NEW. YORK, oaobej-am 1 UUIbll tb'- Laiterenios. after (he Mercantile Ad vertiser was prepared for pfefs, the Ihip ; Fanny. Taylor, arrived at tjnis port from Greenock ; and wa had the pleafure of ixceiving by her. London papers to the 6th,. of Sept, two days later thim our advices by ; the Caledonia. . ., , , . ,, They contain intelligence of coofiderabje ; , importance, as will be feen frotn the ex- , trails, we have, nude, f and I from the following ab ft rad, yjjy ,.,. ' . The refufal of the Emperor of RiifSa to; ratify the treaty concluded, by d'Dubril, was known inXondon on the. 4th Septem ber, though it was not publifhed at Paris (as the ."reader of the Mer., Advertifcr will perceive, by this paper of Saturday until the 5th. It reached thVEnglifh government by way of Hamburgh whilit the Council were deliberating on the difpatches received the preceding night from 'Lord Lauderdale. The French, alter their defeat in Cala bria, as noticed ,,in the preceding page, retired to CafTano where the head quarter! of Malfrna were fixed, and where thejr were joined by the troops under General Vrdier. Nearly the whole of Calabria lias been abandoned to the Britifli. The infurre&ion there has aflumed (0 formida ble an afre3, that kine Jofcoh has found it necelTiry to put himfelf at the head of ,.- one of the divifions of the army. To put a (top to the barbarities committed by the French of f!ic Calabrun Royalifts, Gen. Stuart has threatened to retaliate upon the prifoncrs which the chance of war hai thrown into his handi, amounting in n um ber to upwatds of thieo thoufand. The differences between Ruflia and S weden arc adjufled. In Confequence of this accommodation the Swedes have rai led the blockade of the Prulfian ports, and have bcrn allowed to re-occupy part of the .E'ecjoralc of llanrvor ; and the foreign troops have been withdrawn from the Svre di(h froniiets. M. Lucchesincihe Prulfian arnbaiTador at Pari, has been recalled at his own re queit, . , 1 he miliary preparations of Truniaare complete, and her arrows concentrated. . Htii'Jt has ordered a replevy, of one hnml'd ard twenty thoHfar.d nun. By this ad.lliio:i her army will boiiureafed to pearly Coo, 000. She has 150,069 troops o-.i the Iroruir is. The Trench have taken potTcflion of Tritlle. , T' c FfenrhenJ Dutch troops hate alfo entered EmbJ-tn, and taken pI'ftion of it in the nar.te ol the kinjj of Ilo hnd. The k:ysandthe tnanufiriptj were given up to thetn wiilnMit the fl'tjhtcfi rtlirtance. . Kin Liuis 4 fai 1 1) hivo deman kd from the kir. of loT)4 fio millions of florins , as a drbt due to the republic, accompani? c li with a threat in cafe of the refufal, to invade FuCTa with a Dutch army of 3000 men, and a force of 6000, which France riS agreed to furnifli by treaty. Ti e SpanilSt government under the pre fent sfyed of puiitical aifairs, has foand ii r ectllary tii put 50500 Hoops in mo tion! " The Sifi canton, it was reported, will join the confederation of the atiuic. LONDON. Sept. 5. On t'u arrival of M IVOubril at St. Peters- Inarch, a grand council was held. The Era pcror attended in person, and upon i's break ing up it wan lficiall) notified to alt the Te rtUn ministers, tint the treaty would not be n'.ifitd, k M. Klushhou, a knight cf Mal ts, was tent to Paris V) announce bit Imperial ..rn-jcy's deterru:n.vit4i. lla armed there, on ih? ZoxU u!t. and on the 1st in it BasiHco vrss dtp-tehed by .ort Lauderdale. What, effect It wi',1 have upon the nicutioo .pen ding briaetn this country and France we caan-,1 prcict.d toi'etrrivne $ but we think it bihly pro'oaVethat i will make Ilu ichparte rnrc ar.xiou ta concl iJj a peace siih ti. liriiairi. , , , fh Cabinet Council which was ycMerv'ffy iimtoitt to Ukeinio cumu!cratifj thedit jHUhtifrom Pari, frvm Su PctfrbMrftb, Ic fi wthe Me liitrtaiciti, set from 2 till , half pl Jo'rl h k. APti the CoincU set a rocs acntr wjs !pwtlud ij Prts