. :a&xih', v I : Bank of Cape-Fear. . it- Wholesale Store.. . . .. ' nai tnc muicnucr, at in lailCOU&ry It V I V " 'Hcrcuy gci luai mui JL- Court held tor the coUti'ty of New. lli ATarid after the tweuty-nlih day of Jin-1. VJjtr"& dafyiiW be on Man-' H mover', was -appointed and 'Qualified at AdminiArktor (with 'the AViU'artiiexedJof Ifaac JJildwioi lately deceafcd.:i.He there, fore .requires all perfons ,1va?fng jlethande uainff the Eflate of faid Baldwin J. to pre- feat jhe'rii legally attefted" withia the time 'i Jiisutedpy an Act ot the Ueneral Aucmbly" v of North Carrolina, entitled An AcY o amend ajjtt cntidedan Aft concerning' proving di wiui nu &rnung icnrs i or admlniitration, and to prevent, frauds in , the management of) inteftate'., eftates,", ; therwife' they will be barred of recur cry,. . Thofc indebted are requeued to- make im mediare paymint.-;"'-1'' r! --;; a I if : 1 ; VVILLIAM DICK, AdaViv-i rTHE subscribers (ia consequence ofj tbeir aw late1 nmportatione from Ne wbury-rortr Boston and New-York,) ;offeE for sale, whole , . aale Viid retail --KH ?'yr-iMUlti4i ' Europeart ind IndiiGOODSi i: particularly adapted to the-present aad. ep DrOachinrr season. , : ' r.S.-s " ' -Their assortment of SHIP CHANpLEUYj nuch enlaiedtand a C0ftant Boppiy may do V depended upofl,;with a liberal credit , to those who raa have1 occasion to equip vessels ei ther by indemnification here, or .any part, I the continent. u v : , -. ' Also, having established a regular Packet, . to ply between New bury -Port,, Boston and tWi'place, they viiH generally havft.foMale almost everr article furnished by the Eastern, States i among many others now on. land, are N Ev Rum by the barrel.or puncheon, Pota-, toes, Onions and Beats in barrels, Furniture, "White Rope,," White Pine Boards, Qil. Pnts, Sole Leather, Shoes and . Boots, Cotton Bed Ticking, Tow Linen &c- with a considerable ejliantiry Sweeps k sable bar Iron, German Oznaburgs' and Tkkllngburgs, Cotton. Bag nfkc.; -", : !.":'' " I V .-.i . . . Every description of produce will be taken in payment, mors parUcularly.TpbacMCot ton, Bees Wax, Tallow and Tar. - , Cash may be had for ft few hundred Bear .Skins,.:.'- t'- . - Liberal freight will be given for 300 tofts shipping to load for Barbados. V ' v r . 6 GAUTJER k, CO. Uary next. day, and Difcounl dij op VVednefday, In" u Bv Order, of the Oifeflbrr. JOSHUA POT fS, 'Ca&Uri': INFORMS hit-old Friends and Cun' .fmers,1 1 thstf ' ;'he;hai''tafcettva fhop'ln' Frori Street, where he carries on thd- $dddle land Harness Making'foisi " nessta all. V;varrance$,'; ' Ht batntw tn htni atidjoj Sale,;; ; Men's And Women's Sldd!cs, cf the firtt qtuility,') UarDeiTespjated an'd, cutnmpn,.; tbtapftr Cujb. .i ;v.3,:)4.'V.i. 1 subscriber $ are now opening and offer for tale f v 'iTKkage or lets quantity, - ; a A very large and general Assortmeftt of '( Dry Goods, Hard Ware, Hats, &c. ' ' .' ;? Consisting of . . .' N tGRa Cloths of various kinds; Blank etl,;",Coatirigs, Flannels, - Broad Cloths,' Cassiraere Velverets',' Thicksets, Threads, Muslihs,' DuranUj ; Linens, 'Dimities, " Cali ' ma'peoes Ribbons,; Shawls,' Handkerchiefs, coitir( v oole'n and worsted Stockings, Ciipes, ' Edgings Modes, Sattins, Gloves of all kinds, .Bedtlcks, Onaburg'si' Swansdowns, CardW liafsjCallicbes, Checks, Nails, Locks, Hinges,'; Ahvils, Vices, Hoes, Gilnsi Pistols, Khives land Forks;? Pocket 'Knives,' Penknives, Scis sors, Razors," Brushes of ell kind a, mill, Cross idut and HandBaws, r Fileskt)d Rasps,; Bridle. Bittaand Sfirru'ps'of all kinds, Plated and tin lied 'Saddles'. VCiVDeiiter! 