J w. i r n i r n l n i : . i . si ; ' I B , aejofr 7 . :--:.; -..." " . ... . ' ' ;;,V - J y.- 'U 1 " ' ' 1 I .' " ' 1 ' '') '' ' h.jhii i mil J iih '" . " ' : r Li m . J. A,.aytaaTAi'..Vp,e . :ii ah;5rif-l:0Ttt-'EiRn -.wc.vvr.rx.r.-.!r """"" ! i : ...tl-t.-j-v.i'j. t-. -J- Lt.iZL.-t f -.-.7 I 7 -' ' - qutfiwf,' the Senate marie fehtike-.of Gene' taI Joseph. Uitldick, of Ga,le, a Iheir Sp-'. luf'riencrai 5f. Stokcii, aa ttek'; ncT MV jot fir? WilliaiT),- a" AsshrtirW Cleik.' NW . re'-Corhthjns ''Tnanie c1o5c of Pneml Ksrff Clek.n4Maj.; H Ifendersbji, Asi ' den, Doorkeeper. ' ;"L'' ' 1 ' ' tees to jraw rulcf 4ecorum,'fcnd ter In- , 'i farmitiWb Atlwt 'IffHeUtffi 9f 'tKigr. for-' ' - tramact public business, adj$unve4 H'jV'I .to anorrQvr. morning' 10. o'eloct.'i- j: (Ft ihtlltinorableJiht GintratAmmMj sf AVfA s -"r...-.;ti...;f i'' Cardinal : "; - vy ' ; 1 iiaring ueen omciaiiy iniormva inn WWwtetf.el 'th Igitiitf ' owjstii V "tianally organized, krJy to proved o b , ne, it is with pleasure that ! ijnbrac ihc i ' earUiwitpjwHiinity- ef'-stiWiUttwg to y; examination, an csount of nif official con dqt durinjthe tepoaa of the LegUIUure, c-, '-copipted mh uch infora4tiv (b ,tatP t of our public affairs, pKario merit your , '::,;.. ;atehtion. ' V. ' t , ' ' "Vh'ifile marVei A, contains tije letters of thds Juuticel tt Peace and OITicert f Milu! ' Ihi,' wh 'hae'TeKncd their ebinmisaiona ' . ainre-lie rising of the L,tKilvure. , .- 'The file mat kfj" J,'cintiin the proceed- - : r- J of Uii LegiilatureVoFh State of Mary." vii ' laml, kc on a eertain pHotedaqimdment Tf of thi cmi '.iit'u'ion of the V. State, rcpcct- The '! nurWcd C, .is a fluppjsrnentarf ' Itnirt f tie c,rmiMoer appohtc! on t lialf of thi Sta, fof te puVjW of ail. il'j!Vr:turterritori1 ipve jwita Uie State el-fiyh tiMini.- Jt is nwitcr. of niuch . ; rfM tba; iIk'u nroceedinrs cTcmuattd in . miner o 'r.fntrjr to tmr expectation It iicrjuii i4t.urc ui i:ic ncKckUon tnuuceu ire ,'i-e, 'St flny'fm'hcr iOU'uYika item with tlie Executive of South-Carolina, ot) the si.jrct of wir lifftrencei, would be t uiUcs. It nor rcminswiih the l egisla ture of this State, to a lopt tuch meamrc as tn t culcuUted to bring to a ipeedy con- ,fV a tffcrence of aolonja standing.. ' A.1 s. vnc9t!ri'in of our territorial cMf fcience' Vit.tt the State pf South-Carolina, ' became a very desirable n4Utr," as such an cnt m'ht lead to a proper anderstahding frith the State bi Georgia, with which Suite, ' ftliq.'ve unfoi'tiinaicly ie a diflfertnee, bot- touted upon the tarae principle. As tltc lal- ; r State baitubnwlted htr cliinj fur idjudi- cativn,to Ue highest trilm t in our irorerD- i lueiit, I lilve th'MiiMrf U not expeUient 19 ' forutaurdca'.e with tu xecu'4e ou the ub- ' jct. j The file rnukedD, Is letter recetel frara ; the Senators of this Srate in the .Cnjrres ' ftf tbe U. Sta'ct, rontainin infirnMtion , in whit laanner the eeral octets com- ' vnitwd Mi 4heir -h? W'the Ust 4ei I lit ore, were difM-d as aho of otitr , tnat'.crs imrheditelyhjteswif t j l!u Sute. i liy adetUr'toitt roi will Ut 4itfvmcd, that hef wte unturcnfut In Ihiirr n't avpurtt. Iir"' the jvn;.oticrs rT thi truMfvr fd t'i the