:V' - -Published every ;rrcsdayV by' AiJlmand HAjtThrde-Dollars; :imBiii '5173; rw(brfWiiMv,..'i '''Mi-mt'''mw ' to cawe;j rofemrhortt Sft t!ifrgtb' ; forb6fyncHftje other,. to' tiie.,kin5 of s v" '.''rf 1 1.' , ' I th' Columbia river yMi had we ereft ktibWn . the Pallotepalldr until we returned; Mid to Bayaria to aniiodoce 'to him, that "otwith t We doneratahttfc'thetirtAnct liree, ind I th' reuto. We were' destitute of horses. nlch , the 7th of October Fe-einbarked for the PacU, ' atatidim thift. Intrigues of the court. . hit' mi. the particular friends of Mes&'ri sewis' and t v-iar ana mcir cnierprtsing companions, wu h happy termination 6f an, expediiio.n, wliich , ill, doubUcw, be prbdutlivc' of iricalcalable : commercial advantaRes to the Western coun ' trf nt-no tery1 Ktistant perlod-iniprove our ' gcographkal knowledge of those hitherto un xplored regions and assist the government f the unkm, 4n estimating the trWfalue of those boundaries which we claim by. the pur- . chase of Louisiana. W hatever diilVr;'hces of ' , eptnion oisy exht n thti pdtnt; e are jjef. ,; uadec all think aad -fel aliic,tri the eou rage, prcseverence, and prudent deportneut ' . 'displayed by, this edyentorous par;y.; They ere entitled to, and will receive the plaudits 4f thir country men. s, ' I5y the mail of this morntng We have re- . celt ed from an obliging friend, the following letter from captain Clark to hit brother, gc Srral Clark, near Louisville Capt. Clark, 4lid itot perhaps intend it fur publication ; but to gratify, la some measure, the impatient Wishes of hit country men, the genera) was ' Jprtta led upon to permit iu eppcajraitce in r paper i4 Knlay , ' Si. Lmiit Stpt. S3, UCf. DearCretfccr, We arrifed at this place at IS o'clock to-' itft bum tl.t t'acick ocean, where we re natiwJ 4iia the (4t winter, ntrthe en Iracce oi Ue t' tuSi river 1 his station se k It c the f 7i March 1$,' end should Jure reecheii St.la aetrlv in August, had f sw-t tut druittcd by the snow winch bar red eer f sMe,;t acroM the Kocky mountains, nUiUeitJi Jane. In returning thruugn tht"e Rjiiintt tfitid&d eamlvee into en rsl pr is. dmieg trom the rente, by whh we t Mt, i r the more efftc tttTy s eire h ter.iry, discover ll v n i fMttr.ye ro;e Ws ! M , r mm fey t!to wty U iUe ,Vi. -t a Cwi4iiM nvs ms thie w were ey. t,u5 :swhj e4 hvethcrtOw nw es xuX-.'m m cct!vr.rc 'trat s-ith.as Mtte . ! ft m j4, Wt h.V :SC'irr4 tlt Ust r-- w i.ikOinij errwts tt'e c fe:..a t t v; ti w t! pI.m,!-, n, fVtrrf tvf ii.'je rs.tlNrnce by UndptKhy l '! y M ..-. v te e av' pn ef L,u - ej gc. i i n '-. Lewis's mtr U m Ws, Ik -w. 4 tiKUe P,5e sns " n tr i,Tkv &J t s t: , , ) .,,f-,0,wgflj,,rt et i'-s t j I .-.jc s ' t '. !- '.;' k fcf iSt H Swri L , : ' 't nl i. ... ...ii ... r, fev r-t,, ' a . t f . r oi if.. t I Ifc-'W-i..-! IS t S'M4 fjf . t 4 at ' 'ie C . 1 fi A yk- tf li,r r ,., tWw- J-w f, f tim ...r i 4 ,..e i ik um f vfwu- 4 ti m -n, fv te 4ti . " s tttv ie I I -., t ., 4 4., .JL,, M S r I l t .4 pfi t ft - v s U- s, - s t v.'-' ir-4 fe-- !- f -Ullie, ' " lm -S - m,v-i, r.4 ' '-t--e - c I. t .' ' - - ' , 1 i ( ,,, . 'tv-0 -. v 14 t I . : - ' ? 1 I - a a - e a t . M- t. t I.