'Toolfc Sh6t! Sad Ird.'Scythes , a rid Sickles, Pins, Buttons, rX8 thoOth day of December next, will .VA: be fcold. at the Court-House' ta-.V.iU mirlgtoii, a Jract of Land, with tlii Improve. mentsinerepn yIoop-t'oint, to salisly sun.; jdry 'executions, vs. , Daniel M'phm'my, re-.; burnable to Janpary Couvt-Thefe is a fcood" hJuse with out houses thereon, and the- land is of an excellent quality. A further desepp-' tion Is unnecessary as it is well know n. " ;.J'UoT.'.rW.,.i ; Wmi NUTT, gh'fft'' ''J-'--- Town Taxes.' :'3ohn Scott ,T iHE Town Cornmiflioners bairg pre f T Jl fing j for the Town ..Taxcs,;: notice Is hereby given, that Tarn ready to receive ;th fame, at my Office in Pfinccfvflteet, and : call upon all ctnccrncd to take, no ' i ice.' ; ; .. .-. . 1 v r r ' - .-' . - Wnw Nutt Sh'rTV M:NoVember:i8.vV V '," ' FOR SALE ; Paints and WindoyiGilass,; English Gun Pow- der.'Men'i Womeh's and Children's Hats-- ,witn a variety ot quier anicics too icon 'mentlon;;::': if Tliey hive also itii ddhiott to their ifat rettitei h thi. late mi' jrm rf-' rork iht following Articles, which hi wU ' stl? on the moif natonablt terms for Cash or Product; ' ' ' , , C?UPEK FINE; fecond & elaflic Cloths, O Caftmerei,. patent Cord and fattto- - Cloth, , , ,. , Waidcoatings fuitable to the lealon, ' sht. Coatinct, Bocklnci,' " K-napt Plains, Ketfeys and Kendal' Cou . tons, - ' . - i IWe Bnketi 7., 8-4 id 9 4. r Doffil ditta 6-4, 7-4 nd M. . . . ., Ji&Ume affjittnent of plain & QtVd. lUQ-ui Tla'ndkercWch ard CspPrni, Cotton and linen Cambrkk, Calltcoci, , Corded and diamond Dionititl, , Catnbriik dj Cotton Sideling,- - , Thread and cotton Lace and E'ln, Cotton Koctinf, . . ' l. Giidles and Tnmmj, i'ufniture Filnt and Lace, A vaiiety of Kiibo Fist and round fiVut DotttD, 1)0 . 0, Dobbin, - 4 , Tapej ' ' ' ''. ' LVrns rf avety fire'T. I,. (It and RlG ShssiiHC, . , .' p' 'VaVicCloihl 6.. M, t'hj 10-4, '.STOclclNfcwM.n lien's anJ womsn'i cot en andC.k. . , GLOVRS-Mcn'isvhit. k. heavff andhite kid, ; ' Xo"t"i black anJ whit. rlc0. Ctotet Gloves, " . . , I),. Ion, braver ndr.hiuUJ do. 1 F.fhWnsh1e pW Elf lloopt, .11 n...ft i'tnt. Lpri.nYbri.J-r.UfhenCom, " LsJies Morocco rocket Boki Tuif.1, Cot tort 1' or f. ' ' ' ; ; JaftWK.abi.iVk. Watch Ch-Jj , Silver Tih IVki aod Pencil Cara, Swie1)t"K nt Cank Shell SIaBo". Mn,- women's thiUreri 5hoe, 'WjWi children'! BonwMr . A err ffofin ol Vi'. Do. Gf'iS J v( ,,kr " lie'! III haVttce5v i rijr.r. ' ' ravable at the lUrk ef Csr-I . ; VA LU A B LE Plantation on tie Nor'h Eall River, a-'joinine South i Walhington, coi talnirg fit hnndjeJii J . . forty acrer, ont hundred of which is u. der good fem e, the whole' adopted to the f' ' i r ill . ST"I culture ot corn, votton ana nice. 1 nrre are on the prcmifes a tolerable good Dwel ling Motifs and Convenient out houfei. for terms apply to the tublcriner in bo, Wafhington, -' ' . ' . " ' v . . T. 1SL Blood worth.. 