crcfcte will at way s hive a firtj r-Uy ?rVangBerift ltt.&i1JntUlfmfbs67Aj fcorTI ' r I i 'J - 1 - .A. H ITAwTr-V mpftr thill illn ow .vli.' el Mm I tocounteract any change, '.aou caua iuo u uTm-.)i.vv .w ...u1u,UUi mnuu ,., nromnt f.lfeA to"brtnii Mai arftnttristerfor foreign affairs' v tnd Mr. Tao- ,o? .proper feoftorhil duty,;J thefv .iri.mfljnc-t. ir if tendered difficult tor D 1 V"-: ; " ih. er.mve of the United St&a to b U a PW.on.. f : f :WW1 --.-- v v '7 -l .t-'.-. nave come to our tnowieuire. v- ; ...... .-; nroocrlv informed rtfpecliaf fuch things C".a. .1.. .I--.W ( JU.iAnii. .Watth -"- thaf general who brlt taught lavage nature . Of Lord Xauderdale. thgjndon paper. cannot attora us any , wtormation : we know lie was in Pari on the 25thof September.' obedience.tX fuperiarvpQweraad fiacv .jjutxhe passengers in the New.: Guidd me; W iiunion nat occn appwnicu cthiuhh. -y tion it, as a prevailing opinion in England, tier in chief of the. Anaejan frx?eif, the. .tjwipea.ce would, 'not, .Je the, result 4of this fubatlcr$ Ktf e gMettUOwd , oferi 6r;tj! tssiou; . . r, Yl-U hitn, and of that 'cUs.oT peoIioloolc;!j v.- , - . ', , cjor,t i ; ;-( i UO 10 mm lor prOlCCUoq-mcjc, tenure!: i v.,, 6r,VV wiuu iium mc wmfl-wi, .vhv .jf i 4 1 KVfi iwifl '.and I nhJruient in. nil com mand j' whoi cling aboui hioi foi prooj9- . he fervice, who are, worthy ..of ihe'officei; lhe 'fiHi'iwho&.fereafliEiow ' with patrio-i l-7ic fenfatlons, and being acquainted wh' jl the deUgning, intriguing cnaraciet ot metr ; it 5 general, refufd to be led by Oiehofe: : ' 1 n I1IU 'A A It. fm t: n r i HUM in A11P . ! " Tail number' we left Vtm', as we ruppofed,. prceedingpn from Frankfort to,fee gni! Wilkinlo-n." kOn leaving Frankfort be vi.f filed coU Ciarle Lynch, of Shelby eoun- , v ty, who .is connefied wiih. baron P. Nil Tul Bilfvp, aman who, nol long fince, i remove J f 10m Kentuclty to the Louifana Riliroti contracted wlrt the Soanifh W- vrinmect. crcvioui to the cclCou of Lou 1 ifiana io America., fot fettliiii'.a'bout'. two', ' hundred familiei at ,or neat Natchitoches, for which" he was to receive land io the a- . 'tnonnf of, thirty rnilei .fquare. t Ballrop never complied with hiijContratttlte, thertfore made Lynch iniefe lied in a con ,fUcrahte Vamonn, 'who : will , probably, ' fwiujle the Aaeiicaal out : ot the greater ., part ( ihe land heia uy uiurop unoenne con;racl, which was never tomplitd with on .his par..t,.v'Ttbol, Lynch, col. Barr fucnt feveral days, and then proceeded Jto L'oiitf vi'.lc, eVivl report Jays he drew from . niercnte lioples; in cinerent towns in , Keninjrky, abourioo,6oo dollars,,, W;e : have good .auilior'uy. for; faying, . that ho Hrew Jrom. a tiouu in t,ooisyi;ie, ,oi rne firm of Meffis. Pfatheraod Smiley,, very confiderable fuips. , ;. i - How Colonel Dorr bquld become pof. fciTcd of fuch large fk'nas of uoney,.can.not 'bp accounted for it ,ii generally under. flood that he Is V bankrupt,, and fupported . rjilcfly by Alflen, bis,,ho a ' ..few weeks av together with lis wife, dvfi ended the Ohio, and are probably. a their way to Kentucky,, ft their at