- . t. a -at e ae If 'would hav bten indispensably necessary to eiVible to transport the requisite quantfty of ammtiniiion and other stores to ensure the . (remaining part of our voyage down the" Co. , lumbia ;-we! therefore, deVermihed W ,havt gat the Missouri, as far as it was practical ble,. or utiles we met with some of the natives from whom we could obtain horses and infor mation of the country. - Accordingly we un- i dertook a most, laborious portage et the falls i nftna Missouri, of IS miles, which w effec ted with our 4anoi bI basreage br the Sd-of Joy ''From: hence scendinr the Missouri, we penetrated the rocky Mountain at the dis anceef 7 miles above the upper part of the . -porugef-end penetrated as' far as the" three' forksMjp hst Viven .e distance of 180 miles .lurtlieri'. Here the -.Missouri' divides ime 4hreeTtearly eq'ial branches atlhe same oitit, Thrtwo largest brinehra ate so neai If of the same dignity, that we ilid ftof conceive -that I either of them, 'oukt with propriety retain -the name of the Mtaiouri and therefore cal led these streams Jeffei-sonS Madi-ibns and (i.ltatin's rivers'. uTbe c,nBvrenee tf those rivers, Js .2844 miles front the mouth 'of the i Missouri, by the mesnders tf tlvit river.A-, -We arrived at the three forks of the Missouri j theSrth of July. Not having yet been so tortunste as to meet with the natives, aithV 4. had previously made several exertinns frir that purpose, we were Compelled stJl to con tinue our route by water. r !; ".' The most notherly pfthe ttree forks, that to which we had given the name of JefTef aoa's river, was deemed the most proper for our purpose, and we accordingly ascended it 3ia wiles, to the upper forks, and its ex treme navigibte p)tnti miVitigthe Iota! dis tance towhidi we had navigated the waters cf the Mivtr; 3096 wi'Ies of which m Uj e svlthtn t:.e lto.'Vy Mountains. On the roor ' nin rf i MM of A'tri.t HC5, 1 arrived t tee lofksot IcTcnon's river, where I met ean. Itw's. h- bd previously prn-trated witH ptf r Sre ntcn t) the wien of ; t s C! i v,.-iered ahand of the Shr.. nne sna t.(i munu means to tint nee 11 of ti r t V, h end wtvmis to aem'Mny 'n T -?1irt. f'rua thtse "people we kM4 ss rvtrt wtvn. lhy vcslJed was not ..iv: '-ic sndihna ass!ij;e thruuh Rki n '. iunT j ihj disci ttm.t ijtiprrki J.!e. tmeilMg 0'.il is In tdis un- Lvw-V.t t .rt sTthc ai.rs. it ws eon J rrreltr wrrac'pt. Lt s'ar,1 wrsll that j ,f ! r fwrward tuisnre ait'.y with pvy,m r5H?re iu 1 . while Its ev. in i irlrrua eould Uy ep the rs-rnrsattl-e H:t, and etnae the s-aiisee wnh teir ktcs te U't i trsnspcniii; our 'ortsaod Ur,ee tetUir c.mi. Acr m. d;1y I -t tUe nctt !y, patud t. n H!r si r, m's,- hHwree ke w!rs of )! " s'4 C 4tMis,end civrM tl-e VtfiffoHick 1 Uf call the Fsst lUk-tIaav. " rver. at ff !ev I mdavf that the I4ta svttnat ef iht roMry ie the eirtc " 'Ws nt ws torrect. 1 vetmeed and p.-4 (saloLre.iMthe Sfih el Ae?wU jiIiiSikhLsks ., eresivly LirgsMd es J"i swy w;.pw , t,,ff patvd mj-U4eajTft.-i taHttUa. .d r(ssn;Ued le t, .t rt W-f t 'i.rjwf frsrr part f ry vt e.w . if W-s el !-.'