'Nov., 1 1. tf.;.,-. . ..Z'-. j." A II ALL keep cot,stant!y. on. hand, at' the Prinling-otTice, . 1 A large Collection 'of . BOOKS, Amoaz which are School Cooks of almost every kind. iJLSO, STATIONARY, T . consisting of . " . , 1 XjLANR BOOKS assorted, Thick Pott Folio, Thin ' ditto, Quarto Pot. Gilt edge Foolscsp, i-PAPER, too tedious to e also: addition 1 to their Sfock already 6n hand, Impo'Hcd rotbe'ihirfPatnibi'' JUSVKI11YCU U UUI ,BIIU WI1.H.U III lew' dys' will hi latftle'd,; ":!' '-..;:.!'-. it 120 Casks fine drawn1 EnglishNalhi' "' j t casts Guns well aborted, ' ' v tiiw j Pistols of .various kinds; ';VV'V" "? :'' Hoe,' arid a' very reneral assort- nientr Hard War. ' J"J ' ' 4 . V' . Wumipgton, aept.,ys. AV A-T.CHM A K.K.R, INFORMS the public that he repairs Bis tols. Swords and Guns in so complete 5 ; manner as to render them equally as good at , when they came out of the handa of the tua- '; nufucturer. . ' . . v ., .' '.. " j -r- yt Wilmington, . Nov 4 .7 tf " '. ' TSTotice. 1 'i " 11 "i 111 v .''.'.' . TO EE SOLD-tt r CaA.rrtuni, t ... '. 1300 acres of Land about 30 mile's above Jjvetteville 6a ihtf l onh-eaft 'fide ofjvl.e t'ner, a MH f)cifant fituation,on w hich are gooil Spfi' ts an( aGiift Mill' oo an eac(,'h-tit'jlrem, a good! dwelling' Ho'ufe'and convenient out Ilnufes, JTlier it ;eo land enough to work ten ottwdvc alk Minds. It re-tnt about onetrile and 'an ha'i on tl;e river. ; - TiiC low land infe- flu to fKre onrinc: ineri4e ijir e.l Jif.:tJ to tue culiu(c of wheal a: U tobacco t . ., h '.'.. ;'..-., ,s . For terms arrly 'o SAMUEL NORTIUNGTON. . November 10. tf Plain do. do. Pot, Marble, Blotting k' Wrapping Ink Powder and (Quills ot the best qusliiy, Shining and common Sand, Red and Black bc'.lin-Wax and Wafers, Lead Pencils of vnricus kinds, Some Charts and StauieYa Joemala, Cyi'l rrint? r.d Opy Bocks and Copy Slips, Blanks of all kin ! in common use. fjj Wanted an Apprentice to. the Printing business. Inquire at thu OlT.ce. ; Nathaniel Danat- : WATCH-MAKER, RESriXH t LLV acq- .-ntsihe InhsM tints of Wiluil'igt"" k I's vicinity, that he has taken the sUp adp .i' r Mr. Jacrb Harwnsn', at ths corrcr ef Front and Dock- btrttis, ' , , . . , Whiu ft has r St't. " Warr'sn'eJ Wa'tie c.h and wirhit t ennd hsnds, Gld Jals Ktys and Clums, Lar Drops, ,Brtt l'ins, Combs ( nwtst fihKis. Pocket Ciokl with Invtrunivnts, Piitnls, Plste'd Can-tleslifk,' ilftr Thim ble. Silk Pursss, UrsrtUts, kc. N. B. Clotkn Watchfs, and Comrss jrpaired In thlbet Manner. Culd and Ril vtrsm.ih'a work dvoe with Cdtl.ly and Cia pattH.. , , Wilmington, Ktv. i. tf. lit fnhfcribtr is r.ttu tpeting at his Sttrt ntxt dot" ctjl tf Mr. fthn Cathtrda't, in Alatht Strut, , A geneial Affrtrtmert of . Boots and Shoes, Jmtnpvhit ft ' . LadlesMace kid Slipper, Coloured and plain Amrticsn do. CAMPBI-Um . Watch h Clock-Makcrk Jeweler, RtirECTHJLLY afqualristheln. hsbiiarii of WUmirgton ard Invl. cinuv, tl.it ka lately ismovrd loihthink . houC formerly ovcuf i J by M r, Jha Wil. llaml, mcichant, whete