ten- dantsattd cavalry palFcJ tbrwiiih ChiUico- . Ihr. ' ' j b a "AVt' Cinpot sfecrta'n, .certainly, he 'ih?r. co'. .Burr to St, Ltmls.wr he most severe that has ever. been cxperien ice'fo""? severalears'j.coniinncedL, h.ere ear 1 WSaturjlajr moroinj?, acqompanied .with ' faiii,,uu,cuviinuco will) very uiue inicrinipr aion uirsjuoyiii me day,: yve arc appreivn. Vive tht considerable damage ,!iaa been done aljing' tbe coast, though no pii-uculara hajrji ' corfie to our kiiowiedge.Vj ; , . : , - ; - ; ,,; fart AJtns In perln, but, it has been. id pore J tJut hejlilpajcne! to .Wilklnloo.t mi (lender, Ik prob'al'y was, b beirsi a: fceret c xnmomcatioai bet wso tjiem., - ' fior have we beca a!e, trtjearn the re- .luit ot me retina oi coi-,uinr j meiUnier ' 't.nn VVjlkiufon, or, svheihrr cql. lirr Qji'j puifue l li'i journ-f fiihet Ik fon ('A fns or St. l.onij; but (he Jtr( ic co'kms we have of him, art froo Nalh. tVf, .where h was not long finer, , It Utt bern iepnud b? finp,.that col. 'Duir will return to Ch'tirMhe in a few 'dy, n )i!s ay in'Pi Wb'irf, m meet comfort Ty!-rand hit Mii'.i.t. Ifthiifa. Cief an J uiyflerioua tl.i it not boli'e to. wad hc gereral (ternment, why is the C I f iny'lery threwn over itie hol of 'lUie toiaflionj) Why are ih fe fecret grit.rims rntrreJ inta at Fisrkfortn4 St. Lvfi,.rtiRiJ known f Whyilafe , fetrej diijiatthes rt rntflcptrs from one 'pul .f the cnuniiy toanotb:rf Wbr , tiiofe. f rccautioMS ,flrpf to iraptif on the CreJjl.ty cftt!rrf Wh? arc thofe ft- crti Icturt to s different a lit iailor.i, d . n fact, !iy do we not fre their aents ai d too's at, woik ai orr iLe wUr couiirjr, fwunding the oiioJs il the pco. V-tl ' . . tl'rw tlt.tfni, a few more witks and i (Juoii of ibis w fa 'loo i plit will be t!.ttn Ocen. ' You ill than belief e wbit hit brw aJvat'-iJ on ih's futtjtA im be truer You will the.i d.fiovtr, In t!ilr luiklftf io,f,,t,ie trsiiori of your cuo. try t YfU will tha behuldtLtn wtcih !i buJir the'f.i -t(t srd UO) ui the ration i f in cnratii ; ad ft. !. cliiin, yro mif tf 'n ttjolre at, your fJm v'livif p'ot (vittylf lii.l to nr'ip saJ Ur yuj froro your AtUatic ttsiliisn. , , TUX rREDOXU.Y, 'The brlir Eliza. eaDt. Wilson, sailed Irotn; T4eVr0rleans for PhiladelphU the Slst Octo "ber j at this time iew.had reached the city1, that an' arrangement had taken plate between Vie Spaniards ph . the frontier aud gen. Wil kinson in conseq'itlace of which, the militia f the territory of Qdans.,and Mississippi, wko bad Volunteer tlaei'r) services to. the 'Mmber"of600 rrieri, and had - marched to join general. Wllinsoi, were or their reUim o ineir reipecure, :. iNQotuciai iniei-., ligence had beeri received prrjhis subject from '. the general, but concurring adfices from dif- lerent o,narters, respecurvg Hit return of the . militia, rendered it almott certain that as rsngementis hadtjiken place;, and it is said to be agreed that neither the United State ' nor spam Shall otcupy the contested country, between thelolj boundary and the river Sa- bine, uhtil final arrngineni are made ' be twscn the two gorerooients, respecting ' li mit. ,s- . i .. ' . ; '..; 'Vv" . ; Girieral Wilkinson, notwithstanding bis Small farce and very unprovided state of his little band, had advanced bcyor.d the Grand flayouj and had taken a position with JOO then at the junction of the Koads to Addies and Bayou Pierre, at which latter place was Col. Harma, wiih about, lido to U03 men, chiefly cavalry. . . . .'