. aits aJ l,,-J a t', wm rJ et trt t fu t tf'v iat tkva t iUkinf, k s.,;a fftU'f cJ tf ttae sr r s v ue itiiaMe te t-i. . hti'e nr r wti.h tKcy 1,. ael iwt ty ! i t -..uvts wrM ef iLe swim t- v. t 1 'h a f tke M sta.'i, e 4! -r: 3 1 He sC.krf. r T nWi sat (-, 4 'et'ieStMel cw.l)'werh 1 , ,), ia wki. n a-.-J 4 lid d V;itvik.!rv, UL,V we Ma t. Vwa .-n-7 V iUm -t WH t'e L.klarUW.tv trft 5urs frwa Um we s4jtd aw e i - as rti twraa M es(a;; ti I St a Un 1 H, U ,r,,rf ij tf MMjrr4 M teUt m hse s ait t,t r stis fea we et re ms. ; e k ; ri'. u f t-p itafe -j f la -, wa 't4 try ik.rj f ,... t'4t L-i.lM S'.J ta'aM,, if - -J eJUhr t wi a .- s t,. e t tafcil, we s wa'f -. ta, ad M a lt ti.& t f e-.i A - f . ..... V i i. .. . . . " - . hmh:i(( aa rncie e A -l s : . tie lm4 ta vui tky wte sit, :t we lsaJ tat e aw'mta m tMa s"l, sad i'b - 4-j " r"e a aw t. j it 1 we wares, u ,a iwaw !. rxtvw iW sVfc a am se as aa f 4 u a ,-y iSe X - f sUt fi.fm4 fead tu aw tes ta,M tKr a aw m tie w.-aaa, eUre we W wa M Mtlrf Hf. "- e '-ass aeewd iWtwaft V w a a 4 I aa sf:f a fe km .-v kJs( m ayae Lew at .' 4 a ettt mm' a r'Ms. la e'ieu4 Iter fftwl ta. t fie ocean .: Ve iclescehded by the route 1 1 ave ; already mentioned. Tbe water of the. rvtr "heiog low mf this season, 'we'eiperitriced 'mnch difficiijty in "descendingwe 'found it obstructed by great htuhbei4 of difficult and dangerous rapids in 'passing of which . our perdgues several time! 'filled, and 'the men, escapedasiTOwly with their lives. However ' this difficulty does not exist In high water, which happens, within' the' period whih I , have previously mentioned. Ve'.f6un4 the natives! extremely nnmerus, find geiierat , ly friendly, 'though' w,e bave"on several w casions owed our lives 'and the fate of jtb'e expedition to our number, which consisted of 31 men. On ihelTth of November ,wf reached the oceanV where 'various considera tions induced us. to spend 'the winter i we therefore 'searched for n eligible situation for thrt purpose, and Selected a spot on the south side of a little ' river, cailesl y the nAiizi tetul; which "discharges' itself at a swkH bar mi the sooth side'of the Columbia end U miles within point Adams. : Hera we ; eonstrutted, some log liouses, and 'defended them" with a c'oirimori' stockade' work; this 1e We csl!ed Fort Clat8"6p, after a naUon of 'hrtt Hiinie" who were' oujr nearest heigh--hours. : . In this ' country We 'found an abun bs'isre f eJV, br which'we subsisted princi filly during the last winter; " wt left Tort Clttaop 01. ha S7th rf March. ; On wi:r homeward bound voyage, Vaingmuch better acquainted with the country we. were enabl ed to take sucKpT'e'canrlons as in a great mea. ure secured us from', the want of provision etany time, end greatlv lessrned ourfatigeet, when compared with those to wh'ich we were compelled to submit h pur pwtrd bound journey. We have not lost a man since we left the Marxians, a clrcumstsnce which I ssnre you is ft pltasine consi.ltrstion tome. As I shall shortly be with yon, and the post is now waiting, I d-:em it unnecessary here to ucmpi aninsitiy 10 aeiau tte wemenecs of thelast eighteen months, I amt tkc. . ,x- -,' ; '," Yoar efleciicTiite tVother, V'"' r ""'"''- CLARK. ; ' hT.W-TORKNKov. j. , A kRar from Covrror Vm. C. C OaP htrae, to capuiq John Shaw, commander tvf the United Suus marina force in NVw-Or. leans. -t (corY.) . . " Kew Orltsna, Tth Oct. 1808. " Prsua.