at Manhiim, and from MajreQCa they ar continually pouring oter towards Fran'-, jfaft. . The French. Ctripcror is it ;refent t Vrtxburgi while the pofition or his iruops is (xiiiuca luwaiui ma in IhAi JLcfebre prpcedajdireaif to Schwein- fu frV " cYiKrr divifirina irt mflinP thrOU&h V Ca.rl ft adt and At rtftem low arda Ful!aI fhl proceed toward KoeniguWen and Hild bjifghaufco, ta ftand dppofuetoAh.Pruf Ajani, who are polled at ifeaacb, Meinun- ledjed fothi$,f4iflr'i is, that Gnce the defect f human nature are exhibited in BALTIMORE, Norember 29. Br the Comet, Hart, from New-Orleans, we have received from our correapondentsa file of New-Orleans papers up to the 3d inst. . inclusive from which tire haye made a fevr , .extracts. .. v - ., It appears by these papers that although the Snaniards hire re crossed the Sabine, ere- jjeral Wilkinson,, is not altogether satisfiedas fl to their peaceable intention 1 hey have tre ''quently sine made incuriions in the dispu ted -territory, which induced the general to jix'bis bead quarters at Adais. , Governor' and Lady Claiborne arrived at New-Orleans en the 27th u'.t. ' ; Our corresendtnts under dates ot the 3th instant, .advi.ea us of the arrival of the Robo reus in Id days from this port and adds that nothing further of coiuequence had transpired ' since the date of our papers. vThe detachment cf militia, under major F. L. Claiborne, consisting of five companies, which marched from Nalchexto Nachitoclies,.; to join the general, which wc some days since auted to have been ordered back, returned to . N ruche?, on the lath ult. They immediately proceeded to the town of Wahinti;tqn, .where they were dirAisied the same duy The' offi cers in an address to the major, express .in lite uauuaomeai icnin mcir rcouin;i i mij - timeTotep foTwarto-avemjethe-tnsuUsofr- J fared to their country,, and mention also the ardour of the troapa under their respective commands. The number of nw companies of volun teers lately ra'-sed in N. Orleans and through out the whole western country is certain sigii of the disposition of the inhabitants to support the government cfthe IJ. States. ' A Mev.'-Or'.euns paper of October 33 ssys: . Thebi;, S. W. front I'ensaeola has been kttt at Itaye Konder-l'art of the crew have ' arrived in this city : The captain remained . ontli.' wreck in hopua of saving the rigjin; k e paltage of the interdictory, ftatute,ihB 11' the most striking manner., Crifjes are paint - and horror, and meet with that final and ge neral disapprobation'; they so justly merit. ( iVicei receive the1reproper stamp of rcdicule. A'nd there ; also; ' genuine virtue appears irt itj ;mTTamtabIelighfi " Cisticat miBEXDO MoaE, which 4s the motto applied to the-Stage, sufficiently ex presses the principle ofjits establishment. It is true that in some instances they have devi ated from the original design ; but this also has been the case with the most beneficial in stitutions, nd proves nothing gain6t their ! T more extensive utility. . ' No fears of that kind can be entertained: here. The good choice already made by the Association is a.guaran'tea that they willclon-, tintte to select subject jthe most conducive to' morality, and the iriot instructive for exam pi. Ve shall' then reap the advantages a rising from the stage, without partaking ef )ts supposed attending evils. Si The exceptionable conduct of Players in general, haa furnished the detractors of the stage with a powerful argument against it ? Jlut here we'eri6jrhe Play, and feel the force 'pf the language tfUnalloyed by the dubious characters of PJayer'S' by profession. The respectable " young nmen who compose the Tharian' Associa,, deserve mucb credit for the task they, have imposed upon themselves, by" devoting their leisure hours to the entertainment at well as the in struction of their fellow ciiitens. ' Whoever reflects on the troubla of commit--ing to memory a whole part of a Play, when at the same time the mind is ensued in other pursuits; and cn the difficulty of doini justice to thc part acted, when m presence of a whol audience and over awtd by an assemblage of female beauty, will duly appreciate the task, and feel himself disposed' to te ot only an jn Jtdgent-Jjut also aigrateful spectator, th 'trade Kai" fallen entirely into the hand .