...,,... ' Captain Cordero, Governor of St. Antona, with a reinforcement, the number of -which .was unknown, lay encamped about Jjrri4e in the rear of llarrara's force, andaltkough the tj superior oITicer had not joined nr taken the command waen me last accounts reached Orleans, a detachment of artillery from the lil le garrison of Oilcans had matched on the 12th October, oiTtbe weatern bat.kofthe Mississippi, to join the General at Natchito- ' chea, and werf to U followed on the S3d cr ' 33d by another detachment which would pro-' ceed. in two gun boats by way fd tht Misiwp. pl'anded Kirrr tujhe same placet UtM r nfrircernent would add lot) mote f bravo fA fows to his forrek , Governor Grand Pre, of Bnton Poupc. " Urmed at the report of the appwachinp de parture tf the gun biats, had efitn out that he would r.pjv,e tlx ir ia.u the river, but It was' believed lis would iiol, attempt hi. liluies, aljhftich he had aMu!M tbtvuili. tia of Lis district, and had ulna every ponti tie measure to sitemble a furce more than a Jcquate to the object. - , . The militia of the Citr of X'ew OrU.n. were called trp.fther on the 17th Ottobef, H oninimoualy tilTered tbeir acrvircs to efcnd the territory and more particulaly the City they were acceded hy the Governor, ad ihr ful owin? handbill wat nubli.Kei) on lha net a. aion. which will amply nfute the calunmie of those who have endeavoured to persMide the' gvtrnment that the people cl Loutaians acre Dot attache J to ita rauat t ' "FriJy, Cctdtr IT. "nisraATorrATiioTiiM. , u At the miMirrof the 1st. 3d, and 4th re. giments of miliiia th;s n.ornintr, everr officer. nou-commisti'inad oflkerand priiate pVtscnt, olimtarily nuered tbeir serit for the de- as crotrnor Jlerrarau an ofncer whohai n- sen djttiis aworu, ,anu; rs reputed & man i ereat pride and spiritri 'fhink it pr'ooabfe he 1 willadlicrcto his solema pituuise, ta maintain arid dctertd his matter s territorial pretensions to paint '-'within, seven miles of one. post, and JBRf east of the Sabine. ; 1 ; Uner these circumstances, but with a so- lenyv determination to drain the cup of con ciliatien before t dra w the Sword, ' I have cal led for-abont7001itiilitia,VAwhic.h 1s the surh" total I am to expect from this and" the Missi- gSs'i pfji toTfftpries, to be assembled at NachH , tocnes ute uni proximo.. , : . ! , Jtf t .1 It is not, improbable hostilities at thia , joint will be instantly followed by an appeal , to.arras in West Honda, v. 1 will write to you Again in. about fen days,-when I fear , you will be informed iW jai bttn tpili, .1 have, two Spanish governors, opposed to me Harrara and Colder,, ef whom, and. their 3000 men, I shall, with les,xtban J 200 give you a good "accopnt-rj :, -. . j - v V--;4"rv- . .-y!?;"r?'?r"f ' 'V'"i .., . .'".!