N has fof f,U a nest afTiHtmeot of GJJfli Si'rrr Wiitll, jtwtlrv, &c. a'fo Cr'ieuci if lifnsl ! Mpall GoU SiWtlWarthrl, Cbtks & Jiwtliy. Ktpsiifl onWlull art inftt id fr tn Ji"i and on Clods (of tu fttn. aSetctnUr 10, if Ceil black anlcoln,red Morocco do. with and without hctli, Do; do. wiih coik folci, fuitable for wet wcaiher, &c. r. . SAMUELMETCJLF. Ktvtmltr to- if Bill & Rankin, i HJT1F.RS, ' ' RESPECT HJLLY inform the Inha bitant Kf Wi'mingtonind its vlcin Ii, thai they hsve jutlaifived from New. York with an AAWintbl of the tnoll fCi Icmtle Hats', that could be profiirel, ror.nding ol Beavctl, Callori, felt Hats, tic. ' ' ' ' They Vive taken fart of the (lore occu piad by Mr. JshkI Pervn, fiddler, where i,ey iil difptfs of the fame at the New York Prices. A. B. Hits rrt'lf drsuYl, Wllfitingron, November 10. tf ' Sirti1'i"",""SSWSf) PROPOSALS WllXbe reeried at the Collector'e Of fice in W ilmincton, until the lOih dy of Dersmbcr nest, fur the building of a Vesvl or Schooner, intended as a Utrcnue Cutter, of the fuliowuif dimensions, vis. length of fcecl forty thrwe feet strait rabbit, length ef Beim seventeen fctt, tUpth tf Huld six frctt her Timber to be competed of Uve 0k and Cedar only, well seasoned- Yellow l ine Plank clean of Sap, one and three quarter inches il.Uk, for bottom, cltlm nd licks, wih toltd Wsler Wafl of Yellow Pine, toRrthrrwith food and sufficient Maits, ards end Sfsrs nectsiary for such e Ves m to be fittrd for rsrryiag sis Gun ia the wiiit. and all the Iron work com tJe at. Her Eotiom to be Coppertd. lbs Copper, om- CiitlonCosirid Ne'ilafonke same, lo be md 1atkl builder, and dslivtrsd at WiJ rointoa. The whlstobe InHhtdle a workmsa Ms aisnntr, tke cielmg of tke Csbtn eaecpu ed and to be dslivtred at Wliin'n a trreiUlf 14 conlracl. Security Lr the hiib lulperrwsnce win be remind. For further Psrtkulsnj enquire at ifce Ct4 lector! OrTt, The Latiaaui to be sent la Sealed bp November 10. For Sale HOUSES o-LOTS. Fcr I iMkttlart arp'f fiihtr o tie tunei ft . . - JOHN HILL'. f Hi persons .indebted, to thoj estate ef a PriscillaSill, late of New-Hanover Coun ty, deceased, 'are , requested to make -pay. , mtnt, and those' haVinfj demands against the . Said estate are hereby notified to present their" accounts properly attested o the subscriber, Within the period prescribed by law,' other wise they wil! be barred.oT recovery. ; THOMAS COWAN, Adm'r.' ' Wilmington, Hot. 4, 1606. tR f . MOT-IQE. , v , t; A LL pcrfens inJah'cd to the Icfla'e pf fTX MAtr MeiK deceafed, ,aie. Jierebyr lequefied i6 make : irooiediteaymecit j. and tHofe to whom the : fald. cflate Is in debted! are reqarred't prefehtlihei ac 'count! projserly aitefted wifhin'Uhe tim Jimired by law,' other wif they 'will bo debarred of rec'oee'ryi"5':- J-il..r.t.n, .t rt H RICHARD LANGDON, Ea'r. , ira f - T.wi nm m. t- : -j -T -"" RAN away fiom" the fublcribrr about f lie fiift of June lai a negro waihan ; jfiamed RACHAEL, 8e is fa woil known " 'til this plare that a particular eVftripcofl Jj uni)Vceirty ihe wi lorr.w!y tie. pro 'perly of George Mrnick, EfcJ. -svhich in- duces roe to Ihink fhe rnay be- lurking 'bout liis plantation 'on the Sk)ind.i-I wirt pay the above rcwarJ "d ait reaxinaote charges for the delivery of faid net ta , tne in Wilmington. . , ' . ' .;r7'R. 