-of. Britifh adventurers who ar generally fo , well armed as to bid defiance to the French' privateers. ; -V' 'v -a Wi PETERSBURG,. .December 4 , 7 , . ' . Jturr Arrested, , ; : v, , A gentlejnau, who has just arrived in town from Chillicothe, informs us, that on the "day"Re left there (he 14th ult.) news had Uetn received of the arrest of Aaron Burr, at Frankfort, (K.) on a charge of high trca 'ton, ; Oiir informant says'; the intelligence Jw'aa receivedat Chillicothe by mail, on the night of th i3ih; and was generally credi!. ted. Our informant adds, that when hit ar rived at Gaihapolis, he saw a genlltman who had left t rank fort but a few days, and ho confirmed the report of Burr's arrest. -We are informed by the same gentleman, ; thathe was in the neighborhood. Marieitaf where there wei e thirty guli-boiia ready to ' j . lscend the Ohio that Burr had purchased ! & quantity of provisions, military stores VcTi tnutiitt no aoum wasemcnaincu ui ucni 'being contemplated by Burr to divide :tli Weatetti and Atlantic states. .., . , f- Our' informant represtnts the people of Ohio aiid the western country generally, aa being devoted to the present administratioa, and the union of the states; that Burr had aunk in the estimation of the great body ,f our western brethren, and that his name wis the continued theme of reproach and invec tive. . . ' Niw Oat KAUS, pctpber 27, - Gunboat No. U, lieutenant Ueid, a:rlgm boatNo.l, lieutenant Palteron, got'imltr yrty on Tri.lay cveuip;last, bound up.the ri vr: to v!it place we have not iesriit,- Thee vesels were built oh the Ohio3, and ap pear ti be substantial, and. wtll bui!:. ' ' . ' . - Octg'j? r 30. ' " We un jerifahd that goverri'T Claiborne has rrn:ived cliidal dopatthes from ytne rsl WilUiruin,' uhich auiiiK"e that the Span iard hav recror! the Sabine; but were KtccntrTinr; their forces ontl.e west bank ftliat risr, and continued to advance their rtrol-s n-';t!).:i the tcrritivy c Minted by the IS. lie. 1 Siu-. Cent til Vi!".iiS'it is to be forwarding hi pifparli.ns for ifon. kite incasurrs, and the aspect of iuir (:ene-r-llv i.i ii, ir wtttcru frontier, is not consider ed ui puiic. Note m!-f r 3. O-tth- Sn', h's rtrt'lency govern or t'Ui' rccvittd &iTicil liitpalchis from Na- hitt.ches. t e learn l"iat cenrral Wi,msn hal pns. j Int a rfkiachiiientnf t'i"ps a llie Adais, and fo;i:cmj-.liir!; neaJ quar ters at that plsce. . 1 he Srtjnih army rant Inued on the west lank of t'j- Sl,ine ; tut wereditly in the ha lit i.f viohtini; the trrritnry of the United Slatr, I f crmuiij the Sabine i,ji.lihl ar med Parties. We s.!o Iran, tint te rsp.'ain erl (Srflcedofcf the protint; of Texus, di rcud to lc rtl.Ski.l thre Amnica'isof the - iti, ..:tiaw, Irt;ne and t!reitcr, who were arrv-.ttdat Ticrrelythe Spanish foerMr flirrari, and sent rrisonert to St. ' TJi arrest and detention nf these chirn loruf. ktid iheir rcteas drmanJ J. II . A letter frgm lrrt Stoddart uaJer jJaie pf October S2. jrs Knr mensttout this mot luotf'' fluisli marking a road frm this place lo N-w-O.kans Uuy expect ti cumplcljS it in shout three weeks. Sme time about the J3th of Auvutt Lii aC'h'Htaf Indian rrid'n r etihe UayouCI.o i!Le ia the cwun'y of (pel'ius, was tti ftrL.j.1 wVunded by a tttiie; of this tirrito ;y. r ' 1 ' C'HcrniKC'taiWr.e ri h's Istr jturney rm Vthit(H4 tity, pased tHroif h the sifi'tiiy cf that s'."afe, knd by a tnttuge fm l.irM In the Irt.!int, si.4 the e ttiunstf judge Cortmi on the e cm'ioii, the llns sthohaJIxtn ureaUv rrttae wcrcrscotri led and asiursnrts of their friendly ths;xm. lion wee rtCi'.re I. Ta Itlsi has riKf iif .rtunattly A'tft tt I is wui n ! aH the wsrti r f the il,e t'..reauit rtis'.