--i;'oMT.,i"r. ,1? v WASHINGTON CITY, Not. 19. .We have the satisfaction of confirming tbe information of the Span'uh forces 'having (roj3(d: the Saimt. Advices, dated 'October the th, have been received from General AVilkinton, who was .theft atationedra .this side of the Sabine. f Previously . to leaving atcliitocltcs,. he bad informed' Governor .CordcroT'tbat in compliance with his outy, .he should be obliged to attack the Spanish : troops, unless mey retired oeyonu mat river. Not haviner received a . satisfactory answer from the Govei'northe.American'ai my was advanced about twenty miles beyond NatchS- ' toches, when the Spanish. forces crossed the Sabine. .Propositions of accommodation, founded on the agreement of the American . and .Spanish commandants t abstain from Occupying a diatrict of country tube designa ted, were made by Gen. v urinsou to.tiov. Cerdero ; to which the latter bad replied that he did not contider.himtelf suthorise-Jtto eri ter into sucb. a convention. witoiit instruc tions from the Governor-General of Mexico, la whom be premised to write immed.'uUly. From the distance of this province,' an aa swer can scarcely bf expected in less than a jnontb. 7" . . i ( ,ofcT5t;.t wo A lbe time our forces advanced, the-mili tia had jiineubem, in greater numbers than bad been expected,, and even beyond. the jc duuitions made : thus affording the tnost uh tqui v.icr demonstration of Jtbcir djelUy;to the United States. . ' ..,kr,. .,! t , At the latest dates General Wilkinson had dismissed all jhe.wiliiia, except 'abobt one hundred and-jiffy cavalry, which, with the regular irpop, wersjtajiioned on the Sabice tht Spaniarda.beinj stationed on the farther bank. Sally Capt. JjjVniil,, from Baltimore for tii porta She was spoken by a fishing smack, on Monday last ; and the mate who boarded capU flowers,- informed-- that she-was load ed with flour, staves, and dry troods t and , was.' comm.apd.ed!!) y capt. AVillial AVheo cap tain r lowers lett the ship, there was every ap pearance of her hating got off.n-i.Tha-account pf her cargo, &c agrees with advice previously received by -merchants in this city fowhomthe shlp'is'cbnsigned. " V TOE SbLD 'W5 public su Qa TburfJajjbi (hnft. It fhfi 9 Ccnctrn, The "Burthen 88 1 tonstwo yeara'eld, built in thiav '.State of tbe jjest laterials, and now in com jilete orderand realy .to receive acargowith-' ptfi any expence She may be seen at: Miv ."Allen's wharf, where he now Heai.-- . -V Terms of sale ;two . four and six. months, payable arid negociable, at the Bank of Capo- Dec.?-, iaH .-i'.-.t w tk..y- f'vi - Notice is hereby given, - vTHAT 1 p'urpofe moving to" "the. 