'Mitchell; ; : .WL'mtogtoD, Kf. 4, , r- " - . ! 1?n1irvtn Sn,,f 1 ... ' State of North-Carolina . '. ' , ' v" New-IIatiover County. ,y r, ' 11 BY Hanson Kelly k Samuel Blood worth, Lxquircst wo of the Justices of the Peace ' of the said. County ,, . ? i Whereas complaint hath-bren tliis day madeto us, by R. Mitchell of the s.ld county, that a certain Negro S1tc belonging to him, . named Aa'chael, hath aUculcd herself from ,ncr hki mailer i service, uu n mriviup - bout in the County, coiami'.tinj many acta of felony, TImsc are.tbtcctbre, in the name of the. state, to command the said slave P.achae! lonnwiui to surrenuer iierseu n;i ic uip . home to her said master,. And Yie dohereby alto require the ShcrifTof the said county of Ncw-llanover, to rnaVe diligent sesrch and pursuit after the aho mentioned slave, and her having found, to apprehend and securo ao that she may be convey cd to brr said mat. ter, or otherwiie dischur;ed as the law !!- recti.- 'And the Said Sheriff is iierrbv cm . powered te rsite k take with hira aucb pewtt , of his county as he shall think fit, for .pre hending the said slsve. And v 6a hereby by virtue of an- Act of Assembly of (his stata. concerning servants and slaves, intimate actW declare, if the said slave llachacl does not sur- - render, hcrsell and return hgme, immediately. kTtcr the publication rf these prccnts, that any person may kill and destroy the said ilae, ( by' such means as he or they may think fit,' without eceuution or impcdchmertt of any crime cr e fit nee fur so tinR, Or wittut bi curing any penalty or lorfirturt therrhy. . Given under our hands snd seals this 11th. day of October 1809, a:id in the 3Utycarof. the independence tf the said state. HANSON kUXLY. (Seal) -SLMUEL Bl)ODVOUTII, (Seal) . Ten Dollars Heward, AN awav from the fubfcrtlrr on the. lllhcfKlsr. I rcettf man namcj JOHN, about ihirty scare of sje, five Icct.fii or fneo inches high, yellow com pUQtJ, mailtd with the (rnsit pox, limpi l Utile (though hardly f-eiceivahlr,) ec cafioned by hie thifcb teifg brnkca whed' yourg, fptsll firnch, wi fetch ii Ms native' largusr,e r.d fetkllhe Englilh larguaje tolerable plain, hai istltr a duwn lock took with, hira in cxfiibtirji. Cn'ri eri liniarfais miiK si stiir rf .laf j-tnsl W ltl m saaatfwvf jw Vtll VtV'iiSJI He wis flopped on the ruad lesdipg to Fay cttcville, but made hiscfrape, leatU f all (til chitktl ciccpl thufe he bsJ rm t it fuppofed hi intctvde far Wilmington, where he will endravcr to go on Loud1 fume vciTeiia filler, wh'uh buCnefs h hw followed end pciVapi nn lerllins. TN above teward end all chartcs will he paiJ for fcsv'u him frcurcJ in any jii lathe Oate.ro fitit Dollars and all'rea. t tor ills charrci will be paid for b.vlrir rim cciitiica to me lyorcrioir, uvirg l Soecdiboroiigh, Anfn County, All msftris of tTis ir cautloped a tilnH i4.sinK vt einp'.oj'.r j twos on oird ihtif vcd.li, at they sriay hate 16 anl tf the cocfter nets. i Wu JOHNSON. SctiJiksrochIiy it, lie R

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