We uiKlcri'andihatibtespditions an j et ir.teoUd to prmnd. . . The Kinij of Swr'r n, in ht 1mp tVst Prus lia wi:i ibr(r ,!T hef ?ependcnre vpon J ranreis he laeriSfd all Wa dtlhir. enrt wih lirt, to bite rsrd the 'b'tKkade of her anj toliivetipressri tif r.cter- miaatMM.tC04prfaic wi",h Jhtr with all hU rnifhu Ua'Unt afl rvnermia Triftre I ' TI.e Part and Tewtrffjs were fired at S o'clock ycvltrdiy tfttrfwh. in celebration nf the Vtcty ib (UlaSrU, 1 I t b-Ui oTtke I.f- fnt thurHfS wtre a'w tor g. 7hi f limugh ma'f itii 69 Weilr!sy arritH mornlnj;, . In .accmirtt Tom StUt are not ol so b'e ada'c iithtHf t.r the 1 rtfKh piptr $ they ti,tt, that the. Jit!etrt t In a Ht'.e of ib rtt'c aK'ts'loe, end that the mm art ev. ry wStrr agiintt tbUrp?r. Trifsn Unlit Ccn.Stt eri wis u', UCSVj I -iti t ))J im. en4 trit t n 1 n'iKi t,f S- ? In) jy.. i Jt 'a. thi l'faia cunu Ut ttttU alrocIiIeV, putting all those who have taken 1 4i up arms tor their lawful Sovereign to the a word. ' . -. ; ,- . ; -n- GoritUr Gradiaca,-Aquileia, and the coun try along the Iezonzo, belonging to Austria, have been taketx'possession of by-the French.' The Russian array is to be aograented to 600,000. men ' U0,000 are nov on the fron tiers. '. :. Thejplectara of Saxony and Hesse are aakj to have concluded a - convention with Prus sia. . . Oberatiens in CalabriaXVe mentioned ye sterday that the French 8c Dutch papers had furnished us with no accounts from which tve could derive any accurate information with respect to our operations! and the state of af fairs in Calabria. Our readers may not be displeased' at our republishing the accounts from those papers. ; ; - NAPLES, July 19. . The Enclish have at length executed the descent with "which they have so long threat ened us. But this time their attempts di rected to Caiabria have turned t,o their disad vantage, though at brst .they bad marked success. It is aftlictin to have to say, tnat they induced part of the inhabitants to rise, and that that act of revolt has lorced the ge nerals to inflict all the rigour of the laws of war upon the villages and the inhabitants. 1 he following is the first report published relative to these bloody affairs. ' " On the 1st Julyv60OO English landed at the Galph St. Euphemia, in Calabria. On. the 4th, General Reenier attacked them with the42d regiment, and the Polish regi ment. He was remused; Gen. Lompere severely wounded and made prisoner, with 300 Poles. " l"he Englishhad been reinforced by 30OO men, and by 3 or- 4000 insureents, wno aa- .vanced into the country, and quitted the pro jection of their vessels. One league from Cozenza they were attacked by gen. Verdief," at the head of 10,000 intantry, and zooo ca valry. The English were broken routed, and at the moment of writing the account, 1 800 English prisoners had already arrived at head quarters. General Verdier was m pursuit of the rest. It was hoped they w puld not be able to .join their ships. On the other hand, General Regnier proceeded toColrona, gave up the village of Lestola ; 500 revolted Calabrilrtr(V e. attached to their lawful So vereign) were put to the aword." July U. On (he 4th of this month the English, with a email body of troops, and about 6C0 galley slaves made a landing in Calabria ; but they were soon driven back to their ahips by Gen. Verdier. 'On the 4th of this month the bombardment of Gseta began. At first the besieged kept, up a tremendous fire, but it soon ceased. Between that and the 8th, no less than five of their magazines blew up, and different parts of the fortress were daily set on fire t. at last . e practicable breach was made in tbe battery Delia Regn're. ' , Fifty grenadiersbelonging to General Reg nier's Corps in Calabrio, made the attempt to pass orer to Sicily in little boats. Thia they effected, and after making twenty pri soners, returned without loss. - July 21. .. The English must now soon leave Calnbria and re'ireto Sicily'; for the landing was only made to relieve Gaels, and has failed of its object. 