'hate? J; of, Georgia, ani. offer all my "Latvia ' 'foi iVe" berrig "1035' jtcris, 319 p.f wbitla U, good jcorn land j yearly too acres clear. Vd, the reft good 'turpen;ine spd tar larul, .and convenient oTopfil--InleVwih g(od rnarjh tapge in .the winter and good futni ' pter, range toi the, back, woodiy: Thece are on the pjetmfrs two good dwelling houfes, barn, ki.en 10 the 1 avemat ihw crofs soada.tfcfupied by. M rs. King. For further particulars apply to " V ; , iitLr AJAH alN(j. WILMINGTON. Nr.w.YOHK, s0w. r. f The eht.s tiw G .ld, tpi'(n lf-J la 41 -ar f-om Uvup.l, was Nlw list evening wSi" pat'fr wnut tn fret. Tie pas Sntr ratit o;i h the pM U Th-rn, but btiOgS' n-rie-;iprs pr letters. Tiff rt(rns 11 that tht u1cd no tin 5 of Sep trm'nr, einl bee ia bird lyMtd-m papers to t.t?ftK. .'A eaSi'.l ptvWly rtrtlte tUte pi,Hf lis the,cir efsbit tnorftin-. Jn tut ntMowbtle wtcsrt -mure tht rssders tf t' M-rian'Ji Atlvtrtittr, tht n potutat jnitni.t if ttrumji a 4 ttkan pttce ince the 'it wf Chic f rrnr tdricts. 1 he dtsib t( Mr. t ul bat occu.osci aomt ttt? II fence of their territnrv.ind more panic ul.rly H lor the security of the city. Thia itRJrF 1.1 service wss immediately accented ! iK a. u vernor, and the detachment ordered to be 11 milfrrtil fur tntrvrrllnn n.l i. j a wctk. The xaihtia ts !ditird by Cols. B'tuchste, Mactrty and Dtrtirr. and .sito by the osernof aheo he tccptdtbe lender en toeir Mrvicea. . OITicers, noaommisioed edict n and rrl .... .1 . . . 1 . . . want wi m hi, .a, na aiertgtmcnw ol mil!ua luvesnticiFsttd y withtt, and fulfil. It J my t ipcCatiuns. -1 have to annouuee my aeerptince tf the t-pdtrof your military tervrt, and Jo add, tl at ym,f pair btic conduct will be jutUy ap. pttciaied by yourcountry. ,w.c,c.cuiiionNr- Afv-OrZrtfa, Oil. If, lag 6. BALTI.MOrtL, Nov. II. Enratt of a letter froesi rcner.l Wirklaaon. dtif d Hspids of Ked-rtivtr, Ikptember II, . . ... . 1! ! Mf order, end tbt conduct f the . McsUansare m much at s-aritnet, and the bptnittj commander, at' tht head of 1100 0 men, hit treated tht ttronf rrmoii. strafKtt cf fotemor Clibmt end colonel Co birir, with such sliftit, aRtr hating tra trsd tht ttrn'oey tat of tht Stbint, vbtrt be btt taken hit Mtrett pnt. tnd r..rt4 us y ititr.TTt.tT fnrtsee an Intviublt aftwil to imtlntU course of I wtlvt days, If tU &anisrdi tkaubl 5 t9lfttsd,orIrtctTt t,vujtr orders. And -TUESDAClXEMREil7, 1805" ANNIVERSARY of ST. ANDREW. ' ' The St. Andrew's o lety in this town, met stOick's Hoti lonSaturday evening att, (Sun day being the annivei taiy) where a splendid Kntettainment was' prepare!. Peter Max well, Eq- ftrctlded at preidet.t of the meet insr, and John Macamlan at vice prckidcuu The follow Ing ttatta were drank 1 , . I. The pious aad immortal mcniorj of t. Andfttr. , 2.' Thi- Klrkof5?cotlnd. i 3. The Land ofCakes. ' .V, 4. 1 he Land we live in. .' S. The Prrtidcnl of lh United it A. The Kinr of Great. rtriin S. t lo.i T. The Navy ami Army f the U. Slatrt. 8. The Navy and Army f Grcat-Bntain. 9. Tht Governor f ti c State. 10. The memory of tbe illustrious Cen. George Washington. . I. The memoiy of the brave Ccneral Sir Ralph 11. The memory of the illustrious Lord ;elton. . 13. ' Attschmenttoour native country and firfclhy to that we live in. - . 14. Tht beneyLaas that nlavsamonptb. Header. 15. The riftritar't Brnnisoa. 