(rd that the sairie'fptlio 6f petrL etisns wbK bas imhiced dciUrst.rm of your I rrainnsa ar t in it icr Lr the defmr i J el veurcotmtry. woulj Induce yea to support j; wiarrvM e-mntiurt rrrenls.rc'y. lshi.3 t wi fe Hfuure avsil the tuld c efstwi a.ru . L tttwtf never tht session mavicouire. for b the presenu Mr, I car,t ssy what farticu- I 1 rmT'.iiecirteueitbtnsvy,butIam al ta-o tha ym should male every poe. I li su4t tsart'ton to hast the boats in psrt prrpa- ! rre r treiif, and I kcl the more eolicitoee I ew th".s p, iat, since In two or three days seme ' n- ltury alerts, wi!l It shipped UrNahlto- 1 tHrs, and I am desirous thai the un.hnia ' s'w.U give tl.cm convoy by il Lrt files ton Rouge. 1 am Sir, lth grrst rtpect, Yeit toivUe servs&t. t . WM.CC CLAlCORNir, Ispu.a Nnaw. (COPT.) N'ewOrUant, Tl Oct 1 10. 1 . nM recrwt eemmenicatlorit la me frarn the HwtwvaMe Sacmsry oftLeNarv srv rtiwtly pae ensUrtlr instrecttd te It wut a4 enttr ft few men Lr the sale-g-terd t t the boats sad part, Uever, lr, I f aai ew nny t,usnrr rem yoer It- i atracuosM in dele net a ay country end la II t sat von asuKipaie tecmediate atrvke from trt Na.y, yea, w.ll be pleated te rtV your trm-rut. caiMins and tUy shall U itrkUt at ssndtdte. ' I fette tVt honor to be. M.rctrnVrsae Moat ebeiunt servant. Hie I trttlewry Cevemer eeChuherne. 5 , , . ., aWJVJ. Kae. It. Arritaa1 this awriry. the stslp Kkhard, I-rart, free Haft B 5S4 tt. I Ulrt fans pt-rs liih sWpt. The PwlUitU ft sne aitft says, Tt t.aarta.e Vat has beta cetrvw Ielst4y. The e jatt of tU estraaedtne, ry waaa-. by kta swa jetty it sa4 tw be s taaawtetorau te ike ertvate the swarrtsre e hitimptrial fc (kMSS the pttnee Jtrense t;tt, wh at ef the p uxttatt reysj f ike fteeae af WtrUtaUerr, 4 refka el kntrsks a!e bttnrtad. see la tha prince F""? ef ihe eeeitdrrsticw at the Khe, te ke kee n te hiss the Uwsm s4 the m fnt se ss; jwl the ttttsdaf aUon ith aU thft jesty th emperor still hopes tonreserve nrar -with Prussia,- ;hut ; in esse that this feoW'er - should not make ft prompt and enregoricaf an swer te he tXpianations which have been rfe--tnanded, that hlsmajesty is feady tn ehter into Germany with three hundred thousand r men.' r ;, V i, ' ft ... ,, i t , : r ' i . .One of the passengers in the Richard is the bearer of dispftches government, end ' ; an elegant tnedal, a present from his iroprri. al maieatr. to the , President of. .Lord Lauderdale was atUJ. at Paris the 2ili 'Sentember-fiuVtoo expectation of peace. W- Tht eta f 'tht offairi f tht We!, r ": Giunln n4 Cl: Burr's Tate tiHit. Jjttt'pVeiewfftmirirfiratid heen bna of thole, that ba(i tiveh fpter.ddr Sttet, added diiiit to the nati. to the U. tiooal ct.a racier, aou acqtared vafl extent of ler- ritory to tt-htl.tntdr,t, Without conqucfl.' 