I . pit rs a of irs I". un-, lor htf BOSTON, Oct 31. ( . ..We have received,- from our attentive cor respondent atNew-Bedfardrtbe important : nd highly interesting toteJUgence which fel lows: ; ' ' ' .. : . . r V A'evf-Bedford, Oct. 28. i SSfEBMED FBiaXDS, ' ' " ., .' "Jfhiaay arrived the ship" Fame, jcaptv, Howland, 16" days from Greenock to the. ow- vett Joh.i Howlahd,' jiavlng erTofmedj her fojrage from Norfolk' in 81 -days. No ship; ' news. Capt'. Howland has politely give me : .the Greenock jdvertlserof Sept. 12, '1 5 and 19, which U herewith sent you." '' ' '-'li . '; LONDON, September 15. DEA Til OF MR. FOX. .. At a quarter oc fore six o'clock on Saturday afternoon this great and illustrious Statesman y ielded his last breath, in the arms of his ne phew, L'ord Holland.. HisdissoldHon waiso gradual and accompanied by so .little struggle) as scarcely to permit the raot anxious eye ta au-rt:iir . tin. iif. '.' Hi a frif ikU IvJil At least j . Ahe sad and rtttlanclioly consolation of per- Jiad hcen prepired for the event by the gn erring cynip'onVi of exhaustion thai had en created, .for-'the! tW6 days ; preceding,'.' i)n t i -Friday .- at tjWSf, the Physicians announced bi n 'he appraichin dote and;, be receiv ed it as he h,td done in the first in&ttmr.c, with " that tim tranquility 'of spirit which was cha ractei iiuic of hi nature, and which he tUkih tain'l to thi lasf. .'.'.-. i Mr. i'lix died at the very moment when she park and tower guns, were announcing the capture of Buenos Ayres. ; .. Fio.are varioiis reports' as to who is to aucc jcd Mr.. Fox ih the foreign department. Amoa those mentioned are thehrquis Wlltjsly, Lord Holland, aid Mr. T. Cien , ville.. The lat mentioned: gentleman, it is generally thought, -will be appointed. It is- singular 16 remark the htalitv that Vwiiuu va. aiw ouiuibu ia waiii-" mat aari has spread ainon the leading rats of this ountry within the lattwelrc mon'.hs, viz. M4RQUI;$ORNVALU3, Oct. 5. LORD NEtJSaM, Oct. 21. .. LORD THURLOVV, Sept, 12. ' MH..FOX, Sepi 13. . The onitur hits tated that the illness o Mr. Fox, jxtardjd tLe . work of Peace. We shall not be surprised when we look at the atate of .the cput.inent, Vf.tbe . Monitenr shall next state, thatMf. Fox's death has preren ted its completionGWf. The embarkation of tfoops for foreign ser ice. i' Renewed withencrewd activity; ' It is rendered certain, that the Kmperor f Rimia has 'not Tanted the ' treaty with France. .... ' . On the sublet of thtrnendln? Neociaions wi'h France, we can ey aoihtnj; further,? n than th..t Courti's art conjinually paitinj be tw-.'e:i !'ie 'wo jj cr.ito:itf , T.'e ' tro'ipj wh.ch durnibarked from the tran'.poVts at rymouth,n consequence of Ad niral LV.ii' nquadron which was to con voy the cxpodiiioi!, having been detached for thf p'irp - of intererptinjr Admiral Ciiif leiunvz, hav.- btenrr embarked, and the transports are bunedi-Uly to proceed to IMtnc uth, t j await the return of Admiral Li ui. . A Miiseiijer ta. the Russian Ambassador orrivcU a: baifp.nt four o'clock yesterday, i'h di- puichvs, from the, curt of St. Petcvt b. t;l. , . .. . . . . V'esttnLy morn'cg Mr. Rasieti, the mes-eni;e-, ido arrived i town with dispatches f-om ht. I'stcrslurRh. .. . , Last hibt a aiesener l:fl town for Paris, . trith dipuchen to I;d Lu JcrdU. . Mr. Rime, the McMrirvr. set of onSa--luVdiy wVh riipatchcs,Co). Coptr'iiijjeii. The remains bf Lord Thuro were bro't to town on Saturday, and 'u it rjnectcd that the body will