pcni-,n Hit of lh Uuiicd Sutra. Thef hsre, bo eer, ,furrjlhed Reason! fr tli. f.J ire, l.ub ay be worthy t,f uuf coo- wl.k-Tlort. Ti'ou w'tfi lo he lnfemrl, that, aftrrre ttd -appiie'iona to .f.'wtre t .htii tlip a"-nt to a t att th 1 r !i1ure of JLTs Stair. nyM in Ue r ITOl ' eiiti'led, n a: Tv if.!ni :ht S.ate cf TenntMte " ft perflft litlittuUmli rrtc i(din lt fctalt tr the eei''on art " law h-s riu u tvt , e!Sc.t, though tO'tt the tete f NtrtU , l!rli'i. I be )?i'oanWii was pritfi,)!ty ft-Ji"n ano;iui tlt ame tf the prv--" it'ott er the Ur wtre ap infruH'enifl "f thr act of cett'on, and that the authority rri Tttto lb ' nf Tcnneaw, topctfect lU t'f, tic. wa (M eu the, inliiion whir U the lit eftN'ittb Car'J'raprofsascJ birjli ml 4 lf -t aboU be frsated. fo carry ialo eTetUie law of Cor-rrtta . jia tntmioncd, the Liecn'iTt f the Mate .el Tnnee sn4 ajhaathn, bra;Ml Hienger, ffr adelitery of the tvHikt.aod pjrs et r the Secretary's tff,'f. tf.sam jl: J tf the btfrttf recited act, aied mi the twr MH. bf the ifnturt ef the Stit ef ,Xif,h-Crgraa. ! reaur. in part a- sirwH tn tny letter to the liuur qf the f-m't f Tennran-e, I tlmft U-proper Jl.r ikem, Wm kf t. of the It''lJ' f ti n SfHt. One ai tiltte ip(i l f.ett.'ia ptvcw'o'e, was tt.eUe lr,ilurnf the St'e f Tepnts sesjuJ rf'vt fai eanttiM Vt ojera tgithe law tt Cor.rreas btfc't pmB) of hen wld lr by wSitbtlilaf, the LraU'.urt c( tat bull f KorU-Cawl.-a .jtrijht bare jt '"oppoffiinttf to ; uraow tvr.h ' j , nioui Tri5ht''be considerbdii06t wdi4t ijauietosecurethrightsoriwrcHTZ.ens wre . tiqn, however,,, we have 'beea: dSaappomted Thc' EegiMature of theState of Tenteie nave passerj laws on the Subject, which KrUl T aljortly be in compleat toperation. Under thete circumstances, u become ektremety que- . tlonable,1 whether a fiirtbef detection of the :bcdkv'&cv'wiU answer any valuable purpose.5. Iicoinmi-t the subject to youraetrloua 'eonsU' 'will be adopted, ei gre ommen&urato with" the interest of the State." " . 4 - I ' The file marked' E,' contain an atithentlf cated copy of a taw; passed by the ' LegWai ttiro tef the State of Tenneisee,1 during its ; laat'sesslotjV Ihe provisions' of wbich are in tended to carry into effert the law of Con. f K.ress, futhbrifin Tthncasce to issae gant ; &e. pnt&ed the I8ih of April, 1 806, accorn panic j with a letter from theccihmhionera ;-':of'Yest-Tennesseei 'appointed pursuant to ii.ri nw, nnnin;; lunntr appucauou lur ins delivery of the books and papers out uf the 'Secretary Vpffice. The urgency of the case claims your earliest Attention, aa delay might ; originate serious dictiliie: f !f , r '; ... ,iyhc Legislature, at their last session, by , reto'mifm, directed the Fxecutive to appoint an agent op counsel for the purpose' of re covering the amount of a judgment, obtained, a jainst John Armstrong, deceased, late entry . taker of western lands. Hitherto I have not thouglit 4t expedient to employ uch 'a per . son, being unwilling rfto incur expence with out the. project of reimbursement." " Upon examining the Secretary's office, 1 found that four grants had issued in the name of Juf.ii AraitttiMHig, cohtaininq; in tlie whole, 14,927 .. acres of