'le.af qiiron' T of jhc Ltufiiu coufatry "U bittM ditditihiTlhthe prcfent admir i)n, wi tch will grow brigruer or more 'brilliant, as time advances ; will be re. ceided in Mlior'y as the moil : important " Tepoch of Mr. Jeffcrfhia atiniir.illiation itwiUadd totheluftrtf that will (hijTe to the larell po!tiiy, itid vriil be iiifcribc't on the memory of every true American, to the lateii period.' - s ; . The LouUiana country Vat acquired at ' ttimc, when It was impoCible for the 'ponciruri to hold it much longer; and France, dreading the cotifequencei, took the earlicft Ben to difnofe oi it to the Tie.T- " " ftdvantage.7 And . fiace we have been put in poflelfirnof it, We havedtawn opoaua the jeoloufy tf atl uropc. Viewed with -en envious eye in our rapid progrcfa to wards eea th and rower. unentanrUd 'with national warfare, enjoying . !ie ua- u,iiHn tiwm wi iicviiaiiij, an u.atJn'J - therea cfl tlridet towards agriculture awd ciiisuiingvurcpmrr.r.ce. 'The late expedition bf ciptaina Lewta ' aim viaia. win rcuccs on A.r, jencilori rif-tnai tei'csna tne man. whole pene. ntatirg geniui has leaded to the utmcfl of itaman conception, and unfold lu the af tonimed world, raft, extcofive and here. tofore uncxpcti'.cJ rrjptons. ills rsdiencs) will now I par Ur, ana cot'ound thole rue ful beings, who fullered al 1! e cipcil out aa ft thing rcxt to' impoinbai;; wlicjpt.bs Ltw'n i d CUik, witit the tr iiolftte cempifi,' al tective the go rs'al applawfe, aod be icwarJed wi'h the ihtnktet t iratttul CotMttry. Meat pcifont ha cciu'ej Mr. ).f. firfon Iwrappoip'itif' general Willir.fon, in adJit.rta to the otSce uf curctr.an.'tr i.i chief ef the ATciici armlet, ((armor el Upper Lou 1 Cans. Cut if ihoU teitVai were araiottd with the ciicur.tuocct rcfpcAiig the appointment, they wtti-d willleg'y ctafe that cct for from the hUh hal been fo stijudiv la'J tj hie chare. And il cenfure cante "w.hrd to Mr. Jtfet fen on that fcore, it will It for I : - -. j IHH lll'n, IM til 11 I (Mffirluii.tl In - - t ' rt B or remove from wfuce a man fa much abherrdty aniny of the Aaerican citl rtnt, ea fen. Wi'.llr.fao a fran (9 iiorjly fufptfltif of being on ft good tn deiflaMft'ipg withjthe enemy now approach, irg oor Urritoriei end a man fafprct.-il of being engaged iaa plan the mod hoAilt toMsrds iLe pcact and kappincfa ei tha U. Slats. Mrs Jtfictfon, on bclngadeJ fcr a ft. Ircfrctsiivt in congrcft from ile (ii-e of tntticty, a gentleman ef thehighs!l nf. prflshility. M rtafon fur appotntirg ge. mal Wi.kfefoo governor of Upper Loe iCsra, aefwrre 4 that at to lis w n know, h-rfre, be knew nothing of general Wit. kw.loe, out tlai he had Urn highly re. CornaneivieJ to him, by gtntletHe.i whcoi he hadrernjered his warmed dlcndi. ic in whom be Iters' tha me3 Implicit coo. Scence. and relying cm lit integrity tt ihefi gtMlcmen wst tha caufe ( his mi. Hog ti arpoionwcl, or words 10 that amoLt. ' Jiat wt may M'uratf; draw ft feiKluI Con, 1 1. thai grnctal Wiiliefon had bean lamcxrlrg with men ( hh Heading, aad U lie cwldencw of the pic. Wat, Ihrrwrh ihelt Clicitations and rtomme- eatiotts, had a;peintd bias to the cflica of goemff ; ' , la t former runsNer w toachfi o I he iuanttn .nre tUl ihetarreilte depart frrl Utewred nndtr wiih rtfiHol to apy d.faa'vaeiagta fttuvdirg the wsQrrn flatra and the trrritorwt, in cOnfrarnr of their rsanete f.lsrlonf td in timer te remedy tha eiU for tta roc a aUotioncd at.4

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