1 he Fr-tichtroopuhathave arrived here from the siege will march to-morrow fcr Calabria. , July 15. A frigite and two English brigs bad p proathed Su Vito irom the Adriatic, when the inhabitant flew toa-vni, and at rhc same lime diipatched an express to the comman dant at Lanclann, where the report had scarcely reached, before f ur hundred young men took up alms and offered themselves as Volun'etrs. The Commandant thanking , them for their real, rctair.rd them for his reterve, and then marc r ed forward in pcrscn -at the bead of one hundred Trtrirb- Thee--- ttemy, who did not expect the French so soon, imr any remtance from the inhabitants,' embarked in a hurry and disappeared. Five barks, loaded with rolbet and soldiers, en the 10h instant, presented tbcmselrcf at Cantcne, where or Jy a fcclle dctarbrr.cnt be ing potted, after an obstinate ' fence, eid ttig surrounded, il surrendered and was arm to Capria. A few moments after, the Comtnit'jrv MonipUt atrited with tf, few French aoldim, uflklent to comptl tbe ene ny to re-embark. Some of them were k'dJed, aniot1.ersved thrmselvcsin the mountains near StL,sthe, where a company cf Vohi gcdilhavc brr ii,ctcbrd in their pursuit. . TheCHef de lUital'en, Grntill, commsn iri 1 be province of G4rrno, being infur med that an iniurrectitd broken out in l'ie CommoeeofTerre Dure and tbpeih boering iUeqcs, rt psimLlhilVr en the e venin;; f the 31 with a tutTicicht. rseort, where karnrd1, tbatiM thr 33th of June, Ve principal part oflbe mbabitonti had la trnarrns. and eahibileltke rtatttUdf, fry- irif f rrrrwfrwffwfihJt lcrsl eilbe trns drstined loLeirtCipertrfA 10 the fro vlncial rfRimfms, hadorr'n diisrmcd and that Ihe iel iauedca to torWlUtr ' boust wis alrtady prfprrtdf M. Gat4l icntntfi- airly ok las measures for Mifnjr the most ttdpable j sevrrkl have cxmarqeently been ar rtcd, pod others surrendered ihrvr.b sear This rrwnluiiun jt seems, ksdbern elvnj while prpinj,' anil HViral std'tiiovt per aoaskad divribuitd b?rnelet a'out tle country, fgrthi peiTOse ofcauiing mrt dit estm. M 1 , Gca. Vcrdicr, Inin ir iiieNatUnal Gusto i to his own troops, composed of oil the farmers, tec. friend to good order, made ! a feint of. retiring towards Matera. This movement, a the General foresaw,tencoura ged the disaffected, who had advanced into the interior of the province ; when Gen. Ver dier fell upon -them, made great slaughter, and afterwards , entered Cozenza. We are assured, 'that the troops,'; which have' left this city to join those which are already in. the two Calabrias will find these two province entirely cleared of enemies and rebels. , - . August 5: K .About the end of the month, Marshal Mas aena will be ready to set out for Calabria, to put an end to the remains of the insurrection. The English continue in possession of A manthea, where they made good their first landing. About the same lime it is expected the troops on their march through Apulia and Basilicare w ill be able to form a junction with Gen. Regnier. This reinforcement is reck oned sufficient to drive the English out. of their entrenchments near the Gulph of St. JEupbemia. Among those who have unfortu nately fallen a sacrifice to the insurgents, are the nephew of M. Alquier, and the Bishop of Cozenva. When Gaeta surrendered, 4 Eng lish ships of the line, 4 frigates and a num ber of brigs and gunboats, were lying in the road. Tt .seemi to have been the Prince of Hesse Philipstahl's determination to have risked all tbe consequences of a storm, a befoi-e"he was.wounded he ordered works to be thrown upat the entrance of the street, a. id provided them with cannon. Of this gallant prince's reul situation we know but little ; some accounts mention his perfect recovery, while others insist upon bis death. The flotilla .inder capt. Monte Major has sailed