IahJ. l 1 immediatrly wfcite to Al ry Matthew- tirrnbs of thfr State of Tennessee ' who I ubJciuk).1 waa the adminisrit'o of his estate, rrques'.ini; to he informed, w hether : those l.inds wee tiil the property of the ev tate of Jcil n- Armstrong deceased, or not, and if bot, hw theybave been disposed of. o,lM letter 1 have received no nwer but from informal ion, !'aiued iudiiecily, I hHvc reasoo to h Jieve that the wiiole of those lotida have b-en alienated, longaince, froai. bis eattite. It it tnpected That John Arm a'.rmig, dccjeaeiW-w jutwiy naM, wi'.h other in the cnteni; of a lre jtjujyui,ty' land In the Stat? of- i'ennetsee, but ai yet I have not been able to procure the cviUft.ce of the fact-. . - . . " ' My Private Secretary will lay before jop the book containing the public letter written so and from the Lxrcuiive for Use present year, together with the Journal of Conreia and aucacT the laws a have bren received fro the several States during the rcccit. Having Jtitialied my cnmniumcalion, per mit me, Gentlemen, to. call youratterftien r e ncrailyiotboae ojects, the prcjer rnaan merit of which are calculated to secure our libenics, our peraotul harpinos, and the wealth and respectability of the Stair. On the subject ef Education, little can be aaid which ha not been said already by my pre decessors. But t will Uke the liberty to ib- t;rvc, that in a Government onii'uUd ft ours, where thr People are everj thing, whei e Uuy are t;,e rmUia of all power, it le comei ii Cniirly important, that they be stif ficien'Jy enlightened to realire their interetu, and .to comrrebend the tiai means of aJ- .vn-mg thrm. Jnileert it may be alarmed wah truth, th.it unlcis Vhey be informed the duration cf their hWtties wil be prtfariout, their eneiiiicft will seduce them fnm the pur suit of their true interest, or their own prr. juiUees lead thrm into fatal dangers. If ibis be true, and no intelligent .tnan will deny it, hnw deei'ly.intcrcitiii becomei the etijUiif, ' whctliertbe ciiischa rf this 'State ate aufi citntly ttJ'jl.trned to know and value l eir own nchtit to i'iirern and t' pi'nvide against iuvtiiont cf thrm to f!iktiiiuKh betwred . opprtuionarMt tt.racSiiy exerciar of law I fut u'Jinrit? ; to !ir,niin.ite the iiit of .tct din.i tht nf.;kimiourt't, to t l.eriih . tint ott ab I avoid ihe.bthcr.. The ri quiry is ; .tf vatt cjsiei'grer, and worthy t,f jocr ar. '' , titftis toni'!crat!' n, . . . i he ' nnturAl liuu'inn rf the State brirg tmfvort tn eon.m-rre, it is pf ihe great- it ini', iruni.e thai liberal pioviiion shoulJ be ma le i.i i.i'ttr il itnrotrmcatt rarticu laily L the riitbhihruiat ef gour' public rod.ael the '.. iivi.m tf our ialand nar ration. Not iiing can be iaira congenial to lUl'rif llepul ltcan Covtmruant than the nplicatw(t of. resources, drriicd from all to tie bcncGlof all. In fttt there ie inch .an intimate connection belwcra public and puM't inteit, tb.t it li irppviuMe to pre irio'e 0 r t, wiiMit adi anting the other. Thrircufiiy f fpT nj arid the pub'uh- rntnt ef cr"nrt, dl prttirjy ttime unuer i sonr coni'uleratinn, at d will prove to' be hit o' jrt f the frit rnsr.titude. In your i!e .'rilwii on il.ii