren's Shoc5, Womoj'i at.d chi-dn-n'a Conrtts, A very general airortnitnt ol Hard Ware, Do. Groceriei, and a vat let jf of other ar ticjef. He has received a confignment of French Brandy, HvfonTes, and NegroShoef, that he will felt lov for notes at 93 days payable at the Bnk. of Cape- Fear; Wilmrglorii Ofto'jer 28 tf NOTICE. 'TWILL be otTered Tor sale in Wilmington W on tl.e 4 8th tf November ocxt, at Aucion, fur Cash, a number of likely Coun try hotn Slaves. Wilnm.Uon, Octtbtr 28. A. HALL keeps crt.Marv'y on land, at the Prititiii.cnice, A btge Cilicttion cf BOOKS. Amontfhith arc .Locl Cooks oLalmost, f f ry kind. , JLSO, STATIONARY, B confuting of LANK BOOKS at.orud. 1 hick fokt I olio, Thin ditto. Quarto Pott, Gilt edge Foolscap, fPArrtt, Plain f'.o. dt. J Pot, MatMe, j illotting k Wrapping J Ink Powder and QutiU oi the best qnalitf, Shining and comroori Sand, - Red and Hlack Scalng.Wax anJ Wafers, " lsdPcncilsofsiriouslirtilt, Some Charts and Seamen's Jtutrsls, 'Cyphering and Ccpv Hot ks and Coj-y Slips," ' tlanks of all kinds in common use. Q3 Wanted an Apprentice to the Printing buslnessi Inquire at thisOfilcc. Notice. " AUi pcfl Msttii tf tht t slate ef d Pf iw liU Mill, Utc sfNtr-llano.tr Coun- ly, drctiwd, art rvqutttsd la rdike pay sntot, and (host La? ifig demands smt the said estate art btrsby f lifie l topretrnt their crowMs prtpfly aitsstrd to the aoUcribtr, within the riod rccribe4 ty law, otbir tisetUy wtllbe bantd cf recovery. THOMAS CtNyAN, Adm j. Wilmirttun, Mev. 4, UCsWlL J 20 Dollars Reivard, RAN away frotn the fublcribeir about the firft of June lafr a negro womaa ttarndd RACHAEL,:; fbe is fo well known in this place that a particular defcription ' is unncceflTaiy ihe was formerly i he pro pertjr of George Merrick, Efq. which In duces mis to think fhe may be lurking a bout hisplantattoh on the Sound; I will pay the above reward and all leafonable r charges for tbe delivery of faid negro to me iu Wilmington. ".-. r .. . R, Mitchell. VXiImiogton, Nov, .4,. Pwamation of Outlawry. " State of North-Carolina . New-Hanover County. 3 BY Hanson Kelly S; Samuel UJond worth, ' Esqires t wo of the Justices of the Pee Ot the said Count v. v-4Yhcrca3 .complaint hath been tins u mac!eto us, by R. Mitclidlof the-said co;ii,t , that n certain Negro Sive belong.n- to hiin, named KachHel, hatli absented hw.clf fror.i .her said masiei-'s servire, and is luikinr-'a. bout in the Coiinty, coir.niittir.g muny acts of felony. These are therefore, in the. nrme of tUt sta'e, to command the skI shva I'acbatl . foil!nv;th to surtenier herself :.nd' rctn.ru home to htr said matter. And we do hen bv .v also require the Sheriff of the said county f.f New-Hanover," to mike diligent eeai th and ptirsuil ofcer the above men'.ii)i;ed slave, and her Wing found, to apprc!ien .l and securer so that she may be conveyed to her said mas ter, or otherwise discharged as the law di rects. And the said Sheriff is hereby em powered to raise h take with him such power of his county as he shail think fit, for appree' bending the said slave. And we do hereby by virtue of en Act of Assembly of this stal concerning servants "and slaves, intimstesml declare, ir the said slave Uachael does not aur render herself and return home, immediately after the publication of these presents, that any person may kill and destroy the said slave, by such means as he or they may think fit, without accusation or impeachment of .any crime or offence for so tfoinp, or without in- . curioe; any penalty or forfeiture thereby. Given under our hands and seals this 11th day of October 1806, and in the 3 lit year of the independence cf the said-atate. HANSON KtXLY, 01) SAMUEL BLOOD WORTH, (Sesl) Ten Dollars lieivard. RAN.AYAYfromthfuKcribfr. crt " South Kivcr Plao'cn County, a Ne gri man ramrd TOM, a S!iy? Traker by ttade, very blatk, rather fmall, fi?mmaf?er, hast veiy upiignt carriagf, quick aik and final I fluirt foothad on when lie went off a pair ol Fhre-tooll. He was fien a bout three weeks ago ini firj'l !n-i, ingioWilmireion, wheie I fuf; tO, bs tti g-jt n hoaid f4'mefrel. MalUisotvsf le! ahI oilers are cantiored g auli irJ bourirg.tn, hyirgor cairvinp him aay. The above KtwarJ wi.l he )pud for Wgrg l:im irl jil fo that 1 p-t bin, aiiit in aHdiiion thereto a'.l reafonable exptnee for bringing hici to nr. . Wm. II. Ecatiy.' Oflober a 1. tf. Tell Dollars Hewanir RAN awav firm the fubfcriber'on he Hill of Nlay, a mgto man narttcd JOHN, about thirty veari of tfc, five Icet fix or feven Inches liiah, yellow c m prUd, milked sih the linall pox, 1'iTf 1 a H'tle (though hardly crccivab'e,) ic caHoned by hia thlh being broken !iti young, fpfakt'Frrnih, which is his native iaruiKe arl fpc:ki the Erglifh Isrguape tolerable )tin, hat rather adovrnloik look with him an oznaburgt fliirt ar4 truvkfeis with a number of other clothes. He was (lopped on the rosd leading to Fay. ctietillf, tut made Ms efcape, leaving all Itls cloikci ciccpt ihofe ho had rn .it is ' fuppofed he in'fndi for Wilml.igtort ' where he will endravor lo gt nn hoant . fume vcffcl as a failor, whkh bofimfs f t Las followed and pethaps unJeidandf, 'Tl.a alota tesvatJ and all charges wiil be paid for hating him fecured Jn any jii ine (atr, ro hiltv Uotiari anf M rta 'fjnalle chargca will te oM far hating Mfu delivered 10 ti t loiicnbrr, uiipg u Sr.rrdiborough, Anfon Connty. All msPeti of vclfcla an cauilr I a gslnft rrccivirg f employing him vn besrd thtir tcllcli, at lUj xniyhateto aalsrer Int rootcornrrt. 1 Sottiborov;bMiy 54. i8c6 Wti. IOHKSON. 4 t .0 . 1 r li.' h" 1 hi i ; 1 !(

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