-a'ton. It Is however h'wd ihtt i, h(iut I! hI will he shrd. Ire ilri rhiff U t,2r,ct, las sj ttU. r'artH l.inujf tt id I'iWer, and will be tried atC'jrd.i'g Ulht Ut U this Iftiiiwry !l Si confiVfff Hated that the FrrrKU rl'.ldef at Waili'tbf icn l.s inti-Ttaicj to t trciivrt that ihe lef.ii-d ef t!. 1) imir-i 'aw, m'i rit lcd.fl -Wl dVllrMWU lit ItllM II- It is melancholy to contemplate the histo ry of Mr. Burr's political career, ar.d the fate that awaits hi nr. Surpassed by none in literary acquirements, he stood almost with out a rival in the estimation of his country- TTient1-TTie" glrat'tlamiltenfTwhose-talents his political adversaries acknowledged with' pleasure, it is said, at the Iwfut-moment when f.itc had summonrd him' to the field," gave testimony in the presence of judjje Pendleton, of Burr's unequalled greatness, and confessed the superiority of his mind. " , Of what a treasure has ambition robbed our country! America had "destined him to be her protector and lier friend ; but his evil stars marrrd his better fait. What ablest aing might he not have been to his ceuntry. The morn of his youth gave promise otaf ploriousjrinnhood, and his meridian splendor for a, while attracted the admiration of his countrymen. He was rapHly r.sremiing fo 'the achme of hnmi'n gres'ness- But he fell; and' the-evening of his days, will be one continued scene of midnight gloom.-- llis arm should have strengthened his cccn trf ; his talrnts should have exalted her in the eyes Vif the wltole world. Hut he 'has become another Arnold, and would sarrifi:9 thM conuiry, to acquire an elevation on hsr mins. WILMINGTON. TUESDAY, nr.r.r.MBKR 16, 1804. f Pt.Mscrijjt. nf jttfi t'it prtts l annjutiie tt fu&ti'lrj f-rtstt Inteli:g:ie jut tttr've J V l'e fjA sait'irx brig r ji trtuut, capt, AVf.'n, in II Sejs frtm Antigua,' s ' The Ami.-iwi Gazette, KxtraV 1 I-'riday, Novenibcr 28, I80f. V,t hat fraf pUs.urt in tfin wt(hj fa lAf fnK t, that -j ivie if iht mit reii..' .' tSj'i. k t im rrnitrJ ilht tmvtt et Ba'bn !ur frm Knpland ef ALniral Co:nr.'$ V . .VA. f t Portsmouth cn iht 1 6;A uit. VI i'j'r ef the $th had tfa.ked Po-tsmiuili ritirr cn attaint ef in 'Afi.i ha r- uis pltte htwtcn the rvstliw and fsixra .iHttrsi, in vhith thehtttr were Db "rtJirgh, with the loit if 16,000 men killed ar.d tiktn; andthit fit;xsr.tnr tommaiultd the French army in Arum... 'J7ie belle were rif i9 and exetj dimonstraUin efjoj ehevnlj tit fej'Jt on Sliere mttten the S)tooner taiUi, rihrn the Lot D-Mjrtt announced, en the ."ra r,ihar.e the orriiil f Iwd LevhtJ OiLi tern Kranre, ike newt sri receixed si-i'lA th't f Ami. thrt there teemt ta be but ee i,f.u:t la tlngland that of protecytinf the frAU.' : It it saidl.hil an army iigoing curie llano fer. Mm. Turn ft a, The tityHiibnrwt of a pritate Thteirt in ITilminttti has fjgtiled to me the following remarks, v'uth iru treat lilettjf f,llnh ifjsu iltem them onhj of intertion tnjout Qatttte, IN my humble opinion the public are ex tremely Indebted to the Thahsn Association. . . Independent f the pnne.ip-1 object In itw which is raising a partmn df the funds neres ssry to complete the buit4irK 'f in Arsre my, and winch alone should le a ivfTitut ru'i'.ive to tncnuras Jhe institutinn, ruar.jr euher adtsntagti mil be dctivcJ fiom it ca Ubihmnu , 4 , At Cist, It will In i h'jth t.tvjt 1, rroftjole tie csuse tf morshiy t,i sirtue, by leading lt ihets n the attractive path rf pleasure