lie iq ttate tn lie course of a day or two. The RutMan Minister, In announclrc t the French cahinet,. the rt fatal of his matter, ta ratify the Treaty r.fM. U'O'ionl derUrts, that that minister hulcctrd mnrrh ttray to tht fdtrs and instrutlittu trtii'th hthodrt. vieri; but that in order to leave W poniUe , ieiii ( rrstoVinK pratr. ami Renrril tian- q i'Ii'.y, uutricJ, the ImptriaJ mii.itry hsarc scly-i otVei a to" make known tathi cabinet o" !' Thii'Mc ries, il bans on wh'ch his lmn-rMl M jsy willbe.rcasly to icrew the tit i. uu m ; v that it, will depend on the I'rc-.icli iover.inent,jij acript or decline lb eq ially j j't 4iid moderate proposals whitb re inai) to it . .... , .. SptmWr IS. Ws bnv receive ! Taris papers to the llth and D I'.ch toihi ISihintt. they both agree in stAi;i. that ipn the utwa of the non-ra-tiikatioit of l)'0bnl's treaty, the ulurn of tht lrn;M from Germmv was countermand led, and the Camp of Mu(Jm, Dtsf Paris, , w ia etptcted to break up., AcimptorlL reception oi 60.0.10 iota is prpsrcd at iaist on the northern ft oat ter of lUtUiia, aitio t!?r mifttiryinQvemeiUs and opetaiUMS , in 4f a'.e apjrocbinij arar. Private kl'ers from II til. il Utf, thatlic PruuiAis Ata'isssador ha I left the lirw4. 1'iocoiImj raannerltQw- vej, io which, tii stataratnt is lutrvliad, it accms evUeiLlbal tt rumaur of Suet t tvMit.was piaulftuia llaUtnJ, aoJtaalwar was eracr',y ciDected Utirn tkt fpua try aid Franca, fht toet cf t'eaCI hart wist diinitHhcd." " " . CRSF.KOt K, Jtcptlf. ! Hinettr list, W,tt the ItatnbMrrh'MilU hhkh srtra.dat arrived. Their on- enta art .jTiporttwt.' Prnitia has bttn rlri- I to ta such extrtwtlty, that unlets she' at IcnjtWettrmiM v t rtklit tht farther lo- LracUm:ati of Ffwcc, sis .uu tjArsH t receive the Jmperialfan it grace, and sink inl9 absolute vasuw,lag. -Russia holds a fc6m- manding- position Sweden preserves her ,woiit.tjd spirit and AuUria seeras waitirigfor An opportunity to rerenge tht insults she has sustained. , - .... ' ' . ,t7 7 --PARIS,-September 9. - r ' The refasa! of th Enfuerbr1 Alexander to .ratify the Areaty of Peatre, ah-eady concluded between Russia and France, has not as . yet been followed by the rupture of the negocia 4ipns between the French and En&lish plehi petentiarics, though certainly according to all appearances, they leave but alight hopes .M'ace. In the mean time, as the signature of Peace with Russia was followed by prepa rations on the part of France for the evacua tion ,of Ger-many.'to-the unexpected deter ruiiiJiion on llitf part of the Court of St. Pe teriJiurgli, which rejected a treaty which,, had been . actaally. signed, has immediately 'tlcteruiinect the Emperor Napoleon to coun termand the orders, for the return of his ar my to France, where some of it had already arrived, and the whole would have been soon collected., Thi,camnof dluedoii in' which the troops first returned,: were assembled, acdyhichi a few days would not have been siuTir.ietvt to coiitaiu the number of troops ex pected, is auout to break up, and we are'as- surcd' that orders have been trsnsmitted to Marshal Prince m-rthier, Minister of.NVar, and Maj'w-Gentt td of t!ie Grand Army, to stop the return of the army. DuPAoytu Exi'Losion at Malta. 1 . Letter from Ma'.ta received, yesterday, da ted the 20th of July, nike mtntion of a very disastrous event which happened at that Isl and on the I5lh; A majiiZine, contuininsj tii;ee hundred and seventy barrels of gun p.iwdsr and 1500 .shells and grenades, blew up. Near one tiioujand persons were killed pv wounded, ...cnnsiitinjy- chielly of Maltese, ru'Sfd5nt in the fort and its vicinity. 