ml.j.t it will be nctesiiry to tnike the errjo'ny, whtiher the rifht of prtrty under the e lining laws ere a deqviatelr Mtertd. If they be, it woel4 be the titV.ht of f Jiv o alter Ibe preett ata'eof things bet it not. It becorccs veuf UttLipcnvalW iutflo ityiu lack a aja'tt i'of law at V acMtRplufeinVVvtecttyi-Wr curmg (o cvei y man the friiits of hisow h- 1-, iduttpy,in a mannerthat khhll be, easy,pi:oinpti v;The! public niirid has for lotne time been" chhiKkrably agitated by,- the cpniemplafed1 cnarfoja of ur 'imlicfafiy -evstem In corise-'" qttehco ef 'the nbspahrfed popujatidn of Oiirf' state,' ot tue inueeAce of commerce, aawie erkdUnl-inereaae ef -weaUh,:'nd of the' inevi-? .. table vicissitudes pf human affaira, it rea- ;iiHec requirci iRoiNncaiionk. aw. in enecting any aUaration, permit nre to cautjon-ybtj a5 I gainst tempQtarr'e"pr.tlie!iiti, (bH'tRef ''wUl weaken , rather thaii trnglberi the n 'of jusntp.'," ii,iiiri; lutjtti ihcuiiik lis ivutiu' . to be inteiiiroven -in t) 'exiiting aystenv,sln '. jtiriaua wr burthenaomej 'cauie thenTto' be' ; amended ! with :a-respectfur 'though teadi ; hand, and direct all your Vie wa to permanent' i mcutfteai: ' tun tnufct snjderihatryeaacd ' placed ii tho rerpoplb yituatton pf frurainif . lone, - y'-ij-;, j . . . i You have rny rAost;ar't'eiit iish, that your, i delibcrajioea may b? coii3icleU vijb tbu,! , moat harmony ajtd ",'thWv't ,r'lirr spiritrM be aiiut'e'd, that jn all your en deavours to Dioriote lie nubio trood arid ire- neraV welfare, fbti may dcpiid on my fe; pectful and zealmi tatiiiuh'j ' ., .' 'J'have the hopdf jo be, pli hijb con'ucrv anirl reVpect,5''5 -'?;' 7; - , v' ' .' : - ' f-C,n''leien; '-f.:i.r rC Ot: ; ' Yoqr mo&t jnbtdV ' '': ' ;y;.-n.-.-... ., KATt AI.EX A$PEB" Foreign nee. Extract tf 'a tellt'r from lptrpid, dated, SejL ".Annexed I hand you Ptias Current lq bi(;h I b.-g vo ir, : rcfitrreiLc, VVe ,bV, nothing pvore reiprrticg the nrgoci.uioji for Peace with rrvcep, but IhAltluy are ti: Con tinued t more we vovcot to answer aoiue no- ".i'';' .... i ' imcai puipte, inun vd iei,ia,:tn.pi tacir hcing.brouht to an amicaijc conclusion U glnerally b'btu-d our d:irience with Pltiavl 1 b? iiruiidiatfly tajrved, , .-revejal vessr's re (h,w vVvnjJ'iyeat Jt Dii'sirk, for Grcat-iltiuitw, (jut ra.oiifac. turen are in great pirits, in conieq'ijce cf thecjptuie of TUieiios Ajrei. Acer.urrra to alt irnmense extent si e pir paring for 5;u'h America, and ,w .ant'uifate a brisk tradv there thi winter. Upwds, of Hr'y. ves sels are now loading hcr,e.. av! m Jondm, pa Ruenos Ayre. It lia bd rca'.rcial in tluencion our Cotton Mfa,'krt, nd ye erprct j early irupnrti of u'.btnd which py ,wtU as there ta itaitrely a J bag ofU.at ,dcciip- IVU lit ,ll UlllKl it . P.icnCtrtnU Sffttrrhr 23. . , Vhet, 11 a I2a. 70h. J1rvr Sitperf.ne, 44 a 45s. bid. 1 ine, 4t I 44. At to-caeiit jo ("emaod. bu expected to be lewer, a the produce of .nury.wii lu;wt ii abundant, i.l there are ciinsidt-rahle qnunti'-ie of grain lippinj; in Uie PtUiaiasi ports or CtciiLliri. tain. .. , .Cotton, Sea Tlnr,!, ordiiry, 2 Id. a 2s. Pw tO'hN, 2. .til, a Si. 3d. f ne, Ct ,fd. a St. 8,1. .Lpland Uwed, 50 ailj -N'ew-Or-Ji;ns