for the Island of Capri, to attack the English gun-bwats that cruize about that place. August 5. Great numbers of troop set"'.it evry day ' far Calabria-' Marshal Mussena is to com- ;mnd this expedition, which is to consist of 25,000 men. Auju.t 4. . The troubles which agitated the province of S;derno for a momrm (thanks to the bra very of the Cowican, and the intelligence of Lieut. Cel. Galluao Dolleii) ars cutirely sup pressed. iy a decree of the 31st cf July, the two Calabrias are declared in a slate of war. " All the civil and military eUihot iiics rre to obey the orders, ord be accountable 'to tlie'Commander in Chief of the Expedition. " This General is authorised to appoint Mi litary Commissions, whose sentences shall be executed within twenty-four hours, without appeal. The troops shall be maintained by the re volted province. " The property of persons found guilty by the Military tribunal, shall be confiscated. " All the Convents, the M nks of which shall not declare to the President, or the next general, the names or such of their or der as have taken at ms ; excited to rebellions, or acted as spies for the enemy, shall be shut up. 1 he monks 01 seventy years o!d shall be sent toother'Conventsof the same order, and the remainder banished the kingdom, or rhpiully punished, if they cbntravti.e this or der. " The property of tbe landed proprietors who emigrated is confiscated, and they are declared enemies to the State. Any person who shall rrtalr. armitwen tyfcur hours after the publication of an or der fr delivering them up, shall be condemn ed to death." .Ceoertlt Grcnier, Verdier, and Mcrmet, have maintained their reputation. Thry rre served their position, and the English were compelled to re-c mbark. Cotrona and Hrfgio held out acsinst the United force cf the rebels and Erglisb. Marshal Masicra has set out for Calabria, invested with full Jl wtrrri .' .' eaMHaa CoKSTANTlSOPtf, July id. A bedv '"c:f 36,oco niefl, difclpUrrd af ler the Earopeta manner, lus been florV prd on in march by the rcfolution sxfich tbe janifLrift, in concrtt with tbe irha. blunts of Adrtamplr, have tskrn to re. fufe iben entrance into that city. Cut this is rot all. After l ivirg (tnt away .the commifTaiics cf the I'ortc, who liaJ come thitber o prepare quarter!, the jjnhTariH l.sve taken up armi, plactd arv t Ptry on the rampsn, and made crry difpofiionfora sigorotn refinance. The wl.ole country, fiom Adriannple m tbe Daru'jf, is in open infurrcltion It is rot kt own what flcpiwill N taken by tl.e rrxnmtndant of tbe difclplired trocpi. Tlr waits the others rf rht Divan. j It hsi been found Impracticable tn tet ,radr the fowh wine of the Capitol Tor jbe rf f tirn of the Hmift bf Repttfents I litre it the mrctirgf li e tafuins fefHoss iff Gntrttt, TU obflacle bit beea the lrf fnTb,lity of jettir-f, from a 'iny ;hlch admits the woikiojbut cf a Itmiicd ivrr.ber f Landi, fo roan? tay Isrje ' Mocks of fleer whbouf a flaw, as writ rtctfTary.ta tnI logetMr the hfM e4 he column encirclinii h arts of ibe chim. ler. Till this was fcmfptrsV the 4nof cmthj t4 t pet on, and until his covet ed In.'ihe plaiflctlrg of (he intrtier tin. tot t-e lvn. ' Aftrffr'tHi AJ;" I Ltti Whr& wit piefcrtr! in Of lie ' Ji cf Urtit.Biiu'n at ill leifi tf .O f Aupifl, upon his being 'appointed one of the commiflioners to meet their, excel lencies Meffrs. Monro and Pinckney, thp American amballador to fettle the differ ences between the EnglTflrgovcinmeDfan the United Statesi" , ' . ., -':. - From the London Star. ,TO THE, EDITOR. ;. . The following singular coincidencefl tnay furnish matter for reflection to the curious. It has been generally admitted, that the Ro man Empire, after passing under seven dif ferent forms of government, (or seven heads), was divided into ten kingdoms in Europe, (the ten hrn3 of Daniel and John) and that notwilhstanding the various changes Europe has undergone, the number of kingdoms was generally about ten. - It is not a little surprising, that the heads of thifawilj of tfaptskoriy w ho has effected such a change in the-same Empire, tretxad ly seven, viz. 1. Napoleon. Joseph, Ring of Naples. 