tt will t;;e taste as well as prrtnntc a ttlikli fjr Inerstre, hy eahihlting ls lt speei. mem. It will auVd, during the win'e r sea inn, rational, innocent, and Mii(UM fr(nwnt in iKh teses. and Incresic tlnir ft iendlf interco ir, b fatouring their tr6re fienient at J general stsertbtjge. la fact, wttat Ufer S(ho4 for p&hte and t'cgenl i3W".atf thaa ths ltil TUfS The Thaliah Association has on its first debut, surpassed all expectations. Although the encouraging smiles of the numerous fair who adorned the house, and the general plaudits of a respectable assem bly, have already rewarded the efforts and crowned the success of the members of the Association, yet each of thsm in particular are still entitled to a peculiar disinterested tribute of praise for their laudable exertions. An Admirer of rising taUnts and genius. We hear from Raleigh, that cn Monday the 8tfi inft. Jessi FnANKtiM. Efq. of .Surry County, was appointed by the Le- riflature. Senator Lit Longrcls, jnth: room of the Hon. David Stone, whafe term ex pires on the 4'h March next. A' ftipplementsry and amendatory Uljl to the Judiciary Bill palTcd the prrfent fef fionis now bcfore"the l.nufe alio a Bill toeilablith aconrr of Chanctry feparate and ilillinft from the prefent fuperior court?, which propofes ORe chancellor fox the flair, who is- to hold. a; court in each of the dillrid.1 towns once a year, Riviny e cleiki and r.tateri in equity additionsl powerl, and increafing tlie falariei cf-the Judl;es( nf the fuperior courts, i icco 4idUi"And aBtilprar.ting to the fuperior conns of the flaie, jurifdidion in all ca fci of petitions for divorce this bill wai referred to fclecl rommittee. ' Fim New Tr k, December I, 1 l.o m doh, October 9, . R'JPiVRZ Or THE XEGOCUTIOX. !fttsait is the Msjjr, Lord HowUk Present $ hit compliment to the Lord Matar, hit the, hnor to transmit, far the information of hitloritkipt a eaPf cf a message jmt received from Deal. DiwninP'ttrcet, October 8. Teh-rsph m'nsore from Deal, 7 minvtet pistone P, 11. Ith Odder, ISOdr A messen ger arrived Lord LauJerdaU quill Pjrit te morrcv Clyde frigate ordered to attend.'. . . , . (Signed) 'JAMES SHAUT, Major. Mansion-Hjvse half fit 4 V. J. Capt. Garti, rfthe BrtiiQt bng Clyde, atrividai Osliimnie frona Auk Cavei, con firms the account cf the icvoiuiion in llsyii, aod iTaifiiiation of DelTalinei Chiillophe hal bf u ippolntiJ ts the cb'uC command. ' means for imWitivf espedition or enterprise against the dominions of Spain, that 'fur U.ii purpose, they are fitting out and armin'vei- . seisin the western waters of the United blalc?, ' collecting provisions, arms, military stores. , and other means, are deceiving tend aedyunii ' oit prelencea, to engage in their criminal enterprises, are organizirgj o.hcenng ana .arming themselves for the same,' contrary im ' Ihedaws in such cases made and provideds 1 hive therefore thought fit to issue this row PROCLAMATION, .warning and enjoining all faithful citizens who have been led without? ( due knowledge orconsideration to participate in the said unlawful enterprise, to withdraw from the same without delay; nd ccumardu ' ing all persons whatsoever, engagtd or con cerned in the same, to cease all further pro ceedings therein, as they will answer the conw trary at iheir peril ; and incur prosecal;nt wun uie ngorsot mc law. Anu 1 Hereby en join and require all officers, civil Sc military of the United States, or of any of the &tatw or territories, and especially all goyerngrii' and other executive officers, all judges; jus tices and other officers of the peacej all mili tary' officers of the army and navy V.f the U niled States, and officers of -the militia, lota vigilant each vitbin his respective depart ment, and according tor. his functions, iar searching out, and bringing to