in t,rh'ul ir demand. t'l Uiid is .tery acarce ti.umut.ii wanted. rattAcjrt,ritA, Koy.rp. JCr thia mnrn'mc'a mail we I are received o'irhltaof Gbjvov, Iivrrpoal and lAtidon Japcrs. .bnour.ht by the ah.pNew Guide arti ved at New-V'oik from whjch w.t have made at ropinuitairicts, for this dsy'a IUtSvaraa, si our time and limits would admit. Among our London 1'iptn.we f.nd the! Tmit Qeuritr, and Hytntf ef lie 26th ' Septertiber,4etng later tcan , an noiictd .in Ibe New-York Pnnia, receurd on the Conti rer. Treir egnters are decide 'ly indicative of r A rumour hud prrald in Lfiulon '. on the 23th, that the .dtflurence bete ten Traoceand Prunia, was compromiicd, : and that Lord Uuilr,le ocgncutlirn was in. a liain of pauficaljuitniBU It was enri sta led that the cxpciiitiona, which wctatcadylo .!! from I'jiRUnd, had been cour.trrrusnded thtie report wrre however contrat'icted on the tCih, and bythe evening priett cf that i!ar, il errr t rumour. was a sunk jnlUng tneiieNe meiuntr Inline ani-. .ved front ine continent, snatue csptuuiuni Inline tailed front dtftoent P"rm tattd looor London detailt of the 36ih. It wi believed in Lotion thai a natienger bad been diipattbed tor the mal.ef Lord Lauderddc. , ,Inc, 5epti tl. 1 Jtartfd AlirrrnVfuV J!Jtiij,mi, It , ,. Jyt fiil,r, : - Ilia ftlsjaily'ttlip Vrlnp r-ITCUincar. ntig, wur Lllwit, Sypt..f, 113. N llony'a ship, the Veteran., ia ioCrecar neiu.' lt UaimUrtek, aadat Ijw. witrr, Ihe eatraoce it r4i(UUlr iirrotta'.frth rock , so that it ia b;oWl fcf a l lt alroy hrr il, out prM0t torse . l be Attack bng is thenf iie iiitjijcbed to taaCcct ,.wh H e lalwrnauon, (tt nothing tat be dun ndboot "MI3-V.V"fi iJUnyiljlJ uviuinigiw, Wk -ill mm$ti: bMV'e .ttpunteirridl ,her, , ; gjjns on HJjftrfi fu ,W protijqa, aud. fbe i ; agpli amonij te.rocka. .,.1 If jre yoif tojudge, . .eiebqgfe5intw'"e.r(re fouM'1 Vhr cun cnjQvt i,btf, ,but; ,,w.ien .fuq, bimti. arrive .jjftWiisigf,fec of .hxreslruc. K- an. ,rL ..Hi.J!sL.. . a? n ! . a f - tor the Spanish Main. WcsTinderstanJ UiaL 1 tfel )h ftbfi;ftjb, .njlj bo; h reitpent ar'a i ft" ilSStvWr: ; -;-X- ': , - r.4ms(-!fi HfiWAf-Ciptaiu y5.Ul qf ijieearjhiswrned from t'hVArnq-t v tn.ajipovatrareeatj irtlmt'p arj ' a. V jmiediapilyjordertfj.u4)Qi b'imifer.fijing.9pjhef mericapycsc,whji;:t . tnade an jfif)j,pHae;. y Jhesrmans, .'tlij- Ujlijt pfibqjc-predinga, fhkjK jaye givti spm.uch nca$jneij(QaiUb ccjuiiujs, wb',.. -Pbifajjjjr.de . ; ,f It, ji jijiid ll(4t jjie pu.e of PefVford fits iec; iveaUed, fym the-governmepj o1f 11.-- . J.c JtUiiim Tutertac ortbe roxiles m We tre exTtmely batpy to announce. the safe arrixtei'itrahe-ataluab.hr Leeward 14- V'd fleet. Tli,e Uetinis fcclu.ier srriveL'jt Jjpitbead MjX 'C!h't,fc5tb aijltcc'olht' tf tiieir : , cafe ii'Vivfl'iij't'he''Cbu!;htr, unil cofftoV "o? tbe Agi merifrort J2i;tl Iwii' ri'igateyrU' - con ltt'llt'n'jVrt'nf'!fin'i,;t" '. " ' A veiaijarrina ol SuntJsf .'at Grrenocfc .' from 1 :jbo,8 whVreMJe'left tail St.'t Incrnf with siit aMofiht lkte'tnd h frijiate. - Ilia - brdahip wm living cxi ahi.ftt Scat near- Pelluu Ca!le.; it it not tcuo that lye laid drawn'out the. Tpttucuese nea if war ' and was rigging ihtmj one Porii'guee, ahip of t,e jine, howtvrfhad sairtdfpr Airi,,--1 At IenUiarer to t;uiy ticuys, ana or den, and counter 6r2er5,.the expediticn for Sicily has tniled. It sailed on V ednetCi)"f In forty traiip6n, tmer convoy of Vice. Ac' ' " miral Uuckworlli,' m the' JKoyal George, ana . at five P. M. was 'between the ' Kem lleThd and ine uoutrun, witn a utrwvrid Irom the northward, and was expected to ie clear of the Channel ycttcrday morning. 