3, Louis, King of Holland. .. , 4. Jerome. 5. Murat, Duke of Berg and Clevas. ; 6. Cardinal Fesch. -. . ' 7. Beauharnois, adopted vn of Napoleon. And also, that the members ofthenevtfedt retign are just ten, viz- . 1. Havana 6i Ysemburg " 7. Ifohenzollcrn 8. Arcmberg . 9. Salm 10. Leven 5. 3. 4. 5. Wirtenibcrg Laden Darmstadt Nassau " It is also remaika'olr, that in the man's name Napoleon Uuonaparte thercareprecisely three limes 6 letters NAPOI-E O.NIVUON APARTE 6 .6 6 666' And in bis name is contained the name given to John to the king of the Locu?ts,whoT i called APOLEON 01 the Destroyer. "A. P1111. adt l.rin a, October If. . Vre hare the pleasuro to state, that a do mestic manufacture of Flannel from Ameri can wool is commenced, And that the pro duce of this new branch cf manufacture will soon, be for sale at th Ware-house for the sals of domestic manufactures, in South. Third-street. Several southern gentlemen have entered, into engagements for the clothing of their la- -borers with American manufactured coarse linens, wco!i.ns; and !f.iipe. It is remaikuble that the colours of our A- rr.erican printed calictes are so much supe rior to the Erglih,':is aduost to exclude the latter from the rcrk ft. A coniidrrab!c svj.ply of American linensv of excellent quality, las been lately depoitd at the domestic manufacture Ware-house it is the produce of tlie sr il and industry of Pennsylvania, frora beyond the Alleghany Ilkle and they are; cheaper in quality and quantity than anyGtrmati or other foreign goods iinporled. Captain Doanr, trV.o le.' Lisbon on tbe th ; rf September, ii.f-rms, that Earl St. Vin ceatts bad arrired t f ere with six sail of the line and two fiigiuti. It was supposed he came frr the purf .e of protecting the per son and p trfnj nfthe Uritish subjects, in ; ose Portugal wa-i 'mvrde I by a French anJ .Spanish anry, r ich ws dsily .expected. Dusiness wasdu! I, and freights low. Etret rf ei lit' f from Xe;t-Orlrsrt, 1$ ye tim't'e haunt in DJi'mutt, dutcd Sept, " We bate ne ws from ti e Attakapst, say. ing it is rumo rrd bee that Col. Thomp son has ordered the miliiia of this county, to lc in rtadincsu and that crptain Iloycrbaa brcn dcfea'rd fnd taken, and that major Spaiks is driven back. It is certain, tha? the bpanisk ai rily i oij the inarch this side of NaVbitccUs." We base s.tbowcvtr,reccivcdauthenlic information, that; there hat been nocngige. ineni. our n' in c rtpanurai were ojijeu 10 return across the Sbu river aram to rre f a . m a . a . a I serve tnrir hraltr, k tnat wtiie u.ey were on this aiJ aV.ut three weeks, they lost SCO of their men with tl ie feser ; and the'povtrnor rf ibe murior of M(i'c, was c-ft- his way with troops, and siben he ttrived they would have an army of I or 6jco men, when ibty will codcator to f tree a ssiigt to Ibis place. Zxtrett tf 4 Ulttffitrw fti!trtiut tht It' t cf ft0Mf, It fiU fntful in l'hiicdtlfhii, tb. ni tht uh tf jjj, ie:c. A Frtnch frigate fcss irrirfd at Trrl ?outb-Fit, with a very ttlusUe Prl'. an Fast-India C'empany ilupbcvr.d from O nfia to rurope, fully atd rttbly ladritf we base rot heard wbst be r ctrr,o wis cempoatd cf, but it tooit be ImrrWnM, it the is a sb'p cf 1 100 tons, well armed and fmnlt tbe ftiyste (tarryinf 4t'i(blrn pcjindrrs) dufirg fier gUstt in4 a balf ( ibe m urarstrd f.em her cor4M in a (she of wind V the nigsfc ind privateer in t( snd la scaftb of tbe cihrr. ' A Pithf lot being in uirpsry a ilorltlre 50, wbh icQiemarHed trto. waf stUd.way bedidfjot" (alrewr Towbirhle veil ed, he bsd iiVrn Ivt.thtt ibe ltUJt snide it-t b a c ocf' utdtd mistb!ip, be wis )tiVrihc rrcrssity ftf j 1 1

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