condign pu- ni.shment, all persons engaged or concerned , in such enterprire, in seiring and detaihing, subject to the dispositions of the law, all vt's-- sels, arms, military stores, cr other mean provided or providing for the same, and in general in preventing the' carrying cn such expedition or cnterprizc, by all the lawful means in their power ; "and' I require all good! and faithful ci'.irens or others within the U- kit..., c txt -J . j t in, and especially in the discovery, apprehend aion and bringing to justice of all such one n -L ders, in preventing the execution of theitAin lawful designs, and in giving informational gainst them to the proper authorities. . In. testimony whereof, I hare caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents, end have aigned the same with my hand. Gi (Seal.) ven at the City of Washington, on; the twenty seventh day of Nov. one- thousand eight hundred and tix, and in the year of the sovereignty and) independence of the United Statev the' thirty first. (Signed) Til t-JEFFERSON A letter frc-m i gf rttemjn of the atmjr datce at Fcrt Adams, OAoler 16, rrcn lions that the Isft accfurtsfmm Naichitc. chci informed him, that 16 Spaniards, and bant f 0 .mules, im ft. ltd with Jihrt hid been intcrrepteJ rn their route from Nagailinr l Uiinn Kouge, an J ClllScd ioiu the Atnciican amp. (Bait, Telegraph.) Frim aGttnnja paper ef O.lttfr 54, Aimed oiTt.eldar tinder ronvoy r i r !irr.iiefl!,i fliip Syren, the fhlp Lean. r'rr with rcneia I hiiranJa and his littta 1 - - w irn-.y fir m Aruba. The geneiel piofced. td in iht Sytcrt rcil iy for Ihrtadoei, j sud the Leander with tbe advcmuien 1 fai'cd on WtdnefJay Ittnlrg for TiloU dad, under cenvoy cf the OrtoJa. IU the titsUeni ef the Voile J Siaies, A Proclamation. Wherr at information Im been rereieed that sundry J-eisons, tii'nens t-f the United S-ates, ef rtS'ieMi within the same, are con spiring and cor.fcdcratin legethcr totci;ia bd Itt 03 rA, i'futivle kfii f'tfui the By the President, James Madisok, Scc'y of State.- ". DIF.D, cn Sunday last, Mrs. I'.uza betW IIili, consort of William Henry Hill, Esq f this place.. -MjaiBWfa . ! 2 i ' IWawaM CCST0M10US!:UL?JHNGT0y. Dec. 9, Sch'r Trfal. Barker, Charleston 10, British ship A'any, Windier, Darba diet, 100 Ult, Sufur to Levy and Carrvt. 11, Sch'r ScudJer Studitr, Cut art 12, Brig Minervat Sinclair, St. Croix, Iix- gar aud Fvm to the captain. IS, Sch'r Char Us, Rswtn, Ant'gva, Su gar. Motasstt and fruit, to John Scott if Lcrj ULarrol. n 14, Sloop Sclly, M'Ltat, Daibadoet, in bJ. last. Clear cn Dee, V, Sch'r Petovery, Braid, Parbaiacj ,11, Ship Frtse?, Chipman, Demeraraj 1 2, S.h'r Julian, Wardi'tU, Kingtton, J Sth'r Phoenite, Smith, . D c mar or 4 15, Sih'r R. gi.Llar, HLhtnrj, Charleston Sch'r MitljtCamiron, Charleston PRICES CUFJlLSTtriiMtvcr. Lit. Cis. 1)1,. Ctt. BACON per 100 lbs, C,imn per lb. Coffee per lb. Corn per bushel, -Meal do.'. Hour per barrel, re Ditto per half barrel, Lumber per M. W.o. hhd. staves,: R. o. do. do. do. V. o. tl do. ruugli Shingles per looo, Siijcar per cwt. Molasses per gallon Hum, W. I. pr. 3d p. Jamaica do. 4lb p. N. E. do. Tar per barrel, Turpentine, IS 1 I s 4 10 20 12 12 I 13 20 20f 30 33 J 73 I l 31 SO 6 50 7 IJ -21 TJ J 1 41 75 S3 23-1 5 2S JOSHUA POTTS ofTcrs for sale at low prices, to elon ConsiRnmenis, 7AWx MERCHANDIZE, Kit, I hhds. Stitjsr, 4 barreU;Cofff e, 10 puncheons N. rtum, 35 barrels dit'o, Malaga A few pipe Wine, Ditto Uahon ditto, Chea Hys'rft Tes, Chciu Young Ifsu aon, India Cottons. Kecs GunI'vtider, a. a A iMs ruioi attcnia Coils Cordijc, Kusaia Canviif ltens Duik. Pnxlucc at market prices, viz Sstted l ine Lun.ber, l'bur, . Iliitter. ALSO TOR SALE, . A likely Negro Fcllovrv country tarn. 'Wilrau tUP, Dec li.

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