'The ex tent of the mischirf in other respects, is in calculable. The fortistlcwn heRrly in atonis, and considerable-dimac'e was .ustained by t the' shipping. Tlic came of this shockint; accident had not been ascertained when thl account came away. ' WILMINGTON. TUh.bUAY, NOVEMBER 18, I8C6. The rumour of Burr's treasonable desirns in the western country, continues to gain ground, and it is even said, that a council has been held at Washington, for the purpose :f entering tnto measures to arrest the colonel . and his ussocialet " ftteriburftRepubiuM.' The honoraUf David M. Erskine, envor extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary or nis nnianuic rarjes'ytn tne unttec: btates, wis oa Monday received by the secretary of state, ana by htm presented to the prcudent oi the ciuied Mates. On the same day, Anthony Merry, F.iq. late envoy, extraordinary ynd minfter pleni potentiary from the same co.ul, took his Uave of the president. ... ' -Jiatienal Inielligenttr. Infjrmasim from the H'ttttoant, The Tut it aiuhentic accounts are from go. v:ruor ciainrne ana general Wilkinson, c c ms down to the 2 tin September. Althia pciiod a:i anAar w expected from theo vcrnorof thf Spanish province of Taxos. wh'cli would be l.kely to determine the cetn pttaio'i of the measures to be pursued.on tl e partot il.t Ui 'a'.ei. h'ich doubt were en- trrtsined on this bead, tiut the prepondera ting opiiiion nv that a rrcourse to force would be rendered inevit.ddc. In this event we rejoice to say, tint there is but little doubt for apprei.firvion. The Spanish fortes a- 'mount to a! ul 1500, while our regular force, rcmurced by militia, will be from 1 1 to 1300. The Americans were still at Nachitoches, U. theSt aniards at Hayou Pierre hid; . By authentic iiforrcation from tht Hava Ttt, Rtfd 'oet.tcm'.er Zi, we ar advitrd of' fie arp.i'iitr.u u of a new jutendjutn frotn w! ich a ftvrb'e change in the cot.dct 4 thM tpvernmemto tie Uruted Statts rrar ie csiiccuu. At mat imie, uram:a was a id to have made c d lr landing, U. to It ie imd omtf f.rojrrtsi in the ctomry towardi Hanta Fe, whrre he hsd Uen jViued by 2000 oi in iniiani' ants i the r.itniry. The rrchCU a lmiraf U ilkaari(f had get l&fc into port with the Foudroyant, although hurtucd under the guns of tit Mora by the urif.tn inateiAnvon. . s At the raiment of clciicg th letter tea. Isir.ing this information, it Was reported that i a bpaniih schooner, fca4 arrived at Balab.no, ind brought accounts that Miranda hid had. ' ct;sgcmtnt, Kad lost about lOou mta, and had retreated about 3i miif Iwt the rtinrt was said U svsnt (onSrrnattuO iUi. 'Ktrostet, Jam. Sept. 30, VonJraMl Vice Adrr'.iral Daerts bis rvrrWeds Ittittfrcm Sir Richard J.Siratlan, whih was jxit tin board tha Amlc u u. . fcr Fvr fwifera, irrlvrd ctterdav, jak4 tn R board iht Ctrk Sepurhtxt I, off lkrniu(?s, vmranufi mat ais ao)uor.o ha emoun. It'ri I very aavtre burrWani, ' rQ tht l?lH AnriV off Ham adf, that dnpersfd the wkalc rf them, 14 tha ohlf ship ia tins. piy with Urn I ken was tat Triumph rf 74 guit, aht b4 lost her trtslnmstt and aptung her firtmaat tht IfftiU tf T4 guns was totally. ltnajtiL ard left In tht'tfiargw (4 the Utcat't irtyait. ,!a rttsrato lit fait I tf tie teat it tre snuairvn. Sir Richard It ' .aii 19 Late fctra t&t:f I;? rtr,t, t II MARRIED, on Tuesday .evening the llth Jnst. Mr. EpwAan Pwacii, tolho eelebrated Miss Am h i Gut both of Duplin County; "Hail wedded pair, forev'r blesty" ' May peace your life attend. ' And all the joys of Heav'nly rest ' if ''nj. ac ,kn lim ahall mA- r, .WW. T "V" v Died on Thursday. Jast,Mr. Samuel Mar son, sait maker. ' . . CUSTOM-HOUSE WILMINGTON. Arje. 1 2, Sch'r Ann Eli ra, Rubles, ProVr. ,.; . dence, R.' I. 13, Sch'r Mechanic, Squire, Sch'r Recovery, Beard, New-York, do. , . '.. . Clkaesd - ' ' Sch'r Tryal, Barker, Charleston Sch'r Almiraf Vutnan,' ": ' ' v Soston 14, brig; Suunnh, M Her, Kingston ' , It, Sch'r Ikt'.cy, Cozaens ; " Martinique MICAS CURRENT Witutxcro. . Lit. Cts. Llt.Cts. BACON per 100 lbs.; ' : COMMUN1CATIO N. 13 ill. , 50" 20 ,30 3J : 75 X i , 3 . , S0.T io .. . 20 2J 12 . la i ri a 8 10 .. 3i 40 . 75- 90 53 1 35 Cotton per lb. ' C6flee per lb.' . Corn per bushel, - Meal do. t Rice " ' Flour per barrel, new Ihttoper half barrel, Lumber per M. , W. o. hlid. stages, R. b.'uo. do. do." YY.' o. bl. ' do. roueU , Shin gle's per 1000, Sttfcar per cwt. Molasses per gallon Rum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p. Jamaica do. 4th p. N. E. do. Tar per barrel, - Turpentine-- - , Town Taxes. THE T"n Cnnm'trioncrs'ntire prcf. fing for ti e Town Taxes, notict is hereby gteftt that I am ready to receive the fjme, at my Office in Piinccfj-Hreet, and call upon all concerned to take no- lice. ' . ;. . Wm. Nutt. Sh'if. November 18. ' ' ' Bank of Cape-Fear. "V TOT ICC is hereby given, that fton L N and alter the twenty. fit :h Jay of Jan. uary nex. OlftrU day wi; be on Mon day, and Ditount tin) oq WedncfJay, in each aveek. By Of'cr of the D'redlnrr, - JOSHUA POrrS, Cajhiirl November i3. ' James Perin INFORMS his olJ Friendi and CuiV. mrrs, that he has taken a Ihop iu Krcmt Stfret, where hcr cion tt c Saddle and Harness Making bti$i ' fie.n in all its various branches lit batnitu tn land and ftr Ssle, Men's and Women's Saddle, of the fir (I quality, Ujrr.cifcs, piatiJ and common. A handfire cjj'.ilment tf 7RUSKtt MIlpS, 5.'.- t viLitb h vitilJtU ckeapftrCafh. h'tvtmltr l &. . fOK SALE, A Tract of Land onlhc SOUND, ei'hf miles front Ton. ton. I lining about 300 acre, a fj'tiuing lands .b.lorj-irtj; to Mijtr Wa'ker, ami is at rleafant a h'ui'.ion as acy oa tht Sound .r limTier rtfidcnce. - rofTffr.otimiy be hsJ 00 the fiifUirof January ceat," Api to .... . . KILN AKU LANUUUN. November 17. tf lie lJ of November lEc6, two Rsftsbelonci'PtoThoroii Lsrklni of SirppTon CoutJy. Isfi N. I'ctctfoo't lainlinfi for Vllrnlni!ton on their wav ii 'Wit ihtriftr, took up luodry Mavci' hcaJinc W. Oik hU. ic bM. wl.ic'j wire 'foh!trihcfutrciibcr to Metfrr. VV.IikioLl ico't U Lo. 1 h 2) dtd:ts k 20 cents Aoy pcifon whocaurnaie it appear thst tit riopcttf is his by tpp'yingto laijfubfcl'u ler aoJ fayirg tlx cipctcsi, can Latt tht prOttcd. " ; ( ; Tlipmai Grkliu. , Not. if. ' . , V For Sale. .VALUABLE Planiaiion so tht Nnb Lad Klvrf. adjoining Sotth athintton. comaiairi tit hudieJ and forty scrct, eat hMnf red td which Is u ier got-d fence, tKt svhole sditrl it cuhurtafCotf, Cotton K4 Klce. Theft art on the t rcmifrfa fo!eiablrtco4 t)i! Iipj I fox ft arvd ttintepieiit out houfd. - . . . . .1 . t I- . A ror terms vppij 10 iit lUbidier in WaCifbgton. , . , - - T. Dlocilworth, No?, i5, 'f. t ,: wli' ' The last jfcek of 'Mr. famine's Performance in Wilmington. r 1 "'HE Ladies.