16. ttb Cibbs Ci r.trtct. iy. The American Pair. , Jota Mtttteoi, Fso. has been ehotn Senator in Cotigrtss, l thf LeuUl.iurw I Georgia for six yesrs frtm tbe 4tb of Msrcbr' nist. Koisar Wttciv, Esq. hat beta elected Coventor of tht State of Maryland. ract 01 Lancl on the SOTJND4 eight miles from Town, con- . .taming about 300 acres, adjoining )and oeto-nging aqiuajor, rv aixer,;.ana tr a pleafaoiH (iu'!fl' ny oa thc Sound jor furamerttfioence. . . v . - ' ( r n PoffefDon may be bad on the' fit ft day of -Jarruary next. 1 Apply to ; - 'm m RICHARD LANGDON. 1 November 17. tf ' , ' ; ; . ' . '- :;r:';v,,;For Sale;'V;V;. " ; ' On a credit of 6, 9 and 12,xn'ohtIjV, ' ' wiiK ftyrotti Notts uegitiakls ai.ihc ,Uatt$ ' oj Capt'fior , . j . j . ... , , . Nineteen Lots ' "BoundctJ by Princefi-flreet and Thytd tni Juurih-rtrciU-iAifa fuwdry-Lots ar'jofn.- ing RUhaid. Langdon'a and the Church Yard. , .... . - ' : V I - Pe Lot on FroDt-flrecf, adjoining Tf riugciattf s. J wr biinrlre.1 and twenty acres Land oa L tx k wood's Folly in Brunfwick "county. "PP y ' J"' tl!K. I IN. - , BkN.TiLANEY. )' i fPM. 1aWi.ii;Ikto ' . . . j .... , 4, No, ty Samuel Parmele, RESPECTFULLY imforrot the In., habitants of Wilmington and its v- ct j'v. tnat re lately commence.! tho CJIBISIT BUSINESS, at the houfe .f .Jan.t,i Richard, where he wiU fupty h$ tuilonitu at the fiiortcft notice and in t ho icsufl manner. ' , OHers from the country wiU te parti cularly attended to. . f N'ember 14. tf " ' . CUSTOM-HOUSE WILMINGTON. Larissa AVt. 26, Shcr Venut, Oliver, New-York Hannah. Lldridge, Barnstable 39, Tolly. SeBtw, 1 'rvviocttowa Pbwnli, Smith, Uottoa Julian, Ward well, Boston Neptune, Cook, Salem CLtaasa 38, Sch'r Ana Elita,Buggkst Jamaica Ship Venus, Uunct, Brittol ' Brig Etperanta, ColJtoo, Cetda- ' , Umpa 39, Brig r.veKos. Twyerots, Rt.Crotx' S k'r Polly, Williams, Chaile.toa Skip Wilmington, Childa, Domi. - biqut On tht Itth November, in 1st. Si, long. 73, cspt. Smith tpckt the Sch'r Jacob Ctttick, Xj"' ' l'i wtsjsslMisi iiwitftfsytw ln , bound to Maumitts , Ckltriim, AW. 31. . 9 rvporttil to be on shore, a tar Cip Poms in, wt art wu itturtd It tat , John Parmcie, - Fnm NEW rOJA", ' RESPECTFULLY inloron tU Inb l-itsntsof Wilmington & iis titmiiy, thst he has lately commenced li BLaCK. SMITH'S BUSINESS in all its tar.ous traachct, at bisfhop on Peter Carptnter't Whitf, and bn for fate on more rtafuru ab'e ttrme than can be bought Is town, Axtsof all fcici, made by bit own and wtrrsnttJ good. All other Hndi of Iron. Work rosde In lbe "rtcaiei manner and at tbe fbortcA notice. Ntvemhr 94. ' t Notice is hereby given, THAT tbe fobferiber, at the lafl counts X Lourt held tor lbe county cf Ntw llanovtr, was appointed aid qualifird at Admini Orator f with the Will anr.titd) of I fast Baldwin, lately rtecesred. He !,'. fore require! all peifons batirg demamla psinA the Lftite of fald Baldwin, to . fenl I theni legally sttcled whlin the tim limited by an Ad of the General AfcrnhU of North-Carolina, entitled 4n Afl t trtMl an AQ entitled an Afl conrernirg prosirg tjf Willi im tar,tir letters cl admlniflmlon, iod to pretcnt fiaudtla tbe miMfroient of lniefl,r,. n .... m 1 hole irkkeitd ate tejuctcd to make I mi raeeiatt ptvmtnt. W1 WILLIAM DICK, Ala',. WiIsninion, Nov 95.

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