'The trana portt with the 45th, f7ih, end Sith regiments worked outid" St,n-boi roo!, and we be licve sailtd fur JV4uu,ulh, where it it .aidf , UiEJ VIV lit luur4TUUC UIIUIVIUKI IIWI Slf . nye, yviien tuey wili sail au together. . i he . Alias arnvtd at I lymouth on yVet'neicay from Spiihead. The Tury, with the trans ports nd sior'e-ih;;!!, yere hourly expected the Atlas will sail M Ibem as aovn ka the Ten sail of trsnsnoftv whkh tailed" frmri the Isle of AVbht on Sunday lat, put bark' to PortiratAi'hyeterdy, having teen recalled. Ihe town was inundated yesterday with rumours, it was stid that a meiscnrrr had arrived, fiom Paris wi'-b the inirlligirce of. the differences between Trance txd Frusta having been adjmted. It was aaid. tic, U t the tijcsrencea between this ecwntiy and rlwsia had alio been acttled 5 and it was in ferred that Iird Lauder JaU'a nerr atirts would terniinaU favowahly. As a pro,,f that . gorcrnrr.ent eie of that cip'rion, it w a, " tertedthata telegr; h order had I'nj t li e tailing of the ex.etln'in, Ttosf rumcur had tume effrct upun the fund. ' No niciteiicer has armed lrom Paris lirre Mr. Smith, and we have alrec;v 0,en wht .credit ia due to the ruuK Ur of tbe'sailirg of the ex pkitiiton having Lien ceut termai.iied. It it nuw dauUed whrthcr Iluonapart l.ao left Tarts. Tbemrver -ger, Smith, it said to h,e brougpt Jhe bTslhgcnce. I5ii(,njprte, weknow, w,as expected at Ibe Hague lat Wedifevlay. - . . . , , The Navy I Jit, jit puhHited, CDuneratoat the following tXTcers. via i ,. ' Adurireloflhe fret - . . I Admirals of li e Ilea . .' ' 31 , Admiral eftlie While - - Is ' -' Admiraltofilie Five '. if r Viec-Admirahefthe Iteil "If . Viee-Admiratsbf tie Wbi'.a ' lj Vice-Adiplrali hfthe lUue "'-! lUar..,ln,iiiHof the WtA II' . liear-A.pviriaof u.e Whre l I , Ilear-Adialrftltofthe lilue - 3.t , , rt.CapV'ia . . - .irai. , Commit. i!irt . . 44 1 , l.Uultnaii't. - .2335 .' fir Geor;c Ptoveit. who baaleeo ami for to U wn, it it tail!,, wiH gn with lis rrc'imeuta to the Wtit.Imlirson'a pailiculaf aervUc. Suib'.cn ori!er have Wen tetit afier.the '4 baitslions of the Cnman lt-ion, whhh late Ir n'lcd from rortimouth, tiA to pruccd to Irehnd. ' . 'r Admiral lu'i, whosi'.lej ffm riymrrt!i lomt time a!; l irtl pui-jwM i f inte rrj tig Admits! Vil'.a'imti'i i(un.ron, n hu ter ptlitioO that'll Vli tttUtnil'g trt l.orr, hit artived at Tlrooth,'wbre he w,H remain liil be it juintd Ly Ihe tapt,ct,n eLitb il c,ipecudioiil every day. ' 1 Capt. t)ohrr, Uie ef tie Kj'litt.a, re oflhe Ardrnt,' of runs, is itjnitdto conwy the troope dedmed fr nouih AmtrU Lea 4 we t mem ma ibsiir isio ie a innate end tDf Wba Utbb vnul taaiitt , V...... ...... . -.. ,.

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