-ami Gentlemen of this X place are.refpetlfutly informed "that .Mr.,HANMt.E ivHl Exhibit nn WtfiJitSDAY flVENiNCi Kevmhtr igtf,( ' ' Whtii he yviil give A Grand Display of 'his various and' unparalleled Performances, Which never has failed in giving general fati6facllon to the moil enlightened cha ' radlers in Europe and the rueuoyolis or the UnitcJ S'atfs. Wit. Ranr.it will entertain his fpefUtors with an acl cf Magical Operation?uBalinc::;g imitating all kinds of birds &' beasts, done Irom a l attiral enver of the voice, svhicti cau.'.ot be acqiiircd. It is a curious .fid that te? Htbrrwr word defcributg 'tie VV'oinjn f'Eoc.or f. hsvinga, famt'iiar fpiiir, finifiei a Vt-nrrl- ioqoill or enc who lpjKi as .it from (ho Ul.y. ' . ' It Is impcffible to give but a feint fb:tc!i of what tvi'l hedor.v, btin too numerous to be coirptifcd withintht limits ot auad vertifeaient. " T commence at 7 o'clncV. N. B. Mr. Kannic will jtrorecd from hence to Fayeittvilk, and will derote a fliort time i that plsce. xonc. ' ALL perfons ir-dcbtcJ to iha efla'e tl" Mary MaEai deceifec!, arc hereby reqacfted lo mak; i;n.Tieiliaie pjyne;if. and tlxofe to xrljoni the' fail eftate is in 1'ebteJ are requited tA prcfent their' ac counts properly atfrfttd within tfic1 tiine lirniteJ by law, ojjiervrife they will le debarred of recovery. RICHARD LANGDON, Ex'r. Ntvembcr 17. ii . Slicrilfs Sale. ON the 10th day or December next, will be sold at the Court-House in Wil mington, a tract of Land with the Improvc-nu-ntt thereon (SltKjp-Point.) 19 sstufy sun dry executions, vs. Daniel M'Clammy. re turnable to Jauuary Com l There is a gOud houe wi:h out houses thereon, tmd t!.e hnd ia of ait exc "Uent quality. A further descrip tion it unnecessary as it if will known. Nov. 18. Wm. NC I T, Sh'.T. 7lV. aubcrd.rrs leajMrttli.'.ly iidrm tl.a . Inhabitants of VilTinj;n :i and iu vi cinity, thftthey haveo.'iirJ a Shop adj i.i in Mr. Curse j '1, wucie tney invnd carryinij on he Tayl-Min Kuaiiiess,Aiid wiilbe thatik ful for their Cuktom. Ihoievrho tntf tl.i.ik pr. pT toerloy ther.i tt.ay Le asaurfd O ut 1! -it i H dont with neatness anil tl.t jirntc oiij..trh. and in the lateit fasiuuu:. P. II. S i 1 I'll. Nov. 17. ' tf. J. COLLINS. - Wholesale S io:;e. - 7 iu!uerHerfrt hjt etevfcg an.!f.rj$r:rfe tj tht Pallet rr lets yunti'jf A very large and grr.eral Aa'.riment of Dry Goods. I tartl W.ii r, I iats, Scc. NF.GRO Cloths of farl&ns kinds, BUk. . eta. Coatings, Flanntls, fl.aid ( Julh?, Cassimvres Velverets, IMclseti. Tbrc', . Mucins, Durants, Linens, Dimities, Ct.li inancoes, Ribbons, ShaU, Hai.dkerthicfi. cotton woolen and worned Kiof.lun;rs,Cmpti, , ld;ings, Modes, Sattins, ('.loves of all kindi, IWdtiiks, Oanaburgs, taa:om, Cardl ttals, Calticoc, Checks, Nsil,Itks, Hinge Aniis Vices, Hoes, Guns, PtttoN, Knives and Fotks,' Pocket Knives, Pcrknifcs, hris tort, llaiors, Bruahtsof all ktoda, mill, crnva cut and Handsaws, Filet and Harps UriJlo Bill 1 and Hurrupt of alt kinds, Plated and '.li ne! Haddlct, Carpenter's Tools, Shot, h.d Irons, Scythes and Sickles Pins. Buttons, ' Paints and Window (.Wis, Fnhah Cvn Pow. , dvr. Men's Women's and Chiadrto's Hats wiih a'icty cf ether articles too tad too t myniinn. " They hsvt alto In adJilWin to their Stock, alrtsdf on hind, Imported in tht ship Dsnub int trtifcd from Uvcrpooi, and wkich in a 1 law days will ht landed. 134 l akt .bnt drawn LneTitb all. 7 cases C'.Jns well ivtoitcd, PltloU of various kinds, lOcatkt Hoes, and as try aet.eral aturV ; menttf Hard Wart. j " Giles Cc Durtv1n. WilffliPjtoo, Sept. SC.